Arkansas Obituaries, D-F
ABOWITZ, Maurice
ABRAMS, Columbus
ABSHIER, Thomas E.
ACKER, Carol
ACORD, Erick
ADAMS, Cicero, Jr.
ADAMS, James T.
ADAMS, Marvin E.
ADAMS, Samuel J.
ADAMS, Stephanie
ADCOX, Durwood
AGEE, Alladean
AGEE, Tamiko
ALAMO, Arnoldo H.
ALANIZ, Benito
ALBERS, Rev. Dr. Paul
ALLEY, Eugenia
ALLISON, Ernest H.
ALLOSADA, Lauriano
ALLRED, Edward
ALTMAN, William
AMBROSE, Marguerite
AMOS, Lucien
ANDERS, Willine
ANGEL, Alice
ANGLIN, Bonnah
ANTES, Stacey
ANTHONY, Richard
APPLEBY, Walter B., Sr.
ARCHER, Jewell
ARCHER, Rebecca
ARCHER, William L.
ARGO, Edwina
ARGO, Uriah
ARICK, Vernon L.
ARMES, Virginia
ASH, Dovie
ASHBY, Freddie
ASHLEY, Chester
ASKINS, Coleman
ATKISON, Argentia
AUDAS, Henry A.
AUSTIN, Anthony, Jr.
AVRA, Sam H.
AXTON, William C.
AYERS, Lucille
AYNES, Mondell
BABB, James A.
BABB, Vernon V.
BABEL, Martha
BACHA, William J.
BACHMAN, Virginia
BACKUS, Joseph G.
BACKUS, Maxine
BAGGETT, Fravilla
BAHE, Gary L.
BAILEY, George R.
BAILEY, Islamae
BAILEY, Mary Sue
BAILEY, Mildred
BAILEY, William R.
BAINE, Dessie
BAKER, Annie
BAKER, Errol S.
BAKER, Granvil
BAKER, James E., Sr.
BAKER, Thelma P.
BALCH, Chalmus N.
BALEK, John R.
BALL, Benjamin J.
BALL, Mary A.
BALOG, Derek R.
BALTZ, Fintan
BANDY, Billie
BANDY, Margaret
BANE, Awana
BANKS, Herman
BARBER, Elmer R.
BARBER, Michael L.
BARE, Thomas
BARG, Gertrude
BARGER, Sarah C.
BARKER, Genline
BARKSDALE, Ernestine
BARLOW, Cletis
BARNES, Johnny
BARNETT, Blondell
BARNETT, Jonathan
BARR, Brooke
BASHAM, Vernon
BASHOR, Nannie
BASS, Bula
BASS, Thelma
BASSETT, Jonathan
BATES, Bernice
BATES, Carrie
BATTLES, Barbara
BATTLES, Vanester
BAUER, Boniface
BAUER, Glenn
BAUER, Rev. Ralph
BAUGH, Cynthia
BAUNTON, Robert E.
BAYER, Fountaine
BAYLES, Minnie
BEACH, Bessie
BEAL, Rollo
BEALER, Theodis S., Sr.
BEARD, William L.
BEASON, Dorothy
BEAVER, William L.
BEAVERS, Charles W.
BECK, Sister Emerita
BECK, Theresa
BECK, Verena
BEDFORD, Tressie
BEDNAR, Frank, Sr.
BEEKS, Willard
BEGGS, Thomas J.
BELCHER, Jessie L.
BELK, Russell R.
BELL, Clarence, Sr.
BELL, Emmet H.
BELL, Robert
BELL, Silver
BELL, Viola
BELLAS, Norman A.
BENGE, Myrtle
BENNETT, Charley
BENOS, Nickolas A., Jr.
BENSON, Sallie
BENSON, William H.
BENTLEY, Cleo L., Sr.
BENTLEY, William C.
BENTON, Archie T.
BENTON, Ollie L., Sr.
BERG, Cheryl
BERKLEY, Gwlynndora
BERRY, Betty
BERRY, Blake
BETHEA, Marjorie
BETHEL, William, Sr.
BETTS, George
BETTS, Glenna
BETTWY, Estelle
BEVERAGE, Windell O., Sr.
BIDDY, Rebecca
BILLINGS, Georgeann
BILLINGS, William A.
BILYEU, George E.
BINZ, John S.
BIRCH, Raleigh
BIRD, Mary
BIRD, Oneta
BIRD, Rosa
BIRGE, Coolidge
BIRT, Minty
BISBEE, Meatus
BISHARA, Margaret A.
BJORK, Bertil
BLACK, Dovie
BLACK, Keith L.
BLAGG, Claudia
BLAIR, Orine
BLAKE, Wanda
BLAND, Debbie
BLANTON, Dorothy
BLEVINS, Christine
BLISSETT, Theaster
BLOOD, Ethel
BLOOD, Raymond L.
BLUNT, Levert, Sr.
BLYTHE, Clevie
BOAST, Annette
BOEN, Effie A.
BOGARD, Luther
BOGGS, Florence
BOGGS, Jobyna
BOGY, Dorothy
BOHLKE, Werner
BOHN, James C.
BOJOS, Thelma
BOLES, Carrie
BOLES, Thelma
BOLIN, Wilvin E.
BOMAR, Rubin
BONA, Louis E.
BONDS, Annie
BONDS, Arlean
BONE, Marie
BONE, Frances
BONE, Stella
BONNER, Lester R.
BONNETTE, Elizabeth
BOOK, Phyllis
BOONE, Rev. Archie D.
BOONE, Daniel M.
BOONE, Napoleon
BOOTEN, Felix J.
BOOTH, Florine
BOOTH, Michael D.
BOOTH, Sharon
BOOTHE, Geneva
BOOZER, Tollie
BORING, Clarence
BORMAN, Carolyn
BOWEN, Frances
BOWIE, Clare
BOWLET, Garland
BOYD, Anna
BOYD, Betty
BOYD, Florrie
BOYD, Maida
BOYETT, Burley
BOX, Carmella
BOZARTH, Marguerite
BRACKEN, Frances
BRADBURY, Jeannette
BRADLEY, Catherine
BRANCH, Elizabeth
BRANCH, William A.
BRAND, Clarence B.
BRATTON, Kleadia
BRAUD, Gilbert G., Sr.
BRAY, Jewell
BREDRICK, Margaret L.
BREWER, Beryl A.
BREWER, Dr. Charles D., Jr.
BREWER, Edward W.
BREWER, Henry C.
BRICE, Mary L.
BRICKER, Richard, Sr.
BRIDGES, Therman J.
BRIM, Vera
BRIMER, Van Mack
BRINKER, Overtus
BRITTON, Ophilia
BRIXEY, Crawford
BROCK, Bertis C.
BROOKS, Mattie
BROOKS, Thomas F.
BROOKS, Tommie
BROOKS, Wedonia
BROOM, Annie
BROOM, Cornelia
BROOM, Vance J.
BROWN, Beatrice
BROWN, Charlie
BROWN, Clarice
BROWN, Colleen
BROWN, Dannie
BROWN, Dewey
BROWN, Rev. Elijah
BROWN, Hattie
BROWN, Lalia
BROWN, Robert
BROWN, Suvella
BROWN, Truman
BROWN, Tyrone
BROWN, William T.
BRUCE, Floyd
BRUNETTI, Josephine
BRYANT, Elizabeth
BRYANT, Robert D.
BRYOR, Essie
BUCHER, William W.
BUCK, Alice
BUCKNER, Stanley
BUFORD, Cleveland
BUFORD, Saint Elmo
BUGG, Mary A.
BUIRSE, James W.
BULGER, Harley J.
BULL, Arcie
BULL, Florence
BUMP, Benjamin
BUNCH, Gerald W.
BUNN, Betty
BUNN, Harmon
BUNTON, Taquante
BURD, Bill
BURDEN, Abraham L.
BURDIN, Bennie R.
BURGIE, Mackie
BURK, Louis H.
BURNETT, Curtis W., Jr.
BURNS, Alice
BURNS, Cleopatra
BURNS, Glendon
BURROW, Clifford E.
BURROW, Mildred
BURSON, Buford L.
BURSON, Julius
BURSON, William H.
BURT, Donald
BURTON, Christine
BUSH, Floyd, Jr.
BUSH, Willive
BUSSE, Irvin E.
BUTLER, Clint P., Jr.
BUTLER, Sister Mary Alphonsus
BUTLER, Virginia
BUTTRY, Charles R.
BUTTS, Hannah
BUTTS, Harold
BUTTS, Johnnie W., Jr.
BUTTS, Marie
BYER, Electa
BYERS, Barney
BYERS, Dorothy
BYERS, Frances
BYRAM, Curtis L.
BYRAM, Donald E.
BYRD, Mary
CAGLE, Hence W.
CAHOON, Arvil W.
CALHOUN, William
CALICO, Rebecca
CALL, Ruby
CALLIS, Louise
CALLOWAY, Patricia
CAMMARATA, Geraldine
CAMP, Mathias A.
CAMPBELL,, Brigitte
CAMPBELL, Jeanette
CANADA, Margaret
CANADA, Thelma
CANE, Ardella
CANN, Pennsylvania
CANTU, Baldemar, Sr.
CARDEN, Clydean
CARDIN, Margie
CAREY, Dolphus
CARLISLE, Leonard E.
CARLON, Walter R.
CARMACK, Burgie E.
CARNES, Raymond
CARR, Tina Ann
CARTER, Columbus W.
CARTER, Goldie
CARTER, James F.
CARTER, Walter E.
CARY, Anthrea
CASE, Willie M.
CASEY, Theoria
CASH, James W.
CASH, Lemuel
CASH, William G.
CASSADY, Froukje
CATER, Otis, Sr.
CATES, Wayne
CAUDLE, Jerriel
CAULEY, Harvey, Jr.
CAVE, Tommie
CEASER, Henry, Jr.
CELLAN, Martha H.
CEMAN, Frieda
CENEK, Kathryn R.
CENTER, Albion
CERDAY, Juanita
CHANG, Yen-Foo
CHASE, Gladys
CHATHAM, Clarine
CHENEY, Shirley
CHESSHIR, Charles D.
CHISM, Glenn
CHOATE, Woodrow W.
CHOI, Jung S.
CHUNG, Myung Soon
CHUNN, Dorothy
CHURCH, Garland H.
CISCO, James A.
CITYOCK, Frances
CLANTON, Daniel F.
CLARK, Belvol
CLARK, Charles L.
CLARK, Flossie
CLARK, James
CLARK, Minerva
CLARK, Moses
CLARK, William W.
CLAY, Codelia
CLAY, Rastus H.
CLAY, Uvern
CLEM, Charles J.
CLEMENT, Edmund A.
CLEMONS, Claudie
CLIFFT, Larry W.
CLINE, Clifford
CLINE, Franco
CLINGMON, Drewceller
CLINTON, Tressie
CLOUD, Vivian
CLUCK, Cathryn
CLUCK, Russell
CLYMA, Doris
COATNEY, Georgia
COATS, William
COBB, Chester
COBB, Clara
COBB, Versie
COCHRAN, George R.
COCHRAN, Robert A.
COCKMAN, Valaree
COFFEY, Romie A.
COFFMAN, Mildred
COGER, Louisa
COHEN, Harry
COHN, William H.
COKER, Germaine
COKER, Royal T.
COLBURN, Darrell
COLE, Lena
COLE, Mary
COLE, Truel
COLEMAN, Virginia
COLEY, Willie Mae
COLLIER, Roderick G.
COLLINS, Howard D.
COMBS, Avery
COMBS, Elijah C.
CONEY, Charles E.
CONNER, Gladys
CONROW, Aubrey D.
CONWAY, Sister Georgine
COOK, Cornelia
COOK, Esther
COOK, Minnie
COOK, Pearl
COOK, Rachel
COOK, Zeffie M.
COONEY, Fr. Camillus
COOPER, Billie Jo
COOPER, Harry W.
COOPER, Luella
COOPER, Narcissa
COOPER, Robert E.
COOPER, William S.
COOPER, Woodrow
COOR, Lillian
COPLAN, Margie
CORDER, William S.
CORISTO, Donald H.
CORKER, Thurzia
CORLEY, Vestol L.
CORNISH, Lester M.
CORTEZ, Lorenzo
CORTEZ, Tomacita
COTHRAN, Ulysses, Sr.
COTTAM, William
COTTLE, Mollie
COTTON, Pleasant H.
COUCH, Bertha
COUCH, Harry E.
COULTER, William E.
COUNCIL, Johnnie
COUNCIL, Robert, Jr.
COUNTS, Wynona
COURTNEY, Freeman C.
COUTLEE, Sister Mary Frances
COVE, Sister Mary Beatrice
COVER, George W.
COVERT, Harrison H.
COWAN, Patricia
COWAN, Pearl
COWAN, William R.
COWART, Evelyn
COWETT, Herman, Jr.
COWLES, Florence
COX, Albert
COX, Blossom
COX, Horace
COX, James R.
COX, Purl D.
COX, Richard P.
CRABTREE, William W.
CRAIG, Ayleen
CRAIG, Garlee
CRAIN, Vivian
CRAWFORD, Charlene
CREDIT, Mennie
CREEK, Curtis
CREWS, Della
CRIGG, Daisy
CRISP, Agnes
CRISP, Harry
CRISP, Imogene
CRISWELL, Oscar, Jr.
CRITTON, Willie Mae
CROCKETT, Lafayette
CRONEY, Mattye
CROOK, Jewel
CROSS, Minnie B.
CROSTON, Elvenia
CROW, Harry W.
CROWLY, Geraldine
CRUCE, Carolyn
CRUCE, Eleanor
CRUME, Sarah
CRUMP, Toussaint
CRUMPLER, Dr. Joe B., Jr.
CRYAN, Mary E.
CUBLE, Ollie
CULLUM, Pauline
CUMMINGS, Hambric L.
CUPPES, LaDania P.
CURBO, Robert D.
CURLE, Shirley
CURRY, Burt O.
CURRY, Merril
CURTIS, Orvist M.
CURTIS, Vorgie
CURTON, Dorothy
CYPERT, Temperance
CYRUS, Angelo
CYRUS, Bertha
CZERNA, Madeline
Arkansas Obituaries, G-L
Arkansas Obituaries, M-O
Arkansas Obituaries, P-S
Arkansas Obituaries, T-Z
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Maurice Abowitz, 82, died September 4, 2003. He was born October 18, 1920 to the late Sam Abowitz and Mollie Rubin Abowitz. He was a farmer, and attended Meir Chayim Temple. Among the surviving family members are his wife, Joan Abowitz; a son, Stephen Abowitz of McGehee; two daughters, Susan Schneider of Fort Lauderdale, FL and Sally Joyce of Houston; a sister, Shirley Sherman of Little Rock; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at Meir Chayim Temple with Rabbi Eugene Levy officiating. Burial was at the McGehee Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Service.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Columbus Abrams, 68, died May 31, 1978. He was a retired schoolteacher. He was survived by his wife, Lucy Abrams; a daughter, Jacqueline Hampton; a son, Columbus Abrams, Jr.; three sisters, Eunice Rhine, Lillian Lawson and Ruth Rushing; and 5 grandchildren. Services were held at Hickory Hill Baptist Church. Interment was at Hickory Hill Cemetery under the direction of Cosmopolitan Funeral Home.
CANE HILL, ARKANSAS: Thomas E. Abshier, 77, died April 15, 2000. He was born April 9, 1923 to Thomas Earl and Polly Pauline West Abshier. He was a World War II veteran and a member of the Morrow Fire Department. He attended White Rock Light of Faith in Fayetteville. He is survived by his wife, Nadine Abshier; a daughter, Gail Eads of Fayetteville; two brothers, Harley Abshier of Morrow and Ronald Abshier of Farmington; a sister, Wilma Longwith of Morrow; 2 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Burial was at Bethesda Cemetery in Morrow with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Mark Allen Abshure, 19, died May 11, 1990. He worked for Abshure Plumbing Contractors, and was a Methodist. Survivors include his parents, Freddie and JoAnn Abshure of Lonoke; a sister, Rene of Lonoke; a brother, Jeff of Lonoke; his grandmothers, Hazel Abshure and Katheryn Morphew, both of Lonoke; and a great-grandmother, Sadie Davenport of Jacksonville. Services were held at Bethlehem United Methodist Church. Burial was at Salem Cemetery in the Bethlehem community by Westbrook Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Carol Louise Remington Acker, 66, died March 5, 2009. She was born February 5, 1943 to Horace Henry and Edith Lorene Cochran Remington. She was a longtime employee of Farmers & Merchants Bank of Prairie Grove, and was a bus driver for the Lincoln School District. She formerly played basketball for the Oklahoma All Stars women's basketball team, and was a member of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband of 39 years, Jim Acker; a daughter, Tonia Acker Goolsby of Maumelle; two stepsons, Mickey Acker and wife Rochelle of Nashville, TN, and Marty Acker and wife Stacy of Coalgate, OK; her "daughters", Carla Muruaga-Atkins and husband Glenn of Springdale, and Carol Ann Synnestvedt and husband Keith of Lincoln; two brothers, John J. Remington and wife Rita of Lowell, and Jack L. Remington of Bella Vista; two sisters, Lorene Brown of Tulsa, OK, and Pauline Fox of Prairie Grove; her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, H.H. Remington, Jr., Robert William Remington, and Roy Eugene Remington; and a sister, Laura Loretta Martin. Services were held at Prairie Oaks Baptist Church. Burial was at Prairie Grove Cemetery by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Erick Zion Acord, 85, died March 31, 2006. He attended River Valley Community Church in Ozark, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a retired line superintendent for OG&E. He is survived by his wife, Cleo Keith Acord; a daughter, Vicki Waldon of Rogers; three sons, Paul Lewis Acord of Ozone, Gary Lee Acord of Ozark, and Tim Acord of Rogers; a brother, Paul Foise Acord of Ozark; 8 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Kenneth Don Acord. Services were held in the chapel of Shaffer Funeral Home, followed by burial at Cemetery Ridge in Ozark.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Cicero Adams, Jr., 72, died January 19, 2005. He was a retired radiology technician for the VA Hospital at Fort Roots in North Little Rock. Among the survivors are a son, Mark Alan Adams of Cabot; a brother, Claudis Adams of Jonesboro; a sister, Katherine Hatchell of Caraway; and a granddaughter, Katie Stone of Cabot. He was preceded in death by his parents, Cicero and Iva May Dunkerson Adams; and a brother. Interment was at Crestlawn Cemetery in Conway with Del Medlin officiating. Arrangements were handled by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
SEARCY COUNTY, ARKANSAS: James T. Adams died on November 15, 1889. He was born May 16, 1844. He was the husband of Eliza Adams. He served with Co. G, Nitre Mining Corps, Arkansas Cavalry during the Civil War. Burial was at Turney Cemetery in Searcy County, AR.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Marvin E. Adams, 85, died February 19, 1998. He retired from the U.S. Air Force, and was also an assistant manager at Riverdale Country Club and manager of the Western Hill Country Club. He was a member of the Ward Chamber of Commerce, and was a Presbyterian. He is survived by his wife, Nina Grant Adams; two daughters, Sammy Harvey of Spring, TX and Becky Tislow of Niceville, FL; two sisters, Ola Sorrells and Evelyn Snow, both of Mangum, OK; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Burial was at Monk Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.
UNION COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Samuel Jones Adams died on February 19, 1957. He was born on May 1, 1896. He was a World War I veteran, having served as a corporal with Company A, 806th Pioneer Infantry. Interment was at the Old New Hope Cemetery in Union County, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Stephanie Jenee' Adams passed away on June 19, 2002. She was born on March 5, 1973 to Cleara and Sylvester Adams, Jr. She belonged to the 34th Street Missionary Baptist Church. Funeral services were held at the Bethel AME Church in Little Rock. Arrangements were handled by Gunn Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Durwood Clark Adcox, 77, passed away February 19, 2004. He was born February 15, 1927 to Madge and Cecile Adcox. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran of World War II, then enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1975. He is survived by his ex-wife, Natalie Adcox of Hot Springs; three sons and a daughter-in-law, Ron Adcox and Clay Adcox of Hot Springs, and James and Emily Adcox of Colorado Springs, CO; a stepson, Robert Jocelyn of Monument, CO; a daughter, Vicky Lynn Adcox of Hot Springs; 6 grandchildren; a step-grandson; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services and burial were arranged by Swan-Law Funeral Home in Colorado Springs, CO. Gross Funeral Home handled the local arrangements.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Nina Ophelia Aderholt, 80, died December 23, 2004. She was a homemaker, and attended the Landmark Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Carl C. Aderholt, Jr. of Little Rock; a daughter, Penny Vella (John) of Carlsbad, CA; and 3 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl C. Aderholt; two sisters; and three brothers. Interment was at Mulberry Cemetery under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Jack D. Affolter died April 9, 1945. He was born March 4, 1926. He served in the U.S. Army in the 169th Infantry, and was killed in action during World War II. Interment was at Elmlawn Cemetery in Little Rock.
SHIRLEY, ARKANSAS: David Pangelinan Aflleje, 72, died April 10, 2009. He was born in Agana, Guam on April 16, 1936 to the late Vicente Perez and Concepcion Pangelinan Aflleje. He was a retired U.S. Postal Service worker and a veteran of U.S. Marines, having served during the Korean War. He was a Baptist. He is survived by his wife, Marthiel Aflleje; a son, David Richard Aflleje of Texas; two daughters, June Hooper of Nevada, and Deanna Faith Brisart of Fairfield Bay; 4 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Fairfield Bay Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Olmstead Funeral Home.
CARLISLE, ARKANSAS: Alladean "Sissy" Agee, 74, died September 1, 2006. She was a former health care nurse. She is survived by two sons, James Agee and wife Stacy of Carlisle, and Tim Tucker of Des Arc; three daughters, Janice Ostrander and Francis Reddick, both of Oregon, and Sandy Freeman of Montana; a sister; 11 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, David Agee; four brothers; and three sisters. Interment was at Center Point Cemetery near Hazen with arrangements by Westbrook Funeral Home of Hazen, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Tamiko Dickerson Agee, 38, died October 29, 2006. She was the daughter of the late Wilbert Dickerson. She is survived by her mother, Ora Dickerson; her husband, Joseph Agee; five children, Jarvis Dickerson, Jason Dickerson, Joseph Agee, Joann Agee, and Aisa Agee, all of Little Rock; eight sisters, Vera Darris, Wilhelmina Rose, Ramona Plummer, Stephanie Roach, Emma Laster, Valerie Hood, Dasha Dickerson, and Derenda Dickerson; and a grandson. Services were held at Trinity Grove Baptist Church in Marche, AR.
EVENING SHADE, ARKANSAS: Marlyn John Agenten, 70, died April 15, 2006. He was born to the late Fernen and Edna White Agenten. He served for 23 years in the U.S. Army, and later worked as a driver for Shneider Trucking. He is survived by his wife, Sharon Agenten of Evening Shade. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Evening Shade with Pastor Larry Weaver officiating. Arrangements were handled by Heath Funeral Home of Hardy.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Melba Jo Hammond Agerton, 96, died April 23, 2005. She was born December 14, 1908 to the late Edward M. and Josie Lehman Hammond. She was a member of the American Association of Retired Persons, and formerly volunteered for the Red Cross. She attended First Presbyterian Church in Pine Bluff. Survivors include a son, Dr. Tom Agerton of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Yvonne Glendenning of Camano Island, WA; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Tom Agerton, Sr.; her parents; and a grandchild, Kevin Glendenning. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Anna Ahlert, 89, died July 29, 1994. She worked at a doctor's office, and attended Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. She is survived by a brother, George Ahlert; and five sisters, Rose Verfurth, Martha Forst, Mary Ahlert, Theresa Rich, and Clara Bender. Services were held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Interment was at Holy Cross Cemetery under the direction of Fentress Mortuary.
HOXIE, ARKANSAS: Arnoldo Hugo Alamo, 51, died September 4, 2006. He was born April 9, 1955 in Havana, Cuba. He he was a retired factory worker, and was of the Catholic faith. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and served in Operation Desert Storm. He is survived by his wife, Gloria Glenn Cullum Alamo; a son, Antonio Glenn Alamo; a daughter, Raquel Marie Gray of Walnut Ridge; and a brother, Antonio Alamo of Miami. Interment was at Lawrence Memorial Park under the direction of Bryan Funeral Home.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Benito Alaniz, 41, died August 26, 2009. He was born February 14, 1968 to Pedro Alaniz, Jr. and Myrna Moreno Alaniz. He was a data processing technician with the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his parents; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Ricky and Gloria Alaniz of Abilene, TX, Daniel and Rachel Alaniz of Horatio, AR, and James Alaniz of Mena; two sisters and a brother-in-law, Marian and Hung Luu of Mena, and Myrna Alaniz of Ft. Worth, TX; an uncle, Benito Gutierrez and wife Lorraine of Houston, TX; his nieces and nephews; and his friends. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fort Smith by Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Rev. Dr. Paul John Albers died January 28, 2005. He retired from St. John's Lutheran Church in Stuttgart in 1999 after 37 years of pastoral ministry. He continued to serve congregations on an interim basis. Prior to St. John's, he served congregations in Memphis and Chattanooga, TN and Vincennes, IN. He was an avid golfer. In his retirement, he especially enjoyed participating in golf tournaments and traveling extensively with his wife. Survivors include his wife, Ruth, of Hot Springs Village, AR; three daughters, Ann Smith and husband Eric, Linda Barnes and husband Richard, and Sharon Fryman and husband Paul, all of Memphis, TN; a son, Rev. John Albers and wife Debra of Valparaiso, IN; 12 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at St. John's Lutheran Church.
JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: W.M. Alberson, Sr., 69, died December 21, 1973. He was a retired boiler engineer at Hercules Powder Company. He was an alderman on the Jacksonville City Council from 1950 to 1957, and served as a deacon at the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville. He is survived by two sons, W.M. Alberson, Jr. and George Alberson of Jacksonville; a daughter, Mrs. Genece Dupriest of Russellville; three brothers, J.C. Alberson of Jacksonville, J.F. Alberson of Las Cruces, NM, and Jesse V. Alberson of Chico, CA; two sisters, Mrs. Dottie Carlisle of Las Cruces, NM, and Mrs. Fred Neeley of Houston; and 8 grandchildren. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville with Rev. Mason Bondurant officiating. Burial was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Cabot by Drummond Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Vable Alewine, age 86, of Russellville died September 25, 2000. A daughter of the late Rev. B.F. and Ellar Smith Duvall, she was born July 13, 1914, at Atkins, Arkansas. She was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Alewine; her parents; and a daughter, Billie Loveless. She is survived by two grandsons and a granddaughter-in-law, Mark and Ann Loveless of Little Rock, and Greg Loveless of Jacksonville; a great grandson, David Loveless of Little Rock; and a brother, Cleo Duvall of Atkins. Burial was at St. Joe Cemetery in Atkins with Rev. Jimmy Lee Chronister officiating. Arrangements were by Shinn Funeral Service.
JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Helen Jean Murphy Alexander, 57, died on November 9, 2005. Survivors include her daughters and son, Alida Kelleybrew of Sherwood, Andrea Alexander of Little Rock, Andrew Alexander IV, Khatrisa Alexander of Jacksonville; a brother, Ronnie Murphy of Menifee; and a sister, Gloria Kelleybrew of Sherwood. Graveside services were held at the Sunset Memorial Gardens in Lonoke under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Fred Allenbaugh, 84, died July 22, 2004. He was born August 21, 1919 to the late Samuel F. Allenbaugh and Edith Hurst Allenbaugh. He was a computer supervisor for the Memphis school system, and was retired from the U.S. Air Force. He was a World War II veteran, and a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Conway. He is survived by his wife, Myrtle B. Allenbaugh; a daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Bill Puddephatt; 2 grandchildren; and three sisters, Golda Bond of Abilene, KS, Miriam Stewart of Atlanta, GA, and Betty O'Hara of Wichita, KS. He was preceded in death by a son, Fred Allenbaugh III; and a sister, Marye Jessup. Interment was at Crestlawn Memorial Park with Dr. Kennedy Upham officiating. Arrangements were handled by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Eugenia "Babe" Alley, 93, passed away May 31, 2003. She was born on April 8, 1910 to the late Fred and Lizzie Myers in Valiant, OK. She was a Jehovah's Witness. Survivors include a son, Richard (Tony) Alley and wife Patsy of Benton; 6 grandchildren, Donna Addis Alley, Patti Clark, John Alley and wife Susan, Richard Alley, Jr. and wife Laurie, Jason Alley and wife Janie, and Mike Lovell; 19 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bill Alley; two children, Billy Jean Lovell and Milton F. "Cotton" Alley; two brothers; three sisters; and 2 grandchildren. A memorial service was held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Benton.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Bann Thompson Allison, 56, died January 24, 1982. She was born August 27, 1925 to Mack Franklin and Julia Zellner Thompson. She was a former schoolteacher, and was of the Methodist faith. She is survived by her mother; a daughter, Julanne Allison Perrow; a brother, H. Franklin Thompson; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at the Prairie Grove United Methodist Church. Burial was at Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ernest H. Allison died July 26, 1943. He was a casualty of World War II. He was born May 21, 1918. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Lauriano Allosada, 77, died November 24, 2006. He was a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant, and was a Korea and Vietnam veteran. Additionally, he was a retired machine operator for Whirlpool Corporation. At twelve years of age, he witnessed the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He attended St. Michael's Catholic Church in Van Buren. Survivors include his wife, Joan Allosada; a daughter, Sylvia Wacker of Franklin, TN; a son, Reiner Allosada of Fort Smith; two sisters; Mary Gushi of Ewa, HI and Alice Allosada of Pearl City, HI, two brothers, Fausto Allosada of Wailuku, HI and Concordio Allosada of Corona, CA; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at St. Michael's Catholic Church. Interment was at the Fort Smith National Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Edward Allred died February 20, 1944. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: William T. Altman, 86, died May 1, 1968 at Lawrence Hall in Walnut Ridge. He was born February 13, 1882 in Jonesboro. He was a retired merchant, and past president of the Chamber of Commerce. He was a Mason, a member of the Kiwanis Club, and a 70-year member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mabel Altman; and a sister, Mary Hardin of South Dennis, NJ. Interment was at Lawrence Memorial Park with arrangements by Higginbotham Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Albert Allen Altschul, 76, died June 14, 2006. He was born September 30, 1925. He was a retired security guard. He is survived by four sons, Claude Dobbie and Ricky Altschul, both of Pine Bluff, Jerry Altschul of Cash, and Roger Altschul of Rison; a daughter, Bonnie Chambers of Pine Bluff; 4 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mildred Altschul; and his parents. Interment was at Flynn Cemetery at Humphrey, AR with Gerald Casey officiating. Arrangements were handled by Turpin Funeral Home of Stuttgart, AR.
HATTIEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jim Amato, 79, died October 7, 1975. He was born September 26, 1896 in Italy. He attended St. Mary's Catholic Church. He was survived by his wife, Mary Rigo Amato; three sons, Robert Amato, Anthony Amato and Vincent Amato; a daughter, Rose Amato; 10 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church with Fr. John Kettler officiating. Burial was at St. Mary's Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Service.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Cleo Ambers died December 17, 2009. She is survived by three daughters, Clovis (Ezell) Breedlove, Revyanell Jackson, and Rosie (Otis) Tolbert; 7 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; 4 great-great grandchildren; two sisters-in-law; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. Services were held at Warren Hill Baptist Church. Interment was at Rest in Peace Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Marguerite Ayleen Ambrose, 94, died July 18, 2014 in Springdale. She was born December 29, 1919 in Fort Smith, AR to Fred C. and Edith Moody Shopfner. Survivors include two sisters, Myrah Caton (Lytle) of Lowell and Dale Smith of Siloam Springs; a brother, Dr. Charles Shopfner (Pearl) of Grand Junction, CO; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Wesley Ambrose; and her parents. Interment was at Woodlawn Cemetery in Fort Smith by Stockdale-Moody Funeral Services.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Diana Sura Ambroz died March 24, 2007. She was born October 5, 1943 to the late John Sura and Dorothy Andrews Cetera. She is survived by her longtime companion, Jack Nowden of Little Rock; three brothers, Walter Sura (Joyce) of Hickory Hill, IL, John Cetera of Hickory Hill, IL; and William Cetera (Diane); four sisters, Rose Marie Reinhardt of Chicago Ridge, IL; Geraldine Salvstro (Tom) of Shelton, IL; Bernadine Willingham (Ken) of Oaklawn, IL, and Kathleen Spagnola (Phillip) of Chicago, IL; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Richard Sura, John Sura, and Robert Sura. Funeral arrangements were handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lucien Amos died March 22, 1863. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and served with Company H of the 1st Arkansas Cavalry. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: James Gust Anagnost, 70, died January 29, 1959. He was born November 8, 1888 in Athens, Greece. He came to the United States at age 17. He was a member of the Christian Orthodox Church. He was survived by his wife, Dora Anagnost; three daughters, Georgia Rice, Irene Trimble, and Katherine Whitlow; two sons, Daniel Anagnost and Larry Anagnost; and 5 grandchildren. Interment was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery.
MARMADUKE, ARKANSAS: Willine Rodden Anders, 70, died March 31, 2003. She was born November 30, 1932 to the late William and Verneal Kesler Shook. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by four sons, Dan Rodden, Mickey Rodden, and Bill Strange, all of Rockford, IL, and Bob Rodden of Iowa; two daughters, JoAnn Traywick of Marmaduke and Patty Rodden of Paragould; three brothers, Winfred Johnson and Gaylon Shook of St. Louis, and Landis Shook of Memphis; two sisters, Georgia Anne Kesler of Paragould, and Mary Perkins of Knobel; 13 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Finnice Rodden and Vernon Anders; a son, Kenny Rodden; a brother, Farrell Johnson; and a grandchild. Burial was at Bond Cemetery in Knobel with arrangements by Irby Funeral Home.
DERMOTT, ARKANSAS: Glenora Anderson, 90, died December 26, 2002. She was born April 23, 1912 to the late John Wells, Sr. and Alice Harden. She is survived by two daughters, Berniece Pratt and Rita Wilson, both of St. Louis; a sister, Geneva Lowden of Chicago; 4 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Ash Street Missionary Baptist Church in Dermott with Rev. R.A. Austin officiating. Burial was at Davis Cemetery in Dermott with arrangements by Davis Strickland Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Harold Edward Anderson, 79, died June 23, 2000. He was a retired railroad worker, and was a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Crossett. He is survived by a stepdaughter, Hattie Mae McDonald of Crossett; a niece, Dorothy Savage of Crossett; two nephews, DeJuan Simpson and Theodis Savage of Crossett; and many other relatives. He was preceded in death by his wife, Pearl Anderson; his parents; two sisters; Ally Mary Carter and Cynthia Callion; and two brothers, Robert Simpson and L.D. Simpson. The remains were cremated.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Mary Ruth Anderson, 74, died July 8, 2001 at Methodist Central Hospital in Memphis. She was born September 22, 1926 in Tyronza to A.E. and Myrtle Harmon McCorkle. She was a retired dietitian, and a member of Good Hope Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Curtis Anderson; a daughter, Debbie Feagin of Bald Knob; a sister, Ruby Ross of Helena; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons, Randy Anderson and Ricky Anderson. Interment was at Forrest Park Cemetery with arrangements by Stevens Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Rubel Estis Anderson, 90, died April 16, 2001. He was born October 15, 1910 to the late John Lee and Beulah Duncan Anderson. He was a retiree of Midwest Farms, and attended the Sixth and Izard Church of Christ. Among the survivors are a daughter, Karen Beason of North Little Rock; three grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Frances Reese Anderson. Services were held at Roller-Owens Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. John Gipson officiating. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery in his hometown of Rector, AR.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Neva Jane Andrews, 79, died July 29, 2005. She was born July 31, 1925 to the late Henry and Belle Reves Benefield. She attended the First Assembly of God Church in Booneville. Survivors include three sons, Duane Andrews and wife Willota of Booneville, Don Andrews and wife Ada of Greenwood, AR, and Dennis Andrews of Fremont, CA; two sisters, Shelba Rogers and Hazel Catlett, both of Magazine, AR; a brother, Gerald Benefield of Sacramento, CA; 8 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Johnnie Andrews. Services were held at the First Assembly of God Church in Booneville. Burial was at Ellington Cemetery in Magazine, AR with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Alice Smith Angel, 94, died May 2, 2007. She was born February 26, 1913 to the late William Levi, Sr. and Sarah Elizabeth Gulliams Smith. She was a member of Central Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Charlotte McCulley of Lake City; 8 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Edward Angel; a son, Ralph Edward Angel, Sr.; her parents; a grandson, Darrell McCulley; four sisters; and seven brothers. Burial was at Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Thompson Funeral Home.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Louise Maestri Angeletti, 88, died March 3, 2008. She retired from the Scott-Sebastian Library in Greenwood. She was a member of Greenwood United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women, and the Order of Eastern Star. She is survived by a daughter, JoAnn "Jody" Neumeier and husband William of Fort Smith; 3 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Liberty Cemetery with arrangements by McConnell Funeral Home.
RHEA, ARKANSAS: Ben Anglin of Rhea, AR (Washington County) died March 14, 1912. Interment was at Wedington Cemetery.
CENTERTON, ARKANSAS: Bonnah Lyn Anglin, 84, died June 20, 2009. She was born April 13, 1925 to Grover and Ruth Burgin Bagby. She worked at Bear Brand Hosiery, and she and her husband were farmers. She was a member of God's Lighthouse Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Ryan and Susan Anglin of Centerton; and 2 grandsons. She was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Bill Anglin. Services were held at God's Lighthouse Church. Burial was at Barron Cemetery under the direction of Stockdale Funeral Services.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Angelo "Tony" Annunziata, 72, died October 10, 2007. He was born June 12, 1935. He was a retired truck dispatcher, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. He was a Catholic. He is survived by his wife, Doris Annunziata; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Angelo and Laurie Annunziata of North Haven, CT and Michael Cody of Paragould; two daughters, Pam Buonocore of North Haven, CT and Diana Annunziata of Dallas, TX; two brothers, Mattieo Annunziata of Dallas, TX and Louis Perrotti of East Haven, CT; three sisters, Connie Grimshaw of Hamden, CT, Carmela Libretti of East Haven, CT, and Angela Carroll of Dallas, TX; and 4 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Tony Annunziata; his mother, Jennie Perrotti; and a son, Mike Yarosh. Burial was at Greene County Memorial Gardens Cemetery under the direction of Mitchell Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Stacey Jacuzzi Antes, 36, died July 28, 2004. She is survived by her children, Austin and Justin Antes of Rowlett, TX; her mother, Nancy Carter Jacuzzi; her father, Victor Jacuzzi and Ms. Sandy Taylor; a brother, Steven Jacuzzi; and a sister, Shannon Jacuzzi Berryhill. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Fred and Agnes Carter; and her paternal grandparents, Aldo and Granuccia Jacuzzi. Services were held at St. James United Methodist Church. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Chenal Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Margaret Elizabeth Nelson Lyman Anthonisen, 89, died August 9, 2006. She was born January 31, 1917 to the late Edward and Margaret Nelson. Survivors include two sons, Richard Lyman of Brentwood, CA, and Robert Lyman of Penn Valley, CA; a stepson, Robert Anthonisen of Las Vegas, NV; a stepdaughter, Margo Cranford of Little Rock; 5 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was was preceded in death by two husbands, Robert Lyman and Robert Anthonisen; and a granddaughter, Erin Lyman. Cremation arrangements were handled by Caruth Village Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Richard Anthony, 90, died April 4, 1942. He was born in 1852. Services were held at the First Methodist Church of Imboden, AR on April 6, 1942, followed by burial at the Imboden Cemetery.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Walter Burmick "W.B." Appleby, Sr., 79, died July 20, 2000 at Gardner Nursing Home in Star City. He was born August 26, 1920 in Arkansas to Walter Bell and Mamie Johnson Appleby. He was a retired boiler maker and a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Stuttgart. Survivors include a son, Burmick Appleby of Dumas; a daughter, Judy Appleby of Conway; 2 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Laudice Appleby. Interment was at Lone Tree Cemetery by Turpin Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: George Washington Applegate, 86, died April 1, 1973 at the Madison County Hospital. He was born September 1, 1886 in Douglas County, MO to Gilbert and Catherine Croker Applegate. He was a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Linnie Scates Applegate; three sons, Bill of Selah, WA, Dane of Tulsa, and Lawrence of Ava, MO; eight daughters, Mrs. Mavie Short of Rose, OK, Mrs. Samantha Foreman of Copan, OK, Rachel Applegate of Guam, Mrs. Viola Collins of Tulsa, OK, Mrs. Annie O'Brian of Kansas City, Mrs. Eva Wolfe and Mrs. Aleene Smith of Ozark, MO, and Mrs. Sharon Boatright of Huntsville; two stepsons, Bob Womack and Jack Dixon, both of Huntsville; 32 grandchildren; 62 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren. Burial was at Marshall Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
FORDYCE, ARKANSAS: Jewell Archer, 90, died February 8, 2005. He was born March 3, 1914 to the late Crum Lamar and Annie Julia Carter Archer. He attended Pilgrim's Rest Primitive Baptist Church, and was a retired iron worker. He was a member of the Local Iron Workers #321 for over 60 years. Survivors include a son, Derwood Archer and wife Karen of Fordyce; two daughters, Margaret Archer Tidwell of Fordyce and Ann Archer Campbell and husband Wayne of Fordyce; two brothers, Dale Archer of Elwood, IL, James Archer of Little Rock, AR; 9 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife of 62 years, Hannah Belle Oakley Archer; a brother, Carter Archer; a sister, Bonnie Archer Lusk; a son-in-law, Edward L. Tidwell; and two great-grandchildren, Jet and Whitney Tidwell. Services were held at the Benton Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was at McDonald Cemetery with Rev. B.L. Blann officiating. Arrangements were handled by Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Rebecca Jane Starling Archer, 74, died in Walnut Ridge on September 1, 1941. She was born on December 2, 1866 in Terre Haute, IN to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Starling. Burial was at England Cemetery with arrangements handled by Johnson Funeral Home.
MULBERRY, ARKANSAS: William Lee "Bill" Archer, 60, died June 7, 1982. He worked for Young's Insulation Company. Among the survivors are his wife, Gladys L. Davis Archer; a daughter, Tammy Jones; two sons, Ronnie and Bobby; three sisters; two brothers; and three grandchildren. Services were held at Mulberry First Assembly of God, followed by interment at New Cemetery under the direction of Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Harry Argerbright, 83, died April 8, 1957. He was born July 17, 1873. He was a retired Navy chief petty officer, and was a veteran of the Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II. He was survived by his wife, Stella. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LEPANTO, ARKANSAS: Edwina Jones Argo, 92, died August 12, 2003. She and her husband were the former owners of Jones Drug store in Lepanto. She was a member of the DAR, the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Lepanto Garden Club. She attended the Lepanto First United Methodist Church. She is survived by two sons, Leonard Argo, Jr. of Lepanto, and Hayden Argo of Mountain Home; three daughters, Terry Jean Eason of Jonesboro, Bessie Lou Johnson of Jonesboro, and Madeline Horne of Lepanto; 13 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leonard Read Argo, Sr., her parents, Dr. J.H. Jones and Lou Ella Jones; and a brother. Services were held at the chapel of Murphy Funeral Home with Bro. Joe Sparks officiating. Burial was at Potter Memorial Cemetery.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Uriah Y. Argo, 76, died May 14, 1969. He was born January 19, 1893. He was a Baptist. He was survived by his wife, Mozelle Meador Argo. Burial was at Sonora Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Chapel.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Vernon Lloyd Arick, 82, died June 7, 2004. He was born September 29, 1921 to the late Samuel Nolan and Alsie Viola Gentry Arick. He retired from Arkansas Best Freight. He was a Mason for fifty years, and attended Stanfield Baptist Church. He is survived by a daughter, Ann Harper and husband Steve of Conway; a brother, Donald Arick of North Little Rock; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Robbie Arick; and three sons, Bob Arick, Floyd Arick, and Nolan Arick. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Conway. Burial was at Harmony Cemetery in Cato, AR.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Viginia Lucille Armes, 86, died January 31, 1992 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro. She was born January 13, 1906 in O'Kean to the late John Lee and Eva Estelle Thompson Gates. She is survived by her husband, Clavin Armes; three daughters, Bea Foster and Wendy Manis, both of Pocahontas, and Dorothy Combs of Knox, IN; three stepsons, Connie Armes of Troy, IL, Buck Buxton of Farmington, MO, and Melvin Kerley of Pocahontas; four stepdaughters, Avis Buxton of Cedar Hill, MO, Bulah High and Vada Wofford, both of Piggott, and Mary Gates of Adair, OK; 9 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; 4 great-great-grandchildren; 20 step-grandchildren; and 37 step great-grandchildren. Burial was at Overby Cemetery by McNabb Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Fairy Bawcom Arnold, 92, died November 6, 2001. She was born September 28, 1909 to Jim and Carrie Copeland Bawcom. She was a nurse's aide and a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by a son, A.J. Arnold of Little Rock; three brothers, Elbert Bawcom of McGehee, Parker Bawcom of Bastrop, LA, and Burney Bawcom of Searcy; two sisters, Juanita Gammel of Crossett and Cumi King of Houston, TX; 3 grandchildren, Mary Kay Ladner, Will Arnold, and Randall Arnold; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, C.B. Arnold. Services were held at the Church of Christ with Ed Sanders officiating. Interment was at Pinewood Memorial Park with arrangements by Jones Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Abigail Grace Arnsperger, infant daughter of Dan and Catherine Arnsperger of Fayetteville, died January 28th, 2005. Arrangements were handled by Stockdale Funeral Services of Rogers. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens in Fayetteville, AR.
CEDAR CREEK, ARKANSAS: William Arrington died May 30, 1914. He was born March 12, 1835 to Charles and Narcissa A. Arrington. He was a farmer and rancher. He was preceded in death by a wife, Jane Salliers Arrington. He later married Jane Morgan Lawrence Arrington, and the couple had five children. Burial was at Cedar Creek Cemetery in Scott County, AR.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Maria Arroyo, 39, passed away on November 21, 2006. She was born April 9, 1968. She was a homemaker and a Jehovah's Witness. She is survived by two sons, Tony Conde and Alex Conde of Morrilton; her father, Jesus Garcia; her mother, Margarita Ramos; three sisters, Margarita Basson and Nancy Garcia of Morrilton, and Nythia Garcia of Miami, FL.; two brothers, Rocky Garcia and Junior Garcia of Miami, FL; a nephew, Sharaz Rhoades; and nieces, Crucita Garcia and Mahalia Steele. Interment was at Elmwood Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
GRADY, ARKANSAS: Iva L. Johnston Arther, 85, died October 6, 2002. She was born December 11, 1916 to the late Ed and Lelia Francis Bitely Johnston. She enjoyed gardening and raising chickens. She is survived by two daughters, Earvena Arther Brown of Pine Bluff and Earlene Arther Brown of Grady; 4 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John E. Arther; two sons, Edward Hugh and Vernon Wayne Arther; four brothers; and a sister. Services were held at the chapel of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors with Rev. Lex Eaker officiating. Interment was at Hockenberry Cemetery.
MAGNET COVE, ARKANSAS: Marie Kimzey Arthur, 84, died May 24, 2007. She was born December 30, 1922 to the late Joseph Wood Kimzey and Jalina Jane Thomas Kimzey. She was a retired teacher for the Magnet Cove School District, and was a Seventh-Day Adventist. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Bob and Annette Arthur of Bauxite; a daughter and son-in-law, Marsha and Michael Salzman of Shreveport, LA; three sisters, Pauline Harper of Florida, Flo Lloyd of Nevada, and Dorothy Young of California; 6 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl D. Arthur; her parents; two brothers, Sherman and James Watson Kimzey; and four sisters, Francis Kimzey, Ellen Estes, Hazel Brown, and Rowena Cohen. Services were held at the chapel of Atkinson Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor John Taylor officiating. Interment was at Magnet Cove Cemetery.
GATEWAY, ARKANSAS: Dovie Ann Ash died in 1957. She was born in 1877. She was survived by four sons, Charlie, Walter, Elbert and Clio; four daughters, Martha Taylor, Flora Roller, Pansey Huntley, and Julia McConnell; and a sister, Mary Roller. She was preceded in death by her husband, Luke Ash. Burial was at Roller Cemetery under the direction of Callison Funeral Home.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Victoria Williams Ashabranner, 92, passed away May 5, 2001. She was the daughter of the late Lafayette and Dora Brinkley Williams. She was a former school teacher and beautician. She attended the Community Methodist church near Manila. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Macky Joe and Shirley Ashabranner of Lutz, FL; a brother, Aaron Williams of Blytheville; three sisters, Imogene Childress of Livingston, TX, Wildabe Croom of Houston, TX, and Velma Bartholomew of Manila; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe Ashabranner; a brother; and two sisters. Burial was at the Manila Cemetery under the direction of Howard Funeral Service.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Effie L. Ashbrook, 96, died February 26, 2002. She was born May 21, 1905 to the late Jesse and Margaret Buck. She attended Oak Grove Baptist Church for 40 years. Survivors include a son, Delano Ashbrook of Pine Bluff; two daughters, Nelda Darnell of Benton and Joyce Moore of Marshall; 9 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and 15 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Miley Ashbrook; two sons, Arnold Ashbrook and Cecil Ashbrook; and a daughter, Erma Ashbrook. Services were held at Ashby Funeral Home in Benton with Kevin Simms and David Hiblong presiding. Interment was at Alpine Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Freddie Ashby, 55, died on November 18, 2005. He was born on May 5, 1950 to Odessa Sullivan Ashby and the late Robert Ashby in North Little Rock, AR. He was a service technician at the Plantation Inn Hotel in Little Rock. Among the survivors are two sons, Deblyn Ashby and Fredrick Ashby; his mother, Odessa Ashby of Conway, AR; five sisters, Linda Thomas of Dallas, TX, Shirley Hall of Memphis, TN, Mary Ann Lashen and Terrie Ashby, both of Kansas City, MO, and Lorine Taylor of Los Angeles, CA; five brothers, Walter Sullivan of Conway, AR, Tommy Ashby of Little Rock, Danny Ashby of Tucker, AR, David Ashby of Austin, TX, and Robert Ashby, Jr. of Detroit, MI. Services were held at the Greater Pleasant Branch Baptist Church. Interment was at Robinson Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Edna W. Asher, 84, died July 7, 1991. She was born May 23, 1907 to William and Virginia Ferguson Wilson. She was a Baptist. She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Mary Asher of Springdale; a sister, Ethel Williams of Woodland, CA; 6 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and 9 great-great grandchildren. Interment was at Bluff Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Chapel Funeral Home.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Jewel Ashford, 78, died November 23, 2006. She was born April 30, 1928. She was the daughter of the late Eliza Henry. She is survived by a nephew whom she raised, Ephraim Henry of Chicago, IL. Services were held at Davis Strickland Funeral Home in Dermott, AR with Rev. Warren L. Strickland officiating. Burial was at the Church of Christ Cemetery in McGehee, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Chester Ashley died April 29, 1848. He was born June 1, 1791 (or 1790, according to some sources) to William Ashley and Nancy Pomeroy Ashley. He was a graduate of Williams College and the Litchfield Law School. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1844, and re-elected in 1846. He was a prominent attorney, and a wealthy land speculator. Ashley County, Arkansas was named in his honor. He was the husband of Mary Watkins Worthington Elliott. Interment was at Mount Holly Cemetery in Little Rock, AR, a cemetery to which he personally donated land.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Glenn Allen Ashmore died July 27, 1972. He was a student at Gosnell Elementary School. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ashmore; a sister, Mrs. Melissa Hubbard of Blytheville; a brother, Michael Ashmore of Blytheville; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ashmore of Lonoke. Burial was at Dogwood Cemetery with arrangements by Cobb Funeral Home.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Coleman Askins, 64, died September 8, 2007. He was born August 31, 1943 to Bill and Velma Morrow Askins. He was a retired logger, and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include two daughters, Betsy Richardson of New Blaine and Tammy Dawson of Hunt; five sisters, Virginia Hodge of Catalpa, and Ann Grigsby, Welline Grigsby, Louise Arbaugh, and Sue Stepp, all of Hartman; three brothers, Billy Askins of Ozark and Glenn Askins and Varl Askins, both of Clarksville; and 3 grandchildren. Interment was at Liberty Hill Cemetery in Hunt with arrangements by Shaffer Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Earl Atchison, 83, died May 30, 2007. He was born May 3, 1924 to the late Earl and Opal Cooper Atchison. He was a World War II veteran, and served in the U.S. Army at Pearl Harbor, where he received a Bronze Star. He attended Briarwood Baptist Church in Cabot, and enjoyed bird dogs and horses. Survivors include his wife, Faye Atchison; three children, Carolyn Bullard of Scottsboro, AL, Sue Plank of Gettysburg, PA, and Bruce Atchison of North Little Rock; 11 grandchildren; and 12 great grandchildren. Services were held at Briarwood Baptist Church with Bro. Fred Reddock officiating. Interment was at Mt Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Services for Bertie Jane Atherton, 78, were held May 22, 1957. Among the survivors was a daughter, Mrs. Tom Chaffin of Cleveland, MS. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Argentia Jewel Osborne Atkison, 84, died January 27, 2007. She was born August 7, 1922 to John Crantford Osborne and Lydia Eula Roberts Osborne. She was of the Baptist faith. She worked for Daisy Manufacturing in Rogers, and retired from the Shakespeare Company in Fayetteville. Survivors include her daughter, Marsha Villines of St. Louis; a brother, Harris Dean Osborne and wife Pat of Fayetteville; a grandson, Kent Villines and wife Laura of Fayetteville; a granddaughter, Sheri Mattson and husband Brian of Redondo Beach, CA; and two great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lester Atkison; a sister, Juanita Brooks; and a son-in-law, Ron Villines. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens under the direction of Beard's Funeral Chapel.
FOUKE, ARKANSAS: Della Mae Burt Attaway, 96, died April 17, 2006. She was born September 6, 1909. She attended Fairland Holiness Church. She is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Alva Lee Lafayette of Fouke and Olivea and Glen E. Thompson of Dallas; a brother, Rex Burt of Fouke; 4 grandchildren; 3 step-grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; 18 great-great grandchildren; and several other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Wesley "Dude" Attaway; and a son, Chester Lewis Attaway. Services were held at Fairland Holiness Church with Rev. Lloyd Shuecraft presiding. Burial was at Concord Cemetery with arrangements by Texarkana Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Eulos L. Atwell, 79, died April 2, 1994. He was born October 18, 1914 to Henry and Sarah Teague Atwell. He is survived by four sons, Charles Atwell, Leroy Atwell, Terry Atwell and David Atwell; four brothers, Joe Atwell, Roland Atwell, Percy Atwell, and Leonard Atwell; three sisters, Truella Hatton, Sallie Roberts and Plumy Burris; his nieces and nephews; and several grandchildren. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Henry A. Audas, 82, died January 28, 1931. He was born March 2, 1848. He was a planter and a stockman. He was a Civil War veteran (Union) and a member of the Waldron Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife and seven children. Interment was at the Duncan Cemetery with the Revs. J.H. Byers and W.L. Leach officiating.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Rex Franklin Augustine, 61, died August 27, 2001. He was a retired farmer. He attended the Assembly of God church. Among the survivors are his wife, Mary Betty Augustine of Manila; a son, Timothy Augustine of Manila; two daughters, Alice Humble of Manila, and Lisa McAbee of Paragould; his mother, Lucy Hornbeck of Walnut Ridge; three sisters, Arvessa Augustine of Arkansas, Lawanda McGinty of Walnut Ridge, and Mary Ann Wince of Paragould; a brother, Tions Augustine of Rabbit Ridge; six half-brothers, Wayne Augustine, Theodore Augustine and Eldon Augustine, all of Walnut Ridge, and Bill Augustine, David Augustine and Robin Augustine, all of Arkansas; and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Clarence Augustine, and a sister. Services were held at Wilson Chapel in Blytheville with Rev. Robert White officiating. Burial was at Manila Cemetery with arrangements by Wilson Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS: Lillie Brewer Ausborn, 87, died August 5, 2006. She was born January 1, 1919 to Marion and Josie Brewer. She was a homemaker, and was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include two sons, Olden and Moesey Ausborn; a daughter, Lena Eversoll; 10 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; 12 great-great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-great-grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bill Ausborn; seven children; and a sister. Interment was at Alderbrook Cemetery in Desha, AR with Sister Betty White presiding. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Crouch Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Anthony Austin, Jr., 78, died September 14, 2007. Services were held at Mt. Olive Church Of God In Christ in Humphrey with Rev. Lonnie Burton presiding. Burial was at Bayou Meto Cemetery in Humphrey under the direction of Brown Funeral Home of Pine Bluff, AR.
PARKDALE, ARKANSAS: Lee Austin, 80, died February 3, 1994. He was a carpenter. He attended Parkdale Baptist Church, where he was a member for over 65 years and served as a deacon. He is survived by his wife, Lois Smith Austin; a son, James Austin; a daughter, Alice Forrest; two brothers, Johnny Kelley and Charles Kelley; and 3 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Walter and Alma Kelley Austin. Services were held at Parkdale Baptist Church. Interment was at Trafalgar Cemetery with arrangements by Jones Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
LOWELL, ARKANSAS: Ras Autrey, 97, died August 18, 1975. He was born January 1, 1878 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Autrey. He was a farmer, and was of the Pentecostal faith. He was survived by a son, Ocie Autrey; four daughters, Sarah Bretz, Belle Cooper, Mary Luper and Effie Spencer; a half-sister, Mandy Hoffarth; 17 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Tilda McGarrah Autrey. Burial was at Hickory Creek Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Home.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lois Colvin Autry, 88, died August 16, 2002. She was born June 29, 1914 to Sam and Bell Smith Colvin. She worked for Ocoma Foods, and was also a greeter at Wal-Mart in Berryville. She attended the First Freewill Baptist Church of Berryville. She is survived by a son, Carroll Autry of Berryville; four grandchildren, Kenith David Autry of Berryville, William Fred Autry of Buffalo, MO; Lisa Kissee of Springfield, MO, and Cindy McCelland of Nixa, MO; 5 great-grandchildren; a brother, Bob Colvin of Berryville; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Rev. William K. Autry; and a son, Harold Dean Autry. Interment was at Berryville Memorial Park Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Jose Santos Avila, 55, died September 14, 2003. He was born August 23, 1948 in Guayape Olancho, Honduras. He is survived by his wife, Alice Anderson Avila of Forrest City, and many other relatives and friends. Services were held at Christian Redeeming Spiritual Church No. 1 with Rev. Therother Phillips officiating. Burial was at Casteel Cemetery with arrangements by Clay Funeral Home.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Ann M. Avis, 85, died Sunday, July 3, 1983. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and was a Methodist. Survivors include three sisters, Carrie Lasiter of Cabot, and Vida Hayley and Ola Ferguson, both of Des Arc. She was preceded in death by her husband, John H. Avis. Burial was at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Cabot with arrangements by Westbrook Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Sam Haze Avra, 78, died June 9, 2004. He was born June 28, 1925 to the late Fred and Ellen Hazel Avra. He was a shipping foreman at Virco Manufacturing for over 30 years. He was an active member of the Second Baptist Church, where he served as a Sunday School teacher and choir member. Survivors include his wife, Geneva Dunn Avra; two daughters, Pam Holt of Conway and Debra Reid of Little Rock; two sons, Ricky Reid of Searcy and Bill Reid of Conway; a sister, Joan Connell of Conway; 5 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Tom Avra; and a sister, Rose Mary Avra Craig. Burial was held at Oak Grove Cemetery under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
DIERKS, ARKANSAS: William Cecil Axton, 86, died January 28, 2003 at a Dierks nursing home. He was born April 6, 1916 in Howard County, AR. He was a farmer, and also worked for Dierks Lumber Co. He was a charter member of the Dierks Assembly of God Church. He is survived by his wife, Lois Axton; a daughter and son-in-law, Alma and Bill Frachiseur of Dierks; three stepchildren, Mickey, Wanda and Jean; two sisters, Edna Axton of Dierks, and Oma James of Fort Worth, TX; 2 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Lola Lee Gilbert Axton. Services were held at the Dierks Assembly of God Church. Interment was at the Dierks Cemetery with arrangements by Wilkerson Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS; Lucille V. Ayers, 75, died September 25, 2007. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a son and daughter, Jack Leroy Ayers and Mary Ross, both of Jonesboro; and two sisters, Ruth and Flo Alls, both of Erie, IL. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward "Possum" Ayers; her parents, Roy and Hattie Willford Fitzwater; and a grandson, Lee Ross. Burial was at Pine Log Cemetery under the direction of Emerson Funeral Home.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Mondell Aynes, 76, died March 3, 2008. He was born November 27, 1931 to the late Millard Aynes and Hester Ponder Aynes. He was a retired office manager for the Arkansas State Highway Department. He was a Baptist, and was a U.S. Navy veteran the Korean Conflict. He is survived by a brother and sister-in-law, Miles and JoAnn Aynes of Mena; his sisters and brothers-in-law, Morese Heath of Benton, Janice and Jay Powell of Mena, and Janet and James Brown of Del City, OK; sixteen nieces and nephews; and his great-nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a brother, Bobby Gene Aynes. Services were held at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church. Interment was at Concord Cemetery with arrangements by Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: James A. Babb, 76, died April 12, 1959. He was born in 1884 to William and Cynthia Babb. He was survived by a son, William A. Babb; three brothers, Charles Babb, Jack Babb, and Mack Babb; a half-brother, J.C. Davoult; two sisters, Nannie Newton and Ethel Hope; and a half-sister, Mary Wheeler. Services were held at the chapel of Luginbuel Funeral Home with Rev. Harold Bartholomew officiating. Burial was at Sharp Cemetery.
GREEN FOREST, ARKANSAS: Vernon Virgil Babb, 77, died September 14, 2000. He was born January 28, 1923 to Harry Claude and Roselyn Arvilla Curtis Babb. He worked as an industrial estimator for a painting and coating company. He was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Navy. He was a member of the VFW, and also of the Elks Lodge. He is survived by his wife, Betty Mossman Babb; three daughters, Karen Hodge of House Springs, MO, Cherlynne Luth of High Ridge, MO and Julie Bell of Green Forest; a son, Robert Babb of Green Forest; two sisters, Gloria Dlouhy of Oregon and Aylo Bell of Coggon, IA; a brother, Harry Claude Babb, Jr. of Green Forest; 11 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and by a brother, Glenn Babb. Services were held at the United Methodist Church in Green Forest with Rev. David Hanshaw presiding. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Service.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Martha Childs Babel, 93, died October 3, 2009. She was born November 3, 1915 to the late James Lafayette Childs and Mattie Ederington Childs. She was a retired salesperson for El Dorado House, and attended the First United Methodist Church of El Dorado. She is survived by two nieces, Elizabeth Childs of Little Rock and Margaret Salvesen of Cape May, NJ; a cousin, Kay Childs Travis and spouse Johnny of Fordyce, AR; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd Babel; and two brothers, James Lafayette Childs and John Childs. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church. Interment was at Childs Cemetery by Frazer's Funeral Home.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: William J. Bacha, 70, died April 3, 1997. He was born May 1, 1928 to James and Lottie Woldrich Bacha. He was a retired accountant, and was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Arden K. Bacha; three daughters, Christine Guinther of St. Louis, MO; Judith Diekman of Mendon, MI, and Billie Jean Davis of Minneapolis, MN; a brother, James Bacha of Wheaton, IL; and a grandson. Cremation arrangements were handled by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
LAMAR, ARKANSAS: Virgina Bachman, 59, died February 6, 2007. She was born November 6, 1947 to the late William Andrews and Minnie McJenkin Andrews. She was a Accounting professor at Arkansas Tech University. She is survived by her husband, Larry; and a son, William Peter Bachman of Lamar. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, Steve Andrews. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Joseph G. Backus, 81, died September 14, 2007. He was born March 9, 1926. He retired from the Pine Bluff Arsenal, and also retired as a Chief Petty Officer the USNR. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II and Korea. He is survived by his wife, Jo Ann Backus; his children, DiVri Ann Martin, Joyce Backus, Gregory Backus and Mark Backus; 7 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Chenal Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Maxine Backus, 76, died December 18, 2004. She was born December 29, 1927 to the late Briggs and Myrtle P. Davis Gatling. She worked as a nurse's technician for Jefferson Hospital. During World War II, she worked on an assembly line in Minden, LA making ammunitions. She attended the Commerce Road Baptist Church. She enjoyed home decorating, spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and gardening. She is survived by her husband, Edward Backus; two sons, Danny Backus of Pine Bluff and Joe Backus of Tyro; 3 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Donald Backus; and by a brother, Russell Gatling. Interment was at Moss Cemetery in Bearden, AR with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
AUSTIN, ARKANSAS: Fravilla G. Baggett, 75, passed away February 10, 2004. Survivors include two stepsons, Jim Baggett of Cabot and Bill Baggett of Clinton; four stepdaughters, Anita Joy Pinkerton and Annette Kuder, both of Baytown, TX, Joanna Baggett of Pineville, LA and Didi Wilson of Jacksonville; 8 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hollan Baggett; her parents, Alfred and Hazel Shrout; a sister, Maureen; and a brother. Services were held at Mt. Springs Baptist Church. Interment was at Mt. Springs Cemetery with arrangements by Cabot Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Gary Lee Bahe, 70, died September 18, 2005. He was born December 11, 1934 to Henry Bahe and Charlotte Antrobus Bahe. He was a minister at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bentonville. He and his wife, Stella, were local business owners. Among the survivors are his wife, Stella Mae Meyer Bahe; two daughters, Debra Carpenter of Rockaway Beach, MO and Vickie Patterson of Enid; three sons, Bob McGee of Springdale, Billy Shook of Enid and Mark Livingston of Salt Lake City, UT; a brother, Melford Crouse of Truth Or Consequences, NM; 14 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bentonville with Herb Wight officiating.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Clara Bettie Horton Bailey, 89, died May 29, 2006. She worked as Prairie County Deputy Sheriff and Deputy County Clerk, and served as a bookkeeper for a number of businesses in Carlisle and Little Rock. Survivors include a sister, Nora Horton Moore of Carlisle; a stepdaughter, Sadie Marie McKay; and two step-grandchildren. Interment was at Salem Cemetery in Saline County, AR with arrangements by Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth of Little Rock.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: George Renvil Bailey, 85, died March 23, 2009. He was born July 17, 1923 to the late Joseph Bailey and Cora Mooney Bailey. He was a United States Army veteran, and served as fire chief for the Veterans' Administration in North Little Rock and Little Rock. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John and Sharon Bailey of Bryant; a daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Butch Hutcheson of Benton; 5 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and his sisters, Zudie Mae Fowler of Bryant, Louise Cole of East End, and Betty Jo Bost of Pine Bluff. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alice Evelyn Bailey. Interment was at Salem Cemetery in East End, AR under the direction of Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Islamae Bailey, 78, died April 10, 2000. She was born September 17, 1921 to James G. and Julia L. Baxley Spivey. She was a bookkeeper for a manufacturing company. She attended the Bible Fellowship Church in Springdale. She is survived by her husband, Harold W. Bailey; a son, Steven Scott Bailey of Chino, CA; a daughter, Patricia Ann Trembly of Bentonville; and two grandchildren. Services were held at Sisco Chapel in Springdale with the Rev. John Glasser officiating. Burial was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery.
