Arkansas Obituaries A-C
Arkansas Obituaries D-F
Arkansas Obituaries, G-L
Arkansas Obituaries, M-O
Arkansas Obituaries, T-Z
PACE, Harry L.
PACE, Pauline
PAGE, Rose
PAIGE, Henry
PAINTER,, Mabel Q.
PAIR, Modell Sangster
PAIS, June
PANDJI, Suwarsoma
PANGLE, George
PARHAM, Alida A. Byers
PARHAM, Kennie B.
PARKER, Calvin
PARKER, Hannah E.
PARKER, James E.
PARKER, Sarah M.
PARKER, Slown B.
PARKER, Theodore
PARKER, Trenton
PARKMAN, Jerrell Wilson
PARKS, Lonzo J.
PARKS, Ronald S.
PARNELL, Betty Jane
PARNELL, Faye Belle Cooper
PARRISH, Furmen E.
PARSCHEN, Ralph Robert
PARTAIN, George G.
PARTEN, Tyler E.
PARTRIDGE, Donald W. Sr.
PASIERB, Frances Banaszak
PATE, Sally
PATE, Verneice Bland Moore
PATEE, Madonna
PATEL, Zaverben M.
PATRICK, Johnnie Mae
PATRICK, Kimberly
PATTERSON, Elfreda Tietze
PATTON, Althea
PAUTZ, Charles W.
PAYNE, Dr. Edwin B.
PAYNE, Havis
PAYNE, Urban D.
PAYTON, Larry E.
PEACE, Nadine
PEACH, Herschel R.
PEACOCK, Melvin F.
PEARSON, Charley
PEAVY, Betty
PEELER, Edith Richardson
PEELER, Virtree
PEER, Donald C.
PEERY, Helen
PELT, Septimus F.
PENDLETON, Wilhelmina
PENN, Clara M.
PENN, Wilma
PEOPLES, Izeah, Sr.
PERRERO, Sandra J.
PERRITT, Walter B.
PERRY, Gertrude
PERRY, Jewel
PERRY, Johnny C.
PERRY, Lemuel
PERRY, Tessie A.
PERSON, Cornelia
PETERS, Barbara
PETERS, Genevia
PETERS, Hertha
PETERS, William F.
PETRAY, Montina
PETTIT, Robert L.
PETTY, Jesse
PETTY, Juanita
PEVE, Shirley
PFAU, Leland
PHAGAN, Martha
PHEIFER, George R.
PHIFER, Perlena
PHILLIPS, Charles K.
PHILLIPS, Rev. Helen
PHILLIPS, Homer Cecil
PHILLIPS, Shirley M.
PHILLIPS, Wilburn L.
PICARD, Nestor Ernest
PIERCE, Ernest
PIERCE, Franklin G.
PIERCE, Minnie
PIFER, Homer
PIFER, Shelia C.
PIGG, Clifton
PIGG, Jeff
PIKE, Doyle Ray
PIKE, Johnnie Lou
PIKE, Rosie
PILES, Wilma Caudle
PILL, Cecil
PILLOW, Joyce A.
PILLSTROM, Alexander W.
PINNELL, Garland
PINTAR, Adolph J.
PIPES, Winster E.
PIPPINS, Charity
PIRSIG, Helen V.
PISCIA, Odette
PITTS, Annie
PITTS, Elmer Louis
PITTS, Ouida
PITTS, William H.
PLANK, Ernestine
PLASKI, Gordon A.
PLATT, Rosalie
PLATT, Stella
PLOUCH, Bertha
PLUMBO, Vincent G.
PLUMLEE, William
PLUNK, Luther D.
POKLUDA, Margery L.
POLAND, William J.
POLK, Judy
POLLARD, Fuchsia
POLLOCK, Joanne C. Mendel
POOL, Otis
POOL, Zula
POOR, Pauline
POORE, Claude E.
POPE, Janice
POPE, Mary
POPPY, Betty
PORTER, Rosie Lee
POSEY, Samuel A.
POSS, Mildred
POTTER, Lillie Mae
POTTS, Linda
POTTS, Quimbia
POUND, Viola
POWER, Herbert L.
POWERS, Marcheal S.
PRATER, Donald L.
PRATT, Lola Rae
PRESSON, Luther H., Sr.
PRESSON, Sammie Louise
PRICE, Bertha
PRICE, Floyd
PRICE, Francis Balaam
PRICE, Jerry H.
PRICE, Maclyn A.
PRICE, Phebe
PRICE, Steven
PRICE, Willia F. Sledge
PRIDDY, Gilbert E.
PRINCE, General Woodrow
PRIVITT, Farris C.
PRIVITT, Kenneth W.
PROBUS, James Thomas, Sr.
PROCTOR, Mary Louise
PROFFITT, William D.
PROUTY, William
PRUETT, Loretta
PRYOR, Sylvester
PUGH, Kary
PULLIAM, Melissa Thomas
PURDIN, William K.
PURDY, Bonnie J.
PUSSEHL, William W.
PUTMAN, Linda D.
PUTMAN, Martha
PUTT, Judy LeVee
PYRON, Iva M. Penland
QUAILE, Kenneth H.
QUALLS, Charles W.
QUALLS, Pearlie
QUALLS, Virginia
QUERRY, Willie Mae
QUIJANO, Egberto
QUINN, Mary L.
QUINTON, Willis D.
RABY, Lean
RABY, Opal
RADDE, Laura
RADFORD, Verdell
RAGAN, Helen
RAGAN, Omega
RAGON, Absalom
RAIL, Denver F.
RAILEY, Homer H.
RAINO, Betty
RALEY, Marjorie
RALPH, Olive
RAMEY, Marsena
RAMIREZ, Alfredo
RAMOS, Connie
RAMSAY, Minnie
RAMSEY, Charles
RAMSEY, Gaynor
RAMSEY, James P.
RAMSEY, William H.
RAND, Walter J.
RANDALL, Dovie Mae
RANDOLPH, Susie Rush
RANDOLPH, Virginia
RANEY, Kathy
RANGE, Sammie L.
RAPP, Eunice
RAPP, Harry
RATTLER, Maurice
RAULS, Bernice Holderfield
RAWLS, Willard
RAY, Add Lee
RAY, Ernest R.
RAY, Gertie Swatzel
RAY, Joe W.
RAY, Kelley M.
RAYMOND, Jack Allen
REA, Angie
READ, Leo Charles
READ, William E.
REANS, Wanda
REASON, Edna Crumbly
RED, Leona L.
REDD, Theodrice T., Sr.
REDDIN, Kirby L.
REDUS, Willie
REED, Ardella
REED, Dixie
REED, Dora Jones
REED, Hestel
REED, William L.
REESE, Selma
REHM, Carl F.
REICH, Leslie P.
REID, Dorothy
REPLOGLE, Rev. Arles
REVEL, John W.
REVELEY, Robert R.
RHEUARK, Raymond L.
RHINE, Iva Lee
RHOADES, Matthew
RHODES, Beverly
RHODES, Luther D., Sr.
RHODES, Vivian
RHODUS, Marjorie
RICCIARDI, Michelena
RICE, Benjamin
RICE, Bobby
RICE, Dollie
RIDOUT, Norene
RIEFF, Henry
RIEHL, Martha
RIEK, Anthony C.
RIFE, Jacob S.
RIFE, John A.
RIFE, Luther P.
RIFFLE, Wallace H.
RIGA, Martha
RILEY, Alice
RILEY, Cretia
RILEY, Ervin O.
RINCON, Leapoledo
RINGO, Samuel
RINKE, Helen
RIOS, Enrique
RISLEY, Adrian S.
RITCH, Howard M.
RIVERA, Esther
ROAM, Harvey R.
ROARK, Lamar
ROBB, Morene
ROBERTS, Rosetta
ROBERTS, Russella
ROBINSON, William H.
ROBY, Georgia
ROCK, Jewel
RODRIGO, Michael
ROE, Ruby
ROFE, Oberia
ROGERS, Albert
ROGERS, Joe, Sr.
ROGERS, Ollidean
ROLES, Thurman L.
ROLLAND, Ivonette
ROLLAND, Kathryn
ROLLER, Billy D, Sr.
ROLLER, Robert W.
ROLLINS, Pauline
ROMINE, Ronnie A.
ROOD, Wilma
ROREX, Jerry
ROSE, Jimmy Lou
ROSE, Rhonda
ROSEN, Pearl
ROSS, Lillian
ROSS, Marion
ROSS, Thomas M.
ROTH, Betty
ROTH, Thelma
ROUSE, William N.
ROWE, Ben A.
ROY, Elsijane Trimble
ROY, Sarah
ROYAL, Almus G.
ROYSE, Jeannie
RUBY, Katherine
RUDD, Vernon L.
RUFF, Treasure A.
RUNNELS, Blanche
RUPE, Anna
RUPLE, Arie R.
RUSHIN, Thearl S.
RUSS, Douglas
RUSSELL, Marie Chesser
RUSSELL, Mattie Reveley
RUSSELL, Theora Farmer
RUSSOM, Elsie Crawford
RUTZEN, Henrietta
SAELER, Virgie Golden
SAIN, Earman R.
SAINE, Pencolia
SALAZ, Isaac
SALAZAR, Lenardo Juan
SAMFORD, Gloria J.
SAMMONS, Gaylena
SAMUEL, Roger Dale
SANCHEZ, Rosalinda
SANDEFUR, Rev. Doyne
SANDERS, Dorothy
SANTIAGO, Bernardo
SARVER, Mattie L. Cook
SATTERFIELD, William Columbus
SAVAGE, Aletha
SAYLOR, Clodine
SCAGGS, Morris E.
SCALES, John W., Jr.
SCALES, Quintella
SCATES, Brisco C.
SCHEEL, Vivian
SCHERM, Herman M.
SCHMUCK, Richard J.
SCHMUCKER, Sister Maurine
SCHNUR, William F.
SCHOCK, Rosalee
SCHULZ, Patricia
SCHULZ, Robert O.
SCOTT, Alice
SCOTT, Ceotris
SCOTT, John R.
SCOTT, Queen Elizabeth
SCOTT, Odessa
SCUDDER, George H.
SEABURN, Mary Jane Scott
SEALS, Doyle
SEAMANS, Kendyl Rector
SEARS, Larry P.
SEAY, Willie L.
SEBBY, Lloyd
SECK, Gerhard
SEE, Luther
SEELEY, Dorothy
SEILER, Delilah S.
SELF, Theo
SELF, Thomas A.
SELF, Violet
SELF, William W.
SELIG, Joyce
SELL, James W.
SELPH, Bobby
SENIOR, Bettie
SEPHUS, Pearlena
SERIO, Grace Marascalco
SESSIONS, Freddie Mae
SETTLE, David J.
SETZER, Basil O.
SEVIER, Georgiann
SEVIER, Mariah
SEWARD, Corbit
SEWELL, Willie Mae
SEXTON, John E., Sr.
SEXTON, William C.
SEYLER, Albert E.
SEYLER, Zerelda
SHADDON, Rev. Johnnie
SHAHAN, Rosalie
SHANNON, Marion G.
SHANS, Toreatha
SHARP, Lonnie
SHARP, Ofard
SHARPE, Denver
SHAVER, Favorita
SHAVER, Frances
SHAVER, William M.
SHAW, Irene
SHAW, J. Harvey, Sr.
SHEA, Hazel H.
SHEARER, Jeanette P.
SHELLY, Paulette
SHINN, Gladys
SHOCK, Aurora
SHOMBER, Dorothy
SHORT, Frank
SHORT, Goldie
SHORT, Levina
SHREVE, Aldie J.
SHULTZ, Louie E.
SICOLI, Thomas
SIERRA, Julio L.
SIGLER, Ivanette
SIKES, Edwin
SILER, Tennie
SIMMERMON, James R., Sr.
SIMMONS, William S.
SIMPSON, Florence
SIMPSON, Mildred
SIMS, Otliea
SIPAS, William
SIRMON, Seldon, Sr.
SISK, Bundine
SISSOM, Martha E.
SIX, Nina
SKELTON, Frances
SLACH, Antone F.
SLATEN, Columbus W.
SLAY, Homer
SLAYTON, Mildred
SLOAN, James F.
SLOAN, Roy Thomas
SMAIZYS, Salomeja
SMART, Grant H.
SMITH, America
SMITH, Betty
SMITH, Billy
SMITH, Carretter
SMITH, Charles A.
SMITH, Cleolla
SMITH, Dorothy
SMITH, Effie
SMITH, Elvis
SMITH, Erleen
SMITH, Ernestine
SMITH, Ettamay
SMITH, Florence
SMITH, Gertrude
SMITH, Goldie
SMITH, Gregory L., Sr.
SMITH, Harry B.
SMITH, Hugh P.
SMITH, Ivory
SMITH, Mattie
SMITH, Nathalea
SMITH, Ollie
SMITH, Rev. Phillip S.
SMITH, Sarah
SMITH, William P., Sr.
SMITH, Willie E.
SNARR, James W.
SNEED, Willie B.
SNOW, Jane
SNOW, Lila
SNOW, Silas D.
SOBANSKI, Millicent
SOLLER, Virginia M.
SONTAG, Kenneth E.
SORROWS, Abner G., Sr.
SOUNDARA, Phonephet
SOUTER, Raymond A.
SOUTH, Shirley
SOY, Estelle
SOY, Michael
SPAIN, Dempsey L.
SPAIN, William
SPANG, Anna B.
SPECK, Edith
SPEED, Wanda
SPEER, Orlin
SPEER, Vivian
SPICER, Cecil W.
SPIKES, Leonard
SPITLER, Margaret
SPITZE, Gerald E.
SPONER, Martha
SPOON, Elmer
SPOTTEN, William H.
SPRATT, Wilborn
SPRAY, Willard L.
SQUIRES, Emerson R.
SREBALUS, Arthur G., Sr.
SRYGLEY, Fletcher
STACY, Bertie
STAGGERS, Verelene
STAIRS, Zinnia
STANFIELD, Toussaint
STANLEY, James A., Jr.
STARK, Edward E.
STARK, Mildred
ST. CLAIR, Walter
STEED, Mildred
STEELE, Charles D.
STEELE, Geneva
STEELE, Samuel W.
STEFFEN, Harry A., Jr.
STEIN, Jessie
STEIN, Sheridan
STEM, Larry D., Sr.
STEPHEN, Eleanor
STEPHENS, Rochell Y.
STEVENS, Grapelle
STEWART, Dewell D.
STEWART, Icelean
STILES, Milburn
STINSON, Rev. Betty
STOKES, Kenneth H.
STONE, Henrietta
STONE, Rocky P.
STORMS, Virginia
STORY, Chester P.
STORY, Donald C.
STOUT, Edwin
STOUT, John H.
STOUT, Maudie
STOWE, James B.
STRAHN, James E.
STREET, Wallace, Sr.
STRONG, Levester T., Sr.
STUARD, Glynace
STUARD, Lafreedia
STUART, Dorothy
STUDNAR, Elizabeth
SUGG, Elijah H.
SUGGS, Martha
SURLES, Rev. Jim C.