JOHNSON, ARKANSAS: Lucy Ann Bailey, 68, died November 28, 1971 at a Fayetteville hospital. She was born October 7, 1903 in Aurora to Robert and Mary Teague Boatright. She was a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by her husband, John Bailey; seven sons, Eugene and Leonard of Springdale, John, Wayne and Carl of Fayetteville, Chester of Farmington, and Carson of Greenland; a daughter, Mrs. Laverne Glenn of Springdale; a brother, Elmer Boatright of Springdale; two sisters, Mrs. Effie Dennis and Mrs. Alice Daniel of Springdale; 23 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Stuckey Cemetery with arrangements by Moore's Chapel.
ELAINE, ARKANSAS: Mary Sue Bailey, 69, died June 19, 1995 at Baptist Memorial Hospital East in Memphis. She worked for the Elaine School District. Survivors include a daughter, Deborah Mayville of Elaine; a stepdaughter, Clarice Roberts of Elaine; 3 grandchildren; 2 stepgrandchildren; a great-grandson; and 2 step great-grandchildren. Interment was at Sunset Memorial Park in West Helena with arrangements by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mildred Bailey, 86, died February 14, 2005 at Fayetteville Health and Rehabilitation Center. She was born April 5, 1918 to Joseph R. and Rebecca Cordelia Lewis Ragsdale. She was a foster parent, and also operated a home babysitting service. She attended the Salvation Army Church, where she taught Sunday School, and was a member of the Women's Home League. She is survived by four sons, Joe Bailey of Fayetteville, Frank Bailey of Fort Smith, Ken Bailey of Farmington, and Harold Bailey of Owasso, OK; a sister, Vivian Bailey of Fayetteville; 9 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and 9 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Loy Arnold Bailey. Interment was at Zion Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: William Robert "Bill" Bailey, 34, died January 27, 2005. He was born February 16, 1970. He graduated with Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, FL, and was employed by Abeka Book Publishing Company in Pensacola. He was a former designer for Lamar Advertising in Tallahassee, and worked for Answers in Genesis in Kentucky before moving back to Russellville in October, 2004. After returning to Russellville he worked with his parents at Bailey Machine Shop. He attended the Bible Baptist Church. He enjoyed open-air painting, and has paintings in the Talisman Gallery in Oklahoma. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Ragan and Millie Bailey. Survivors include his parents, James and Judy Bailey of Russellville; two brothers and sisters-in-law, James Ragan, Jr. and Kelle Bailey of Dallas, Ga.; and Jonathan Henry and Melanie Bailey of East Greenville, Penn.; four nephews and nieces, Ragan and Tiffany Bailey of Dallas, and Lucas and Jillian Bailey of East Greenville; his maternal grandparents, Dennis H. and Lula Duryea of Russellville; his uncles and aunts, James and Jeanne Duryea of Atkins, Dennis W. and Janet Duryea of Gumlog, David and Betty Duryea and Janie and Chuck Frankhouse, all of Pottsville, Erma Cotton of Russellville, and Jane Barnhouse of Sherwood; and a number of cousins. Services were held at Shinn Chapel with Rev. Ron Kauffman presiding. Burial was at Bailey Cemetery near Russellville with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: John Wesley Bailiff died December 29, 1968. He was born August 12, 1893. He was a veteran of World War I. Burial was at Haven of Rest Cemetery.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Dessie Irene Baine, 89, died July 7, 2009. She was born December 1, 1919 to the late Robert Gillean and Eva Stevens Vail. She attended the Burch Street Church of God. She is survived by two daughters, Dorothy Vaughn of Antioch, CA, and Ruby Marshall of Trumann; a sister, Pearl Kutsey of Marked Tree; 8 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walker Baine; a brother, James Vail; a grandson, Gary Vaughn; and her parents. Burial was at Holly Springs Cemetery near Harrisburg under the direction of Thompson Funeral Home.
JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jewel E. Bakalekos, 74, died October 21, 2007. She attended Gravel Ridge Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Jim Bakalekos; a son and daughter-in-law, James and Eva Bakalekos of Sherwood; a daughter and son-in-law, Debra and Joe Acosta of North Little Rock; her brothers, Dale Lantrip, Don Lantrip, and James Lantrip, all of Scott, and Michael Lantrip of Bentonville; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of North Little Rock Funeral Home. Burial was at Rest Hills Memorial Park.
FRENCHMANS BAYOU, ARKANSAS: Annie Baker died April 6, 1973 at Savannah Nursing Home in Marked Tree. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include her husband, Bose Baker; two daughters, Mary Baker of Frenchmans Bayou, and Dolores Scott of Flint, MI; a brother, Paul Jones of St. Louis; a sister, Mary Bayas of Greenville, MS; and 7 grandchildren. Services were held at Mount Zion Baptist Church. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery near Joiner with arrangements by Crumpler Funeral Home.
FRENCHMANS BAYOU, ARKANSAS: Bose Baker, 83, died March 29, 1976 at his residence. He was a native of Mississippi. He was a retired farmer, and a veteran of World War I. He was a Mason and a longtime church deacon. Survivors include a daughter, Linda Baker of Frenchmans Bayou; two sons, Willie Baker of Indianapolis, IN and Walter Baker of Clarkedale; a sister, Lucinda Bailey of Tunica, MS; 5 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery under the direction of Crumpler Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Errol Synoid Baker died April 14, 2006. He was born August 12, 1958 to David Baker, Jr. and Susie Baker. He served in the ministry at Full Counsel Christian Fellowship along with his brother, Pastor Derwin J. Baker, Sr. Survivors include his wife, Ladonna Baker; four stepchildren, LaDena Price (Marcus) of Irving, TX, Keiria Dale (Lacedric) of Conway, and Ivan Gardner and Byron Gardner of Palestine, AR; 2 step-grandchildren; his mother, Susie M. Baker of Little Rock; three brothers, Pastor Derwin J. Baker, Sr. of North Little Rock; and Pastor David K. Baker III and Norman P. Baker, both of Little Rock; a sister, Sonya L.Baker of Little Rock; two sisters-in-law, Beverly Baker and Robin Baker; and a host of nephews, nieces, and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Full Counsel Christian Fellowship Church. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
GOSHEN, ARKANSAS: Granvil Benjamin Baker, 90, died August 11, 1999 at Rochier Heights Nursing Center in Fayetteville. He was born September 29, 1908 in Crosses, AR to Henry and Mary Easley Baker. He retired from Knotts Bery Farm in California, and was a member of the Elkins Full Gospel Church. Survivors include four daughters, Hazel Smith, Helen Sharp Oxford, and Cricket Smith, all of Fayetteville, and Mary "Missy" Gaston of Tuttle; a sister, Maudie Shackelford of Baldwin; two brothers, Loyd Baker of Wesley, and Willis Baker of the Brannon Mountain community; 8 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Maggie Estella Gardner Baker. Services were held at the Elkins Full Gospel Church. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens under the direction of Moore's Chapel.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: James E. Baker Sr., 75, died on October 7, 2003. He was born on January 20, 1928 to the late Elbert and Estella Wilson Baker. He was retired from the Army, and was also a truck driver. He was a Baptist. Among the survivors are his wife, Bertie Baker; a son, James Baker Jr. of California; a daughter, Sherry Baker of California; a step-daughter, Jane Rutherford of North Carolina; a brother, Charles Baker of Atkins; and several nephews and nieces. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery under the direction of Lemley Funeral Service.
LOWELL, ARKANSAS: Thelma P. Baker, 84, died June 2, 1999. She was born April 9, 1915 to Mark and Viola Teague Baker. She was a homemaker, and attended the Phillips Chapel Free Will Baptist Church in Springdale, AR. Survivors include a son, Herschel Rush; a sister, Flora Ledbetter; four grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Paris Eugene Rush. Services were held at Phillips Chapel Free Will Baptist Church with Rev. Burton Perry officiating. Interment was at Baptist Ford Cemetery.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Chalmus Newton Balch, 85, died April 12, 2006. He was born February 12, 1921 to Bradford Balch and Iona F. Moser Balch. He retired from General Motors. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and attended Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church. He is survived by several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Eva Balch; his parents; a sister, Lucille Evans; and three brothers, Jacob Balch, Bill Balch and Lanceford Balch. Services were held at the chapel of Willis-Hays Funeral Home with Bro. Elvis Sneathern officiating. Burial was at Roselawn Cemetery.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Alice Ruby Gray Balding, 96, died March 16, 2004. She was born Sept 13, 1907 to Thomas Arthur and Addie Edith Gray. She held a degree from Arkansas Teachers' College in Russellville, and was a schoolteacher for over 40 years. She was a longtime member of Sylvania Presbyterian Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Forest Bedford Balding, Jr. and wife Rose; a daughter and son-in-law, Alice and Leroy Kirkland; 5 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Forest Bedford Balding, Sr.; and 2 grandsons, Arthur Forest Kirkland and T.H. Balding. Interment was at Sylvania Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.
BRYANT, ARKANSAS: Donald Baldridge, 74, died March 19, 2009. He was born July 4, 1934 to the late Coy Baldridge, Sr. and Buelleah Viriginia Wolfe Baldridge.
He was an electronic repair technician and a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He is survived by three brothers, Coy Baldridge, Jr., Tony Baldridge, and Jimmy Baldridge, all of Little Rock; three sisters, Evelyn Lunz of Little Rock, Patricia Surratt of Balch Springs, TX, and Billie L. Price of Birmingham, AL; his nieces and nephews; and his friends. Interment was at Bryant Cemetery by Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Mary Miller Baldus, 85, died April 26, 2007. She was born August 30, 1921 to Ervin Miller and Wilma Aubrey Miller. She was an office manager for an optometrist, and attended Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Morrilton. Survivors include several nephews and nieces, including Marty Boosey, Donna Trantina, Gaylin McChristian, Mike Baldus, Kathryn Mourot, and Angela Bartlett. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence George Baldus. Interment was at Sacred Heart Cemetery with Rev. Charles Thessing officiating. Arrangements were handled by Harris Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Alla Mae Baldwin, 85, died September 4, 1984. She was a member of Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church and the American Legion Auxiliary in Carlisle. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Raymond Lackie of North Little Rock; three brothers, W.H. Glover and Wayne Glover of Carlisle, and Marlin Goad of Mabank, TX; two sisters, Susie Young Dragoo of Carlisle, and Mrs. Odell Veches of Little Rock; 3 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Z.B. Baldwin. Services were held at Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church. Burial was at Carlisle Cemetery by Owens Funeral Home.
WILSON, ARKANSAS: John Robert Balek, 73, died April 4, 2003. He was born November 30, 1929. He was a retired salesman, and the former owner of the Marie Grocery. He was a Catholic. He is survived by his wife, Joyce Balek; three daughters, Carol Lynn Balek Spann and Barbara Joyce Balek, both of Atlanta, and Marnie Leigh Balek of Wilson; a brother, George Balek of Minocgum, WI; and two grandchildren. Interment was at Bassett Cemetery with Father Pallo officiating. Arrangements were handled by Wilson Funeral Home of Osceola, AR.
BAUXITE, ARKANSAS: Benjamin Joshua Ball, 79, died on December 13, 1925. He was the husband of Martha House Ball, to whom he was married for nearly 60 years. He ran a farm at Hurricane Creek. Survivors include his wife; a brother, Walter Ball; nine children; and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Interment with Masonic rites was held at McPherson Cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Mary Alice Ball, 86, died July 10, 2004. She is survived by a daughter, LeeAnn Fincher; a grandson; Michael Fincher; and a brother; Wesley Waymack. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Ball, Jr.; and a grandson, Frank Besier, Jr. Services were held at the chapel of Cabot Funeral Home. Interment was at the Vilonia Cemetery.
BONNERDALE, ARKANSAS: Jessie Ballard died July 27, 1901. He was born November 9, 1828. He was a soldier under Robert E. Lee during the Civil War, and served in Company I, 43rd North Carolina Infantry, CSA. He was married to Susan Jane Ballard. He was buried at Grant's Chapel Cemetery in Hot Spring County, Arkansas. Note: His name is spelled Jesse in some records.
JERUSALEM, ARKANSAS: Mary Annis McElfish Ballard, 63, died May 10, 2003. She was born May 9, 1940 to the late Earl Dean and Ruby May Mallott McElfish. She is survived by her husband, Herbert H. Ballard; two sons, Herbert H. Ballard, Jr. of Vilonia and Earl E. Ballard of Twin Groves; a daughter, Patty A. Kenney of Jerusalem; three brothers, Timmy V. McElfish, Ronald Dean McElfish, and Barry Lamon McElfish; three sisters, Betty Jo Pruitt, Earlene Peterson, and Sandy Plummer; and 9 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Carolyn May Ballard Collins. Interment was at Walnut Grove Cemetery in Hector under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Sarah Ballard, 92, died January 7, 1959. She was born June 3, 1866 to Andrew and Clara Ballard. She was a member of the Methodist Church for 70 years. She was survived by a sister, Lydia Waskom of Marked Tree, AR; 7 nephews; and 2 nieces. Burial was at Shewmate Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
PARKDALE, ARKANSAS: Cluma Curtis Ballinger, 91, died January 15, 1999. She was a homemaker, and attended the Assembly of God church. She is survived by two sons, Lom Ballinger of Benton and Lavoin Ballinger of Houston, TX; a daughter, Opal Fisher of Eudora; a brother, Marvin Curtis of Russellville; three sisters, Novella Underhill of Russellville, Vea Whittington of Porterville, CA, and Bernice Cox of Modesto, CA; four grandchildren, Dr. D.A. Fisher of Mablevale, Randy Ballinger and Rhonda Reese of Houston, and Bryan Ballinger of Centerville, TN; 9 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rell Ballinger; a daughter, Cluma Othello Ballinger; a grandson, Robert Ballinger; and her parents, Jim and Cindy Vaughn Curtis. Burial was at Snyder Cemetery under the direction of Jones Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Derek Richard Balog, 26, died March 10, 2005. He was born September 2, 1978. He was a senior at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. He was a member of the band, "The Contigencies". Survivors include his wife, Jennifer Blythe Balog; his parents, Robert and Kathy Armstrong of Cleveland, TX; a sister, Cheryl Long of Cleveland, TX; a brother, William Armstrong of Cleveland, TX; his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Melody and Tony Blythe of Cabot; his grandparents, Sylvia and Billy Williams of Cabot, Jeanette and Raymond Kurka of Oregon, and Richard Balog of Cleveland, OH; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Daniel and Holly Blythe of Cabot, and Michael and Christen Blythe of Conway; his cousins; his aunts and uncles; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his stepfather, Gary B. Long; a grandmother, Nanie Armstrong; and a great-grandmother, Silva Underwood. Services were held at Victory Baptist Church. Interment was at Sumner Cemetery with arrangements by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Fintan Mark Baltz, 75, died December 8, 2009. He was born April 24, 1934 to the late Bartha and Rosa Weisenbach Baltz. He was a justice of the peace, and served on the Randolph County Quorum Court for 25 years. He was a past member of the St. Paul School Board, the Pocahontas Volunteer Fire Department, and the Pocahontas Chamber of Commerce. He served on the Pocahontas Water and Sewer Commission for 20 years, and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by wife, Faye Dell Baltz; a daughter and son-in-law, Judith and David Meier of Pocahontas; two sons, Mark and Terri Baltz of Jacksonville, FL, and Chris and Jennifer Baltz of Fort Smith; 6 grandchildren; and his siblings, Ray Baltz of Little Rock, Curtis Baltz of Little Rock, Lucian Baltz of Protem, MO, and James Baltz, Max Baltz, Katherine Barre, Helen Hunter, Alice Jansen, and Francis Steimel, all of Pocahontas. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Robert Baltz and Tom Baltz. Services were held at St. Paul Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery by McNabb Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Billie Jean Bandy, 70, died December 16, 2003. She was born January 2, 1933. She retired from A.O. Smith Inland Company. She attended Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, and was a gifted seamstress. Survivors include her children, Robert L. Bandy, Sr. (Velma) of Little Rock, Elizabeth Bandy Coons (Kevin) of Derby, KS; a sister, Patricia Lawrence Roberts (Philip) of Little Rock; two brothers, C.F. Lawrence and Wayne Lawrence; 11 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; her friends; and her church family. She was preceded in death by her husband, George C. Bandy. Services were held at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. Interment was at Roselawn Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Margaret Elizabeth Loveless Bandy, 98, died June 18, 2013 at the Flo and Phil Jones Hospice House in Jonesboro. She was born May 21, 1915 in Elkmont, AL to E.C. and Battie Elizabeth Sanderson Loveless. She was a member of the Viva Drive Church of Christ, and enjoyed yard work and flowers. She is survived by a brother, A.D. Loveless of Jonesboro; a sister, Mary Loveless of Trumann; and 2 nieces. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Bandy; her parents; two brothers, Carter Loveless and Eugene Loveless; and three sisters, Cora Copeland, Nora Stewart and Marie Phillips. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery in Jonesboro under the direction of Thompson Funeral Home.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Awana Evans Bane, 95, died March 8, 2009. She was born November 9, 1913 to Dr. Rufus B. Evans and Daisy Smith Evans. She was a postal clerk for thirty years. She was a member of the Home Demonstration Club, and attended Plumerville United Methodist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Pat Maxwell of Plumerville; two nephews; and three nieces. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.C. Bane; three sisters, Mary Stover, Becky Evans, and Florene Smith; and five brothers, Bill, Burton, Edgar, Ben, and Henry Evans. Services were held at Plumerville United Methodist Church. Burial was at Plumerville Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
MARION, ARKANSAS: Herman Banks, 54, died June 15, 2001. He was a farmer and a Mason. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Banks; a son, Bobby Joe Banks; his stepmother, Sevella Banks; a sister, Gloria J. Banks; and three brothers, Ira Banks, and Henry L. Moss, and Robert Moss. Burial was at Paradise Garden Cemetery under the direction of Wolfe Brothers Funeral Home of West Memphis, AR.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: Alton Banton died December 6, 2009. He was born November 13, 1943 to the late Felix and Lucile Banton. He was a member of Masonic Lodge #737, Delta Shrine, and the Order of the Eastern Star. He attended West Memphis Church of God. He is survived by his wife, Lois Banton. Interment was at Vanndale Cemetery under the direction of Kernodle Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Chand Baraich, 77, died March 1, 2007. She was born December 4, 1931 in Takurpura, India to Bakshish and Bhagwan Kaur Saran. She is survived by her husband, Dalbora Baraich; two sons, Baldev Braich of Bentonville, and Sukha Braich of Tontitown; two daughters, Sukhdev K. Sidhu of Fresno, CA and Gurdev K. Sidhu of Bakersfield, CA; 15 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel in Fayetteville, AR.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Balys "Bill" Baranauskas, Jr., 75, of Hot Springs, died August 25, 2004. He was born October 22, 1928 in Lithuania to Balys and Elizabeth Baranauskas. He was a retired commercial artist and a Catholic. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Hattie Baranauskas; four sons and a daughter-in-law, Harvey and Gloria King, Elliott Ivy, and Ernest Ivy, all of Chicago, IL and Linas Baranauskas of Hot Springs; two daughters and sons-in-law, Theresa and Michael Powell of McDonough, GA and Elizabeth and Corey Lewis of Fayettteville, GA; 9 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his parents; and by a sister. Interment was at Friendship Cemetery with arrangements by Gross Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Mary J. Butcalis Barbarotto, 88, died February 19, 2007. She was born March 18, 1918 to the late Toney and Loretta Trabona Butcalis. She was a homemaker, and attended St. Joseph Catholic Church. She was formerly a member of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas and the Altar Society. She enjoyed crocheting and reading. Survivors include two sons, Charles Barbarotto of Murfreesboro, TN and Robert Barbarotto of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Rosemary Barbarotto of Pine Bluff; a sister, Sara Gaston of Pine Bluff; 8 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John A. Barbarotto, Sr.; a son, Dr. John A. Barbarotto, Jr.; 6 brothers, Paul, Joe, Toney, Vick, Sam and Charles Butcalis; and two sisters, Josephine Barbarotto and Loretta Butcalis. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Monsignor Jack Harris officiating. Burial was at Graceland Cemetery under the direction of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
CHEROKEE VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Donna M. Barber, 73, died April 23, 1998 at her home. She was born November 16, 1924 in Toledo, OH. She attended Peace Lutheran Church. She was a member of the Christian Women's Club, and past president of the American Legion Auxiliary. Survivors include her husband, Royal Barber, Sr.; a daughter, Kay Ide of Richmond, VA; four sons, Wayne Barber of Fresno, CA, Scott Barber of Columbus, OH, Royal H. Barber, Jr. of Toledo, OH, and Gary Barber of Northwood, OH; a sister, France Barkimer of Albuquerque, NM; 15 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Peace Lutheran Church. Arrangements were handled by Tri-County Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Elmer Ray Barber, 80, died August 5, 2007. He was born December 23, 1926 to Henry Elmer and Eular Bronson Barber. He was a gemologist. He worked for Gibson's Discount Center, and retired from Wal-Mart as a jeweler. Following retirement, he ran a jewelry booth at Country Classics Antiques in Tontitown, AR. He graduated from Southwestern State University in Weatherford, OK, and attended Township Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Jimmy Ray Chatfield and wife Billie of Leedey, OK; two daughters, Carolyn Summar and husband Tim of Dibble, OK, and Twyla Dunivan of Fayetteville; two brothers, Ernest Barber of Smithville, TN, and Andrew Barber of Dallas; three sisters, Josie Castleberry of Denison, TX, and Dorothy Hawkins and Violet Harvor, both of Dallas; 16 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sara Frances Barber; and by a son, Louie Barber. Services were held at Moore's Chapel in Fayetteville. Burial was at Son's Chapel Cemetery.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Michael Lee "Mike" Barber, 61, died April 3, 2001. He was born November 20, 1939 to Clyde Franklin and Virginia Gillihan Barber. He was a U.S. Navy veteran. He held a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Arkansas State University. He worked at several Arkansas newspapers, serving as the news editor at the DeWitt Era-Enterprise and as sports editor for the Southwest Times Record in Fort Smith. He later became the Director of Public Information at Arkansas State University at Beebe. Survivors include his wife, Martha Lassiter Barber; a son, Chris; and his nieces and nephews and other relatives. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Clyde Dean and Larry R. Barber. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Beebe with Rev. Bob Hall and Rev. Bill Lyons officiating. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery in Batesville. Arrangements were handled by Westbrook Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Lydia Bardrick, 93, died December 14, 1996. She was a retired nurse's aide, and a charter member of Southside Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Tom Bardrick, Jr. and Bill Bardrick; a daughter-in-law, Mitzi Jean Bardrick; 8 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas E. Bardrick, Sr.; and a son. Interment was at Oak Cemetery by Edwards Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Thomas Bare, 58, died September 5, 2005. He is survived by two sons, Mike Bare of Springdale, and Terry Bare of Jonesboro. He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas Joe and Frances Neely Bare. Burial was at Piggott Cemetery under the direction of Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Nina Barefield, 79, died April 27, 2005. She was born September 15, 1924 to the late Earl Webster and Nora Jane Austin Barefield. She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, Marion, Floyd and Robert Barefield; and two sisters, Eula Taylor and Pauline Spencer. She is survived by a sister, Mary Jennings of Neosho, MO; several nephews and nieces; and her great-nephews and great-nieces. Interment was at Bell's Chapel Cemetery in Atkins with arrangements handled by Shinn Funeral Service.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Gertrude Snyder Barg, 89, died May 9, 2002. She was preceded in death by her husband, Louis Barg. She was a member of Baron Hirsch Synagogue, the B'nai B'rith Women, Hadassah, Forrest City Musical Coterie and the Baron Hirsch Ladies' Auxiliary. Survivors include a daughter, Barbara Barg of New York City; a son, Charles Barg of Little Rock; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Memorial donations may be made to Baron Hirsch Synagogue. Services were held at Sam Abraham Chapel. Burial was at Baron Hirsch Cemetery with arrangements by Gan Aden Funeral Home.
SWIFTON, ARKANSAS: Sarah C. Barger died May 21, 1901. She was born May 27, 1834. She was preceded in death by her husband, James W. Barger. Burial was at the Swifton Cemetery.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: Genline Barker, 68, died November 30, 2004. She is survived by a daughter, Anna Marie Barker of West Memphis; six sons, Mark Barker, Glen Barker, Jimmie Barker, Jr., Donald Barker, Derick Barker, and Robert Barker, all of West Memphis; a stepson, Keith Barker of Memphis, TN; three sisters, Vanella Coleman and Daisy Mae Hull, both of West Memphis, and Eula Mae Thomas of Youngstown, OH; 25 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Unity Church. Burial was at Marion Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Wolfe Brothers Funeral Home.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Ernestine Hamilton Barksdale, 91, died August 2, 2006. She was born June 30, 1915 to Edgar Ernest Hamilton and Rebecca West Hamilton. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a son, Bobby Barksdale of Longview, TX; two daughters, Rebecca Barksdale of Forrest City, and Betty Barksdale of Denver, NC; a brother, Edgar Hamilton of Albuquerque, NM; 19 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alfred Fletcher Barksdale. Interment was at Hughes Cemetery under the direction of Stevens Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Cletis Barlow, 76, died January 7, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Peggy Barlow; a daughter, Kay DeHart of Piggott; a stepson, Carl Parrish of Paragould; a stepdaughter, Joni Sample of Germantown, TN; a brother, Dean Barlow; a sister, Judy Cochran; and 3 grandchildren. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church of Piggott. Burial was at Green Hill Cemetery in Muskogee, OK by Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home.
BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: I.L. "Dick" Barlow, 61, died January 30, 1932. He was a well driller and a farmer. He had lived in Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Altha Rotrammel Barlow, whom he married in 1887. Survivors include his second wife, Nettie Edwards Barlow, and four children, two from each marriage. Interment was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery with Rev. A.M. Riggs officiating.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Rachel W. Barnard, 84, died May 18, 2007. She was of the Baptist faith. She worked building airplanes for Northrop Aircraft during World War II. Survivors include a son, Ray Allen Barnard of Fayetteville; two daughters, Retha Louise Elliott of Booneville and Joan Reynolds of Cave Springs; two sisters, Pearlene Wooldridge of Gardener, TX and Earlene Kelley of Killeen, TX; a brother, James Wooldridge of Commerce, TX; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Barnard. Interment was at Mixon Cemetery in Booneville with arrangements by Roberts Funeral Home.
JUNCTION CITY, ARKANSAS: Johnny Barnes, 81, died October 18, 2002. He was born January 19, 1921 in Junction City to John David and Effie Catherine Kelly Barnes. He was a retired millwright for Ludow Corp., and a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member and former deacon of Scotland Presbyterian Church. He was a Scottish Rite Mason, and Past Master of the Junction City Lodge. He is survived by his wife, Sarah Mayfield Barnes; two daughters, Katherine (Harvey) Clark of Marietta, GA, and Alice (Terry) Slayton of Tyler, TX; a son, Glenn Barnes of Fort Worth, TX; a brother, Dr. M.D. Barnes of Lookout Mountain, GA; and a granddaughter. Services were held at Scotland Presbyterian Church. Burial was at Scotland Presbyterian Cemetery with arrangements by Bailey Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Bertie Mae Barnett, 97, died December 31, 2004. She was a member of the Hamburg Church of Christ, and was a lifelong are resident. Survivors include three daughters, Barbara Courson (William) of Crossett, and Julia Pruitt and Beth Leigh (Kenneth), all of Hamburg; a son, Gerald Barnett (Joy) of Oklahoma City, OK; 15 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Barnett; a daughter, Alice Barnett Leigh; a son, Willard Barnett, Sr.; three sisters; four brothers; and three grandchildren. Interment was at Unity Cemetery by Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Blondell Barnett, 80, died January 2, 2007. She attended the First Baptist Church of Barling, AR, and had worked as a bookbinder for Twin City Printing in Monroe, LA. Survivors include her husband, Jack Barnett; a daughter, Tommie J. Barnett of Fort Smith; a son, Jackie Benjamin Barnett; 3 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Fentress Mortuary.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Jonathan Clark Barnett died July 1, 1959. He was born January 20, 1876 to George and Martha A. Barnett. He was a retired farmer, and was a member of Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church. He was survived by his wife, Grace Barnett; a daughter, Mrs. Wilson Couch; a son, Jack Barnett; and 3 grandchildren. Interment was at Cemetery Hill with arrangements by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Margie Dell Barnett, 84, died January 1, 2010. She was born April 12, 1925 to the late Fletcher and Leo Rose Whitecotton. She is survived by her husband of 62 years, William Barnett, Sr.; a son, William Barnett, Jr. of Paris; a daughter, Shirley McCombs of Paris; 6 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Subiaco, AR with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
BELLEFONTE, ARKANSAS: Wright Barnett, 78, died November 19, 1930 at his residence. He was born November 16, 1852. He was survived by three sons, George, Bill and J.D. Barnett; and five daughters, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Clisby Riggs, Mrs. Lily Poindexter, Mrs. Henry Minyard, and Mrs. Timy Ruble. Services were held at the Bellefonte Methodist Church. Interment was at the Bellefonte Cemetery.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Donna C. Harolld Barnum, 61, died July 5, 2007. She was the daughter of the late Wayne and Elizabeth Love Harolld. She was a U.S. Navy veteran, and formerly worked for Con-Agra Foods. She attended St. John Catholic Church in Russellville. She is survived by her husband, Myron Barnum; a son, Chuck Barnum of Pensacola, FL; three brothers and two sisters-in-law, Mike and Ora Jane Harolld of Russellville, David Harolld of Mobile, AL, and Larry and Pat Harolld of Phoenix, AZ; and a sister and brother-in-law, Maribeth and Cecil Finn of Washington. She was preceded in death by a sister. Services were held at St. Benedict Catholic Church at Subiaco with Abbott Jerome Kodell officiating. Interment of cremains was at Holy Redeemer Cemetery in Clarksville.
CAVE SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Brooke Marie Barr, 28, died February 5, 2005. She was born May 26, 1976 to Brent Allen and Juanita "Nita" Severson Barr. She was a nurse's aide at Brighton House Nursing Home in Rogers, and attended Cave Springs Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Miles Kenneth Kent of Wills Point, TX; two daughters, Dakota Devin Hickman and Amber Nicole Hickman, both of Gentry; her parents of Cave Springs; her birth mother, Linda Fletcher and husband Ron; a brother, Lucas Barr of Portland, OR; a sister, Melissa Barr of Cave Springs; grandparents, Armin and Joetta Ross of Topeka, KS; and a grandmother, Lorraine Severson of Waukon, IA. Graveside services were held at Oakland Cemetery in Waukon. Arrangements in Waukon were handled by Martin Brothers Funeral Home; local arrangements were by Benton County Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Audis Waymon Barringer, 91, died November 5, 2008. He was born August 19, 1917 to Ethan A. and Lena Phillips Barringer. He was a graduate of the A&M College in Monticello, where he played football for the Boll Weevils. He was a 29-year employee of the Federal Aviation Agency in Little Rock, prior to his retirement as an air traffic controller. He served as a bomber pilot during World War II in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, and Arkansas Razorbacks sports, and attended Immanuel Baptist Church, where he had served as a deacon. He was a former member of the Pine Bluff Watson Chapel Lions Club, and the Cleveland County Cattlemen Association. He is survived by his wife, Gerry Hamaker Barringer; a son, Gary Barringer (Sissy) of New Edinburg; a daughter, Donna Mazzanti (David) of Pine Bluff; a stepson, Dr. Patrick Moseley (Jill) of Hot Springs; two brothers, A. J. Barringer of Bartlesville, OK, and Bobby Barringer of White Hall; a sister, Eunice Rankin of Pine Bluff; 5 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Margaret Word Barringer; and his parents. Burial was at McCoy Cemetery near Fordyce, AR with arrangements by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Mindy Barthel, 87, died March 27, 1994. She was born March 5, 1913 to John and Alma Shoenholz Durbin. She was a retired comptometer operator, and was of the Catholic faith. She was a member of the AARP, and was a Red Cross volunteer. She is survived by a son, James Barthel; and 3 grandchildren. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Peter A. Bartolomeo, 76, died August 13, 2005. He was born November 23, 1928 to Vito and Catherine Bartolomeo. He was a retired stock broker. Cremation arrangements were handled by Humphrey Funeral Service.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Omar W. Basham, 60, died December 28, 1951. He was born November 4, 1891 to James E. and Prudence Jane Tucker Basham. He was an officer of the Huntsville Bank, and was also an insurance agent. He was the first 32nd Degree Mason in Madison County, AR. Burial was at Huntsville Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Mortuary.
MOUNTAINBURG, ARKANSAS: Vernon "Pinky" Basham, 49, died November 9, 1957. He was survived by his wife, Lela Basham; a daughter, Mrs. Cletus Adams of Alma; a son, Owen Dale Basham of Alma; a brother, Reeves Basham of Mountainburg; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Basham of Mountainburg; two sisters, Mrs. John O'Neal of Covina, CA, and Mrs. Lela Jones of Alma; and 3 grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Edwards Funeral Home.
PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Nannie Bashor, 83, died September 16, 1950. She was survived by two daughters, Grace Ellsworth and Zadie Rice; 7 grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. Burial was at Pea Ridge Cemetery.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Fred A. Basinger died April 27, 1907. He was born October 14, 1891 to Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Basinger. Burial was at Mount Zion Cemetery.
SMACKOVER, ARKANSAS: Bula Thornton Bass, 77, died November 30, 2009 at John R. Williamson Hospice House. She was born April 4, 1932 in Lillie, LA to George Robert Thornton and Bessie Ollie Cook. She attended Northwest Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Brenda Miller (Tim) of Louann, and Sharon Schibler (Steve) of Smackover; two sons, Bud Bass (Evelyn) of Norphlet, and Robert A. Thornton (Gae) of Smackover; a sister, Tootsie Frisby (Willard) of Louann; a brother, Bill Thornton of El Dorado; 10 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wiley Mack Bass, Jr.; her parents; three sisters, Eula Bowman, Lillian Thibeau, and Ella Martin; and three brothers, Charlie, Edward, and Robert Thornton. Burial was at Crossroads Cemetery by Young's Funeral Directors.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Roy C. Bass, 82, died May 15, 1991 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro. He was born August 5, 1908. He was a retired farmer, and a member of Trumann First General Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Ora Glass Bass; a son, Paul Bass of Long Beach, CA; two daughters, Mrs. Lorene Sadler of Trumann, and Mrs. Jane Miles of West Memphis; a sister, Mrs. Kattie Bell Davies of Trumann; 11 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Nettleton Cemetery in Jonesboro with arrangements by Thompson Funeral Home.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Thelma Mae Sellers Bass, 80, died November 29, 2006. Services were held December 2, 2006 at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Hope. Interment was at Redman Cemetery in DeQueen, AR under the direction of Brazzel Oakcrest Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Johnathan Bassett was born May 24, 1764 and died July 4, 1833. He was a Revolutionary War veteran with Freeman's Regiment. Burial was at Gaines-Belding Cemetery.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Bernice Bates, 70, died June 2, 2007. She was born June 29, 1936 to Mary Marie Collier Brown and Sam Brown, Sr. She was a former home health aide, and was a member of Poole's Temple. She is survived by three daughters, Mary Schouweiler, Ester Bates, and Jo Anna Bates, all of Paris; six brothers, Jesse Brown of St. Louis, MO, Dennis Brown, Sr. and Leonard Brown of Russellville, and Virgil Brown, June Brown and Eddie Brown, Sr. of Paris; six sisters, Anna Barnes, Wanda Byrd, Nora Milum, Mary Ellingburg and Phyllis Brown of Paris, and Margaret Williams of Charleston, AR; 2 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Leonard Bates; three brothers, Charles, Robert, and Sam Brown, Jr.; and two sisters, Bobbie Jones and Betty Martin. Interment was at Gray Rock Cemetery under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
CROSS COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Carrie Bates died June 1, 1937. She was born March 19, 1893. Burial was at Birdeye Cemetery.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Azzie L. Battle, 77, died October 4, 2001 at Conway Regional Medical Center. She was born January 6, 1924 in North Little Rock to the late Noble Johnson and Virdia Lee Johnson. She was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. She is survived by two daughters, Shelia Battle of Conway, and Sharon Rosenberg of Clearwater, FL; four sons, Kevin Battle of Conway, Jesse D. Battle of Houston, TX, Harvey L. Battle, Jr. of Del Rio, TX, and Carlos Battle of La Mesa, CA; a sister, Wilma Carter of North Little Rock; 15 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harvey Battle, Sr. Services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness. Arrangements were handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Barbara Wiggins Battles, 65, died March 8, 2007. She was born March 17, 1941. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, B.J. Battles; two daughters and sons-in-law, Penny and Steven Gwin of Fountain Hill, and Debbie and Shohn Whitley of Kannapolis, NC; her mother, Maudie Wiggins of Warren; a brother, Steve Wiggins of Hampton; three sisters, Nancy Sewell of Grand Prairie, TX, Beulah Ables of Hampton, and Sandra Frye of Warren; 7 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her father, Roy S. Wiggins. Interment was at Flat Creek Cemetery under the direction of Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Vanester Reynolds Battles, 80, passed away May 12, 2004. She was born March 10, 1924 to the late Phillip Reynolds, Sr. and Mattie Reynolds. She attended the First Trinity Church of God in Christ, where she served with the usher board, choir, and as a Sunshine Band mother. Survivors include four sons, Foster Battles, Jr., Billy Wayne Battles and Darnell Battles, all of Pine Bluff, and Ronnie C. Battles of Marlin, TX; two daughters, Kay F. Bridges of De Soto, TX, and Peggy A. Battles of Pine Bluff; three brothers, A.Z. Reynolds of Chicago, Lonnie Reynolds of Columbus, GA, and Phillip Reynolds, Jr. of Pine Bluff; and 12 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Foster Battles; three brothers, Clarence Reynolds, L.C. Reynolds, and McKinley "Snoots" Reynolds; and six sisters, Florence Bomer, Fannie Walley, Mildred Harris, Eula Whitehead, Virgie Bishop, and Doretha Reynolds. Services were held at First Trinity Church of God in Christ with Elder DeWitt Hill presiding. Burial was at Cypress Memorial Gardens by Christian Way Funeral Home.
BRANCH, ARKANSAS: Boniface J. Bauer, 94, died April 7, 2009. He was born October 16, 1914 to the late John Bauer and Katie Buergier Bauer. He was a retired farmer, and a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He attended St. Anthony Catholic Church in Ratcliff, AR. He is survived by a sister, Catherine Walbe of Friendswood, TX; a brother, John Bauer of Fort Smith; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at St. Anthony Catholic Church. Interment with military honors was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith by Brotherton Brothers Funeral Home of Charleston, AR.
BRINKLEY, ARKANSAS: Glenn Ira Bauer, 83, died July 25, 2006. He was born October 19, 1922 to the late William Bauer and Mary Putnam Bauer. He was a farmer, and attended St. John's Catholic Church. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He belonged to the American Legion, the Railsplitters Society, the Germania Club, and the Square Dance Association. Surviving family members include his wife, Maria Koegel Bauer; three daughters: Regina Gabel and husband Wilson of Fayetteville, Monica Jacob and husband Gregory of Nashville, TN, and Christina Breshers and husband Chris of Stuttgart; 6 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Michael Bauer; and three brothers, Walter Bauer, Vern Bauer and Earl Bauer. Services were held at St. John's Catholic Church in Brinkley with Abbot Marcel Rooney officiating. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery under the direction of Bob Neal and Sons Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Fr. Ralph Bauer, 82, died December 22, 2002 at Parkway Health Center in Little Rock. He was born August 5, 1920 in Walnut Ridge, AR to Frank and Elizabeth Bauer. He was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of St. Andrew on May 31, 1947. He served at St. John's Church in Brinkley, St. Joseph's Church in Pine Bluff, St. Edward's Church in Texarkana, St. Patrick's Church, Immaculate Conception Church in Fort Smith, St. James' Church in Searcy, St. Barbara's Church in De Queen, St. Matthew's Church in Osceola, Immaculate Conception Church in North Little Rock, and St. John's Church in Hot Springs. He was a member of the Clergy Welfare Board and dean of the South Central Deanery. He enjoyed fishing and deer hunting. Survivors include a brother, Rudolph Bauer (Grace) of Roland; a niece; two nephews; and 2 grand-nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Frank Bauer, Jr. and Fred Bauer. Services were held at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery.
CENTER RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Cynthia Diane Baugh, 35, died January 3, 2012. She was born November 2, 1976 in Lynwood, CA to Clifford E. Landsbaugh and the late LaDon Johnson Landsbaugh. She was a 1994 graduate of Perryville High School. Survivors include two daughters, Alexis Baugh and Kaitlyn Landsbaugh, both of Center Ridge; two sons, Tyler Baugh of Center Ridge, and Sean McKinney of Perry; her father, Clifford Landsbaugh of Pennsylvania; three brothers, Carl Wilson of Perryville, and Michael Landsbaugh and Randy Wilson, both of Perry; two sisters, Debbie Fuller and Carla Tindell, both of Perryville; a grandmother, Janet Landsbaugh of Pennsylvania; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Union Valley Baptist Church in Perryville. Arrangements were handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
OLA, ARKANSAS: Robert E. Baunton, 97, died May 9, 2005. He was born May 11, 1907 to Robert Martin and Nora Elzora McPherson Baunton. He was a farmer. He was a member of Gideons International, the Yell County Farm Bureau, and a charter member of the Ola Lions Club. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and was a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He attended Ola First Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon. He is survived by his wife, Elvia Baunton; a stepson, Clinton Littlejohn and wife Joyce of Russellville; a stepson-in-law, Jim Colbert of Ola; a sister, Marie Asenith Newton of Missoula, MT; his grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; a wife, Alma Weaver Baunton; and a stepdaughter, Lena Mae Colbert. Services were held at Ola First Baptist Church. Burial with military honors was at Ola-Sandlin Cemetery by Shinn Funeral Service.
CLINTON, ARKANSAS: Fountaine Bayer, 81, died February 5, 2008. She was born November 20, 1926 to the late Fount and Vinnie Holland. She was a retired retailer, and was a Sears Catalog merchant for 25 years. She was a member of the Red River Golf Club, and enjoyed sports, sewing, and crossword puzzles. She is survived by a son, John Bayer; two daughters, Billie Carolyn Edwards and Mary Johnson; two sisters, Mary Carolyn Yancey and Johnnie Thomas; 7 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 64 years, James Earl Bayer; a son, Jimbo Bayer; and a sister, Billie Dove Holland. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Clinton. Arrangements were handled by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Minnie M. Bayles, 84, died February 8, 1982. She was born January 6, 1898 to Charles and Hettie Neal Broughton. She attended Ridgeview Baptist Church. She is survived by three sons, Irvin Bayles, James C. Bayles, and Donald Bayles; a daughter, Joyce Ogden; three sisters, Julia Coper, Violet Patrick, and Virgie Douthit; 6 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marion E. Bayles. Interment was at Son's Chapel Cemetery by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Joe William Bazarow, 84, died February 23, 2007. He was born August 8, 1922 to Joseph and Mary Ewell Bazarow. He is survived by two sons, Greg Bazarow of Gillett and Jerry Don Maier of Sherwood; four daughters, Shirley McGraw and Jodyne Gilbert of Lonoke, Bonnie Brewer of Stuttgart and Sherri Selig of DeWitt; 16 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; a sister, Georgia Parker of DeWitt; and two great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three sisters, Wilma, Jewel and Dora; a brother, Lewis; a son, Jerry Wayne Bazarow; and two wives, Betty Beam Bazarow and Elizabeth McGraw Bazarow. Services were held at General Assembly Church of the Firstborn. Burial was at DeWitt Cemetery with arrangements by Essex Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS: Bessie Elzadie Beach, 98, passed away September 30, 2006. She was born April 11, 1908 to Aaron Anderson and Viola Alexander Stevens. She was a member of the Church of God of Prophecy. Survivors include her sons, Euel, Robert, Buster and Arthur Beach and their families; her daughters, Zola Smith, Veaner Brewer, Velma Garman, Allie Mae Gammill, Gennive Farris and their families; 30 grandchildren; 46 great-grandchildren; and 27 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Grover Beach; a son, Earl Beach; her parents; a brother, Ulis Stevens; three sisters, Mae Smith, Ruthie Sutterfield and Velda Powell; 2 grandchildren; a great-grandson; and a great-great-granddaughter. Services were held at the Timbo Valley Assembly of God Church. Interment was at Stevens Cemetery.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Rollo Glickford Beal, 100, died February 26, 1980. He was born September 16, 1879. He was a retired foreman in the oil industry, and was a Mason. He was survived by two sons, Joseph and Robert; three daughters, Mildred, Florence and Mary; 9 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great grandchildren. Interment was at the Lincoln Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Theodis S. "Tee" Bealer, Sr., 70, died January 1, 2002. He was born July 11, 1931. Survivors include his wife, Mildred Bealer; eight daughters, Antionette Bealer, Linda Bealer, Belva Allmon (Greg), Carol Bealer-Cravens (Mark), Pamela Tims (Darrell), Jacquelyn Rudley (Lee), Jeanette Donald (Robert), and Cynthia White (Curtis); two sons, Theodis S. Bealer, Jr. (Gwen) and Henry R., Sr. (Mary); his mother, Mable Bealer; two brothers, Bufhus (Betty) and Hollis Bealer; 20 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Henry Bealer; two sisters, Carrie Curtis and Vannie Kelly; and a brother, Lucious Bealer. Services were held at Hoover United Methodist Church. Arrangements were handled by Gunn Funeral Home.
KEO, ARKANSAS: William L. Beard, 70, died December 26, 1968. He was a native of Lonoke. He was the retired owner of Beard's General Mercantile Company in Keo, and worked at Caplinger's Men's Store in England. He was a member of the Keo Methodist Church. He served on the Keo City Council, and was a Mason. Survivors include his wife, Annie Morris Beard; a daughter, Mrs. Lynn B. Evans of Texas; three sisters, Mrs. Sam Cato of Lonoke, and Mrs. Henry Gill and Mrs. Earl Truett, both of North Little Rock; three brothers, Neil Beard of Memphis, and Orvan and Clifford Beard, both of North Little Rock; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at Keo Methodist Chruch. Burial was at the Keo Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Service.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Neoma Lucille Bearden, 91, died December 22, 2008. She was born February 20, 1917 to John and Flora Keck Biggs. She enjoyed making crafts, and was a member of Webb City Baptist Church. She is survived by three daughters, Freeda Everly of Van Buren, Kathy Umholtz of Overland Park, KS, and Phyllis Day of Lamar; four sons, Bill Bearden and Bob Bearden, both of Ozark, Jim Bearden of Fort Smith, and Danny Bearden of Paris; four sisters, Bernice Puckett of California, Lillian Batchelor of Van Buren, Evelyn Smith of Stockton, MO, and Patsy Joubert of Mulberry; three brothers, Clifford Ming of Texas, Clarence Ming of Booneville, and Raymond Ming of California; 16 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Olen Bearden. Burial was at Morgan Hill Cemetery under the direction of Shaffer Funeral Home.
PARGOULD, ARKANSAS: Irma Lou Beasley, 75, died October 5, 2006. She was born June 7, 1931 to Wilford Snowden and Irene Harvey Snowden. She was a Catholic. She is survived by two sons, William James (Lee) Beasley of Harrisburg, and Wilford Lynn (Susan) Beasley of Jonesboro; a daughter, Lisa Beasley of Marion; five sisters, Rosalyn Ballard of McRae, Nelleeta Terry of Greenbriar, Sandra Flora of Dallas, TX, and Winfred Minyard and Patricia Hutchins, both of Little Rock; 6 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Warner Beasley; and her parents. Arrangements were handled by Emerson Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Mary Beason, 82, died December 4, 2006. She was born July 5, 1922 to Lenord Simmons and Coria Lilly Selle Simmons. Among the survivors are a son, James J. Beason and wife Maggie of Rogers; a daughter, Sherry F. Richardson and husband Robert of Rogers; 4 grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; and 4 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lester William Beason. Cremation arrangements were handled by Benton County Funeral Home.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: William Lee Beaver, 82, died November 16, 2006. He was born September 2, 1924 to the late Franklin and Ethel Jones Beaver. He was a longtime employee of Vestle Florist in Little Rock, and later worked for the City of Cabot until his retirement. He is survived by his wife, Linnie Modlin Beaver; a daughter, Reba Reaves; a son and daughter-in-law, Larry and Linda Beaver; two sisters, Mildred Taylor and Ethel Hubbard; a brother, James Beaver; 3 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Mt. Carmel Cemetery with arrangements by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Bertha Lee Beavers, 80, died March 26, 2003. Survivors include her husband, Hesakiah Beavers; five daughters, Linda Beavers, Marva Robinson, Vera Donahue, Allie Williams, and Alma (Andrew) Badgett; four sons, Melvin (Mercedes), James (Reva) Lucas, Charles (Lois), and George (Marilyn) Beavers; a sister, Marian Hill; a brother, Roosevelt Lucas; 30 grandchildren; and 35 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Watson-Northcrest Funeral Home.
SMITHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Charles W. Beavers died in 1887. He was born in 1828. He was a Union Civil War veteran, and served as a sergeant with the 5th Illinois Cavalry. Burial was at Lone Oak Cemetery.
CLINTON, ARKANSAS: Emma Sue Beavers, 95, died July 14, 2007. She was born March 14, 1910. She is survived by a daughter, Emma Shipp of Clinton; and a son, Carl Beavers of Searcy. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home, followed by burial at Bradley Cemetery.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Sr. Emerita Beck, 84, died December 2, 2004. She was a registered nurse. She also belonged to the National Association of Catholic Chaplains. Among the survivors are three sisters-in-law, Marie Beck, Frances Beck, and Catherine Beck; her nieces and nephews; and her religious community. Services were held at St. Scholastica Monastery Chapel. Burial was at St. Scholastica Cemetery with arrangements by Fentress Mortuary.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Theresa Gertrude Beck, 83, died died September 3, 2008. She was born April 1, 1925, to the late Luke Fraenzle and Fenna Phifer Fraenzle. She retired from Crompton Mills, and was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. She is survived by two sons, Joseph Beck of Oppelo and Albert Beck of Morrilton; a daughter, Diane Collins of Millington, TN; a sister, Catherine Ferricher of North Little Rock; 6 grandchildren; a step-grandchild; and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Mary Thompson. Services were held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Mary Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Verena Beck, 89, passed away March 7, 2006. She attended the Holiness Church of Scranton. She was preceded in death by her husband, John W. Beck, Jr. Interment was at Prairie View Cemetery with arrangements by Smith Mortuary.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Betty Loraine Staib Beckett, 78, died October 29, 2004. She was born January 19, 1926 to Clifford Staib and Anita Ingraham Staib. She was a homemaker. Survivors include a daughter, Jane S. Beckett of Austin; a granddaughter and her husband, Lisa and Jerry Cleveland; and two great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, George A. Beckett; her parents, Clifford and Anita Staib; and a great-granddaughter, Emily Marie Beckett. Interment was at Mt. Carmel Cemetery with Rev. Jerold Posey officiating. Arrangements were handled by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
KIBLER, ARKANSAS: Lena L. Beckham, 101, died December 13, 2005. She was a homemaker, and attended the Friendly Pentecostal Church. Survivors include her sons, Raymond Beckham and Larry Beckham, both of Van Buren; 25 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; and several great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Garland Beckham. Burial was at Gill Cemetery in Van Buren under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
LAVACA, ARKANSAS: Tressie Pack Bedford, 89, died May 8, 2007. She was born May 20, 1917 to James Alvin Pack and Ocia Mae Walker Pack. She enjoyed fishing and gardening. She was a retired LPN, and attended Bloomer Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Leon "Cotton" Bedford; three sons, Larry Bedford of Fresno, CA, Bert Bedford of Garland, TX, and Brad Bedford of Sonora, CA; a sister, Linna McDonald of Zion Hill; a brother, James Pack of Roland; 4 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Bloomer Baptist Church. Burial was at Mayberry Cemetery with arrangements by Smith Mortuary.
LEWISBURG, ARKANSAS: Mildred Berry Washington Bedinger died November 7, 1871. She was born March 8, 1829 in West Virginia to John Thornton Augustine Washington and Elizabeth Conrad Bedinger. She was survived by two sons, Singleton Berry Bedinger and Henry Clay Bedinger; and two daughters, Henrietta Gray Bedinger and Lavinia Morrill. She was preceded in death by her husband, Solomon Singleton Bedinger; and a son, Arthur. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery in Little Rock.
SLOVAK, ARKANSAS: Frank Bednar, Sr., 94, died October 7, 2006. He was a charter member of Arkansas Rice Growers, and was a lifetime member of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church. Survivors include his sons, Frank, Jr. and wife Jane of Slovak, Alfred and wife Genevieve of Pine Bluff, James and wife Clara, Larry and wife Sheila, Gerald and wife Glenda, and Donald Bednar all of Slovak; his daughters, Bernice Silig and husband Robert of Sherwood, Vivian McLinskey of Lawrenceville, Ga., Marilyn Sawyer and husband John of Jonesboro, and Carolyn Rhinehart and husband Darmon of Little Rock; 25 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Agnes A. Anthony Bednar; his parents; four brothers; two sisters; and two grandchildren. A funeral Mass was held at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Slovak, AR.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Eloisa A. Bedolla, 95, died on July 30, 2005. She was born Feb. 28, 1910. Among the survivors are a son, Jimmy Monroy; and five daughters, Lyda Monroy, Silvia Atzeni, Sonia Monroy, Sandra Anifer and Eloise Shultz. She was predeceased by her husband, Dr. Phillip Monroy Bedolla. A funeral Mass was held at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Rogers, followed by interment at the St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Ervan Beeks, 84, died October 5, 2006. He was born September 29, 1922 to Tiff Thomas and Lillie Isabel Rhine Beeks. He enjoyed gardening and outdoor activities. He is survived by his wife, Ella Beeks; two sons, Willard Beeks of Summers, AR, and Carl Beeks of Farmington; two daughters, Barbara Beeks of Farmington, and Thelma Gray of Elm Grove, LA; a brother, Howard Beeks of Farmington; a sister, Margie Grant of Prairie Grove; and several grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, Hugh Beeks, Ivy Beeks, and Earl Beeks; and two sisters, Gracie Kinion and Virgie Pearson. Services were held at the Farmington Baptist Church with Brother Preston Beeks officiating. Burial was at Rose Cemetery with arrangements handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Argie Marie Beeman, 68, died June 12, 2004. She was born December 26, 1935 to James Henry and Martha Susan Case Bohannon. Survivors include two sons, Johnny L. Beeman and Jerry Beeman, both of Clarksville; two daughters, Zelma M. Turner of Oark, and Velma Bryant of Clarksville; a sister, Ruby Watson of Springdale; 12 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents. Burial was at the Oark Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Mary Louise Beene, 80, died January 31, 2007. She was a retired bookkeeper for Peoples Implement Company, and attended McElroy United Methodist Church in Wynne. Survivors include a sister, Jayne Sandberg of Solon, IA; four brothers, L.T. Beene of Pangburn, Leon Beene of West Memphis, Larry Beene of Rogers, and Pat Beene of Waterproof, LA; and many other relatives and friends. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Edgar W. Beeson, 84, died December 7, 2007. He was born July 23, 1923 to Edgar W. and Anita Hill Beeson. He had worked for Arkansas Power and Light, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He was a member of Park Hill Baptist Church. He was Mason and Shriner, as well as a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Royal Order of Jesters, and the Elks Lodge. Survivors include his wife of 55 years, Lois Ramsey Beeson; two daughters, Lynn Banaszak of North Little Rock, and Robin Henry (Larry) of Odessa, TX; a son, Larry Beeson of Little Rock; a sister, Wanda F. Mills of Lawrenceville, GA; a brother, Robert L. Beeson of Port Neches, TX; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters; and three brothers. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery under the direction of North Little Rock Funeral Home.
HAZEN, ARKANSAS: Thomas Jefferson Beggs, 79, died May 30, 1973. He was a Baptist. He is survived by five sons, Marlin Beggs of Stuttgart, Eddie, Carey and Dewey Beggs, all of Texas, and Melvin Beggs of Forrest City; a daughter, Mrs. Clytee Graham of Mississippi; a sister, Nancy Key of Malvern; 34 grandchildren; and 34 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Walters Chapel Baptist Church near Carlisle. Burial was at Walters Chapel Cemetery by Westbrook Funeral Service.
AVOCA, ARKANSAS: Lewis Behrenfeld, 84, died October 11, 2006. He was born July 13, 1922 to Otto and Lydia Behrenfeld. He was a homebuilder, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He is survived by a son, Otto Behrenfeld of Rogers; and a brother, George Behrenfeld of Tulsa. He was preceded in death by his wife, Edna Rader Behrenfeld; two sisters, Lillian Walker and Frances Doyle; and two brothers, John Behrenfeld and Fredrick Behrenfeld. Services were held at Benton County Funeral Home. Interment was at Benton County Memorial Park Cemetery in Rogers.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Jessie Lee Belcher, 70, died October 3, 2005. He was born September 23, 1935 to the late George and Mattie Belcher. He was a member of St. Paul A.M.E. Church in Warren. He is survived by a son, Michael Belcher of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Yolanda Belcher Baldwin of Pine Bluff; five brothers, John Belcher and Roy Lee Belcher, both of Warren, James Belcher of Little Rock, and Bobby Ray Belcher and Joe Belcher, both of Riverside, CA; two sisters, Merle Dean Robinson of Ontario, CA and Janet Belcher of Cotton, CA; and 2 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Billie Jean Coreen Belcher; his parents; a brother, David Belcher; and a sister, Mattie Lucille Belcher. Services were held at St. Paul A.M.E. Church. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery under the direction of Hammons Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Eula M. Beliles, 73, died May 20, 2005. She was born April 28, 1932 to James Troy and Edna Hopkins Calaway. She was a retired dietitian. She attended Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Hampton, AR. Survivors include two sons, Geral Beliles and Shane Beliles, both of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Debbie Wilson of Jet, OK; 3 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Virginia McCarver of Malvern and Martha Childers of Pine Bluff; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and by a brother, Troy Calaway. Interment was at Providence Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Russell Rieff Belk, 79, died November 15, 2007. He was born January 2, 1928 to Johnny Winfred Belk and Rhea St. John Belk. He was a retired rural mail carrier. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Rea Tindell Belk; a daughter, Anna Jane Belk of Los Angeles, CA; his mother of Perryville; a brother, William Steward Belk of Perryville; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at Union Valley Baptist Church with Bro. Danny Barker and Charles Tindell officiating. Arrangements were handled by Harris Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Clarence Bell, Sr. died November 30, 2005. Survivors include his wife, Shirley Bell; three children, Clarence Bell, Jr, Avery Bell, and Sonia Brown; his mother, Lula Bell; three sisters; two brothers; and 5 grandchildren. Services were held at Second Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Premier Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Emmet Hayes Bell, 69, died August 21, 1990. He was a retired Air Force major. He was a Baptist and a Mason. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Bell; two sons, Steven Bell of Arlington, VA and Bruce Bell of Olympia, WA; a daughter, Debbie Lykins of Cabot; a brother, Bruce Bell of West Virginia; a sister, Jessie McCarthy of West Virginia; and 5 grandchildren. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Robert Irving Bell, 81, died September 7, 1996. He was born January 12, 1915 to Charles and Gladys Cundiff Bell. He was an airplane pilot and aviation instructor. He was a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association, and a life member of the National Rifle Association. He is survived by his wife, Effie Ruimveld Bell; a daughter and son-in-law, Kathleen and Monty Munsell of Grandview, MO; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert Allen and Rebecca Lynn Bell; a sister, Jean Boetteger of Lawton, MI; 5 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandsons. Interment was at Zion Cemetery by Brashears Funeral Home.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Silver Parks Bell, 73, died February 14, 2001 at Beverly Health Care in Star City. She was born April 27, 1927 in Tarry to Isiah P. Mayo and Pilina Barnett Works. She is survived by her husband, J.C. Bell; a daughter, Bettie Nance of Pine Bluff; a son, Nathaniel Johns of Lance, KS; 9 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. Hurricane Baptist Church in Pine Bluff. Interment was at Lincoln Memorial Lawn with arrangements by Davis Strickland Funeral Home.
ELKINS, ARKANSAS: Viola Bell, 87, died January 13, 1995. She was born December 30, 1907 to John and Alice Homsley Foster. She was a homemaker. She belonged to the Mount Olive Quilting Club and the Elkins Church of Christ. Among the survivors are two sons, Berl Bell and Billy Bell, both of Elkins; 6 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandson. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl Bell. Services were held at the Elkins Church of Christ with Lacey Randall officiating. Burial was at Mount Olive Cemetery with arrangements by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home of Fayetteville, AR.
GASSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Billy Von Bellah died on October 4, 2002. He was born November 25, 1947 to Buel Cooper and Marie Bellah. He was a machinist and mechanic, and served in the US Army during Vietnam and the Gulf War. He enjoyed car and motorcycle racing, gun collecting, and visiting salvage yards. He was an avid reader and liked old movies and music. He attended the Cotter Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Betty Bellah; a brother, Dennis Cooper of Pocahontas; his sisters, Darlene Matheny of Ravenden, AR and Raetta McGuire of Pocahontas; his stepfather, Buel Cooper of Ravenden, AR; several nieces and nephews; and several great-nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother; a daughter, Aelisa Hall; and two infant sons. Services were held at Kirby-Boaz Funeral Home with Brother Bill Davenport presiding. Graveside military services were provided by the US Army of Fort Sill, OK and the North Central Arkansas Veterans' Council, Ozark VFW Post #3246. Burial was at Gassville Cemetery.
JUDSONIA, ARKANSAS: Norman Anthony Bellas, 91, died March 2, 2008. He was born December 14, 1916. He retired from Augusta Light, Water and Gas. He attended Grace Baptist Church, and enjoyed fishing. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Hays Bellas; three sons, John Ed Bellas, Harvey "Bo" Bellas, and Ronnie Shaban; two stepsons, Terry Hays (Pam) and Monte Hays (Tammy); two daughters, Roxy Bellas and Mary Bellas; his stepdaughters, Beverly Roberson, Brenda Blair (Steve), Tammy Lynch (Gerald), Rhonda Turner, and Lisa Kieffner (Randy); 9 grandchildren; 23 step-grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and 19 step-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers; and a sister. Interment was at Coffeyville Cemetery by Powell Funeral Home.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Thelma Bellware, 94, died December 8, 2008. She was born March 12, 1914 to the late William L. Morton and Emma Abigail Beachler Morton. She was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. She is survived by her daughters, Emma Jo Graves of Mena, Kathryn Fahey of Riverside, TX, and Janice Fleming of Spring, TX; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, George Lewis Bellware; a brother, Ray Morton; and a sister, Mona Morton. Interment was at Board Camp Cemetery with arrangements by Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
HAZEN, ARKANSAS: C.J. Bemrose died January 2, 1918. He was born November 30, 1857. He was survived by his wife, Margaret Francis Bemrose. Burial was at Hazen Cemetery.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Clydean Snodgrass Benedict, 64, died December 26, 2006. She was a homemaker, and attended Parkview United Methodist Church. She was born November 12, 1942 to the late Clyde and Maurice Snodgrass. Survivors include her husband, Larry Benedict; her daughter, Paige Gudino of Benton; two brothers, John Snodgrass of Benton and Gordon Snodgrass of Mississippi; two sisters, June Burnett and Ava Stevens, both of Benton; and a grandson. Services were held at Ebenezer United Methodist Church in Tull with Bro. Dee Edwards presiding. Burial was at Ebenezer Cemetery under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Eulah T. Benetz, 104, passed away January 24, 2007. She was born September 18, 1902. She attended the Downtown Church of Christ in Morrilton. She is survived by three daughters, Thelma Davis of Plumerville, Marie Reiter of Conway and Dorothy Tatum of Greenbrier; 11 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and 26 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Emil Benetz. Services were held at the chapel of Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home with Jeremiah Tatum and Bob Turner officiating. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Myrtle Rose Benge, 73, died May 8, 1957. She was born August 2, 1884 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Everett. She and her husband owned Arrow Court. She was survived by her husband, Luther Benge; a son, Everett Benge; and a brother, James Everett. Burial was at East Memorial Gardens under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
WILMAR, ARKANSAS: Bobby Lee Bennett, 75, died November 22, 2007. He was born May 6, 1932 in Wilmar to the late Benjamin Harrison Bennett, Jr. and Erma Oniell Bennett. He was a retired contractor and a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Betty Jo Wigley Bennett; three daughters, Bonnie Leneta Grubbs of Jonesboro, and Susan Jane Cook and Debra Denise Richardson, both of Warren; three sons, Bobby Dale Bennett of Warren, and Jack Brandon Bennett and Joe Lee Bennett, both of Wilmar; a brother, Gerald Wayne Bennett of Wilmar; 20 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Green Hill Cemetery under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
HINDSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Charley Allen Bennett, 59, of Route 1, Elkins, near Hindsville, died September 20, 1951 at City Hospital in Fayetteville, AR. He was born November 6, 1891 in Mississippi, but had lived most of his life in the Hindsville community. He was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Margie Bennett; four daughters, Mrs. Mildred Middlemas and Miss Ona Bennett, both of Kansas City, MO, and Mrs. Talou McCollough and Miss Fern Bennett, both of Tulsa, OK; three sons, Tillman Bennett of Huntsville, Luther Bennett of Wesley, and Gerald Bennett of the home; a sister, Mrs. Sally Clifford of Canada; three brothers, Elish Bennett of California, and Cooper Bennett and Rube Bennett, both of Mississippi; and a grandchild. Services were held at the Buckeye Church. Burial was in Buckeye Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Funeral Chapel.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Goldie Warner Bennett, 82, died June 3, 1970. She is survived by four daughters, Alberta Jackson of Dumas, Lily Peasley of California, and Loretta Hill and Dorothy West, both of Little Rock; four sons, Harvey Bennett of California, and Raymond, Earl and Bobby Bennett, all of North Little Rock; three sisters, Lola Freeman of North Little Rock, Blossom Uzzell of Lonoke, and Ruth Johnson of Texas; three brothers, Ben Warner of California, and Taft and John Warner, both of Lonoke; 16 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Brownsville Assembly of God Church. Burial was at the Lonoke Cemetery by Todd Funeral Service.
BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Mattie E. Burgin Bennett died July 13, 1909. She was born September 17, 1874. She was survived by three of her four children. She was the wife of D.H. Bennett. Burial was at Coffelt Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Nickolas Apostolas Benos Jr., 78, died June 29, 2005. He was born August 24, 1926 to Nickolas A. Benos, Sr. and Sally Moss Benos. He was a retiree of the Pulaski County Special School District, and was a U.S. Army veteran. He attended Holy Ground Baptist Church in Little Rock. He is survived by his nieces and nephews, Rebecca Alexander of Little Rock, Betty Smith of Little Rock, Karen Bean of Alexander, Kathleen Thurston of Leslie and Wayne Moody of Little Rock. He was preceded in death by his parents. Interment was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Avilla with Rev. Stan Payne officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
GOSHEN, ARKANSAS: Julia Benson, 81, died January 15, 1952 at the Elizabeth Hospital at Prairie Grove. She was born December 5, 1871 in Goshen, AR to Dr. Jesse R. Kelly and Elizabeth Ann Richards Kelly, and spent her life time in that community. Survivors include five daughters, Miss Lynn Benson of the home, Mrs. Lola Sawyer and Mrs. W.F. Boatright, both of Elkins, Mrs. Randall Harbison of Los Angeles, CA, and Mrs. Roy Glaze of Phoenix, AZ; three sons, Clyde and Woodrow Benson, both of Elkins, and Bill Benson of Spiro, OK; 14 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and other relatives in the community. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Hamilton Benson, who died in 1937. Services were held at the Methodist Church in Goshen. Burial was at the Goshen Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Sallie Ellis Hockaday Benson, 85, died December 17, 1981 at the Central Arkansas General Hospital in Searcy. She was the wife of Dr. George S. Benson, President Emeritus of Harding University. She formerly taught at Harding University. She and her husband served as missionaries in China for over a decade. Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Lois McEuen of Little Rock, and Ruth Crowder of Macomb, IL; and 9 grandchildren. Services were held at the Harding University auditorium. Burial was at White County Memorial Gardens. Note: One record lists burial at Oak Grove Cemetery in Union County, AR, and another give her first name as Sally.
GOSHEN, ARKANSAS: William Hamilton Benson, 78, died October 6, 1937 at his home. He was born March 11, 1858 in Rhea County, TN to Isaac and Rebecca McDonald Benson. He spent most of his life in Washington County, and had lived for almost 50 years on the farm where he died. He was survived by his wife, Julia E. Kelly Benson; and nine children, George Benson, Mrs. Roy Glaze, Mrs. Randall Harbison, Mrs. Lola Sawyer, Mrs. Freeman Boatright, Clyde Benson, Lynn Benson, Bill Benson and Wood Benson; and 8 grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at his home by Rev. Fred Logue, Clay Clark being in charge of arrangements. Burial was at the Goshen Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Cleo Lafayette Bentley, Sr., 85, died December 22, 2004. He was born June 6, 1919 to the late Samuel Wesley Bentley and Mary Elnora Holmes Bentley. He was a retired professor at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, and was a U.S. Navy veteran. He attended St. John AME Church. He is survived by two sons, Cleo Lafayette Bentley, Jr. of Houston and Bernard Wesley Bentley of Long Island, NY; a daughter, Wheirda Lafaye Bentley of Pine Bluff; 6 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Wheirda M. Potts Bentley. Services were held at St. John AME Church with Rev. Curlee H. Roberts officiating. Burial was at the Cedar Grove section of Graceland Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: John Michael "Mickey" Bentley, 49, died May 8, 2008. He was the son of John Robert and Margaret Bentley. He was a member of the Downtown Church of Christ. He is survived by a brother, Robert "Bobby" Bentley of Morrilton. Services were held at the Downtown Church of Christ. Arrangements were handled by Bob Neal and Sons Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: William Calvin "Bill" Bentley, 55, died July 20, 2004. He was a retiree of the Little Rock Police Department. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, and served during the Vietnam War. Survivors include his wife, Maryann Bentley; a son, William Christopher and wife Rachael, and their two children, Autumn and William Caleb; a daughter, Melissa Anne; his parents, Wilbur C. "Dub" Bentley and Flora A. Bentley; his sisters, Margaret Kathleen and husband Mike Simpson, Janis Lynn Bentley and Beth Ann Whitten, all of Little Rock; and a host of other relatives and friends. Services were held at Roller-Chenal Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. David Ard presiding. Interment, with honors provided by the Little Rock Police Department, was at Pinecrest Memorial Park.
OUACHITA COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Archie T. Benton, 56, died February 4, 1901. He was born March 12, 1844. Interment was at Missouri Cemetery.
STRONG, ARKANSAS: Ollie Lee Benton, Sr. died November 27, 2005 at the Medical Center of South Arkansas. He was born July 9, 1930 in Strong, AR to Morgan and Myrtle Benton. He was a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Strong. Survivors include his wife, Mirdie Benton; four daughters, Linda White, Annie Holliman, Marilyn Champion and Virginia Morgan; three sons, Ollie Benton, Jr., James Benton, and Marvin Benton; a sister, Errie Mae Hatfield; a brother, Ervin Benton; a foster sister, Louise Smith; two foster brothers, Millard Williams and Herbert Williams; 18 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by four sisters and three brothers. Services were held at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Interment was at Ebenezer Cemetery by Anderson Funeral Home.
SUBIACO, ARKANSAS: Cheryl Ann Berg, 64, died December 28, 2006. She worked as a secretary for Elsken Insurance Company. She attended St. Meinrad Catholic Church at Prairie View, and was involved with the St. Ann's Mothers' Society and Religious Education Committee. Survivors include two daughters, Linda Christopher and husband John, Jr., and Susan Geels and husband Greg, all of Clarksville; a son, Alan Berg and wife Annisa of Scranton; her mother, Olice Dixon Curfman of Clarksville; 7 grandchildren; and a brother-in-law, Henry George Berg of Paris. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Berg; and by her father, Cecil Curfman. Services were held at St. Meinrad Catholic Church. Interment was at St. Meinrad Cemetery under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Bobbie Ann Bergman, 66, died March 16, 2002 at her residence. She was born December 17, 1935 in Coffeyville, KS. There are no known surviving family members. Memorial services were held at the Bella Vista Community Church. Arrangements were handled by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Barbara Ann Berkheimer, 71, died October 28, 2007. She was born April 27, 1936 to Philip Arthur and Ann May Evans James. She was a temple worker for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Frankfurt, Germany, Washington, DC and Memphis, TN. She spent twelve years as a seminary teacher, and also served as a missionary in the Syracuse, NY area. She was a former Girl Scout leader, and was a former Miss Dolly Madison for the Dolly Madison Ice Cream Company. She is survived by six children and their spouses, Dr. Bruce K. Berkheimer, Sr. and wife Laurie of Searcy, Ian and Karen Berkheimer of Beebe, Philip and Leah Berkheimer of Springfield MO, Vicky and Dennis Dittfield of New York Mills, NY, Dawn Berkheimer of Alexandria VA, and Hope and John Gauthier of Decatur, IL; two sisters, Peggy Scarfe of Yuba City, CA, and Sheila Parent of Grant's Pass, OR; and 15 grandchildren. She was married to John Berkheimer for over 40 years. Services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Interment was at Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock by Powell Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Gwlynndora Berkley, 92, died July 23, 2007. She was born March 12, 1915 to Orville E. and Hazel Satchel Burway. She was a homemaker, and attended Spring Valley Free Will Baptist Chruch in Hulbert, OK. She is survived by her daughters, Nancy Poorman Foster of Bella Vista, Mary Berkley Eppley and husband Thomas of Little Rock, Gwlynda Berkley Irek and husband David of Rockwall, TX, Julia Berkley Perdue and husband Michael of Roland, her son, John Berkley and wife Debbie of Pea Ridge; 19 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husbands, William Frank James, Thearon Langford Poorman, and George Berkley; a daughter, Carol Taylor; and a son, Bill Poorman. Interment was at Bluff Cemetery under the direction of Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Bertha Frances Bernard, 96, died April 18, 2007. She was a homemaker, and attended Faith Pentecostal Church of God in Ozark. She was preceded in death by her husband, Archie. Interment was at Belt Cemetery with arrangements by Shaffer Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Betty T. Berry, 78, died July 25, 2003. She was a former secretary for Arkansas Governor Sid McMath, operated an antiques business, and assisted her late husband in his law practice. She was a former member of the First Presbyterian Church at Fourth Street, and a former member of the North Little Rock Women's Club. She is survived by a son, James H. Berry; and 3 grandchildren, all of Los Angeles, CA; two sisters; and a brother. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, J. Harrod Berry; a daughter, Rebecca Berry; a son, Richard Berry; two brothers; and two sisters. Interment was at Edgewood Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Blake Berry, 91, died March 5, 2007. He was born December 14, 1915 to Dink Berry and Flossie Jenkins Berry. He was a retired vice-president of sales for Arkhola Sand And Gravel. He was a World War II veteran, and attended the First United Methodist Church of Fort Smith. He held a degree in Agriculture from the University of Arkansas. He enjoyed bird hunting and Arkansas Razorback sports. Survivors include his wife of 65 years, Billie Berry; a son, Brent Berry and wife Solveig of Rogers; a brother, Loyce Berry of Springdale; four grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a son, Dr. Blake Berry. Interment was at Garden of Memories in Charleston, AR with arrangements by Smith Mortuary.
TRASKWOOD, ARKANSAS: Orville Berryhill, 68, died December 29, 2002. He was a retired pipe fitter with Masco Co. in Little Rock, and was a U.S. Navy veteran. He is survived by his wife, Betty Berryhill, a daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Scott Matthews; three sons and a daughter-in-law, Troy Berryhill, Richard and Deana Berryhill, and Larry Berryhill; two sisters, Carolyn Mills and Marilyn Dougan; a brother, Marvin Berryhill; 8 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, V.R. Berryhill and Alvin Berryhill. Interment was at the Traskwood Cemetery.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Victor George Besancon, 95, died May 5, 2007. He was born January 16, 1912 to Charles and Louise Besancon. He was a retired pipe fitter at Reynolds Metals, and attended Zion Lutheran Church in Avilla. He is survived by his wife, Lula Bell Besancon; a son, Louis W. Besancon and wife Marilynn of Red Oak, TX; two daughters, Sherry Galatas and husband Mel of Hot Springs Village, and Sondra Ralph of Dallas; 5 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death his parents; a son, Victor Besancon, Jr.; a brother, Louis C. Besancon; and two sisters, Louise Jennings and Marie Kling. Services were held at Avilla Zion Lutheran Church with Rev. Rollie Schutz officiating. Burial was at Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Iris Clay Beseau, 90, died February 26, 2005. She was born August 21, 1914 to the late Flake and Elizabeth Clay. She was co-owner of the Grady Sunday Store. She was of the Catholic faith. Survivors include a stepson, James Henderson Beseau of San Jose, CA; two stepdaughters, Ann Beseau Frazier of Pine Bluff, and Kathryn Louise Beseau of Placentia, CA; 8 step-grandchildren; and 8 step-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William David Beseau. Interment was at Grady Cemetery with Father Donald Murrin officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Marjorie Bethea, 85, died June 19, 2007. She was born December 23, 1921 to the late Carroll Dewoody and Nova Ray Culpepper. She was a retiree of J.C. Penney's advertising department. She attended Carr Memorial United Methodist Church, and was a member of the United Methodist Women. She enjoyed reading. She is survived by her sons, Michael Frank Bethea and wife Julie of Maumelle, and Bill Bethea and fiancee Denise Pearson of Conway; two daughters, Nova Ann Brooks and husband Leroy of Manhattan, KS, and Christy Nouzovsky and husband Dean of Woodlawn; 10 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Harrison "Monk" Bethea; her parents, an infant son, Fred Harrison Bethea, Jr.; a granddaughter, Staci Moody; a brother, J.D. Culpepper; and two sisters, Jeanette Creed and Helen Turner. Services were held at the chapel of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors with Rev. Mary Susan Hilliard officiating. Interment was at Bellwood Cemetery.
NEWPORT, ARKANSAS: William Bethel, Sr., 45, died January 6, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Vickie Bethel; two sons, William Bethel, Jr. and Ashley Bethel, both of Newport; a daughter, Kandace Bethel of Missouri; two sisters, Diana Thompson of Newport and Nellie Cordell of Russellville; and two brothers, Georgie Bethel and Johnny Bethel, both of Newport. He was preceded in death by his parents, Leo and Dixie McFall Bethel. Burial was at Sandhill Cemetery by Dillinger Funeral Home.
CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Arthur David "Tobe" Betterton died September 3, 1947. He was born September 24, 1876 to Simeon Ashley and Pharaby Lee Betterton. He was a Mason, and attended Mountain View Methodist Church. He was survived by his wife, Laura Naomi "Oma" Perry Betterton; two daughters, Opal Parker of Alma, and Mrs. Beryl Cook of Mobile, AL; 5 grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Will Boatright of Alma; and three brothers, J.A. Betterton of Sallisaw, OK, Floyd Betterton of Sulphur Springs, and H.N. Betterton of Alma. Services were held at Mountain View Methodist Church. Burial with Masonic rites was at Grace Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Edwards Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Veteral Wilkerson Betterton, 76, died January 12, 2006. She was born July 5, 1929 to Ed Wilkerson and Ruth Godfrey Wilkerson. She worked at Newcomb's Drug for over 35 years. She enjoyed movies, dining out, and shopping. She attended the First Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Danny Betterton of Keiser and Donald Betterton of Osceola; two daughters, Betty Hepler of Keiser and Dianna Lynn Betterton of Osceola; 9 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.D. Betterton; two sons, Dennis Kaye Betterton and David Betterton; five brothers; and four sisters. Burial was at Ermen Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
EARLE, ARKANSAS: George Betts, 57, died August 22, 2001. He was a maintenance department worker for Earle Industries. Survivors include his wife, Jewel Betts; three daughters, Charlene Gibbs of Marion, Christine Elizabeth Betts of Mississippi and Donna Kurby of West Memphis; two sons, Otis Davis of West Memphis and Arthur Wilson of Earle; four sisters, Janie Betts of Kansas City, MO, Wilma Lofton, Hattie Smith and Jane Smith, all of West Helena; a brother, Bobby Leon Davis of Kansas City, MO; and his mother, Christine Smith of West Helena. Interment was at St. Luke Cemetery in Earle under the direction of W.H. Johnson Funeral Home Chapel of Earle, AR.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Glenna Betts, 92, died on July 16, 1996. She was born on September 17, 1903 to Jeff Lee and Octa V. McGaugh Brown. She was a homemaker, and attended Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Lowell. She is survived by a daughter; a granddaughter; and two sisters. Interment was at Spring Creek Cemetery near Lowell under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home of Siloam Springs, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Estelle Triplett Bettwy, 85, died October 3, 2005. She was born August 9, 1920 to Frank and Ruth Triplett. She studied at Marjorie Webster College in Washington, DC, and also at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, where she was a member of Chi Omega sorority. She attended the First Presbyterian Church. She enjoyed playing bridge, birdwatching, ballroom dancing, and traveling. Survivors include her daughters, Caroline Jover of Alicante, Spain, Laura Ryan of Grapevine, TX, and Patricia Bell of Corona, CA; a sister, Caroline Briggs of Pine Bluff; and 5 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 62 years, William F. Bettwy; her parents; and a sister, Patsy McGeorge. Services were held at First Presbyterian Church. Burial was at Bellwood Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Lois Juanita Beverage, 90, died August 5, 2011 at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville. She was born January 18, 1921 in North Platte, NE to Leroy and Nellie Matthews Allen. She attended the First Baptist Church of Prairie Grove. She is survived by a daughter, Beverly Waters of Vinita, OK; a son, Berl Allen Beverage of Prairie Grove; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Berl Arlie Beverage. Interment was at the Tahlequah City Cemetery in Tahlequah, OK under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
POTTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Windell O. Beverage, Sr., 72, died June 22, 2006. He was born May 11, 1934 to William and Martha Jane Summers Beverage. He was a retired service technician for Sears. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and attended the Pottsville Assembly of God. He is survived by his wife, Sylvia Beverage; four sons and three daughters-in-law, Windell, Jr. and Cheya Beverage of Clarksville, David Lee and Verna Fowler of Bartlesville, OK, Robert Lee, Jr. and Chrystal Fowler of Atkins, and Carl Fowler of Little Rock; a daughter, Elizabeth Ann Sullins of Cave City; 17 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren (and one on the way). He was preceded in death by his parents; and a brother, Leo Beverage. Services were held at Pottsville Assembly of God with Rev. David Owens and Rev. Larry Horn officiating. Burial was at Pisgah Cemetery with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Fawny Bevill, 89, died September 27, 2000. He was born May 29, 1911 to the late Robert Emmett and Aletha Della Dewese Bevill. He was a former store and gasoline station owner, as well as an automobile mechanic. He attended Valley Home Baptist Church in Hollis, AR. He is survived by a daughter, Verna Lee Barnes of Russellville; two brothers, Hershel Bevill of Nashville, AR and Clyde Bevill of Rockdale, CA; and three sisters, Ideal Gilbert of Pasadena, TX, Irene Henry of Oakley, CA, and Irma Turner of Coquille, OR. He was preceded in death by his parents; two wives, Davie J. Bevill and Julia E. Bevill; and three brothers, Dana, Truman and Lantice Bevill. Services were held at Valley Home Baptist Church with Bro. Kenny Vosburg officiating. Burial was at Bluff Springs Cemetery with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Mavis Bevill, 83, passed away March 7, 2009. She is survived by a son, Larry Bevill and wife Savannah; a granddaughter, Sharron Billington; a randson, Jerrell Bevill; a step-grandson, James DeBoser; and two great-grandsons. Cremation arrangements were handled by Westbrook Funeral Home.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Izora Freeda Bezzard, 74, died August 6, 2002. She attended Calvary Baptist Church in Lepanto. Survivors include a son, Marty McClure of Tyronza; two daughters, Joann Pearson of Mountain Home and Robin Griggs of Dell; two brothers, Terry Neal of Newport and Grover Neal of Horseshoe Bend; 8 grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Wilson Funeral Home. Burial was at Potters Cemetery in Lepanto.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: H.C. Bickers, who formerly lived in this city, died at the home of a son, near Alonzo, Monday (Jan 20, 1913) morning of complications arising from pneumonia and old age, he being nearly 70 years old. The deceased came to this state from Illinois about twenty five years ago and has spent most of his time at farming, although he devoted some of his time to the ministry, being a Missionary Baptist minister, and lived at Floral, Pleasant Plains, Old Trough and in this city. He was a man of wonderful energy, great enthusiasm, and did a great deal of hard work in his younger days. He is survived by nine children, two girls and seven boys, among them H.A. Bickers, an attorney, and Ray Bickers, the oil inspector, of this city. Interment will be made in this city tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 under the auspices of the local I.O.O. F. Lodge. [Born 23 Oct 1844, died 20 Jan 1913]
PARKIN, ARKANSAS: Rebecca Biddy, 90, died October 17, 2002. She attended the Parkin First Baptist Church. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Garden Club. She is survived by a daughter, Judy Biddy Hile of Spring, TX; a sister, Jean Moss of Chattanooga, TN; a brother, Lovell Maddox of Chattanooga; 3 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rudolph Biddy. Services were held at Parkin First Baptist Church. Burial was at Crittenden Memorial under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Jewel M. Bierbaum, 89, passed away on February 1, 2006. She was a retired school teacher, and was a member of the Ashley County Retired Teachers' Association. She attended the First Baptist Church in Hamburg. Survivors include a sister, Patty Johnson of Bastrop, LA; 6 nieces and nephews and several great-nieces and great-nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Otis Bierbaum; two brothers, Joe & R.L. Cope; and three sisters, Eula Seboth, Margurite Cone and Inez Cope. Services were held at the First Baptist Church with Dr. Bobby Pennington and Rev. Klois Hargis officiating. Burial was at Pinewood Memorial Park under the direction of Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
ST. VINCENT, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Bilgischer died August 27, 2007. She was born August 28, 1918 to Valentine and Anne Pfeifer. She is survived by a son, Jim Bilgischer of Bella Vista; her granddaughters, Donna Bilgischer, Lisa Lowther, Elaine Hunter, Janet Sewell and Julie Lisle; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Adolph Bilgischer. Services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church in St. Vincent. Arrangements were handled by Harris Funeral Home.
NASHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Georgeann Boozer Billings, 50, died August 30, 2007. She was born December 9, 1956 to George W. and Helen Jones Boozer. She was a case manager at the Howard County Children's Center. She enjoyed crafting, crocheting, and reading. She was a member of the Sunset Church of Christ. She attended Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, and during her time there, was a member of Gamma Beta Phi. Survivors include her husband, Lonnie Billings; three sons, Ralph Dwight Webb, Lonnie Ray Billings II, and Jesus Hernandez, all of Nashville; her mother, Helen Boozer; three brothers, Gary Boozer of Mineral Springs, Stephen and wife Daphne Boozer of North Little Rock, and David and wife Michelle Boozer of Fort Smith; a granddaughter; a special friend, Cheryl Holderfield of Little Rock; her family and clients at Howard County Children's Center; and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, George W. Boozer; and grandparents, George and Bessie Boozer, and Ann Jones Brands. Services were held at Sunset Church of Christ with David Williams officiating. Burial was at Ozan Cemetery with arrangements by Nashville Funeral Home.
CARLISLE, ARKANSAS: William A. "Butch" Billings, 38, died June 21, 1986. He was a foreman for the City of Lonoke Water Department. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Cora Etta Isbell Billings; two sons, Alex Billings and Mark Billings, both of Carlisle; a stepson, Joe Daniels of Carlisle; a stepdaughter, Julie Daniels of Carlisle; his mother, Gladys Billings of Jacksonville; two brothers, Bennie Billings and Robert Billings, both of Lonoke; and a sister, Mary Billings Roach of Jacksonville. Services were held at Hamilton Baptist Church. Burial was at Concord Cemetery with arrangements by Boyd Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Bruce Montgomery Billingsley, 85, died December 9, 2006. He was born July 6, 1921 to Ben and Janie Billingsley. He retired from the U.S. Navy and also from Alcoa. He attended New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church. He was a member of the Fleet Reserve and the VFW. He is survived by three sisters, Inez Hart of Salem, Bennie Purifoy of Bauxite and Nell Massey and husband Leon of Traskwood; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Maxine Billingsley; three brothers, Robert, Tom and Joe Billingsley; and a sister, Elaine Pettus. Burial was at Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Duluth Billips, 95, died October 23, 2009. He was born December 5, 1913 to the late Amos and Sena Billips. He is survived by his wife, Fannie Haynes Billips; a daughter, Mary Huddleston of Pocahontas; a son, Calvin Billips of Paragould; a stepson, Jerry Haynes of Pocahontas; a sister, Vernie Cates of Doniphan, MO; and several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a stepson; a stepdaughter; two sisters; three brothers; and a grandchild. Burial was at Masonic Cemetery by McNabb Funeral Home.
WHITE HALL, ARKANSAS: Alveria Lowrimore Billiter, 81, died September 23, 2002. She was born November 2, 1920 to the late James William Lowrimore and Martha Jane Johnson Lowrimore. During World War II, she worked as a welder in the shipyards of Chesapeake Bay, building the "Liberty Ships." Later, she worked at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, from which she retired. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She is survived by two sons, Mack Billiter of Houston and Charles Billiter of White Hall; a daughter, Diane Thomas of Plumerville; a brother, William Erskine Lowrimore of Glen Burnie, Maryland; 6 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mack Boles Billiter. Services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Pine Bluff. Burial was at Graceland Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
OMAHA, ARKANSAS: George Edward Bilyeu, 77, died June 1, 2006. He was born February 21, 1929 to Shird and Ella Rose Bilyeu. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and served in Korea. He retired from the Armco Steel Company, and was working at Lowe's in Branson, MO. He was a Baptist. He is survived by his wife, Elzie Marie Braswell Bilyeu; a son, Clifford Bilyeu; two grandchildren; a brother, Arlis Bilyeu; a sister, Maxine Fancher; and a host of other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; four brothers; and a sister. Services were held at Blue Eye First Baptist Church with Pastor Kenny Robinette and Rev. Freddy Blevins officiating. Interment was at Blue Eye Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Lena H. Binney, 74, died February 5, 1975. She was born April 11, 1900. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Clarence Binney; a son, Kenneth Rosenberg; four sisters, Dorothy May, Anna McCormick; Linda Stenzel, and Sophia Rodgers; and 5 grandchildren. Burial was at Mount Comfort Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
SUBIACO, ARKANSAS: John S. Binz, 89, died July 28, 2007. He was born December 24, 1917 to the late Stephen C. and Anna Weisle Binz. He was a coal miner, and also a sand and gravel truck driver for Garland Cotton. He was a World War II veteran, and was a member of the DAV and the American Legion. He attended St. Benedict Catholic Church and was a member of the St. Benedict Men's Society. He enjoyed fishing. Survivors include his wife of 66 years, Regina Lux Binz; his sons, John Robert Binz and wife Bert of Subiaco and Garry Binz and wife Pam of New Blaine; his daughters, Margaret Ann Goodman and husband Tommy of Jacksonville, Johnettte Seiter and husband J.J. of Fort Smith, and Vicki Taylor and husband Joe of Fort Smith; a sister, Regina Schluterman of Subiaco; his brothers, Edward Binz of Paris, Lawrence Binz of Dallas, TX, and Robert Binz of Cedar Hill, TX; 15 grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a great-grandchild, Malachi Diaz. Services were held at St. Benedict Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Benedict Catholic Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Raleigh Birch, 75, died July 28, 2004. He was born September 24, 1928 to the late William Austin Birch and Clemmie Mae Chapman Birch. There are no immediate survivors. Cremation arrangements were handled by Griffin Funeral Service.
LITTLE RIVER COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Mary J. Bird died March 30, 1879. Burial was at the Catholic Cemetery.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Oneta Payne Bird, 84, died December 19, 2004. She was born on February 14, 1920 to the late Edgar Payne and Sara Duncan Payne. She attended the Morganton Community Church. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Luther W. Bird; and a daughter, Arvelle Bird. Survivors include her sons, Farrell Bird of Clinton, Darrell Bird of Clatskaine, Oregon, and David Bird of Conway; a brother, Winston Payne of Longview, WA; 15 other siblings; 16 grandchildren; and many great- grandchildren. Services with Eastern Star Rites were held at the chapel of Griffin Leggett Funeral Home in Conway. Burial was at Blackwell Cemetery in Bee Branch, AR.
BIRDTOWN, ARKANSAS: Rosa Narsis Gordon Bird, 73, died August 21, 1967. She was born November 17, 1893 to the late Alex Gordon and Melvina Reid Gordon. She attended Pleasant Springs Baptist Church. She was survived by six sons; three daughters; two brothers; two sisters; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Pleasant Springs Baptist Church with Elder Carl Williams presiding. Interment was at Kilgore Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Coolidge Birge, 84, died May 22, 2008. He was born March 5, 1924 to David Albert and Mary Ellen Stamps Birge. He was a retired educator, and was also an auto mechanic. He enjoyed woodcrafting, making violins and clocks, antique cars, and storytelling. Survivors include his wife of over 65 years, Verba Lee Smith Birge; two sons and daughters-in-law, Dexter and Lynda Birge of Waxahachie, TX, and Carroll and Joy Birge of Little Rock; a daughter, Jerri Lynn Birge of De Queen; 8 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild; a brother, Byron Birge of Clinton, MO; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; his siblings, Oliver and Stanley Birge; and an infant brother and sister. Burial was at Valley Cemetery with arrangements by Chandler Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Minty Holmes Birt, 76, died December 29, 2000 at St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center in Little Rock. She was born April 18, 1924 in Louisiana to Houston Holmes, Sr. and Samanthia Irvin Holmes. She was a member of New Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, and the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by two sisters, Nina Holmes and Norma Holmes, both of Ferriday, LA; and four brothers, Houston Holmes, Jr. of Little Rock, Sie Holmes of North Little Rock, Jasper Holmes of Ferriday, LA and Robert Holmes of Waterproof, LA. She was preceded in death by her husband, Sylvester Birt; and a brother, L.T. Holmes. Services were held at New Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church at North Little Rock, and at Evening Star Missionary Baptist Church in Ferriday. Interment was at Concordia Cemetery in Ferriday with arrangements by Christian Way Funeral Home.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Meatus Bisbee, 89, died September 23, 2008. She was born October 30, 1918 to the late Mark Smedley and Altha Cook Smedley. She was a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by a daughter, Lavell Martello of Brooksville, FL; two sons and daughters-in-law, Billy and Jody Chambers of Dallas, TX, and Sherrel and Olive Chambers of Mena; two brothers, Ray Smedley and Bobby Smedley; four sisters, Gwen Fulton, Pat Couch, Bonnie Johnston, and Wanda Mulholand; 12 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Gearld Chambers; two brothers, Buck Smedley and Foy Smedley; and four sisters, Artie Milam, Betty Howard, Norma Jean Smedley, and Florence Walker. Services were held at Pleasant Grove Church of the Nazarene. Interment was at Pleasant Grove Cemetery at Cove with arrangements by Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Margaret A. Bishara, 82, died July 23, 2004. She was born September 27, 1922 to Asaad and Frida Awies in Jerusalem. Survivors include her husband, Bishara Bishara; four sons, Abdallah, Jamil, Albair and Maher Bishara; a daughter, Layla Boyd; 11 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church with Fr. Pierre Delfos officiating. Interment was at Rest Hills Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lynn T. Bishop, 89, died June 25, 1986. He was born July 4, 1896 to George and Toby Hall Bishop. He retired from Weyerhaeuser Lumber, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. He was survived by a daughter, Nell M. Smith of Fayetteville; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Lucy Mae Bittle, 100, died July 19, 2006. She was a homemaker, and attended Beech Street Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Bill Charles Bittle of Gurdon; daughters, Shirley Ann Ursery of Gurdon and Carolyn Trout of Gurdon; 11 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Andrew "Boss" Bittle; two sons, George Andrew Bittle, Jr. and Harold Lewis Bittle; three grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Burial was at Hart's Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Horne Funeral Home.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ocie Fern Bittle, 83, died August 3, 2005. She was born April 14, 1922 to the late Oliver and Emily Butler Knapp. She was a farmer, homemaker, and an employee of the Glove Corporation for over 30 years. She enjoyed sewing, camping, traveling, and yard work. She attended Cleburne County Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Wendell Bittle and his wife Betty; three daughters, Norma Jean Martin and her husband Sherlon, Kay Davis and her husband L.J., and Kathy Atkins and her husband Danny; two brothers, Edward Knapp and Dwayne Knapp; three sisters, Earlene Long, Violet Stewart, and Shirley Caudell; 13 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Thurman Bittle. Interment was at Cleburne County Memorial Gardens under the direction of Olmstead Funeral Home, Inc.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ima Lois Bivins, 92, died April 13, 2004. She was the daughter of the late J. W. and Myrtle Stokes Bivins. She was a retired school teacher, and had also retired from the Social Security Administration in Little Rock. She was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include four sisters, Avis Hightower and Iola Powell, both of Russellville, and Lucille Baskin and Betty Fowler, both of Clarksville; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Ocie Bivins and Verna Brown. Interment was at Kendall Cemetery with arrangements by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: Pearl May Bixler died November 25, 1918. She was born February 8, 1915. She was the daughter of B.A. Bixler. Interment was at Childers Cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Mrs. M.C. Bizzell, 68, died August 4, 1926. She was survived by her husband, M.C. Bizzell; and six children, J.M. Bizzell of Little Rock, M.C. Bizzell, Jr. of Little Rock, F.M. Bizzell of Heber Springs, E.H. Bizzell of Little Rock, and Mrs. R.M. Bentley of Jacksonville. Interment was at Evans Cemetery.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Bertil Bjork, 82, died January 25, 2002. He was born June 15, 1919 to the late Carl and Elsie Westinguard Bjork. He was a tool and dye maker, and attended the Church of God Pentecostal in Denver, AR. He is survived by his wife, Alice Alderman Bjork; six stepchildren, Della Pauley of Mountain View, MO, Richard Henderson of Golden, MO, Donna Richardson of Belvidere, IL, Linda Lambert of Sumung, IL, Dale Smith of Rockford, and David Henderson of Eureka Springs; a brother, Alder Bjork of Grand Junction, CO; and several other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Roger Bjork and Allen Bjork. Services were held at Nelson's Chapel of the Springs in Eureka Springs with Rev. Doug Grinder officiating. Interment was at Oak Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
SCOTT COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Dovie Dollie Holland Black died November 5, 1983. She was born December 10, 1893 to George and Penelope Manner Holland. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Wesley Black. Interment was at Pilot Prairie Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Keith LeRoy Black, 85, died December 25, 2006. He was born April 2, 1921 to Corwin E. and Loa Thornton Black. He was attended the Church of Christ in Prairie Grove. He was a cattleman and worked as a stone mason with E. Fay Jones. He studied sculpture under Willard Stone and Subrati Lahiri at the University of Arkansas, and was an award-winning Western and wildlife sculptor. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Dorris McSpadden Black; two sons, Richard Black and wife Louise of Fayetteville, and Russell Black and wife, Brenda of Prairie Grove; a sister, Joyce Milam of Kingsland, TX; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Church of Christ in Prairie Grove with Charles Jackson and Bill Hooten officiating. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Cleytus Blackburn, 97, died December 9, 2009. She was born March 29, 1912 to the late Ed and Lynda Jackson. She was a charter member of the First Baptist Church of Reyno, and was active with 4H. She is survived by a son, Dan (Vesta) Blackburn of Biggers; a sister, Aldena Ingram of Pocahontas; two sisters-in-law, Bonnie Jackson of Pocahontas and Peggy Jackson of Carlisle; 3 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Obel Blackburn; and a daughter, Emma Anne Blackburn. Interment was at Nelson Cemetery in Reyno with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
BAUXITE, ARKANSAS: Velma Ernestine Blackford, 66, died April 23, 2007. She was born March 5, 1941. She attended the First Assembly of God in Van Buren. She is survived by her mother, Hazel Winn of Van Buren; two sons, Allan Blackford and wife Toni of Benton, and Bobby Blackford of Bauxite; two brothers, B.J. Winn of Van Buren, and Larry Winn of Van Buren; two sisters, Beverly Bender of Van Buren and Cathy Winn of Van Buren; and a grandchild. She was preceded in death by her father, "Bill" Winn; and her husband, Robert "Ray" Blackford. Services were held at Hardwicke Funeral Home, and burial was at Lamar Cemetery. Local arrangements were handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Edward L. Blackmon died April 13, 2009. He was born May 8, 1927 to Arthur and Irene Blackmon. He was a longtime employee of the U.S. Civil Service, and attended First St. James Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon. He is survived by six sons, Brian Blackmon (Carolyn), Bruce Blackmon (Jackie), and Dewitt Tatum (Shirley), all of El Dorado, Charles Blackmon (Janice) of Richmond, VA, Immanuel Blackmon (Laconstance) of Detroit, MI, and Geroge Edward Blackmon of Louisiana; five sisters, Mary Ann Moses of Junction City, Robbie Tean Blackmon of El Dorado, Robbie Jean Ford of Farmerville, LA, Ophelia Banks (Willie) of Lillie, LA, and Annette Montgomery of Ruston, LA; and 19 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Lucy Blackmon; four brothers, Robert Blackmon, Lawrence James Blackmon, Arthur Blackmon, Jr. and Claudie Bray; and three sisters, Sweetie Mae Blackmon, Jimmy Cobb, and Katharine Glover. Services were held at First St. James Baptist Church with Rev. Roy Aaron officiating. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mary Jean Blacksher, 86, died September 16, 2009. She was born June 22, 1923 to Mack Trowbridge and Pearle Williams. She is survived by three sons, Mike Blacksher of Lowell, Jerry Blacksher of Prescott Valley, AZ, and Jim Blacksher of Upland, CA; 9 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Ridgeview Baptist Church. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville under the direction of Beard's Chapel Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Clara Bachus Blackwell, 81, died May 5, 2009. She was the daughter of the late William and Katie Gompf Kreipke. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Earl Blackwell; two daughters, Linda Garrett of Gainesville, TX, and Jane Little of Clarksville; a son, Leon Bachus of Lamar; two sisters, Dora Smith of Los Angeles, CA, and Irene Tanner of Wichita, KS; two stepchildren, John Blackwell of Decatur, IL, and Kay Peace of Camp Verde, AZ; 6 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Norman (Woody) Bachus, a granddaughter, Beverly Bewley; a sister; and four brothers. Burial was at Holman Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
DAMASCUS, ARKANSAS: Virgil Leon Blackwell, 77, died December 9, 2009. He was born June 30, 1932 to Alfred and Donie Blackwell. He is survived by his wife, Almenta Blackwell; eight daughters, Arlinda Blackwell English of Plumerville, Peggy Lee Blackwell of Russellville, Frances Smith of California, Sharon Boyd of Little Rock, Latonya Payne of Springfield, and Mae Lyon, Marcie Dillard and Darrell Dillard, all of Damascus; and 10 grandchildren. Services were held at St. Matthew No. 2 Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at the Odd Fellows Cemetery with arrangements by Wilson and Jarrett Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: E. Gibson (Gip) Blackwood, 68, died July 5, 1983. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blackwood. He was a retired auto parts salesman. He attended Sylvania Presbyterian Church, and was a member of the Cabot Masonic Lodge. Survivors include his wife, Mildred Griggs Blackwood; a daughter, Mary Jo Waters of Cabot; a sister, Rachel Vance of Sylvan Hills; and 2 grandsons. Services were held at the Cabot First Baptist Church. Burial was at Sylvania Cemetery under the direction of Cabot Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: John Ralph Blackwood, 85, died November 24, 2006. He was born July 8, 1921 to the late James A. Blackwood and Elizabeth Farris Blackwood. He was a World War II veteran. He retired from Smith Chevrolet-Cadillac after over 30 years of service, and was a member of the Legion of Leaders for 25 years. He attended the First Baptist Church of Fort Smith for over 50 years, and served as a deacon. Survivors include his wife of over 60 years, Nina Blackwood; his daughters, Marilou Marlar and husband Edwin of Tulsa, and Pamela Gulley and husband Mike of Fort Smith; 2 grandsons; and several nephews, nieces and other relatives. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Clarence, Gideon, and Robert; and three sisters, May, Georgia, and Ruby. Burial was at Roselawn Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
NASHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Oliver Blackwood, 88, died April 13, 2007. He was born September 7, 1918 to the late Allen Thurman and Lottie Ford Blackwood. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II, and was an inspector for the United States government. He is survived by a brother, Dale Blackwood and wife Kay of Houston, TX; two sisters, Oma Johnston and husband Bill of Redondo Beach, CA, and Charlotte Grantham and husband Rich of San Marino, CA; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and five siblings. Interment was at Liberty Cemetery in Minenral Springs with arrangements by Latimer Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Claudia L. Blagg, 91, died July 27, 2002. She was born May 19, 1911 to the late Arthur T. Lazenby and Callie Lazenby. She attended the First United Methodist Church of Dumas. She is survived by two sons, Berzent Blagg of Dumas and Jimmy Blagg of Mountain Home; a sister, Allineen Derrick of Cabot; 5 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Services were held the First United Methodist Church. Burial was at Walnut Lake Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Home.
CENTERTON, ARKANSAS: Orine Blair, 91, died February 26, 2007. She was born January 6, 1916 to Tom and Beaulah Vansickle Crank. She is survived by a sister, Mavis Graham; a nephew, Lyndol Cloe and wife Glenda of Rogers; a great-nephew; and a great-niece. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Dan Blair; and a sister, Lazelle Crank. Interment was at Barron Cemetery near Vaughn, AR with arrangements by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home of Bentonville, AR.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Robert Rex Blair, 56, died July 9, 1961. He was an insurance dealer, and was a former city official in Cabot. He was of the Baptist faith. He was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. F.P. Blair. He was survived by wife, Melba Gregg Blair; two brothers, Frank Blair and Pat Blair, both of Cabot; and two sisters, Mrs. E.L. Bailey of Cabot, and Mrs. C.W. Whayne of Longview, TX. Services were held at Cabot Baptist Church with Rev. H.L. Lipford and Rev. T.G. Jenkins officiating. Burial was at Mount Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Service.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Wanda Blake, 71, died October 7, 2009. She was a member of Downtown Church of Christ. She enjoyed gardening and her cats. She is survived by a son, Joey Blake of Jonesboro; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; her nieces and nephews; a brother, Howard Hill; and her beloved cats, Fluffy, Smokey, Patches, and Nibbles. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Blake; her parents, Dan and Versie Hill; and four brothers, Lloyd, Dean, Bill and Jim Hill. Interment was at Pine Log Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Farmers Union Funeral Home.
NASHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Leone Elder Blakely, 89, died March 5, 2006. She was born August 16, 1916 to the late Lindsay Thomas and Pearle Leone Ledford Elder. She was a retired clerk for the Howard County Tax Assessor's Office. She attended the First Baptist Church in Nashville. She was the widow of Henry Blakely. She is survived by four sons and daughters-in-law, Billy and Mary Blakely of Nashville, Bobby and Pat Blakely of Nashville, Ronny and Jeanne Blakely of Blaine, MN, and Ray and Shirley Blakely of Nashville; a brother and sister-in-law, Van and Janie Elder of Nashville; 8 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband; a son, Roy Blakely; a brother, Roy Thomas Elder; and a sister, Nita Belle Elder. Interment was at Nashville Cemetery with arrangements by Latimer Funeral Home.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Grace Blakley, 46, died January 8, 1952 at a Booneville hospital. She was born in June of 1905 to John Robert and Mary Boatright. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church. Survivors include her husband, H.R. Blakley; three sons, Raymond and Bunky Blakley of the home, and John Blakley of Huntsville; three daughters, Fern and Anna Lou Blakley of the home, and Helen Blakley of Huntsville; her father, of Springdale; three brothers, Albert and Ed Boatright of Springdale, and Elmer Boatright of California; three sisters, Mrs. Effie Dennis of Hindsville, Mrs. Alice Daniel of Springdale, and Mrs. Lucy Bailey of Johnson; and 4 grandchildren. Burial was at Stuckey Cemetery by Nelson Funeral Home.
POYEN, ARKANSAS: Veda Garner Blakely, 82, died February 22, 1988. She was born August 7, 1905. She was a Methodist. Survivors include a daughter, Mildred Bearden of Little Rock; a son, Raymond Blakely of Poyen; a grandchild; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Hugh Blakely. Burial was at Poyen Cemetery under the direction of Atkinson Funeral Home.
NEWARK, ARKANSAS: Wilbur Clark Blanchard, 71, died Saturday May 29, 1993. He was born September 18, 1921. He was a retired manager for a local rice dryer, and was also an evangelist who preached at non- denominational churches. He is survived by his wife, Ida Hutchison Blanchard; two sons, Wilbur Louis Blanchard and Uri Talmage Cheyenne; five daughters, Rose Blanchard, Laura Blanchard, Geneva Palmer, and Delia and Hazel. He was preceded in death by his parents, James C. and Pearl Belle Goss Blanchard; his brothers, Corydon Uri Hartley Blanchard, J.C. Blanchard, Paul Carroll Blanchard, and Robert Clifton Blanchard; three sisters, Martha Sisley, Amy Stevens, and Laura Simpson of Harrison; and 5 grandchildren. Interment was at Rehobeth Cemetery in Independence County, AR.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Debbie Bland, 46, died February 11, 2006. She was born December 1, 1959. She was a respiratory therapist, and worked at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center. Survivors include her daughters, Amber Mayhall and Ashley Bland, both of Fort Smith; a son, Jamie Patton of Van Buren; her mother, Patsy Johnson of Van Buren; a sister, Carol Bottoms of Van Buren; and 5 grandchildren. Interment was at Oak Cemetery with arrangements handled by Edwards Funeral Home.
LAKE CITY, ARKANSAS: Loretta M. Blankenship, 70, died December 6, 2008 at St. Bernard's Medical Center in Jonesboro. She was born February 4, 1938 in Missouri. She was a retired Craighead County Deputy Circuit Court Clerk, serving both the Jonesboro and Lake City courthouses, and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Lake City. She was a longtime Lake City resident. Survivors include her husband of 52 years, J.C. (Sonny) Blankenship; two daughters and sons-in-law, Tana and Jack Despain of Jonesboro, and Amanda and Kevin Turman of Houston, TX; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Eulis and Clara Davis; two brothers; and three sisters. Interment was at Jonesboro Memorial Park under the direction of Emerson Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Wanda Glee Blankenship, 83, died July 10, 2009 at Baptist Health Center. She was born October 22, 1925 in Carlisle, AR to Frank Walden and Mabel Hawkins Walden. She was an LPTN and a member of Sharon Missionary Baptist Church. She was a member of THEOS, and a former Worthy Matron in the Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include a daughter, Donna Blankenship of Benton; three sons, James P. (Liz) Blankenship, Ben (Sheila) Blankenship, and Roger "Bo" Blankenship, all of Benton; a sister, Lucille Hunnicutt of Louisiana; 7 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Edward Blankenship; her parents; and two brothers, Glen Walden and Ben Walden. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park by Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Mae Blanton, 88, died May 26, 2009. She was born August 8, 1920 to Marion Franklin and Mollie Elizabeth Mourton Philpot. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Mena. Interment was at Cherry Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Hall Funeral Service.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Billy Blasingame, 71, died November 29, 2006. He was a truck driver. He is survived by his wife, Caroline Blasingame; four children, Anna Hatfield (Steve), Daniel and Carla Blasingame, and Billie Kerr (C.H.); a brother, Cleveland Blasingame; 8 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery under the direction of Hardy Funeral Home.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Hurley Jay Blaylock, 85, died August 25, 2009. He was born June 24, 1924 to Albert and Maggie Mixon Blaylock. He was employed by Little Rock Water Company and Simmons Lumber Company in Booneville, both for 22 years. He attended the Assembly of God Church in Booneville. Survivors include his wife, Lois Blaylock; three daughters and sons-in-law, Brenda and Charles Dice of Prescott, Martha and Tommy Boyd of Mansfield, and Teresa and David Owens of Booneville; three sons and daughters-in-law, Charles and Shirley Blaylock of White Hall, Dee and Dawna Blaylock of Booneville, and Tommy and Brenda Blaylock of Booneville; a sister, Charlene Webb of Pine Bluff; a brother-in-law, Jay Martin and son George Martin of Booneville; 16 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Everett and Elmer Blaylock; two sisters, Willie Weaver and Ivanelle Blaylock; and a grandson, David Seth Owens. Services were held at Moore's Chapel Church in Waveland. Burial was at Moore's Chapel Cemetery by Booneville Funeral Service.
SWIFTON, ARKANSAS: Christine Blevins, 75, died September 17, 2007. She was born August 6, 1932 to the late Poley and Frances Kinder Jiles. She retired from the Swifton School Systems, and attended Murphy's Chapel Assembly of God. She is survived by two sons, David Blevins and wife Lynn, and Terry Blevins and wife Diana, all of Swifton; three daughters, Sharon George, Cindy Henderson and husband Rickey, and Debby Jiles and husband Dane, all of Tuckerman; 15 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.T. Blevins; and by her parents. Burial was at Haynes Cemetery near Swifton with arrangements by Higginbotham Funeral Service.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Pinky Mae Blevins, 89, died November 7, 2006. She attended Rockhill Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by her grandchildren, William Gartell and Evert Gartell of Fort Smith, Bill Blevins and Sam Blevins of Lynn, Ludie Tapp of Powhatan and Carolyn Fowler of Hoxie; 25 great-grandchildren; and 41 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jim Blevins; a son; and two granddaughters. Interment was at Powhatan Cemetery with arrangements by House-Gregg Funeral Home.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Theaster Blissett, 80, died on September 27, 2002. She was born on November 28, 1921 to George Alexander and Susan Wiggens. Survivors incldue three sisters, Annie L. Simmons of Palestine, Barbara Gates of Forrest City and Lillie N. Williams of Memphis. Services were held at the Williams Temple Church of God in Christ with Elder Napolean Grace officiating. Burial was at Casteel Cemetery with arrangements handled by Woodhouse Mortuary.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Ethel Ardalia Washington Blood, 63, died January 24, 2007. She was born March 3, 1943 to the late Joseph Washington and Cortez Washington. She earned a degree in Chemistry from Arkansas AM&N College (now the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff). She was a teacher in the Gould School District, and later moved to Seattle, WA. She retired from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She was a Catholic, and was the wife of Charles Blood. She is survived by two daughters, Constance Blood of Seattle and Ciara Washington of Pine Bluff; a brother, Joseph Washington of Myrtle Beach, SC; and two sisters, Sue Henderson of Pine Bluff and Mayotis Robinson of Memphis. Services were held at New Hope CME Church with Rev. Donald Murrin presiding. Burial was at Graceland Cemetery under the direction of P.K. Miller Funeral Home.
WABBASEKA, ARKANSAS: Raymond Lee Blood, 53, died April 24, 2007. He is survived by a brother, Larcil (Merdis) Blood of Pine Bluff; a sister, Blondell (Rufus) Avery of Stuttgart; an uncle, Roy (Bernice) Gray of Grady; an aunt, Eunice (Jessie) Barkins of Pine Bluff; several nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends. Services were held at the First Missionary Baptist Church in Stuttgart. Burial was at the Wabbaseka Cemetery under the direction of Liberty Mortuary of Stuttgart, AR.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Eli Bloyed died April 22, 1878. He was born April 25, 1786 to William and Keziah Barsheba Lord Bloyed, both of whom were born in Scotland. He married Mary "Polly" Graham Bloyed. Their children were Matilda, Peter, William, Kissiah, Pernetta, Seaborn, Alfred, Nelson, Taylor Isaac, Elizabeth, and Nancy. Taylor Isaac Bloyed and Nelson Bloyed were killed during the Civil War. Burial was at the West Fork Cemetery.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ruth E. Loerscher Blundon, 88, died October 30, 2003. She was born November 25, 1914 to the late Earnest Alfred and Thelma Bertha Brown Loerscher. She was a cook, and was of the Lutheran faith. She is survived by her husband, Ralph T. Blundon; a daughter and son-in-law, Doris M. and Len McLoud of Kingston; a son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Brook Blundon of Beverton, OR; two brothers, Harley and his wife, Lola Loerscher of Shelton, WA, and Earnest Loerscher of Elma, WA; 4 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Rudy Loerscher and Bernard Loerscher; two grandsons, Gary Kelley and Vance Kelley; and a granddaughter, Allison Blundon. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Service.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Levert Blunt, Sr., 85, died August 1, 2007. He was born September 18, 1921 to the late Robert Blunt and Lillie James Blunt. He was a retired self-employed auto mechanic, and was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He attended First Trinity Temple Church of God in Christ. Survivors include his wife, Mildred Benson Blunt; three sons, Robert A. Blunt and Clifton Blunt, both of Pine Bluff, and Avery Blunt of Little Rock; two daughters, Deloris Lovell of Pine Bluff, and Jamie Blunt of Jonesboro; a sister, Robbie London of Pine Bluff; 20 grandchildren; and 28 great-grandchildren. Services were held at First Trinity Temple Church of God in Christ. Burial was at the veterans' section of Graceland Cemetery with arrangements by Brown Funeral Home.
PERRY COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Clevie U. Blythe died during World War II on February 15, 1943. He was born March 22, 1918 to William T. and Hattie Jones Blythe. Interment was at Nooner Cemetery.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Mabel Burbank Boardman died February 14, 2002. She was a retired bookkeeper for Burbank Furniture. She is survived by her daughters, Kay Risor and Sharon Hanna of El Dorado; two sisters, Carnell Roberts and Agnes Collins; a brother, Ray Burbank; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Young's Funeral Directors.
WHITE HALL, ARKANSAS: Annette Bryant Boast, 92, died December 23, 2006. She was born November 10, 1914 to the late Claude and Bessie Williams Bryant. She was a charter member of Bethany Missionary Baptist Church, where she taught Sunday School and volunteered with Vacation Bible School. She had over thirty years of perfect Sunday School attendance. Survivors include two daughters, Matha Sterling of Farmer's Branch, TX, and Jamie Gwin of West Memphis; three sons, Jerrel and Wendell Boast, both of White Hall, and Waymon Boast of Bourbon, MO; a sister, Faye Maze of Trenton, GA; a brother, J.G. Bryant of Trenton, GA; 16 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; 5 step-grandchildren; 13 step great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of over 60 years, James Walter Boast; and a daughter, Arrie Beth Burns. Services were held at Bethany Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Mary L. Boatman, 80, died March 21, 1989. Survivors include a son, John Boatman of Beebe; a daughter, Lula Mae Fowlkes of Beebe; three sisters, Minnie Beavers of Cabot, Madie Milam of Beebe, and Linnie Beavers of Ward; 2 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walt Boatman. Burial was at Grissard Cemetery in El Paso under the direction of W.L. Westbrook Funeral Home.
HINDSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Cora Ethel Boatright, 71, died April 26, 1961 at her home. She was born December 29, 1889 in Crawford County to John and Molly George Byrd. She is survived by five sons, Dan of Hindsville, Gus of Huntsville, Rev. Hubert Boatright of Eldon, MO, Mark of Brea, CA, and Clarence of Norwalk, CA; six daughters, Mrs. Pearl Dutton and Mrs. Alice Witt, both of Hindsville, Mrs. Clara Lanningham of Springdale, Mrs. Mary Kaltang of Huntington Park, CA, Mrs. May Williams of Salinas, CA, and Mrs. Ruby Tucker of Bell, CA; three sisters, Mrs. Ora Roe of Fayetteville, Mrs. Lula Hulsizer of Norwalk, and Mrs. Alta Hulsizer of Lowell; three brothers. Homer Byrd of Norwalk, Elmer Byrd of Hindsville, and Floyd Byrd of Farmington; 41 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.C. Boatright. Services were held at Mountain Springs Church. Burial was at Boatright Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Della Boatright, 88, died May 26, 1998 at Rochier Heights Nursing Home in Fayetteville. She was born February 14, 1910 in Madison County to Green and Mary Stella Bell Byrd. She was a former employee of Washington Regional Medical Center and a member of the First Assembly of God Church. She is survived by two daughters, Hazel Bailey of Farmington, and Chloe Pierce of Fayetteville; two sisters, Leota Tincher of Farmington, and Artie McCratic of Springdale; 7 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren and several great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jerdon Jones Boatright; and two daughters, Lucille Baker and Charlene Evans. Burial was at the Farmington Cemetery with arrangements by Moore's Funeral Chapel.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Della Mae Boatright, 71, died May 13, 1977 at a local hospital. She was born October 1, 1905 in Wesley to Allan and Emma Elkins Boyd. She was a member of Saline Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Noble Boatright; three sons, Alvin, Bobby, and Earl of Springdale; three daughters, Mrs. Emma Wilson of Springdale, Mrs. Dorris Myers of Hope, and Mrs. Mary Lou Watson of Gladstone, WA; three sisters, Mrs. Martha Boatright of Springdale, Mrs. Ollie Byrd of Lincoln, NE, and Mrs. Minnie Byrd of Chelan, WA; 11 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Boatright Cemetery in Madison County, AR by Moore's Funeral Chapel.
AURORA, ARKANSAS: Hugh Boatright, 83, died February 23, 1931 in Aurora. He was born November 7, 1846 in Huntsville, and resided there and in the Aurora community practically all his life. He was a blacksmith by trade. He was a Confederate solder of the Civil War. Survivors include three sons and a daughter, Robert Boatright of Johnson, Walter Boatright of Aurora, Ed Boatright of Braggs, OK, and Mrs. Will Peters of Okmulgee, OK; two sisters, Mrs. S.B. Gilliland of Braggs, OK, and Mrs. Laura Heflin; and a brother, J.L. Boatright of Huntsville. Burial was at the Aurora Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jerdon Jones Boatright, 93, died September 3, 1975 at a local hospital. He was born May 4, 1882 in Madison County to John Chesley and Martha Alice Renfro Boatright. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Della Byrd Boatright; two daughters, Chloe Pierce (Walter) of Fayetteville, and Hazel Bailey (Chester) of Farmington; two stepdaughters, Lucille Baker (Delroy), and Charlene Evans (Ervin) of Fayetteville; a sister, Mrs. Dollie Rough of Tulsa, OK; two brothers, Sherman Boatright of Fayetteville, and Freeman Boatright of Goshen; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Service were held at the First Assembly of God Church. Burial was at the Farmington Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: John Robert Boatright, 84, died January 24, 1954 at his home. He was born April 2, 1869 in Madison County, AR to Hugh and Ann Lee Boatright. He was a former resident of Johnson, having been in Springdale for two years. He was a member of the Johnson Church of Christ. Survivors include three sons, Albert Boatright of Fayetteville, and Ed and Elmer Boatright, both of Springdale; three daughters, Mrs. Lucy Bailey of Johnson, Mrs. Alice Daniels of Springdale, and Mrs. Effie Dennis of Hindsville: a sister, Mrs. Nora Kuhn of Morris, OK: two brothers, Ed Boatright and Walter Boatright, both of Springdale: 33 grandchildren; and 42 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Johnson Church of Christ. Burial was at Stuckey Cemetery in Johnson by Callison-Sisco Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Ola Sue Gray Bobbitt, 88, died December 26, 2000 at her residence. She was born April 28, 1912 in Arkansas to Walter Lee and Mary Susan Cooper Gray. She was a registered nurse, and had worked in surgery units in Pine Bluff and Charity Hospital in New Orleans. She was past president of the Pine Bluff Women's Bowling Association, past vice president of the Arkansas Women's Bowling Association, and a member of the Women's International Bowling Congress. She was a recipient of Chamber of Commerce awards for the Yard of the Month, and the Yard of the Season. There are no known immediate surviving relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband of over 60 years, Claude James Bobbitt; two sisters, Marie Gray and Edna Rothwell; and two brothers, Elton Gray and Ulmont Gray. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Wilma Sherman Bocksnick, 52, died May 7, 2003. She was born April 12, 1951 to the late William Burl Sherman, Sr. and Nellie Kraus Sherman. She was co-owner of the Bocksnick Mobile Home Park. She is survived by her husband, Phil Bocksnick; a son and daughter-in-law, Josh and Cicelie Freeman of Dover; a daughter and son-in-law, Laryssa N. and John Rowe of Dover; a brother and sister-in-law, Paul and Flo Sherman of Dover; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Virginia and Roy Goates, Jr. of Pelsor and Flo and John Lamb of Dover; three stepsons, Ricky Bocksnick of Dover, Randy A. Bocksnick of London, and Phillip Bocksnick of Russellville; a stepdaughter, Teresa Walker of California; and 3 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Burl Sherman, Jr.; and a sister, Easter Mae Churchill. Services were held at the chapel of Shinn Funeral Service with Rev. Roy Goates, Jr. and Rev. Arlen Elmore officiating. Burial was at Lane Cemetery.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Retha Bodiford, 70, died July 9, 2003. She was born November 23, 1932 to the late Jewell and Arkie Rowan. She was a homemaker. She is survived by her sons, Jewell, James and Jerry Bodiford, all of Malvern; her daughters, Sara Northern and Joyce Rowan, both of Benton; 17 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Old Union Cemetery in Saline County, AR with arrangements handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Effie Armentha Stepp Boen, 86, passed away on February 8, 2006. She was a cook for the Oark Schools, and was a quilter. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by two daughters, Fay Knuckles of Lamar and Kay Davis of Fallsville; a son, Odell Boen of Clarksville; a brother, Reuben Stepp of Clarksville; a sister, Elva M. Boen; a great-aunt, 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.T. Boen; her parents, Suel M. and Sarah J. James Stepp; two sisters, Anna Hammons and Gladys Case; and a brother, Efton Stepp. Services were held at the Salus Free Holiness Church with the Revs. Clayton Rylee and Robert Boen officiating. Interment was at Rosetta Cemetery in Ozone with arrangements handled by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
LONOKE COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Luther Bogard died September 1, 1887. He was born December 16, 1879 to Jacob T. and Sarah A. Bogard. Burial was at Walters Chapel Cemetery.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Joan King Boggess, 73, died May 24, 2004. She attended England United Methodist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Jill Tausch of England; three brothers, Harold King, Sammy King and Randy King, all of Sheridan; and a sister, Kay McDonough of Edmondton, OK. Services were held at the Mulberry Cemetery Chapel, followed by entombment in the Mulberry Mausoleum under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Florence Gilbert Boggs, 80, died July 7, 2007. She was the daughter of the late Marvin "Slick" Gilbert and Della Wise Gilbert. She was a member of the Coal Hill VFW. Survivors include a daughter, Marlene Cooper and husband Jody of Clarksville; three sons, Robert Patterson and wife Georgiana of Hartman, Ronnie Patterson of Long Beach, CA, and Mike Patterson of Clarksville; a brother, Blackie Gilbert and wife Thelma of Clarksville; 7 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mitchell Boggs. Burial was in Lamar Cemetery under the direction of Hardwicke Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jobyna Williams Boggs, 76, died December 30, 2002. She was a daughter of the late Johnie and Belle Spicer Williams. She attended Mars Hill Presbyterian Church. Survivors include a son, Johnie Boggs of Russellville; 2 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; a brother, Wilson Williams of Fort Smith; two sisters, Jewel Holloway of Coal Hill and Janice Woods of Santa Ana, CA; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth Boggs; a great-grandson, Mason Lee Haze Cowan; and several brothers and sisters. Burial was at Bowden Cemetery at Pottsville with arrangements by Humphrey Funeral Service.