SUTER, Robert
SUTTON, Adelia
SUTTON, Margaret
SUTTON, Margaret
SWAIM, Sandra
SWAIN, Easter
SWAIN, Efton G.
KERR, ARKANSAS: Harry Louis Pace, 62, died June 2, 2007. He was born October 6, 1944 to the late Henry Pace and Annie Kate Pace. He was a self-employed construction contractor, and a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Maxine Cherry Pace; two sons, Eric Pace of Jacksonville and Tracy Pace of North Little Rock; a daughter, Corlette Cross of Houston, TX; six sisters, Ruth Moton and Joyce Sewell, both of Conway, Ceretha Smith and Essie Rogers, both of North Little Rock; Ernestine Irby of Little Rock; Mattie Cohens of Virginia; and 5 grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
GRAVETTE, ARKANSAS: Pauline Pace, 71, died December 27, 2008 in Bentonville. She was born May 3, 1937 in Tulsa, OK to Herman and Linnie Mae Woods Claver. She was a retired nurse. She is survived by her husband, James W. Pace; three daughters, Pamela Phillips (Austin) of Maysville, Beverlee Calvert of Tulsa, and Deanna Claypool (Larry) of Oklahoma City; a son, Daryl Pace (Gina) of Siloam Springs; and 8 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; four sisters Betty, Ruby, Kathleen, and Lillian; and her brothers, Wiley, Harold, and twin Paul Dean. Services were held at Maysville Baptist Church. Interment was at the Maysville Cemetery by Callison-Lough Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Brenda Lee Packard, 51, died September 20, 2010. She was born July 7, 1959 in Pine Bluff to the late Henry and Magnolia Packard. She is survived by two daughters, Patricia McClinton and Jackie Packard; a sister, Gloria Hadley of Pine Bluff; her brothers, Timothy Packard of Oakland, CA, and Harvey Packard, Johnny Packard, Reginald Packard, Norman Packard, Christopher Packard, Leon Ventry, Claude Ventry, Roger Wallace and J.D. Williams, all of Pine Bluff; and 2 grandchildren. Interment was at Prairie Lake Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
YELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Rose Page, 95, died February 14th, 2006. She was born August 4, 1910 in Buffalo, NY to the late John and Anna Stindo Wisniewski. She was the widow of Victor Page. She was a retired drugstore clerk. She attended St. Andrew Catholic Church in Yellville. Survivors include a son, Donald G. Page of Yellville; her sisters, Catherine Perch, Anne Bates, Alice Greble, and JoAnn Rizzo; and two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband. A Funeral Mass was held at St. Andrew Catholic Church in Yellville with Fr. Gregory Hart officiating. Interment was at Baxter Memorial Gardens in Mountain Home, AR with arrangements by Burns Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Ida Louise Pahmiyer, 67, died September 2, 2010. She was born February 9, 1943 to George T. and Edna Opal Burk Dwyer. She attended Washington County Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Cindy Pahmiyer of Centerton; two sons, Kurt Pahmiyer and Richard Pahmiyer, both of Lincoln; a sister, Jackie Anders of San Antonio, TX; a brother, Jerry Dwyer of San Antonio, TX; and 8 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Pahmiyer; two sisters, Barbara Satthoff and Jean Parker; and a brother, James Dwyer. Services were held at Washington County Baptist Church. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Henry Paige died January 22, 2007. He was born August 19, 1913 to Amos and Nora Hill Paige. He was a truck driver. He retired from Cooper Tire Company, and was a military veteran.
He is survived by a son, Winston Paige of Dallas, TX; seven daughters, Evangelist Jean Morgan, Lillie Pride and Loriene Ballard all of Dallas, TX, Lois Minor of Selma, AL, Annie P. Tate of Milwaukee, WI, Latunia Balous and Dewanda Paige, both of El Dorado; 31 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and 18 great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife; a sibling; and two sons, Henry Paige, Jr. and Nathaniel Paige; two daughters, Alene Gatson and Merlin Faye Washington; and two great-grandchildren. Services were held at Lee Chapel AME Church with Rev. Eddie R. Moore and Bishop Orlen Pride officiating. Interment was at Free Union Cemetery in El Dorado with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Mabel Queen Dixon Painter, 92, died December 30, 2004. She was born September 15, 1912 to Joseph Allen Dixon and Bertha Katherine Casey Dixon. She was the widow of William Painter. She is survived by two daughters, Alvina Barber and Linda Rondeau of Siloam Springs; two sons, Ernest Osborne of West Siloam Springs, OK and James Allen Osborne of Siloam Springs; a sister, Geraldine Kelly of Springfield, OR; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Wasson Funeral Home of Siloam Springs.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Modell Sangster Pair, 86, died August 18, 2005. She was born July 12, 1919 to Charley Murphy Sangster and Lily Walcie Magness. She was a homemaker. Survivors include her husband of 56 years, Paul W. Pair; a daughter, Karan Smith and husband James of Fort Smith; a son, Murphy Pair and wife Carol of Prairie Grove; two sisters, Joy Meadors of Fayetteville, and Pauline Rogers and husband Ralph of Fort Smith; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and two brothers, Jesse and Herschal Sangster. Interment was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Lewis Funeral Chapel.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: June Harriette Pais, 82, died May 25, 2008. She was born June 9, 1925, and was the daughter of Harry Capron. She worked as a registered nurse at the Booneville Sanitorium for 15 years, and was a member of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. She is survived by a daughter, Darlene J. Reed of Hot Springs; two sons, Barry L. Dunn of Kansas City, KS, and Jody L. Beard of Fort Smith; 3 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph L. Pais; a daughter, Vicki Mae Dunn; and a son, Dewayne Boyce Beard. Arrangements were handled by Roller Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Marie Beatrice Paladino, 87, died May 22, 2004. She was born May 21, 1917 to
the late William and Virginia Moser DeSalvo. Survivors include two brothers, Andrew DeSalvo and Bill DeSalvo, both of St. Louis; and three sisters, Catherine Schaefer and Josephine Daugherty, both of St. Louis and Georgia Faye Eckart of Paris, AR. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank P. Paladino; her daughter, Virginia; her parents; three brothers, Frank, Thomas and Phillip DeSalvo; and two sisters, Amelia Zigler and Dorothy Dean McReynolds. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Center Ridge. Interment was at St. Joseph Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Lila Mae Hoover Pamplin, 76, died March 2, 2004. She was a homemaker and attended Lake Village Baptist Church. She was born November 27, 1927 to the late Walter E. and Maggie Carpenter Hoover. She is survived by three sons, David Pamplin of Brazoria, TX, Eddie Pamplin of Dermott and Joey Pamplin of Lake Village; a brother, George Herbert Hoover of McGehee; two sisters, Laura Ashcraft of McGehee and Anne Mac Dablock of Benton; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Pamplin; and by a son, Johnny Mac Pamplin. Services were held at Lake Village Baptist Church with Rev. Mike Bell officiating. Burial was at the Dermott Cemetery. Arrangements were entrusted to Bishop Funeral Home of Lake Village, AR.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Suwarsoma Pandji, 68, passed away on February 11, 2005. He was born on October 20, 1936 to the late Tek Siuw Phan and Tjui Moi Yung in Bogor, Indonesia. He was a retired merchant and a Christian. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Wadu Merry; son, Susanto Panji; daughters, Dewi Panji, Maria Panji and Rosa Panji; and a host of other relatives and friends. Graveside services were held at Riverwood Memorial Gardens with Rev. Don Cooper officiating. Arrangements were handled by Roller Chenal Funeral Home of Little Rock, AR.
YELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: George Pangle, age 3, died July 7, 1895. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Pangle. Interment was at the School House Graveyard.
JERUSALEM, ARKANSAS: Alida Ann Byers Parham, 91, died July 8, 2005. She was born May 6, 1914 to Noah Coleman Byers and Margarette Elizabeth Massey Byers. She was a homemaker, and attended the Jerusalem Church of Christ. She is survived by her sons, Emmett Eugene Parham and wife Betty of Russellville; 6 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Jerusalem Church of Christ with Bro. Burt Wilkerson and Bro. Scott Roderick officiating. Burial was at Appleton Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS: Kennie B. Parham, 76, died April 13, 2007. He was born December 5, 1930. He retired from International Paper, and attended Emerson Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Gracy Parham; three daughters and a son-in-law, Angela Gail Saunders of Magnolia, Karen Graves Saunders and Marion Wayne of Waldo, and Janet Lanora Mason of Louisiana; a son, Kenneth Neil Parham of Taylor; a sister, Allie Faye Warren of Star City; 12 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held at North Arkansas Street Church of Christ in Springhill, LA with Buddy Chism officiating. Burial was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Magnolia with arrangements by Smith Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Alan Kurt Parker, 51, died October 29, 2010. He was born November 25, 1958 in Ypsilanti, MI to Harley H. and Barbara A. Pratt Parker. He was a retired truck driver and an Army veteran. He was a Methodist. He is survived by his wife, Jody Chamberlain Parker; a son, Shawn Alan Parker of Van Buren; his parents of Hunt, AR; two brothers, Bradley S. Parker of Clarksville, and Leland K. Parker of Oklahoma City, OK; a sister, Pamela M. Parker of Coal Hill; and several nieces and nephews. Burial was at Liberty Hill Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
WESLEY, ARKANSAS: Calvin Richard Parker, 60, died January 25, 1966 in a Fayetteville hospital. He was born July 22, 1905 in Patrick to Ellis Alexander Parker and Effie Elizabeth Tackett Parker. He was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Eva Gardner Parker; two sons, Elmer Ellis Parker of Rogers, and James Phillip Parker of Hobbs, NM; a daughter, Mary Sue Pettit of Elkins; his mother, of Booneville; two sisters, Ruby Johnson of Booneville, and Ada Drain of Muskogee, OK; a brother, Nolan Parker of Fort Smith; and 5 grandchildren. Services were held at the Wesley Church of Christ. Burial was at the Wesley Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Cecil M. Parker, 62, died June 14, 1972 at a local hospital. He was born September 30, 1909 in Cass to Tom and Elizabeth Mullins Parker. He worked at Levi-Strauss, and was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Elsie Burrell Parker; two sons, Bill of Fayetteville, and Cecil of Lamar, CO; three sisters, Mrs. Nora McDonnar of Mulberry, Mrs. Ruth Carlisle of Moore, OK, and Mrs. Lottie Mathias of Princeton, KS; four brothers, Robert A. of Fayetteville, John and Hoyt, both of Kansas City, MO, and Jack of Tacoma, WA; and 7 grandchildren. Services were held at the Center Street Church of Christ. Burial was at Walnut Grove Cemetery near Crosses under the direction of Moore's Chapel.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Hannah Elizabeth Parker, age 3, died October 29, 2004. She is survived by her father, Daniel Parker of Wright, AR; her mother, Jennifer Baker of England, AR; paternal grandmother, Geneva Parker of Wright; maternal grandparents, Oscar and Peggy Baker of England; and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives. Services were held at Hamilton Baptist Church. Burial was at Hamilton Cemetery in Humnoke, AR with arrangements by Roller-England Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: James Elbert Parker, 64, died January 24, 1952 at the City Hospital. He was born October 20, 1887 in Goshen, AR to A.J. and Mary Elizabeth Kelly Parker. He was a lifelong area resident, and was a Post Office employee for 44 years, serving as assistant postmaster in Fayetteville since March 1, 1930. He was survived by his wife, Jessie Stokenberry Parker, whom he married in 1912; a son, Robert D. Parker; a daughter, Mrs. Fred J. Pratt, Jr. of Minneapolis, MN; two brothers, Lee of Goshen, and Lucius of Los Angeles, CA; and 4 grandchildren. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens under the direction of Moore's Funeral Chapel.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Mable Lean Parker, 55, died October 18, 2003. She worked at American Greetings for over thirty years. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, and attended Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, where she was a choir member. She is survived by four sons, George Parker, Jr. of Kansas City, MO, and Bruce Parker, Kevin Parker and Chris Parker, all of Osceola; a daughter, Adrienne Parker of Jonesboro; two sisters, Minnie Jackson of Bolingbrook, IL and Lorean Robinson of Joliet, IL; and 13 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Mary Kinard and Willie Robinson. Services were held at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church with Dr. Moses Black presiding. Burial was at Whiteside Cemetery with arrangements by Wilson Funeral Home.
QUITMAN, ARKANSAS: Nina May Parker died August 22, 1901. She was born December 11, 1895. Interment was at Goodloe Cemetery.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Sarah May Parker, 64, died September 26, 2006. She was the daughter of the late Alex A. and June McMillan Parker. She was a Licensed Practical Nurse for thirty years, and was a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses of Clarksville. She is survived by a son, William Ray Anderson of Barling; a brother, Jerry L. Parker of Ozark; two sisters, Ruth Russell of Barling and Bonnie Sanders of Fort Smith; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Carmen Anderson. Memorial services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Clarksville. Graveside services were held at Jackson Cemetery in Franklin County. Cremation arrangements were handled by Putman Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Slown Buford Parker, 89, died July 30, 2007. He was born July 26, 1918 to Buford and Vera Jones Parker. He retired from the Arkansas National Guard. He was a veteran of World War II, and was a member of the American Legion. He attended the First Presbyterian Church of Lincoln. He is survived by his wife, Mildred Hollingsworth Parker; two sons, Kevin L. Parker of South Africa, and Kerry L. Parker of Greenwood, AR; 3 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at First Presbyterian Church in Lincoln. Burial was at the Lincoln Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Theodore S. Parker, 58, died May 13, 2004. Survivors include three brothers, Ralph Parker, William Parker and Nem Parker; and three sisters, Cornelia Pettis, Rose Moore and Mae Ella Parker. Services were held at Dixie Church of Christ. Arrangements were handled by Hubble Funeral Home.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Trenton Breyer Parker, age 5, died October 29, 2004. Survivors include his father, Daniel Parker of Wright, AR.; his mother, Jennifer Baker of England, AR.; paternal grandmother, Geneva Parker of Wright, AR.; maternal grandparents, Oscar & Peggy Baker of England, AR; numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, & extended family. Services were held at Hamilton Baptist Church. Burial was at Hamilton Cemetery in Humnoke, Arkansas with arrangements by Roller-England Funeral Home.
NEW EDINBURG, ARKANSAS: Jerrell Wilson Parkman, 76, died September 7, 2009. He was born January 27, 1933 to the late Olaf and Rotchie Pierce Parkman. He was a retired logger, and attended New Edinburg Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Clara Parkman; and several cousins. Interment was at Shady Grove Cemetery under the direction of Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Lonzo Joe Parks, 62, died August 29, 2002. He was born December 25, 1939 to Lee Dotson Parks and the late Minnie Lee Robinson Parks.
Surviving family members include his wife, Freddie Mae Parks; four sons, Michael Parks and Nathaniel Betts, both of Pine Bluff, Alonzo Uquhart and Clenzell Parks, both of Los Angeles; three daughters, Debra Hall of Pine Bluff, Patricia Nichols of Senegal, West Africa, and JoAnn Baker of Los Angeles; two brothers, Lee Parks Jr. and Larry Parks, both of Pine Bluff; two sisters, Mary Tisdale and Carolyn Parks, both of Pine Bluff; 18 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church with the Rev. George H. Barnes Sr. officiating. Burial was at Henson Memorial Gardens in Pine Bluff under the direction of Henson Mortuary.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Ronald Steven "Joe" Parks, 52, died February 01, 2005. He was born September 26, 1952 to Irene Clemmer Bronson and the late Clinton R. Parks. He was a Vietnam Marine veteran. Other survivors include two sons, Matthew Parks of Conway and David Parks of Dennard; one daughter, Mary Parks of Clinton; three brothers, Charles Parks of Idaho, Bill Parks and David Parks, both of CA; four sisters, Carol Collier of CA, Nancy Ransford of WA, Sue Green of CA, and Connie Richardson of OR. He was preceded in death by his father, one daughter, Tonya Parks, and one brother, Richard Parks. Services were held at First General Baptist Church in Clinton with arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Betty Jane Parnell, 53, died March 6, 2005. She was a Baptist. She is survived by four daughters, Tonia Eubanks of Pauls Valley, OK, Cynthia Goodman of Trumann, and Melissa Holt Brown and Amanda Jewell Slaughter, both of Osceola; two sisters, Bobbie Franklin of Marion and Carolyn Thomas of Wilson; three brothers, Arlan Thomas of Keiser, and Troy Thomas and Jimmy Wayne Thomas, both of Osceola; and 8 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, William Murray Thomas and Edna Jewell Smith Thomas. Burial was at Mississippi County Memorial Gardens under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
WARREN, ARKANSAS: Faye Belle Cooper Parnell, 86, died July 3, 2008. She was born July 19, 1921 to the late Charlie Cooper and Ola Vinson Cooper. She was a member of Pleasant Valley Freewill Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Dean Parnell of Camden, AR, two daughters, Yvonne Adams and Amy Williams, both of Warren; a brother, Charles Cooper, Jr. of Paris, AR; a sister, Gladys Jones of Camden; 5 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Troy Langston Parnell; a brother, J.W. Cooper; and a grandchild. Burial was at Parnell Cemetery under the direction of Frazer's Funeral Home.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Darius Parrish, 68, died September 8, 2001. He was born October 28, 1932 to the late Porter Street and Ruth Mae Watson Parrish. Survivors include his wife, Brenda; three daughters, Cindy Branham of Pollard, Tracy Read of Brighton, MI, and Lisa Parrish of Piggott; a son, Michael Parrish of Pollard; two stepsons, Kendall Green and Brad Green of the home; 4 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; a brother, James Verlin Parrish of McDougal; two sisters, Blake Summerfield of St. Louis and Irma Hadley of Corpus Christi, TX; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by a daughter, Kathy Lynn Parrish; four brothers, Donald K. Parrish, Doyle Milton Parrish, Roger Dudley Parrish and Wallace Dale Parrish. Burial was at New Hope Cemetery in Pollard under the direction of Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Furmen Estle Parrish, 93, died February 10, 2002. He was born November 5, 1908 to the late Andrew and Millie Phillips Parrish. He was a farmer, and also worked in real estate. He attended Mars Hill Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Elsie Morrow Parrish, whom he married in 1926; a son, Kenneth Parrish and wife, Laverne, of Jonesboro; a daughter, Thelda Moody of Rockford, Ill.; a sister, Carleene Pemberton of Corning; eight grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by four brothers and five sisters. Services were held at the Irby Funeral Home Chapel in Piggott, AR, with John Bradshaw officiating. Burial was at the Piggott Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jason Grier Parrish, 30, died February 4, 2005. He was born Feb. 10, 1974 to Louis "Beaver" and LaJeana "Pete" Hester.
He was an electrician for Campbell Electric in Fayetteville. He is survived by his father and mother; two brothers, Darrell Parrish and Travis Parrish, both of Fayetteville; a sister, Sunshine Hester-Redmond and her husband, Brent Redmond of Lowell; maternal grandmother, Wilma Peterson of Farmington; paternal grandmother, Dell B. Hester of Winslow; three nieces, Sonora Riley, Skie Monroe Parrish and Destini Nicole Parrish; and a nephew, Darious Parrish. Memorials may be made to the Jason Parrish Memorial Fund, Simmons First Bank of Northwest Arkansas. Services were held at Moore's Chapel in Fayetteville with burial at Farmington Cemetery.
HEBER SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ralph Robert Parschen, 75, died April 22, 2004. He was born May 5, 1928 to the late Arthur and Lilly Parschen. He was a retired electrical engineer for Entergy. He was a veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, and attended St. Francis Episcopal Church in Heber Springs. Survivors include his wife, Elaine Parschen; and a sister, Faye Kossuth of Naples, FL. Services were held at St. Francis Episcopal Church with Father Andy Jackson officiating. Interment was at St. Francis Episcopal Memorial Garden under the direction of Olmstead Funeral Home, Inc. of Heber Springs, AR.
LEAD HILL, ARKANSAS: Lewis Parsley, 95, died December 25, 2007. He was born March 26, 1912 to Tildon A. and Dovie Green Parsley. He was a farmer and a carpenter, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Millie Stonecipher Parsley; his sons and daughters-in-law, Larry and Sally Parsley, Jerry and Anna Parsley, and Bobby and Judy Parsley, all of Lead Hill; his brother, Gene Parsley of Lead Hill; a sister, Ruby Beck of Mount Vernon, AR; 7 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a son, Gary Lewis; his parents; four brothers, Adam Parsley, Frank Parsley, Clayton Parsley and Roy Parsley; and three sisters, Alice Hardcastle, Eunice Parsley, and Alta Manning. Servicess were held at the Enon Community Church in Lead Hill with Ervin Curtis officiating. Interment was at Enon Cemetery with arrangements by Christeson Funeral Home.
MARMADUKE, ARKANSAS: George G. Partain died January 16, 1903. He was born January 9, 1861, and is buried at Hartsoe Cemetery.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: 1st Lieutenant Tyler Edward Parten, 24, was killed in action September 10, 2009. He was born January 12, 1985 to Dave and Lona Pruett Parten. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and served for six years with the U.S. Army. He is survived by his father, Dave Parten of Marianna; his mother, Lona Pruett Parten of Jonesboro; a sister, Anna Laura Parten of Searcy; a brother, Daniel Lowell Parten of West Point, NY; his grandparents, Lowell and Charleen Parten of Cherokee Village, AR, and John A. and Sharon Pruett of Aubrey, AR; a great-grandmother, Vella Pruett; and other relatives friends. Services were held at the Marianna City Park. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Donald Wayne Partridge Sr., 56, died January 18, 2005. He was born February 1, 1948 to John Harold and Imogene Synco Partridge. He was a farmer and a truck driver. He attended Harmony Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Linda Kay Bayless Partridge; a son, Terry Dale Partridge of Humphrey; a daughter, Karey Partridge-Brown and her husband, Troy, of Topeka, KS; his oldest son's widow, Dena June Partridge Smith, and her husband, Marvin; two brothers, Walter Partridge of Homer, AK, and Johnny Partridge of Stuttgart; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a son, Wayne Partridge, Jr. Services were held at the Turpin Funeral Home chapel with Bro. David Inzer officiating. Burial was at Frazier Cemetery.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Frances Banaszak Pasierb, 90, died January 17, 2007. She was a retired sales clerk at Koehler Bakery. She attended the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, where she was a member of the Rosary Sodality and Altar Society. Survivors include her sons, Edward Pasierb and wife Marcella of Marche, Joseph Pasierb and wife Debbie of Bryant, and Richard Pasierb and wife Pam of Maumelle; her sisters, Elizabeth Pruss, Florence Szparaga, Veronica Kaplon, Angeline Kaplon and Margaret Piechocki of Marche, Martha Wilk of North Little Rock, and Carolyn Evans of Conroe, TX; 10 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jacob Pasierb; her parents, Mary and Louis Banaszak; a brother, August Banaszak; her sister, Adlaide Gubanski; and a grandson, Louis Pasierb. Services were held at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Interment was at Immaculate Heart of Mary Cemetery in Marche, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Dora Pasink, 92, died June 19, 2001. She was born April 5, 1909 to Elis and Bessie Dolinski Pasink. She was a retired employee of the Corps of Engineers, where she had worked as a Records Administrator in both Memphis and Little Rock. She was a member of Temple B'nai Israel. Memorial contributions may be made to Temple B'nai Israel, 3700 N. Rodney Parham Road, Little Rock, AR 72212. She is survived by a sister, Lena Pasink of Little Rock. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery with arrangements by Ruebel Funeral Home.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Imogene Patchell, 82, died August 5, 2007. She was born April 30, 1925 to the late J. Herman and Hazel Carter Rickman. She taught in the Harrisburg Public Schools for 28 years, and was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, the Retired Teachers' Organization, the Arkansas Education Association, the Mothers' Club, and the Home Demonstration Club. She won an award for excellence in volunteerism for Poinsett County in 1993, and was named Outstanding Teacher for 1978-1979. Survivors include her children, Cynthia Sutherlin and husband Gordon of Beebe, and Patrick Patchell and wife Marti of Memphis; her grandchildren, Graham Sutherlin and wife Heather of St. Louis, MO and Autumn Sutherlin of Abilene, TX; and three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Wesley Patchell. Services were held at the chapel of Cabot Funeral Home with Dr. Don England officiating. Burial was at Quitman Cemetery.
BAUXITE, ARKANSAS: Sally C. Pate, 85, died February 5, 2009. She was born February 23, 1923 to the late Jasper Henry Coke and Dorothy Massey Coke. She is survived by a son, Mike Pate of Little Rock; a daughter and son-in-law, Kathy and Buddy Hinshaw of Bauxite; a brother, R.J. Coke of Taylor; 5 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Carson E. Pate; three sons, Michael, Paul, and Ronnie Pate; a brother, Ray Coke; and a sister, Faye Traylor. Interment was at New Hope Cemetery near Hampton, AR under the direction of Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Verneice Bland Moore Pate, 81, died January 10, 2007. She was born February 23, 1925. She retired from Piggly Wiggly, and attended Tennessee Baptist Church. She is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, Linda and Wayne Roberts of Texarkana, TX, Brenda and Ricky Shelton of New Boston, TX, and Bonnie and Mike Auck of Texarkana, AR; a son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Normia Moore of Genoa, AR; a stepdaughter and son-in-law, Sherry and Billy Stone of Texarkana, TX; a sister, Bennie Vanderbilt of Texarkana, AR; 11 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends.
She was preceded in death by her husband, James Pate; a stepson, Louis "Pete" Pate; a grandson, William Price Citty III; and a great-granddaughter, Amanda Treece. Interment was at East Memorial Gardens under the direction of Texarkana Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Madonna Patee, 86, died November 7, 2008. She was born March 28, 1922 to Lafe Metz and Nina Mich Metz. She was a member of Village Bible Church and a founding member of the Village Card Club of Hot Springs Village. She is survived by two sons, Jordan Bybee of Jacksonville, FL, and Michael Bybee of Des Monies, IA; and two grandsons. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Hollis Bybee and Mel Patee; and her parents. Arrangements were handled by CedarVale Funeral Home.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Zaverben M. Patel, 82, died January 24, 2005. She was born February 22, 1922 in Ambhati, India. She was a homemaker, and was of the Hindu faith. She is survived by a son, Delipkumar Nathu of Monticello; four daughters, Savitaben J. Patel of Little Rock, Lataben R. Patel of Arcadia, LA, Induben H. Patel of Kansas City, MO, and Bhartiben D. Patel of Minden, LA; 11 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Maganbhai Patel. Arrangements were handled by Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Icy Mae Patrick, 94, died May 16, 2007. She was born December 27, 1912 to Alex and Ella Combs. She attended the First Baptist Church of Centerton, AR. Survivors include a sister, Vera Lee Edgar of Fayetteville; two stepsons, J.B. and Sam Patrick; and several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lester Patrick. Interment was at Benton County Memorial Park Cemetery with Rev. Jim Keith officiating. Arrangements were handled by Benton County Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Johnnie Mae Patrick, 74, died December 15, 2003. Survivors include her husband, Theodore Patrick, Sr.; a daughter, Sandra Dean Patrick; two sons, Richard and Sammie Patrick; her mother, Velma Hynes; a brother, Robert Hynes; her grandchildren; and her great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her father, John Williams; a daughter, Velma Jean Hynes; two sons, David Lee Patrick and Theodore Patrick, Jr.; and a sister, Addie B. Young. Services were held at Dixie Church of Christ. Arrangements were handled by Robinson Mortuary.
MADISON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Kimberly Ann Patrick was stillborn on May 6, 1980. She was the daughter of Danny E. and Iva E. Fanning Patrick. She was survived by her parents; her paternal grandfather, John Harvey Patrick; her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fanning; and her paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey Patrick, Sr. Interment was at Patrick Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Chapel.
BOLES, ARKANSAS: Dewey Daniel Patterson, 72, died April 19, 1971. Among the surviving family members are his wife, Ethel; and a stepdaughter, Georgia Patrick. Interment was at Chant Cemetery with arrangements by Rice Martin Funeral Home.
DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Elfreda Margaret Tietze Patterson, 89, died Saturday, September 29, 2007. She was born June 12, 1918. She retired from the Army Corps of Engineers, and was of the Methodist faith. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Rev. Rodney M. Patterson, Jr. and Judy Patterson of Fort Smith, and Dennis W. and Joanie Patterson of De Queen; 4 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; a niece, Karen Neeley; and a nephew, Larry Tietze. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rodney Meredith Patterson, Sr. Interment was at Chapel Hill Cemetery with Rev. Rodney Patterson, Jr. officiating. Arrangements were handled by Wilkerson Funeral Home.