WABBASEKA, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Duff Bogy, 91, died September 9, 2002. She was born on July 1, 1911 to the late Lawrence Walker Duff and Ella Mae Lytle Duff. She was the postmistress of the Wabbaseka Post Office for over thirty years before retiring in 1978. She attended Wabbaseka United Methodist Church, where she was the pianist for over forty years. She is survived by her husband, Jesse Core Bogy, whom she married on April 5, 1931; a son, David Beauregard Bogy of El Cerrito, CA; three daughters, Barbara Thomas Lemmon and Sara "Sally" Bonnett, both of Dallas, and Nancy Graham of Little Rock; a sister, Thelma Quillen of North Little Rock; 5 grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Hoyt Duff, L.W. Duff, Jr. and Edward Taylor Duff; and three sisters, Hazel Gibson, Lillian Ragland, and Lois Mosley. Services were held at Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors with Rev. George Mitchell and Dr. Robert Clanton presiding. Burial was at Flat Bayou Cemetery.
LAMAR, ARKANSAS: Odean "Bud" Bohannon, 66, died January 16, 2004. He was the son of the late James Henry and Martha Susan Case Bohannon. He was a timber worker. He was preceded in death by a sister, Margaret E. Vaught; and a brother, Earnest Lee Bohannon. Burial was at the Oark Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Werner Bohlke 65, died November 24, 2006. He was born December 15, 1940 in Berlin, Germany to Karl Bohlke and Frieda Stralow Bohlke. He received his education in Berlin, and became a blacksmith and diesel mechanic. He was also a merchant seaman, and later worked at the Branchwood Golf Course. Survivors include his wife, Patricia Bohlke; a daughter, Marlis Dumke and husband Ralph of Berlin; two sisters, Anita Weiher and Ruth Matte, both of Berlin; and two grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by the Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: James Carl Bohn, 65, died April 3, 2005. He was born December 28, 1939 to Heber Wichmann Bohn and Nellie Helen Simonton Bohn. He was a Navy veteran, where he served as a speed key radio operator. He belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is survived by four brothers; Mark Bohn of Washington, Otto Bohn and Phillip Bohn, both of Florida, and Perry Bohn of North Carolina; and two sisters, Cynthia Johnson and Susan Adney, both of Little Rock. Interment was at Forest Hills Memorial Park with Bishop Kenneth Smith officiating. Arrangements were handled by Griffin Leggett Forest Hills Funeral Home.
NEWARK, ARKANSAS: Thelma Clayton Bojos, 91, died April 10, 2005. She was born May 27, 1913 to Walter and Jenny Riggs Clayton. She was a Jehovah's Witness and attended White Drive Kingdom Hall in Batesville. She worked for many years as a custom lamp shade designer, and had a great love for animals. Survivors include her daughter, Judy Butler and husband, Mark, of Newark; a stepdaughter, Irene Love of California; five grandchildren; a niece, Vickie Smith and husband, Shelby, of Newport; nephews, Roger, Denny, Donald Ray, Jerry, Gary, and George Clayton; three nieces, Patricia Ward, Ann Turbow, and Rita Clayton; and her special extended family, Kelly Branscum and Kristi Cossey. She was the widow of Ted Bojos, and was also preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, Lester, Hicks, and John Allen Clayton; a sister, Ilene Clayton; and a very dear friend, Bernice Heron. Services were held at Jackson's Newark Funeral Home Chapel with Dennis Howell officiating. Interment was at Lincoln-Ward Cemetery in Saffell, AR.
LEXA, ARKANSAS: Ruth J. Isabel Bokker, 90, died May 29, 2009. She was born May 18, 1919 to the late James H. Isabel and Margaret O. Isabel. She is survived by two sons, Phillip Bokker of Batesville, and George Bokker of El Reno, OK; five daughters, Frances Allen of Batesville, Ruth Ann Bady of St. Louis, MO, Helen Bowden of Washington, Debbie Ferebee of Lexa, and Denise Smith of West Helena; a brother, George Isabel of Tulsa, OK; 24 grandchildren; 37 great-grandchildren; and 12 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, George F. Bokker; four sisters, Gracie Danles, Beulah Arnold, Lucille Mooneyham, and Ethel Galutza; and two brothers, John Isabel and Henry Isabel. Interment was at Sunset Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Addie Lee Bolden, 88, died Sunday, April 1, 2007. She was a homemaker, and attended New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by five sons, Charles and wife Regina Bolden, Jerry Bolden, Terry Bolden, Tony Bolden and Ronald and wife Kim Bolden, all of Rockford, IL; four daughters, Emma Bolden, Dorothy and husband Kinnie Luster and Lois Bolden of Rockford and Mary Ann Bolden of Milwaukee, WI; a sister, Everlean McDaniel of Rockford; 33 grandchildren; and 30 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willie Bolden, Sr.; a son, Willie Bolden, Jr.; two daughters, Barbara Thrist and Pauline Harris; and her parents, Louis and Lena Clayton Jones. Services were held at New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Jessie Radford, Jr., presiding. Interment was at Westview Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Eddie Bolden, 97, died September 29, 2012. He was born August 18, 1915 in Lake Providence, LA to James and Lillie Moses Bolden. He is survived by his wife, Otelia Jones Bolden; a godchild, Harry Golden of DeSoto, TX; and his friends. Services were held at Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Forrest Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Carrie Boles died of consumption on July 31, 1883. She was approximately 20 years of age, and was an Episcopalian. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.J. Vaulx. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Thelma R. Boles, 86, died January 8, 1996. She was co-owner of a catering service in the Kansas City area, and was a baker at Bendix Corporation. She was a Baptist. Survivors include a son, Henry C. Boles of Janesville, WI; three daughters, Betty Reasor of Cabot, Thelma Purdom of Kansas City, MO, and Glenda Thorp of Sherrard, IL; 11 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Francis L. Boles. Burial was at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens in Kansas City.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Wilvin Eugene Bolin, 58, died February 20, 2007. He was born May 30, 1948 to the late Lawrence and Molly Surber Bolin. He worked as a meat cutter at Covington's Grocery for many years. He was also a rural mail carrier and a lawn care specialist. Among the surviving family members are his wife, Carolyn Bolin; a son, Joseph Carroll Bolin; four brothers, Willard Bolin, Bo Bolin, Bill Bolin, and Troy Bolin; four sisters, Irene Scott, Imogene Acree, Mildred Gabbard and Janice Rhodes; and many nieces, nephews, and other relatives. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister, Loretta Hill. Burial was at Union Valley Cemetery at Coy, AR under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Roger L. Bollenbacher, 75, died December 19, 2007. He was a retired engineer for Whirlpool Corporation, and was a former board member of Whirlpool Credit Union. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and attended Grand Avenue Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Cynthia Bollenbacher; a daughter, Donna Whittinghill of Muskogee, OK; two sons, David Bollenbacher of Dublin, TX, and Daniel Bollenbacher of North Webster, IN; a sister, Elaine Bondy of Estero, FL; a brother, Richard Bollenbacher of Fort Wayne, IN; and 7 grandchildren. Interment was at the U.S. National Cemetery under the direction of Edwards Funeral Home.
FORMOSA, ARKANSAS: Rubin Bethel Bomar died August 21, 1937. He was born April 4, 1872. He was the husband of Levettie J. Auvinshine Bomar. He was survived by 8 of his 12 children. Interment was at Quattlebaum Cemetery.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Evelyn Bombalicky, 94, died May 16, 2005. She was born February 2, 1911 to the late Edward A. and Kate Keleher Walter. She was of the Catholic faith. She is survived by 7 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Bombalicky; a son, Charles C. Bombalicky; a daughter, Eleanor C. Whitehead; and a grandson, Billy Whitehead. Burial was at St. Mary of the Lake Cemetery in Lakewood, NJ. Local arrangements were handled by Shinn Funeral Service.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Louis Eugene Bona, 93, died January 23, 2009. He was born July 27, 1915 to James S. Bona and Albina M. Bona. He was a graduate of the University of Arkansas with both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Civil Engineering. He worked for the Little Rock District Corps of Engineers, and was involved in the Arkansas River Navigation Project. In 1953, he left the Corps of Engineers and operated Kraftco, a hardware store. After 43 years, he retired at the age of 83. He served as president of the Arkansas Society of Professional Engineers, and also as president of the Arkansas Retail Hardware Association. He was a member of the Rotary Club; he was an honorary member of the West Little Rock Rotary Club, and a Paul Harris Fellow. He was a strong supporter of University of Arkansas sports, and belonged to the University of Arkansas Alumni Association. He traveled the world on tours with the Arkansas Arts Center. He is survived by seven children, Jerry Bona of Chicago, IL, Richard Bona and Donald Bona (Kay) of Little Rock, Judy Bona (Dale Evans) of Arlington, TX, Susan Bona of Little Rock, Betty Bona (Phil Pearlman) of Denver, CO, and Robert Bona (Melinda) of Little Rock; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Bona; a son, Ralph Bona; and two brothers, Robert Bona and his wife Eleanor Bona, and James Bona, Jr. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of Griffin-Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Annie Lee Farr Bonds, 77, died January 6, 2010. She worked at the VA Hospital for 31 years, and attended McAlmont Church of Christ. She is survived by two sons, Steven Bonds of Flower Mound, TX and Victor Bonds of Rochester, NY; 7 grandchildren; her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Johnny Bonds, Sr. Services were held at McAlmont Church of Christ. Interment was Rest in Peace Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Arlean Bonds, 22, died September 27, 1974. She was born September 2, 1952. Survivors include a daughter, Diane Bonds; four brothers, Willie Bonds, Joe L. Hall, Arthur Bonds and Charlie Bonds; her mother, Roberta Hall; and two sisters, Rosie Bonds and Luberta Bonds. Burial was at Carr Cemetery under the direction of Crumpler Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Edwin Bondurant, 92, died December 21, 2001 at Pathfinder Nursing Home. He was born August 1, 1909 in St. Joseph, LA to Joseph and Laura Bell Wooden Bondurant. He was a retired construction worker, and a member of Highland Baptist Church. He is survived by a sister, Josephine Countee of Wildomar, CA. He was preceded in death by his wife, Rosetta Philmon Bondurant. Services were held at Freedom Baptist Church in Altheimer. Interment was at the Wabbaseka Community Cemetery with arrangements by P.K. Miller Mortuary.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Marie Bone, 74, died January 6, 2009. She was a member of the Church of God of Prophecy in Hammond, IN. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Elvin Bone; a daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn and Mark Thomas of Springville, IN; her mother, Bertha Mae Hightower; and a grandson. She was preceded in death by her father, Ray Hightower; two brothers, Charles Ray Hightower and Raymond Hightower; and two grandchildren, Dustin and Tyler Thomas. Services were held at The Rock of Northeast Arkansas. Burial was at Shady Grove Cemetery near Bald Knob under the direction of Emerson Funeral Home.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Frances Pauline Bone, 83, died May 1, 2008 her residence. She was born June 11, 1924 to Winfield Scott and Cora Pearlie Crisco Vickery. She is survived by her husband, Bernard L. Bone; a daughter-in-law; a sister-in-law; 2 grandchildren; 3 great-granddaughters; 2 nephews; and a niece. She was preceded in death by a son; her parents; and a brother. Services were held at Reeves Pine Grove Church. Interment was at Reeves Cemetery by Qualls Batesville Funeral Service.
CLINTON, ARKANSAS: Stella Ruth Baker Bone, 90, passed away May 4, 2007. She was born August 28, 1916 to Orville and Lula Baker. She attended the First Baptist Church in Clinton. She is survived by a son, Jim Bone of Glendale, AZ; her daughters, Rachel Jean Anderson of Yuma, AZ and Mary Lou Jacobs of Clinton; a sister, Lula Lee Hudson of Carnesville, GA; 7 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren. Interment was at the Clinton Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Lester E. Bonesteel, 84, died January 3, 2005. He worked many years for Ford Motor Company, and retired from the Internal Revenue Service. He was a 50 year member and Past Master of King Solomon's Masonic Lodge. Survivors include a son, Raymond Bonesteel of Schenectady, NY; a daughter, Carol Sawyer of Hurst, TX; a brother, Edgar Bonesteel of Roanoke, VA; 5 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, Betty Kelley Bonesteel. A burial service was scheduled in Wyantskill, NY at a later date. Gross Funeral Home of Hot Springs, AR was in charge of local arrangements.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Lester Roy Bonner, 88, died May 4, 2006. He was born May 2, 1918 to the late Henry and Milley Bonner. He is survived by his daughters, Sue Davis (Frank) of Ward, and Marilyn Mettler of Cabot; a nephew, Charles "Skip" Bonner; his brothers, Hoyt Bonner and Fred Bonner; 8 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; 4 great-great grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Opal Lee Bonner; five brothers; and two sisters. Interment was at Blue Mountain Cemetery with arrangements by Thomas Funeral Service of Cabot, AR.
MONTROSE, ARKANSAS: Elizabeth Johnson Bonnette, 82, passed away January 14, 2006. She attended the Montrose Baptist Church. Survivors include a sister, Vera Harbor of Montrose; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Dewey Johnson and Victor Bonnette; and her parents, Thomas Henry and Hattie Lemley Burns. Services were held at Montrose Baptist Church. Burial was at Snyder Cemetery with arrangements by Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home.
MONTROSE, ARKANSAS: James Bonnette, 62, died February 15, 2009. He was born January 30, 1947 to the late Victor and Bernice Atwood Bonnette. Survivors include three sisters, Peggy Mathes of Panama City, FL, Carolyn Fioranelli of Greenville, MS, and Theresa Barnett of Crossett; two brothers, Roger Bonnette of Leland, MS, and Philip Bonnette of Lake Village; and several nieces and nephews. Burial was at Old Union Cemetery under the direction of Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Phyllis Quarah Book, 74, died December 28, 2004. She worked for many years as a sales associate for K-Mart. She was a member of the General Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Jay B. Book; two sons, Phil Stanley Book of Flint, MI, and Alan Wade Book of Piggott; a daughter, Suzanne Zacek of Piggott; two sisters, Violet Odean Haley of Mountain Home, and Esther Yvonna Vannada of Piggott; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, James Byron Book; and by her parents, George Monroe Kelley and Lola Pearl Miller. Burial was at Mitchell Cemetery at Greenway with arrangements by Irby Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: James Booker, 88, died December 23, 2006. He was born August 11, 1918. He owned a contracting business. He enjoyed fishing, and attended the First Christian Church. He is survived by two sons, Johnny Booker of Osceola and Stan Booker of Jonesboro; 7 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Agnes Young Booker; and a son, James Wayne Booker. Burial was at Mississippi County Memorial Gardens by Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Rev. Archie D. Boone, 73, died October 30, 1998. He was a son of the late Benjamin Harrison and Nona Ester Franklin Boone. He was a World War II veteran and a carpenter. As a minister, he served as pastor of Clarksville Christian Church for over four years, and also at the Indian Mission in Henryetta, OK for 16 years. He is survived by his wife, Minnie Doris Harris Boone; three daughters, Jo Ann Hill, Doris Jean Clark, and Catherine Sue Allen, all of Clarksville; a son, Charles Ray Boone of Clarksville; a brother, Ben Boone, Jr. of Spiro, OK; 9 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Clarksville Christian Church with Rev. Jeff Doherty and Rev. Sam Howell officiating. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Daniel Marshall Boone, 71, died November 23, 2008. He was born January 18, 1937 to J.B. and Vita Everett Boone. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John Alan and Katherine Boone of Searcy; two cousins, Edward Parrett and Troy Parrett; and a sister-in-law, DeLoise Smith. He was preceded in death by his parents, and a brother, Eddie Boone. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Roy E. Boone, 58, died August 20, 1950. He was an electrician, and worked for Alcoa. He was a veteran of World War I, and a member of the American Legion. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Allie Warren of Benton; and five brothers, Jim Boone of North Little Rock; and Henry Boone, Frank Boone, Max Boone and Allen Boone, all of Little Rock. Services were held at Mount Carmel Church. Burial was at Pinecrest Memorial Park.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Napoleon Boone died on July 15, 1990. He was born on February 3, 1919. He was the husband of Lillie Mae Buffington Boone, and had six children: Willie, Alymer, Faye, Edward, Jerry, and Sammy. Interment was at the Mount Zion Cemetery in Union County, AR.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Felix J. Booten, 89, died March 24, 2007. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a past president of the local National Letter Carriers Association, and was a Mason. He attended St. Paul United Methodist Church in Jonesboro. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Sherry and David Buss of St. Louis MO; a son and daughter-in-law, John H. and Pat Booten of Germantown TN; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, LaVerne Booten; his parents Harvey and Mattie Booten; and a brother, Richard Booten. Services were held at the chapel of Gregg Funeral Home with Revs. John Soward, Patty Soward, and Bonnie Sutton officiating. Burial was at Oaklawn Cemetery.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Florine Booth, 83, died January 12, 2000. She was born January 26, 1916. She was a retired licensed practical nurse, and attended Garrett Memorial Baptist Church. Among the survivors are two sons, Cliffton C. Booth of La Verne, CA, and William E. Booth of Hutchinson, KS; 6 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cliffton H. Booth; and a daughter, Martha Sue Booth. Services were held at Herndon Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. Mike Harmon presiding. Burial was at Memory Gardens Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Michael Densmore Booth, 48, died July 2, 2004. He was born October 18, 1955 to the late Andrew Gordon and Carol Grace Pedersen Booth. He was a carpenter. He is survived by two brothers, Scott Booth of North Little Rock, and Gary Booth of Schererville, IN; a sister, Jennifer DeWitt of Blue Island, IL; and other relatives and friends. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Sharon Gay Booth, age 7, died October 8, 1950. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Booth. She was a student at Maple Grove Elementary School. She was survived by her parents; a sister, Judy Ann Booth; a brother, Jerry Lee Booth; and a grandfather, Elisha Booth. Burial was at the Rogers Cemetery under the direction of Callison-Porter Funeral Home.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Geneva Boothe, 79, died December 19, 2006. She was born February 10, 1927 to the late Samuel and Florence Morgan Box. She was a housewife, and was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include a daughter, Carolyn Gaffga of Berryville; four sons, David Boothe, Coy Boothe, Johnny Boothe, all of Berryville and Samuel Boothe of Camden, MO; 16 grandchildren; and several great- grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Doy Boothe; five brothers, Hubert Box, Jesse Box, Johnny Rosco Box, Barney Box, and James Robert Box; and three sisters, Ruby Boothe, Nancy Alice Box, and Blanche Box. Interment was at Blue Eye Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
HAZEN, ARKANSAS: Ona Maude Boothe died March 7, 1907. She was born December 13, 1906 to M.F. and Margaret Louise Bloomhart Boothe. Interment was at Hazen Cemetery.
OZAN, ARKANSAS: Tollie Boozer, 71, died September 7, 2001. He was born February 4, 1930. He was a retiree of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and was an Army veteran. He attended St. Peter CME Church. He is survived by his wife, Bobbie J. Boozer; six children, Desi E. Boozer of Warrenburgh, MO, Lannie Boozer Harper, Deborah Boozer, James A. Marshall and Gloria J. Marshall of Cleveland, and Lee Vester Davis of Miami; a brother, Ralph Draper of Vallejo, CA; three sisters, Annie Harris of Nashville, AR, and Helen Simmons and Eva Banks of Cleveland; 18 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at St. Peter CME Church. Burial was at St. Peter Cemetery with arrangements by Hicks Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Leonard Donald Borchardt, 74, died January 11, 2005 at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville. He was born December 23, 1930 in Plainview, TX to Fred Borchardt and Julia Christine Koenig. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his wife, Dortha Donaghey Borchardt; two daughters, Christine Borchardt and Donnette Roberts, both of Lincoln; and a grandson. He was preceded in death by a brother, Carl Borchardt. Interment was at Beaty Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LAMAR, ARKANSAS: Clarence Ray Boring, 72, died August 11, 2000 at an area nursing home. He was born July 24, 1928. He was a retired truck driver and farmer, and a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. There were no known surviving relatives. Interment was at Lee Cemetery in Clarksville with arrangements by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Carolyn Louise Borman, 55, died April 17, 2007. She was born January 30, 1952 to the late Francis and Lillie Mae Kidd Duncan. She worked at Lennox Industries, and attended Harmony Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Leslie Bain Wallace and husband Terry of Bentonville; a brother, James Duncan of DeWitt; a sister, Barbara Duncan of Little Rock; and two granddaughters. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Borman. Services were held at Harmony Baptist Church with Bro. David Inzer officiating. Burial was at Cedarcrest Cemetery in DeWitt under the direction of Turpin Funeral Home of Stuttgart, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Sim Borum died in September of 1911. He was the son of the late William Borum. He was from Johnson, AR, and attended the Johnson Baptist Church. He died at the State Hospital For Nervous Diseases. Burial was at the hospital cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Alex "Pop" Boryschtsck, Sr., 81, died May 26, 2006. He is survived by a son, Alex Boryschtsck, Jr.; a grandson; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Holiness Tabernacle in Cabot. Funeral arrangements were handled by Thomas Funeral Service.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Marius Boschetti died June 20, 2007. He was born March 26, 1914 to the late Isidore Boschetti and Leopoldine Questiaux Boschetti. He was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps, and had worked for the Pine Bluff School of Aviation. Following the war, he worked at the Pine Bluff Arsenal and the Dierks (now Weyerhaeuser) Paper Mill. He belonged to the United Paper Mill Workers' Union Local #936, and served as treasurer until his retirement. He was a volunteer for Neighbor to Neighbor, and was presented with the Smothers Award for volunteerism. He attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, where he served as a Eucharistic Minister for shut-ins and the sick. Survivors include two sons, George Russell "Rusty" Jacobs of Fort Smith, and Michael Marius Boschetti of Little Rock; a daughter, Dale Boschetti Fiske of Little Rock; 8 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and a brother, Ernest Boschetti of Pine Bluff. He was preceded in death by his wife of 58 years, Evelyn Weir Jacobs; two brothers, Edgar Boschetti and Arthur Boschetti; and two sisters, Frances Hillegas and Irene Jones. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Monsignor Jack Harris officiating. Burial was at Graceland Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Vera Moreland Boschetti, 77, died December 20, 2006. She was born April 16, 1929 to the late Clinton M. Moreland and Pearl G. Arthur. She attended the Judkins School of Business in Pine Bluff, and worked as an accountant for Georgia Pacific. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, where she was a member of the Altar Society. She was also a member of the AARP. She is survived by her husband, Ernest Boschetti; and a sister, Peggy Grisham of Planada, CA. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Arthur Johnson; and two sisters, Virginia Nutt and Audrey Johnson. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Monsignor Jack D. Harris officiating. Interment followed at Graceland Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: James F. Boswell, 83, died September 25, 2000 at St. Joseph Medical Center in Hot Springs. He was born February 17, 1917 to Nancy Margaret Rowsey and Silas Wright Boswell, Jr. He worked at Southwestern Transportation, and was a World War II Army veteran, having served in Iwo Jima and Guadacanal. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Pine Bluff, and attended St. John's Catholic Church in Hot Springs. He is survived by his caregiver, Susan Johnson of Hot Springs. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Joseph Boswell and John "Buddy" Boswell; and two sisters, Carolyn Boswell and Margaret Boswell McGeorge, all of Pine Bluff. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church at Pine Bluff. Interment was at St. Joseph Cemetery in Pine Bluff with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Norma June Bouldin, 67, died December 15, 2002. She was born in Somerville, MA to Thomas Ramsey and Hilda May Conquest. Survivors include her husband, Ralph T. Bouldin; a son, Tommy Tilton (Evanell) of Williston, FL; a daughter, Dorothy Barras (Drew) of Rose City, TX; two brothers, Earl Conquest of North Carolina, and James Conquest of Bronson, FL; a sister, Avis Donahue of Phillipston, MA; and 2 grandsons. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Valerie Ackerman; her parents; and a brother, Edwin Conquest. Services were held at the Southwest Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Chenal Funeral Home.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Eva Louise Fiedler Bouse, 90, died January 7, 2007. She was born June 7, 1916 to the late George and Virgie Thompson Fiedler. She enjoyed farming, and sold produce at the Little Rock Farmers' Market. She is survived by her children, Emma Lou Morrow and Virginia West, both of Ward, and Charlotte Hirsch of Pasco, WA; a sister, Victoria Reece of Jonesboro; 7 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; 5 great-great grandchildren; two nieces; and three nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Roy Bouse; two brothers, Clifford and Leslie Fiedler; two sisters, Lodema Sherlock and Ada Fiedler; and a nephew, Leslie Charles Fiedler. Services were held at Victory Baptist Church in Cabot with Pastor Ted Patterson officiating. Interment was at Mt. Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Jane Bishop Bowden, 84, passed away October 24, 2003. She was born April 25, 1919 to the late Harmon F. and Elizabeth Meador Bishop. She was a retired registered nurse for the State of Texas school system, a member of Second Baptist Church and the WMU, and the widow of Jesse B. Bowden. Survivors include a son, Bryant Bowden of Benton; three grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives. Services were held at Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home chapel with Rev. Benny Grant officiating. Interment was at Richland Cemetery.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Nancy Lou Bowden, 65, died August 28, 1997. She was born January 6, 1932 to Edgar Hill and Rebecca Dameron Williams. She was a former owner of Jim's Grocery in West Fork, and attended the West Fork Presbyterian Church. She is survived by two sons, Paul Bowden and Hal Bowden; two daughters, Lydia Redmon and Fran Abuhaleema; her mother; a brother, Bill Williams; two sisters, Margaret Tooley and Lydia Jane Harbison; and 6 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Bowden; and a daughter. Burial was at West Fork Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
CAVE SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Frances L. Henington Bowen, 58, died December 29, 2006. She was born October 3, 1948 to William Franklin and Florence Violet Patterson Henington. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, David Bowen; a son, Gary Meadors of Cave Springs; a daughter, Tammy Montgomery of Wagoner, OK; three brothers, Jimmy Henington of Centerton, Lawrence Henington of Elm Springs, and James Henington of Springdale; 9 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson-Berna Funeral Home of Fayetteville, AR.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: H.L. Bowers died December 4, 1929. He was born December 25, 1847. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company C of the 1st North Carolina Junior Reserves. Interment was at Gravel Hill Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Clare Jobe Bowie, 77, died January 16, 2005. She was born to Nettie Beasley and Phillip J Jobe. She attended St. Paul United Methodist Church. She is survived by her son, Robert A. Bowie; a daughter, Eleanor K. Bowie; a sister-in-law, Lill Jobe; three nieces; two great-nieces; and her very special friends, Gloria Allen and Mary Mabry. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bobby B. Bowie; and a brother Bill B. Jobe. Graveside services were held at Roselawn Memorial Park with Rev. John Fleming officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ruebel Funeral Home.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Leroy Bowles, 76, died March 11, 2005. He was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include three daughters, Ellen Willis of Kibler, Shirley Robins of Dyer, and Vickie Sierra of Mountainburg; four sons, Donnie Bowles of Fort Smith, Roy Bowles of Rogers, Wayne Bowles of Van Buren and Leroy Bowles of Alma; a stepbrother, James Bowles of Wagoner, OK; 25 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Love Cemetery in Alma with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Garland Bowlet, 61, died August 7, 2006. He retired from Bekaert Corp. in Van Buren. Survivors include two daughters, Michelle Jones of Greenwood and Melissa Brewer of Fort Smith; two sisters, Betty Lomon of Fort Smith and Charlotte Dick of Barling; a brother, Terry Bowlet of Rudy; and 5 grandchildren. Interment of cremains was at Gill Cemetery under the direction of Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Mary Ann Mobley Bowlin, 73, passed away on December 16, 2005. She was born on July 2, 1932 to Hester Campbell and Roe Mobley. She owned Mary's Sugar-Free Candy Store at the mall in Rogers, AR. She enjoyed gardening, playing cards, hummingbirds and traveling. Survivors include three sons, Jim Box and his wife Lisa of Little Rock, AR, Larry Box and his wife Melinda of Germantown, TN, David Bowlin and his wife Roseann of Huntsville, AR; a brother, Arthur Scott Mobley and his wife Jean of Maryland; 7 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by both parents; her husband, Dennis Bowlin; a brother, John Mobley; and a sister, Faye Mobley. Interment was at the Clifty Cemetery in Clifty, AR with arrangements by Stockdale Funeral Services.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Violet Sybil Bowling, 77, died February 2, 1982. She was born September 29, 1904 to James and Mary David Parrish. She attended the Fayetteville First Assembly of God Church. Survivors include a son, James Bowling; three daughters, Lorine Ledbetter, Oleta Thomas, and Glenda McFee; four brothers, Hubert Parrish, Lambert Parrish, Glen Parrish, and Melvin Parrish; four sisters, Mae Johnson, Dorothy Lyons, Oneta Walker, and Evelyn Wise; 7 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Virgil K. Bowling. Burial was at Baptist Ford Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Anna Dupslaff Boyd, 70, died August 7, 1980. She was preceded in death by her husband, Guy B. Boyd. Services were held at Owens Funeral Home. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Betty Lou "Tony" Boyd died May 24, 2006. She is survived by three children, William J. Boyd, Katherine E. Boyd and Mary L. Boyd; a cousin, Nena Hendricks; and other cousins. Services were held at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Springdale, AR.
FOUNTAIN HILL, ARKANSAS: Florrie Boyd died April 23, 1914. She was born July 28, 1881. She was survived by her husband, T.P. Boyd; her mother; and two sons. Burial was at Flat Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Maida Tintsman Boyd, 93, died May 27, 1973. She is survived by a son, William T. Boyd of Conway; two daughters, Mrs. Noble Miller of Oklahoma, and Mrs. R.C. Taber of England; 11 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and 7 great-great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Lonoke Cemetery under the direction of Stevens Mortuary of Lonoke, AR.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Burley Mae Boyett, 87, died April 26, 2009. She was born October 28, 1921 to the late Thomas and Lulla Mae Ashley. She is survived by two sons, Morris Boyett (Sherry) of Paris, TN, and Jackie Boyett (Sukanya) of Carton, VA; five daughters, Sherley Brown (Leon) of Fort Smith, Alice Anderson (L.D.) of Osceola, Nancy Langston of Charleston, IL, Vickie Hart (Daniel) of Paris, TN and Lisa Burrow of Manila; 23 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; 6 great-great grandchildren; two sisters, Sue Lisenby of Malvern, and Ruby Majors of Bedford, IN; and a brother, Austin Ashley of Arizona. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; two sons; and a daughter. Interment was at Mississippi County Memorial Gardens under the direction of Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
WILMOT, ARKANSAS: Betty Boyette was born and died April 22, 1928. She was the daughter of James and Meta Boyette. Burial was at the Wilmot Cemetery.
WILMOT, ARKANSAS: James L. Boyette died October 30, 1902. He was born August 7, 1852. He was a Freemason, and was preceded in death by his wife, Addie A. Boyette. Burial was at Dry Bayou Cemetery.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Jon L. Boyles, 51, died December 26, 2009. He worked for Jacksonville Wastewater Utility. He was a member of Sylvania Evangelical Presbyterian Church, where he served as a deacon, elder, and Sunday School teacher. He enjoyed reading and rock collecting. He is survived by his wife, Jeanette Boyles; a daughter, Brittany Boyles of Ward; a sister, Dot O'Shields of Lynn Haven, FL; a sister-in-law, Laura Boyles of Memphis; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ura and Audrey Boyles; and a brother, Cullie Boyles. Burial was at Sylvania Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Carmella R. Box, 80, died September 18, 2007. She was born October 18, 1926 to the late Thomas and Elsie Victoria Raney Henry. She was a member of the VFW, and was a Baptist. Survivors include a son, Charles H. Box of Clarksville; three grandchildren, Carrie Thompson and husband Norman of Anchorage, AK, Vickie Romano and husband Andrew of Palmer, AK, and Charles D. Box and wife Becky of Clarksville; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Howard Box; and her parents. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery in Clarksville with arrangements by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
SPRING HILL, ARKANSAS: Marguerite Cox Bozarth, 76, died July 29, 2007. She was born April 10, 1931 to the late Sam Beasley and Mary Virginia Pirtle Cox. She was a seamstress for over 50 years. She worked at Shanhouse for 40 years, and later at Columbia Sewing Co. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband of nearly 60 years, Edward B. Bozarth; a son, Ronald Bozarth of Spring Hill; a daughter, Judith Anderson of Spring Hill; a brother, Chester Cox of Mount Pleasant, TX; a sister, Jewel Mitchel of Cape Girardeau, MO; 2 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. Burial was at Memory Gardens Cemetery in Hope by Brazzel-Oakcrest Funeral Home.
RECTOR, ARKANSAS: Frances Irene Mitchell Bracken, 71, died January 1, 2007. She was born July 23, 1935 to the late George and Eva Johnson Mitchell. She was a homemaker, and attended Union Home General Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Marion Merle Bracken of the home; two stepsons, Joe Bracken and Robert "Rusty" Bracken; three daughters and sons-in-law, Deborah Kay and Beryl Brakebill of Damascus, Diann and Russell White of Rector and Shannon and Corbin Hill of Rector; a stepdaughter and son-in-law, Shirley and Fred Edgeller of West Plains, Mo.; a brother, Junior Mitchell of Louisiana; three sisters, Annette Huckabay of Lafe, Alice Blocker of Kennett and Alberta Deshotel of Florida, 6 grandchildren; 5 step-grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and two step-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by the father of her children, James E. Burdin; two sons, Bobby James Burdin and Dallas George Burdin; two brothers, Otho Mitchell and Bobby Joe Mitchell, and a sister, Mary Frances Wells. Services were held at Irby Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Futrell Butler and Bro. David Winberry officiating. Interment was at Purcell Cemetery near Rector, AR.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Jeannette Elizabeth Bradbury, 71, died May 1, 2004. She was born November 13, 1932 to the late William and Doris Tinkum Whitten. She retired from civil service. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and attended the First United Methodist Church of Conway. Survivors include two daughters, Lisa Ann Burgess and Lori Ann Bradbury, both of Conway; two sons, Mark Stanley Bradbury of Bentonville and Wayne Andrew Bradbury of Tuscon, AZ; two sisters, Joyce Edwards of Lincoln, ME and Sonya Savage of Enfield, ME; a brother, Randolph Whitten of Brewer, ME; and 5 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Donald Clifford Bradbury. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church of Conway. Burial was at Crestlawn Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
BEE BRANCH, ARKANSAS: Opal Valentine Bradford, 92, died January 29, 2006. She was born November 4, 1913 to Henry and Rosa Lee Valentine. She attended Pine Mountain General Baptist Church. Among the survivors are three daughters, Jackie Kreutzer and husband Denny of Benton, Judy Harris and husband Jim of Houston, TX, and Robin Brumley and husband Malcom of Quitman; a son, Ronnie Gene Bradford of Bee Branch; three grandchildren, Jon W. Cox of Benton, Shawn Stobaugh of Morrilton and Roxanne King of Greenbrier; 5 great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews; and several honorary grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Troy "John" Bradford; a son, Jimmy Don Bradford; and a grandson, Scott Cox. Services were held at Pine Mountain General Baptist Church. Burial was at Pine Mountain Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home of Conway, AR.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Willie Theodore Bradford, 75, died January 14, 2005. He was born April 12, 1929 to Julie and Henry Bradford. He was retired from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) and was a member of St. Olive Missionary Baptist Church. He was known by two nicknames, "Babe" and "Catfish." He was preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Booker Bradford and two sisters, Rosine Jordan and Geraldine Bradford. Survivors include his wife of 51 years, Constance Bennett Moore Bradford; daughters, Debra Harris and her husband, Fred, and Shannon Coleman and her husband, Ben, of Little Rock and Brooke Jenkins of DeWitt; grandchildren, Ashley Clark, Alexis Clark and Kaylon Bradford of Little Rock, and Chase Jenkins of DeWitt; a great-granddaughter, Glynnis Pleasant of Little Rock; a sister, Jeannette Jackson of Chicago, IL; an uncle, Willie T. Bradford; aunts, Bernice Wilder and Ida Bell Key of DeWitt; a special son-in-law, Lee Clark and a host of nephews, nieces and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Unity Missionary Baptist Church in DeWitt with Rev. Ken Daniels officiating. Interment was at Morning Glory Cemetery in DeWitt with arrangements by Premier Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Catherine Bradley, 90, died November 1, 2002. She and her husband owned Bradley Grocery in Osceola. She attended the Osceola First United Methodist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Karen Maimon of Hollywood, FL. She was preceded in death by her husband, E.P. "Pop" Bradley. Services were held at Osceola United Methodist Church with Rev. Allen Rainey officiating. Burial was at Mississippi County Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Jack Brakman, 62, died December 29, 2006. He was born April 20, 1944 to the late Michael and Sophie Brakman. He was a general manager for Badge Master Incorporated. He was Jewish. He is survived by his sons, Jeremy Brakman of Florida and Seth Brakman of Indiana; and a sister, Roberta Field of Benton. Interment was at Pinecrest Cemetery with arrangements handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Murrell Etta Bramlett, age 3 years, died August 1, 1927. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monk Bramlett. She was survived by her parents; a sister, Mary Margaret Bramlett, and another infant sister. Burial was at Mount Carmel Cemetery. Note: Most records list her first name as Murrell, but at least one obituary listed it as "Merle".
HELENA, ARKANSAS: Elizabeth Branch, 50, died on January 8, 2006. Survivors include four children, Bernadette Branch, Betty Branch, Terry Branch and James Branch; two brothers, Willie Branch and Tommy Branch, a sister, Kristine Branch; 9 grandchildren; an aunt, Elizabeth McKinney; and two sisters-in-law, Joyce Branch of Mississippi and Georgia Branch of West Helena. Services were held at Beautiful Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Helena with Rev. Danny Robinson officiating. Burial was at Oak Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Brown's Home for Funerals, Inc.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: William A. Branch, 80, died January 7, 1959. He was born May 15, 1878. He was the husband of Leona Hendricks Branch. He was survived by a daughter, Mary Rice; a son, James Branch; 11 grandchildren; a niece; and several nephews. Services were held at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with Rev. George West officiating. Burial was at Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Clarence Bernard Brand, 82, died August 5, 2009. He was born April 13, 1927 to the late Clarence and May Brand. He is survived by his wife, Lucille Brand; two daughters and sons-in-law, Susan and John Gibson of Medina, OH and Sharon and Scott Miller of Pocahontas; a brother, Gene Brand of Walnut Ridge, 5 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Richard Brand; a sister, Beatrice Madden; and a brother, Cleburne Brand. Burial was at Lawrence Memorial Park under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
MARKED TREE, ARKANSAS: Ruby Brand, 80, of Marked Tree died October 20, 2002. She was a homemaker. She is survived by a sister, Wanda Holland of Texas; and a caregiver, Lavada Addison of Memphis. Interment was at Potters Cemetery in Lepanto, AR under the direction of Bartlett Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Maggie Adkins Brannon, 86, died November 8, 1964 in a Jacksonville hospital. She was a member of the Nazarene Church. Survivors include her husband, J.R. Brannon; two sons, Barney Brannon and Elmer Brannon of Cabot; three daughters, Mrs. Irene Nichols of Jacksonville, Mrs. Thelma Covell and Mrs. Audie Smith of North Little Rock; three half-sisters, Mrs. Bertha Hardcastle, Mrs. Maude Cavender and Mrs. Viola Crook of Jacksonville; 16 grandchildren; and 26 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Burial was at Bayou Meto Cemetery with arrangements by Bailey Funeral Home.
TIMBO, ARKANSAS: Mary Lou Morrison Branscum, 80, passed away June 6, 2006. She was born July 24, 1925 to the late William G. and Dora Mabel Short Morrison. She was a secretary and a bookkeeper. She attended Oak Grove Baptist Church in Timbo, and belonged to the Stone County Genealogical Society. Survivors include her husband, Ralph H. Branscum, Sr.; a son, Ralph H. Branscum, Jr.; a daughter, Karon L Branscum Sanchez of Eureka Springs; 6 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and four sisters, Juanita Carter of San Diego, CA, Merle Hunt of Wichita Falls, TX, Clara Goodloe of Pacific Beach, CA, and Jody Wagner of Topeka, KS. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, W.G. Morrison, Jr. A memorial service was held at Timbo Missionary Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Crouch Funeral Home.
ELM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Glen Brasel, 99, died December 10, 2006. He was born April 22, 1907 to Rich and Zona Casey Brasel. He was a retired poultry farmer, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Mary Libby Brasel; three daughters, Shirley Patton and husband Coy of Elm Springs, Gail Simpson and husband Mark, and Marsha Simpson and husband Terry, all of Gainesville, GA; a son, Charles Brasel and wife Twyla of Coal Hill; two brothers, Walter Brasel of Jasper and Joe Brasel of Coal Hill; 11 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Betty Jo Slaughter; and a son-in-law. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery under the direction of Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Kleadia Bratton, 96, died March 12, 2002 at Ouachita County Medical Center. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by three daughters, Angeline McBride of Arkadelphia, and Marilee Daniel and Sharon Casteel, both of Camden; two sons, William B. "Doug" Bratton Jr. of Camden, and Robert Bratton of Jacksonville; a sister, Rosie Butler of Memphis, TN; a brother, Hobert "Pete" Peterson of Reader; 13 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and 9 great-great grandchildren. Interment was at Turner Cemetery with arrangements by Proctor Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Gilbert Gay Braud, Sr. died May 13, 2007. He was born February 23, 1928 to Yves Pierre Braud and Pamela Braud. He was a financial manager for the Department of Human Services, and was a graduate of LSU. He was a World War II veteran, and was a retired master gunnery sergeant in the Marine Corps Reserve. He was a member of the VFW, the Marine Corps League, and the Cattlemen's Association. He attended St. Joseph Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Rachael Anne McKinney Braud; his sons, Alton Braud of Farmerville, LA; Steve Braud (Susie) of Conway; Gilbert G. Braud, Jr. (Colette) of Springfield; his daughters, Karen Boyd (Roger) of Chouderant, LA, and Terri Braud of Rhode Island; a stepdaughter, Roseanne Henson of Conway; his sisters, Gloria Gelpi, Glirma Babin, Joy Bodin and Jody LeBlanc, all of Baton Rouge, LA; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. A funeral Mass was held at St. Joseph Catholic Church near Center Ridge with Father John Yates and Father Charles Thessing officiating. Interment with military honors was at Kilgore Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Rubye A. Brautigan, 85, died April 30, 2007. She was a homemaker. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Phyllis and Robert McGrew of Little Rock; a son and daughter-in-law, Lawrence and Pat Brautigan of Fort Smith; a sister, Goldie Newton of Arkoma; 4 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Edwards Funeral Home. Burial was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Elmer Henry Brawner, 86, died March 30, 2007. He was born August 28, 1920 to the late John Henry and Florence Crocker Brawner. He was a retired production worker for General Motors, and was also a school bus driver for the Springdale School System. He was a U.S. Navy veteran. He enjoyed sports, and attended Oak Grove Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife of 64 years, Lucille Lee Brawner; a son, James Brawner and wife Janet of Mustang, OK; two daughters, Sonya Simpson and husband Don of Springdale, and Sherry Johnson and husband Robert of Commerce, TX; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; four brothers; and three sisters. Services were held at the Memorial Funeral Chapel with Rev. James Criswell and Rev. Guy Durkees officiating. Burial was at Elm Springs Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ada Boone Bray, 93, died August 20, 2006. She was a secretary at the Cathedral of St. Andrew from 1958 to 1989, and was honored by Pope John Paul II with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice award. She served as a volunteer for many years with St. Vincent's Auxiliary. Survivors include her daughters, Carroll Deller of Sherwood and Mary Simmons of Little Rock; 4 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Carson Bray; her parents, William and Ada Pollock Boone; a brother, William Boone; and a sister, Melanie Boone Crawford. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at the Cathedral of St. Andrew with Msgr. Scott L. Marczuk officiating. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home in Little Rock, AR.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Jewell Wilbanks Bray, 97, died November 28, 2006. She was born September 13, 1909. She was the retired owner of the B&B Food Market, and attended the First United Methodist Church of Benton. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Pat Wilbanks of Benton; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leslie Bray; her parents, Hattie and Walter Wilbanks; and three brothers, J.L. "Loyd" Wilbanks, M.D. "Buck" Wilbanks, and Harold Wilbanks. Interment was at New Rosemont Cemetery with arrangements by Ashby Funeral Home.
DECATUR, ARKANSAS: Genevieve Box Bredehoeft, 78, died January 30, 2005. She was born January 17, 1927 to Dewey and Clara Tibbs Box. She spent most of her life in Decatur, AR, where she was the bookkeeper for the family business and worked for Kiddy Kottage Day Care Center. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Decatur. Survivors include two daughters, Donna Jean Rush (Bobby) of Decatur, and Judy Marquess (Steve) of Bentonville; a sister, Annabelle Osborne (Vernie) of Springfield, MO; a sister-in-law, Genevie Stell (John) of Owasso, OK; 3 granddaughters; and a great-grandson. She was preceded in death by a brother, Gene Box; and a grandson. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Decatur. Burial was at the Decatur Cemetery with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Margaret L. Bredrick, 85, died September 24, 2007. She was a homemaker, and was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include her husband, Arvel; two daughters, Sue Walker and Margaret Standridge, both of Van Buren; five sisters, Mildred Ashley and Edna Morrow, both of Houston, Naomi Lech of Hydro, OK, Carol Peepers of Oklahoma City, and Denita; two brothers, John Coatney of Milton, FL, and Buddy Burkhart of Fairfield Bay; 6 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Ocker Funeral Home. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Diva Marjorie Breedlove, 83, died April 6, 2003. She was born April 4, 1920 to Arville and Ima Thurman Arric. She attended the First Presbyterian Church of Siloam Springs. She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary, and had been active in Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. She is survived by her husband, Eugene Breedlove; a son, Edward Breedlove; a daughter, Jane Anne Knight; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First Presbyterian Church of Siloam Springs. Arrangements were handled by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Mary Dean Breedlove, 88, died August 19, 2007. She was born October 11, 1918 to Simon and Lydia Jane Hackett Peoples. She retired from Chase Bag Company. She enjoyed music, drawing, painting, and sewing. She attended Magnolia Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Sonny Robinson of Crossett; three daughters, Jane Ward of Bastrop, LA; and Georgia Cooper and Mary Wilson, both of Crossett; a brother, Henry Hackett of Dermott; four sisters, Beatrice Mazzanti of Lake Village, Francis Wilson of Portland, AR, Vaughta Glover of McGehee, and Sylvia Pierce of Hamburg, AR; 14 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and 9 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Joe Robinson and W.I. Breedlove; four daughters; a grandson, Willam H. Milholland; a sister, Estelle Crawford; and a brother, Cecil Peoples. Services were held at the chapel of Jones Funeral Home in Crossett with Bro. Mike Griffith officiating. Interment was at Portland Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Genevieve Maust Brewczynski, 97, died September 18, 1999.
She attended Henderson State Teachers College in Arkadelphia. She and her husband owned a Western Auto Store in Brinkley. They later moved to Hot Springs, and then to Little Rock. She was a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church, and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Survivors include a niece, Miriam F. Weaver of Little Rock; a great-nephew; and two great-great-nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph M. Brewczynski. Services were held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Beryl Ashley "Pete" Brewer, 54, died January 15, 1996. He is survived by a brother, Joe Brewer of Cabot. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
CARLISLE, ARKANSAS: Dr. Charles Dwight Brewer, Jr., 52, died August 4, 2004. He was born June 23, 1952 to Billie Jeane Lisenby Brewer Dougherty and Charles Dwight Brewer, Sr. He held a doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Arkansas. He was employed as Director of Pharmacy at Beaufort Memorial Hospital prior to becoming director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at the University of Arkansas. He attended Carlisle Methodist Church. He was a Scout leader and a volunteer fireman. Among the survivors are his wife, Gladys Renee Hadwin Brewer; a son, Charles Dwight Brewer III; a daughter, Natasha Marcyann Brewer; his mother, of Cabot; two brothers, Joseph Miller Brewer of Jacksonville and Robert Michael Brewer of Cabot; and his father and mother-in-law, George and Delores Hadwin of Hardeeville, SC Services were held at Carlisle United Methodist Church with the Carlisle Fire Department serving as pallbearers. Burial was at Hamilton Cemetery with arrangements by Boyd Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Edward Wynn "Kurl" Brewer, 49, died November 10, 2007. He was born September 16, 1958 to Charles and Luella Donald. He is survived by his parents; three brothers, Charles Donald, Jr., Calvin Donald, and Victor Donald, all of Conway; four sisters, Linda Hardiman of Plumerville, Brenda Bunting of Conway, and Debra Donald and Erica Donald, both of Morrilton; and his maternal grandmother, Nellie Sullivan of Morrilton. Services were held at Greater Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Plumerville with Rev. Treymayne Harris officiating. Burial was at Mount Olive Cemetery in Plumerville under the direction of Wilson and Jarrett Funeral Home.
DERMOTT, ARKANSAS: Henry Cleveland Brewer, 81, died November 28, 2003. He was born May 3, 1922 to the late Benjamin Franklin Brewer and Maudie Jane Abernathy Brewer. He was a carpenter and farmer. He was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army. He attended Temple Baptist Church in Dermott. Among the survivors are three daughters, Cheryl Parker and Kimberly Lum, both of Dermott, and Melissa Haney of Greenwood; a brother, Aaron Brewer of Hot Springs; two sisters, Clara Smith of Dumas and Callie Tabor of Magnet Cove; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sylvia Thiele Brewer. Services were held at Temple Baptist Church with Rev. Jody Gannaway presiding. Burial was at Halley Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Service.
MARSHALL, ARKANSAS: Vesta Brewer, 85, died June 8, 1986. She was born September 31, 1900. She was a member of the Landmark Baptist Church in Marshall. Survivors include two sons, Hesper Brewer and James Brewer, Jr., both of Washington; a daughter, Carmel Edwards of Tulsa, OK; a sister, Abbie Gonce of Oklahoma City, OK; 3 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Brewer; and an infant son, Kelcy Brewer. Burial was at Whisenant Cemetery in Snowball with arrangements by Bill Merritt Funeral Service of Bethany, OK.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: James Elton Brewster died September 27, 1999. He was born December 27, 1899 to Jim and Polly Ann Brewster. He is survived by his wife, Maggie Lee Brewster; and a brother, Jim Brewster. He was preceded in death by his parents. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery under the direction of Sims Mortuary.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Oswald Brewster, 55, died December 23, 1953. He was born in Louisiana to the late James Monroe and Willie Ann Mitchell Brewster. He was a desk sergeant and radio operator on the night shift at the El Dorado Police Department. He lived in El Dorado since 1919, and had been with the police force for about ten years. Survivors include his wife, Grace Fuller Brewster; two sons, James Brewster of Appleton, WI, and W.T. Brewster of El Dorado; a daughter, Mrs. Oletha Mason of El Dorado; four brothers, Winnfred of Crossett, Sam and O.T. of El Dorado, and Hosia Brewster of Farmerville, LA; and three sisters, Mrs. Verna Robinson of Bernice, LA, Mrs. Alva Johnson of Ruston, LA, and Mrs. Velma Pylant of Farmerville, LA. Burial was at Arlington Memorial Park in El Dorado under the direction of Barton Funeral Home.
WABBASEKA, ARKANSAS: Arie Brice died April 5, 2007. She was born April 14, 1914. She attended Second Baptist Church. Survivors include three nieces, Edna Davis, Earline Davis and Gevener Nichols; and two nephews, George (Pam) Davis and James (Rochelle) Davis, all of Stuttgart. Interment was at Wabbaseka Cemetery with Rev. Gilbert Byrd officiating. Arrangements were handled by Gunn Funeral Home Chapel.
HARRELL, ARKANSAS: Mary L. Brice died December 31, 2005. She was born January 22, 1945 to the late V.S. and Mandy Williams Thomas. She attended the First Baptist Church of Harrell, AR. She is survived by her husband, Lee Brice; a son, Anthony Thomas of Bryant; a brother, Wallace Thomas; and four sisters, Emma McCray, Arvel Jean Jones, Frances Cronin, and Glenda Ware, all of Hampton, AR. She was preceded in death by her parents; and four brothers. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Harrell with Rev. T.G. Shelton presiding. Interment followed at Macedonia Cemetery in Hampton with arrangements by Sims Mortuary of El Dorado, AR.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Goldie M. Bricker, 94, died February 26, 2010. She was born April 7, 1915 to Andrew Jackson and Hattie Elizabeth Rickert Howe. She was a member of Farmington United Methodist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Doris Patten and husband Wayne of Farmington; a grandson, Roger Dunaway of New Orleans; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph Bricker; and a brother, Andrew W. Howe. Interment was at Wedington Cemetery with arrangements by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Richard "Rick" Bricker, Sr., 55, died December 25, 2006 at St. Bernard's Medical Center in Jonesboro. He was a decorated U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, and was a recipient of the Purple Heart medal. He was a former resident of Alton, IL. Survivors include his wife, Linda Williams Bricker; his sons, Billy Wright (Tanya), Travis, Aaron, Nicholas, Rick Jr., and Ronnie; his daughters, Shelly Allman (Bryan), Kylee Bricker (fiance Corey Camp), Angela and Tina; his sisters, "Peaches" and Margarette; his brothers, Leon, Carl, Donald, Jamie, and Jackie; and 4 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Steven; his mother, Thelma Graham; sisters, Doris, Helen, and Tina; brothers, "Crutch", "Sonny", David and Gale; and his maternal grandparents, Carl and Ethel Bricker. Services were held at the chapel of Irby Funeral Home with Kim Bridges officiating. Burial with military honors was at Mitchell Cemetery in Greenway.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Anna Lee Brickey, 96, died November 22, 2004. She was born November 15, 1908 in Commerce, MO to Joseph Lee and Julia Haw Moore. She was a graduate of the University of Missouri with a bachelor's degree in art, and was a school teacher in the Special Education department of the Little Rock Public Schools. She was a Methodist, and enjoyed reading, writing and children. Survivors include a daughter, Julia Collins of Little Rock; 6 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Garland Brickey; her parents; two sisters; and a brother. Services were held at St. Paul Methodist Church in Commerce, MO. Burial was at Commerce Hill Cemetery in Missouri with arrangements by Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: Martha Brickey, 69, died October 6, 2009. She was born October 17, 1939. She was a member of West Memphis First Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Claud Brickey; her mother, Caroline Schenkel of West Memphis; a son, Richard Floyd Brickey of Palestine, AR; a daughter, Evelyn Caroline Sparks of Ozark, MO; and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park in Marion, AR under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
HELENA, ARKANSAS: Funeral services for Rosie Lee Allen Brider, 64, were held March 10, 2001 at Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Survivors include a brother, James L. Allen of St. Louis, MO; and three sisters, Rosie Allen of Helena, Ruby Taylor of St. Louis, MO and Sammie Lou Sharkey of Louisiana. Interment was at Oak Grove Cemetery in West Helena under the direction of Jackson and Highley Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Colin Erwin Bridges, 78, died June 20, 2007. He was born March 30, 1929 to Daniel Erwin and Maude Leigh Bridges. He retired from the Arkansas Highway Department. He was a Korean War veteran, having served with both the Army and the Navy. He enjoyed Arkansas Razorback sports and traveling. He attended Cullendale Church of Christ, where he served as treasurer for 30 years. Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Marilyn Darby Bridges; three children, Rhonda Gifford and husband Jim of Shreveport; Erwin Bridges and wife Sharon of Camden, and DeAnza Watt of Lafayette, LA; a brother, Ralph Bridges of York, PA; a sister, Mary Ann Bridges of Camden; his sisters-in-law, Carolyn Key and Sonja Butler and her husband, Raymond, all of Camden; a granddaughter; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, John L. Bridges; and a sister, Jerry Maude Bridges. Burial was at Bethesda Cemetery under the direction of Proctor Funeral Home.
VILONIA, ARKANSAS: Earl Lewis Bridges, 70, died February 8, 1981. He was a retired farmer and a Baptist. Survivors are his wife, Dovie Moody Bridges; five sons, Vernon and Kenneth Bridges, both of Little Rock, A.C. and Dale Bridges, both of Vilonia, and Ervin Bridges of Cabot; two daughters, June McNespy of North Little Rock and Betty Wilkerson of Vilonia; two brothers, Raymond Bridges of Clinton and Homer Bridges of Little Rock; three sisters, Mabel Bowden of Bethany, OK, Ruby Sumler of Beebe, and Juanita Phillips of North Little Rock; 28 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Cross Road Baptist Church at El Paso. Burial was at Sixteenth Section Cemetery by McNutt Funeral Home of Conway, AR.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Therman Joseph Bridges, 74, died March 10, 1991. He was born April 30, 1916. Survivors include his wife, Mae Bridges of Paragould; two sons, Larry Bridges of Granite City, IL and Perry Bridges of Granite City IL; and two daughters, Mary Mothershed of Granite City, IL and Betty Smoot of Paragould, AR. Burial was at Browns Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Heath Funeral Home.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: Myra Lou Chism Briggs, 78, died March 5, 2005. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of West Memphis. She served on the Board of Directors of the Frank C. Steudlein Learning Center and the East Arkansas Sheltered Workshop. She was co-owner of Briggs Furniture Store. Survivors include her husband, Cecil Briggs of Bloomington, IN; a son, Carl Briggs of Bloomington; a brother, Charles Kendig of of Little Rock; and 3 grandchildren. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park in Marion, AR by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
SPARKMAN, ARKANSAS: Vera Brim, 88, died June 13, 2006. She was born July 5, 1917 to the late James Owens and Pinkie Hughes Owens. Among the survivors are three daughters, Clara Keith of Sparkman, Vera Rideout of Fordyce, and Theresa Harris of Little Rock; 7 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Booker Brim. Services were held at Harmony Baptist Church with Rev. Frank Dawn officiating. Burial was at the Harmony Community Cemetery in Sparkman with arrangements by Marks Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: John Earl Brimer, 51, died December 26, 2002. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine Evanson Brimer; a daughter, Malissa Brimer; two stepsons, John Timberlake and Kris Evanson; a sister, Evelyn Cheapek; two brothers, Lowell Brimer and Van Brimer; a stepbrother, Eddie Talley;and 2 grandchildren. Interment was at Coffeyville Cemetery under the direction of Powell Funeral Home.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Van Mack Brimer, 61, died December 21, 2009. He was born January 28, 1948 to the late Henry and Ruby Goodman Brimer Talley. He is survived by his wife, Mary Brimer; three children, Gerald Twain Lockhart (Tina) of Butlerville, and Jackie Elaine Roe (Walter) and Rushy Dollen Brimer (Mandy) of Ward; a sister, Evelyn Cheapek of Arizona; a brother, Lowell Brimer (Gloria) of Judsonia; 7 grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Cornerstone Assembly Church. Interment was at Old Austin Cemetery under the direction of Thomas Funeral Service.
CALDWELL, ARKANSAS: Overtus Brinker, 76, died August 5, 2004. He was born April 19, 1928, and was the retired owner of Brinker Handle and Square Mill. Survivors include his wife, Ethel Brinker; two sons, Elbert Brinker of Phoenix, AZ and Ronald Wayne Brinker of Gary IN; five daughters, Claudean Nance, Phyllis Ann Smith and Deborah Gregory, all of Gary, IN, Lisa Prince of Little Rock, and Sheneka Davis of Colt; a sister, Corine Kendrick of Phoenix, AZ; 11 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Mt. Moriah M.B. Church with Rev. Connie Moore officiating. Burial was at Clark Cemetery under the direction of Clay Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Gladys Opal Brinkley, 95, died September 8, 2009. She was born July 3, 1914 to Milton and Belle Jolly Dover. She was of the Mormon faith. She is survived by two sons and a daughter-in-law, Don Lawrence of Alexander, and Randy and Becky Lawrence of Cabot; two nephews, Lloyd Hodges of Cabot and Buddy Drewry of Texas; a sister, Bertha Simpson of Texas; 13 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a son, Gary Brown. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Cabot with arrangements by Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Madie Lee Brinkley, 86, died April 8, 2007. She was born January 10, 1921 to the late Maurice and Ina Roherdes Lackie. She was a member of Baring Cross Baptist Church. She enjoyed painting. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, Ret. Lt. Col. Sherrell Brinkley; a son, Gary Brinkley of Tampa, FL; two brothers, Aldon "Bud" Lackie of North Little Rock, and John Lackie of Bakersfield, CA; 6 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Keith Brinkley; and two sisters, Vera Johnson and Ruth Hillard. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Gene Briscoe, 76, died September 5, 2000 at John L. McClellan V.A. Hospital in Little Rock. He was born March 2, 1924 in Portland to Robert Briscoe, Sr. and Alice Briscoe. He worked for the McGehee School System. He was an Army veteran of World War II, and a member of Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Arkansas City. He is survived by two daughters, Delois Goins of McGehee and Christine Banks of Kansas City, KS; three sons, Albert Briscoe of Little Rock, and Lavern Briscoe and Dennis Briscoe, both of McGehee; a sister, Lena Curry of McGehee; 11 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Minnie Briscoe. Services were held at Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Porter Cemetery in Watson with arrangements by Brown Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: David Benjamin Britton, 86, died February 6, 2007. He was born January 18, 1921. He was a Jehovah's Witness. Survivors include a son, Garry Britton of Searcy; a sister, Mary Howard of Hooks, TX; and two grandsons. He was preceded in death by his wife, Emma Lee Britton; and his parents, A.D. and Lillian Britton. Memorial services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Searcy. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
ROSE BUD, ARKANSAS: Ophilia Dupriest Britton died January 15, 1934. She was born October 5, 1913. Interment was at Bedford Chapel Cemetery.
SEARCY COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Crawford Brixey died July 31, 1907. He was born July 23, 1825. He is buried off Lick Fork Road in Searcy County.
DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Linnie Lorene Vance Brizendine, 78, died July 2, 2007. She was born May 31, 1929. She retired from Lane Poultry, and attended the First Pentecostal Church in De Queen. She is survived by six sons, Richard Brizendine of Odessa, TX, Billy Brizendine, Randy Brizendine and Roger Brizendine of De Queen, Robert Brizendine of Broken Bow, OK, and George Brizendine of Glenwood, AR; a daughter, Barbara Sierra of Gillham, AR; a brother, Renzer "Ringo" Vance of De Queen; a sister, Mattie Jean Conatser of Oklahoma; 26 grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Clay Brizendine; a daughter, Maxine Schiffman; and two sons, Joe Dale Brizendine, and Donald Brizendine. Services were held at First Pentecostal Church with Rev. J.C. Seward officiating. Burial was at Avon Cemetery with arrangements by Wilkerson Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Veston Broadway, 87, died November 11, 2007. He was born November 18, 1919 to Thomas Lee Broadway and Martha Bell Winebaugh Broadway. He was a chauffeur, and a member of the Church of Christ. He was a veteran of World War II. He is survived by a sister, Pearl Slayton of Pocahontas. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters; and three brothers. Interment was at Thomas Cemetery under the direction of Cox-Waymon Funeral Home.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Bertis C. Brock, 84, died February 7, 2007. He was born July 10, 1922. He retired from the Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, having served with the Signal Corps in Europe. He attended Hardy Memorial United Methodist Church. He was a member of Border Masonic Lodge #672, Order of the Eastern Star Border Chapter #211, and the Bowie-Cass Shrine Club. Survivors include his wife, Estelle Brock; a son and daughter in-law, Ron and Martha Brock of Broken Bow, OK; two daughters, Pam Brock of Fort Collins, CO and Beverly Brock of Texarkana, AR; a sister, Berta Love of Huntington, TX.; a brother, Robert Brock of Lufkin, TX; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Hardy Memorial United Methodist Church with Rev. Garry Masterson officiating. Burial was at Chapelwood Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Texarkana Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Alice Deane Goodman Brogdon, 33, died August 2, 1944. She was born March 22, 1910 to Lewis and Grace M. Goodman. She was survived by her husband, Lt. Jackson D. Brogdon; her mother, Grace Jones; and four half-sisters. Burial was at Bluff Cemetery by Callison-Riggs Funeral Home.