CAVE SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Mary Ellen Pattishall, 84, died September 6, 1974 at Rogers Memorial Hospital. She was born August 11, 1890 in Cave Springs to Charles and Aurora Kelly. She attended Faith Apostolic Church. Survivors include a daughter, Virginia Hamilton; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at Faith Apostolic Church. Burial was at the Cave Springs Cemetery under the direction of Burns Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Althea Nichols Patton, 79, passed away December 17, 2000. She was born March 30, 1921. She was a financial secretary for the Plywood Local Union #474. She was a member of the NAACP, and served as a foster grandparent for ten years. She was a member of Gates Chapel AME Church, and attended Victory Christian Fellowship. She is survived by three sons, Leroy, John and Robert Patton of Crossett; two daughters, Robbie Brown of Crossett and Mary Patton of Johnsville; a brother, Otha Coleman of California; 15 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Services were held at New Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. B.J. Jackson officiating. Burial was at Westview Cemetery with arrangements by Jones Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Ivy Emerson Patton, 74, died January 16, 1970. He was a retired railroad worker and a member of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Louise Housely of Little Rock, Mrs. Norma
Lee Horness of Cabot, and Mrs. Marjorie McMahan of Stuttgart; two sons, Charles and Clifford Patton, both of Cabot; and 9 grandchildren. Services were held at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Burial was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery with arrangements by Todd Funeral Service.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Nina Dean Patton, 84, died October 10, 2009. She was born September 20, 1925 to Charles A. and Mary Shackelford Ferguson. She is survived by her husband, Euel Sylvester Patton; two sons, James M. Patton of Bentonville and Vernon Patton of Ozark; a daughter, Janice Shofner of Centerton; a brother; four sisters, including Leah Ferguson of Bentonville, Marie Fulkerson of Gentry and Minnie Lou Easley of Pea Ridge; 9 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church in Bentonville. Burial was at Bentonville Cemetery by Stockdale Funeral Services.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Anna Patyk, 97, died August 23, 2005. She was born December 18, 1907 in Baczyn, Poland to John and Hedwigh Drabina Luczak. She was a seamstress, and attended St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. Survivors include two sons, William Patyk of Arizona and Remi Patyk of Elgin, IL; three daughters, Venda Mosch and Lillian Kluczynski of Mountain Home, and Renee Donati of Santa Barbara, CA; 9 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Thomas Patyk; and two brothers. Services were held at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. Interment was at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside, IL with local arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Charles W. Pautz, 76, died December 4, 2005. He was born February 14, 1929. He was a former automotive engineer, and held a master's degree in industrial engineering from the University of Toledo. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, and was a member of the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers, and the Hot Springs Village Symphony Guild. He was of the Lutheran faith. He is survived by his wife, Mary Wank Pautz; a brother, James A. Pautz, and a sister, Lucille M. Pautz, both of Toledo, OH. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Herman H. Pautz and John R. Pautz. Interment was at the CedarVale Mausoleum under the direction of CedarVale Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Dr. Edwin Benjamin Payne, 91, died April 4, 2002 at Northwest Medical Center in Springdale. He was born September 12, 1910 in Davis, MI to Benjamin H. and Mabel H. Hazelton Payne. He was a chiropractor and a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a Mason and a member of the White Shrine of Jerusalem and the Order of the Eastern Star. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Virginia Emma Riley Payne; a daughter, Sharon J. Anderson of Fayetteville; a son, Robert G. Warren of Fayetteville; a brother, Frank H. Payne of Davis, MI; 6 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Davis Cemetery in Davis, MI. Local arrangements were handled by Sisco Funeral Chapel.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Havis Payne, 77, died April 21, 2006. He was a retired district manager for Life of Georgia Insurance. He was a 32nd degree Mason, and a member of the Lions Club. He is survived by his wife, Cledia Payne; two sons, Sonny Payne of Houston and Mike Payne of Van Buren; a daughter, Sandra Darrah of Corydon, IA; a sister, Gladys Varnell of Keller, TX; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Cremation arrangements were handled by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
CHARLOTTE, ARKANSAS: Urban D. Payne, 19, died September 16, 1881. He was the son of John and Mary Payne. Interment was at Convenience Cemetery in Independence County, AR.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Ella Payton, 74, died October 6, 2007. She was born May 26, 1933. She is survived by her husband, Charles Payton; a daughter, Bobbie McClellan of Ozark; two sons, Ronald Ray Payton of Baroda, MI and Gordon Lee Payton of Buchanan, MI; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Karen Kay Payton. Cremation arrangements were handled by Shaffer Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Larry Edward Payton, 58, died August 25, 2005. He was born August 7, 1947. He worked for AmTran for 28 years, and was a member of the United Auto Workers' Union. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War. He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Nelda Payton; three daughters, Rhonda Owens and Cynthia Payton, both of Conway, and Kimberly Payton of Little Rock; 3 grandchildren; and two sisters, Peggy McDaniel of Conway and Debra Porter of Jacksonville. He was preceded in death by his mother, Ruby Williams; and a sister, Patsy Payton. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mamie Lee Holland Payton died March 2, 1984. She was born July 13, 1908 in Tucumcari, NM. Survivors include two daughters, Ethel Cunningham of Fayetteville and Helen Arnold of Carlsbad, NM; three sons, Rusty Payton of Hobbs, NM and Roy Payton and James Payton, both of Capitan, NM; three sisters, Mary Greenhall, Ethel Cotter and Thelma Taylor; three brothers, Johnny Holland, M.L. Holland and R.L. Holland; 14 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elmer Payton. Services were held at the Church of Christ in Ruidoso, NM. Interment was at Hale Cemetery in Lincoln County, NM with arrangements by Clarke's Chapel of Roses.
WILMOT, ARKANSAS: Percy Payton, 87, died January 27, 2001. He was a retired farmer, and attended Sweet Home Baptist Church, where he served on the Deacon Board for 55 years. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Louise Lemon Payton; a son, Curtis "Fox" Hillard of Parkdale; a daughter, Shirley Shelton of Wilmot; 9 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a nephew he raised as a son, Jessie James Stanley. Services were held at Sweet Home Baptist Church with Rev. W. L. Plummer officiating. Burial was at Jim Smith Cemetery with arrangements handled by Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
NEW BLAINE, ARKANSAS: Joseph Pazdera died April 4, 1928. He was born October 10, 1865. He was the husband of Julia Pazdera. Interment was at St. Scholastica Cemetery.
PROCTOR, ARKANSAS: Nadine Peace, 85, died March 4, 2005. She was born November 14, 1919. She was a retired service representative for Bell South Telephone, and attended Union Avenue United Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, Luther Peace; two daughters, Donna McBryde of Memphis, TN and Rita Underhill of Proctor; and two half-brothers, Curtis Grant of Plaquemine, LA and Marshell Grant of Morgan City, LA. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Herschel Ray Peach, 70, died September 13, 2006. He worked for Falcon Jet, and was a retired Air Force Master Sergeant. He was a former member of the Sherwood Moose Lodge. Survivors include his wife, Arlene Peach; two sons, Rodney Peach of Sherwood, and Bradley (Mona) Peach of Vilonia; a daughter, Deanna Peach of North Little Rock; 6 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; three brothers, Bill Peach of Arizona, Larry Peach of Kentucky, and Ed Peach of North Carolina; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at the chapel of North Little Rock Funeral Home. Burial was at Rest Hills Memorial Park.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Melvin Fletcher Peacock, 79, died June 21, 2005. He was born October 26, 1925 to the late Morris and Alice Peacock. Survivors include his wife of 59 years, Martha Jane Peacock; four sons, Jerry Peacock of Lake Providence, La., Don Peacock of McGehee, Jimmy Peacock of Odessa, Texas, and Russell Peacock of Selma; two sisters, Lois Nave of Monticello and Gladys Locke of Pine Bluff; 12 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by six brothers, Tom Peacock, Hardy Peacock, Neal Peacock, Morris Peacock Jr., Dick Peacock and Jack Peacock; four sisters, Lily Roberts, Annie Hoover, Sallie Forther and Lucille Wolf; and one grandchild. Services were held at Mount Tabor Methodist Church near Selma with Rev. Larry Kelso officiating. Interment was at Mount Tabor Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Service.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Charley Pearson, 74, died October 31, 2003. He was born May 31, 1929 near Bee Branch, AR to W.R. Pearson and Charity Gordon Pearson. He was a diesel engine salesman, and had also been a shop foreman for C.C. Jones Trucking. He was a member of the Harding Street Church of Christ, and was a decorated U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. He is survived by his wife, Marlene Morrow Pearson; a daughter, Sharon Heffington of Morrilton; two sons, Scott Pearson of Gallatin, TN, and Donald Pearson of Center Ridge; three brothers, Hubert Pearson of Watseka, IL, Rufus Pearson of Anton, TX, and Reedy Pearson of Dinuba, CA; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Elmwood Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Betty Vann Peavy, 67, died September 29, 2003 in Texarkana. She was born December 27, 1935 in Texarkana. She was a medical clerk, and had worked for Brother to Brother Salon. She was a member of Beech Street First Baptist Church, and volunteered at the Randy Sams Shelter. She is survived by three sons and two daughters-in-law, Joey and Laura Peavy, Danny and Nicole Peavy, and Lance Peavy; two brothers, Larry Vann and Jerry Vann; a sister, Clara Vann; 7 grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. Services were held at Beech Street First Baptist Church. Burial was at East Memorial Gardens by East Funeral Home.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Joseph Thomas Pecoraro, 72, died November 21, 2001. He was a Korean War veteran. Among the survivors are his wife, Leona Pecoraro of Imboden; two sons, David Pecoraro of Paragould, and Tim Pecoraro of Ravenden; four brothers, Bill Pecoraro of Marston, WI, Gene Pecoraro of St. Charles, IL, Danny Pecoraro of Hampshire, IL, and Chris Pecoraro of Burlington, IL; two sisters, Genevieve Panko of Westchester, IL, and Pat Metido of Larned, KS; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Pocahontas with David Jacobs officiating. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Zelma Lavern Pectol, 90, died June 1, 2008. She was born January 16, 1918 to J.M. and Leona Carter. She was a retired cook. She enjoyed flowers and gardening, and attended Central Avenue Church of Christ. She is survived by a son, Perry Pectol of Batesville; 6 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband; her parents; a son; four brothers; and four sisters. Burial was at Oaklawn Cemetery under the direction of Willis Funeral Service.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Ruth M. Peeks, 79, died October 29, 2007. Survivors include her sons, Ray Peeks and wife Eva of Sherwood, and Jerry Peeks of Cabot; a daughter, Margaret Smith and husband Tommy of Scott; her sisters, Helen Langdon of Jacksonville, Agnes Mayhew of Boyd, TX, Lois Rose of Conway, Katherine Williams of Jacksonville, and Joyce Harris of Jacksonville; her brothers Kenneth Smith of Granbury, TX, and Bud Smith of Woodlawn; 17 grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 58 years, Pete Peeks; a daughter, Barbara Stewart; her sons, Jimmy Peeks and Johnny Peeks; and her parents, Willie Smith and Rosey Miller Smith. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-Owens Funeral Home chapel with Rev. Bobby Dycus officiating. Burial was at Lonoke Cemetery.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Edith Richardson Peeler, 79, died November 11, 2006. She was a retired employee of Salant & Salant Company, and attended the Trumann Revival Center. Survivors include two daughters, Brenda Cavenar of Jonesboro and Judy Hendrix of Williamson, GA; four sons, Terry Peeler of Carlisle, Carey Peeler of Trumann, and Shane Peeler and Kip Peeler, both of Harrisburg; two sisters, Ruth Baker of Trumann and Ruby Hammons of Jonesboro; a brother, Troy Richardson of Jonesboro; 9 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gobel Peeler; a daughter, Peggy Barker; two grandchildren, Adam Peeler and Jamie Peeler; a sister; nine brothers; and her parents, John Isaac and Martha Willis Creech Richardson. Burial was at Pine Hill Cemetery in Jonesboro with arrangements by Thompson Funeral Home of Trumann, AR.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Virtree Peeler, 79, died June 3, 2006. She was of the Baptist faith, and retired from Remington Arms. Survivors include a son, James Peeler of Cabot; her daughters, Glenda Achten and Dianne Cathey of Maumelle; a sister, Tempie Wells of Indio, CA; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Old Austin Cemetery with arrangements by Westbrook Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Winnie June Whatley Peeples, 71, died November 7, 2008. She was born July 21, 1937 to Claud and Vera Whatley. She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, John Peeples, William "Pete" and Denise Peeples, and Mark and Lisa Peeples, all of Little Rock; two daughters and a son-in-law, Kimberly Bizzell of Little Rock and Belinda and Frank Siders of Ward; a brother, George Whatley of Benton; three sisters, Madge Guynn, Delores Barker, and Donna Baldwin, all of Little Rock; 7 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and special friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Fred Peeples; and three brothers, Floyd Whatley, Charlie Whatley, and Ben Whatley. Services were held at Springlake Church of the Nazarene. Interment was at Salem Cemetery in East End, AR with arrangements by Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Donald C. Peer, 92, died August 26, 2006. He was a retired funeral director, and was co-owner of Fentress Mortuary. He attended the First United Methodist Church. He was past president of the Downtown Rotary Club, was an Eagle Scout, and enjoyed ballroom dancing and golfing. He was a U.S. Coast Guard veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Peer; two daughters, Donna Gail Heard and husband Danny of Conway, and Andrea McKenzie and husband Robert of Fort Smith; a son, Alan Peer and wife Julie of Carthage, MO; 6 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his parents, Roy and Grace Peer; two sisters, Louise Ray and Virginia Biggerstaff; and five brothers, Eugene, Ralph, Fay, Wayne and Dr. Louis Peer. Services were held at Roebuck Chapel. Burial was at Roselawn Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Helen Duff Peery, 82, died August 10, 2006. She attended Hollywood Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Dale Peery of Peoria, AZ; a daughter, Freda Patton of Altamonte Springs, FL; a brother, J.B. Duff of Jessieville, AR; a sister, Thelma Kendrick of St. Leonard, MD; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil Edward Peery. Interment was at Hollywood Cemetery under the direction of Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home.
NEVADA COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Septimus F. Pelt died August 15, 1892. He was born May 8, 1870 to John J. and Cindarella Pelt. Burial was at Falcon Cemetery.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Thomas J. Pemberton died February 26, 1871. He was born March 21, 1804. He is buried at Stoney Point Cemetery.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Wilhelmina Nehus Pendleton, 93, died March 20, 2006 in Fort Smith. She was born May 22, 1912 to Gerhard and Mary E. Huck Nehus. She retired from the telephone company and the Ben Franklin store. She was member of St. Joseph Catholic Church. Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Al and Joyce Pendleton of Paris, and Joe and Marye Jayne Pendleton, and Jim and Pat Pendleton, all of Fort Smith; two daughters, Rita Armstrong and Mae Crossno of Wichita, KS; 15 grandchildren; her great-grandchildren; and her great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe E. Pendleton; her parents; three brothers, Johnny, Gerhard and Joe Nehus; and a sister, Gertrude Eilerson. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Interment was at St. Joseph Cemetery by Roller Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Clara M. Penn, 81, died July 6, 2003. She was born March 23, 1922 to Hubert and Maggie Doyle Newberry. She was a homemaker, and attended Faith Baptist Church in North Little Rock.
She was the widow of Fred J. Penn. She is survived by a son, Edward J. Penn; a granddaughter, Kim Newsom; and a great-grandson. Services were held at Faith Baptist Church with Rev. Robert Francis officiating. Burial was at Cleburne County Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Olmstead Funeral Home of Heber Springs, AR.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Wilma Jane Penn, 83, died May 28, 2002. She was a retired secretary for the Black Rock Schools. She was a member of the Lawrence County China Painters Club and the Altrurian Club. She attended the Imboden Church of Christ. She is survived by four daughters, Patsy Jones of Imboden, JoAnn Barker of Jonesboro, Debbie Kesterson of Little Rock; and Donna Golden of Smyrna, TN; 7 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Don Penn; a sister, Hazel Grizzle; and a granddaughter, Angela Michele Golden. Services were held at the Imboden Church of Christ. Burial was at Hope Cemetery by House-Gregg Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Cora Melissa Pennell, 91, died April 26, 2002 at the Northwest Medical Center. She was born August 4, 1910 in Mulberry to Bill and Lila Davis Ree. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a daughter, Jessie Combs of Springdale; 11 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three sons, Alvin, Calvin, and Gene Cunningham. Interment was at the Rogers Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Chapel.
BEARDEN, ARKANSAS: Omay Gail Pennington, 63, died August 14, 2008. She was born February 27, 1945 to the late J.W. and Obie Hawkins Minchew. She is survived by her husband, Edward O. Pennington; two sons, Edward Wayne Pennington of Chidester, AR, and James W. Pennington of Bearden; two daughters, Mary Lynn Starnes of Bearden, and Sandy Kay Parnell of Dover, PA; 13 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Salem Cemetery near Bearden under the direction of Benton Funeral Home.
KIBLER, ARKANSAS: Burl Penson, 67, died March 9, 2005. He was a retired pressman for Consolidated Printing. He attended Kibler Baptist Church, and served in the Army Reserves. Survivors include his wife, Jeanette; a daughter, Michele Vaught of Kibler; and two brothers, Floyd Penson of Alma and Don Penson of Van Buren. Services were held at Kibler Baptist Church. Burial was at Gill Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Izeah Peoples, Sr., 68, died February 11, 2008. He was born July 1, 1939 to James Bates and Emma Jean Peoples. He retired from Georgia Pacific Forestry Division, and attended the First Baptist Church on Florida St. He was a native of Collinston, LA, but had lived in Crossett for 36 years. He is survived by three daughters, Sandra Louise Peoples of Mer Rouge, LA, and Juanita Peoples and Ruby Peoples Miles, both of Bastrop, LA; two sons, Izeah Peoples, Jr. and Tyrone Peoples, both of Crossett; four sisters, Linda Brandon of Collinston, LA, Betty Tate of Atlanta, GA, and Sharon Thompson and Beatrice Voskuil, both of Bastrop, LA; 14 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Dr. Roosevelt Peoples and Quinnon Edwards Peoples. Services were held at New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Westview Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home.
BEE BRANCH, ARKANSAS: Leo V. Peralta, 77, died March 28, 2005. He was born April 22, 1927 to the late Bonifacio F. Peralta and Bethsabe Villavicencio Peralta. He was a retired machinist in the aerospace industry, and was of the Catholic faith. He is survived by his wife, Ramona Peralta of San Diego; three daughters, Doris Ennis of Bee Branch, Celia Alaniz of San Diego, and Angelia Hernandez of Chula Vista, CA; four sons, Leo Peralta, Jessie Vanegas, Martin Peralta and Rafael Daniel, all of San Diego; a sister, Dora Tousseau; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Interment was at Blackwell Cemetery under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ruth Pye Peresta, 90, died November 28, 2007. She was born March 4, 1917 in Little Rock to George P. and Hattie May Heilman Pye. She retired from the Arkansas Department of Human Services, and was a volunteer for the American Cancer Society and the Stewpot Ministry. She was a member and elder of Westminster Presbyterian Church. She is survived by two sons, James Michael Peresta of Bryant, and William John Peresta (Nancy) of Middletown, RI; a brother, Glen Pye (Ruth) of Pine Bluff; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Peresta. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery under the direction of Little Rock Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Sammy Perkins, 49, died August 7, 2007. He was the son of the late Willie Perkins, Sr. and Alice Perkins. He was a construction worker, and attended Trinity Grove Baptist Church. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Survivors include two daughters, LaVonda Perkins and Sammy LaVern Perkins, both of North Little Rock; four brothers, Willie Perkins, Jr., Roy Lee Perkins, John Wesley Perkins, and Dennis Perkins all of Maumelle; five sisters, Christene Grant of Mayflower, Catherine McCuien of North Little Rock; Ruth Collins and Mary Moore both of Maumelle, and Jeraldene Joyner North Little Rock; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mae Helen Perkins. Services were held at the chapel of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home. Interment was at Perkins Cemetery.
WITTER, ARKANSAS: Sandra Jeane Perrero, 65, died March 31, 2006. She was born March 15, 1941 to Paul Edward and Pauline Massey Cox. She was a homemaker and a Jehovah's Witness. She was co-founder of the Madison County Rock Hounders, and enjoyed flower gardening. She is survived by her husband, James E. Perrero; two sons, Billy Joe Walden of Hindsville and Anthony Perrero of Pell City, AL; two daughters and sons-in-law, Teresa Chard and Craig Chard-Hickman of Wesley, and Christina and Johnny Gragg of Witter; a sister, Linda McCollough of Hindsville; 9 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Shirley Marie Walden. Services were held at the Huntsville Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses with Ray Grimm officiating. Cremation arrangements were handled by Brashears Funeral Home.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Roy Perrin, 45, passed away on April 14, 1941. He was born on February 22, 1896 in Imboden, the son of John Perrin. Burial was at Fairview Cemetery with arrangements by Johnson Funeral Home.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Walter Benjamin Perritt, 81, died October 28, 2006. He was born December 25, 1924 to Basil B. and Ethel Williams Perritt. He was a welder. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by two sons, Ken Perritt and his wife, Lola, of Little Rock and Freddie Perritt and his wife, Kelly, of Gillett; four brothers, Leon Perritt of Gillett, Junior Perritt of Monroe, LA, George Perritt of Almyra and Alfred Per-ritt of Louisiana; a sister, Daisy McGill of Louisiana; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Doris Perritt; and his parents. Burial was at the Gillett Cemetery under the direction of Essex Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Emma Matilda Perry, 76, died January 11, 2006 at Delta Memorial Hospital. She was born January 19, 1929 in Union Church, MS to the late Robert and Cora Bailey. She was a member of Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by seven daughters, Cora J. Jones of Mitchellville, Lillie Davis of McGehee, Lenell Smiley of Warren, and Lucy Harris, Lenora Cook, Mary E. Houston, and Christine Jackson, all of Dumas; six sons, Harold L. Perry and James Smiley, both of Dumas, Ira L. Smiley of Fort Bennett, GA, and John L. Smiley, Jerry Smiley, and Thomas Smiley, all of Crystal Springs, MS; a sister, Bernice Washington of Union Church; two brothers, Roosevelt Harris and Johnny Haris, both of Chicago; 36 grandchildren; 47 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at St. Paul Cemetery in Pickens with arrangements by Serenity Gardens Funeral Service. Note: One record lists her middle initial as A.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Fama J. Perry, 87, died January 9, 2002 in Fayetteville. She was born September 28, 1914 in Westville, OK to William and Nina Sellars Jones. She was co-founder of Perry's Jewelry in Fayetteville. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Mayflower Society, and the Springdale United Methodist Church. She is survived by a son, Robert H. Perry of Fayetteville; two brothers, Richard Jones of Muskogee, OK and Joel Jones of Claremore, OK; 2 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at Bluff Cemetery by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Gary Perry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Perry, died September 30, 1946 at a Little Rock hospital. He was survived by his parents; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Houston Schultz. Interment was at Cadron Valley Cemetery under the direction of Griffin-Leggett Funeral Home.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Gertrude Ellen Perry, 95, died September 15, 2004 at Greene Acres Nursing Home. She was born June 11, 1909 in Clarksville. She was a member of West Light Church of Christ. There were no surviving immediate family members. She was preceded in death by her husband, Webb Perry. Burial was at Center Hill Cemetery under the direction of Heath Funeral Home.
MONTROSE, ARKANSAS: Jewel Mae Perry, 67, died September 21, 2000. She was a homemaker, and attended Bayou Mason Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Thomas Perry of Montrose; two daughters, Darlene Cupit of Boydell and LaDonna Mixon of Jerome; and 3 grandchildren. Services were held at Bayou Mason Baptist Church with Rev. Tom Christmas officiating. Burial was at Bayou Mason Cemetery with arrangements by Bishop Funeral Home
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Johnny Charles Perry died January 4, 2011. He was born November 6, 1938 in Arkadelphia to Pete Eason Perry and Pearl Johnson. He worked as a janitor at Arkadelphia Beauty College, and formerly worked at Coast to Coast. He attended Gennesaret Baptist Church. He is survived by a sister, Melissa Holliman of Arkadelphia; his cousins; his nieces and nephews; and his friends, including a special friend, Betty Giles of Arkadelphia. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sammie Perry; his parents; and several siblings. Services were held at Gennesaret Baptist Church. Interment was at Piney Grove Cemetery under the direction of Williams Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Lemuel L. Perry, 80, died November 13, 1979. He was a retired carpenter, a veteran of World War I, and a Methodist. He is survived by his wife, Alice DuBose Perry. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Cabot Funeral Home.
WILSON, ARKANSAS: Mary Smith Perry, 80, died February 2, 2009. She was born December 2, 1928 to the late Ballard Lee Smith and Rosa Belle Dixon. She is survived by a daughter, Patricia Perry Wilson; her sisters, Dorothy Osborne of Belton, SC, and Ann Sheffer of St. Augustine, FL; and grandchildren, Perry Lee Wilson of Little Rock, and Natalie Brownlow of Memphis. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Lee Perry. Interment was at Rivercrest Gardens at Marie with arrangements handled by Wilson's Osceola Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Tessie Ann Austin Perry, 81, passed away on December 30, 2005. She was born October 30, 1924 to the late Earl H. and Lou Ella Austin. Among the survivors are her husband, Gerald Perry; a brother, J.W. "Chick" Austin; and a sister, Mary Lou Sharp. Services were held at the Ashby Funeral Home chapel with Rev. Dennis Gage officiating. Burial was at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Alexander, AR.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Cina Perryman, 66, died November 3, 1973. She was born October 16, 1907 to Charles and Katie Kerney Brown. She attended Caudle Avenue Baptist Church. She was survived by her husband, Willie Perryman; three daughters, Maxine Mello, Willa Dee Simco and Dovie Perryman; two stepdaughters, Betty Sorg and Ann Bales; three brothers, Hial Brown, Marvin Brown, and Fred Brown; three sisters, Mrs. Don Anderson, Mrs. Clarence Beasley, and Mrs. Fred Hinds; 9 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Forest Park Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Home.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Cornelia Bell Person, 92, died August 29, 2003. She was born October 13, 1910 to the late Joseph Franklin Person and Cornelia Summerford Person. She attended Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church. There are no immediate survivors. She was preceded in death by three sisters, Nora Ellen Person Carmon White, Ollie Lee "Doats" Person Noble, and Ora Lee Person; and three brothers, James Franklin "Tot" Person, Robert Lee Person, and Joe Henry "Bud" Person. Interment was at Butler-Pleasant Hill Cemetery near Star City with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Service.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Bonita Ann "Bonnie" Pertuis, 67, died April 13, 2009. She was born September 25, 1941 to the late Merell Summitt and Mamie Marie Carpenter Summitt. She was a member of Monticello Christian Church. She is survived by a son, James Mason Petruis, Jr. and wife Debe of Star City; two daughters, Brenda Cheryl Stafford of Hamburg, and Melissa Victoria Pertuis of Monticello; a brother, Billy Ray Summitt of Rohwer; two sisters, Judith Karen Fordyce of Mountain Home and Kathy Lynn Lugo of Star City; 14 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Mason Petriuis, Sr. Services were held at Dark Corner Church. Burial was at Dark Corner Cemetery under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Barbara Burnett Peters died June 18, 2007. She was born July 31, 1944 to the late John L. Peters and Alice Dudley Peters. She attended Stephens College in Columbia, MO, and earned a Master's degree from the University of Arkansas. She was a longtime member of the First United Methodist Church. She was an editor and writer for the Hot Springs Weekly newspaper, as well as an English instructor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Garland County Community College, and Pulaski Technical College. She is survived by many cousins, including George Watson of Kansas City, MO, David Dudley of Dublin, OH, Carol Kyte Clay of Elaine, AR, and Victoria Reece of Little Rock. Services were held at First United Methodist Church with Rev. Dr. Michael Mattox officiating. Arrangements were handled by Little Rock Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Genevia Beavers Peters, 77, died March 18, 2000. She was born September 18, 1922 to Bert Beavers, Sr. and Ida Wells Beavers. She was a member of the International House of Prayer. Among the survivors are five sons, Alvin Peters of Pine Bluff, Isaac Peters, Jr., George Peters, Willie Peters and Harold Peters, all of Lansing, MI; three daughters, Gloria Peters of Pine Bluff, Hildred Purnell of Lansing and Alma Hayes of Pine Bluff; a brother, Bert Beavers, Jr. of Pine Bluff; six sisters, Marcella Wells of Hopkins, MN, Dorothy Currington of Chicago, Fraulein Taylor, Dorothy Mitchell, Bobbie Deshazier and Carolyn Walker, all of Pine Bluff; 28 grandchildren; 37 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Brown Funeral Home in Pine Bluff with Elder Henry Hellums officiating. Interment was at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens.