WINSLOW, ARKANSAS: Maud Alice Bowdoin Bromley, 95, died February 21, 1998. She was born April 8, 1902 to Jerry Thomas and Mary Ferguson Bowdoin. She was the widow of Walter C. Bromley. She was a homemaker, and enjoyed crocheting. She was the last surviving charter member of the First Baptist Church of Winslow. She is survived by three sons, Ivan C. Bromley, David E. Bromley, and Jerry D. Bromley; a brother, Damon Bowdoin; two sisters, Bell Reed and Sybil Rust; 13 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Moore's Chapel in Fayetteville, followed by interment at Brentwood Cemetery.
HUMPHREY, ARKANSAS: Ruth A. Bronson, 86, died May 24, 2009. She was born March 23, 1923 to Johnny and Mae Henderson Owens. She was a member of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Roy Bronson of Humphrey; a brother, R.C. Owens of Stuttgart; a sister, Francis Jones of Augusta; 6 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert Bronson; a son, Bob; a sister, Pauline; and a brother, Homer. Burial was at Lone Tree Cemetery by Turpin Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Mattie Lou Brooks, 58, died July 22, 1999. She was born March 17, 1941. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by her husband, Jimmy Brooks; three daughters, Darlene Ivey of Mountain Home, and Debbie Stone and Pamela Rose, both of Fort Smith; four sons, William and Jeffery Neill of Fort Smith, Richard Neill of Poteau, and Jason Neill of Waldron; three brothers, Charles Nicholas of California, William Nicholas of Texas, and Henry Nicholas of Kentucky; 21 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Putman Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Thomas F. Brooks died December 22, 1915. He was born January 22, 1836 in Virginia. He served during the Civil War with the 45th Virginia Infantry, CSA. Burial was at Gill Cemetery in Crawford County, Arkansas.
BIGELOW, ARKANSAS: Tommie Brooks passed away on June 1, 2005. She was born October 11, 1916 to the late Alberta and W.M. Lawrence Brooks. She attended the Bethel A.M.E. Church in Bigelow, AR. She is survived by two sons, Samuel Woodard of Conway, and Tommy Thomas of Bigelow; a sister, Odessa (Pete) Gill of Bigelow; and a host of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Services were held at the Bethel A.M.E. Church in Bigelow. Interment was at Casey Cemetery with arrangements handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Wedonia Brooks died May 6, 2004. She was a homemaker. Survivors include a daughter, Tammy Borden of Paris; two sons, Herman Ray Borden of Paris, and Thomas Wayne Borden of Charleston; a friend, Ernest Wilson of Paris, two sisters, Carolyn J. Jones and Sheila J. Fairbanks, both of Paris; three brothers, Wayne Forrest Potts and Bubba Jones, both of Paris, and Lucky A. Jones of Iuka, MS; 2 grandchildren; and a step-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents, Grady Lavern and Sadie Michael Potts; and two sons, Glen Borden and Norman Gene Borden. Services were held at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Paris. Burial followed at Baxley Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home of Paris, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Annie Belle Broom, 86, died January 25, 2001. She was born January 22, 1915 to the late Robert Matthews and Francine Matthews. She attended Indiana Street Baptist Church, where she was a member of the choir. She is survived by two sons, Garland Lee Broom of Pine Bluff, and Gerald Eric Broom of Dallas; a daughter, Lucretia B. Fletcher of Pine Bluff; a sister, Alice M. Dixon of Pine Bluff; 10 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William "Yam" Broom; three brothers, Eugene Matthews, Robert Matthews, Jr. and Manasses Matthews; and three sisters, Mary M. Scull, Bertha Matthews, and Susie M. Jones. Services were held at Indiana Street Baptist Church. Burial was at P.K. Miller Cemetery with arrangements by Perry Funeral Home.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Cornelia Kathryn Broom, 90, passed away July 20, 2005. She was born October 1, 1914 to the late A.C. and Roxie Cherry Reed. She belonged to the Manila First United Methodist Church, and was involved with the United Methodist Women. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Kaye and Billy Farrow of Manila; two sisters, Milda Reed and Novelle Childress, both of Manila; 2 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lucian Broom; a brother, Rufus Reed; and three sisters, Wilda Reed, Mozelle Dowell and Ruby Horner. Services were held at Manila First United Methodist Church with Rev. Stephen Waggoner officiating. Interment was at Manila Cemetery with arrangements by Howard Funeral Service of Manila. Memorials may be made to Manila First United Methodist Church.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Vance Joe Broom, 83, died November 16, 2003. He was born September 18, 1920 to George and Mae Bradley Broom. He was a farmer, and a retired pipeline worker. He attended the First Baptist Church in Hope. He was a member of the Melon City Good Sams and Woodmen of the World. Survivors include a son, Gary Broom of Tulsa, Oklahoma; his care-giver, Sherry Warren of Hope; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and by his wife, Peggy Broom. Interment was at Memory Gardens Cemetery with arrangements by Herndon Funeral Home.
LOWELL, ARKANSAS: Vivian Hasty Brotherton, 53, died April 14, 2000. She was born May 22, 1946 to Obrie and Ruth Reid Hasty. She was a store manager for Handy Mart No. 1. She was the widow of John Edward Brotherton. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John Williams and Tonya of Fayetteville; a stepson, Andy Brotherton of Kansas City, MO; a daughter, Jeraldine Williams of Lowell; three brothers, Riley Hasty of Carrolton, MO, Arlie Hasty of Buckner, MO, and Donald Hasty of Lebanon, MO; and a granddaughter. Interment was at Elm Springs Cemetery with the Rev. Clark Snow officiating. Arrangements were handled by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: James William Brounston, 69, of Pine Bluff, died April 11, 2006. He was born November 22, 1936 to the late Willie Brounston and Clemetine Avery. He was a Baptist. Among the survivors are a brother, Leon Brounston of Star City; and two sisters, Carolyn Brounston-Davis of Pine Bluff and Ella Jean Cotton of Battle Creek, Mich. Interment was at Cypress Memorial Gardens with the Rev. Aaron Lee Johnson officiating. Arrangements were handled by Christian Way Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Beatrice Brown, 98, passed away February 6, 2003. She was born on July 4, 1904. She was a homemaker, and attended Mount Olive Baptist Church. She is survived by a grandchild; 5 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Richard Brown; and her parents. Services were held at Mount Olive Baptist Church. Burial was at Mount Olive Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Charlie Brown, 67, died December 8, 2009. He was born September 19, 1942 to George and Opal Cook Brown. He retired from Acme Brick with over 40 years of service, and served in the Army National Guard. He was past president of the Acme Brick Union, and a member of the Big Bend Hunting Club. He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Dorothy Loy Brown; a son, Todd Brown of Malvern; a daughter, Tammy Edwards of Malvern; a sister, Loraine Howell of Hot Springs; 3 grandchildren; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and several brothers. Arrangements were handled by Regency Funeral Home.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Clarice Brown, 100, died April 3, 2005. She was born August 6, 1904 to Joe and Clara Williams Stovall. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ott Brown. Services were held at Holt Memorial Chapel. Interment was at Bruno Cemetery.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Colleen Armstrong Brown, 75, died September 6, 2005. She is survived by her son, Charles Lewis of Florida; a brother; three sisters; and three grandchildren. Services were held at the United Baptist Church. Interment was at the United Baptist Cemetery with arrangements handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home of Conway, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Dannie Marie Brown died March 6, 2004. She was born May 24, 1934 in Little Rock, AR to Dan and Leola Powell Brown. She was a member of Longley Baptist Church, and sang with the Gospel and Mass Choirs, in addition to serving as president of the Mission. She was also a member of the Spiritual Echoes. Survivors include a son, Corey A. Cole of Dallas; a brother, Louis E. (Sandy) Brown; two sisters, Luticha (James) Raggs, and Verla Juanita Hunter; 43 nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was married to Eddie W. Cole, who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by a brother and six sisters. Services were held at Longley Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Ruffin and Jarrett Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Dewey Joseph Brown, 75, died November 10, 1977. He was born September 2, 1902 in Ellington, MO to Egbert Austin Brown and Fannie Mae Chitwood. He retired from the Pine Bluff Arsenal in 1967. Survivors include his wife, Suvella Hammond; three sons, Hugh (Viva) of Hope, Dewey B. (Shirley) of Pine Bluff, and Don (Ellie) of Irving, TX; a daughter, Mary Olive (Steve) of Euless, TX; a brother, Harry Brown; and 8 grandchildren. Burial was at the Kingsland Cemetery in Kingsland, AR with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Mortuary.
PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Edna Lucille Brown, 103, died January 17, 2005. She was born April 1, 1901 to Curtis Eugene Wisler and Getta Teeter Wisler. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and was a Baptist. She enjoyed knitting and crocheting. Survivors include a daughter, Jan Snodgrass of Garfield; three sisters, Grace Riggs of York, PA, Betty Phillips of Fullerton, CA, and Lois Wisler of Bella Vista; 5 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl Clifton Brown; an infant daughter; and a son, Carl Clifton Brown II. Burial was at Harper Cemetery with local arrangements handled by Sisco Funeral Home.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Rev. Elijah Brown, 57, died November 6, 2007. He was born January 26, 1950 to James T. and Parthenia Eckford Brown. He was a registered nurse and a U.S. Navy veteran. He attended Arkansas State University and Passiac County Community College in Paterson, NJ. He was the former pastor of Moore Chapel CME Church in Colt, and attended Taylor Chapel CME Church. He is survived by a son, Joshua Elias Brown of Dallas, TX; his mother, of Paterson, NJ; fourteen brothers, Robert Eckford, James T. Eckford, Carl Brown, Willie Johnson, Deshion Brown, Alfred Brown, Jimmy Davis, Donald Davis, James T. Brown, Jr., Freddie Brown, Floyd Brown, Michael Brown, Jesse Hodges and Gregory Davis; four sisters, Zeretta Brown-Owens, Edith Brown, Mary Jean Davis, and Delores Johnson; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his father; and a wife, Alice Faye Young Brown. Services were held at Taylor Chapel CME Church. Interment was at at Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock by McNeal-Calahan Funeral Home.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Hattie Mae Brown, 77, died June 21, 2006. She was born October 22, 1928 to the late Lonnie Rogers and Renia Durden. Surviving family members include a daughter, Aritha Diamond of McGehee; a sister, L.B. Easter of McGehee; three grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Services were held at McGehee Chapel Baptist Church with the Rev. G.L. Sanders officiating. Burial was at Strickland Memorial Lawn Cemetery with arrangements handled by Davis-Strickland Funeral Home.
McDOUGAL, ARKANSAS: Lalia M. Holt Brown, 89, died November 26, 2001. She was born April 4, 1912 to the late Luther and Amy Dotson Holt. She attended the Community Christian Church in McDougal. Survivors include three sons, Jimmy L. Brown, Bobby L. Brown, and Joe E. Brown, all of McDougal; a daughter, Wanda Roark of McDougal; two brothers, Gerald Holt of Crawfordsville, AR, and Clyde Holt of Indianapolis, IN; a sister, Una Pannell of West Memphis; 10 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marion "Jim" Brown; and a son, Billy Jewell Brown. Interment was at Post Oak Cemetery near McDougal with arrangements by Ermert Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: LeRoy "Punkin" Brown, 45, died July 7, 2006. He is survived by his wife, Damita Brown; his sons, Omar and Ashton Brown, both of Sherwood; his sisters, Mary Washington, Sherry Cato, Dorothy Green, Evelyn Laney and Carolyn Cochran, all of Little Rock, Brenda Davis of North Little Rock, Clarice Roy of Sherwood, and Hazel Williams of Hurst, TX; and his brothers, Theolas Brown, Jr., Willie Brown, and Ray Brown, all of North Little Rock. Services were held at New Zion Grove Baptist Church with Pastor J.B. Minix, Sr. officiating. Arrangements were handled by Robinson Mortuary.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Mary Lou Brown, 78, died February 10, 1997 at the Medical Center of South Arkansas. She was born February 9, 1919 in Webster Parish, LA to Dee and Lillie Banks Moore. She was a member of Wesson St. Church of God in Christ. Survivors include two sons, Johnny Richardson and Terry Richardson, an adopted daughter, Mary Water; 10 grandchildren; 19 grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Wesson St. Church of God in Christ. Interment was at Salem Cemetery under the direction of Sims Mortuary.
WALCOTT, ARKANSAS: Robert W. Brown, 77, died May 30, 2001 at his residence. He was born in Baxter County. He was a self-employed welder and a member of the United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Doris Brown; a daughter, Audrey A. Canup of Oswego, IL; two sons, Eddie Brown of Walcott, and Dale Brown of Montgomery, IL; a sister, Betty McGuffee of Salem; 6 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a daughter. Interment was at Mount Zion Cemetery under the direction of Heath Funeral Home.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Suvella D. Brown died June 21, 1986. She was born August 29, 1908 in Dodson, LA to the late John Martin Hammond and Marintha Jane Roper Hammond. She was raised in Kingsland, AR. She married Dewey Joseph Brown on September 1, 1931. The couple had four children, Hugh Edward Brown (Viva) of Hope, Dewey Burton Brown (Shirley) of Pine Bluff, Donald Lee Brown (Ellie) of Irving, TX, and Mary Ellen Brown Olive (Steve) of Euless, TX; and 9 grandchildren. She was preceeded in death by her husband; her parents; a sister, Manolia Hammond; and two brothers, Andrew Hammond, and John Hammond, Jr. Burial was at the Kingsland Cemetery in Kingsland, AR.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Truman Brown, 98, died November 25, 2004. He was a retired furniture worker for Kay Chair Company in Fort Smith, and attended the First Assembly of God in Van Buren. Among the survivors are his wife, Edna; four stepdaughters, Shelba Brooks, Judy Eisenhower, Yvonne Prescott and Della Goins, all of Van Buren; four stepsons, John and Gerald Mills of Uniontown, David Mills of Bonanza, and Daniel Mills of Van Buren; a sister, Phyllis Hendrix of Stilwell, OK; two brothers, James Brown of Pocola and Noah Brown of Kingman, AZ; 28 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren; a nephew, Bill Vickery of Van Buren; and several other nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a wife, Maggie. Interment was at Uniontown Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Tyrone Brown, 37, died November 13, 2007 at the Medical Center of South Arkansas. He was born July 30, 1970. He was a former resident of Hamburg, AR. Survivors include a daughter, Ashley S. Brown; his mother, Evelyn Brown; a brother, Cedric Barnes; a sister, Ebony Barnes; and his maternal grandmother, Shirley Dabbs. He was preceded in death by his father, Dan W. Brown; and his paternal grandparents, Charlie and Hattie Mae Brown. Services were held at the Epistles of God Church of Deliverance. Burial was at Johnson Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home.
SCOTT COUNTY, ARKANSAS: William T. Brown died of typhod on December 12, 1888. He was the sheriff of Scott County. He was survived by his wife and 5 children. Burial was near his home in Blansett, AR.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Albert Lee Browning, 58, died July 22, 2007. He was born July 5, 1949 to Claudie Otto and Dorothy Lee Clark Browning. He was a Baptist. He is survived by a daughter, Betty Lindsey of Morrilton; a sister, Jean Stivers of Dollarway; and a granddaughter. Interment was at New Home Cemetery near Pine Bluff with Bro. Thomas Allen officiating. Arrangements were handled by Buie Funeral Home.
SULPHUR ROCK, ARKANSAS: G.W. Browning died April 5, 1885. He was born October 23, 1839. He was a 1st Lieutenant in Company H of the 8th Arkansas Infantry during the Civil War. Interment was at the Sulphur Rock Cemetery.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Jimmie Dean Browning died September 3, 1974 in Siloam Springs. He was born October 9, 1927 in Siloam Springs to Willis and Noma Ann Thompson Browning. He was a veteran of the Korean Conflict. Survivors include his wife, Alvina Browning; his mother; two sisters, Margaret Ann Friend and Noma Jean West; and a brother, Willis Browning. Interment was at Oak Hill Cemetery under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Sallie Brownlee died April 13, 1858. She was born June 18, 1831. She was survived by her husband, W.W. Brownlee. Interment was at Bell Cemetery.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Gladys Ruth Alexander Broyles, 86, died March 13, 2009. She was born February 2, 1923 to Andrew Willie Alexander, Sr. and Gertrude Alice Brown. She retired from the United States Postal Service after 26 years of service. She was a graduate of Lewis Business College, and also a graduate of cosmetology school. She operated her own beauty shop. She attended the Harrison and Willow Church of Christ, and enjoyed playing bridge and bowling. She is survived by her husband of 57 years, Ernest Broyles; two sisters-in-law, Grace Evelyn Broyles of Conway, and Juanita Lewis of San Antonio, TX; three nieces: Wynemia Olsen of Long Beach, CA, and Mattie Hill and Marilyn Williamson, both of Little Rock; two nephews, Andrew Alexander of Little Rock, and Christopher Alexander of Los Angeles, CA; a long-time friend, Elouise Carter of Detroit, MI; and other family members and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; two sisters; and four brothers. Services were held at the Harrison and Willow Church of Christ. Interment was at Robinson Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
MOUNTAINBURG, ARKANSAS: Isaac E. Broyles, 71, died April 4, 2006. He was born August 9, 1934. He was a self-employed truck driver for over 30 years. He was a U.S. Army veteran of both the Korean and Vietnam wars. He was a Pentecostal. Survivors include his wife, Betty; two daughters, Katherine Sierra and Betty Laveta, both of Mountainburg; a son, Donald Broyles of Mountainburg; a sister, Helen Siffning of Arizona; 8 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
KEO, ARKANSAS: Floyd Bruce, 88, died July 22, 2009. He was born January 24, 1921 to J.B. Bruce and Mozelle Moorehead Bruce. He worked for the Corps of Engineers in the petroleum industry, and was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a Baptist. He is survived by two sons, Jerry Bruce and wife Paula of Hot Springs, and Floyd Bruce, Jr. of Keo; 5 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Edith Bruce; two sons; and several siblings. Cremation arrangements were handled by Roller-England Funeral Home.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Reva Norma Bruner, 92, died July 13, 2002 at the Siloam Springs Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born September 7, 1909 in Robinson to James Butcher and Katherine Wilson Bruner. She owned the Bruner Apartments in downtown Siloam Springs. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Siloam Springs and the United Methodist Women's Wesleyan Circle. She was preceded in death by a brother, John Smiley Bruner. Interment was at Oak Hill Cemetery under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Josephine Romanelli Brunetti, 86, passed away March 3, 2004. She was born May 27, 1917 to the late Cecil Romanelli and Lucy Fratesi Romanelli. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, and was active with the Altar Society and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. She was the widow of Gino "Jim" Brunetti. She was also preceded in death by a son, Jimmy Brunetti; two brothers; and two sisters. Surviving her are two sisters, Cezera Williams of Albuquerque, NM, and Clara Lepri of Pine Bluff; 7 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and a niece, Denise Brunetti Strange. Services were held at Graceland Cemetery with Monsignor Jack D. Harris officiating. Arrangements were by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ben Brunson died December 16, 2002. He was born December 22, 1922 to Alfred and Emma Brunson. He is survived by his wife, Doris Brunson; two daughters, Lois Lewis and Freemont Mitchell; five sons, Cordell Brunson, Fred Brunson, Harrison Brunson, Jr. (Ida), Demetrice Bailey, and Nicholas Brown; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters; and four brothers. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery under the direction of Gunn Funeral Home.
MARION COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Elizabeth Bryant died January 23, 1895. She and her husband, both in their 80s, passed away within hours of each other. They are buried at New Harmony Cemetery.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Louis P. Bryant, 37, of the Arkansas State Police, was killed in the line of duty during a routine traffic stop south of De Queen, AR on June 30, 1984. He is survived by his wife, Dr. Wynona Bryant-Williams; two children, Kimberly Bryant and Louis Perry Bryant, II; and his mother, Jessie Bryant. A section of U.S. Highway 70-71 between De Queen and the Cossatot River bridge was named the Trooper Louis Bryant Memorial Highway in his memory.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Robert Dale Bryant, 39, died January 18, 2005. He was born on April 14, 1965 in Morrilton to the late Robert Bryant. He was self-employed in lawn maintenance. He was a Catholic. Survivors include his mother and stepfather, Clara Thomey Bryant Talley and Carl of Morrilton; a son, Alex Bryant of Springfield; and two sisters, Susan Bryant of Morrilton and Deborah Peterson of Plumerville. A funeral Mass was held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Father Charles Thessing officiating. Burial was at Sacred Heart Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Essie L. Bryor, 92, died May 23, 2001 at St. Bernard's Medical Center in Jonesboro. She was a retired cosmetologist and a member of the First Baptist Church of Lepanto. She was a former Lepanto resident, and had lived in Trumann for two years. Survivors include three nephews, Norman Kemp, Terry Kemp, and Billy Wayne Kemp; and three nieces, Linda Riggs, Chris Davis, and June Smith. Interment was at Potter Memorial Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Willie C. Buchanan 80, died June 21, 2007. He was born October 1, 1926 to Lester G. and Alice Terry Buchanan. He worked for Armstrong Tools. Survivors include three sons, Willie Buchanan, Bruce Buchanan, and Darren Buchanan, all of Fayetteville; a daughter, Deborah Buchanan of Fayetteville; a stepson, Dennis Spencer of Fayetteville; a stepdaughter, Brenda Thompson of Fayetteville; a brother, David Buchanan; a sister, Alverna Jenkins; 11 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. Burial was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery under the direction of Beard's Funeral Chapel.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: William W. Bucher, 89, died January 2, 2010. He was born October 8, 1920 to the late Wesley James and Lillian Grant McNeill Bucher. He was a retired equipment operator at Reynolds Metal. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, and a Pearl Harbor survivor. He was a 32nd Degree Mason, and served as Past Master of Benton Masonic Lodge #34. He is survived by a daughter, Sharon Prickett of Benton; 5 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Willa Mae Gentry Bucher; a son, Sherman Bucher; and two brothers, James and Donald Bucher. Interment was at Hicks Cemetery by Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Alice Buck, 66, died November 5, 1973. She was born March 11, 1907 to Charles and Vina Bennett Ryan. She was survived by her husband, H.S. Buck; and a brother, Earl Ryan. Burial was at Ruddick Cemetery with arrangements by Callison Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Alice Buckner died on May 11, 1962. She was born on June 10, 1871. She was survived by two sons, Tommy and Minor Buckner. Interment was at the Mt. Rena Cemetery under the direction of Andrews Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Stanley Johnson Buckner, 53, died June 21, 2002. He was a native of Muskogee, OK, and was a member of the Creek Tribe. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Buckner; six children, Sheila Fort, Brenda Priest, Rita Walker, Tina Moran, James Walker, and Patrick Walker; a brother, James Buckner; a sister, Margie Newport; and 12 grandchildren. Interment was at the Hazen Cemetery in Hazen, AR with arrangements by Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Melba Rose Buffalo, 87, July 23, 2009. She was born May 14, 1922 to Louis and Drucy Valentine Pendleton. She attended Archview Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Cecil Buffalo, Jr.; a daughter, Shearon Pearson, both of Little Rock; 3 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and a close friend, J.D. Oliver. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil Buffalo, Sr.; and a daughter, Connie Jean Buffalo. Service were held at Archview Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Cleveland Buford, 87, died April 20, 2006. He was born July 9, 1918 to the late Dave Buford and Mamie Burnette Buford. He was a construction worker, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Bessie Weston Buford. Services were held at P.K. Miller Mortuary with the Rev. Larry Battles officiating. Burial was at Miller Cemetery.
DANVILLE, ARKANSAS: Dale Buford, 88, died January 20, 2003. He was born December 14, 1914 to the late Charlie I. and Mary Rebecca McBride Buford. He was an auditor for the Internal Revenue Agency, and was of the Methodist faith. He is survived by a brother and two sisters-in-law, Ted and Eulene Buford of Briggsville, and Lela Mae Geiger of Bluffton; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Rose L. Buford. Services were held at Briggsville United Methodist Church with Rev. Royce Savage officiating. Burial was at Mt. Zion Cemetery under the direction of Shinn Funeral Service of Russellville, AR.
JUNCTION CITY, ARKANSAS: Saint Elmo Buford died September 24, 1990. He was born December 21, 1886, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. Interment was at El Bethel Cemetery.
DELIGHT, ARKANSAS: Mary Ann Bugg, 90, died August 7, 2002. She was born August 1, 1912 to the late Albert J. and Bertie Hill Evans. She attended Bowen Church. She is survived by two sons, Horace W. Bugg, Jr. of Hope and Ronald G. Bugg of Hot Springs; two granddaughters, Amelia Boyd of Hope, and Patty Howard of El Dorado; 5 great-great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wilford Bugg, Sr.; and a grandson, Larry Gene Bugg. Services were held at the chapel of Latimer Funeral Home with Bro. Austin Missey officiating. Burial was at Delight Cemetery.
HELENA, ARKANSAS: James Willie Buirse died May 8, 2009. He was born October 24, 1924 to James and Emma Buirse. He worked for McKnight Plywood for over 25 years. He was a member of Christ Temple Church of God in Christ, and was formerly a deacon. He is survived by seven sons, Frank (Vanessa) Buirse and Antonio (Adenika) Buirse of Little Rock, Lawrence (Regena) Buirse of Memphis, TN, Chris (Lisa) Buirse and Curtis Buirse of Phoenix, AZ, James (Barbara) Buirse of Battle Creek, MI, and Michael Buirse of South Bend, IN; five daughters, Beverly (Jimmie) Snell, Glenn Buirse and Sandra (James) Buirse of Little Rock, Sharon Adams of South Bend, IN, and Patricia Buirse of Milwaukee, WI; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Dorothy Buirse; a daughter, Doris Buirse; a son, James Anthony Buirse; two brothers, Claude Joseph Buirse and Joe Brayden; and a sister, Joyce Buirse-Bankston. Services were held at Greater Powerhouse Church of God in Christ. Interment was at Magnolia Cemetery under the direction of Brown's Home For Funerals, Inc.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Harley James Bulger, 75, died January 20, 1980. He was born October 11, 1904 to James Patrick and Rosa Smith Bulger. He was a retail merchant, and was of the Baptist faith. He was survived by a son, Rick Bulger; two daughters, Darlene Marshall and Mrs. Pat Harrison; a brother, John Bulger; a sister, Lillie Powell; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Prairie Grove. Burial was at Bethesda Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Arcie Bell Bull, 73, died April 8, 2007. She attended Living Testament Church of God in Christ. She is survived by two sisters, Shirley Carroll of Crossett and Ollie Lumsey of El Dorado; and a special friend, Eddie Gene Logan of Crossett. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willie Bull; a son, Richard Earl Bull; her parents, Harry and Roberta Ford Champion; two brothers, Henry and Nathaniel Champion; a sister, Ester McHenry; and a niece, Barbara Page. Services were held at Living Testament Church of God in Christ with Elder Nolan Phillips officiating. Burial was at Westview Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Florence A. Harrison Bull died September 14, 2007. She was born March 1, 1916 to the late Albert and Margaret Clabourn Harrison. She was a homemaker, and attended St. John's Lutheran Church. She is survived by two sons, Robert Powell of Del Mar, CA and Milton Bull of Conway; two daughters, Margaret Clawitter of Stuttgart and Jeannine Haller of Sugarland, TX; a brother, Verne Harrison of Star City; a sister, Juanita Thurman of Winnsboro, TX; 9 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur Bull; her parents; an infant son, Edward; and five sisters, Margaret Louise Kelly, Catherine Harris, Maxine Powell, Mary Alice Hall and Floy Rickett. Services were held at the chapel of Turpin Funeral Home. Interment was at Lone Tree Cemetery.
RECTOR, ARKANSAS: John Cassius Bulley, 89, died August 9, 2006 in Paragould. He was born November 16, 1916 in Marine City, MI to Clarence and Louise Biscorner Bulley. He was a master welder for General Motors, and was a U.S. Coast Guard veteran. He was a Catholic. He is survived by his wife, Anne Marie Bulley; two daughters and a son-in-law, Fran and Tom Wagster of Rector, and Kay Kuehn of Canton, MI; a sister-in-law, Joan Bulley of Algonac, MI; a niece, Carol O'Brien of Algonac; his grandchildren; and his great-grandchildren. He preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Harold Bulley and his twin, Joseph Bulley. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery under the direction of Irby Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Dessie Lee Bullock, 92, passed away on February 22, 2005. She was born February 17, 1913 to the late William and Ada Brimm. She was a homemaker and attended the New Hope Church of God in Christ. Survivors include her husband, John Ivory Bullock of Arkadelphia; two daughters, Annie Mae Nolan of Arkadelphia and Dessie Mae Owens of Hot Springs; and 15 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and nine great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Davis Memorial Church of God in Christ with Elder G.C. Nolan and Elder Paul Williams officiating. Burial was at Piney Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Mitchell Funeral Home.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Lila LaVesta Bullock, 85, died June 4, 2005. She was born May 7, 1920 to Harry Alexander Campbell and Bessie Gertrude Schwarz. She is survived by three sons, Garry Bullock of Ferndale, WA, Gerald Bullock of Marysville, WA; and Galen Bullock of Angwin, CA; three daughters, Elaine Manley of St. Joseph, MI, Carolee Caballo of Salinas, CA, and Noreen Barrett of Gentry; 11 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Louise Dutt of California. She was preceded in death by her husband, Forrest Bullock. Services were held at the Gentry Seventh Day Adventist Church. Arrangements were handled by Wasson Funeral Home.
HENSLEY, ARKANSAS: Lonnie Doyle Bumgardner, 85, died December 28, 2002. He was a retired supervisor at 3M with 35 years of service. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by a daughter, Cathy Cantrell (Roger) of Morrilton; two sons, Jimmy Bumgardner (Louise) of Hensley, and Michael Bumgardner (Linda) of Little Rock; a sister, Mary B. Cantrell of Hensley; his companion, Thelma Caldwell; seven grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Edna Bumgardner; his parents, Jodie and Willie Bumgardner; three brothers; and two sisters. Interment was at Bethel Cemetery under the direction of Huson Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Benjamin Raymond Bump, 68, died May 19, 1957. He was the son of Horace and Cylvira Buttram Bump. He was a World War I veteran and a member of the American Legion. He never married. He was survived by two sisters, Mrs. John Alfrey and Cora Fogleman; and two brothers, Charles Bump and Lon Bump. Arrangements were handled by Callison-McKinney Funeral Home.
HUMPHREY, ARKANSAS: Jessie Alice Bumpous, 79, died October 6, 2009. She was born June 28, 1930 to Ollie William Allen and Martha Willhite Allen. She is survived by a brother, David Allen of Humphrey; and two daughters, Patsy Ann Johnson of Portageville, MO, and Alice Johnson of Elizabethtown, KY. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Bumpous; three sisters; and three brothers. Cremation arrangements were handled by Turpin Funeral Home of Stuttgart, AR.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Ruth L. Duncan Bumpus, 74, died June 26, 2008. She was born May 7, 1934 to Willie Elijah and Stella Poor Duncan. She is survived by her husband of 47 years, William A. Bumpus; a son, William Claude Bumpus of Stuttgart; a daughter, Nora Frances Vaseur of Clarendon; three sisters, Edna Coburn and Bernice Dillon of Lonoke, and Virginia Coburn of Orlando, FL; 5 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and three brothers. Services were held at Stuttgart Holiness Assembly of God Church. Burial was at Almyra Cemetery under the direction of Turpin Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Gerald William Bunch, 87, died December 25, 2009. He was born September 24, 1922 to the late William and Nellie Bunch. He is survived by his wife, Pauline Bunch; a daughter, Glenna Throesch of Jonesboro; four brothers, Byron Bunch of Pocahontas, Verney Ray Bunch of Las Cruces, NM, Billy Joe Bunch of Yokhen, TX, and Charles Alton Bunch of Ash Flat, AR; and two sisters, Virginia Hibbard and Betty Jane Hobbs of Ozark, MO. Burial was at Sutton Cemetery with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
CAVE CITY, ARKANSAS: Betty Lou Bryant Bunn, 68, died June 23, 2004. She was born October 16, 1935 to William Finnis Bryant and Lela Bell Allen Bryant. She was a cook for AVA Fast Break Systems in Batesville, and attended West Liberty Baptist Church in Quinton, OK. She formerly worked at the Quilt Rack, and enjoyed sewing and cooking. Survivors include a son, David Bryant of Harrisburg; a daughter, Nola Stegmann of Cave City; two sisters, Lucy Juanita Tarver of St. Louis, OK and Mary Ann Morris of Quinton, OK; 2 grandchildren, Tara Bryant and William Bryant; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and two brothers, Adrian Gail Bryant and Everett Lester Bryant. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Crouch-McGee Funeral Home.
OKOLONA, ARKANSAS: Harmon Bunn died January 29, 1951. He was born July 26, 1895. He was a World War I veteran, having served with the 508th Engineer Service Battalion. Interment was at Old Rome Cemetery.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Unitha Bunnell, 59, died May 5, 2001 at St. Bernard's Medical Center in Jonesboro. She was born November 26, 1941 in Harrisburg to John Marcus and Irene Aston Lesley. She was a nursing assistant at Lakeside Nursing Center, and was a former California resident. She was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include her husband, Earl J. Bunnell; a son, Phillip W. Bunnell of Trumann; two daughters, Peggy Rathbun of Trumann, and Pam Vandehey of Jonesboro; three brothers, B.G. Lesley of Jonesboro, Noel Lesley of Hespria, CA, and John Wayne Lesley of Covina, CA; 11 grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her parents; and two sisters. Interment was at Farm Hill Cemetery in Harrisburg under the direction of Thompson Funeral Home.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Opal Ola Bunten, 92, died June 13, 2007. She was born March 31, 1915. She was a member of Hon Baptist Church. She is survived by three daughters, Edith Slater of Waldron, Ola Mae Kemp of Pencil Bluff, AR, and Ruby Chacon of Taff, CA; 20 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; and 14 great-great grandchildren. Interment was at Kirk Cemetery in Cauthron, AR by Martin Funeral Home.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Taquante Bunton, age 11 months, died June 28, 2000. He was born July 10, 1999 to Bernard Bunton and Lawonna Whaley. Other survivors include three brothers, Shaquaen Miller, Trendard Bunton and Cortez Bunton, all of Star City; paternal grandparents, Benny Bunton and Ruby Bunton, both of Rison; maternal grandparents, Bobby Wilson of Star City and Betty Tyson of Grady; and great-grandparents, John Thomas Tyson and Bunnie Sue Tyson, both of Grady, and Stella Benjamin of Star City. Services were held at Zion Hill Church at Rison with the Rev. Joe Mason officiating. Burial was at Humble Cemetery in Rison, AR with arrangements by Washington Funeral Home of Dumas, AR.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Bertha Jordan Burchfield, 93, died May 23, 2001. She was born February 2, 1908 to Rufus and Nancy Wigley Jordan. She was a member of the First Baptist Church, and was a member of the Golden Voices Choir. She was a past matron of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Order of Amaranth. She enjoyed flower arranging, cooking, reading, and fishing. She is survived by three sons, Olen Burchfield of Zachary, LA, and Bobby and Jackie Burchfield of Crossett; a daughter, Becky Pritchett of Simmsboro, LA; 18 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Burchfield; and a daughter, Patsy Ann Ray. Services were held at the chapel of Jones Funeral Home with Dr. Wilton Wall officiating. Burial was at Pinewood Memorial Park.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Bill C. Burd, 82, died January 2, 2010. He was born August 3, 1927. He retired from General Motors Assembly Plant after 32 years of service, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He attended Reveille Primitive Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife of 40 years, Dorothy Burd; two daughters, Candice Vanderpool of Liberty, MO, and Sandra Burd of Mission, KS; a grandchild; two sisters, Marilyn Burd of Los Angeles, CA, and Dian Looney of Buffalo, MO; and two brothers, John Burd of Tulsa, OK, and Dr. Gene Burd of Austin, TX. He was preceded in death by his parents, Sorono and Eula Marie Gann Burd; a sister; and a twin brother. Services were held at Reveille Primitive Baptist Church. Burial was at Evans Cemetery by Roller Funeral Home in Paris.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Abraham Lincoln "A.L." Burden, 83, died January 31, 2005. He attended Central Presbyterian Church in Fort Smith, and was a 32nd degree Mason. He was a decorated World War II and Korean War veteran, and was held as a POW in a German prison camp for 30 months. He was a major in the U.S. Air Force. Survivors include a daughter, Jeannette Holder of Van Buren; a sister, Cuma Lewis of Oklahoma City; a granddaughter; and a great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia Burden. Interment was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with military honors. Arrangements were handled by Ocker Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Bennie R. Burdin, 93, died August 26, 2003. He was born September 21, 1909 to the late John T. and Artilla Aldridge Burdin. Survivors include four sons, Hughey Burdin of DeSoto, MO, Alvie Burdin of Piggott, Rollen Burdin of Piggott, and Vic Burdin of Festus, MO; a daughter, Ruby Schmitt of Piggott; a sister-in-law, Evelyn Burdin of Poplar Bluff; 14 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lena Lee Berry Burdin; a son, James Edward Burdin; three daughters, Deloris Burdin, Bessie Jane Burdin, and Beatrice Stevenson; three grandchildren, Bobby James, Dallas George Burdin and Bennie Cleveland Schmitt; four brothers, Wes Burdin, Garrett Burdin, Zennie Burdin, and Estel Burdin; and two sisters, Lou Dunlap and Janie Burden. Services were held at the chapel of McDaniel Funeral Chapel in Kennett with Rev. Futrell Butler officiating. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery in Rector, AR.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Effie Heffner Burgess, 86, died May 12, 1982. She was a Methodist. She is survived by three sons, Jack Burgess of Missouri, Ray B. Burgess of Little Rock, and John S. Burgess of North Little Rock; two daughters, Myrtle Justice of Lonoke, and Ruby Hatcher of North Little Rock; three sisters, Elva Heffner and Lottie Burgess of Austin, and Maggie Dennis of Cabot; 14 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Boyd Funeral Home. Burial was at Hicks Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Mary E. Burgess, 62, died December 24, 1953 at a Little Rock hospital. She was active in the hotel and restaurant business. She was a member of Capitol View Methodist Church, the Ladies' Auxiliary, and the Women's Society of Christian Service. She was survived by her husband, Pat P. Burgess; three sons, Milton Smith Burgess, P.E. Burgess, and Carl G. Burgess, all of Little Rock; a daughter, Mrs. Jack W. Dickens; five brothers, Jim Gilliam of Osceola, George Gilliam and Onis H. Gilliam of Cabot, Rueben Gilliam of Fordyce, and Carl Gilliam of Little Rock; a sister, Mrs. J.G. Bentley of Burbank, CA; 11 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Hicks Cemetery in Cabot under the direction of Healey and Roth Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Mackie Lee Burgie died October 20, 2005. He was born August 15, 1935 to Garland and Ella Hampton Burgie. Survivors include a sister, Janice Rhems of Oakland, CA; an uncle, Cleophus Bradley (Gwen) of Ypsilanti, MI; two aunts, Elmetia Hicks of Cleveland, OH and Bennie Bradley of El Dorado; three special cousins, Laverne(Paul) Rainey and Arnold Furlough of El Dorado, and Erma (Bobby) Williams of Cleveland, OH; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Morning Star Baptist Church #2. Burial was at Morning Star Cemetery by Sims Mortuary.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: Louis H. Burk, 77, died August 23, 2007. He was born December 15, 1929. Survivors include his wife, Marie Burk; three sons, Randy Burk of Hesperia, CA, Roy Burk of Murfreesboro, and Ricky Burk of Pontotoc, MS; a daughter, Vickie Wheeley of West Helena; a brother, Charles Burk; two sisters, Myrtis Duffell and Helen Whitby; 9 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Roller-Citizens Funeral Home in West Helena with Rev. Mike Shelley officiating. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Park in West Helena.
RUDY, ARKANSAS: Patsy Suggs Burkhart, 73, died January 7, 2006. She was a retired cook for the Alma School System. She was a member of Concord Baptist Church, and also attended the Pentecostal Church of God in Rudy. Survivors include her husband, P.B.; two daughters, Anita Burkhart and Sharon Hood, both of Van Buren; two stepdaughters, Tresa English of Waco, TX, and Dena Cottrell of Dyer; two sons, Mike Suggs of Rudy, and Bruce Suggs of Van Buren; a sister, Jeanette Riggs of Fort Smith; two brothers, Jackie Shell of Denver and Bill Shell of Eufaula, OK; 15 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Concord Baptist Church. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Wanda Gay Burleson, 70, died April 2, 2009. She was born May 14, 1938 to the late Otis and Irene McGrew Rains. She attended Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Donnie W. Burleson; a son, Ronnie Burleson of Heber Springs; two daughters, Jeanne McDougal of Heber Springs and Krystal Allen of Wilburn; a sister, Peggy Wolfe of Heber Springs; 8 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Miller Cemetery with arrangements by Olmstead Funeral Home.
COLT, ARKANSAS: Mottie Burmingham, 99, died January 6, 2007. He was born October 19, 1907 to Bill and Hattie Burmingham. He was a retired rice and soybean farmer, and attended Pine Tree Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Frank Burmingham of Pine Tree and Burlon Burmingham of Clarendon; a sister, Joy Wright of California; 8 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and 14 great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Annie Mae McKee Burmingham; and a grandson, Therald Burmingham. Burial was at Barnishaw Cemetery under the direction of Kernodle Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Curtis Wesley Burnett, Jr., 87, died October 19, 2006. He is survived by his wife, Willie Mae Burnett; his children and their spouses, Ray Burnett, Robert and Jean Burnett, Mamie and Robert Burton, and Viola Burnett, all of Little Rock, Edward Burnett of Lonoke, Herbert and Wanda Burnett of Jacksonville, Freddie and Nanava Burnett of Sherwood, Erma and Robert Kuykendall of Little Rock, Betty and Darryl Conley of Bald Knob, Hardy and Doreen Burnett and wife Doreen of Chicago, IL, and Thurman and Dorothy Burnett of Memphis, TN; two sisters, Joyce Cabean of Detroit, MI, and Maxine Ferrell of Chicago, IL; 44 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren; and a great-great granddaughter. He was preceded in death by his parents, Curtis Wesley Burnett, Sr. and Effie Powell Burnett Jeter. Services were held at the Church of Christ on Palm Street in Lonoke with Bro. Thomas Hardiway, Jr. officiating. Arrangements were entrusted to Robinson Mortuary.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: David L. Burnett, 72, died March 22, 1969 at a local hospital. He was born March 15, 1897 in Dunlap, IA. He was a member of the Christian Church and a veteran of World War I. Survivors include his wife, Bessie Burnett; a son, Hubert L. Burnett of Fayetteville; two daughters, Mrs. Edna Salsbury of Fayetteville, and Mrs. Jewel Van Zant of Cassville, MO; two sisters, Miss Emma Lou Burnett of Tulsa, and Mrs. Essie Daniels of Fayetteville; 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Baptist Ford Church. Burial was at Baptist Ford Cemetery by Nelson Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Alice Mae Burns died October 18, 2009. She was born August 15, 1929 to Jimmy and Mizella Blue Long. She was employed by Shine's Taxi Company for 20 years, and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a brother, Prentiss Long of Longview, TX; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Jimmy L. Burns; and a brother, Jimmy Long. Services and cremation arrangements were handled by Sims Mortuary.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Cleopatra Diamond Burns died November 22, 2006. Services were held December 12, 2006, at Bullock Temple C.M.E. Church. Interment was at Haven of Rest Cemetery under the direction of Ruffin and Jarrett Funeral Home.
LEWISVILLE, ARKANSAS: Glendon Burns, 73, died July 2, 2007. He was born November 4, 1933. He was a farmer, and attended Central Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Louise Burns; a son, Michael Burns of Hot Springs; two daughters, Glenna Plafcan of Lewisville and Louann Williamson of Stamps; two sisters, Gwen Powell of Lewisville and Carolyn Hudgens of McNeil, AR; a special friend, Denise Burns of Hot Springs; 6 grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Smith Funeral Home with Harold Freeman and Ronnie Freeman officiating. Burial was at Wilson Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: J.H. Burns, 79, died November 30, 1966. He was survived by two foster sons, Webster Wiseman and Haskell Wiseman; and a foster daughter, Helen Gough. Burial was at Baptist Ford Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Eugene Burroughs, 75, died April 7, 2006. He was born December 8, 1930 to the late Everett and Willie Burroughs. He was a retired general contractor, and also the retired pastor of Reader Baptist Church. He attended Grace Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Jewel Oliver Burroughs; a son and daughter-in-law, Ken and Rose Burroughs of Fayetteville; a daughter and son-in-law, April and Charlie Clark of Hot Springs; 5 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Bill Burroughs and John Burroughs; a sister, Ann Kiser; and his caregiver, Beverly Page of Camden.
He was preceded in death by a son, Steve Burroughs; his parents; and two sisters. Burial was at Bluff City Cemetery with Rev. Richard Foster presiding. Arrangements were handled by Proctor Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Clifford E. Burrow, 82, died March 16, 2004. He retired from the Air Force after 28 years of service. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by a son, Gary L. Burrow of North Little Rock; a daughter, June K. Burrow of North Little Rock; a stepdaughter, Lorita Heatherly of Cabot; a sister, Cleo McConkey of Little Rock; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Walnut Grove Cemetery by Jackson's Newport Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Mildred C. Burnett Burrow, 98, passed away December 31, 2003 at her home. She was born October 29, 1905 in Wynne to the late Charles Robert and Hallie Biles Burnett. She was a retired bookkeeper for her family business, Burnett Drug Store, for 40 years and was also a schoolteacher for 13 years. She a longtime member of the First United Methodist Church of Wynne. Survivors include a son, Chris Burrow of McCrory; a brother, John Donald Burnett of West Memphis; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles C. Burrow. Interment was at Cogbill Cemetery with arrangements by Thompson-Wilson Funeral Directors.
MANSFIELD, ARKANSAS: Bertha Lillian Burrows, 83, died October 6, 2008. She was a retired teacher at Mansfield High School. She was born April 6, 1925 to the late Oscar and Eunice Carter Slate. She is survived by five daughters and her sons-in-law, Ruby and Winston Nichols of Milltown, AR, Joyce and Todd Hunnicut of Greenwood, AR, Susie and Raymon Clopton of Greenwood, Nina Dickinson of Witcherville, AR, and Tammy and Jerry Gill of Mansfield; three sisters, Betty Dodd of Fort Worth, TX, Elsie Allen of Mansfield, and Linda Brown of Mansfield; a brother, Colin Slate of Booneville; 17 grandchildren; her great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Clyde Miles Burrows; and two sisters, Ina Belle Slate Hurt and Rachel Ruth Slate Dorrough. Interment was at Coop Prairie Cemetery under the direction of Martin Funeral Home.
GREEN FOREST, ARKANSAS: Buford L. Burson, age 12, died on January 30, 1905 of complications following the amputation of a leg. The initial injury came after an accidental fall through a broken walkway.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Julius A. Burson, 93, died January 13, 1965 at his home. He was born December 20, 1871 in Washington County to George and Naomi Benson Burson. He was a retired farmer. He married Mary Bertha Bash in 1900. Survivors include eight daughters, Lenna Vaughn of Gentry, Naomi Williams and Martha Smith, both of Fayetteville; Velma E. Carnes of Catoosa, OK, Gertrude Burson of Tulsa, OK, Mona J. Brown of Bartlesville, OK, Anna Skelton of Ontario, CA, and Ethel Karr of Fullerton, CA; and four sons, George of Fayetteville, Julius of Tulsa, OK, Bob of Catoosa, OK, and John of Fullerton, CA. Burial was at Son's Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Watson Mortuary.
WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: William Henry Burson, 86, of the Habberton community, died November 24, 1963 at a Springdale nursing home. He was born April 16, 1877 in Washington County to George and Naomi Benson Burson. Survivors include his wife, Lucy Ellen Stuart Burson; four sons, Kermit of Habberton, and Claud, Roy, and Gene, all of Fayetteville; three daughters, Mrs. Euel Oxford of Habberton, and Mrs. Roy Nixon and Mrs. Bill Turrentine, both of Springdale; a brother, Julius of Fayetteville; 15 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Son's Chapel Cemetery by Wasson Mortuary.
JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Donald M. Burt, 71, died May 16, 2005 in Jacksonville. He was born November 15, 1933 in Spickard, MO to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burt. He retired from Ashland Chemicals and the U.S. Air Force. He had been a Jacksonville area resident for 35 years. He was a Methodist and a member of the VFW. Survivors include his wife, Rose Mary Gregory Burt; a son, Charles Riggan (Brenda) of Ward; a daughter, Donna Majeske (Michael) of Jacksonville; two brothers, Charles Burt of California and Richard Burt of Nebraska; a sister, Frances DeForge of Nebraska; 4 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery in North Little Rock with arrangements by Moore's Jacksonville Funeral Home.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Christine Burton, 77, passed away May 7, 2006. She is survived by two sons, James Surratt of Napa, CA and Earl Atkins, Jr. of Little Rock; six daughters, Irene Brown (Jerry), Corene Atkins, and Patricia Atkins, all of Vallejo, CA; Earnestine Lewis (Larry) of Little Rock, Ella Mae Reed (Jimmy) of England, AR and Mary Freeman (Roy) of Tucker, AR; three brothers, Willie Burton (Bobbie), Jimmy Burton (Esther), and Sabe Burton, Jr.(Maggie), all of Little Rock; two sisters, Sadie Mae Hutchison and Elnora Lewis, both of England, AR; 24 grandchildren; and 28 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Sabe and Rosie Burton; and a brother, Henry Burton. Services were held at East Macedonia Baptist Church with Bro. Robert Reed officiating. Burial was at Neelum Cemetery in under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
EL DORADO,ARKANSAS: Omega Linda Burton, 80, died June 23, 2008. She was born January 11, 1928 to James Sylvester Simmons and Irene Perry Simmons. She was a retired USDA inspector, and attended Immanuel Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Robert Burton of Siloam Springs and Jerry Burton of El Dorado; two daughters, Phyllis Mauldin of Lavonia, GA and Theresa Schell of Pierce City, MO; 10 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Olin Kenneth Burton; and her siblings. She was the last survivor of her parents' 18 children. Interment was at Union Ridge Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Young's Funeral Directors.
ELKINS, ARKANSAS: Pete Burwell, 81, died March 28, 1994. He was born October 19, 1912 to William and Myrtle Perry Burwell. He was a farmer. He was survived by his wife, Mildred Barker Burwell. Burial was at Walnut Grove Cemetery near Crosses, AR under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ida Scott Busby, 79, died March 11, 1969. She was born June 22, 1889 to the late Jasper Scott and Ellen Hardin Scott. She was of the Methodist faith. Among the survivors are her husband, Millard Busby; a brother, Clarence Scott; and a sister, Lenora Hainley. Services were held at the Cherry Hill Missionary Baptist Church with Bro. Leslie Hepp officiating. Interment was at Cherry Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
GREEN FOREST, ARKANSAS: Kietha Buschbom, 100, died April 28, 2007. She was born January 13th 1907. She attended Green Forest United Methodist Church. She and her husband once traveled on circus and rodeo circuits, where they performed with horses. She enjoyed gardening. She is survived by a son, Jack Buschbom of Green Forest; a daughter, Beverly Hurliman of Colorado Springs, CO; a sister, Virginia McFarland of St Louis, MO; 10 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Bill Buschbom, Sr.; a son, Billy Buschbom, Jr.; and six siblings. Interment was at Pickens Cemetery in Green Forest with Bro. David Hanshaw presiding. Arrangements were handled by Smith Family Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Floyd Bush, Jr., 29, died September 7, 2010. He was born in Little Rock to Floyd Bush, Sr. and Laura Bush. He is survived by a brother, Cedric Lightfoot of Columbus, OH; and a grandmother, Lillie Lightfoot of Pine Bluff. Services were held at Mount Carmel Baptist Church. Interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
FOREMAN, ARKANSAS: Willive Lefevers Bush, 85, died November 3, 2007. She was born August 25, 1922. She attended the Freedom Temple Church of God in Christ at Foreman. She is survived by three sons and two daughters-in-law, Greg and Mary Bush and David Bush of Redwater, TX, and Mark and Michelle Bush of Nash, TX; a brother, Joe Nelson Wright of Scottsdale, AZ; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Madden Funeral Home with Rev. Andrew Smith and Rev. Chris Clayton officiating. Burial was at Gravelly Cemetery.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Irvin E. Busse, 94, died November 6, 2006. He was born July 5, 1912 to the late George Martin and Mary Ann Frantz Busse. He was a cattle rancher. He was a member of the Maysville Bible Church, worked at the election polls, and was a former member of the Gravette School Board. He is survived by a son, Rick Busse and wife Brenda of Siloam Springs, AR; two daughters, Barbara Kenney and husband Mike of Siloam Springs, AR and Linda Busse of Bainbridge Island, WA; 7 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Ella Showalter Busse; four brothers; and two sisters. Burial was at Maysville Cemetery in Maysville, AR with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Clint P. Butler, Jr. died March 22, 1944. He was born June 30, 1923. He was a casualty of World War II. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Sr. Mary Alphonsus Butler, 98, died September 12, 1999. She was born in Redhead Cove, Newfoundland. She was a retired nurse at St. Joseph Memorial Medical Center. Survivors include two nieces, Carolyn Godfrey and Sylvia Beaton, both of Massachusetts. Funeral services were held at the McAuley Convent Chapel in Barling. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Virginia Eunice Butler died February 7, 1966. She was born March 19, 1900. She was a retired school teacher. She was of the Methodist faith. She was survived by two sisters, Miss Eula Butler and Mrs. Leon Irby; and six nephews. Services were held at the First Methodist Church of Prairie Grove. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
PANGBURN, ARKANSAS: Betty Ann Butterworth, 48, died September 12, 2007. She was born October 9, 1958 to Glen and Modine Cross Parson. She is survived by her husband, Don; a son and daughter-in-law, Derrick and Megan Butterworth of Conway; a daughter and son-in-law, Crystal and Chris Charlton of Conway; her father, Glen Parson of Moro; 2 grandchildren; six brothers, Glen Parson, Jr. and Ricky Parson of Des Arc, Tony Parson, David Parson, and Bobby Parson of Moro, and Billy Parson of Palestine; four sisters, Paula Ligon and Judy Nichols of Moro, Christine Cupp of Helena, and Barbara Hindsley of Marvel; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her mother. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Charles Raymond "Sam" Buttry, 56, died December 3, 2004. He was born April 25, 1958 to Claudus Morgan "Buck" Buttry and Ida Francis Enecks Buttry. He was a self-employed general laborer, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Loretta Faye Thurman Buttry; a son, Tommy Buttry and wife Kathy of Lincoln; a daughter, Cathy Nielson and husband Lenny of Elkins; 4 grandchildren; and a sister, Doris Ann Hutchens of Lincoln. Interment was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home of Siloam Springs.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Hannah Grayson Butts, 68, died June 1, 2006. She was born July 29, 1937 to the late Vernon Grayson and Paralee Grayson. She attended Zion Temple Church Of God In Christ. She is survived by six sons, Jesse Butts, Jr. (Valencia) of Sherwood, Benny Butts (Blanchie) of Little Rock, Robert Butts (Theressa) of Little Rock, Walter Butts (Latrice) of Conway, Otis Butts (Atonya) of Conway, and Cecil Butts (Rhonda) of Conway; three daughters, Paralee King of Conway, Angie Trent (Richard) of Conway, and Doretha Harris (Rev. Ricky Harris) of Jacksonville; a sister, Curley Mae Dickerson of Conway; 32 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jesse Butts, Sr.; and a daughter, Rosie Lee Agee. Services were held at United Baptist Church in Conway. Interment was at Caney Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
VILONIA, ARKANSAS: Harold Albert Butts, 89, died March 27, 2003 at St. Vincent North Hospital. He was born May 22, 1913 in Morton County, KS to Clarence Albert Butts and Bessie Lenora Simpson. He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Survivors include his wife, Margie; two daughters, Kay Oakley and Carol Tran; two stepchildren, Michael Stewart and Sherry Smith; a brother, Gilbert F. Butts of Starks, LA; 9 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Jacksonville. Interment was at Forest Hills Memorial Park by Griffin-Leggett-Rest Hills Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Johnnie Walter Butts, Jr., 86, died July 25, 2008. He was born August 30, 1921 to Johnnie W. Butts, Sr. and Lou Ella Dickerson. He was a U.S. Army veteran and a Christian. Survivors include a daughter, Brenda Butts of Little Rock; a son, Murphy Fuller of Mayflower; a stepdaughter, Alma Abraham of Little Rock; 6 grandchildren; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Lighthouse Christian Church in Conway. Interment with military honors was at the V.A. National Cemetery in Little Rock with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Marie Butts, 87, died December 27, 2009. She was born December 24, 1922 to the late Henry and Rosett Mangels Chalkley. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Brent and Connie Butts of Searcy; and 2 grandsons. Interment was at the Mausoleum of Oaklawn Memorial Gardens under the direction of Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Mary Lee Buxton, 81, died May 26, 2006. She was born January 1, 1925 to the late Emmit Thomas and Ida Lee Sago Harris. She is survived by her husband, Lloyd Buxton; two sons, Gary Lloyd Buxton and Thomas Edward Buxton, both of Pocahontas; 5 grandsons; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; four sisters; and three brothers. Burial was at Brockett Cemetery under the direction of Cox-Waymon Funeral Home.
PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Electa Jane Byer, 86, died September 25, 2005 at St. Mary's Hospital in Rogers. She was born April 20, 1919 in LaGrange County, IN to Wesley David and Rosemin Dianitha Getz Harger. She was a member of Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, and enjoyed reading, sewing, puzzles, and playing cards and games. She is survived by a son, Sam Miller, Jr. of Washington, GA; three daughters, Mary Martin, Margaret Keene, and Martha Reeves Byer, all of Pea Ridge; 12 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ken Byer; two sons, James David Byer and John W. Byer; a daughter, Jane Louise Clark; five sisters, Eloise, Iva, Elsie, Pearl and Phyllis; and three brothers, Floyd, Wesley, and Harold. Services were held at Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church. Interment was at the Pea Ridge Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Home.
MANSFIELD, ARKANSAS: Barney Joe Byers, 85, died February 3, 2009. He was born August 21, 1923 to John Hulsey and Captolia Byers. He a longtime employee of Martin Funeral Home, and a former employee of the city of Mansfield. He founded a dry cleaning store with his father and brother, and was a U.S. Navy veteran. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Byers; a daughter, Mary Byers-Gilbert and husband Paul; a son, John David and wife Angie; 3 grandchildren; a brother, Billy Byers; a sister, Jane McFarland; his nieces and nephews; and his friends. Services were held at Fellowship Baptist Church. Interment was at Buggy Hill Cemetery by Martin Funeral Home.
MANSFIELD, ARKANSAS: Dorothy L. Byers, 80, passed away January 8, 2010. She attended Fellowship Baptist Church in Withcherville. She is survived by a daughter, Mary Byers-Gilbert and husband Paul; a son, John David Byers and wife Angie; 3 grandchildren; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Barney Byers; a brother, Arthur Spaude; and a nephew, Ronnie Spaude. Services were held at Fellowship Baptist Church. Interment was at Buggy Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Martin Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Frances Patterson Byers, 94, died February 7, 2007. She was a graduate of Henderson State College, and was a schoolteacher for over 30 years in Hot Springs and Hope. She was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma and the Garland County Retired Teachers' Association. She attended the First United Methodist Church of Hot Springs. Survivors include a son, Robert Malcolm Byers and his wife, Janice M. Byers. She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Byers; and her parents, Robert Malcolm and Allie Stuart Hunter Patterson. Interment was at Rose Hill Cemetery in Hope under the direction of Little Rock Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Curtis Lavan Byram, 72, died May 23, 2009. He was born October 6, 1936 to the late William Curtis Byram and Vertis Bell Smith Byram. He was a CPA, and owned Tax & Financial Planners. He was also a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by two sons, Tony and Robert Byram of El Dorado; a daughter, Vanessa Donahue of El Dorado; a sister, Norma Ruth Hightower of Junction City; 4 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a grandson, Lance Allen Byram. Interment was at Roselawn Cemetery in Junction City under the direction of Young's Funeral Directors.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Donald Edward Byram, 59, died December 20, 2006. He was a retired factory worker, and was of the Pentecostal faith. He is survived by a daughter, Vickie Morgan of Jonesboro; three sons, Danny Byram of Antioch, TN, Jerry Byram of Bay, and Timmy Byram of Jonesboro; four sisters, Shirley Byram, Kaye Hannon, and Karen Kelly all of Trumann, and Linda Allison of Marion; a brother, Barry Byram of Hardy; and a grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, Woody and Edna Jennings Byram. Services were held at First General Baptist Church with Rev. Darrel Miller officiating. Burial was at Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery by Thompson Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mary Stella Byrd, 70, died April 14, 1971 at her home on Route 2. She was born January 12, 1882 in Goshen to Miller and Peggy Bell. Survivors include her husband, Greene Byrd; a son, Dane of Fayetteville; four daughters, Mrs. Ethel Tincher and Mrs. Artie Stephens, both of Fayetteville, Mrs. Della Boatright of Hindsville, and Leota Byrd of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Bailey of Fayetteville, and Ella Byrd of Little Rock; 9 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Assembly of God Church. Burial was at Buckeye Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Funeral Chapel.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Nora Ann Byrom, 86, died May 12, 2007. She was born November 20, 1920 to the late Elza and Maggie Grady Whited. She was a homemaker. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, John Paul and Lori Byrom; a sister, Agnes Oliver of Harrison; 2 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and many friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, William "Bill" Byrom; her parents; her brothers, Gean Whited, Boyd Whited, and J.D. Whited; and her sisters, Tempest Parsley and Georgia Manley. Services were held at Christeson Funeral Home with Rev. Charles Taylor officiating. Interment was at Maplewood Cemetery.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Hence William Cagle, 81, died December 21, 2006. He was the son of Ruben and Stella Bart Cagle. Survivors include his children, Will Cagle of North Little Rock, and Rodney Cagle, Jeanette Hubble, Ruben Cagle, Michael Cagle and Diane Holt, all of Little Rock, Lynn Mason of Lonoke, Raymond Cagle and Robert Cagle, both of Little Rock, and Pauline Page of Bauxite; a brother, Joe Cagle of Newport; his sisters, Letha Doyle of Lynn, and Shirley Huskey of Monroe, LA; 22 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren; and the mother of his children, Elsie Jenkins. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters; and three brothers. Arrangements were handled by Little Rock Funeral Home.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Arvil W. Cahoon, 73, died October 6, 2006. He retired from Shipley Baking Company, and was a member of Shady Grove Free Will Baptist Church in Hackett, AR. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by two daughters, Shirley Johnson of Roland, OK and Paula Jones of Greenwood; two sons, Kelvin and Melvin Cahoon both of Greenwood; two brothers, Dale Cahoon of Spiro, OK and Carroll Cahoon of Greenwood; 9 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Pearlie Cahoon. Services were held at Shady Grove Free Will Baptist Church. Burial was at Ramsey Cemetery in Hackett with arrangements by McConnell Funeral Home.