PORTLAND, ARKANSAS: Hertha Peters, 64, died March 5, 2009. She was a Baptist. Survivors include her husband, Excell Peters; three brothers, Duncan Wade of Little Rock, Cesley Barnes of Flint, MI, and Lamon Barnes of Milwaukee, WI; three sisters, Olere Hughes and Georgia Johnson, both of Little Rock, and Bertha Wade of Milwaukee; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Monroe Barnes and Cora Williams; a brother, James Curtis "J.C." Wade; and two sisters, Sophia Barnes and Robizene Holmes. Services were held at Portland #2 Baptist Church with Rev. Eugene Mitchell officiating. Burial was at Portland #2 Cemetery by Cromwell Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: William Franklin "Bill" Peters, 83, died November 28, 1983. He was born October 3, 1900. He was a conservationist, and a Presbyterian. Survivors include his wife, Lena Peters; a daughter, Helen McManus of Camden; a sister, Daisy Wood of Cabot; 3 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Cabot Funeral Home. Burial was at Bayou Meto Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Altina C. Peterson, 83, died June 4, 2002. She was born December 14, 1918 to the late Willie and Lilia Williams. She is survived by a son, Tyrone Peterson of Houston; a brother, Rev. Joe T. Williams of Milwaukee; a sister, Mable Stricklin of Pine Bluff; 3 grandchildren; and a great-great grandson. Services were held at Perry Funeral Home with Rev. Joe T. Williams officiating. Burial followed at P.K. Miller Cemetery.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Nellie M. Peterson, 76, died January 1, 2002 at Crestpark of Stuttgart. She was born April 24, 1925 in St. Charles. She was a retired beautician for over 50 years, and a Stanley Home Product dealer for 26 years. She was a Baptist, and a member of the VFW Ladies' Auxiliary. She is survived by two sons, Dennis P. Peterson (Brenda) and Norvell O. Peterson, Jr. (Gurthia), all of Stuttgart; a brother, Charles Fread (Shirley) of DeWitt; 4 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Norvell O. Peterson, Sr.; a sister, Mattie Jones; and four brothers, Gilbert Fread, Homer Fread, L.M. Fread and J.H. Fread. Services were held at St. Charles Baptist Church. Interment was at St. Charles Cemetery with arrangements by Turpin Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Odessa Rogers Peterson, 82, died April 8, 2009. She was born October 5, 1926 to the late Robert "Buster" and Edith Inness Rogers. She is survived by her husband of 62 years, Aubrey Peterson; a daughter and son-in-law, Freeda and Bill Bailey of Pocahontas; a son and daughter-in-law, Roger and Cinna Peterson of Cabot; 4 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; a sister, Berniece Stockwell of Pocahontas; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Burial was at Janes Cemetery in Ravenden Springs with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
SCOTT, ARKANSAS: Montina Petray, 81, died October 5, 2006. Survivors include two sons, George Petray (Peggy) of Maumelle, and William J. Petray, Jr. (Ann) of New York; a sister, Ollie Mae Teer of Star City; 4 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Toltec Baptist Church. Interment was at the Keo Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Don Pettibone died February 5, 1943. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Robert Lee "Bob" Pettit, 62, died April 26, 2006 at his home. He was born November 4, 1943 in Fayetteville to Ruben and Florence Anderson Pettit. He was a business owner, and had served in the U.S. Army Reserve. He is survived by Cheryl Pettit of the home; a daughter, Kimberly Sisco Brace of Little Flock; a stepdaughter, Becky Taylor of Fayetteville; 2 grandchildren; and 3 step-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Sue Parker Pettit. Burial was at Antioch Cemetery near Morrow under the direction of Beard's Funeral Chapel.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Jesse Lee Gaines Petty, 60, died August 9, 2008. He was born July 8, 1948 to Rosetta Anderson Gaines and the late Albert Gaines, Sr. He is survived by his wife, Jamella Brown Petty; nine brothers; five sisters; his mother; 2 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at Greater St. Paul Baptist Church. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery under the direction of Carrigan-Sanders Memorial Funeral Services.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Juanita Zadie Petty, 71, died April 29, 1999. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by four daughters, Judy Petty of Steele, MO, Annie Paddock of Golden, MO, Ruby Hiser of Searcy, and Annette Ward of Manila; six sons, Gerald Petty of Jonesboro, and Ricky Petty, Johnny Petty, Donny Petty, Robert Arlen Petty, and Gary Petty, all of Manila; two sisters, Margie Knowlton of Manila and Virgie Patterson of Benton; two brothers, R.G. Knowlton of Manila and Leroy Knowlton of St. Charles, MO; 27 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and a special friend, Gene Palmer of Manila. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hobert Petty. Burial was at Manila Cemetery under the direction of Howard Funeral Service.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Shirley Peve, 86, died January 20, 2007. She is survived by two daughters, Diana Robinson and Lila Carr; four sons, Richard, Alvey, Larry and Aruther Peve; a sister, Carol French; 18 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband; a son; three sisters; a brother; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Randolph Memorial Gardens with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home of Pocahontas, AR.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Leland Pfau, 76, died January 5, 1970. He was born March 22, 1892 to George and Mary Pfau. He was a veteran of World War I. He is survived by a brother, George. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home. Note: One record gives his date of birth as April 7, 1893 and his middle initial as L. But another record lists his middle initial as R.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Raida Louise Cohn Pfeifer, 91, died March 13, 2001. She was a graduate of Dana Hall School in Wellesley, MA, and also a graduate of Vassar College. She was a founding member of Planned Parenthood of Arkansas, board member emeritus of The Arkansas Arts Center, and was active with many Little Rock area civic and cultural organizations. She is survived by one son, Don Pfeifer and his wife Nancy of Little Rock; two daughters Cusie Pfeifer of Accord, NY and Susan Pfeifer of Little Rock; 7 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry W. Pfeifer, Jr.; and a sister, Miriam Phillips. Donations may be made to the Arkansas Arts Center, the Raida Pfeifer Art Fund at the Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging, or a charity of choice. A memorial service was held at the Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging. Funeral arrangements were handled by Ruebel Funeral Home.
BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Martha Adeline Morrison Phagan, 90, died February 17, 1920. She was born February 9, 1830 to Andrew and Jane Morrison. She was of the Methodist faith. She had four children, John Carson Phagan, Mrs. Ella Jay Wilson, Mrs. Ada Bruce Clegg, and James R. Phagan. She was preceded in death by her husband, John W. Phagan. Burial was at Phagan Cemetery.
KINGSTON, ARKANSAS: Katie Pharris died January 30, 1909. She was born December 17, 1902 to Sam and Sally Pharris. Burial was at Bolinger Cemetery.
DARDANELLE, ARKANSAS: George Pheifer (Pfeifer in some records) was killed in action in World War II on April 15, 1945. He died in the Phillipines. He was released from military service in 1941 and worked as a farmer, but was called back to active duty following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He was survived by a five-year-old son; five brothers, Jim, Henry, Charles, Joe, and Tommy Pheifer; and a sister, Mrs. Joe Bohoe. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Dardanelle with Rev. J.O. Russell presiding. Burial with military honors was at Brearley Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Cornwell Funeral Home.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Gary Phelan, 60, died September 20, 2008. He was at teacher for the Corning Public Schools, and was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He attended St. Joseph Catholic Church. He is survived by two nephews, Scott Sharpe of Paragould and Gary Don Sharpe of Corning; two nieces, Jeri Lynn Swann of Piggott and Cindy Frans of Jonesboro; and a brother-in-law, Jerry Sharpe of Corning. He was preceded in death by his parents, Lon and Mary Ann Phelan; and a sister, Sally Sharpe. Burial was at Corning Cemetery with arrangements by Ermert Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Odell Phetteplace died September 3, 1945. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and served in the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
GURDON, ARKANSAS: Perlena Phifer, 91, passed away February 7, 2003. She was born June 28, 1911 to the late Tom and Mariah Anderson. She was a homemaker, and attended Piney Ridge AME Church. Survivors include two sons, Tom Phifer of Dallas, Texas, and Roy Phifer of Gurdon; four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Interment was at Piney Ridge Cemetery with Rev. Alex Winfrey officiating. Arrangements were handled by Mitchell Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Abe Phillips, 64, died August 17, 1975. He was born October 18, 1907 to John and Clem Ogden Phillips. He attended the Church of Christ. He was survived by his wife, Era Ball Phillips; two daughters, Juanita Jackson and Lorita Samples; four sisters, Mrs. Willie Hoskins, Mrs. Cora Bryant, Mrs. Ena Shrum, and Mrs. Grave Watkins; 4 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Kenneth Phillips. Burial was at Ledbetter Cemetery with arrangements by Brashears Funeral Home.
DEER, ARKANSAS: Charles Kenneth Phillips, 54, died August 6, 1986. He was born February 3, 1932 to Loy and Vesta Kilgore Phillips. He was a lineman for Tri-County Telephone Company, and a veteran of the Korean War. He is survived by his wife, Elene Snow Phillips; two sons, Charles Douglas and Marc T. Phillips, both of Deer; a daughter, Lisa Ann Calahan of Deer; a brother, Lex Phillips; and his mother. He was preceded in death by his father. Services were held at Wayton United Baptist Church. Burial was at Snow Cemetery at Wayton by Christeson Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Ethel Louise Grant Phillips, 25, died April 3, 1944. She was born December 15, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Grant. She was survived by her husband; a son; her father; three sisters; and four brothers. Burial was at Prairie Grove Cemetery.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Rev. Helen Phillips, 80, died November 8, 2005 at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville. She was born February 16, 1925 in Prairie Grove, AR to William Eldon and Julia Eveline Phillips Lacey. She was a longtime minister, and attended Christ's Church in Fayetteville. Survivors include a stepson, Gene Phillips of Elkins; a brother, Jerry Lee Vickery of Prairie Grove; five sisters, Carma Lorenz of Fayetteville, Geneva Zinor and Mary Lena Phillips, both of Farmington, and Lorita Ward and Mary Jo Mantel, both of Sallisaw, OK; a granddaughter; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Homer Cecil Phillips; a son, Johnny Lee Pickard; and a daughter, Julia Melinda. Services were held at White Rock Light of Faith Church in Fayetteville. Interment was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Homer Cecil Phillips died December 12, 1985. He retired from the Fayetteville Schools, where he worked in bus maintenance. He was a lifetime resident of Northwest Arkansas, and a longtime member of the Pentecostal Temple. Survivors include his wife, Helen Lacey Phillips; a son and daughter-in-law, Gene and Linda Phillips; a granddaughter; a great-granddaughter; a brother, John Alvin Phillips; and two sisters, Ida Phillips Gabbard and Thelma Phillips Vaughn. Interment was at Prairie Grove Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Larry Phillips, age 4 years, died July 12, 1966. He was born November 6, 1962 to Carl and Zelda Pergeson Phillips. He is survived by his parents; four brothers, Melton Ray Phillips, Roy Lee Phillips, Dale Phillips, and Leon Phillips; two sisters, Karen Sue Phillips and Opal May Phillips; his parternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earney Phillips; and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Chris Pergeson. Services were held at the Prairie Grove Church of God. Interment was at Freedom Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Shirley May Phillips, 66, died April 24, 2006. She was a homemaker. She was a member of the VFW Ladies' Auxiliary and the Order of the Eastern Star. Graveside services were held at Jackson Cemetery in Ozark with arrangements handled by Shaffer Funeral Home.
TRASKWOOD, ARKANSAS: Wilburn L. Phillips, 71, died September 26, 2005. He was a retired postal worker.
He was born January 3, 1934 to the late Wilburn and Jennie Phillips. He was a U.S. Navy veteran and attended Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Benton, AR. Surviving are his wife Carmela Phillips, Traskwood; son David Phillips and wife Rayne, Benton; daughter Jennifer Ferrell and husband Jeff, Traskwood; brother Wayne Phillips, Bentonville; sisters Linda Baldwin and Carolyn Hicks, both of Austin; eight grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Linda Eubanks and Debbie Phillips.
Services were held at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, with Fr. Michael Bass officiating. Interment was at Oak Grove Cemetery in Austin.
TONTITOWN, ARKANSAS: Louis Leonard Pianalto, 51, died August 13, 1975. He was born May 24, 1924 to Joseph and Annie Ciganero Pianalto. He worked for Jones Truck Line, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was survived by his wife, Helene Fucci Pianalto; three sons, Mike Pianalto, Robert Pianalto, and Sam Pianalto; a daughter, Kathy Miller; three brothers, Gile Pianalto, Pete Pianalto, and Philip Pianalto; three sisters, Mary Fucci, Matilda Thuerua, and Josephine Pianalto; and a grandchild. Burial was at St. Joseph Cemetery in Tontitown, AR under the direction of Sisco Funeral Home.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Nestor Ernest "Pic" Picard, 97, died June 26, 2007. He was born February 14, 1910. Survivors include his wife, Gertrude Picard; a son, Timothy Picard of Bentonville; and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; four brothers; and two sisters. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville with military honors provided by Bella Vista VFW Post #9063. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Ernest Pierce, 36, died in September of 1945. He was a truck driver. He was survived by several children. Funeral arrangements were handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Franklin Pierce 73, died December 1, 2006. He was born August 17, 1933 to Basil N. Pierce and Hazel Thompson Pierce. He was a retired U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. He was also director of the Long Term Care office for D.H.S. and was director of special investigations for medical fraud and abuse. He attended The Church at Pinnacle Hills in Rogers, AR. He was a member and past commander of Bella Vista VFW Post # 9063. Survivors include his wife, Regina Pierce; four daughters, Amanda Pierce of Little Rock, AR, Kari Friend of Fredonia, KS, Toni Hale of Austin, TX and Victoria Pierce of Austin, TX; a son, Dallas Pierce of Sherwood, AR; 5 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; three brothers, Joe Pierce of West Memphis, AR, John Pierce of Clarksville, AR and James Pierce of Lafayette, IN; a sister, Colleen Cook of Russellville, AR; 3 sisters-in-law, Freda Pierce of Jacksonville, AR, Bea Pierce of Joiner, AR and Dorothy Pierce of Little Rock, AR. He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister; and 5 brothers. Services were held at The Church at Pinnacle Hills with Rev. Bob Ryan and Rev. Drew Tucker officiating. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery with honors by Bella Vista VFW Post #9063. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
CENTERTON, ARKANSAS: Isaac Pierce died March 19, 1908. He was born February 22, 1850. He was survived by his wife; and by a sister. Interment was at the Bentonville Cemetery.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Minnie Lee Pierce, 78, died June 12, 2003 at a local hospital. She was born November 18, 1924 in Avery, TX. She retired from K-Mart, and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by three sons and two daughters-in-law, Sidney and Linda Pierce of Diana, TX, and Johnny Pierce and Billy and Donita Pierce of Texarkana, AR; a sister, Dorothy Gilder of Rogers, TX; a brother, A.J. Fowler of Wolfforth, TX; 9 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Sidney Pierce. Interment was at Chapelwood Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Chapelwood Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Homer Pifer, 66, died August 27, 2007. He was born October 1, 1940 to the late Ed and Isabella Pinkerton Pifer. He was a retired overland truck driver, and was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He is survived by two daughters, Vickie Pifer of Washington and Vickie Pifer of Rison; and a brother, Russell Pifer of Little Rock. He was preceded in death by a son, Mark Edward Pifer. Services were held at Welch Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Shelia C. Pifer, 56, died October 12, 2006. She was born March 27, 1950 to Mark and Opal Carson Foster. Survivors include her husband, Grover Pifer; two daughters, Wanda Donahue and Regina Harden, both of Little Rock; and 4 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a son, Steven. Services were held at Shady Oaks Miracle Church. Burial was at Woods Cemetery with arrangements by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Clifton Pigg, 82, died July 3, 2009. He was born September 1, 1926 to the late Garfield and Georgia Vaden Pigg. He retired from Reynolds Metal Company. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and a member of the American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Annie Burks Pigg; two daughters, Clarice Brown of Lansing, MI and Barbara Hawthorne of Arkadelphia; a sister, Rannie Ross of Pine Bluff; 4 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by five sisters; and a grandchild. Interment was at Rest Haven Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Welch Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Eva Lee Primm Pigg, 84, died May 13, 1997 at her residence. She was born June 9, 1912. She was a member of Block Holiness Pentecostal Church. She is survived by three daughters, Helen Shelly, Faye Huff and Minnie McCormick, all of Van Buren; a son, Bobby Joe Russell of Eudora; a brother, Chester Williams of Eudora; a sister, Clemmie Horn of Van Buren; 11 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Hixon Cemetery with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jeff Pigg, 78, died March 19, 1992. He was born January 3, 1914 to Samuel and Elsie Fox Pigg. He retired from Frisco Railroad, and also worked in a golf pro shop. He was a Mason, and attended Bella Vista Baptist Church. He is survived by three daughters, Doris Welch, Norma Guild, and Barbara Miller; 6 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Benton County Memorial Park by Callison-Lough Funeral Home.
FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Doyle Ray Pike was born and died April 18, 1923. He was the son of Henry and Addie Pike. Burial was at Mortar Creek Cemetery.
LEPANTO, ARKANSAS: Johnnie Lou Pike, 68, died January 23, 2009. She was born January 23, 1941 to Johnny Guy Nash and Lucille Carson Nash. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Eddie Pike; a son, Voy (Stephanie) Gillentine, Jr. of Jonesboro; her mother; two brothers, Stanley Nash of Madira, CA, and Ronnie Nash of Osceola; 4 grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father; a sister, Dianne Warren; and a brother, Gary Nash. Burial was at Potter's Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
MARVELL, ARKANSAS: Funeral services for Rosie Pike, 86, were held November 30, 2002 at Branch Baptist Church in Holly Grove. Interment was at Branch Cemetery.
Survivors include two daughters, Christiebell Wilson of Marvell, and Verlene Ellington of Little Rock; a sister, Etter Lee Bailey of Little Rock; a brother, Elmon Frazier of Chicago, IL; 19 grandchildren; 43 great-grandchildren; and 12 great-great-grandchildren. Arrangements were entrusted to Progressive Funeral Home.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Eldon Pilcher, 61, died on December 31, 2001. He was born March 2, 1940 to the late Clyde W. and Hazel W. Gregory Pilcher. He was a bricklayer and a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at Caddo Valley. Among the survivors are his wife, Emogene Swayze Pilcher; three sons, David Pilcher of Oklahoma, Darrell Pilcher of Pine Bluff and Donald Ray Pilcher of Malvern; a daughter, Donna Pilcher of Malvern; four sisters, LaVena Lake, Yvonne Pilcher and Ann Tucker of Malvern and Nancy Wilson of Glenwood; a brother, Rickie Pilcher of Hot Springs; and a grandson. Services were held at the Regency Funeral Home chapel in Malvern with Virgil Martin officiating. Interment was at the Prairie Bayou Cemetery.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Hazel Pilcher, 84, died August 28, 2001. She was born December 10, 1916 to the late George Alexander and Liza Prince Gregory. She was a homemaker. She attended the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at Caddo Valley. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clyde W. Pilcher, and by a son, Leon Pilcher. Among the survivors are two sons, Eldon Pilcher of Malvern and Rickie Pilcher of Hot Springs; four daughters, LaVena Lake, Yvonne Pilcher and Ann Tucker of Malvern and Nancy Wilson of Glenwood; three sisters, Dorothy Stone and Faye Hasley of Malvern and Ruby Cate of Glenwood; 19 grandchildren; and numerous great-grandchildren. Services were held at the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at Caddo Valley with Virgil Martin officiating. Interment was at Prairie Bayou Cemetery near Bismarck with arrangements by Regency Funeral Home of Malvern, AR.
MANSFIELD, ARKANSAS: Wilma Caudle Piles died August 12, 2006. She was a member of the Fort Smith Primitive Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Linda Piles Godwin; a sister, Mayme Caudle of Alpharetta, GA; 4 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ray Piles; and a daughter, Judy Piles Jacobs. Interment was at Union Ridge Cemetery in Mansfield with arrangements by McConnell Funeral Home of Greenwood, AR.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Cecil N. Pill, 72, died June 18, 2009. He was born November 14, 1936 to O.C. Pill and Cordia Easterling Pill. He was a draftsman for Ram Fab. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, was a Baptist, and was a U.S. Air Force veteran of the Korean Conflict. He is survived by a stepson, D.J. Hargett and wife Kelly of El Dorado; two stepdaughters, Crystal Rapp and husband Drew of El Dorado, and Laura Benson of Gautier, MS; a brother, Bob Pill of Crossett; 7 grandchildren; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Randy Carolyn Fike Pill; his parents; and a brother, W.T. "Ted" Pill. Arrangements were handled by Young's Funeral Home.
GREENWAY, ARKANSAS: Joyce Adavee Pillow, 61, passed away January 18, 2004. She was born May 23, 1942 to the late Odis Cleo and Edna Nixon Gilbee. Survivors include her husband, James S. Pillow; two daughters, Maria Barner and husband Terry of Lafe, and Karen Stender and husband Thomas of Greenway; a son, Shannon Pillow and Mary of Greenway; 2 grandchildren; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Marvin Gilbee and wife Mary of Overland, MO, and Odis Gilbee and wife Norma of Rector; and other relatives and friends. Services were held with George Haygood officiating. Interment was at Mitchell Cemetery in Greenway with arrangements by Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home of Piggott, AR.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Rosie Lee Pillow, 86, died August 3, 2007. She was born June 6, 1921 to Johnny Scaife and Rosie Smith. She was a homemaker, and enjoyed gardening. She attended New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church, where she served on the mother board, and also served on the usher board at Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church. She enjoyed gardening. Survivors include two daughters, Rosie Williams and husband Johnny of Russellville, and Seclester Robinson and husband Theodus of Conway; two sons, Tony Pillow and wife Marilyn of Russellville and Elmer Pillow of Conway; 17 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Dove Anna Henderson of St. Louis, MO, and Francis Barrett of Helena; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ruben Pillow; her parents; a son, Calvin Barrett; a brother, Andrew Scaife; 2 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at New Prospect Baptist Church with Rev. Alex D. Bray and Rev. Tom Scott officiating. Burial was at Rest Haven Memorial Park in Russellville under the direction of Humphrey Funeral Service.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Alexander William "Alex" Pillstrom, 56, died September 11, 2005. He was born January 5, 1949 to Irene Marie Roberts and Lawrence Gene Pillstrom. He worked for Scott Paper Company in Rogers. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and was interested in archeology. He attended Southside Church Of Christ in Rogers. Survivors include his wife of 37 years, Amanda Pillstrom; three sons, Stephen Pillstrom and his wife Dawna of Rogers, Scott Pillstrom and his wife, Kristi of Rogers, Brent Pillstrom and his wife Stephanie of Lowell, AR; his mother, Irene Marie Benton of Rogers; a brother, Larry Pillstrom of Rogers; four sisters, Susan Douthit of Rogers, Lisa Gibson and her husband Larry, of Rogers, Renee Barber of Bella Vista, AR, Regina Hutchison and her husband Tim of Florida; a half-brother, Tony Pillstrom, a half-sister, Carmen Geoates; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Lawrence Gene Pillstrom. Services were held at Southside Church Of Christ with Rev. Jackie Chesnutt officiating. Arrangements were handled by Stockdale Funeral Services of Rogers, AR.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Carrie Sawrey Pinkerton died August 28, 1913. She was born December 23, 1880 to Mr. and Mrs. Brown Sawrey, and had two sisters. She was the wife of George C. Pinkerton. Interment was at the family cemetery in Hebron, AR.
NASHVILLE, ARKANSAS: George A. Pinkerton, 96, died January 19, 2002 in Nashville. He was born January 7, 1906 in Umpire, AR. He was a farmer, and attended the Free Holiness Church in Umpire. He is survived by his wife, Grace Sharp Pinkerton; a daughter, Lois Dalrymple; two sons and daughters-in-law, Sherald and Patricia Pinkerton, and Gerald and Shirley Pinkerton; 3 grandsons; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Bissell Chapel Church. Interment was at Bissell Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Nashville Funeral Home.
SULPHUR SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Bertha Elizabeth Green Pinkston, 91, died on July 17, 2004. She was born August 16, 1912 to James Green and Minnie Hennessee Green. She and her husband operated a family farm. After retirement, she became a champion bowler, winning tournaments around the country. She was predeceased by her husband of 66 years, Ted Pinkston; five sisters, Maggie Simmons, May Simmons, Deam Ballard, Elsie Lemay and Christina Clark; and three brothers, Buster Green, George Green and Jack Green. Survivors include six daughters, Gail Heird of Dallas, Texas, Barbara Davis of Pine Bluff, Carla Childs of Roseville, California, Bertha Marie Cooper of Pine Bluff, Lacene Cummings of White Hall, and Betty Harrell of Dale City, Virginia; a son, Carthel Pinkston of Van Buren, Arkansas; one brother, Paul Green of San Jose, California; 21 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Home, with the Rev. Tony Lawhon officiating. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery.
STAMPS, ARKANSAS: Myrtle Pinkston, 93, died January 19, 2005. She was born December 19, 1911. She attended Calvary Baptist Church in Stamps for over 50 years. Survivors include one son, Charles (Buddy) Pinkston of Port Allen, LA; two daughters, Barbara Minter of Nash, TX and Edith McMaster of Arkadelphia, AR; a brother, J.B. Romack of Bossier City, LA; 9 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 8 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Claude Pinkston; two grandsons, Jay Sutton and Billy Sutton; and a great-grandchild, Christopher J. Sutton. Burial was at Lakeside Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home.
BRYANT, ARKANSAS: Garland D. Pinnell, 86, died September 25, 2003. He was born August 19, 1915 in Corbin, TX to Horace and Rellia Pinnell. He had worked at Alcoa for 17 years, and operated Pinnell Tile Yard. He later moved to Bryant, where he and his wife opened the town's first hardware store. He also operated the Pinnell Mobile Home Park. He served with the Civil Air Patrol during World War II. He was a member of the First Southern Baptist Church of Bryant. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Bauxite Masonic Lodge. Survivors include his wife of 65 years, Pauline Fowler Pinnell; a daughter, Garlene Spatt of Valrico, FL; a sister, Rita Moore; 2 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First Southern Baptist Church of Bryant. Interment was at Fairplay Cemetery.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Adolph J. Pintar, 89, died December 15, 2001. He was a member of St. Jude's Catholic Church. Survivors include a daughter, Helen Fowler of Jacksonville; a son, Norman J. Ballo of Charleston, S.C.; four grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. A funeral Mass was held at St. Jude's Catholic Church, followed by burial at Roselawn Memorial Park. Arrangements were handled by Griffin Leggett Rest Hills Funeral Home.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Winster Ellis Pipes, 69, died November 12, 2009. He was born April 11, 1940 to the late James Willie Pipes and Lois Loree Dalton Pipes.
He worked for Burlington Industries for 30 years, and also retired from Selma Hardwood Flooring. He was a member of the Arkansas National Guard, and attended Shady Grove Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Geneva Temple Pipes; a daughter, Dana Marie Pipes Martin and husband Ricky of Star City; two sons, Jesse Lee Pipes and fiance Amanda West of Monticello, and David Wolfe of Pine Bluff; and 2 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Jerry Pipes. Interment was at McFarland Cemetery under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Rosie Lee Pippinger, 101, died June 11, 2001. Burial was at Ballews Chapel Cemetery with Rev. Hoover Lewis officiating. Arrangements were handled by Langford Funeral Service of Jonesboro, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Charity Mae Pippins, 84, died January 31, 2009. Survivors include a daughter, Elizabeth Tillman; two sisters, Mattie B. Frazier and Ella Mae Davis; a brother, Hiwatha Pugh; 20 grandchildren, including a granddaughter she raised, Charity Jones; and 24 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Pippins; and her parents, Andrew and Pearlie Pugh. Services were held at Rose Hill Baptist Church in Pine Bluff. Arrangements were handled by Robinson Mortuary.
HORSESHOE BEND, ARKANSAS: Helen Viola Pirsig, 91, died December 19, 2002. She was a longtime employee of the Chrysler Corporation, and was a charter member of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. There were no immediate survivors. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter Pirsig; her parents; a brother; and seven sisters. Services were held at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church with Rev. David Tews officiating. Burial was at Violet Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Horseshoe Bend Memorial Chapel.
GREEN FOREST, ARKANSAS: Odette Ovalee Piscia, 81, died February 5, 2003. She was born November 9, 1921 to Charles Luther and Addie Marie Troxtel Montgomery. She was a homemaker, and attended the United Methodist Church in Green Forest. Survivors include a son, Michael Gene Scott of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; a daughter, Dede Roberts of Green Forest; a grandson, Aaron Scott of Arizona; a sister and brother-in-law, Gloria Jean and Chuck Hitt of Green Forest; a sister-in-law, Donna Conner of Janesville, Wisconsin; and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Jim Naranjo and Albert Augustus Piscia; her parents; three brothers, Luther William Montgomery, Kenneth Eugene Montgomery, and Freddie Andrew Conner; and a sister, Dessie Mae Montgomery. Interment was at Gobbler Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service in Green Forest, AR.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Mattie Dee Pitchford, 94, died March 24, 2009. She was born June 13, 1914 to Thomas and Minnie Lochala Barnett. She was a charter member of Beech Street Baptist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Raymond and Sue Pitchford of Crossett; a daughter and son-in-law, Sue and Gene Daniels of Denver, CO; two sisters, Doris Blankenship of Crossett and Belle Morgan of Amarillo, TX; 6 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, R.Q. Pitchford; and a son, James Pitchford. Services were held at Beech Street Baptist Church. Burial was at Pinewood Memorial Park with arrangements by Jones Funeral Home.
AMITY, ARKANSAS: Tolver "T.V." Pittman, 96, died June 20, 2002. He was born August 18, 1905 to the late William and Amanda Wilder Pittman. He was a farmer, and was also a mail carrier for the Star Route in Amity. He was a deacon at Sweet Home Primitive Baptist Church in Alpine, AR. He is survived by two sons, Ernest Pittman of Yukon, OK, and Hershel Pittman of Amity; a daughter, Elizabeth Boyd of Cortez, CO; a sister, Magelene Buck of Arkadelphia; 10 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great grandchildren. He was preceeded in death by his wife, Cornie M. Pittman; and a son, Billy Wayne Pittman. Services were held at the chapel of Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home with Elder Ersel Tillery and Elder Everett Abernathy officiating. Burial was at Jones Cemetery in Amity, AR.
MONTROSE, ARKANSAS: Annie Bea Pitts, 65, died September 22, 2007. She was born May 9, 1942. She attended the First Baptist Church of Montrose. She is survived by five sons; seven daughters; a brother; 31 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Burial was at the Montrose Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: E.L. "Pat" Pitts, 88, died January 13, 2006. He was born September 10, 1917 to the late Charles and Betsy Blankenship Pitts. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and was a Baptist. Among the survivors are his wife, Vivian Pitts of West Memphis; three sons, Louis Pitts and Larry Pitts, both of West Memphis, and Gene Pitts of Marion, AR; 4 grandchildren and 2 great-grand children. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Patsy Pitts Robinson. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home of West Memphis, AR.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Ouida Pitts died on May 11, 1929. She was born October 5, 1902. She was a Methodist, and was the youngest of the ten children of A.A. Pitts. She earned a degree at the Arkansas State Normal College at Conway, and was working on another at the time of her passing. She was a former school teacher. Survivors include her father, brothers and sisters.