LEPANTO, ARKANSAS: Dollie Shinall Caldwell, 86, died December 26, 2004 at the Jonesboro Regional Medical Center. She was born June 18, 1918. She was a member of the Church of God. She is survived by two daughters, Kathy Stiles of Lepanto, and Nelda Brumley of Floral; two sons, Larry Caldwell of Osceola, and Lynn Caldwell of Conway; two sisters, Mary Freshour of Malvern, and Pearl Clark of Memphis, TN; 8 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Aubrey Lee Caldwell; and a son, Kenny R. Caldwell. Interment was at Potter Memorial Cemetery in Lepanto with arrangements by Murphy Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ricky Ladell Caldwell, age 6, died June 21, 2002. He was born on July 29, 1995 to Ricky and Tiffany Caldwell. He was a first grade student at Brady Elementary School. He is survived by many loving relatives, including his parents; a brother, Codrick Caldwell; and his sisters, Chastity and Rickeya. Services were held at Williams Temple Church of God in Christ in Little Rock. Burial was at Forest Hills Memorial Park.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Roy Elton Calhoun, 65, died January 11, 2007. He was born June 14, 1941. He is survived by five sisters, Faye Droemer and Cathie Johnson, both of Magazine, Janette Cook of Texarkana, AR, and Ruth Apple and Janie Long, both of Little Rock; and two brothers, Charlie Calhoun of Little Rock, and James Dubos of Jasper, TX. Services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Booneville. Arrangements were handled by Roberts Funeral Home of Booneville, AR.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: William Autry Calhoun, 63, died November 15, 2003. He was born September 3, 1940 to William Olen and Verna Virginia Stokes Calhoun. He was a truck driver and a member of the Teamsters Union. He was a Baptist. Among the survivors are his wife, Patti Crigger Calhoun; two sons, Kevin Calhoun and Kendal Calhoun, both of Little Rock; a daughter, Robin Dunn of Little Rock; two stepsons, Charles Dawson of Benton and J.R. White of Alexander; four brothers, Denton Calhoun of Benton, Terrell Calhoun of Camden, Delton Calhoun of Little Rock, and Galyn "Goob" Calhoun of Hope; and 8 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents. Interment was at Mt. Moriah Cemetery in Rosston with arrangements handled by Brazzel-Cornish Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Rebecca Frances Bedingfield Calico, 78, died March 3, 1969 at the Madison County Hospital. She was born November 12, 1890 in Kingston to Henry and Cynthia Elizabeth Kelly Bedingfield. She was a member of the Baptist church. She is survived by her husband, Ulman C. Calico; a son, James Bedingfield of Verona, MO; two daughters, Mrs. Willie Bohannan of Huntsville, and Mrs. Lois Hazleton of Durango, CO; two sisters, Mrs.Ethel Coger and Miss Mary Bedingfield, both of Springdale; 3 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and 3 stepchildren. Services were held at the Clifty Freewill Baptist Church. Burial was at the Clifty Cemetery by Brashears Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ulman Carr Calico, 83, died June 26, 1969 at an Aurora, MO hospital. He was born July 8, 1885 in Clifty to Jim and Lydia Ann Smith Calico. He married Rebecca Bedingfield on March 19, 1911, He was a Baptist. Survivors include a son, James M. Calico, of Verona, MO; two daughters, Mrs. Willie Bohannan of Huntsville, and Mrs. Lois Hazleton of Durango, CO; a brother, E.L. Calico of Siloam Springs; 3 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Clifty Freewill Baptist Church. Burial was at Clifty Cemetery by Brashears Funeral Home.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ruby Faye Call, 89, died January 25, 2007. She was born July 23, 1917 to John Lewis Hensley and Martha Ella Addings Hensley. She had worked as a nurse at Siloam Springs Memorial Hospital. She attended the First Assembly of God Church in Siloam Springs. She is survived by her husband, Pearl Lee Call; two brothers, Lewis Hensley Oklahoma City, OK and Paul Hensley of Tulsa, OK; a sister, Ida Philpot of Fort Worth, TX; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, John Carl Hensley. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery in Siloam Springs, AR with Rev. Lonnie Nelson officiating. Arrangements were handled by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Louise Callis, 66, died November 24, 2001. She was born August 7, 1935 to Oliver Newton Callis and Goldie Lola Toland Callis. She was a care provider, and attended Harvard Avenue Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Nancy Thomason of Tulsa, OK, and Maria Ebanks of Siloam Springs; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Maysville Cemetery in with Bro. Hugh Woolard officiating. Arrangements were handled by Wasson Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Patricia Calloway died March 20, 2007. She was born April 1, 1967 to Wiley and Jessie Tibbs Calloway. She belonged to The Loving Church, where her mother serves as a pastor. She is survived by her husband, Cedric Raybon; her parents, Wiley Calloway and Evangelist Jessie M. Land; a son, Remonto Mason; a daughter, Jessica Mason; a brother, Lonnie Tibbs; two sisters, Cynthia Calloway and Connie Tibbs; and a godsister, Nancy Hicks, all of El Dorado. Services were held at St. James Baptist Church in El Dorado. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: O.D. Calvin died April 14, 2011. He was born February 24, 1923 in Plumerville, AR to James and Estella Hervey Calvin. Survivors include five sons, Floyd Williams of Morrilton, Gary Calvin of Plumerville, Roger Calvin of Little Rock, Neal Hood of Menifee, and Randall Calvin of Pensacola, FL; a daughter, Faye Calvin of Morrilton; 20 grandchildren; and his great-grandchildren. Services were held at Shady Grove Baptist Church in Plumerville. Interment was at Owens Cemetery by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Mary A. Cameron died September 25, 1885. She was born January 14, 1883. Burial was at Oak Grove Cemetery.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Geraldine "Geri" Willson Cammarata, 81, died January 16, 2007. She was born October 04, 1925 to the late Fred O. Willson and Emma Brown Willson. Survivors include a son, Ron (Lori) Cammarata of Mabelvale; two daughters, Linda (Norman) Hill of Terlton, OK and Janet Cammarata of Sherwood; a brother, William (Helen) Willson of North Little Rock; a sister, Helen (Ted) Stathakis of Salt Lake City, UT; 8 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Anthony Cammarata. Interment was at Pinecrest Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Leggett Rest Hills Funeral Home.
COLUMBIA COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Mathias Absalom Camp died January 6, 1882. He was born May 18, 1858 to R.M. and Eliza Camp. Burial was at Atlanta Methodist Cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Brigitte Barbara Campbell, 68, died May 10, 2004. She was born July 18, 1935 in Germersheim, Germany to the late Johan Halbritter and Emilie Halbritter-Bolz. She attended First Freedom Baptist Church. Survivors include two daughters, Virginia Campbell Shaver and husband Chuck of Blacksburg, VA, and Charlotte A. Campbell of Cabot; two grandchildren, Elizabeth Ryan Shaver and Charles Jackson Shaver, both of Blacksburg, VA; three brothers, Bend Bolz and wife Hieka, Hans Halbritter, and Alex Bolz of Germany; a sister, Waltraud Haywood of Austin, TX; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles E. Campbell; and two sons, Johnny E. Campbell and Clarence W. Campbell. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Cabot with Bro. Freddy Dulany officiating. Arrangements were handled by Thomas Funeral Service.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Carnell C. Campbell, 86, died July 14, 2013. He was born June 13, 1927 in Dumas, AR to Roy and Mary Madden Campbell. He was a retired security guard for the State of Arkansas, and was a member of the Word of Outreach Christian Center. Survivors include a daughter, Faye O'Kelley of South Carolina; two sons, Carl (Janice) Campbell of Conway, and Carnell (Ollie) Powell of Los Angeles, CA; a sister, Theodoshia Maxwell of Little Rock; three brothers, Perry Campbell of Dumas, Young Campbell of Little Rock, and Raymond Campbell of Fresno, CA; his grandchildren; his great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ernestine Campbell; and his parents. Services were held at the Word of Outreach Christian Center. Interment was at Free Gift Cemetery in Dumas with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
CASA, ARKANSAS: Goldia Campbell, 76, died October 16, 2000. She was born June 26, 1924 to the late Ed and Ollie Cline Rainey. Among the survivors are a son, Melvin Campbell of Casa; two daughters, Odean Hepp and Verna Mackey, both of Russellville; one brother, Edward Rainey of Pine Bluff; seven sisters, Marilyn Gillam and Alma Lou Dorsey of Perryville, Alice Moreland of Flint, Mich., Edna Eason of Illinois, Marge Norman of Jacksonville, Norma Klamm of Perry, and Nina Sue West of Rose Creek; three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. She was the widow of Odell Campbell. Services were held with Jackie Townsell and Rickey Robinson officiating. Interment was at Aunt Dilly Cemetery near Casa, AR with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Imo Caudle Campbell, 87, died October 14, 2006. She was born January 29, 1919. She was a 1940 graduate of the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor's degree in English and a minor in music. She was a member of Chi Omega, Delta Kappa Gamma, and Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity. She was a member of the American Association of University Women and the Culture Club of Russellville. She was a vice-principal and taught Music and English at Gardner Junior High School in Russellville. She attended the First Christian Church in Russellville, where she served as pianist and organist for over 45 years. She is survived by two daughters, Carol C. Fisher of North Little Rock and Louise and Paul Watkins of Austin, Ar.; a brother-in-law, former Chancery Judge Richard Mobley of Russellville; four grandchildren, Jan Fisher Budreau, her husband, Gordon, of Denver, Co.; Julie Carol Fisher of Seattle; Jane C. Watkins of Springdale; and David P. Watkins of Fayetteville; a great-grandson; three nephews; and two nieces. She was preceded in death by her husband, David F. Campbell; her mother, Floy McAlister Caudle; her parents, Reece Arnold Caudle, former Speaker of the House in the State legislature, and May Burgess Caudle; and a sister, Louise Caudle Mobley. Services were held at First Christian Church in Russellville with Pastor Dick King presiding. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery in Russellville with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jeanette Elaine McNeal Campbell, 42, died January 21, 2005. She was born September 5, 1962 to George McNeal and Mary F. Frank Talley. She was a registered nurse, and of the Baptist faith. Other than her parents, survivors include her husband, Jerry Campbell of Plumerville; a son, Joshua Knight Campbell of Plumerville; her stepmother, Linda McNeal of Perryville; and three brothers, Gerald McNeal of Ada Valley, Ronald McNeal of Little Rock, and Glen McNeal of Perryville. Services were held at Perryville Assembly of God with Rev. Buddy Wroten officiating. Burial was at Nimrod Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Margaret Lavada Canada, 89, died April 3, 2007 in Greenwood. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Greenwood, and a former member of Mount Harmony Baptist Church. Survivors include five sons, John and Granville Canada, both of Fort Smith, and Charles, Merel and Elmer Canada all of Greenwood; four daughters, Juanita Denton and Joy Monasco, both of Fort Smith, Delores Lovell of Greenwood, and Mary Payne of Konawa, OK; two sisters, Omega Collins and Estelee Bull, both of Fort Smith; 25 grandchildren; and 33 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Canada. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Greenwood. Interment was at Dawson Cemetery in Milltown with arrangements by McConnell Funeral Home.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Reba Helen Canada, 95, died February 28, 2008. She was a member of Greenwood Freewill Baptist Church. She and her husband, Robert, and family operated the Greenwood movie theater for many years when Fort Chaffee was active. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Arnold and Jeannie Canada of Greenwood; 2 grandsons; 4 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandson. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Canada. Burial was at Liberty Cemetery under the direction of McConnell Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Thelma Rollins Canada, 100, died January 30, 2004. She was born September 28, 1903 to the late William Fletcher and Osa Anna Chandler Rollins. She was a self-employed business owner in general merchandise and appliance sales. She attended St. Luke United Methodist Church in Little Rock. She belonged to the Order of the Eastern Star, AARP, and Shepherd's Center. Survivors include her daughters, Clarice and husband Jim McGrew of Alexander, and Wilma C. Diner of Little Rock; her granddaughters, Leigh Ann Mountcastle and Kevin Mountcastle of Coppell, TX, Amanda Lee McGrew of Alexander, Dr. Jamie and husband Jerry Coleman of Dallas, TX and Janelle D. and husband Larry Hildebrant of St. Paul, MN; her grandsons, Dr. Brad and wife Debbie Diner of Little Rock and Jeff Diner of Phoenix, AZ; a nephew, Dr. Andrew T. and wife Jean Canada of Efland, NC; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Edward Canada. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
FLIPPIN, ARKANSAS: Pat Walker Canary, 71, died May 28, 2009. She was born October 6, 1937 to the late Louie and Myrtle King Walker. She was a member of Yellville First Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, William R. "Bill" Canary; two daughters, Cheryl Warren and husband Gary of Powell, TN, and Christine Canary of Oklahoma City, OK; three brothers, Robert Walker of Milwaukee, WI, William Walker of O'Fallon, IL, and Tom Walker of Chapel Hill, TX; three sisters, Elizabeth Odom of Port Lavaca, TX, Linda Campbell of San Antonio, TX, and Norma Jean Bale of Victoria, TX; a grandchild; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Donald Walker; and a sister, Mary Walker. Services were held at Yellville First Baptist Church. Interment was at Fairview Cemetery in Flippin by Burns Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Ardella Cane, 96, died February 12, 2003. She was born September 11, 1906 to the late Gilbert Flintrock and Ella Smith Flintrock. She attended St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Mitchellville. She is survived by two stepsons, Bernard Davis of Houston and Atlas Davis of Tacoma, WA; seven stepdaughters, Carolyn Cane of Dumas and Cheryl Darrough of Mitchellville, Sandra K. Cane of Little Rock, Angela Marshall of Houston, Jacqueline Beechum of Dallas, Sonya Smith of Oakland, CA, and Gloria Judie of Haywood, CA; 22 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Cane. Services were held at St. John Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Harry Mays officiating. Burial was at the Little Rock National Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Elgin Canley, 79, died October 4, 2009. He retired from Georgia Pacific Paper Mill, and attended Davis Memorial Church Of God In Christ. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Louise Adkins Canley; his sons and daughters-in-law, Rev. Allen and Michele Canley of Memphis, Terry and Tangerine Adkins of Los Angeles, CA, and Aubrey C. Canley of Crossett; a daughter and son-in-law, Marita and Anthony Sykes of Memphis; three brothers, L.V. and Louise Canley of Santa Barbara, CA, Warner Canley, and Willie Earl and Jenetta Canley, all of Tacoma, WA; four sisters, Ruby Robinson and Nobie Lovett, both of El Dorado, Sula Carson of Richmond, CA, and Betty Andrews of Crossett; 9 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jonas and Roscity Slade Canley; three brothers, J.M. Canley, Johnny Canley, and Dennis Malvin Canley; and three sisters, Girdy Ross, Earlene Hawkins, and Pinkie Canley. Services were held at Davis Memorial Church Of God In Christ. Burial was at Westview Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Pennsylvania Cann, 95, died November 27, 2002 at Ouachita Convalescent Center in Camden. Services were held at Whitest Chapel Baptist Church. Interment was at Jones Cemetery in Louann under the direction of Andrews Funeral Home.
LOCKSBURG, ARKANSAS: John Cannon died July 21, 1903. He was born November 14, 1817. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company A of the 19th Arkansas Infantry. Burial was at Old Union Cemetery.
LOCKESBURG, ARKANSAS: Ruby B. Jester Cannon, 72, died November 17, 2005. She was born March 21, 1933 to Elbert and Ivy Henderson Jester. She was of the Baptist faith. Among the survivors are a son, Kenneth Eugene Cannon of Lockesburg; three sisters, Lou Jester of Rosemand, CA, Sue Jamison of DeQueen, and Connie Yvonne Renfrow of Nashville, AR; and 2 grandchildren, Brian Martz and Susie Cannon. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herman Eugene Cannon; a daughter, Diana Sue Martz; and a grandson, Blake Cannon. Interment was at McHorse Cemetery with arrangements by Wilkerson Funeral Home.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Hazel Hampton Cantrell, 101, died January 26, 2007. She was born September 8, 1905 to the late Adam Hampton and Dora Lanquill Hampton. She was a retired consultant for the Arkansas Department of Human Services. She attended First Baptist Church of McGehee. She is survived by a daughter, Flora Bell Stepherson of McGehee; two sisters, Evelyn Stepherson of Valapariso, IN, and Mary Mills of Jacksonville; 2 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Victor Cantrell. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of McGehee with Dr. Tommy Cunningham officiating. Burial was at McGehee Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Home.
GOULD, ARKANSAS: Baldemar Cantu, Sr., 70, died May 30, 2009. He was born January 21, 1939. He is survived by his wife, Dora Cantu; a son, Baldemar Cantu, Jr.; a daughter, Leticia Atkins; a stepdaughter, Irasema Yadira Olivares of Mercedes, TX; 5 grandchildren; 3 step-grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; and a step great-granddaughter. Services were held at Holy Child Catholic Church. Burial was at Walnut Lake Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Home.
BIGELOW, ARKANSAS: Ana Estela Arias Carden, 79, died December 16, 2011. She was born in the Dominican Republic on May 9, 1932 to Jose S. and Margret Arias. She is survived by a sister; a brother; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Frederick Carden. Interment was at Volman Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Clydean Carden, 78, died April 2, 2008. She was of the Methodist faith. She is survived by three brothers and sisters-in-law, Edward and Jerri Golden, Johnny and wife Bobbie Golden, all of Crossett, and Jimmy and Judy Golden of Houston, TX. Interment was at Snyder Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Margie Sutton Cardin, 63, died February 2, 2005. She was born March 25, 1942 to William Dow and Sadie Sutton. She attended Eastside Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Carroll Lee Cardin; and two brothers, William Dow Sutton, Jr. and James Carroll Sutton. Survivors include a daughter, Deborah Smith of Stuttgart; two sons, Monte Cardin and wife Peggy, and Jeff Cardin of DeWitt; a sister, Edith McCallie of DeWitt; a brother, Bobby Sutton of St. Charles; 11 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Services were held at Eastside Baptist Church with Pastor Riley Poole officiating. Burial was at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Cabot with arrangements by McKinzie Funeral Home.
WILMOT, ARKANSAS: Dolphus Carey, 95, died June 17, 2000. He was a retired janitor for the Wilmot School District. He attended Shady Grove A.M.E. Church. Among the survivors are a daughter, Hazel Ross of El Dorado; eight grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; six great-great-grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mabel Lee Carey; his parents, Edma and Paliney Botney Carey; a daughter, Agatha Coleman; and two sisters. Services were held at Shady Grove A.M.E. Church with Rev. Karen Jackson officiating. Burial was at the Jim Smith Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Leonard E. "Curly" Carlisle, 50, died July 10, 1966. He was born July 26, 1915 to Walter and Bennietta Carlisle. He was a member of the Fort Smith Electrical Workers Union #700, and was of the Baptist faith. He was survived by his wife, Jewel Carlisle; two sons, Bobby Carlisle and Randal Carlisle; two brothers, Clay Carlisle and Jack Carlisle; two sisters, Mrs. Jack Heckathorn and Mrs. Mace Howell; and 3 grandchildren. Burial was at the Farmington Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
HATTIEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Walter Raymond Carlon, 20, died February 27, 1942. He served as a signalman for the U.S. Navy, and died during World War II. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlon. Interment was at Old Hickory Cemetery.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Burgie E. Carmack, 96, died October 11, 2007. She was born October 8, 1911 to the late Jess and Margie Lemmons Black. She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Ron and Pat Carmack of Heber Springs; a daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Ron Malone of West Fork; a sister, Ruth Sias of Yelm, WA; a niece, Carolyn Sanders of Ward; 5 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lester Buel Carmack. Interment was at Greene County Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Heath Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Mary J. Carmical, 67, died February 8, 2006. She was born May 27, 1938 to George and Ruby Ash. She attended Hilltop Baptist Church in Cabot. Survivors include six children and their spouses, Floyd J. and Tammy Carmical, Jr., Joe F. and Joanne Carmical, Sr., Cliffton W. and Alicia Carmical, all of Cabot, Tommy L. and Sandra Carmical of Vilonia, George E. and Melody Carmical of Cave City, Beth G. and David Hodges of Gun Barrel City, TX; three sisters; 12 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd J. Carmical, Sr.; two daughters, Gayle Sykes and Patti M. Carmical; and two grandchildren, Freddie Wilson and Lacey R. Carmical. Services were held at Hilltop Baptist Church with Reverend Melburn Hill officiating. Burial was at Harmony Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Jacksonville Funeral Home.
DEER, ARKANSAS: Ossie A. Carmichael, 79, died on August 14, 1997. She is survived by her husband, Alfred A. Carmichael; two sons, George Carmichael and Gene Radford; four daughters, Mamie P. Dingman, Gladys Turner, Linda West and Betty Tester; 18 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Cremation was handled by Nelson's Funeral Home with interment at the Fayetteville National Cemetery.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Raymond Leo Carnes, 63, died February 21, 1979. He was a member of First United Pentecostal Church. He is survived by his wife, Ada Carnes; two sons, Dorsey and Raymond Carnes, Jr., both of Beebe; five daughters, Agnes Henson on Beebe, Maxine Ross of Lonoke, Brenda Stubbs of Pine Bluff, Geraldine Gales of Nashville, and Carolyn Swinn of Shreveport, LA; three brothers, Willis and Forest Carnes, both of Newport, and Henry Carnes of Kansas City, MO; two sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Miller and Mrs. Alpha Roberts, both of California; and 20 grandchildren. Services were held at Lonoke First United Pentecostal Church. Burial was at Hicks Cemetery under the direction of Boyd Funeral Home.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Elmer Carney died January 8, 1966. He was born October 3, 1891. He was a World War I veteran, and was of the Presbyterian faith. He was survived by two daughters, Mrs. Wayne Neal and Mrs. Mary Dean Brown; two sisters, Maude Fiddler and Gertie Neal; two brothers, Art Carney and Howard Carney; and 6 grandchildren. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Corene Choate Carpenter, 80, died January 26, 2005. She was a homemaker. She attended First Baptist Church, where she was a Sunday school teacher and member of the Women's Missionary Union. She was also a member of the Hamburg Garden Club. Survivors include her husband, Jackson Henry Carpenter of Hamburg; a daughter, Lisa Atkins of Hamburg; two sons, Jack Carpenter, Jr. of Compton and Ben Choate Carpenter of Hamburg; a sister, Glenna Barrett of Little Rock; 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at First Baptist Church in Hamburg with Dr. Bobby Pennington, Dr. Tommy Cunningham and Rev. Klois Hargis officiating. Burial was at Hamburg Cemetery with arrangements by Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Keren Adelaide Carpenter died April 8, 1944. She was born February 26, 1853 in Birch, MI. She was a longtime member of the local Methodist church. She was survived by three daughters, Mrs. E.E. Freeman of Kansas City, MO, Mrs. Addie Stillman of Biloxi, MS, and Mrs. Emma Westhaver of Reedsburg, WI; two sons, Ross and Mayor R.L. Carpenter of Gentry; two brothers, Ben Dewey and George Dewey; 9 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Isaac W. Carpenter. Funeral services were held at the family home. Interment was at the Gentry Cemetery.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Tina Ann Carr was born June 10, 1965, and died November 15, 1965. Interment was at the Lincoln Cemetery.
AVOCA, ARKANSAS: Jose Carranza died March 11, 2000. He was born October 27, 1934. Burial was at St. Vincent Cemetery.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Earl Carrington, 72, died July 6, 1980. He was born March 5, 1908 to Thad and Bertha Green Carrington. He was a farmer and a businessman. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Brown Carrington; two brothers, Lester and Ernest; and two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Pearson and Mrs. Jessie Watson. Services were held at Summers Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Beaty Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
MENIFEE, ARKANSAS: Vera Anne Shavers Carroll, 52, died August 14, 2007. She was born October 13, 1954 to John Henry and Izola Hood Shavers. She attended Philadelphia Baptist Church. She is survived by four children, Charlene Ann Hendrix, Eric L. Watson, Emanuel L. Sullivan, and George T. Sullivan, all of Menifee; her mother, Izola Shavers of Menifee; six sisters, Betty Godbold, Johnnie Oliver, Donna Shavers, and Sharah Foster, all of Menifee, and Linda Shavers and Brenda Stewart, both of Hot Springs; four brothers, Maurice Shavers, Elijah Shavers and Larry Shavers, all of Menifee, and Richard Shavers of Hot Springs; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church with Elder Robert H. Oliver Jr. officiating. Burial was at Menifee Community Cemetery under the direction of Wilson and Jarrett Funeral Home, Inc.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Maria Weinhofer Carroll, 76, died February 24, 2007. She was born March 21, 1930 in Vienna, Austria to Joseph and Leopoldina Weinhofer. She is survived by a son, Ronald L. Carroll of Fayetteville; a daughter, Diana Hughes of Elkins; a brother, Englebert Weinhofer of Astoria, NY; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Marie H. Carroll, 89, died July 8, 2009. She was born January 24, 1920 to Jethro and Ora Bell Harrell. She was a seamstress, and retired from Kellwood after 25 years of service. She enjoyed flowers and house plants. She attended the Assembly of God church in North Little Rock. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, George and Gail Carroll of Bella Vista, and Floyd Kenneth and LaVerne Carroll of Cabot; a daughter and son-in-law, Linda Kay and Time Nolen of Northport, AL; 11 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband of 54 years, Floyd Leonard Carroll; five sisters; and four brothers. Burial was at Griffin Leggett Rest Hills Memorial Park under the direction of Griffin Leggett Rest Hills Funeral Home.
WINSLOW, ARKANSAS: Wilson J. Carroll, 69, died March 21, 1969 at his home. He was born August 24, 1899 in Florence, AL to George and Sarah Carroll. Survivors include his wife, Maxine Gray Carroll; three sons, Wilson, Jr., Ricky Wayne, and Ronnie Rex, all of the home; a daughter, Georgetta Gail of the home; a stepdaughter, Vickie Lou Morvant of the home; a stepson, Joseph Morvant of the home; a sister, Mrs. Elice Chapman of Sun City, AZ; and five brothers, George and Homer, both of Grandfield, OK, Bentley of Wichita Falls, TX, Maurice of Oklahoma City, OK, and Lee. Funeral services and burial were in Grandfield with local arrangements by Watson Mortuary.
EARLE, ARKANSAS: Edna E. Carson, 82, died June 2, 2003. She was a retired domestic housekeeper. She was a member of Shearerville Church of God in Christ, where she served on the Mother Board. She is survived by a daughter, Asie Lee Martin of Joliet, IL; a son, Will Earl Ford of Jeanette; three sisters, Icie Mae McClendon of Oakland, CA, Ceola Logan of Bastrop, LA, and Lama Jean Sanders of Earle; 20 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Whole Truth Gospel Church of Faith in Earle. Burial was at Paradise Garden Cemetery.
MARKED TREE, ARKANSAS: C.R. Carter, 101, died July 7, 2007. He was a former Poinsett County Deputy Sheriff, and was a Mason. He was of the Assembly of God faith. He is survived by his wife of 80 years, Aline Mae Carter; three sons, J.C. Carter and Jerry Carter, both of Marked Tree, and Gary Carter of Valley View; 10 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, William Carter. Burial was at the Marked Tree Cemetery with arrangements by Murphy Funeral Home.
LEPANTO, ARKANSAS: Columbus Weaver Carter, 79, died September 30, 2006. He was a retired factory worker, and a Baptist. He is survived by a daughter, Carolyn Hendrix of Mount Vernon, IL; a sister, Joyce Kelly of Lepanto; his brothers, Thomas Henry Carter, Sr., Spence Douglas Carter, and William Carter, all of Lepanto; and 2 grandchildren. Burial was at Potter Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Goldie Irene Carter, 80, died February 5, 2005. She was born October 18, 1924 to Walter Summers and Dora Ellen Hargis Smith. She was a former employee of Cargill, and a member of Lower Campground United Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Barney Ray Carter of Clarksville; four daughters, Betty Ruth Gramling of Paragould, Shirley Fay Sparks of Springdale, Ellen May Tweedy of Bartlesville, OK, and Edna Faye Reynolds of Bentonville; a brother, Donald Gene Smith of Marble; two sisters, Mary Galvin of Forum and Bessie Middleton of Huntsville; 9 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Virgil John Carter. Services were held at Brashears Funeral Home of Huntsville with Rev. Jerry Spurlock officiating. Burial was at Lower Campground Cemetery.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: James Frank Carter, 59, died on October 5, 2001. He was born on December 9, 1941 to Goldie Lacey Gunn of Monticello and the late Tull Frank Carter. He was a retired mechanic and was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Among the surviving family members are his wife, Nan Atkins Carter; a stepdaughter, Robin Smith; a stepbrother, Dan Widner of Antioch, California; a stepsister, Sandra Carter of Tucson, Arizona; a half-sister, Jean Whitener of Monticello; and two stepgrandchildren. Services were held at Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home of Monticello with Scott Smith, Ronnie Carr and Will Smith officiating. Interment was at Union Ridge Cemetery.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Stan Carter, 53, died June 1, 2012 at his residence. He was born January 14, 1959 in Bakersfield, CA to W.T. and Doris Jean Mitchell Carter. He was a 1977 graduate of Huntsville High School. He was an artisan at renaissance fairs, where he was known as the Butterfly King. He is survived by a daughter, Phoebe Carter of Huntsville; a son, Forest Carter of Arcata, CA; a sister, Peggy Merkel of Knoxville, TN; and 4 nieces. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister, Patriece Carter. Arrangements were handled by Brashears Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Walter Eugene Carter, 74 died November 23, 1954. He was born September 10, 1880. He was survived by two sisters, Mrs. Fred Branchcomb and Mrs. C.C. Norwood. Burial was at Beatty Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
GREEN FOREST, ARKANSAS: Anthrea Cary, 91, died January 10, 2004. She was born February 2, 1912 to the late Joe and Tellie Jackson Landon. She enjoyed gardening and quilting. She was a charter member of the United Pentecostal Church, now known as Christ Tabernacle. Survivors include three sons, Donald Joe Cary and Ronald James Cary, both of Berryville, and Wyendell Cary of Oak Grove; three daughters, Emma Jean McCormick of DeLeon, TX, and Sandra Norris and Jaynie Jones of Green Forest; 11 grandchildren; 27 great-granchildren; 6 great-great grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 70 years, Willis Cary; her parents; an infant brother; two sisters, a granddaughter; and a great-great-grandson. Services were held at Christ Tabernacle Church in Blue Eye with Rev. Bruce Robinson and Rev. Josh Shields officating. Interment was at Blue Eye Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Anthony Victor Cascarina, 56, died February 24, 2003. He was born in London, England on June 7, 1946 to the late Joseph and Ada Higgins Cascarina. He was a rental maintenance supervisor. He was of the Catholic faith. Among the surviving family members are a son, Anthony Tony Cascarina of England; five sisters, Maureen Turner, Margo Knighton, Sylvia Gibson of England, Celia R. Wilson of San Angelo, Texas, and Patricia Stegmann of Florida; his nieces and nephews; and many other relatives and friends. Services were held with Deacon Robert Morris officiating. Arrangements were handled by Olmstead Funeral Home, Inc.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Willie Mae "Billie" Griffin Case, 90, died December 24, 2006. She was born January 11, 1916 to the late Fred Griffin and Nora Burt Griffin. She and her husband, Virgil Case, owned The Ranch House restaurant. She attended the First Assembly of God Church in Pine Bluff. She is survived by a sister, Dorothy Lemley of Dermott; and her niece and caregiver, Marie Mathews of Pine Bluff. She was preceded in death by her first husband Edward Gordon; three sisters, Marcelle Davis, Martha Cates, and Bertie Berry; and a brother, James H. Griffin. Burial was at Graceland Cemetery under the direction of Fuller Hale-South Funeral Services.
HARRISBURG, ARKANSAS: Harvey Miller Casebier, 79, died August 14, 2002. Services were held at the Harrisburg Church of Christ with Bob McDoniel officiating. Burial was at Farm Hill Cemetery with arrangements handled by Gregg Funeral Home of Jonesboro, AR.
PARTHENON, ARKANSAS: Theoria Casey died November 17, 1899. She was born September 20, 1877, and was the wife of William A. Casey. Interment was at Buffalo Cemetery.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: James W. Cash died in 1908. He was born in 1843. He was a Civil War soldier and served with Company B, 133 Illinois Infantry. Interment was at Rock Springs Cemetery.
PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Lemuel Cash died September 18, 1899. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company F of the 34th Arkansas Infantry. Burial was at Pea Ridge Cemetery.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: William Glen Cash, 71, died January 25, 2009. He was born November 5, 1937. He worked for an auto salvage yard, and was a veteran of the U.S. Marines. He was of Pentecostal faith. He is survived by his wife, Vickie Cash; five daughters, Wonda Fraham of Odessa, TX, Patty Bengston of Arizona, and Betty Kirby, Connie Dye, and Rebecca Cash, all of Trumann; three sons, James Cash and Buddy Cash, both of Hot Springs, and Roy Cash of Heber Springs; five sisters, Leona McCauley, Joann Jackson of Arkadelphia, Allie Young of Antions, Augusta Reasons of California, and Beatrice Giddens of Louisiana; and 17 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Tony Cash; and two brothers, Owen Cash and Dennie Cash. Burial was at Holly Springs Cemetery in Harrisburg by Wilson Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Froukje "Skippy" Cassady died July 30, 2008. She was born October 8, 1929 in Arnhem, Holland to Cornelis and Else Kooyman. She is survived by a son, Neil Cassady and wife Roberta of McAllen, TX; a daughter, Marsha Geissinger and husband Gary of Lafayette, CO; her grandchildren, Christine Mauldin, Richard Morgan, Timothy Geissinger, and Ginger Geissinger; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, William Henry Cassady. Cremation arrangements were handled by Westbrook Funeral Home. Interment of ashes was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Paul Lawrence Castelli, 89, died July 7, 2007. He was born April 6, 1918 to the late Columbo and Amelia Castelli. He was a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, and served as a B-24 pilot in Europe. Survivors include a sister, Winifred Elsasser of Cabot; a nephew, James Elsasser and wife Pauline of Sherwood; a great-niece, Cindy Moran and husband Jeff of Little Rock; a great-nephew, Jason Elsasser of Fredricksburg, VA; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at Rest Haven Memorial Park in Russellville with arrangements by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Clell Castleman, 88, died December 29, 2008. He was the son of the late J.E. and Inez Behmy Castleman. He retired from General Motors, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II and Korea. He was a member of the Manila Lions Club and the American Legion, and served for many years on the Manila Cemetery Association Board. He attended Westside Baptist Church. He is survived by two brothers, Ell Castleman of Moore, OK, and Gaylon Castleman of California. He was preceded in death by his wife, Della Williams Castleman; his parents; a stepson, James Carroll Hill; and three brothers. Burial was at Manila Cemetery under the direction of Howard Funeral Service.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Della Idell Castleman, 91, died November 5, 2006. She was the daughter of Richard Ross and Malinda Ethel Matthews Williams. She was a charter member of Westside Baptist Church in Manila. She is survived by her husband, Clell Castleman of Manila. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a son, Dr. James Carroll Hill. Services were held at Westside Baptist Church. Burial was at Manila Cemetery under the direction of Howard Funeral Service.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Otis Cater, Sr., 86, died May 16, 2002. He was born April 12, 1916 to the late Willie D. Cater and Ottie Hoover Cater. He was a retired farmer, and attended Northside Baptist Church. He is survived by three sons, Donnie Cater, Billy Cater, and Otis Cater, Jr., all of Monticello; seven sisters, Grace Cater, Lillie Cater and Lovenner White, all of Monticello, Bessie McClellan of Warren, Evelyn Truman and Mary Sanders, both of Pine Bluff, and Clara Walters of Texarkana; 11 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Clara Roberson Cater; a son, Earnest Cater; a daughter, Elizabeth Todd; four brothers; and a sister. Burial was at Old Union Cemetery in Drew County under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Wayne Cates, 82, died March 6, 2008. He was an U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, and attended the First Baptist Church of Trumann. Survivors include his wife, Louise Cates; two sons, Jimmy Archer of Rockford, IL, and David Archer of Caraway; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister; and two brothers. Burial was at Potter Memorial Cemetery with arrangements by Murphy Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Billy Frank Cathey, 68, died September 7, 2007. He was born December 1, 1938 to the late Virgil Dennis Cathey and Robbie Lee Douglas Cathey. He was a retired Georgia Pacific building products salesman and forestry accountant. He attended Magnolia Baptist Church, and was a former National Guardsman. He is survived by his wife, Rachel Weaver Cathey; two sons, Mark Cathey and spouse Cori of Pine Bluff and Mickey Cathey of Warren; a brother, Marty Cathey of Camden; two sisters, Patricia A. Hollis of Calhoun, LA, and Glena Fawbush of West Monroe, LA; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Frazer Funeral Home in Warren. Burial was at Williams Cemetery.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Bertha M. Cattaneo, 82, died November 18, 2009. She was a retired reading specialist with the Fort Smith Public School System. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and a charter member of Haven Heights Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Patt and Paul Joyce of Broken Arrow, OK and Melissa and Greg Westbrook of Broken Arrow; two sons and daughters-in-law, Steve and Elaine Cattaneo of Winslow, AR and Russell and Berkeley Cattaneo of Basalt, CO; 7 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Morris Cattaneo. Services were held at Haven Heights Baptist Church. Burial was at Forest Park Cemetery by Edwards Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Treba Owen Catton, 93, died December 12, 2006. She was born September 11, 1913 to the late John and Lula Owens. She was a retired nurse's aide at the Benton Service Center. She attended Holland Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by three cousins, and was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie Catton. Services were held at Ashby Funeral Home with Bro. Robbie Horne officiating. Burial was at Mt. Harmony Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Jerriel "Dude" D. Caudle, 80, died July 18, 2002. He was a self-employed mechanic. He was born July 4, 1922 to the late Wilson Caudle and Ida Bell Hendricks Caudle. He attended Greater Ward Chapel AME Church in Pine Bluff, and was a Mason and a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by a son, James J. Jones of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Doria Holland of Oakland, CA; 9 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and 9 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Greater Ward Chapel AME Church with Rev. Michael Washington officiating. Burial was at Forest Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Harvey Cauley, Jr., 69, died September 11, 2009. He was born August 7, 1940. He was a heating and air technician, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his mother; three sons; a brother; and two sisters. Interment was at Mulberry Cemetery in England, AR under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Tommie Cave, 92, passed away on December 30, 2002. She was born on April 30, 1910 to the late Sam and Liza Cave. She attended Grace Temple Baptist Church, where she served as a Sunday School teacher, a member of the usher board, and the Baptist Training Union president. She was the widow of Eugene Neal. There are no immediate surviving family members. Services were held at the P.K. Miller Mortuary with Rev. D.L. O'Neal officiating. Burial was at Liberty Hill Cemetery.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Henry Ceaser, Jr., 57, died August 16, 2003 at the V.A. Hospital in Little Rock, AR. He was born December 24, 1945 in El Dorado to Henry Ceaser, Sr. and Hazel Moore Ceaser. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his mother, of El Dorado; a sister, Dorothy Welch of Wichita, KS; and a brother, Robert E. Ceaser of El Dorado. Burial was at Jerusalem Quinn Cemetery under the direction of Andrews Funeral Home.
COVE, ARKANSAS: Levi Oren Cecil, 94, died March 17, 2008. He was born January 30, 1914 to the late John Riley Cecil and Martha Barton Cecil. He was a carpenter, and a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife, Maggie Lucille Sewell Cecil; his sons and daughters-in-law, Don and Brenda Cecil of Mena, and Larry and Sandra Cecil of Cove; a daughter and son-in-law, Sue and Carroll Shearer, Sr. of Sheridan; 7 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Wesley Cecil and Reese Cecil. Interment was at Cecil's Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Martha Helene Cellan, 95, died February 21, 2007. She was a Jehovah's Witness. Survivors include a brother, Edward Frasch of Billngs, MT; and a host of friends. She was the widow of Alex Cellan. Services were held at the South Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Cremation arrangements were handled by Edwards Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: John W. Cellors died June 7, 1865. He was a Union Civil War soldier who fought with the 4th Regiment, Arkansas Cavalry. Burial was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Frieda Ceman, 98, died November 24, 2005. She was born August 25, 1907. She was a member of the Ladies' Guild Arts and Crafts Association, and attended Redeemer Lutheran Church, where she was a longtime choir member. Survivors include a niece, Kathleen Sullivan; her nephews, Alfred, Jr., Ernest, Jr., and Richard Schefske; 10 great-nieces and nephews; and 11 great-great nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Reinhold; and two brothers, Alfred and Ernest. Services were held at Redeemer Lutheran Church. Interment was at Walnut Hill Cemetery in Cotter, AR under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Kathryn R. Cenek, 80, died March 15, 2004. She was born November 9, 1923 in Opava, Czechoslovakia to Emil and Maria Mendrok Drabke. She was a registered nurse and served as director of nursing at the Eureka Springs Hospital. She was a former member of the Arkansas State Board of Nursing. She was of the Catholic faith. She is survived by her husband, Guenter Cenek; a daughter, Olga Jensen of Holiday Island; a grandson, Christopher and his wife, Jennifer Jensen of Virginia Beach, VA; 2 great-grandchildren; a niece; and other relatives and friends. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Service.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Albion Center died February 20, 1946. He was born May 18, 1893. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War I. Interment was at the Fort Smith National Cemetery.
WINSLOW, ARKANSAS: Amos Nickerson Center died January 23, 1915. He was born October 28, 1843. He was a Civil War veteran, having served with the Union Army. He was survived by his wife, Mary E. Bell Center and 12 of their 13 children, Thomas, Herman, Gilford, Amos, Louis, Henry, Mason, Alvis, Mark, Malissa, Martha and Callie; two brothers, Riley and Mark; a sister, Elizabeth Caughman; two half-brothers; three half-sisters; and 45 grandchildren. Services were held in the family home with Rev. G.W.C. Lasater presiding, followed by burial at Collier Cemetery.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Juanita "Sue" Cerday, 79, died February 4, 2007. She was born October 6, 1927 to James Jackson Smith and Anna Mae Gilliam Smith. She was a cook at Woodland Manor in Siloam Springs. She attended the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Gentry. She is survived by a son, Eddie L. Cerday of Wimberley, TX; two daughters, Gloria Sue Murphy of Gentry and Linda Ann Bock of Bentonville; two sisters, Pauline Ward of Lawton, OK and Grace Varwig of Bartlett, KS; 14 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery in Siloam Springs with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Yvonne Cerrato, 67, died March 14, 2007. She retired from American Excelsior Company, and attended Victory Baptist Church in Sherwood. Survivors include her husband, Eddie Cerrato; a daughter, Vikki Lynn Hanneman of Oxford, MS; her sons, Dean Cerrato of Boston, MA, Chris Cerrato and wife Debbie of Sherwood, and Jody Cerrato of North Little Rock; her mother, Berniece Jones of Jacksonville; her brothers, Merle Jones and wife Pat of North Little Rock, and Kennith Jones and wife Gerry of Alvord, TX; her sisters, Bette Middlebrooks and husband Harold of North Little Rock, and Mary Lou Cordell of North Little Rock; 2 grandsons; and many nephews, nieces and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her father, Claude Jones. Burial was at Rest Hills Memorial Park with arrangements by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Otto Frank Chaloupka, 80, died May 25, 2002. He was born December 13, 1921 to the late Peter and Marie Rosa Hanslick Chaloupka. He was a baker, and a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He is survived by a sister, Rosa Helen Mayer of Pine Bluff. He was preceeded in death by his brothers, Joseph Cottage, Edward Chaloupka, and Peter Chaloupka; and a sister, Mary Ann Belohlavek. Services were held at the chapel of Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors in Pine Bluff. Interment took place at Cypress Memorial Gardens Cemetery.
NEWPORT, ARKANSAS: Horace Perry Chambers, 91, died November 16, 2008. He is survived by his wife, Forrest Kendall Chambers; six sons, Perry Chambers and Ernest Chambers, both of Seattle, WA, David Chambers of Bartlesville, OK, Carl Chambers of Duncanville, TX, Dallas Chambers of Fort Worth, TX, and Harold Chambers of Atlanta, GA; two daughters, Brenda Chambers Holman and LaWanda Chambers, both of Tulsa, OK; a brother, Herbert Chambers of Seattle, WA; three sisters, Flossie Akins of Chicago, IL, Rose Chambers of St. Louis, MO, and Ruth Tatum Chambers of Detroit, MI; 24 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at First Baptist Church in Newport. Interment was at Quiet Cemetery in Augusta under the direction of Tolerson and Son Funeral Home.
BRADFORD, ARKANSAS: Laveta M. Bright Chambliss, 72, died August 24, 2004. She was born May 12, 1932 to William and Zelma Walker Bright. She was a homemaker. She belonged to the Church of the Nazarene, and enjoyed painting and quilting. Survivors include her husband, Harold E. Chambliss of Bradford; a brother, Richard Bright of Fort Valley, Ga.; and two sisters, Nellie Freeman of Judsonia, and Violet Balentine of Conway. She was preceded in death by twin children, Ricky and Vicky Chambliss; and by her parents. Services were held at Oakland Free Will Baptist Church, and interment was at Oakland Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Jackson's Bradford Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Norma Lee Champagne, 82, died December 24, 2009. She was born January 9, 1927 to the late William and Clara Johnson Connary. She was a nurse's aide. She is survived by her husband, Francis R. Champagne; a son, Scott R. Champagne of Benton; a sister, Elaine Harding of Blackfoot, ID; and a grandson. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Alexander under the direction of Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Lola Virginia Chandler, 94, died September 10, 2006. She was born July 19, 1912 to the late George and Rosie Wagner Jeanes. She was a member of Crystal Hill Baptist Church in Little Rock. Survivors include a daughter, Georgia Croy and husband John of Arkadelphia; two brothers, R.C. Jeanes of Beeville, TX, and B.J. Jeanes of Tempe, AZ; a grandchild; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Jeff Driskell and Gus Chandler; a daughter, Mary Sue Driskell; a grandson, Jeff Croy; four brothers; and two sisters. Interment was at County Line Cemetery in Nashville, AR with Rev. Ronnie Hardin officiating. Arrangements were handled by Welch Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Martha L. Chandler died December 23, 2002. She is survived by two daughters, Marva Sims (Chester) and Clemontene Pilgrim (Thomas); a son, Sterling Chandler (Beverly); two brothers, J.C. Clemons and Bobby Clemons; four sisters, Ruby Barnes, Emma Edwards, Fannie Burgess, and Vanteen Gatewood; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Chandler; and a brother, A.W. Clemons. Services were held at Mount Gale Baptist Church. Interment was at Ray Cemetery by Ruffin and Jarrett Funeral Home.
DALLAS COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Myrtle E. Chandler died October 30, 1904. She was born September 10, 1892. She was survived by her parents, W.H. and Annie C. Chandler. She was preceded in death by a brother, Harvey Chandler. Burial was at Cypress Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Yen-Foo Chang, 83, passed away April 17, 2005. He was born March 22, 1922 in China to San-Shau Chang and Shieu Chang. He was a textile technician prior to his retirement. He is survived by his wife, Shiu-Cheng Chang of the home; three sons, Diego S. Chang of South America, His-His Chang of South America, and Yu-Ta Chang of Fayetteville; a daughter, Jennifer Lee of Fayetteville; 12 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at Nelson-Berna Funeral Home followed by burial at Fairview Memorial Gardens.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Maud Ardell McKinney Chaney, 92, died January 10, 1968 in El Dorado. She was born March 30, 1875 to George Emmett and Jodie Harper McKinney. She was a member of Southside Baptist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. A. C. Graves, Mrs. Felton Perdue and Mrs. L.M. Slade; a son, Willard W. Chaney; 11 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lenoir W. Chaney. Burial was at Old Union Cemetery by Rumph Mortuary.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Della Newberry Channell, 100, died October 10, 2007. She was born January 26, 1907 to Joseph and Frances Kimishie Newberry. She was a lifetime member of Third Baptist Church. Survivors include her daughters-in-law, Helen Channell of Poyen, and Alpha Mae Channell Jones of Fort Worth, TX; a brother, Clyde Newberry of Lakeport, CA; 9 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and 29 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elmer A. Channell; two sons, Eugine Channell and Von Earl Channell; a daughter, Billie Jo Anderson; three brothers; three sisters; a grandchild; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Regency Funeral Home with Rev. Donald Greer officiating. Interment was at Shadowlawn Cemetery.
PENCIL BLUFF, ARKANSAS: John P. Chapman died March 20, 1927. He was born September 20, 1844. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy E. Chapman. He was a Civil War veteran, and fought with Company I of the 33rd Arkansas Infantry. Burial was at Grenade Cemetery.
De VALLS BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Gladys Chase, 86, died March 18, 2001. She was born November 12, 1914. She worked as a lab technician and X-ray technician for over 30 years, and attended the First Baptist Church of De Valls Bluff. She is survived by three daughters, Evelyn Hodges and Helen Hodges, both of Forrest City, and Darlene Wooten of Rondo; a son, L.D. Chase of De Valls Bluff; four sisters, Ola Mae Dollar and Vida Cook, both of Biscoe, Pauline Hudson of Hazen, and Iona Mae Coker of North Little Rock; three brothers, Howard Hall and Jewell Hall, both of Biscoe, and Chester Hall of Little Rock; 7 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence Chase. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of De Valls Bluff. Burial was at Center Point Cemetery by Westbrook Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Melvin Gray Chastain, 45, died at his home on April 12, 1954. He was born August 12, 1908 in Randolph County to the late J.N. Chastain and Mrs. Sarah Hubbard Chastain. He was a farmer. He is survived by his mother; three brothers, George of Route One, and Harold and Harry Chastain of Berrien Springs, MI; five sisters, Mrs. Novella Fluke of Route Two, Mrs. Imo Pickrum of Berrien Springs, Mrs. Wanda Damouth and Mrs. Velma Sanders of Route One, and Mrs. Betty Sue Carlisle of Buchanan, MI. Interment was at the Masonic Cemetery under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Clarine Brown Chatham, 94, died September 6, 2007. She was born April 29, 1913 to the late John Henry Brown and Leone Butler Brown. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a brother, Johnny Brown and wife Linda of Crossett; a sister-in-law, Pearl Brown of Monticello; and several nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond Clyde Chatham. Services were held at the chapel of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home in Monticello with Rev. Andy Connard presiding. Burial was at Smyrna Cemetery.
CAVE CITY, ARKANSAS: Etta Mae Laman Chaudoin, 84, died May 2, 2007. She was born February 9, 1923 to William Nelson and Elizabeth Stewart Laman. She was a homemaker, and attended Eutopia Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Carol Etta Kennedy of Cord, and Marcia Street of Cave City; 4 grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Marcus Chaudoin; a brother, Carlos Laman; and five sisters, Maxine Johnson, Verba Lee Johnson, Carol Wanda Parsley and two infant sisters. Services were held at Eutopia Missionary Baptist Church with James Smith and Carroll Kinley officiating. Burial was at Eutopia Cemetery with arrangements by Qualls Funeral Home of Cave City.
SCOTT, ARKANSAS: Marcia Jean Cheatham, 60, died May 26, 2006. She is survived by two sons, Mike Hughes of Keo and James Cheatham of Carlisle; a daughter, Lisa Goodman of Scott; two brothers, James Overton of Beebe and Boyd Overton of Paragould; 5 grandchildren; and two uncles, Charles Ouzts and Floyd S. Hines, Sr. Services were held at Toltec Baptist Church in Scott with Bro. Ron Pierce officiating. Interment was at Arkansas Memorial Gardens in North Little Rock with arrangements handled by Thomas Funeral Service.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Thomas Jefferson Cheatham died March 13, 1893. He was born June 20, 1839. He was a Civil War veteran, and served in Company B of the 34th Arkansas Infantry. He was married to Mary E. Hicks Cheatham. Their children were Mary Cheatham, James Henry Cheatham, Rebecca Isabel Cheatham, Lewis A. Cheatham, Joseph Marion Cheatham, Mildred Cheatham, Albert Cheatham, Annie Cheatham, Wyatt Cheatham, George M. Cheatham, and Dollie Cheatham. Burial was at Cheatham Cemetery in Lincoln, AR.
HETH, ARKANSAS: Otha B. Cheers, 20, died November 18, 2001. He was born October 30, 1981. Survivors include his father, Otha Stevenson of Illinois; a brother, Paul Wesley of Earle; and a sister, Kimberly Stevenson of Earle. Services were held at Whole Truth Gospel Church in Earle. Burial was at St. Luke Cemetery under the direction of Clay Funeral Home of Forrest City, AR.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Pansy Hazel Barber Chenault, 85, died January 21, 2005. She was born October 23, 1919 to Kate Clementine and George Washington Barber. She attended the First United Methodist Church of Delaware, and also went to Crow Mountain Baptist Church in Russellville. Survivors include a daughter, Barbara Shepherd of Russellville; a son, Ron Chenault of Russellville; two grandchildren; a great-grand-daughter; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Paul Tucker Chenault; a son, Billy Ray Chenault; five brothers, Robert Barber, Virgil Barber, Dick Barber, Ned Barber and Issac E. "Lish" Barber; and three sisters, Ruby Simoneaux, Netta Taylor and Nancy White. Interment was at Rocky Cemetery near Mena with Rev. Wylie Jones presiding. Arrangements were handled by Shinn Funeral Service.
PROCTOR, ARKANSAS: Shirley J. Cheney, 58, died Monday February 11, 2002. She was a machine operator, and was a member of the Eagles Club and the American Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. She is survived by three sons, Keith Cheney of West Memphis, Jason Cheney of Proctor, and Darrell Cheney of Richmond, VA; two sisters, Linda Elias and Geraldine Hufford, both of Senath, MO; two brothers, Gary Turner and Rick Turner, both of Kennett, MO; and 11 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Monroe Cheney. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Marcel Hood Cheshier, 90, died October 22, 2003. He was born October 1, 1913 to the late Peter Madison Cheshier and Ida Mae Hood Cheshier. He owned Cheshier Shoe Repair, and served as a deacon at the First Assembly of God Church in Monticello. He is survived by three daughters, Janie Mae Johnson of Collinsville, IL, Martha Nell Eason of Monticello, and Joyce Annice Peyton of Hillsboro, TX; four brothers, Pete Cheshier of Kansas, James Cheshier of Fort Smith, Bob Cheshier of Little Rock, and Dave Cheshier of Neodesha, KS; a sister, Maxie Cheshier of Cabot; 9 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Loise Hoover Cheshier. Services were held at the First Assembly of God Church. Burial was at Campground Cemetery in Drew County under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
TAYLOR, ARKANSAS: Charles Delane Chesshir, 72, died August 3, 2009. He was born November 27, 1936 to the late Charles William and Tommie Leta Jones Chesshir. He worked for International Paper for 23 years, was a roustabout for Placid Oil Company, and logged for 15 years. He raised cotton and peaches, and enjoyed farming. He is survived by his wife, Wandy "Dimpy" Chesshir; his daughters, Debra Martin and husband Steve, and Gega Smith and husband Mark; a son, Jeff Chesshir, all of Taylor; a sister, Eva White of White Hall, AR; and 7 grandchildren. Interment was at Taylor Cemetery under the direction of Lewis Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Anita C. Chester, 64, died June 20, 1994. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Paris. She is survived by her husband, O.D. Chester; her mother, Lou Ella Cox; and a sister, Karen Hobbs. She was preceded in death by a son, Danny Chester. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Paris. Interment was at New Bethel Cemetery by Roller Funeral Home.
SHERRILL, ARKANSAS: Nat Ester Chidester, 64, died July 12, 2002. He was born March 4, 1938 to the late Willie Chidester and O.D. Chidester. He attended St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church at Sherrill. He is survived by four sons, Larry Chidester, Michael Chidester and Nathan Chidester, all of Pine Bluff, and Kenneth Chidester of Sherrill; three daughters, Debra Townsand of Milwaukee, Patricia Jones of Dallas, and Katrina Chidester of Pine Bluff; three brothers, Cleo Chidester of Chicago, Eddie Chidester and Prentice Chidester of Pine Bluff; four sisters, Sallie Anderson and Willie B. Murrell, both of Pine Bluff, Irenne Girley of Milwaukee and Johnnie Mae Chidester of Chicago; 12 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mattie Boyington Chidester; three brothers, Mack Chidester, Archie Chidester and Joe Chidester; and a sister, Aline Chidester. Services were held at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church at Sherrill with the Rev. Leon Williams officiating. Burial was at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery with arrangements by Christian Way Funeral Home.
RECTOR, ARKANSAS: Veda Pearl Chilcutt, 83, died November 5, 2003. She was born March 10, 1920 to the late Benjamin and Lula Chilcutt. She attended the Church of Christ. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers; and two sisters. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery with arrangements by Mitchell Funeral Home.
EVANSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Howard Childers, 84, died February 19, 1980. He was born July 28, 1895 to William and George Ann Lewis Childers. He was a retired barber, and attended Evansville Community Church. He was a veteran of World War I, and was a member of the American Legion. He was survived by his wife, Alma Bowen Childers; three sons, Jack Childers, Dick Childers, and C.M. Childers; two daughters, Wanda Blanchfill and Geneva Keene; 11 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Evansville Community Church. Burial was at Academy Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: I.V. Childress, 82, died April 23, 2006. He retired from the U.S. Forestry Service. He attended Fudge Baptist Church. He is survived by a sister, Cora Jones and husband Maryon of Crossett; and a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ozell Childress; his parents, Fester and Mattie Childress; four sisters, Parlee Childress, Alberta Heath, Izola Green and Eddis Tucker; and a brother, Fester "L.C." Childress, Jr. Interment was at Ryles Cemetery in White with Rev. Jessie Radford officiating. Arrangements were handled by Cromwell Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Maggie Childress, 99, died September 19, 2009. She was a member of Fudge Baptist Church. She is survived by a nephew, Rev. James H. and wife Vernie Childress of Crossett; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Festus Childress; four brothers, Willie Earl, J.T., John Henry, and J.B. Rhodes; and three sisters, Mary Lewis, Inez Evans, and Bobbie Childress. Services were held at Fudge Baptist Church. Burial was at Ryles Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Marie J.Chiles, 99, died December 4, 2008. She was born September 22, 1909 to John W. Chiles and Leolia Adams Chiles. She attended Arkansas State Teachers' College (now UCA), and was an educator. She also worked as a bookkeeper for lumber companies. She enjoyed reading and cats. She is survived by her cousins, Jerry Townsend and Willa, Kellow Holland and Juanita, Ken Bynum and Nita, Ruth Manning, Jimmy Beasley, and Scott Beasley; and her friends and neighbors. Interment was at Pilot Prairie Cemetery with arrangements by Martin Funeral Home.
HELENA, ARKANSAS: C.B. Chism, 94, died December 23, 2008. He was born April 24, 1914 to the late Wade and Emma Chism. He is survived by three daughters, Doris Grady of Green Forest, AR, Pat Smith and husband W.A. of Poplar Grove, and Wanda Henson and husband Daniel of Poplar Grove; four sons, Roy Chism of Ruskin, FL, Ray Chism and Gayle of Lexa, AR, Dale Chism of West Helena, and Danny Chism and wife Vanessa of Belle Rose, LA; and his grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Annie Jewell Chism; two sons; two grandsons; and a great-granddaughter. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
GREENBRIER, ARKANSAS: Glenn Ray Chism, 57, died February 3, 2007. He was born April 30, 1949 to Ray Chism and Georgia Ruth Carter Chism Walesiak. He was a U.S. Navy veteran, and served in Vietnam. Survivors include his mother; a son, Scotty Chism of Rising Sun, MD; a grandson, Brock Chism; two brothers, Robert Wills and wife Lou Jane of Conway, and Kenneth Chism and wife Peggy of Norco, CA; a sister, Donna Chism Cottrell and husband Larry of Greenbrier; 5 nieces; 5 nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his father; and a sister, Pat Abbott. Services were held at Roller McNutt Funeral Home in Conway, followed by burial at Social Hill Cemetery in Benton, AR.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: Marian Jean Chisnall, 76, died June 24, 2004. She was a homemaker. She is survived by three sons, Robert L. Chisnall III of Lexa, Dale Chisnall of West Helena, and Terry Chisnall of Lake City; a daughter, Gayle Walsh of West Helena; a brother, Theadore Wells of Columbus, IN; two sisters, Anita Clay of Hope, IN, and Doris Lortz of Columbus, IN, 8 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert L. Chisnall, Jr.; a sister, Nina Lynch; and a brother, Roscoe Wells, Jr. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
MANSFIELD, ARKANSAS: Melba Deene Chitwood, 91, died September 26, 2009. She was a Baptist. She is survived by a daughter, Frankie Henson of Fort Smith; 2 grandsons; 6 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great grandchildren; and her family of nine years at the Pink Bud Nursing Home. She was preceded in death by her husband, Blake Chitwood. Interment was at Coop Prairie Cemetery by Martin Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: B.J. Choat, 54, died September 9, 1985 in Little Rock. He was born September 18, 1930. He was a retired construction contractor. He was also a real estate broker, and owned Home Realty Co. in Little Rock. He was vice president and manager of claims and underwriting for several companies. He was a member of the Graduate Realtors Institute and the VFW, and was a Mason and Shriner. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. Survivors include his wife, Joyce Harvey Choat; two daughters, Monica Mason and Ramona Choat; a son, Terry Choat; a sister, Mrs. Edward Hester; and a grandchild. Services were held at Southwest Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery by Huson Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Woodrow Wilson Choate, 79, died August 15, 1992. He was born November 16, 1912 to Willis Edward and Laura Fields Choate. He attended Liberty Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Idamae Cheatham Choate; a son and daughter-in-law, Billy and Margie Choate; a daughter and son-in-law, Carolyn and Bill Keen; a sister, Maude Whiteley; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Liberty Baptist Church. Burial was at White Rock Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jung S. Choi, 80, died December 28, 2004. She was born November 17, 1924 in Kangnung, South Korea to the late Hung Jib Choi and Kwon Se. She is survived by three daughters: Yong Suk Cochran of Russellville; Yong Worar Kim of South Korea; and Mija Bartlett of Clarksville; a daughter-in-law, Okju Kim of Olathe, Kansas; three brothers and four sisters, all of South Korea; 6 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. She was preceded in death by a son, Su Yong Kim. Interment was at Rest Haven Memorial Park under the direction of Shinn Funeral Service.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Albert Dewayne Chriestenson, 77, died May 10, 2009. He was born March 25, 1932. He was a retired logger. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and a member of Victory Temple Pentecostal Church of God. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Roberts Chriestenson; two daughters and sons-in-law, Barbara and Dennis Stewart, and Sharon and John Hulett of Texarkana; four sons and daughters-in-law, Tommy and Elaine Chriestenson, David and Dianna Chriestenson, and Bobby and Brenda Chriestenson all of Texarkana, and Roy and Kim Chriestenson of Ashdown, AR; three sisters and two brothers-in-law, Mary and Bill Wilson of Fouke, AR, Alice Wilson of Norfork, Virginia, and Opal and Richard Tidd of Neosho Falls, KS; two brothers and a sister-in-law, Bill and Bonie Chriestenson of Ashdown, and Floyd Chriestenson of Mineral Wells, TX; his mother-in-law, Edith Alexander of Texarkana; a brother-in-law, Fred Roberts of Texarkana; a sister-in-law, Gayle Callicott of Texarkana; 13 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by 2 great-grandchildren, Dillon Blake Gerrald and Kelli Jo Stewart. Burial with military rites was at East Memorial Gardens under the direction of Texarkana Funeral Home.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Cecilia "Sue" Ames Christello, 57, died June 24, 2007. She was a homemaker, and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include her husband, Scott; a daughter, Laura Pointer; a son, Brian Christello; her parents, Tom and Louella Ames of Kibler; four brothers, Eddie Ames of Fort Smith, Tommy Ames of Kibler, Larry Ames of Ellsworth, WI, and Stanley Ames of Alma; and 4 grandchildren. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Bennetta Waters Christiansen, 82, died May 17, 2006. She was born November 11, 1923 to the late George Calvin Waters and Frieda Elizabeth Gails Waters. She was a bookkeeper, and attended the First Presbyterian Church of Mena. She was a member of the Mena Lioness Club, and was a volunteer at the Mena Medical Center gift shop. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, William and Katherine Christiansen of Atlanta, GA; her daughters and sons-in-law, Rileyne and Thomas MacFaddin of Monroe, LA, and Heide and Leon Carlisle of Jonesboro, AR; a brother, Winfred Waters of Savannah, GA; 12 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, L.W. Christiansen; her parents; a brother, Calvin Waters; a daughter, Karen Christiansen Thomas; a grandson; and a great-great grandson. Services were held at the First Presbyterian Church of Mena. Cremation arrangements were handled by Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.
EMERSON, ARKANSAS: Thomas A. Christie died March 4, 1958. He was born December 10, 1892. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War I. He was preceded in death by his wife, Amy Elizabeth Christie. Burial was at the Hephzibah Cemetery.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Paul K. Christman, 89, died August 26, 2006. He was born March 10, 1917 to Thomas G. and Ora Dreisbach Christman. He was a retired postal letter carrier, and attended the First Lutheran Church. He was a decorated U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include two daughters, Sharon Charlton and husband Pete of Fort Smith, and Deborah Chastain and husband Roger of Barling; a son, Thomas P. Christman and wife Marguerite of Edmond, OK; and a great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty Ann Christman. Services were held at First Lutheran Church. Interment with military honors was at the National Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Huey P. Christor, 72, died October 11, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Rosie Christor; a son, John W. (Wilma) Brown of Columbus, GA; three daughters, Bessie (Ray) Seals of Ada, OK, Linda (Tony) Muse of Oklahoma City, OK; and Salley (Joe) Ivory of Little Rock; and 4 grandsons. Services were held at Lewis Street Church of Christ. Interment was at Rest In Peace Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Hensley, AR by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lona Titsworth Chronister, 88, passed away April 28, 2003. She was born December 18, 1914 to the late William Harvey and Sarah L. Hardison Titsworth. She is survived by a daughter, Luetta Blake Ragsdale of Russellville; a brother and sister-in-law, Arlen and Lenora Titsworth of Russellville; a sister, Pearl Titsworth of Russellville; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and several stepchildren and stepgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Charles F. Blake and Henry Bruce Chronister, Sr.; five brothers, Eugene, Euel, Leroy, Floyd and Austin Titsworth; and a sister, Goldie Jewel Titsworth. Services were held at Calvary Temple Assembly of God Church with Rev. Charles Sutterfield and Rev. James Lowe presiding. Burial was at Pisgah Cemetery in Pottsville under the direction of Shinn Funeral Service.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Margaret Napier Chronister, 74, died May 25, 1924. She was born January 17, 1850. She wa a member of the Baptist Church. She was survived by several children, including William Chronister, John J. Chronister, and Azriah Chronister, all of Russellville. She was preceded in death by her husband, William M. Chronister. Burial was at Hudson Cemetery.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ruth "Sissy" McCurrie Chuculate, 64, died June 16, 2005. She was born October 20, 1940 to the late Clarence Oval and Maggie Helen Chronister McCurrie. She is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, Lewis and Lora Chuculate of Russellville, Larry and Lisa Chuculate and Gary and Sharon Chuculate of London; a sister, Sharon McCurrie of Russellville; and 8 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Henry Chuculate; and two brothers, Buddy and Burman McCurrie. Services were held at the chapel of Shinn Funeral Service with Rev. Leroy Muncy officiating. Burial was at Shady Grove Cemetery near Atkins, AR.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Myung Soon Lee Chung, 62, died April 21, 1994. She was born January 1, 1932 in Korea to Hae Yong Lee and Jang Boon Han. She attended the Korean United Methodist Church in Springdale. She is survived by a daughter, Sunny and her husband Byung Chung; and 2 grandchildren. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
HIGDEN, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Elizabeth Orr Chunn, 74, died April 5, 2001 at her home. She was the daughter of the late Howard and Gladys Fagan Orr. She was a member of the Higden Church of Christ, and a native of Marshall County, TN. Survivors include her husband of 55 years, Joe Wallace Chunn; three daughters, Wanda Shearin of Manchester, Patsy Haislip of Rome, GA, and Brenda Jo Howe of Tampa, FL; a son, Mike Chunn of Higden; two sisters, Martha Short and Anna Clark; four brothers, Paul, Pete, Charles and Robert Orr; 9 grandchildren; a step-grandchild; and 9 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Rose Hill Memorial Gardens in Tullahoma, TN by Coffee County Funeral Chapel.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: Garland H. Church, 76, died January 24, 2005. A son of the late Lark and Ola Mathis Church, he was born October 21, 1928. He was a farmer and a Jehovah's Witness. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, John, J.D., and George Church; and a daughter, Shirley Church Arnett. Survivors include his wife, Sarah Church; four daughters and two sons-in-law, Glenda McConnell, Margie and Don Freeman and Robbie and Frank Godfrey, all of Appleton; and Lisa Church of the home; a sister, Evelyn Cothren of Jerusalem; six grandchildren, Misty McConnell, Justin Freeman and Kristen Godfrey, all of Appleton; Matthew and Timothy Kisling, both of Mt. George; and Josh Freeman of Conway; and several nephews and nieces. Burial was at Forks of the Creek Cemetery near Hector, AR with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Rosa Jane Church, 72, died March 10, 1975. She was born January 15, 1903 in Poplar Bluff, MO to John William and Mary Lorraine Frisby Miller. She was a member of Christ Temple Church. Survivors include nine sons, Paul, Billy, Peter, Faith, Nathan, Joel, Mark, Luke and John; a sister, Mrs. Augusta Murray of Seattle, WA; 26 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Christ Temple Church. Burial was at Bell Cemetery with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Randall A. Cicchirillo, 56, died November 2, 2004. He was born August 16, 1948 to Eleanor Cunningham Cicchirillo and the late Andrew Cicchirillo. He was a retired machinist for Union Pacific Railroad. He was both a Navy and Army Reserve veteran, and was a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Kathryn Lusinski Cicchirillo of Conway; two daughters, Jennifer Lack and husband, Blaine of Greenbrier, Renee Loredo and husband, Esteban of Conway; a son, Sean Cicchirillo of Conway; three grandchildren; a sister, Pat Flesner of Texas; and numerous nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a grandson, Denver Lack. Services were held at Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Greenbrier, followed by interment at Thorn Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, AR: Adele Marcus Cicero, 84, died December 2, 2000. She was born October 8, 1915 to the late James "Jake" Marcus and Sarah Rosenberg Marcus. She had worked as a bookkeeper for E.B. and F.R. Bloom Company at Pine Bluff for many years, and also worked as a cashier for Barre Department Store at Pine Bluff. She was a member of Temple Anshe Emeth at Pine Bluff. Among the survivors are her husband, Frank Cicero Sr.; two stepsons, Frank Cicero Jr. of Newport, Washington, and Fred Cicero of Little Rock; three stepdaughters, Carol Ann Gilmore of Fort Worth, Benita Blake of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, and Frances Marie "Cookie" Hartley of South Lake, Texas; 12 step-grandchildren; and 14 step great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Abraham Marcus. Graveside services were conducted at the Jewish Cemetery with Rabbi Harley Karz-Wagman officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors of Pine Bluff, AR.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Vito Cifaldi, 86, died October 14, 2006. He retired from U.S. Steelworkers after 46 years of service. He was a former Golden Gloves boxer, and attended Benton First Assembly of God. He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Christine Cifaldi; seven children and their spouses, John and Jeanne Cifaldi of Valparaiso, IN, Vito Cifaldi, Jr. and Janice of Marietta, GA, Shirley and David Frazier of Phoenix, AZ, Lisa and Robert Dillingham of Lincoln, AK, and Thomas and Sandy Cifaldi, Steven Cifaldi and Linda and Kenneth Robinson, all of Benton; two sisters, Mary Pavloff of Crown Point, IN, and Frances Ferriera of Valparaiso, IN; 19 grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Forest Hills Memorial Park under the direction of Griffin Leggett-Forest Hills Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: James A. Cisco died November 1, 1863. He was a Union Civil War soldier. He is buried at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Frances Cityock, 96, died April 14, 2001. She was born October 4, 1904 to the late Claire Williams and Clay Jackson. She enjoyed the outdoors and fishing, as well as spending time with her family. She is survived by a nephew, Fred McGrew, with whom she lived. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Cityock; three sisters; and four brothers. Services were held at Miller Memorial Chapel with the Rev. G.L. Ford officiating. Burial was at Miller Cemetery under the direction of P.K. Miller Mortuary.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Elizabeth Anne "Betty" Clancy, 69, died April 24, 2014 in Searcy. She was born October 21, 1944 in Batesville, AR to Philip and Blanche Pollard Clancy. Survivors include a brother, Michael Clancy (Carla) of Sugarloaf Key, FL; a sister, Phyllis Clancy (Dennis Ferguson) of Fayetteville; two nephews; a great-nephew; a great-niece; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a nephew. Interment was at Brown's Memorial Cemetery in Independence County, AR by Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
WISEMAN, ARKANSAS: Ana Elizabeth Crouch Clanton, 98, died October 18, 2006. She was July 12, 1908 to the late Arthur Ernest Crouch and Clara Langle Crouch. She was of the Baptist faith, and was the wife of Charles Clanton. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Charles and Oletha Clanton of Big Spring, Texas; a daughter and son-in-law, Shirley and Doy Beck of Wiseman; one half-brother, Jerry Crouch of Wiseman; two half-sisters, Nola Eddington of Wiseman and Lola Griffith of Independence Mo., 6 grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; two sons, Robert Clanton Clifford Clanton; three brothers; a sister; and two grandchildren. Services were held at the Wiseman Baptist Church with Author Barber officiating. Burial was at Wiseman Cemetery under the direction of Eddie's Family Funeral Home in Melbourne, AR.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Daniel F. Clanton, 86, died December 17, 2008. He was born August 19, 1922 to the late Grover Cleveland Clanton and Frances Maude Holcombe Clanton. He was a retired pipefitter with Petro Tech Chemical Co., and was a Master Mason. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by a sister, Martha Jones of Camden; four sisters-in-law, Frances Ormand Talley and spouse Wendell of El Dorado, Madge Johnson of Warren, Jonnie Bonds of Point Blank, TX, and Robbie Clanton of Warren; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Evelyn Ormand Clanton; and three brothers, Ellis Clanton, Tyson Clanton, and Morrell Clanton. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery with arrangements by Frazer's Funeral Home.
RECTOR, ARKANSAS: Aubrey "Floppy" Clarida, 87, died May 5, 2002. He was born Nov. 21, 1914. He was an artisan and businessman, and was known for making knives after his retirement. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II. He was half-owner of the Whiteway Service Station in Rector, and also worked as parts manager at McNiel Auto and Home Supply for over 20 years, and was a parts man at Bucy Implement Company. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Glenna and Ronald Stephen of Jonesboro; three nephews, Horace Pruett of Rector and Marlin and Bob Remley, both of California; and two nieces, Loreta Holleman of Michigan and Louisi Remley of Indiana. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alymeta Gatewood Clarida; his parents, Lewis and Sina Clarida; five brothers, Carl, Ralph, Orville, John and Fred Clarida; and three sisters, Kate Remley, Zola Kennedy and Gladys Austin. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery in Rector with arrangements by Mitchell Funeral Home.
OZONE, ARKANSAS: Belvol Clark, 80, died May 15, 1987. He was the son of Henderson Clark and Minerva Pace Clark. He was a retiree of the U.S. Postal Service after over 40 years of service. He was a memeber of the Mt. Vernon Church of Christ, and the Mt. Vernon Grange. He is survived by his widow, Emma Yates Clark; a daughter, Marie Cates; a son, Paul Clark; and a brother, Omer Clark. Interment was at Yale Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Charles Lee Clark, 73, died September 6, 1951. He was a commercial fisherman, and had lived in the Nodena area for over 20 years. There were no known surviving family members. Funeral arrangements were handled by Swift Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Flossie Clark, 71, died May 27, 2007. She was a homemaker, and attended the First Freewill Baptist Church of Fort Smith. Survivors include her sons, Dale, Danny, and Robert Clark, all of Fort Smith; a brother, Wade S. Brown, Sr. of Roland, OK; 6 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Franklin Clark. Interment was at the National Cemetery. Cremation arrangements were handled by Edwards Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS: Mary Ellen Clark, 63, died December 25, 2010. She was born February 10, 1947 in Stone County, AR to Henry and Revo Stewart McMahan. Survivors include her husband, L.J. Clark; a son, Blue Clark of Mountain View; three sisters, Bonita Homes of Springdale, Josie Clark of Ben, and Wanda Mae Newman of Ida; three brothers, Arvin McMahan of Guion, and Ervin McMahan and Jr. McMahan, both of Mountain View; 2 grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a sister, Loetta Richardson. Interment was at Norick Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Coffman Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: James Clark, 58, died July 31, 2003 at his home. He was born March 29, 1945 in El Dorado to J.T. and Etta Mae Ewing Clark. He worked at the Medical Center of South Arkansas, and was a member of Jerusalem Quinn Baptist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Dahlia Stanley, Ayanna Clark and Tanya Clark; a son, Dewayne Clark; his mother; a sister, Gloria Wiley; and 7 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father. Interment was at Jerusalem Quinn Cemetery under the direction of Andrews Funeral Home.
OARK, ARKANSAS: Minerva Pace "Nerva" Clark, 74, died April 23, 1960. She attended the Church of Christ. She was survived by two sons, Omer Clark and Belvol Clark of Ozone (now both deceased); and 3 grandchildren. She was the wife of Henderson "Hent" Clark. Services were held at the Yale Church with Fred Warren presiding. Burial was at Yale Cemetery under the direction of Hardwicke Funeral Home.
CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Moses Clark, 31, was a servant of the George W. Clark family. His date of death is uncertain. He is interred at Fairview Cemetery.
OZONE, ARKANSAS: Omer Clark, 82, died June 6, 1995. He was the son of Henderson "Hent" Clark and Minerva Pace Clark. He was a retired mail carrier, and was a member of the Mt. Vernon Church of Christ. He is survived by his widow, Effie Acord Clark; and a son, Larry Clark. Interment was at Yale Cemetery with arrangements by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
UNION COUNTY, ARKANSAS: William Walker Clark died September 23, 1873. He was born September 9, 1840. He was a Civil War veteran and served with Company G of the 14th Mississippi Volunteers. During the war, he was held as a prisoner of war in New York. He worked as a farmer, and also as a blacksmith. Burial was at Old Rome Cemetery.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Ray A. Clary, 88, died July 8, 2000. He was born October 16, 1911 to Albert Forest Clary and Mellie Brown Clary. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and served under General Omar Bradley. He attended the First Baptist Church of Star City, and was a member of the VFW, the American Legion, and the Morgan Point Hunting Club, where he was named Hunter of the Year for two consecutive years. He is survived by his wife, Floye Fowler Clary; and a brother, Robbie Clary of Star City. He was preceded in death by a sister, Bonnie Rea Clary; two brothers, Forest Clary and Sam Clary; and his parents. Interment was at Holly Springs Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Service.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Diva Marie Claxton, 93, died January 23, 2009. She was born January 1, 1916. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Louise Potter of Paragould; a daughter, Sue Potter Gaddis of Pleasant Hill, LA; 8 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; many great-great grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Roy Tom Potter; a son, Teddy Joe Potter; her second husband, J.W. Claxton; her parents, J. W. "Buff" and Liza Baldwin; and four brothers, Cloyce, Floyd, Alvie, and Jewell Baldwin. Interment was at Greene County Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Mitchell Funeral Home.
WARREN, ARKANSAS: Codelia Harrell Clay, 92, died April 16, 2003 at the Bradley County Medical Center. She was a member of Palestine A.M.E. Church in Pickens. She is survived by four daughters, Dorothy C. Henderson of Warren, Mae F. Collins and Ethel Collins, both of Monticello, and Earnestine C. Mack of Kansas City, MO; a son, Brice H. Clay of Warren; 16 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. James A.M.E. Church in Warren. Interment was at Green Mount Cemetery under the direction of Reddick Funeral Home.
ELAINE, ARKANSAS: Rastus H. Clay, 66, died January 4, 1999. He was a security guard. There were no immediate survivors. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home. Burial was at Murphy Creek Cemetery in Louisville, MS.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Uvern Clay, 62, died September 28, 2006. He was born February 7, 1944 to the late Julius Clay and Bernice Toney Clay. He was a retired engineer for American Can Company, and operated his own heating, air conditioning and ventilation business. He attended Mount Ephesus Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon and Sunday School superintendent. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, and enjoyed fishing. He is survived by his wife, Bobbie Tyree Clay; a son, Joseph C. Tyree of Kansas City, MO; four brothers, Leon Clay of St. Louis, MO, Kenneth and Barbara Clay, Allen and Belinda Clay and Dennis and Ruby Clay, all of Pine Bluff; six sisters, Alma Clay and Carolyn Clay, both of Los Angeles, CA, Everlyn and Joe Bryant, Doris Clay, and Vernetta Clay, all of Pine Bluff, and Jacqueline and Roy Tillmon of Dolton, IL; 2 grandchildren; his mother-in-law, Orene Flemons of Prescott; five brothers-in-law, Lee Willis Flemons of Denver, CO, Sylvester Flemons of Dallas, TX, Calvin Flemons of Prescott, Ricky Flemons of San Leandro, CA, and Timothy Flemons of Las Vegas, NV; and a sister-in-law, Fannie and Donald Colbert of Hope. Services were held at the United Methodist Church in Prescott. Burial was at Laneburg Cemetery by Brandon's Mortuary.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Roberta Clayborn, 90, died October 11, 2004. She was born August 5, 1914. She was a retired nurse's aide at Forrest Memorial Hospital. Survivors include two daughters, Barbara Parks and Dorothy Faulkner, both of Forrest City; a sister, Mary F. Burton of Chicago, Ill.; 12 grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. Services were held at Days Temple Church of God in Christ with Elder Curtis Rolfe officiating. Burial was at the Forrest City Cemetery under the direction of Clay Funeral Home.
SHERIDAN, ARKANSAS: Geanie Mabel Myers Clayton, 87, died May 9, 1989 at the Grant County Nursing Home. She was born September 10, 1901. She was a member of Shiloh Baptist Church. Survivors include two nephews, including Luke Myers of Sheridan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Clayton. Services were held at Wilson Funeral Chapel. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Little Rock.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Charles J. Clem, 77, died September 17, 2007. He formerly worked in the timber industry. He also worked for Singer, and for Hart's Furniture. He enjoyed fishing, hunting and gardening. Survivors include his wife, Frances Adams Clem; two daughters, Sheila Shipman of Corning and Patsy Banks of Bay; a son, Robert Clem of Belleview FL; a brother, W.D. "Doc" Clem of Trumann; a sister, Venita Green of Tuckerman; 7 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Emmit and Nanny Clem; four brothers; and four sisters. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-Farmers Union Funeral Home with Keith Wilson officiating. Burial was at Oak Ridge Cemetery.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Edmund Allen Clement, 78, died February 1, 2007. He was born October 10, 1928 to Alton Lester Clement and Laura Ethlyn Kent Clement. He worked with city planning at Bentonville, Dallas, TX, San Antonio, TX, and the University of Arkansas. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran and served during the Korean Conflict. He was of the Methodist faith, and enjoyed sailing. He was a primary contributor for the Botanical Gardens of the Ozarks in Fayetteville, and purchased the Herb and Vegetable Gardens in memory of his wife, Diane Clement. He is survived by his daughter, Allison Clement of Rogers; a granddaughter; a grandson; and a sister, Nancy Clement of Guatemala. Memorial services were held at Benton County Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Roger Anthony Clemente, 77, died June 4, 2009. He was born August 6, 1931 to Antonio Ruggero and Lucia Cuccia Ruggero. He was a retired maintenance worker at Hillhaven Corporation in southern California, and was a member of the Church of Christ. He is survived by two daughters, Karen Clemente and Linda Rauch; two sons, Michael Clemente and James Clemente, all of Paris; a sister, Anita Ebert of Cleveland, OH; and 7 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lillian Clemente. Cremation arrangements were handled by Brotherton Bros. Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS: Martha J. Talburt Clemison, 93, died April 6, 2009. She was born November 27, 1915 to Noah Baker and Samantha Lula Alexander Talburt. She was a former hospital employee. She is survived by a niece, Barbara Mitchell; a brother, Jim Talburt of Eureka, CA; her nieces and nephews: and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Eldon Clemison; two infant children; and five brothers, Albin, Curtis, Paul, Hulsie and Earl. Interment was at Optimus Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Crouch Funeral Home.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Claudie Mae Clemons, 78, died March 8, 2007. She was born July 31, 1928 to Thelma Ausler Sandridge and Claude Sandridge. She attended Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by her mother; three daughters, Ethel Strickland of Menifee, Kathy Garrett of Hinesville, GA, and Pamela Jones of Garden City, GA; five sons, Cleathes Clemons, Jr., Bobby Clemons, and Sammy Clemons, all of Plumerville, Larry Clemons of Solgohachia and Harvey Clemons of Denver, CO; four sisters, Ethel Toney of Indiana, Betty Washington of Illinois, and Jean Parks and Carolyn Cooper, both of Arkansas; and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other relatives. Services were held at Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Plumerville with Rev. Byron Jackson, Sr. officiating. Burial was at Mt. Zion Cemetery under the directon of Wilson and Jarrett Funeral Home, Inc.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Vestal Mary Cleveland, 87, died March 20, 2005. She was a retired beautician, and attended Old Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Survivors include two sons, Herschel Cleveland of Paris, and Dr. Elton Cleveland of Little Rock; two sisters, Lela Mae Crawford of Elk City, OK, and Marie Lester of Modesto, CA; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, John Taylor and Amanda Moore Cotton; her husband, Ethan Allen Cleveland; a grandson, Jason Cleveland; and 8 siblings. Services were held at Old Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Burial was at Ellington Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Evelyn Clifford, 49, died April 21, 1992. She was born July 30, 1942 to David Warren and Jewell Stoops Warren. She is survived by two sons, Michael Kalberloh and Loyd Kalberloh; a daughter, D'Ana Clifford; three brothers, David Warren, Larry Warren, and Earnest Warren; a sister, Juanita Filley; and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at Farmington Cemetery by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CANE HILL, ARKANSAS: Lila Winafred McColloch Clifford, 92, died March 21, 1992. She was born February 25, 1900 to Sam and Allie Russell McColloch. She was a retired school teacher, and attended Cane Hill Presbyterian Church. She was the widow of Paul C. Clifford. Among the survivors are a brother, Lacey McColloch; two sisters, Hazel Baucum and Myrtle Chesney; and a number of nieces and nephews. Interment was at the Dewey City Cemetery in Dewey, Oklahoma with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
OXFORD, ARKANSAS: Larry Wilson Clifft, 68, died October 6, 2006. He was born April 7, 1938 to Joseph Alberta Clifft and Ruth Thompson Clifft. He attended the Oxford Methodist and Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Oxford. He is survived by his sister, Malra Clifft Treece of Memphis, TN. He was preceded in death by his parents. Burial was at Oxford Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Crouch Funeral Home of Melbourne, AR.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Luna Floyd Hollingsworth Clifton, 91, died March 17, 1978. She was a Baptist. She was preceded in death by her husband, Richard J. Clifton. Among the survivors are two sons and four daughters; a brother; a sister; 22 grandchildren; 42 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements were handled by Drummond Funeral Home.
HINDSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Clifford Cline, 91, died October 21, 2004. He was born June 4, 1913 to Samuel B. and Anna Byrd Cline. He was a farmer and a member of the Hindsville Riding Club. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Blanche Eubanks Cline, whom he married in 1933; a daughter, Betty Seamster and husband Buddy of Garfield; a brother-in-law, Layman Drake; a sister-in-law, Madge Lawson; and two grandchildren. Services were held at Brashears Funeral Home in Huntsville with Rev. Johnnie Sisemore and Rev. Eldon Bagwell officiating. Burial was at Buckeye Cemetery.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Franco E. Cline, 79, died February 3, 2009. She was the daughter of Oscar and Myrtle Stalnaker Lingo, and was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Gloria Pyle of Brookland; a son, Billy Cline of Searcy; a sister-in-law, Della Lingo; a special friend, J.W. Gramling of Paragould; her grandchildren, B.J. and John Cline, and Julie Tunstill; 2 great-grandchildren; and a step great-grandson. She was preceded in death by her husband, M.B. Cline; her parents; a brother, John Lingo; and a great-granddaughter, Emily Pyle. Burial was at Lawrence Memorial Park in Walnut Ridge under the direction of House-Gregg Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Drewceller Clingmon, 52, died October 8, 2008. She is survived by her children, Thelma Bray, Edmin Clingmon and Alax Clingmon; a brother, Theodis Mitchell (Lenora); and a sister, Lovie Lee Atkins. Services were held at Mount Olive Church Of God In Christ in Humphrey, AR. Arrangements were handled by Gunn Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Tressie M. Hall Clinton, 86, died September 12, 2004. She was the daughter of John D. and Beryl Hall. She and her husband owned Hope Well Grocery for many years. She attended the Main Street Church of Christ. She is survived by a sister, Flavia Anthony of Elkton, FL. She was preceded in death by her husband, Andy Clinton; and four brothers, Marvin Hall, Luther Hall, Carl Hall and Luster Hall. Interment was at Clover Bend Cemetery with arrangements by House-Gregg Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ralph "Pate" Cloird, 66, died February 23, 2001 at University Hospital at Little Rock. He was born August 15, 1934 to Ralph Cloird. Sr. and Margret Bennett Cloird. He is survived by three daughters, Karen Wilson, Mildred McGhee, and Tina Knight; four sons, Ralph Cloird III, James Cloird, Robert Cloird, and Bruce Cloird; six brothers, Arthur Cloird, Joe A. Cloird, Johnnie Cloird, Freddie Cloird, Michael Cloird, and James Cloird; five sisters, Aristine McDonnell, Perlen Berry, Willie Shaw, Elegest Dedner and Margaret Brown; 19 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Greater Faith Temple. Burial was at New Hope Cemetery in Sherrill with arrangements by Gunn Funeral Home.
MANSFIELD, ARKANSAS: Marie Clopton, 82, died January 30, 2008. She was a member of Mansfield Assembly of God. She is survived by six sons, Buddy Black, Ronnie Black and Randy Black, all of Mansfield, Chris Clopton of Huntington; Kevin Clopton of Pocola, and Tracy Clopton of Keota, OK; two stepsons, Gail Clopton and Freddy Clopton of Kansas City, MO; four daughters, Pat Buckner of Fort Smith, Carolyn Smith and Shirley Gillis, both of Mansfield, and Beverley Bonds of Elm Park, AR; a sister, Mildred Heavener of Roland, OK; 36 grandchildren; and 48 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two husbands, William Black and Alvie Clopton; a daughter, Kaye Lynne Michael; and a stepdaughter, Pam Clopton. Services were held at Huntington Assembly of God. Burial was at Coop Prairie Cemetery by McConnell Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Vivian Juanita Beaty Cloud, 82, died April 3, 2005. She was born August 20, 1922 to Arnold and Annie Beaty. She was a Baptist. Among the survivors are two sons, Earl and Floyd Cloud, both of Benton; a daughter, Dot Coburn and husband John of Maumelle; a brother, Archie Beaty and wife Jan of Benton; 5 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Melvin Cloud. Arrangements were handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
DE VALLS BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Topie L. Clowers, 70, died June 17, 1973. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church at Perryville. Survivors include her husband, Rev. O. W. Clowers, a son, Clyde E. Stophel of Pine Bluff; two daughters, Mrs. Phyllis Saeler of Fordyce and Mrs. Betty Ruth Price of Searcy; five brothers, Henry McGhee of Texas, Orvill McGhee and James McGhee, both of Paris, Jess McGhee of Illinois and Wilbur McGhee of Oklahoma City; two sisters, Mrs. Dealia Wilder or Morrilton, and Mrs. Opal Gagliardotto of Illinois, seven grandchildren and a great-grandchild. The funeral was held at Perryville Assembly of God Church. Burial was at Cherry Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Service.
RUDY, ARKANSAS: Cathryn R. Cluck, 86, died September 10, 2006. She was a decorated U.S. Army veteran of World War II. She attended Cedarville Baptist Church. Survivors include four daughters, Crystal Kimmey of Uniontown, Carol Swaim of Natural Dam, and Mary Poole and Ruth Morrison, both of Rudy; two sons, Michael Cluck of Midwest City, OK, and John Cluck of Cedarville; two sisters, Marie Domer and Sylvia Burcaw, both of Venice, FL; 14 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Cluck. Interment was at Gracelawn Cemetery with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Russell Cluck died September 6, 1963. He was the son of Eddie and Parla Cluck. He is buried at Gracelawn Cemetery.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Doris Raye Clyma, 81, died June 22, 2007. She was a retired clerk, and attended Oak Grove Baptist Church. She is survived by five daughters, Sharon Borengasser of Fort Smith, Terry Allen of Muldrow, OK, Janet Laster and Nancy Smith, both of Van Buren, and Sandy Irvin of Uniontown; two sons, John and James Clyma of Fort Smith; 16 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews, cousins, and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband, Russell Clyma. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Van Buren under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Georgia Mozel Coatney, 92, died February 22, 2007. She was born September 14, 1914 to the late George Gage and Mattie L. Kell Gage. She worked as a ward clerk at Carroll General Hospital in Berryville (now St. John's Hospital). She enjoyed cooking, flower gardening, and sewing. She attended Berkes Community Church in Farewell. She is survived by three sons, Duane Coatney of Eureka Springs, Wendell Coatney of Berryville, and Larry Coatney of Berryville; two daughters, Geneice McCall of Eureka Springs and Jeanett Bradley of Dallas TX; 10 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harvey Elbert Coatney. Services were held at the Snow Community Church. Internment was at Snow Cemetery under the direction of the Smith Family Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: William Coats died September 18, 1898. He was born March 28, 1829. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company D of the 26th Arkansas Infantry. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery.
GRADY, ARKANSAS: Chester Lee Cobb, 53, died December 21, 2011. He was born in Mitchellville to Obie Cobb and Erma Evans. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn Cobb; his daughters, Lavarco Cobb, Latravia Robinson and Kamillya Jackson, all of Grady; a son, Kevin Mays of Grady; three sisters, Evelyn Johnson of Dumas, Angelia Sowers of Pine Bluff and Arlexisha Ravion of Dallas, TX; a brother, Lonnie Johnson of Conway; and 10 grandchildren. Services were held at Damascus Baptist Church. Interment was at Lincoln Memorial Lawn with arrangements by Brown Funeral Home.
PICKENS, ARKANSAS: Clara Harris Cobb, 47, died April 26, 2007. She was born September 17, 1959 to the late Emmit Jimerson and Fannie Harris Simpson. She attended the Joy Community Church in Pine Bluff. Survivors include her husband, Herman Cobb; a son, Keith Cobb of Clovis, NM; two daughters, Kerman Harris of Pickens, and Kisha Rucker of Hamburg; a brother, Joel Robinson of Hamburg; a sister, Renea Howard of Hamburg; and two grandchildren. Services were held at the Bethlehem Worship Center in Dumas with Elder Curtis Cook presiding. Burial was at the Free Gift Cemetery in Dumas under the direction of Serenity Gardens Funeral Service.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Versie M. Cobb, 61, died February 20, 2005. She was born May 20, 1943 to Reola Ward and the late Buddy Marshall. She is survived by her husband, Jessie Cobb; a daughter, Bobbie Jenkins of Pine Bluff; two brothers, Ocie Workman and Jimmy Hudson, both of Dumas; and three sisters, Minnie Baker of Liberal, KS, Eddie Mae Willliams of Dumas, and Leomma Spencer of Pine Bluff. Services were held at Union Baptist Missionary Baptist Church in Dumas. Burial followed at Free Gift Cemetery with arrangements by Serenity Gardens Funeral Services.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: George R. Cochran, 56, died July 6, 1975. He was born December 31, 1918 to Robert and Laura Bell Jackson Cochran. He is survived by a brother, Eugene Cochran of Prarie Grove, AR; and five sisters, Mrs. Fern Waite of Lincoln, Mrs. Nove Grant and Mrs. Florence Allen, both of Amarillo, TX, and Mrs. Edith Remington and Miss Wilma Cochran, both of Prairie Grove Interment was at Lincoln Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CANE HILL, ARKANSAS: Robert A. Cochran, 71, died June 9, 1945. He was survived by his wife, Laura Bell Cochran; two sons, Eugene of Lincoln and PFC George, overseas; seven daughters, Mrs. Florence Grant, Mrs. Virginia Courtney, and Mrs. Ruth Napier, all of Lincoln, Mrs. Edith Remington of Prairie Grove, Mrs. Roy Grant of Amarillo, TX, Mrs. Fern Mandevile of Chicago, and Miss Wilma Cochran of the home; a sister, Mrs. H. Broadbent; a brother, L.O. Cochran, both of Buckner, OK; and 20 grandchildren. Burial was at Lincoln Cemetery.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Troy Allen Cochran, 16, died February 2, 1977. He was born March 1, 1960 to Robert E. and Opal Mandeville Cochran. He is survived by three brothers, Robert of Winslow, and Dale and Homer, both of Prairie Grove; and a sister, Mrs. Joyce McMurray of Springdale. Interment was at the Lincoln Cemetery.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Valaree Hogan Cockman, 84, died July 7, 2007. She was born May 1, 1923 to Nesbit Hogan and Jewell Miller Hogan. She retired from the food service industry. She is survived by her sons, Houston Spires of Anchorage, AK, James Cockman of Cheyenne, WY, and Thomas Cockman of Grass Valley, CA; three stepchildren, Witte Cockman of Mapleton, OR, Mildred McClure and Betty McClure of Oroville, CA; 13 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Fairman C. Spires and Alvie Cockman. Interment was at the Plummerville Cemetery with Rev. Von Dell Mooney officiating.
JEFFERSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Fannie Myrtle Cockrell died August 4, 1917. She was born July 1, 1901 to James E. and Cora Cockrell. Burial was at Flat Bayou Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Sherna Cockrill, 70, died December 28, 2006. She was born December 19, 1936 in to Jean and Glenn Will. She held a master's degree in English from the University of Arkansas, and taught at Oklahoma State University. She had also worked as a stewardess. She was a prominent Arkansas artist, known for her paintings and portraits. She had many exhibitions, both regionally and internationally. She attended St. Paul's Episcopal Church. She is survived by her husband, Mitch Cockrill; a daughter, Ashley Rumbold and husband Alexander of Enkhuizen, Netherlands; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Cremation arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel and Crematory.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Ora Lee Coffee, 80, died November 16, 2006. She was born March 18, 1926. She is survived by a son, Leon Phillips of Tulsa, OK; 3 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First Baptist Church. Burial was at Paradise Gardens Cemetery in Edmondson under the direction of Clay Funeral Home.
CARLISLE, ARKANSAS: Andrew Coffelt, 88, died February 13, 2002. He was born August 20, 1913. He retired from Layne Arkansas Co., and was a longtime volunteer with the Carlisle Fire Department. Survivors include his wife, Cora Mae Coffelt; his children, Homer Coffelt of Lonoke, Elmer Coffelt of Carlisle, Rosa Mae Evans of Stuttgart and Delores Robinson of Arlington, TX; two sisters, Inez Carpenter and Drewsilla Brown, both of Carlisle; 4 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Carlisle United Methodist Church. Interment was at Hamilton Cemetery under the direction of Boyd Funeral Home.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Romie A. Coffey, 87, died February 12, 2005. He was a retiree of Thermogas, having worked there for 45 years. During WWII, he worked on aircraft for Sikorsy in Connecticut, and then returned to Jacksonville, AR to work in a defense plant. He was a member of Landmark Baptist Church in England. Among the survivors are a daughter, Sherry Lynn; a son, Gary Coffey (Marty); a brother, John H. Coffey (Susie); a sister-in-law, Arlee Reed (Mel); 8 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild; and many nieces, nephews and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife of 62 years, Connie Coffey; three sisters; and a brother. Services were held at Landmark Baptist Church in England. Interment was at the Keo Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-England Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mildred Coffman, 82, died January 7, 1982. She was born June 5, 1899 to Sheridan and Gillian Oliver Fields. She was a member of the Christian Church. Survivors include a son, N.A. Center; two daughters, Connie Monahan and Helen Weyher; three brothers, Esaw Fields, Jessie Fields, and Green Fields; four sisters, Jane Hall, Maggie Farmer, Ethel Bolton, and Taliatha Smith; 6 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, A.B. Coffman. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
EVENING SHADE, ARKANSAS: Louisa Elizabeth Stump Coger died of consumption on May 9, 1901. She was born July 19, 1840. She was the wife of Marcellus B. Coger. She is survived by three children, Minter A. Coger, Claude L. Coger, and Mrs. P.H. Wilkerson. She was preceded in death by one of her children. Interment was at the Evening Shade Cemetery.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Ella Louise Reagler Cohen, 85, died August 31, 2001. She was the daughter of Morris Reagler and Rae Zucker Reagler. She was a retired entrepreneur. She was a member of Baron Hirsch Synagogue and Temple Israel. She was active in a number of civic and social groups, including the Forrest City Garden Club, the Cosmos Club, the Encore Club, the General Federation of Women's Clubs, the Musical Coterie of Forrest City, the Baron Hirsch Ladies' Auxiliary and the Jewish Women International. Survivors include a daughter, Debra Cohen Kozuch of Cold Spring Harbor, NY; a son, Barry Cohen of Plano, TX; a sister, Mildred R. Rubens of West Memphis; a brother, David Reagler of Wynne; 2 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Max Cohen. Services were held at Sam Abraham Chapel in Memphis. Interment was at Baron Hirsch Cemetery with arrangements by Gan Aden Funeral Home.
HOLIDAY ISLAND, ARKANSAS: Harry Cohen, 81, died January 15, 2001. He was born August 26, 1919 to Barnett and Anna Boguslavsky Cohen. He owned a beverage store. He was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps. He was a charter member of the Holiday Island Community Church, and was a member of Jewish War Veterans Post #0014. He is survived by his wife, Shirley Ann Thiem Cohen; and 7 stepchildren, Gail VanEkeran, Linda Freedman Stang, Craig Freedman, Sarah Mackey, Judith Wells, Richard Wells and Katherine Richard; and three sisters, Dora Pink, Judith Goldman, and Rose Weiner. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, Sam, Maurice, and David; a sister, Jette Cappotto; and his first wife, Bessie Freedman Cohen. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Service.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: William Herman Cohn, 78, died July 15, 2008. He was a retired wholesale grocer, and a member of Baron Hirsch Synagogue. He is survived by his wife, Suzanne B. Cohn; two daughters, Sandra Halpern of Altoona, PA, and Sharon Cohn of Memphis; two sons, David Cohn and Allen Cohn, both of Forrest City; two sisters, Sylvia Walter and Freda Weinstein, both of Memphis; and 9 grandchildren. Interment was at Baron Hirsch Cemetery under the direction of Canale Funeral Directors of Memphis.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Germaine Marie Rose Piantoni Coker, 80, died September 9, 2005. She was born in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, but had resided in Walnut Ridge for sixty years. She was a homemaker and a Catholic. Survivors include two daughters, Claudia Coker of Dallas and Peggy Coker Maryman of Spring Branch, Texas; four grandchildren, Stephanie Davis, Jessica Farmer, Kirstin Wilsey and Charlotte Coker; and five great-grandchildren. She was the widow of Z.T. Coker. She was also preceded in death by a son, a sister, and five brothers. Services were held at the House-Gregg Chapel with Father John Marconi presiding. Burial was at Lawrence Memorial Park with arrangements by House-Gregg Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Royal Thomas Coker, 75, died March 6, 2005. He was born October 21, 1929 to the late Ellie and Euthel Coker. He was a graduate of Westark College, and served as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. He worked for the Champion Box Company, and for Cavanaugh Elementary School. He enjoyed auto repair and woodworking. Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Nina Coker; a daughter, Cindy Ragan of Grand Lake, OK; three sons, Grant, Keith and Mark Coker, all of Fort Smith; his mother-in-law, Ann Furr of Fort Smith; three sisters, Dorothy Louise Clark of Panama, Velta Hunter of Bokoshe and Gayle Matlock of Keota; a brother, Loyal D. Coker of Haskell, OK; a brother-in-law, Albert Slawson of Hackett; 8 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at the Fort Smith National Cemetery with arrangements by Fentress Mortuary.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Versie Mae Brown Colbert, 57, died on December 12, 2000. She was a homemaker, and attended the Epistles of God Church of Deliverance. She is survived by three sons, James and wife Dawanda Colbert, Kenny Crawford and Daryl Haynes, all of Stone Mountain, GA; a daughter, Hattye and husband Desmond Andrews of Stone Mountain; her mother, Hattie Mae Brown of Hamburg; four brothers, Dan and Terry Brown of Hamburg, Charles Brown of Magnolia and Ronnye Brown of Little Rock; four sisters, Shellia Ann Lawson of Crossett, Ruby Robinson of Little Rock, and Katy Bell and Sandra Bedford of North Little Rock; 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Betty Jean Colbert, and her father, Charlie Brown. Burial was at Johnson Memorial Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Darrell Glenn Colburn, 71, died November 10, 2011 in Jonesboro. He was born October 19, 1940 in Walnut Ridge to Carl and Trellis Alexander Colburn. He was a member of Main Street Church of Christ and a lifelong Lawrence County resident. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn Colburn; two daughters, Mendy Ozbun of Bono, and Tammy Winfrey of Walnut Ridge; five sons, Matthew Colburn of Paragould, Joe Johnson of Walnut Ridge, Samuel Colburn and Bobby Gates, both of Hoxie, and Tommy Colburn of Columbus, GA; two sisters, Wanda Johnson of Jonesboro, and Treva Kelley of Searcy; 18 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren with one on the way. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Carrie Colburn; his parents; and a sister, Inez Moody. Services were held at Main Street Church of Christ. Arrangements were handled by House-Gregg Funeral Home.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Lena Fay Cole, 85, died September 28, 2000 at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff. She was born May 1, 1915 in Mansfield, MO to James Pearl Wells and Etta Mae Mallory Wells. She was a Baptist. Survivors include two sons, Leo Cole of Baytown, TX and Everette Cole of Bartlett, TN; four sisters, Ruby Glover and Belle Dial, both of Star City, Ruth Wimberly of Pine Bluff and Dorothy Bradley of Rison; 12 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wille Alvin Cole; and a son, James Cole. Interment was at Hickory Grove Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Service.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Mary Elizabeth Cole, 103, died January 22, 2000. She was a member of Cullendale Church of Christ. She is survived by 4 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert Cole; and three children, Ruby Jenkins, Margaret Cole, and Herschel Cole. Burial was at Greenwood Cemetery by Proctor Funeral Home.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Truel Keith Cole, 72, died October 16, 2007. He was born January 15, 1936. He was a carpenter and a U.S. Navy veteran. He is survived by three sons, James Cole and Kenneth Cole, both of Jonesboro, and Cody Cole of California; two daughters, Sarah Floyd of Paragould, and Gloria Combs of Jonesboro; six half-brothers, Leon Perryman, Larry Perryman, Jerry Perryman, Rodney Perryman, Terry Perryman and Kenny Perryman, all of California; 12 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Kenneth Cole; his mother, Zelma Davis Perryman; and a son, Truel Keith Cole. Interment was at New Hope Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Farmers Union Funeral Home.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Bill Coleman, 88, died December 28, 1991 at Fayetteville Memorial Hospital. He was born in Midland, TX. He formerly lived in the Knowles community near Hobbs, NM, and had been a longtime Lea County rancher and farmer. He moved to West Fork in 1956, and was active in church and community activities there. Survivors include a son, Pat Coleman of Claremore, OK; four daughters, Renie Higgs of Farmington, Lynn Smith of West Fork, Marjorie Holms of Dallas, AR, and Jeanne Vieden of Big Lake, TX; 4 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Gwendolyn "Bunny" Coleman. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery in West Fork.
STAMPS, ARKANSAS: Virginia Ederington Coleman, 87, died on January 6, 2005. She was the daughter of the late Dillard Ederington and Laura McLeod Ederington. She served with the Department of State at the American Embassy in Rome, and worked in Washington, DC for Congressman Oren Harris, David Pryor and Senator William J. Fulbright. She was a Presbyterian. Survivors include a sister and brother-in-law, Katie and Walter N. "Dubb" Roark of Greenville, SC; three nieces, Katie Roark of Houston, TX, Lauren Dean of Charleston, SC and Nancy Roark of Atlanta, GA; and a nephew, Nick Roark of Charleston. She was preceded in death by her husband, C. Fred Coleman. Interment was at Wilson Cemetery in Lewisville with Rev. Russell Bailey officiating. Arrangements were handled by Smith Funeral Home of Stamps, AR.
SHIRLEY, ARKANSAS: Ola Elizabeth Coley, 97, died June 13, 2005. She was born October 11, 1907 to the late Zack and Lucreasy Cook. She attended Pine Grove General Baptist Church. Survivors include her sons and daughters-in-law, Laudis and Margie Coley, and Lindsey and Lois Jean Coley; her grandchildren; and several other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband of 48 years, Orville Coley. Services were held at Pine Grove General Baptist Church. Burial was at Weaver Cemetery under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Willie Mae Williams Coley, 94, died May 12, 2007. Survivors include her sons, Lawrence Coley and Harold E. "Donnie" Coley; a daughter, Delores Coley Perkins and husband Roy; and several other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by husband, Frank James Coley, Sr.; and a son, Frank James Coley, Jr. Services were held at Marche Church of Christ, followed by interment at Haven of Rest Cemetery.
MULBERRY, ARKANSAS: Jerry Collard, 73, died July 13, 2006. He was a retired truck driver for Petro Transport, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. He attended the Solid Rock Tabernacle in Alma. Survivors include his wife, Margaret; a daughter, Lorie Wyers of Ozark; a son, Timothy Collard of Alma; a sister, Alice Heard of Lake Charles, LA; a brother, Bill Collard of Jennings, LA; 6 granddaughters; and 6 great-grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
MULBERRY, ARKANSAS: John Lee Collett, 89, died August 30, 2006. He was born September 24, 1916. He was a retired furniture factory worker, and was a charter member of the First Assembly of God Church in Mulberry. Survivors include his daughters, Ruth Currier of Ozark, Lorene Joslin of Mulberry, and Letha Gillon of Greenville, SC; two sisters, Pauline Sossamon of Dallas and Datha Derrick of Camarillo, CA; and 2 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Hazel Collett. Services were held at First Assembly olf God Church in Mulberry. Burial was at New Cemetery in Mulberry with arrangements handled by Ocker Funeral Home.
ASHLEY COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Roderick Collier died January 8, 1960. He was born December 21, 1957 to Russell and Mary Collier. Burial was at Trafalgar Cemetery.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Anna Lucille Bruton Collins, 75, died March 20, 2007. She was born June 25, 1931 to Sophie Middleton. She retired from North Little Rock Veterans Administration. She is survived by two sons, Lewis "Butch" Bruton of North Little Rock, and Charles Scott of Oklahoma; two daughters, Sandra Walker of Jacksonville and Laura Young of Mt. Vernon, IL; 10 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Wolf Cemetery in Oppelo, AR under the direction of Bob Neal and Sons Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Jesse D. Collins, 84, died May 3, 2002 at the Ashley County Medical Center. He was born November 28, 1917, and was a native of Montrose. He was a retired farmer and a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member and deacon of Promise Land Missionary Baptist Church, and was a Mason. Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Laverne Kelley Collins; two sons, Steve Collins (Ann), and Larry Collins (Nancy); a sister, Dorothy Griffith; 6 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and his nieces and nephews. Services were held at Promise Land Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Promise Land Cemetery by Jones Funeral Home.
GRADY, ARKANSAS: John C. Collins, 79, died July 15, 2002. He was born October 10, 1922 to the late John Collins and Pearl Davenport Collins. Surviving family members include his wife, Bernice Turner Collins; a son, Sidney Collins of Oak Grove, LA; two daughters, Belinda Collins and Reneice Collins, both of Oak Grove; six stepsons, Delton Smith of Oklahoma City, OK, Thelton Smith of Little Rock, Dennis Holly and Idary Turner, both of Pine Bluff, and Cleophas Turner and Andrew Turner, both of Star City; and five stepdaughters, Edna Hunter of Little Rock, Drucilla Skinner of Star City, Clemestine Brooks and Burnistine Pointer, both of Pine Bluff, and Linda Brittman of Anaheim, CA. Services were held at Eastside Church of Jesus Christ in Pine Bluff with Rev. Charles Huckaby officiating. Burial was at Lincoln Memorial Lawn Cemetery with arrangements by Serenity Gardens Funeral Services of Dumas, AR.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Howard Donald Collins, 22, died May 31, 1929. He was born in 1906. He was living in Toledo, OH at the time of his passing, and was working at a broadcasting station there. He was a member of the Congregational Church. He is survived by his mother, Fannie Collins Snyder; and four brothers, Bernard Collins, Homer Snyder, Ray and DeWitt. Burial was at the Gentry Cemetery.
JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Thelma L. Collins died January 11, 2002. She worked at Philander Smith College for over 16 years, and was a member of the North Little Rock Mission. She is survived by a son, Billy Collins of Little Rock; three daughters, Ella Graham of Jacksonville, Faye Lambert of Sherwood, and Barbara Beavers of North Little Rock; 7 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at King Solomon Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Gunn Funeral Home.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Maxine Colston, 85, died January 15, 2008. She was born July 24, 1922 to Fay B. and Hettie Fredrick Hutchison. She was a longtime seamstress for Town and Country Cleaners, and attended Union Road Assembly of God Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Jack and Deanna Colston of Harrison; her daughters and sons-in-law, Linda and George Randall of Harrison, and Jewel and Bill Carnelison of Hollister, MO; a sister, Margie; two brothers, Sidney and David; 8 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband; her parents; two brothers; a sister; and 3 grandchildren. Interment was at White Church Cemetery under the direction of Christeson Funeral Home.
DES ARC, ARKANSAS: Otis David Colvin, 78, died May 20, 2009. He was born January 9, 1931 to Lawrence Colvin, Jr. and Ada Delozier Colvin. He is survived by a daughter, Jeanette Evans (Mike); a son, Robert Colvin (Roseanna); a brother, Isaac Colvin; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Des Arc Church of Christ. Interment was at Johnson Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Garth Funeral Home.
LOWELL, ARKANSAS: Avery Combs, 80, died April 21, 1977 at the Springdale Hospital. He was born March 24, 1897 in Drake's Creek, AR to William C. and Paralie Higgins Combs He was a retired farmer and a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Clara Lavona Ray Combs; a son, Eldon of Springdale; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rifenbark of Ozark, MO; two brothers, Hershel of Pea Ridge, and Arnold of Seminole, OK; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Harlan of Rogers, and Mrs. Grace Graham of Jay, OK; and 3 grandchildren. Burial was at the Rogers Cemetery with arrangements by Sisco Chapel.
COMBS, ARKANSAS: Elijah C. Combs died October 2, 1903. He was born December 25, 1852 to Hiram Hite and Mary Walker Combs. He was survived by his wife, Arminta Clemons Combs; and seven children. He was preceded in death by two children. Burial was at the Combs Cemetery.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Muriel Dean Compton, 76, died January 28, 2006. She was born July 13, 1929 to the late Wylie B. and Lucie Ellen Tackett. She was a homemaker. She is survived by her husband, Arthur Compton; two sons, Roy Gene Compton of Wyandotte, OK, and Darrell Dean Compton of Higden, AR; a daughter, Pearlie Ellen Compton of Weatherford, OK; 15 grandchildren; and 39 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Arthur B. Compton; and a daughter, Lucille Darlene Compton. Services were held at Higden Church of Christ. Interment was at Higden-McLenaney Cemetery under the direction of Roller McNutt Funeral Home.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: Charles Edward Coney, 39, died May 13, 2002 at the Arkansas Heart Hospital in Little Rock. He was born September 2, 1962 to Lester Coney, Sr. and Maggie Coney. Survivors include a son, Courtney Williams; four brothers, Alvin (Tracy) Coney, Earl Coney, Eddie (Cynthia) Coney, and Jimmy (Linda) Coney; six sisters, Teresa Coney, Cynthia (Adolph) Beasley, Lena (Curlee) Clark, Gloria (Edward) Hackett, Sharon (Benson) Okungbowa, and Carolyn Coney; an aunt, Beulah (Henry) Hill; two uncles, Aaron (Earlene) Coney and Matthew Farris; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends, including Linda Williams and Sonja Moore. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a brother, Lester Coney, Jr. Services were held at Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Gunn Funeral Home.
CHARLESTON, ARKANSAS: Clare R. Confer, 83, died Friday, December 25, 2009. He was born October 30, 1926. He owned Muir Hardware Store for over 40 years. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, and a member of the VFW. He was a past council member in Muir, and also served on the volunteer fire department. He was a Presbyterian. He is survived by three daughters and their spouses, Candace and Ronald Hyland of Portland, MI; Constance Confer of Harrison, MI, and Cynthia and Terry Bowman of Charleston; 4 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ross and Esther Confer; his wife, Boneta Confer; and a sister, June Benner. Cremation arrangements were handled by Roller Funeral Home.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Danny Conklin, 59, died December 20, 2007. He was born September 8, 1948 to Elder Louis and Willie Mae Poteete Conklin. He owned Simple Simon Pizza. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Vietnam War, and a Mason. He was a member of Second Baptist Church and attended the Malvern Church of God. He is survived by his wife, Crystal Honeycutt Conklin; a son, Chris Conklin; a stepson, Lane Honeycutt; his stepdaughters, Whitney and Tiffany Denham, all of Malvern; a brother and sister-in-law, Ed and Faye Conklin of Malvern; a sister and brother-in-law, Shirley and Buddy Lemons of Donaldson; 2 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister, Dorothy Anderson. Services were held at the chapel of Regency Funeral Home. Interment was at Alford Cemetery.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Clora Conley, 93, died August 8, 2003 at Hillsboro Manor Nursing Home. She was born January 1, 1910 in Spearsville, LA to Gene and Henretta Washington Talley. She was a member of Olive Branch Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Betty Conley of Phoenix, AZ; two sisters, Christine Snowden and Fannie Thompson; a brother, Sandy Talley; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Olive Branch Baptist Church. Interment was at Arlington Cemetery by Andrews Funeral Home.
EARLE, ARKANSAS: Gladys L. Conner, 69, died December 5, 2004. She was a retired supervisor at Earle Industries, and attended the First Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Patricia Ann Conner-Franklin of Memphis, TN and Stephanie Desha Conner of Earle; four sons, Lawrence Edward Watson of Chicago, IL, and Bernard "Button" Watson, Eddie Lee Lathon, Jr. and Michael Ray Conner, all of Earle; a sister, Roberta Giles of Dallas, TX; 12 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First Missionary Baptist Church in Earle. Burial was at Paradise Gardens Cemetery under the direction of W.H. Johnson Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Ulis R. "Arkie" Connor, 80, died November 7, 2007. He retired from General Motors after 30 years of service, and was a member of the United Auto Workers. He is survived by three sisters, Evelyn Webster of Wynne, Lurlene Bradley of Newport, and Joyce Johnson of Bethel, MN; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas O. Connor and Mary C. Innes Connor; and two sisters, Lillie Weglein and Marie Lewis. Interment was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Tuckerman, AR under the direction of Kernodle Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS; Royce L. Conrad, 89, died January 4, 2007. He was born May 26, 1917 to Tom H. and Theresa Bush Conrad. He was retired from Riceland Foods, and was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by a daughter, Nancy Cassidy of Red Bluff, CA; 6 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Geneva B. Burdett Conrad; his parents; a daughter, Jeannie Anthony; a sister; and two brothers. Interment was at Lone Tree Cemetery with arrangements by Turpin Funeral Home of Stuttgart, AR.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Aubrey Deakens Conrow, 85, died May 23, 1975. He was born October 20, 1889 to William August and Lena Faulk Conrow. He was a graduate of Kansas State College, and was a retired research engineer for the Ash Grove Lime and Portland Cement Company. He also worked as a state highway engineer and a testing materials engineer. He was a veteran of World War I, and was a Mason. He is survived by his wife, Mary Katherine Conrow; two brothers, Frank Conrow and Ned Conrow; three sisters, Alda Wisnant, Ida McGehee, and Amy Piper; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives. Cremation arrangements were handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home of Prairie Grove, AR.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Sr. Georgine Conway, 94, died March 6, 2007. She entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1930, and made her first vows in 1933. She was a teacher at several Arkansas schools. Survivors include two sisters, Cecilia Conway Beehan of St. Johns, Newfoundland and Stella Conway of Holyrood, Newfoundland; and several nieces and nephews. A Funeral Mass was held at McAuley Convent. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery in Fort Smith under the direction of Fentress Mortuary.
QUITMAN, ARKANSAS: Cornelia Cook, 81, died March 4, 1999 at Conway Regional Medical Center. She was born February 19, 1918 in South Dakota to A.J. and Dominica Rutkowski. She was of the Catholic faith. Survivors include two daughters, Christnia Way of Glendora, CA and Nancy Kurges of Oregon; three sons, Kenneth Cook of Quitman, Leon Cook of San Diego, CA and Richard Cook of Walnut, CA ; and a sister, Alice Colvin of Illinois. Cremation arrangements were handled by Acklin Funeral Home. Interment was at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in La Puente, CA.
DANVILLE, ARKANSAS: Esther Banister Cook, 102, died May 5, 2007. She was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include two daughters, Winnie Sills and Shirley Limbocker, both of Danville; two sisters, Gearl Hodges of Plainview, TX, and Wanda Webster of Lubbock, TX; 4 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Egypt Freewill Baptist Church. Burial was at Egypt Cemetery in Blue Ball with arrangements by Cornwell Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Minnie Ganter Cook died August 1, 2005. She was born September 18, 1922 to the late Pete and Marie Bray Ganter. She is survived by three sons, Otis Lee Sherman and Billy R. Cook, both of El Dorado, and Sammie Cook of Smackover, AR; a sister, Florence Cobb of El Dorado; 12 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Chester Cook; a brother; and a sister. Services were held at Zion Watch Baptist Church in El Dorado. Burial was at the Zion Watch Cemetery with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Pearl Marie Cline Cook, 89, passed away March 3, 2005. She was born July 27, 1915 to Jonnie and Catherine Tucker Cline. She was of the Baptist faith and enjoyed gardening. Survivors include her nieces and nephews; other friends and family; and her caregiver, Margie Arredonda. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Euel Cook; two brothers, Onnie Cline and Ordie Cline; five sisters, Allie Cline, Tennie Ward, Tressie Byers, Beula Thomas, Nellie Cook; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at Phillips Chapel Free Will Baptist Church in Springdale with Rev. Loy Counts, Rev. Johnny Sisemore and Rev. Jason Scott officiating. Burial was at Bluff Cemetery in Springdale under the direction of Nelson-Berna Funeral Home.
GOULD, ARKANSAS: Rachel Brassfield Cook, 89, died October 4, 2003. She was born January 7, 1914 to the late Alex Brassfield, Sr. and Alice Kennell Brassfield. She was a homemaker and a Baptist. There are no known surviving immediate relatives. Services were held at Macedonia Baptist Church in Varner with the Rev. Ernest Jenkins officiating. Burial was at Lincoln Memorial Lawn Cemetery in Varner under the direction of Strickland Funeral Home of Dermott, AR.
NATURAL DAM, ARKANSAS: Zeffie Mae Cook, 81, died November 25, 2004. She attended Independence Freewill Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charley. Among the survivors are a daughter, Eunice Foulk of Van Buren; a son, Ronald Cook of Natural Dam; three sisters, Bonnie Tipton of Alma, Arline Mongold of Cedarville and Geneva Bowen of Rogers; a brother, Jeff Moses of Kibler; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services were held at Independence Freewill Baptist Church. Interment was at Hall Cemetery in Natural Dam with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Lila Florene Adcock Cooley, 80, died December 24, 2004. She was born August 11, 1924 to the late Daniel Fate Adcock and Nancy Susie Clary Adcock. She was a retired telegraph operator for Western Union. She attended the First Assembly of God Church in Dumas, and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by a son, Charles Rodney White of Monroe, LA; a daughter, Linda Faye Hemphill of Watson; a brother, Sydney Adcock of Nashville, TN; three sisters, Naomi Jones of Damascus, Mary Best of Hamet, CA, and Connie Paris of Rippsboro, NC; 6 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First Assembly of God with Rev. Scott Gilbreath officiating. Burial was at Oak Grove Cemetery in Oak Grove, LA under the direction of Griffin Funeral Home.
SUBIACO, ARKANSAS: Father Camillus Cooney, OSB, 78, died January 6, 2010. He was a monk at Subiaco Abbey. He was born Raymond Cooney on June 10, 1931. He professed his vows as a monk on September 14, 1952, taking the name Camillus. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1956. He served on the faculty and administration of Subiaco Academy. He studied at St. Louis University and the University of Notre Dame, where he earned an M.A. degree in English. He was on the faculty of Laneri High School in Fort Worth, TX, and did postgraduate work at Texas Christian University. He served on a mission in Eleme, Nigeria, West Africa, and was a principal and faculty member at Ascension High School there. Later, he returned to the faculty of Subiaco Academy, serving as a full-time teacher, former assistant dean of men, and former chair of the English department. He was an associate pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Muenster, TX, and later returned to the Abbey. Survivors include two brothers, Rev. Gerald Cooney of Crawley, TX, and Michael Cooney of Richardson, TX. Services were held at St. Benedict Catholic Church. Interment was at the Abbey Cemetery in Subiaco under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Billie Jo Cooper, 80, died March 20, 2004. She is survived by her mother, Artle Crocker; two daughters, Debbie Cooper and Marva Verkler and husband Paul; a son, Tim Cooper and wife Barbara; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marvin Cooper; and a sister, June Armstrong. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Cabot. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Cabot Funeral Home.
GILLHAM, ARKANSAS: Bon Franklin Cooper, 102, died May 13, 2009. He was born July 19, 1906 to James Terrell and Cora Elizabeth Buckner Cooper. He was a timber worker, and of the Baptist faith. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Ray and Carolyn Cooper of Steens, MS; two daughters and a son-in-law, Inez and Hurbert Stevenson of Dinuba, CA and Peggy Harris of Texarkana, TX; two sisters, Irene Wax of Gillham, and Christine Watkins of Wickes; 7 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Dora Cooper; a son, Leslie Cooper; his parents; 2 grandsons; and a great-grandson. Burial was at Gillham Cemetery under the direction of Wilkerson Funeral Home.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Harry W. Cooper died August 10, 1944. He was born June 29, 1915. He served with the 2nd Armored Division, and died in combat in France during World War II. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Luella Cooper, 67, passed away on August 20, 2006. She was born October 20, 1938 to Lula Franklin Malcum and the late Joe Malcum. She was a homemaker and was a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by two sons, Michael Cooper of Conway and Cavin Cooper of Houston, Arkansas; two daughters, Diane Jones and Darlene Wallace, both of Conway, Arkansas; five sisters, Valeria Britton of Oakland, CA; Mary Lasker and Emmer Williams both of Conway; Martha Roby of Little Rock and Linda Balenton of Carrolton, TX; two brothers, Clarence Malcum and Arthar Malcum, both of Conway; 12 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Church of Christ in Marche. Interment was at Casey Cemetery in Bigelow, AR with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
NEWTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Narcissa Jane Ritchie Cooper died September 9, 1908. She was born March 24, 1814. She was the widow of Isaac F. Cooper. Interment was at Steel Creek Cemetery.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Robert E. Cooper died September 23, 1944. He was born August 28, 1918. He served with the 82nd Airborne Division, and was killed in Holland during World War II. Burial was at Oaklawn Cemetery.
LESLIE, ARKANSAS: William S. Cooper died December 7, 1922. He was born August 7, 1843. He was a Civil War veteran with Co. D 2nd Mississippi Infantry. He was wounded several times in combat. He was married to Eliza Cooper. Burial was at Angora Cemetery.
COTTER, ARKANSAS: Woodrow Cooper, 72, died October 27, 1985 at the Americana Nursing Home in Elgin, IL. He was born September 25, 1913 to Wheller R. and Pearl Owens Cooper. He was a retired tool and die maker for the Illinois Tool and Die Company. He was a former resident of Elgin, IL and the Chillicothe, MO area. Survivors include his wife, Celia Cooper; three daughters, Linda Koltz of Hanover Park, IL, Mary K. LaRiviere of Elgin, IL, and Beverly Howey of Laguna Hills, CA; two sons, William R. Cooper of Elgin, IL and Robert O. Cooper of Racine, WI; a brother, Gerald Cooper of Mountain Home; and 8 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a wife, Kathleen Galiger Cooper. Interment was at Resthaven Memorial Gardens under the direction of Lindley Funeral Home of Chillicothe, MO.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lillian Werner Coor, 93, died January 14, 2002 at Johnson Regional Medical Center. She was born October 17, 1908 to John H. and Josephine Werner, and was a native of Staples, MN. She was a graduate of the St. Vincent School of Nursing. She was a member of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church and the National Catholic Women's Union, and served as past president of the Christian Mothers Society. Survivors include two brothers, Bernard Werner of Clarksville, and W.L. "Bill" Werner of Little Rock; and three sisters, Mildred Huhner of Litchfield, MN, and Mary Lorfing and Josephine Werner, both of Clarksville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph W. "Pete" Coor; her stepmother, Bernadine Werner; a twin sister, Laverne Werner; and three brothers, John Werner, Jr., Louis Werner and Francis Werner. Services were held at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. Interment was at Holy Redeemer Catholic Cemetery by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: June S. Coover, 91, died April 29, 2009. She was born December 6, 1917 to Clarence Shelton and Pearl Paul. She was a member of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, but in later years, attended church at Our Lady of Good Counsel. She enjoyed traveling. She is survived by two nieces, including Gloria Wideman of Hot Springs, AR. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry; a sister, Louise Hansmann; a daughter, Judy Miller; and four brothers, George, Wallace, Clarence and Paul Shelton. Interment was at Roselawn Memorial Park under the direction of Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Agnes Lavonne Copeland, 72, died October 14, 2006. She is survived by her children, Patra Green, Kim Bebout and Randy Copeland of Blytheville, Terry Copeland, Jim Copeland, and Ronnie Copeland of Gosnell, and Jennifer Childs of Steele, MO; a sister, Sue Gravitt of Tyler, TX; her brothers, Rev. Charles Faught of Steele, and Floyd Faught and Roy Neal Faught of West Point, GA; 14 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Faith Pentecostal Church in Holland, MO. Burial was at Memory Garden.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Emma Copeland, 86, died April 27, 1953. Burial was at Bodine Cemetery.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Margie Ruth Coplan, 69, died June 27, 2007. She was born March 4, 1938 to James Thomas Swindle, Sr. and Augusta Main Dennis Swindle. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by her husband, Jerry Coplan; two sons, David Glynn Cochran of Hot Springs, and Billy Joe Ward of Yellville; two daughters, Carol Lynn Thomason of Magnet Cove, and Teresa Gail Ward of Hot Springs; a brother, James Thomas Swindle of Hot Springs Village; a sister, Wilma Cornelius of Des Moines, IA; 12 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a daughter, Pamela Jean Cochran; and two brothers, Grover and Billy Swindle. Interment was at Fairplay Cemetery by Regency Funeral Home of Malvern, AR.
MINERAL SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Alene Bell Corbell, 87, died March 12, 2005. She was born April 11, 1917 to the late Rufus Marvin and Lizzie Lee Cowling Bell. She attended Mineral Springs Methodist Church. She was a member of the Liberty EHC and the Heritage Quilt Guild, and was active with the Howard County Fair, where she won many awards. She was also an avid sports fan. She is survived by four daughters, Gail and husband Jeff Hale of Jonesboro, LA, Sandra and husband Charles Crowder of Shreveport, LA, Sharon and husband David Bodkin of Norland, WA, and Lynne Lowry of Memphis, TN; a son, Mike Corbell and wife Nila of Maumelle, AR; four brothers, Francis Bell, Glenn Bell, and Clyde Bell, all of Mineral Springs, and Eugene Bell of Batesville; two sisters, Bonnie Cowling of Nashville, and Joyce Hesselbein of Paragould; 4 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Choice Corbell; and two brothers, Lonnie Bell and Lewis Bell. Burial was at Mineral Springs Cemetery with arrangements by Nashville Funeral Home.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: Reba I. Thornton Corder, 84, died December 28, 2009. She was born January 8, 1925 to the late Elmer F. Thornton and Lillian I. Reeves Thornton. She and her husband operated Turk's Auto and Crane Service. She attended West Helena Baptist Church. She is survived by three sons, William S. "Bill" Corder, Jr. and wife Betty of Mountain View, Mark Richard Corder of Lexa, AR, and Patrick Wayne Corder and wife Sue of West Helena; 6 grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, William S. "Turk" Corder, Sr.; her parents; a brother, Larry Thornton; and two sisters, Doris Materna and Betty Jobe. Services were held at West Helena Baptist Church. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Simon Peter Corder, 88, died October 8, 1981. He was born November 26, 1892 to Luther Corder and Martha Halmon Corder. He was a retired carpenter, and attended Thornburg Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, T. Beall Calhoun Corder; a son, Samuel T. Corder; three daughters, Mary Jewel Boshears, Mildred Hathorn, and Mabel Jones; 8 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Thornburg Baptist Church. Burial was at Thornburg Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: William S. "Turk" Corder, Sr., 86, died August 5, 2009. He was born January 23, 1923 to J.T. and Edna Mae Sexton Corder. He and his wife ran Turk's Auto and Crane Service. He is survived by his wife, Reba Thornton Corder; three sons, William S. "Bill" Corder, Jr. and wife Betty of Mountain View, Mark Richard Corder of Lexa, AR, and Patrick Corder and wife Sue of West Helena; 6 grandchildren; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; three sisters, Minnie Lee Isabel, Betty Smith, and Carrie Mae Taylor; and three brothers, Jim, Monte, and Willie Corder. Services were held at West Helena Baptist Church. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Park by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Donald Harlow Coristo, 72, died September 16, 2006. He was a retired warrant officer for the Arkansas National Guard, and a member of the Community Hunting Club. Survivors include his wife, Allene Coristo of Maumelle; his sons, Dee Coristo and wife Jan of Cabot and Aaron J. Coristo of Maumelle; and a sister, Marie Nicholason of Conway. He was preceded in death by a son, Ira Joseph Coristo; and a sister, Katherine Sperry. Graveside services were held at Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery under the direction of North Little Rock Funeral Home.
RISON, ARKANSAS: Thurzia Russell Corker, 65, passed away November 15, 2008. She was born June 26, 1943 to the late W. L. "Buck" Mathis and Georgie Brown Mathis. She was an excellent gardener and cook. She is survived by her husband, Leland Corker; a son, Mark Pitchford of Rison; three daughters, Leanna Socia of Rison, Debbie Machado and Brenda Dubois, both of Austin, TX; three brothers, Walter Mathis of Dallas, TX, Jerry Mathis of Houston, TX, and Glen Mathis of Turlock, CA; two sisters, Alene Cunningham of Houston, TX and Linda Smith of Austin, TX; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Bobby Mathis and Melvin Mathis. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery under the direction of Buie Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Vestol Loyd Corley, 68, died January 12, 1998. He was born June 18, 1929 to Robert Ernest and Mamie Brown Corley. He attended the Primitive Baptist Church. He was a member of both the International Order of Odd Fellows and the Rebekah Lodge. He is survived by his wife, Bernice Wilhite Corley; two daughters and sons-in-law, Colleen Brooks and husband Steven, and Carleen Powers and husband, Phillip; two brothers, Eldon Corley and Gerald Corley; two sisters, Betty Womack and Linda Stewart; and 5 grandchildren. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery in Morrow under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
NATHAN, ARKANSAS: Carl Milton Cornish, 93, died January 9, 2006. He was born January 31, 1912 to the late Sam Wiley and Gertrude Darling Cornish. He was a retired cattle and poultry farmer, and attended the Nathan Church of Christ. He enjoyed going to livestock sales. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Linda and Carroll Nivens of Prescott; a son and daughter-in-law, Carl and Lois Jean Cornish of Nashville, AR; a brother and sister-in-law, Henry and Inez Cornish of Antoine, AR; 4 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Katie Cornish; two sisters, Carmen Hendrix and Jewell Williamson; a brother, Gilbert Cornish; and two nephews, James and Jerrell Hendrix. Burial was at Academy Cemetery in Nathan, AR under the direction of Nashville Funeral Home.
WARREN, ARKANSAS: Lester Merle Cornish, 53, died February 13, 2008. He was born May 18, 1954 to the late Lester Cornish and Lillian Click Cornish. He was a truck driver for White Brothers Construction Company, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by three brothers, Kevin Wayne Cornish, Tommie Cornish, and Billy Joe Cornish, all of Warren; eight sisters, Nedra Reed of Forks, WA, Monica Halley of Monticello, and Lana Clark, Leslie Thompson, Dianne Mann, Denise Leslie, Kaylon Douglass, and Abigail Mann, all of Warren. He was preceded in death by a sister, Michelle Renee Burke; and his parents. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery by Frazer's Funeral Home.
CALION, ARKANSAS: Lorenzo E. Cortez, 52, died August 14, 2003. He was born in Tola Rivas, Nicaragua on December 10, 1950 to Jose and Miranda Maria De Los Angeles Cortez. He had worked at Anthony Forest Products for the past seven years. Interment was at Arlington Cemetery with arrangements by Bailey Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Tomacita Torres Cortez, 81, died February 27, 2006. She was born December 21, 1924 to Trinidad Z. and Teresa Rangel Torres. She was a former secretary at the Pine Bluff Arsenal. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, and was a member of the Altar Society. Surviving family members include her husband, Olegario Cortez; two daughters, Linda Cortez and Elizabeth Cortez Love, both of Pine Bluff; four brothers, James J. Torres, Joseph I. Torres, Raymond J. Torres, all of Pine Bluff, and Robert Torres of Ashdown; and a sister, Lola Gray, of Pine Bluff. She was preceded in death by her parents; and two brothers, George and William Paul Torres. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Interment was at Graceland Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: U.L. Cosbey, 78, died March 3, 2007. He was born May 30, 1928. He was a retired farmer, and was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include his wife, Della Knott Cosbey; three daughters, Joyce Ann Pearson and husband, Bill, of Manito, IL, Sandra Pearson of Manila, and Linda Hoskins and husband, Danny, of Blytheville; a son, Danny Cosbey and wife, Beverly, of Jonesboro; a brother, R.W. Cosbey of Gosnell; 26 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, Richard Wayne Cosbey and Cora Lee Collins Manley; a stepfather, Lawrence Manley; two sons, Billy Ray Cosbey and Jerry Wayne Cosbey; a son-in-law, Truman Person; and a brother, J.C. Cosbey. Interment was at Garden Point Cemetery in Etowah, AR with arrangements by Wilson Funeral Home of Blytheville, AR.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Floye Lee Coston died March 17, 1944, and was born December 3, 1900 to W.F. and Mittie O'Neal Lee. Burial was at Oak Ridge Cemetery.
BIGELOW, ARKANSAS: James A. Coswell, 60, died January 23, 2006. He was born January 29, 1945 to the late Jack and Mamie Mack Coswell. He retired from Nabholz Construction. Survivors include his wife, Earnestine Jones Coswell; a son, James Coswell, Jr. of Conway; a daughter, Maria Coswell of Little Rock; and four sisters, Rosie Lee Thomas, Jeweline Johnson, Christine Evans, and Gladys Brown. Services were held at Bethel AME Church in Bigelow, AR. Interment was at Casey Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home of Conway, AR.
COLT, ARKANSAS: Rev. Ulysses Cothran Sr., 68, died November 3, 2002. He was born March 30, 1934 to Andrew and Mary Lou Cothran. Survivors include his wife, Willie Vann Cothran; two daughters, Deborah Parker of Columbia, MO, and Maria Sampson of St. Louis, MO; two sons, Ulysses Cothran, Jr. and Kenneth Cothran, both of St. Louis, MO; three sisters, Willie Dean Shelly and Dorothy Cothran, both of Kansas City, MO, and Lardelah Anderson of Florida; two brothers, Leonard Cothran of Colt, and Vern Cothran of Kansas City, MO; 8 grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends. Services were held at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. E. Hamiliton officiating. Burial was at Stanley Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Woodhouse Mortuary.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ray Thomas Cothren, 82, died September 6, 2009. He was born October 30, 1926 to the late Robert Lee and Mittie Lee Hanks Cothren. He was a retired school teacher. He was an Army veteran of World War II, and attended Prevailing Word Church. He is survived by a sister, Sybil Querry of Heber Springs; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at Cleburne County Memorial Gardens under the direction of Olmstead Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: William "Bill" Cottam, 55, died March 12, 2010. He was born December 10, 1954 to Robert and Bettie Cottam. He was the owner of State Beauty Supply of Jonesboro and Searcy, and attended Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife, Paula Cottam; two daughters, Rachel Lauren Nease and Sarah Catherine Cottam, both of Jonesboro; a son, Robert Wayne Cottam of Jonesboro; his father; and four sisters, Amy Reed, Caren Cottam, Gayle Maxwell, and Julie Roeder. He was preceded in death by his mother, Bettie Cottam; his paternal grandparents, Jerry and Louise Cottam; and his maternal grandparents, William and Stella Schneider. Services were held at St. Michael's Catholic Church. Burial was at Crittenden Memorial Park Cemetery by Roller-Citizens Union Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Mollie Cottle, 75, died December 23, 1985. She was born June 13, 1909. She was a member of Second Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Maurice; two sisters, Gertrude Cupp and Ethel Coleman; and a brother, Ulis Halbrook. Burial was at the National Cemetery in Little Rock under the direction of North Little Rock Funeral Home.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Pleasant H. Cotton, a Civil War veteran who served with Company F of the 26th Kentucky Infantry, is buried at Ellington Cemetery in Logan County, Arkansas.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Queen Ester Cotton, 90, died July 6, 2004. She was born April 30, 1914 to the late Oscar Crump and Mollie Collins. She was a homemaker, and attended St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Mitchellville. She is survived by six sons, Fred Cotton, Arthur Lee Cotton and Howard Cotton, all of Dumas, Cloyd Cotton of Pine Bluff, Moses Cotton of Little Rock and John Cotton of Kansas City, KS; a daughter, Gloria Finch of Pine Bluff; a sister, Mollie Bradford of Cleveland; 32 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. John Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Harry Mays officiating. Burial was at Rolling Water Cemetery in Kelso under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
LESLIE, ARKANSAS: Ruth Cotton, 85, died September 21, 1977. She was born February 18, 1892. She was a Baptist. She was survived by three sons, Alvin, Donald and Jack; three daughters, Irene Buss, Willine Whitlock, and Pearl Thompson; four sisters; 24 grandchildren; and 16 grandchildren. Interment was at Nubbin Hill Cemetery by Coffman Funeral Home.
DERMOTT, ARKANSAS: Savon Cotton, 93, died June 18, 2001. He was born September 1, 1907. Among the survivors are two sons, Rev. Levorn Cotton and Troy Cotton, both of Winchester; and two daughters, Octavia Brooks of Oakland, CA, and Joyce Horn of Cincinnati. Services were held at Watson District Headquarters at Mitchellville, AR with Rev. Levorn Cotton officiating. Burial took place at Caldwell Cemetery in Winchester with arrangements by Washington Funeral Home of Dumas, AR.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Barbara Louise Cottrell, 53, died September 14, 1999 at Baptist Memorial Hospital. She was born March 3, 1946. Survivors include two daughters, Tanya Cottrell and Martine Cottrell, both of Forrest City; her father, Jack Cottrell of Forrest City; a sister, Arnell Demison of Oakland, CA; and two brothers, Robert C. Lee of Little Rock, and James Cottrell of Forrest City. Services were held at the Church of the Living God. Interment was at Casteel Cemetery with arrangements by Clay Funeral Home.
MORROW, ARKANSAS: Bertha Viola Couch, 64, died June 23, 2000. She was born March 12, 1924 to Oris and Elizabeth Watts. She is survived by a daughter, Sandra Meyers of Morrow; a sister, Becky Watts of Dry Fork, AR; 2 granddaughters; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Harry Euland Couch, 83, died February 13, 1982. He was born December 27, 1898 to Edward C. and Josephine Miller Couch. He was a retired engineer for the Campbell Soup Company. He was a member of the Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Lela Couch; a son, Jack; a stepson, Danny Pense; three stepdaughters, Juanita Watson, Barbara Blakemore, and Betty Smith; three sisters, Gladys Couch, Eula Sutton, and Grace Hunt; 5 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Son's Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
NASHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Vera Loraine Wilkerson Couch, 84, died February 10, 2003 at a Hot Springs hospital. She was born June 12, 1918 in Sheridan, AR. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by four sons, Owen Couch of Nashville, Malvin Couch of Mount Ida, Coyce Couch of Ozark, and Delaney Couch of Nathan, AR; a brother, L.Z. "Pete" Wilkerson of Paris, TX; a sister, Jean Tippton of Borger, TX; 9 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clayton Couch; and a daughter, Daisy Jeanette Couch. Interment was at Academy Cemetery under the direction of Nashville Funeral Home.
WARREN, ARKANSAS: William Edward Coulter, 61, died March 31, 2007. He was born December 20, 1945 to the late Edward J. and Martha Laverne Sadler Coulter. He was a retired landscaper, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by six brothers, Bobby J. Coulter of McGehee, Larry and Jimmy Don Coulter of Lexington, KY, Ricky Coulter of Hot Springs, David Coulter of Yuma, AZ, and Roger Coulter of Grady; four sisters, Shirley Stiles of Monticello, Brenda Coulter of Warren, Georgette Stahley of Crossett and Nina Greenham of Star City; a stepbrother, Danny Temple of Warren; and a stepfather, William Temple of Warren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Frazer Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Johnnie "Toolie" Council, 80, died December 23, 2006. He was a retired farm laborer, and attended Union Baptist Church in Parkdale. He is survived by a brother, James Council and wife Kathryn of Hamburg; a sister, Annie Perine of Jackson, AL; and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his wife, Erma Downs Council; his parents, Robert and Cleo Sellers Council; three brothers, Henry, Robert Jr., and Willie Council; and two sisters, Lula Mae Robinson and Clara Bell. Burial was at Johnson Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Max Cunningham Council, 84, died February 1, 2007. He was born March 6, 1922 to Thomas Council and Katie Council. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II, and attended the First United Methodist Church in Benton. He is survived by a son, David Council; a daughter, Elizabeth Lee Smith; three grandchildren; and a great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Elizabeth Council; two brothers; and a sister. Interment was at New Rosemont Memorial Park in Benton under the direction of Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Robert Council, Jr., 76, passed away on June 19, 2000. He was a retired sawmill worker. He attended the Epistles of God Church of Deliverance. He was preceded in death by his wife, Agnes Council; his parents, Robert and Cleo Settlers Council; two brothers, Willie Council and Henry Lindsey; and two sisters, Doris Bell and Lula Mae Robinson. Survivors include two brothers, James and Johnnie Council of Hamburg, and a sister, Annie Perine of Carlton, AL. Services were held at the Cromwell Funeral Home chapel in Hamburg with Rev. Mary Arnold officiating. Interment was at Johnson Memorial Cemetery.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Wynona Knoedl Counts, 74, died March 11, 2007. She was born September 28, 1932 to the late Fred B. Phillips and Elizabeth Summerford Phillips. She was a retired cashier at Safeway Stores, Inc. She attended the Second Baptist Church, and was a member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. She is survived by two sons, Charles Wiebers of Suwanee, GA and Jimmy Wiebers of Fresno, CA; a daughter, Debra Rupick of Park Ridge, IL; two sisters, Cleo Young of Monticello and Mellie Mooney of Bedis, TX; 8 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Paula McDonald; and by a sister, Ladera Cain. Arrangements were entrusted to Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Lela Taylor Courson was born on March 3, 1881, and died on June 21, 1905. She was the wife of John Courson, and was survived by a sister, Mary. Burial was at the Promised Land Cemetery.
HALLEY, ARKANSAS: Freeman Charlie Courtney, 80, died March 20, 2000. He was born December 5, 1919 to the late Arthur Courtney and Estella Courtney. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Ida Bea Limmitt Courtney; two sons, Arthur Courtney of Halley and Bobby Courtney of Las Vegas; eight daughters, Armella Thomas and Myrtle Williams, both of Las Vegas, Thelma Jones, JoAnn Wright, Lillia Carton and Angela Courtney, all of Little Rock, Jennifer Courtney of Monticello and Brenda Courtney of Halley; 18 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Calvary Number 1 Baptist Church in Dermott with Rev. Jesse Courtney officiating. Burial was at Bowie Cemetery in Halley with arrangements by M. Davis Strickland Funeral Home of Dermott, AR.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Sr. Mary Frances Coutlee, 96, died August 5, 1999. She was born in 1903. She attended high school at Mount St. Mary Academy, and then entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Mercy in Little Rock. She taught in several parochial schools in Arkansas, and then served as principal at St. Anne's Academy in Fort Smith. For 18 years, she was the principal of Mount St. Mary's. She retired in 1976, but continued as a consultant for the Mount Saint Mary's Alumnae Association. She was an active member of Delta Kappa Gamma Honor Society. She served on the North Central Association Board of Examiners for the Arkansas Public Schools. Survivors include a nephew, Paul, and his wife, Renee, as well as many cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Marie Motta Coutlee from Canada, and a brother, Melie. A rosary was recited at McAuley Convent in Barling. Local arrangements were handled by Edwards Funeral Home of Fort Smith. A funeral Mass was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Little Rock, followed by burial at Calvary Cemetery. A wake and rosary were held at Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home in Little Rock.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Sr. Mary Beatrice Cove, 97, died May 3, 2005. She was born in Petty Harbor, Newfoundland. She entered the Sisters of Mercy at Mount St. Mary's Convent in Little Rock in 1927, and made her first vows in 1930. She held a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Incarnate Word College in San Antonio. She taught in Arkansas Catholic schools for from 1930 to 1982. From 1982 to 1992, she continued to minister as a retiree, volunteering in elementary school classrooms. She also visited the sick at Turner Memorial Hospital in Ozark. She retired to the McAuley Convent and Retirement Residence in 2000. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. A funeral Mass was held at McAuley Convent Chapel. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Fentress Mortuary.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: George W. Cover, 67, died June 30, 1944. He was born December 28, 1876. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. He was survived by his wife, Sarah Cover; two daughters, and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Jake Henry Cover, 81, died September 20, 2008. He was born September 19, 1927 to the late Gene and Dora Roy Cover. He retired from the State of Arkansas as a security manager, and also retired from the U.S. Air Force. He is survived by his friend, Betty Risner; a daughter, Maureen Cover-Bryan and husband Denver of Rogers; four sons, Donald Cover of Little Rock, Eugene Cover and wife Kristie of Plano, TX, Mark Cover and wife Suleeporn of Little Rock, and Kurt Cover and wife Karen of Sherwood; a sister, Elta Loetscher of Little Rock; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife of 55 years, Dolores G. Cover; a sister, Clemma Tolbert; and a brother, Shelby Cover. Services were held at St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church in Jacksonville. Burial was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock, AR.
PARON, ARKANSAS: Harrison H. Covert died March 16, 1901. He was a Civil War soldier, and served with Company B of the 2nd North Carolina Artillery. He is buried at Fowler Cemetery.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Fred Miller Covington, Jr., 65, died April 30, 1996. He was a retired dispatcher for the Missouri Pacific Railroad, and served in the U.S.Navy. He was a member of the VFW, and a former member of the Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys band. Survivors include his wife, Emogene Covington; two sons, John Campbell of Little Rock and Bobby Hoot of Bennington, VT; five daughters, Ruth Acland of Davis City, IA, Jeanie Covington and Cindy Covington, both of Philadelphia, PA, Charlene Schidler of Vista, CA, and Claudia Busby of Ward; a stepdaughter, Debra Sanders of North Little Rock; a sister, Darlene McGovock of St. Louis, MO; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Burial at the National Cemetery in Little Rock with arrangements by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Van Buren Covington died October 12, 1864. He was a Civil War soldier with the 1st Arkansas Cavalry. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Patricia Howard Cowan, 54, passed away August 9, 2007. She was born February 26, 1953 to the late Andrew Howard and Youvarn Thomas Howard. She served with her husband as a children's minister at Promiseland Church Ministries. She is survived by her husband, William Cowan; two daughters, Jacqueline Cowan and Roslyn Cowan, both of Little Rock; two sons, Nicholas Cowan of Little Rock and Andrew Cowan of North Little Rock; a brother, Willie Howard of Little Rock; a sister, Annette Dove of Pine Bluff; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at the Promiseland Church in Little Rock. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Pearl Cowan, 87, died March 8, 1994. She was born January 21, 1907 to Bert and Kathie Jones Rodgers. She was a homemaker, and a Jehovah's Witness. She was the widow of Ray L. Cowan. She is survived by two sons, Ora Don Cowan and Ira Lee Cowan; a daughter, JoBelle Fields; 18 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Rogers with Gary Owens officiating. Cremation arrangements were handled by Callison-Lough Funeral Home of Rogers.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: William Riley Cowan, 89, died February 2, 1959. He was a lifelong resident of Johnson County. He was a farmer, and attended the First Christian Church. He is survived by two sons; four daughters; 20 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great grandchildren. Burial was at the Oark Cemetery with arrangements by Cox Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Evelyn Virginia Babbitt Cowart, 81, died March 7, 2009. She was born July 18, 1927 in Kirby, AR to Edward and Dolly Dickerson Babbitt. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Sharon and Howard Richard, and Connie and Mike Edwards, all of Benton; two sons and daughters-in-law, Bruce and Vickie Cowart of Benton, and Charles and Nancy Cowart of Little Rock; a brother, Bill Babbitt of Bryant; 6 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ocie Cowart; a son, Michael Cowart; her parents; and a sister, Helen Rudolph. Interment was at New Rosemont Cemetery under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
MOUNTAINBURG, ARKANSAS: Herman Cowett, Jr., 61, died April 21, 2005. He was born February 18, 1944. He was a homebuilder, and attended Crossroads Church in Alma. He is survived by his wife, Scarlett Cowett; two sons, Todd Cowett of Conway and Vince Cowett of Oklahoma; several siblings, all of Oklahoma; and 3 grandchildren. Services were held at Crossroads Church. Burial was at Newberry Cemetery in Alma with arrangements handled by Ocker Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Florence A. Moore Cowles died October 16, 2006. She was born May 27, 1928. She attended Frenchport Community Church. She is survived by three sons and their spouses, Benjamin H. and Danabeth Cowles of Camden, Charles Kenneth Moore, Jr. and wife Nancy of North Weymouth, MA, and David and Tara Moore of North Weymouth, MA; three daughters and their spouses, Mary Lee and David Frazier of Rockland, MA, Susan B. and Don Clarke of Weymouth, MA, and Florence C. and Roy Empey of Bangor, ME; four sisters, Clara, Mary Lou, Greta, and Marilyn; 12 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
Arrangements were handled by Proctor Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Albert Cox, 91, died December 30, 2006. He was born October 16, 1915. He is survived by two daughters, Judith Seyler of Pocahontas, and Betty Pierce of Lompoc, CA; a brother, J.C. Cox of St. Louis; 7 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Imogene Johnson Cox. Burial was at the Masonic Cemetery under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Blossom A. Cox, 85, died January 10, 2007. She had served as a clerical secretary with the Civil Service during World War II, and was a legal secretary for the Warner Law Firm. Interment was at at Oak Cemetery with arrangements by Fentress Mortuary.
TILLAR, ARKANSAS: Horace Nathaniel Cox, 80, died March 10, 2004 at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff. He was born July 10, 1923 in Tichnor, AR to Ned H. and Clara Malcomb Cox. He was a self-employed farmer and an Air Force veteran of World War II. He was a Methodist. Survivors include his wife, Lillian Santine Cox; a daughter, Linda Cox of New Orleans, LA; a son, Randy Cox (Teresa) Cox of McGehee; a sister, Vula Cox Hayes of Anchorage, AK; and a grandson. Interment was at the Tillar Cemetery by Griffin Funeral Service.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: James Richard "Coxie" Cox, 76, died August 10, 2005. He was born October 5, 1928 to Garland Edgar and Louria Lemina Noblitt Cox. He was the retired owner of City Radiator Service. He was of the Baptist faith, and was a member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows for over 50 years. He enjoyed woodworking, traveling and hunting. He was a NASCAR fan, and a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived by a son, Richard D. Cox and wife Lynn of Lowell; two daughters, Jolene Gibson and husband Wallace of Atlanta and Susan Bohannan and husband Kenny of Gentry; a sister, Nila Peterson of Springdale; 8 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wives, Joyce Cox and Verla Cox; and two infant children, David Cox and Kathy Cox. Burial was at Zion Cemetery with arrangements by Memorial Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Purl D. Cox, 94, died December 26, 2006. Survivors include his wife, Elouise Cox; a son, William Cox of Indiana; a daughter, Sherry Melton of Indiana; a sister, Shirley Fry of California; 8 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 5 step great-grandchildren; 4 great-great-grandchildren; and a step great-great-grandchild. Services were held at Fair Oaks Baptist Church. Burial was at Crosslawn Cemetery in Wynne under the direction of Kernodle Funeral Home.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Richard Paul Cox, 21, was killed in action in Vietnam on March 22, 1970. He was a 1967 graduate of Mansfield High School. Among the survivors are his father, Leroy; his mother, Blanche; four brothers; and three sisters. Funeral services were held at St. Jude Catholic Church. Interment was at Freedom Cemetery under the direction of Rice-Martin Funeral Home.
PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS: William Walter Crabtree died August 20, 1959. He was born August 3, 1973. He was a member of the Methodist Church for 60 years. He was survived by three sons, Nelson, Arvil, and Sherman; 9 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at the Methodist Church in Pea Ridge. Burial was at the Pea Ridge Cemetery under the direction of Miller-Sisco Funeral Home.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Ayleen Craig, 91, died May 29, 2009. She a member of Greenwood First Free Will Baptist Church, the Silverteen Sunday School Class, and the Greenwood Senior Citizens' Center. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Eugene Craig; her parents, Lennox and Annie Nichols; and two brothers, Harold Nichols and James Melburn Nichols. Burial was at Dawson Cemetery in Milltown under the direction of McConnell Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Garlee Craig, 96, died March 20, 2000. He was born December 21, 1903 to the late James Craig and Ireaner Rowland Craig. He worked as a maintenance worker for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. He attended Grace Temple Baptist Church, where he was chairman of the deacon board and president of the usher board. He was a layman, trustee and caretaker. He was a Mason and member of Busy Bee Lodge #345. He is survived by his wife, Alice Cobbs Craig; three sisters, Gladys Ward, Mamie Norman and Odessa Craig, all of Strong, AR; three stepsons, Augusta Brimmer of Pine Bluff, Ronald Lowe of Grand Prairie, Texas, and Luther Coleman of Flint, Michigan; two stepdaughters, Verdia Mae Bishop of Milwaukee, and Beverly Lowe of Arlington, Texas; 13 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Grace Temple Baptist Church with the Rev. James Wilkerson officiating. Burial was at Cypress Memorial Gardens in Pine Bluff with arrangements handled by Brown Funeral Home.
PERRY, ARKANSAS: Vivian Lee Wood Crain, 19, died January 19, 1969. She was born November 30, 1949 to Jessie and Rachel Nelson Wood. She was a Baptist. Survivors include her parents; her husband, Donald Crain; a brother; and three sisters. Services were held at Casa Baptist Church with Rev. Bobby Joe Chronister officiating. Interment was at Hollis Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Emma M. Cramer died June 16, 1975. She was born October 3, 1891. She was of the Catholic faith. She was survived by a son, Max Cramer; two brothers, Tony Helmer and George Helmer; a sister, Cly Head; 5 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Local services were held at Luginbuel Funeral Home. Burial was in Littleton, CO.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ella Mae Calhoun Cranford, 88, died September 16, 2008. She was born October 1, 1919 to Finch Winburn Calhoun and Cola Beall Calhoun Vance. She attended the Perryville Church of Christ. She is survived by a daughter, Jo Shelton and husband Ronnie of Mayflower; 2 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rudolf Cranford. Interment was at Thornburg Cemetery by Harris Funeral Home.
ST. PAUL, ARKANSAS: Boyd Crawford, 18, died of appendicitis on January 25, 1930. He was a student at St. Paul High School, where he was a member of the basketball team. He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford; a brother, Basil Crawford; and a sister, Nora Crawford. Burial was at Brashears Cemetery.
DARDANELLE, ARKANSAS: Charlene M. Crawford, 71, died May 15, 2000. She was born September 19, 1928 to the late Charles Edward and Madge Orene Weems McClure. She was a retired sales clerk. She was a member of Boyce-Woods VFW Post 3141 Auxiliary in Dardanelle, and attended the Oak Grove United Methodist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Elaine Crawford of Atkins; two daughters and sons-in-law, Linda Ware and Hiram Roberts of Dardanelle; Margaret Gale and Tommy Littleton of Russellville; a brother, Kenny McClure of Dardanelle; a sister, Mozelle Madden of Tuscon, Ariz.; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edmon Clell Crawford; and a grandson, Erik Lee Crawford. Burial was at Brearley Cemetery with arrangements by Cornwell Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Elzora Adeline Crawford, 73, died August 17, 1959. She was survived by her husband, Clifford Crawford; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Arthur Ward; and three sisters. Burial was at Rhea's Mill Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Luvicy Buchanan Crawford died March 11, 1877. She was born December 10, 1801. She was survived by her husband, James Crawford. Burial was at New Hope Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: John H. Crease died November 25, 1875. He was born in London, England in 1834. He was a Civil War veteran. Interment was at Mount Holly
Cemetery in Little Rock.
MAYFLOWER, ARKANSAS: Mennie Grant Credit, 78, died May 19, 2001 at St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center. She was born July 29, 1922 in Hopewell to Thomas and Lucy Grant. She was a member of Palarm Chapel Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Moses Credit; a daughter, Joyce Smith of Kansas City, KS; five sons, Joseph Credit, Charles Credit, Andrew Credit, Wayne Credit, and Leroy Credit, all of Mayflower; a sister, Delma Jones of Marche; 32 grandchildren; 50 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at Palarm Chapel Baptist Church. Burial was at Palarm Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Rev. J.C. Credit died October 4, 2006. He was born November 17, 1945 to the late Huie Credit and Ionia Cook Credit. He was a member of Rock Of Ages Missionary Baptist Church. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and worked for the United States Postal Service. He is survived by his wife, Frankie Bryant Credit; daughters, Veronica Credit and Jacqueline Credit both of Maumelle; JaVonne Hamilton and Sheila Crump, both of Los Angeles, CA, and Latasha Allen of Inglewood, CA; four sisters, Pauline Harper, Louella Reese, Beatrice Stubbs, all of Mayflower, AR, and Stella Robinson, Kansas City, KS; seven brothers, Marvin Credit, Morris Credit, A.B. Credit, and Michael Credit, all of Conway, Lewis Credit and Willie Credit, both of Mayflower, and Ricky Credit of North Little Rock; 13 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at Palarm Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Entombment was at Riverwood Memorial Gardens Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Curtis Max Creek, 93, died November 16, 2010. He was born July 1, 1917 in Spring Valley to Edward Bruce and Drucella Vaughn Creek. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Margie Smith Creek; two daughters, Sonja Brandon and Maxie Gayle Bailey; a sister-in-law, Hope Creek; 7 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a son, Steve Edward Creek. Interment was at Benton County Memorial Park under the direction of Heritage Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: John J. Creighton died July 11, 1942. He was a 1st Lieutanant in the U.S. Army, and was a veteran of both the Spanish-American War and World War I. Interment was at the Fort Smith National Cemetery.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Della H. Crews, 86, died August 12, 1986. She was the daughter of Spencer and Evelyn Coddle Harmon. She is survived by four sons; a daughter, Helen Bonham; 11 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James E. Crews. Interment was at Beulah Union Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS: Rosa Bell Cribbs, 73, died July 31, 2003 at the Magnolia Manor Nursing Home. She was born November 2, 1929 in Arcadia, LA to L.B. and Martha Sally Ann Kiefer Langley. She attended North Acres Baptist Church. Survivors include a sister, Effie Hamilton of Louisiana; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. Services were held at North Acres Baptist Church. Interment was at Shiloh Cemetery by Lewis Funeral Home.
LEPANTO, ARKANSAS: Daisy Lou Criddle, 72, died February 6, 2009. She is survived by her daughters, Peggy Wade of Lepanto and Judy Olive of St. Joseph, TN; a son, John Criddle of San Antonio; four stepdaughters; three stepsons; a sister, Elsie West of Lepanto; a brother, Luther Joshlin of Gideon, MO; 7 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Real Pointe Church. Burial was at Potters Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Daisy Alberta Womack Crigg, 90, died June 27, 2003 at Jefferson Regional Medical Center. She was born October 12, 1929 in Newark, AR to Robert Polk and Sara Reed Womack. She was a member of the First United Pentecostal Church. She is survived by four daughters, Judy Church and Norma Watson, both of Pine Bluff, Alberta Woolems of Star City, and Charlotte Hawkins of Westwood, CA; a son, James Crigg of Gurdon; 17 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; and 16 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, B.J. Crigg. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery by Hale South Funeral Home.
MAYNARD, ARKANSAS: Annie Crimson died April 13, 1914. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Crimson. She was survived by her parents; three brothers; and four sisters. Burial was at Maynard Cemetery.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Golda Irene Barnes Cripps, 93, died November 10, 2005. She was born February 12, 1912 to Sam and Emma Jordan Moore. She attended the Colcord Baptist Church in Colcord, OK. She is survived by five sons, J.L. Barnes and wife Donnis of Colcord, Gary Lee Barnes and wife Donna of Gentry, AR, Juan Barnes and wife Sandy of Colcord, Sam Barnes and wife Sharon of Cincinnati, AR, and Doyle Barnes and wife Carol of Siloam Springs; three daughters, Willene Washington and husband Charles of Summers, AR, Trecia Slaughter and Darryl Long of Weddington, AR, and Carol Ann Trammell and husband Jim of Garfield, AR; two stepsons; one stepdaughter; 22 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren; numerous step-grandchildren and step great-grandchildren; a brother, Clifton Moore of Klamath Falls, OR; and two sisters, Myrtle White of Klamath Falls, and Nora Abner of Van Buren, AR. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Lloyd Barnes; her second husband, Charlie Cripps; five brothers; and a sister. Services were held at the United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, AR with Joe Hall officiating. Burial was at the Old Union Cemetery in Cincinnati with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Agnes Bernese Crisp, 80, died December 12, 2001 at Randolph County Medical Center. She was born January 18, 1921 in Texas to James Farmington and Bessie Jane Seagraves Weatherford. Survivors include two sons, Willis Crisp of Pocahontas, and Benard Crisp of Galveston, TX; a daughter, Janice Baker of Sikeston, MO; four sisters, Wilma Leathers and Tommie Thielemier, both of Pocahontas, Katie Stapleton of Calico Rock, and Ovana Brown of Maryland Heights MO; six brothers, Vernon Weatherford of Pocahontas, Carl Weatherford of Maynard, James Weatherford of Afton, MO, David Weatherford of Gerald, MO, Jerry Weatherford of Warrensburg, MO, and Wesley Weatherford of Waterloo, IL; 7 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Masonic Cemetery with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: James Harrison "Harry" Crisp, 89, died October 16, 1980 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center. He was born January 19, 1891 in Cabool, MO to Jim and Louisa Pruitt Crisp. Survivors include his wife, Mary Swenson Crisp; five daughters, Mrs. Marie McCollough of Pocahontas, Mrs. Lee Overstreet of Sherwood, Mrs. Jessie Mae Robinson of Rogers, Mrs. Cora Ugel of Kirkwood MO, and Mrs. Loretta Kendrick of Sullivan, MO; six sons, Homer and Joe Crisp, both of Pocahontas, Clifton Crisp of Memphis, Raymond Crisp of Missouri, Jonny Crisp of Prattsville, AL, and Lloyd Crisp of Wichita, KS; 26 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Interment was at the Masonic Cemetery under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS: Imogene Crisp, 80, died November 22, 2009. She was born October 16, 1929 to the late Richard and Rachel Stanley Harrison. She was a member of Antioch East Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Gail Gunnels and husband Glen of Magnolia, and Brenda Camper of Gulf Breeze, FL; a sister, Erma Sullivan of Marshall, TX; 4 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Glen W. "Strawberry" Crisp; a brother, Stanley Harrison; her parents; and an infant sister. Burial was at Antioch East Cemetery with arrangements by Lewis Funeral Home.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Oscar Criswell, Jr., 88, died May 7, 2009. He was born July 17, 1920 to the late Oscar and Pearlie Criswell. He was a military veteran. He is survived by a brother, A.G. Criswell of Plumerville; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Goldie Davis and Delcenia Donald; and a brother, Y.C. Criswell. Services were held at Greater Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Mount Olive Cemetery by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS: Willie Mae Critton, 74, died December 22, 2004 at her home. She was born July 7, 1930 in Magnolia to the late Sam and Mossie Poole Manning. Survivors include eight daughters, Sarah Smith of Stephens, Rosie Leaks and Mary Pickings, both of McNeil, Willie Jean Simmons of Dallas, Virginia Anderson of Duncanville, TX, and Gwendolyn Cooper, Erica White, and Martha Smith, all of Magnolia; three sons, Kevin D. Critton, Arthur G. Critton, and Gregory L. Simmons, all of Magnolia; five sisters, Beulah Carey, Gertie M. Manning, Ira M. Ward, Girlvie Grissom, and Nelving Green, all of Magnolia; three brothers, Roosevelt Manning of Fresno, CA, and James Jefferson and J.W. Manning, both of Magnolia; 29 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, and her husbands. Services were held at Youngblood Christian Center. Burial was at Kings Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Henderson's Mortuary.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lafayette Crockett died August 25, 1892. He was born December 26, 1891 to Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Crockett. Burial was at Cross Roads Cemetery.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Maxine Cromwell, 89, died June 16, 2003. She was born May 16, 1914 in Bluff City, AR. She was a licensed practical nurse, and retired from the VA Hospital. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Mary Katherine and Dorsey Berry of Prescott; 5 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clyde R. Cromwell. Services were held at the First Church of the Nazarene. Interment was at Sweet Home Cemetery by Shackelford Funeral Home.
WIDENER, ARKANSAS: Mattye Faye Croney, 93, died June 16, 2009. She was born August 15, 1915 to Walter Luttrell and Ada Bruton Luttrell. She was a charter member of the Eastern Star, and attended Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Larry Croney of Widener; a sister, Louise Mosley of Memphis; a grandchild; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Irvin Croney in 1936, and he preceded her in death in 1970. Interment was at Hughes Cemetery in Forrest City under the direction of Stevens Funeral Home.
DERMOTT, ARKANSAS: Jewel Hooker Crook, 94, died August 17, 2002. She was born February 4, 1908 to the late Nathan Berry and Mary Elizabeth Hooker. She was the widow of Thomas J. Crook. Survivors include two sisters, Pearle Calhoun of Memphis and Muriel Ramey of Searcy. She was preceded in death by her husband, and by a son, Ernest Crook; three sisters, Ivy Ruth Carr, Faye Jacobs and Hermeo Hooker; five brothers, Cleo Hooker, Leo Hooker, Delbert Hooker, Vann Hooker and Aaron Hooker. Interment was at the Dermott Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Griffin Funeral Home of McGehee, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Erna Busch Cross, 87, died November 6, 2006. She was born August 16, 1919 to the late Henry Friedenburg and Clara Wilson Friedenburg. She was a nurse. She was a former member of Almyra Baptist Church, and attended Hawley Methodist Church. She is survived by a son, Joe C. Busch of Monticello; two daughters, Clo Beavert of Hot Springs and Annette Roop of Woodlawn; 5 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her adoptive parents, Charlie Sanders and Pearl Sanders; and two husbands, Joseph Lee Busch and Samuel Cross. Interment was at Almyra Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-England Funeral Home.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Minnie B. Cross, 88, died January 20, 2004. She attended Garner Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include a son, Leon Cross of Beebe; two daughters, Frances Hinds and Louise Henshaw, both of Benton; 11 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and 8 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ezra Cross; a son, Junior McKinney; and 3 grandchildren. Burial was at Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Westbrook Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Elvenia Croston, 64, died June 11, 2009. She was born January 24, 1945 to the late Daisy Mae Perkins Croston and Eddie Croston. She retired from the Conway Public School District, and was a member of the Marche Church of Christ. Survivors include a son, Tony Campbell of St. Louis, MO; a daughter, Tammy Williams of Conway; nine brothers, Joe Jackson, Jr., James Jackson, Fred Jackson of Fort Smith; Lloyd Jackson, Ricky Jackson, Rodney Jackson, Keith Jackson of Conway, Richard Jackson of Little Rock, and Lenard Croston of Chicago, IL; a stepbrother, Eddie Jones of Sherwood; six sisters, Marsha Stutterfield and Elizabeth Croston of Marche; Josephine Hall of Fort Smith, Virginia Jackson and Diane Jackson of Conway; Gloria Jackson of Baltimore, MD; and 3 grandchildren. Services were held at the Marche Church of Christ. Interment was at Perkins Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Bernie Cecil Croswell, 78, died January 9, 2001. He was born August 14, 1922 to Lige Thomas and Pearl Redding Croswell. He was employed most of his life at Piggly Wiggly. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by two brothers, Raymond Croswell of Little Rock and John Croswell of Bastrop, LA; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Ruby Brown; and three brothers, Earl, Ed and Robert Croswell. Services were held at the chapel of Jones Funeral Home in Crossett with Rev. Dan Webb officiating. Burial was at Unity Cemetery.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mary Aileen Fogel Crouch, 53, died January 21, 1970. She was born October 29, 1916. She was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. She is survived by her husband, Robert Crouch; and a son, Noel Dean Schleininger. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Leon Crouch, 74, died December 17, 2008. He was born October 2, 1934 to the late Arthur and Lucy Lee Crouch. He retired from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department after 30 years of service. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and was a member of the Johnny Martin Deer Camp. He attended Cloverdale Assembly of God Church. Survivors include two brothers, Arthur Crouch, Jr. and wife Jolaine, and Edward Crouch and wife Judy, all of Hamburg; a sister, Emma Jo Jones and husband Francis of Hector; a special friend, Joyce Fairchild of Hamburg; his lifelong friend, Bobby Ray Graham of Fountain Hill; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at Cloverdale Assembly of God Church. Burial was at Flat Creek Cemetery under the direction of Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home.
FORUM, ARKANSAS: Harry Wilbur Crow, 75, died May 14, 2005. He was born March 30, 1930 to Ben and Ida Minnich Crow. He was a sawyer, and a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. He was a member of Roadside Mission Assembly of God in Forum, AR. He was preceded in death by one great-granddaughter, Desarie Crow. Survivors include his wife, Mary Jane Ames Crow of the home; a son, Billy Crow and wife Debra of Forum; two daughters, Barbara Usrey and husband Kent of Clifty and Marilyn Schlund and husband Cliff of Forum; a brother, Albert Crow of Forum; five sisters, Ruth Arrowsmith of Orlando, FL, Helen Oldham, Gladys Foster and Pat Gage, all of Berryville, and Gloria Kelley of Eureka Springs; 6 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Brashears Funeral Home in Huntsville with Rev. Finis Roberts and Rev. Mark Schaeufele officiating. Burial was at Marshall Cemetery.
HAZEN, ARKANSAS: Geraldine Pitts Crowly, 84, died January 11, 2005. She was born August 26, 1920. She attended the First Baptist Church of Hazen. She belonged to the Hazen Study Club, and was a ham radio operator. She was preceded in death by her husband, James R. Crowly; her parents, Carl and Nona Mae Pitts; and a sister, Janice Houchens. Survivors include two daughters, Carlene (Warren) Riddell of Texarkana, Texas and Russell Blanche Prine of Hazen; six grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; one nephew; and one niece. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Hazen. Interment was in the Hazen Cemetery with arrangements by Westbrook Funeral Home.
CLINTON, ARKANSAS: Mary Melton Crownover, 86, died October 25, 2004. Survivors include her husband, J.V Crownover; her sons and daughters-in-law, James and Carol Crownover, Bill and Nina, and Byron Golddean; her daughters, Ginger Spendley and Linda Crownover; 13 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Clinton First Baptist Church. Interment was at Quattlebaum Cemetery in Bee Branch, AR with arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Lois Crowson, 93, died March 17, 2007. She was born January 21, 1914 to the late William and Gertrude Cash. She attended the First Assembly of God in Bauxite. Survivors include two sons, Jewell Crowson of Benton and William Crowson of Monticello; two daughters, Jane Jackson of Haskell and Bobbie Wilson of Gulfport, MS; 10 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Eugene Crowson; and a great-granddaughter. Interment was at Ebenezer Cemetery in Tull with arrangements by Ashby Funeral Home.
WILMAR, ARKANSAS: Carolyn Ann Cruce, 56, died July 16, 2000. She was born April 15, 1944 to the late Claude M. Cruce and Eleanor Kulbeth Cruce. She was of the Methodist faith. She is survived by two brothers, Trevis E. Hayes of Wilmar, and Billy R. Hayes of Warren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Bobby Cruce. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery in Monticello with Jim Shelby officiating. Arrangements were handled by Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home of Monticello, AR.
WILMAR, ARKANSAS: Eleanor Kulbeth Cruce, 88, died July 10, 2000. She was born August 16, 1911 to the late Daniel D. Kulbeth and Mary E. Slaughter Kulbeth. She served as Justice of the Peace for over 20 years. She is survived by two sons, Trevis E. Hayes of Wilmar, and Billy R. Hayes of Warren; a daughter, Carolyn Cruce of Wilmar; a brother, Hurbert Kulbeth of Monticello; 3 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Claude M. Cruce; a brother, George Kulbeth, Sr.; and a grandchild. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery in Monticello under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Sarah Brain Crume, 94, died December 27, 2004. She was born December 13, 1910 to the late Sidney George Brain and Sarah Elizabeth Clark Brain. She held a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hendrix College, which she earned in 1933. She was a member of Lakeside United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women, the PEO Sisterhood, Rosswood Ladies' Golf Association, and the Tuesday Bridge Club. She is survived by two daughters, Ermon Crume Vandy of Rockville, MD, and Jean Crume of Little Rock; three sisters, Patty Brain of Pine Bluff, and Flora Jean Roth and Jay Shirley Shupe, both of Stuttgart; and 3 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, A. Bruce Crume; two brothers, Sidney George Brain and Francis E. Brain; and two sisters, Mary Brain and Lois Wheat. Burial was at Roselawn Cemetery at Little Rock under the direction of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
CARTHAGE, ARKANSAS: Toussaint Crump was born on November 27, 1906 in Arkansas to A.B. and Mary Jane Neely Crump. He lived in Fordyce, Arkansas for many years, and was a lumber mill worker. He married Willie Walker in Fordyce. He passed away in August of 1983 in Carthage, Arkansas. Burial took place at Hampton Springs Cemetery in Carthage.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Dr. Joe B. Crumpler, Jr., 64, died January 4, 2003. He was born September 3, 1938 to the late Joe B. Crumpler, Sr. and Mary Margaret Mackay Crumpler. He graduated with honors from UAMS, where he served his general surgery residency and internship, and was a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. He was a certified Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and served as Chief of Surgery at the Veterans' Hospital in Fayetteville until 1973. Later, he joined the Millard Henry Clinic. He was Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgical Services for general and peripheral vascular surgery at St. Mary's Regional Medical Center before serving as a medical director. He was a member of the American Medical Association, and was a past president of the Pope County Medical Society. He served on the Wesley Foundation Board, enjoyed Arkansas Razorbacks sports and golf, and was of the Methodist faith. He is survived by his wife, Barbara J. Crumpler; a son and daughter-in-law, Andrew M. and Jeanette E. Crumpler of Dickson, TN; a daughter and son-in-law, Amber L. and Alan Barton of Dickson, TN; 3 grandchildren; two stepsons, Danny Talbert of Conway, and Kevin Talbert of Russellville; a stepdaughter, Stacy Bacon of Conway; and 4 step-grandchildren. Services were held at First United Methodist Church. Burial was at Rest Haven Memorial Park under the direction of Shinn Funeral Service.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Joe B. Crumpler, Sr., 90, died June 22, 2002. He was born September 18, 1911 to the late Alto Vee and Lara Crumpler. He was a retired treasurer at the Arkansas Western Gas Company in Fayetteville. He was a Lions Club member, and was active with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce for nearly 40 years. He was of the Methodist faith. He was survived by his son, Dr. Joe B. Crumpler, Jr. of Russellville; a brother, Marvin Crumpler of Jasper, TX; a sister, Mary Seybold of Jasper, TX; two grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents; and by his wife, Mary Margaret Crumpler. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens in Fayetteville with Rev. G. Mackey Yokem presiding. Arrangements were handled by Shinn Funeral Service.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: William Francis Crutchfield, 91, of Memphis and formerly of Little Rock, died February 22, 1979. He was a retired accountant for General Abrasive Company in Little Rock. He is survived by his wife, Eugenia B. Crutchfield; a daughter, Mrs. R.L. Gassaway of Memphis, a sister, Mrs. Joe Foster of England; a grandchild; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Treadwell-Norris of Memphis.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mary Ethyl Cryan, 56, died on August 17, 2000. She was born June 26, 1944 to Felix Frederic and Ethyl Fern McPhail Calvert. She was a nurse's aide, and attended the First United Methodist Church of Huntsville. She was the widow of John Lynn Cryan. Surviving family members include a brother, Fred Calvert of Huntsville; and a sister, Pat Anderson of Hindsville. Interment was at the Huntsville Cemetery with Rev. Frank Cook officiating. Arrangements were entrusted to Brashears Funeral Home.
BIRDSONG, ARKANSAS: Ollie Cuble died May 10, 1972. He was survived by his wife, Theresia Cuble; five daughters, Ruth Cuble, Bertha Lewis, Ollie Tucker, Myrtle Byrd and Norma Anderson; three sons, Arthur Cuble, Reuben Cuble and Freddie Cuble; his mother, Mrs. Lee Cummings; a sister, Lucille McDaniel; 24 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Watson Chapel AME Church. Interment was at Gilfield Cemetery under the direction of Crumpler Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Ethel Charlene Tart Cullison, 76, died April 23, 2007. She was born March 6, 1931 to the late Charles and Ethel Tart. She retired from Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation, and attended Bryant First Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Robert M. Cullison, Jr. of Alexander and David Andrew Cullison of Benton; three daughters, Donna Lee Cox of Deer Park, TX, Judy Kay Cullison of Memphis, TN and Johnnie Gail Klien of Amity; two brothers, Charlie Tart of Blytheville and James Edward Tart of California; four sisters, Martha Gunter of Blytheville, Mary Turpin of West Palm Beach, FL, Brenda Darby of Fairfield Bay, and Diane Akers of Blytheville; 10 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert M. Cullision, Sr.; her grandparents, Sadie and Rathe Ash; and a brother, J.B. Tart. Burial was at New Rosemont Cemetery under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Pauline Aline Mayall Cullum, 83, died July 8, 2007. She was born January 1, 1924 to Marcus Leonard Mayall and Icie Maxwell Mayall. She was of the Assembly of God faith. She is survived by a daughter, Deana (Jerry) Gasaway of North Little Rock; a son, David Cullum of Little Rock; a twin sister, Christine Cook of Morrilton; a granddaughter, Jennifer (Scott) Caldwell, and a great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ermon L. Cullum. Services were held at the chapel of Harris Funeral Home with Bro. John Chapman officiating. Burial was at Kilgore Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Vernon Culpepper, 35, died October 5, 1977 at Arkansas Medical Center. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Culpepper; a son, Stephen McCall; a daughter, Angela Harper; and three brothers, Charlie J. Culpepper, Willie J. Culpepper, and Arthur R. Culpepper. Interment was at Eternal Rest Cemetery with arrangements by Williams Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Bonnie Cummings died October 6, 2005 in Springdale. She was born April 20, 1943 in Oak Grove, LA to Houston and Beulah May Butler Johnson. She was a seamstress. She is survived by her husband, Roy Cummings; three daughters, Michelle Mason of Springdale, Chillone Woodruff of Huntsville, and Renee Kuhnoff of Lawson, MO; two sons, John Leroy Reid of Lawson, MO, and Rodney Newsom of Kansas City, MO; two sisters, Maureen Patrick and Pear Dupree, both of Louisiana; two brothers, Clifton Johnson of Shreveport, LA, and Bill Johnson of Baton Rouge, LA; 14 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Elm Springs Cemetery under the direction of Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Hambric L. Cummings, 80, died November 14, 2000. He was born on January 26, 1920. He was a cattle rancher and farmer. He attended Liberty Church of the Nazarene, and was a World War II veteran. Among the survivors are a brother, Hoyt Cummings of Prescott; two sisters, Chlois C. Newman of Prescott and Greta Faye Davis McCaskill of Prescott; a sister-in-law, Maxine P. Cummings of Prescott; and several nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. Services were held at the Brazzel-Cornish Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Betty Stinson and Rev. Levern Stinson officiating. Interment was at Liberty Cemetery.
CAVE CITY, ARKANSAS: Leo M. Cummings, 85, died February 7, 2007. He was born April 3, 1921 to James Albert and Cora Leatha Ives Cummings. He retired from Babcock and Wilcox Company after over 30 years as an X-ray technician. He was a U.S. Army Air Forces veteran of World War II, and attended the First Assembly of God church in Cave City. He is survived by a son, James Dewey Cummings and wife Jacquie of Lima, OH; a daughter, Deborah Lee Page and husband Raymond of Norton, OH; his brothers: Alfred Cummings of Akron, OH, William Cummings and wife Pauline of Cave Creek, AR, Harold Cummings and wife Gail of Redfield, AR; two sisters, Leona Smith of Pine Bluff, and Beulah Fulbright and husband Monroe of Barberton, OH; his nieces and nephews; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife of 55 years, Helen V. Cummings; and a sister-in-law, Ovella Cummings. Services were held at the First Assembly of God Church. Interment was at Egner Cemetery by Roller-Crouch-McGee Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Jessie Irene Cumpton, 84, died July 14, 2007. She was a homemaker, and was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include a daughter, Carol Pratt of Muldrow; a sister, Zell Hurd of Van Buren; 4 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Perry Cumpton. Services were held at the chapel of Ocker Funeral Home. Burial was at Gill Cemetery.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Bertha Cunningham, 91, died May 17, 2009. She is survived by a son, Kubard "Sonny" Cunningham. Services were held at Liberty Baptist Church in Roe, AR. Arrangements were handled by Presidential Funeral Home of Stuttgart, AR.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: George Leslie Cunningham, 43, died March 23, 1931. He was born on July 17, 1887, the youngest son of the late Dr. G.L. and Mrs. M.J. Cunningham. He worked in the real estate, insurance, and cotton trades. He was a Royal Arch Mason. He married Amy Salmon on December 26, 1913, and they had two children, George Leslie Cunningham, Jr. and James Cunningham. Services were held with Reverend S.J. Patterson of the Presbyterian Church presiding. Burial was at Elmwood Cemetery with funeral arrangements handled by Frank Reid.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Hattie May Cook Cunningham, 100, died January 10. 1980. She was born in 1879. She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Prairie Grove, the Order of the Eastern Star, and the Daughters of the Confederacy. She was survived by a foster daughter-in-law, Katie Wellick; and several nieces and nephews. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
PURDY, ARKANSAS: LaDania P. Cuppes, 87, died February 6, 2007. She was born November 2, 1919 to John Arthur and Florence Maybelle Wisdom Carl. She was a homemaker, and was of the Pentecostal faith. She was a member of Loyalty Rebekah Lodge #80 in Kingston, AR. She is survived by a daughter, Patricia Tougaw of Purdy; a brother, Pete Carl of Kingsland, TX; a sister, Marie Rose of Houston; 7 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harvey R. Cuppes; and a son, Harvey C. Cuppes. Services were held at Brashears Funeral Home in Huntsville with Quinton Tougaw officiating. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery.
McCRORY, ARKANSAS: Robert Donald "Bob" Curbo, 78, died December 31, 2009. He was born October 10, 1931 to the late Roger and Myrtle Cook Curbo. He was a farmer and a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He enjoyed bird hunting, and served as a hunting guide. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn and Ray Harris of Sherwood; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Bobby Don Curbo of McCrory, and Billy and Judy Curbo of Jonesboro; two sisters, Joyce Ramsey and Betty Gibson of Sherwood; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his parents; and his wife, Margaret Scott Curbo. Interment was at Woodmen Cemetery by Thompson-Wilson Funeral Directors.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Shirley Blakeley Curle died December 25, 2004 in Little Rock. She was born June 8, 1932 in Memphis TN to James R. "Rip" and Jane Morris Blakeley. She was a member of Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, and was co-chair of the Society of St. Stephen. She was editor of the Compassionate Friends newsletter. She enjoyed animals, reading and the outdoors, especially Lake Ouachita. Survivors include a daughter, Susan O'Meara of Fayetteville; two stepchildren, Barbara Curle Neff of Palm Desert, CA, and Ron Curle of Fall Branch, TN; a brother, James Blakeley of Memphis, TN; her grandchildren; and her great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William E. Curle; and a son, Clay James. A memorial services was held at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church. Arrangements were handled by Griffin Leggett Funeral Home.
BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Burt Oscar Curry, 19, died October 23, 1894. He was born October 4, 1875 to Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Curry. Burial was at Coffelt Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Merril Lee Jackson Curry, 48, died September 24, 2000. She was born April 8, 1952 to Maggie Gatewood Honorable and the late Johnny Jackson, Sr. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Lee Willie Curry; a son, Phillip Curry of Pine Bluff; four brothers, Charlie Jackson of Pine Bluff, Johnny Jackson, Jr. of North Little Rock, George Wayne Honorable of Little Rock, and Deroyal Honorable of Jacksonville; four sisters, Darlene Langston, Patricia Jackson, Josephine Goodwin and Doris Jean Honorable, all of Pine Bluff; and 4 grandchildren. Burial was at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: Iona Curtis, 95, died June 13, 2002. She was born November 10, 1906 to the late James Albert and Mary Jane Williams Curtis. Survivors include her grandchildren, Bob Curtis of Russellville, Ronnie and James Curtis of Appleton, Paul Curtis of Atkins, and Adona Chronister of Hector; a daughter-in-law, Eva Snow of Appleton; 16 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Clebert Curtis; six brothers, Arvel, Calvin, Daniel, Fieldon, Marion, and Richard; and four sisters, Ellen, Tildy, Dicey and Nettie. Interment was at Shiloh Cemetery near Atkins with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Orvist Mason Curtis, 96, died February 4, 2007. He was born April 17, 1910 to the late Samuel Henry and Sarah Edna Curtis. He was a retired barber. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and attended the Highway Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife of over 65 years, Eddie Curtis; three siblings, Pauline Whitby, Billy A. "Bill" Curtis, and Jimmy D. Curtis; and a host of other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his stepmother, Ella Curtis; four siblings, Homer Curtis, Vivian Jones, Alene Moss and Charles V. "Dick" Curtis; and his two children, Samuel Mason Curtis and Mickey Lynn Curtis. Burial was at Bolen Cemetery in Paron, AR under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Vorgie Helen Bishop Curtis, 94, died March 10, 1998. She was born March 4, 1904 to Jim and Arizona Foster Bishop. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by a son, Roger Curtis of Fayetteville; a brother, Bill Bishop of Bristow, OK; a sister, Elsie Doyle of Dorchester, SC; 2 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home of Prairie Grove, AR.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Nell Curton, 78, died March 9, 2007. She attended the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ, and enjoyed gardening, reading and painting. Survivors include her sons, Michael Joe Curton and wife Linda of Anoka, MN, and Patrick Vance Curton and wife Lisa of Maumelle; a daughter, Lisa Kim Long of North Little Rock; her brothers, Bobby Wright of Coy, and Fred Wright of Bonham, TX; 8 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years, Ronald C. "Joe" Curton. Interment was at Tomberlin Cemetery under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
WILMOT, ARKANSAS: Annie Lora Custer, 83, passed away May 27, 2005. She was a retired lunch room supervisor for the Wilmot School District, and attended the First Baptist Church. Survivors include three sons, John Slack of Dayton, OH, Carl Williams of Little Rock, and Loyd H. Williams of Crossett; a daughter, Joyce Polk of Wilmot; one brother, C.M. Slack, Jr., of Oakland, CA; 11 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Elizabeth Louden Williams. Services were held in the First Baptist Church at Wilmot with Rev. James Crockett officiating. Interment was at Second Baptist Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Cromwell Funeral Home.
LAKE VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Ivy Townsend Cuthbert, 92, died July 13, 1999 at Chicot Memorial Hospital. She was born August 17, 1906. She was a retired secretary for the superintendent of Lakeside High School, and was a member of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Survivors include a son, Val S. Cuthbert, Jr. of Germantown, TN; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Val S. Cuthbert. Burial was at Barbee Cemetery in Coahoma County, MS under the direction of Nowell Funeral Home.
MARSHALL, ARKANSAS: Homber Webster Cypert, 73, died September 14, 1984. He was born December 5, 1910. He was a farmer, a Baptist, and a Mason. He is survived by his wife, Ray Cypert; two daughters, Louise Southwick and Sarah Roberts; a son, Robert; two sisters, Cora Watts and Helen Smith; two brothers, Vernon and Jimmy; 4 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Burial was at East Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Coffman Funeral Home.
MELBOURNE, ARKANSAS: Temperance Cypert died December 19, 1910. She was born October 16, 1825. She was the widow of Thomas Perry Cypert, who was a Civil War veteran. Interment was at the Lunenburg Cemetery.
WOODSON, ARKANSAS: Angelo Deshun "Shun" Cyrus, 24, died December 28, 2003. Survivors include a son, Elijah Cyrus of Little Rock; his father, Rufus Cyrus, Jr. (Nadine); his mother, Shirley Withers; a sister, Alisha Cyrus of Little Rock; a brother, Atlantis D. Madden of Little Rock; his grandmothers, Dorothy Cyrus of Kansas City, MO, and Dorothy Withers of Woodson; his aunts and uncles; and his cousins. He was preceded in death by his grandfathers, Earnest Withers and Rufus Cyrus, Sr.; and an uncle, Gary Withers. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Wrightsville. Arrangements were handled by Premier Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Bertha M. Cyrus, 65, died June 24, 2003. She was a longtime employee of Philander Smith College. She is survived by her mother, Sallie M. Singleton; a sister, Veronica Singleton; and two brothers, Henry Singleton and Ivory Singleton, Jr. Services were held at the Philander Smith Chapel. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery under the care of Ruffin and Jarrett Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Aubrey Lee Czarnikow, 79, died January 15, 2006. He was a retired construction worker. He was a Protestant. Survivors include a sister, Wilma Perryman of Fort Smith; 6 nephews; 2 nieces; and many cousins. He was preceded in death by his wife, Patty Czarnikow; and by a sister, Vera Nobles. A memorial service was held at the Fentress Mortuary Chapel, followed by interment of ashes at Czarnikow Cemetery.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Madeline Mary Domboy Czerna, 73, died May 29, 2004. She was born November 8, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary to Laslo Domboy and Marie Szoveggyarto Domboy. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and the Altar Society Choir. Survivors include her husband, Aldak Czerna; a son, Steven Czerna of Florida; and a brother, Steven Domboy of Chicago, IL. Services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church with Fr. Leo Riedmueller officiating. Gross Funeral Home was in charge of cremation arrangements.
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