HINDSVILLE, ARKANSAS: William Henry Pitts, 86, died July 1, 1967. He was born November 13, 1880 in Whitener to Lawson and Mary Elizabeth Couch Pitts. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include two sons, Wayne of Hindsville and Eugene of Fairfield, CA; five daughters, Mrs. Juanita Davis of Elkins, Mrs. Maco Sullivan of Gentry, Mrs. Wanda Standley of West Fork, Mrs. Lorene Strickland of Fullerton, CA, and Mrs. Marguerite Dodson of Birds Landing, CA; a brother, Bert of Portersville, CA; 17 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Walker Pitts. Services were held at Richland View Church. Interment was at Tuttle Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Cyril Paul Plafcan, 88, died September 22, 2008. He was born June 30, 1920 to John J. and Maria Franko Plafcan. He was a graduate of Subiaco Academy, and was a retired farmer. He served on the Stuttgart Grain Dryer Board of Directors for over 20 years, and also on the Board of Directors for the Prairie Farmers' Association and the Farm Bureau. He was a lifelong member of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Slovak, AR, where he served as the first Parish Council president. He was a charter member of the Knights of Columbus Slovak Council #3998, serving as Grand Knight, as well as holding other offices, and was an honorary life member. He enjoyed woodworking, gardening, and yard work. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Helen Basler Plafcan; two daughters and their spouses, Rebecca P. Johnson (Sonny) of Slovak, and Jennifer P. Bowe (Ed) of Little Rock; a brother, George J. Plafcan (Sue) of Slovak; two sisters, Frances P. Plafcan of Slovak, and Sister Dorothy Ann Plafcan, RSM of Little Rock; his nieces and nephews; and 7 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; four sisters, Veronica Plafcan, Sue Murawski, Mary Bodak, and Sister M. Cyrillus RSM; a brother, Johnnie S. Plafcan; and a grandson, Christopher Michael Hatfield. Services were held at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church. Interment was at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Cemetery under the direction of Turpin Funeral Home.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Ernestine Jane Miller Plank, 74, died April 10, 2005. She was a homemaker, and attended the First Baptist of Paris, AR. Survivors include one daughter, Rebecca Young of Rogers; three sons, Dr. Henry Saborn Humphries of Driggs, Bill Humphries of Fort Smith, and Jerry Humphries of Van Buren; a sister, Geraldine House of Mulberry; 11 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren.
Interment was at Liberty Cemetery in Greenwood with arrangements by McConnell Funeral Home.
HORSESHOE BEND, ARKANSAS: Gordon A. Plaski, 74, died May 5, 2001. He was a retired tool and die maker for General Motors. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member of the Horseshoe Bend VFW, and the Turkey Mountain Golf Club. He is survived by his wife, Shirley Plaski; a son, Michael Plaski of Milwaukee; three daughters, Susan Warzionik of Stevens Point, WI, Diane Plaski of Racine, WI, and Karen Braun of Waukesha, WI; a brother, Donald Plaski of Milwaukee; and 6 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Leonard Plaski. Services were held at St. Mary's on the Mount Catholic Church in Horseshoe Bend. Burial was at the church columbarium.
YELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Emma Platt, 43, died May 22, 1893. She was born June 22, 1850. She was survived by her husband, M.W. Platt; two sons; and a daughter. Interment was at Tutt Cemetery.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Rosalie Schmieding Platt, 90, died January 11, 2006. She was born October 6, 1915 to C.W. Schmieding and Minnie Stebler Schmieding. She was a retired bookkeeper for Harry G. Barr and Edwards Funeral Home. She was a lifetime member of First Lutheran Church in Fort Smith, where she sang in the choir, taught Sunday School classes, and served on the Altar Guild. She was also the church secretary and served on numerous boards and committees. She was a longtime member of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League, having served as local and regional president. She was a charter member and former president of the Fort Smith Chapter of the Pilot Club, and was honored for more than 60 years of service. She was a member of PEO, and was a founding member of Project Compassion. She was awarded a "Spirit of the Frontier" award by the city of Fort Smith in 2001. During World War II, she was active in the USO. Survivors include two stepsons, Dr. Michael Platt and wife Bettye of Rogers, and Dr. Richard Platt and wife Mary of Pensacola, FL; a stepdaughter, Susan Parbhoo and husband Ernie of Lake Worth, FL; a nephew, Raymond H. Schaap, Jr. and wife Laverne of Little Rock; a niece, Martha Fant and husband Ron of Union City, TN; two great-nieces; two great-nephews; 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hugh T. "Budd" Platt, Sr.; and a stepson, Tom Platt of Springdale. Services were held at First Lutheran Church. Interment was at Oak Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: Stella Mae Platt, 90, died April 4, 2012 at Crittenden Regional Hospital in West Memphis. She was born September 5, 1921. She was a Certified Nurse's Attendant and a member of the Pentecostals of West Memphis Church. Survivors include four daughters, Virginia Kirk of Jonesboro, Linda Whitted of Dover, and Georgia Gann and Sylvia Hampton, both of Proctor; three sons, Arlie Platt of Marion, Ricky Platt of Proctor, and Elmer Platt of Yazoo City, MS; a brother, Elbert Tommy Jones of Trumann; 22 grandchildren; 42 great-grandchildren; and 13 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Donald O.C. Platt; and a son, Donald Ray Platt. Burial was at the Marked Tree Cemetery in Marked Tree, AR under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Bertha Plouch, 85, died November 17, 2005. She was born December 31, 1919. She retired from Inn of the Ozarks with 40 years of service, and attended Valley View Baptist Church. Survivors include her daughters, Kay Kelley and husband Richard of Eureka Springs, and Shirley Smith and husband J.I. of Exeter, MO; 6 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; 3 sisters; a brother; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 52 years, Orval Plouch. Interment was at the Eureka Springs Cemetery with Rev. Tim Garrison officiating. Arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Service.
CRAWFORDSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Vincent George Plumbo, 82, died March 11, 2005. He was a retired professional baseball player. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Crawfordsville, and a communicant of St. Michael's Catholic Church in West Memphis, AR. He is survived by a daughter; Anntonia MaGruder of West Memphis, AR.; a sister, Margaret Achman of St. Paul, MN.; a brother, Raymond Plumbo of St. Paul, MN.; and two grandchildren. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park. Memorials may be sent to Crittenden Memorial Hospital Foundation. Funeral arrangements were handled by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home of West Memphis, AR.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: William Plumlee, 91, died March 6, 1917. He was born February 14, 1826. He and his wife, Mary, had 12 children. William and Mary Plumlee are buried at Blackjack Cemetery near Berryville, AR.
MURFREESBORO, ARKANSAS: Luther Deral Plunk, 75, died March 22, 2007. He was born August 4, 1931 to the late Holtie and Lillian Stewart Plunk. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and attended Temple Baptist Church. He enjoyed fishing. Survivors include three sons, Garry Lynn Plunk of Texarkana, Deral Dwain Plunk of Texarkana, and Shawn Christopher Plunk of Texarkana; two daughters, Darlene Majors of Tatum, TX and Debbie Riddle of Burleson, TX; a sister, Monetha Thomas of Texarkana; 10 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Roy Cemetery with Rev. Rodney Thomas officiating. Arrangements were handled by Latimer Funeral Home.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: LaWanna Plyler, 86, died August 24, 2013 at Hillcrest Care and Rehabilitation in Prescott. She was born April 26, 1927 in Gurdon, AR, the last of seven children born to Jess Clifton and Beatrice Estelle Hodge George. She was a 1945 graduate of Gurdon High School. On July 15 of that same year, she married Al J. Plyler. She was a cook, seamstress, quilter, crafter and gardener. She also served as a PTA president, PHS band booster officer, Nevada County Hospital Pink Lady, Garden Club president, and Prescott Elementary volunteer. She was active with her church choir, and served as WMU president. She was a volunteer at Hillcrest for over 25 years, and was a Bible study teacher, song leader, VBS director and Sunday School teacher for over 55 years. She was also a volunteer at the First Baptist Dorcas House. Survivors include her husband of 68 years, Al J. Plyler, her daughters, Sharon Bard (Kent) of Hot Springs, and Sheila Virden (Bill) of Prescott; a sister-in-law, Fern George of San Antonio, TX and Betty Dean of Mesquite, TX; a brother-in-law, Frank Plyler (Sona) of Little Rock; 2 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; five brothers; and a sister. Interment was at De Ann Cemetery in Prescott.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Iva "Speedy" Jordan Pointer, 90, died June 24, 2007. She was born July 8, 1916 to Oscar and Maggie Muston Jordan. She had worked as a cook at the Red Bird Caf�, and attended New Sulphur Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Bobby and Glen Williams, both of Prairie Grove, two daughters; Ethel Drain of Prairie Grove and Patsy Davis of Wheeler; two brothers, James Jordan of Springdale and Franklin Jordan of Hindsville; two sisters, Ida Perkins and Nina Kisor, both of Farmington; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Services were held at New Sulphur Freewill Baptist Church. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens in Fayetteville, AR under the direction of Beard's Funeral Chapel.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Margery Louise Pokluda, 87, died March 13, 2005. She was born May 3, 1917. She was a homemaker and a Baptist. Survivors include three daughters, Judith Bennett of Grosbeck, Texas, Barbara DeBolt of Summerville, Texas, and Shirley Tharrett of Mena; a son, Jerald Pokluda of Aroshoran, Texas; nine grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park with arrangements by Hall Funeral Service.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Freda Helen Urfer Poland, 78, died August 7, 2002 at her residence. She was born November 1, 1923 in Hickory Ridge, AR to F.G. and Elsa Lemke Urfer. She had attended business college in Memphis, and retired from Sanyo. She and her husband had also lived in Brinkley and in Mississippi. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Brinkley. She is survived by a son, Robert E. Poland, Jr. (Robin); a sister, Letrice Urfer Kennedy (Sid); her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert E. Poland, Sr.; her parents; a sister, Johanna Alice Urfer Gresham; and a brother, F.G. "Buddy" Urfer II. Interment was at Cogbill Cemetery under the direction of Kernodle Funeral Home.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: William J. "Bill" Poland, 82, died August 20, 2003. He was born December 27, 1920 to J.W. Poland and Ila Jackson Robinson. He was a retired businessman, and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include three sons, William J. Poland, Jr. and Larry Poland, both of Alaska, and Jerry Poland of Memphis; a sister, Nell Peterson of Mississippi; and several grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Myrtle Rice Poland. Interment was at Forrest Park Cemetery under the direction of Stevens Funeral Home.
PORTLAND, ARKANSAS: Henry Polite, 81, died June 6, 1999. He was a retired farm laborer, and attended Mount Zion AME Church in Montrose. He is survived by his wife, Bernice Polite of Pine Bluff; six sons, Jessie Ross of Pine Bluff, Henry Polite of Flint, MI, Sammy Polite of Portland, Harry Polite of Montrose, Gabriel Polite of Little Rock and Corey Polite of Waynesboro; a daughter, Josephine Polite of Milwaukee, WI; 27 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons, Willie and James W. Polite; and his parents, Ennis and Jessie Allen Polite. Services were held at Brown Temple Baptist Church with Rev. Eugene Mitchell officiating. Burial was at Holly Grove Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
LOCKESBURG, ARKANSAS: Joe Allen Polite, 61, died February 1, 2008. He was born December 7, 1946 to L.C. and May Lee Dedner Polite. He was a logger, and attended New Zion Baptist Church. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. Survivors include his wife, Tiffany Finley; two sons, Allen DeWayne and wife Robbie Polite of Ashdown, and Thomas Christopher Polite of Lockesburg; two stepdaughters, Jasma Finley and Sweetie Finley, both of Texarkana, TX; a brother, Lee Vell Polite of Lockesburg; a sister, Elenor Johnson of Wilton, AR; 11 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter, Telsa Polite; and a brother, L. Curtis Polite. Services were held at New Zion Baptist Church. Burial was at McElroy Cemetery with arrangements by Chandler Funeral Home.
ENOLA, ARKANSAS: Judy Polk died January 24, 1918. She was born November 8, 1915. She was the daughter of Ira M. and Missouri Oma Bell Polk. Burial was at Heffington Cemetery.
CARAWAY, ARKANSAS: Clara Opal Pollard, 85, died May 11, 2010 at St. Bernard's Medical Center in Jonesboro. She was born November 8, 1924 in Delaplaine to Arthur and Gurtia Huckabay Davis. She was a member of New Hope Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Wilma S. Pendegraft of Lake City, and Glenda S. Brooks of Caraway; a brother, Charles Davis of Hampton; four sisters, Jessie Fletcher of Cabot, Dorothy Rutledge of Jonesboro, Vernell Miller of Hampton, and Maxine Trusal of Pine Bluff; 5 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 7 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willard Pollard; two sons, Bobby Jean and David Wayne Pollard; a brother, Ralph Davis; and two sisters, Wanda Fletcher and Geneva Tompkins. Services were held at New Hope Baptist Church. Burial was at the Caraway Cemetery under the direction of Langford-Bookout Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Funeral services were held on April 19, 2006 for Fuchsia Mae Washington Pollard. She was born October 29, 1909 to George E. and Maranda Washington. She attended Shorter College, and belonged to Bethel AME Church. She was the widow of R.G. Pollard. The couple had no children. She worked as a housekeeper and nanny prior to her retirement. She is survived by a host of nieces, nephews, great-nieces and nephews, cousins, friends, and a special friend, Dorothy Roberts. She was preceded in death by her husband; her parents, and all 11 of her siblings. Burial was at Woffard Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Gunn Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Joanne Cecille Mendel Pollock, 83, died November 15, 2004. She was born April 11, 1921 to Pauline Nakdimen and Ernest J. Mendel. She attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She was a homemaker and a secretary. She was a member of United Hebrew Congregation of Fort Smith. She was a longtime volunteer in Fort Smith at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center, Sparks Regional Medical Center, Bost Human Development Services and Regional AIDS Interfaith Network. She is survived by two sons, Edward N. Altman of Encino, CA, and Ben S. Pollock of Fayetteville; a daughter, Jan C. Soderstrom of Raleigh, NC; and 4 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ben S. Pollock, Sr. Services were held at both Butterfield Trail Village in Fayetteville and at United Hebrew Temple in Fort Smith. Both services were officiated by Jacob Adler. Memorial contributions may be made in her and her husband's name to the Fort Smith Public Library Endowment Trust, 3201 Rogers Ave., Fort Smith, AR 72903. Burial was at the Fort Smith Jewish Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson-Berna Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: R.L. Pollock, 73, died January 18, 2012 at the UAMS Medical Center in Little Rock. He was born April 19, 1938. He was a retired forester crewman for Georgia Pacific. He was a lifelong resident of Ashley County, and lived in the Berlin community, where he was a member of Mount Zion Baptist Church. Survivors include two daughters, Cheryl Linder (Bobby), and Rebecca Bates (Shawn), all of Hamburg; a sister, Fayerene Rickman of Vidor, TX; two brothers, Earl Pollock (Wanda) of Hamburg, and Troy Pollock (Virginia) of Anacoco, LA; 6 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Elizabeth Ann Holland-Pollock; his parents, Garland and El Vira Holland-Pollock; seven brothers, Alton, C.W., Horace, Willard, L.C., Ludell, and Willie Ray Pollock; and four sisters, Carrie Chadwick, Lorene Morgan, Ruby, and Sue Holland. Services were held at Mount Zion Baptist Church. Burial was at Extra Cemetery by Cromwell Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Iva Jene Polster, 81, died January 23, 2007. She was born January 17, 1926 to the late Al and Mattie Pennington. She is survived by her children, Ron Polster of Benton, Donald Polster of Benton, and Shirley Clements of Jacksonville; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at New Rosemont Cemetery under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home of Benton, AR.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Willie Pondexter, 81, died August 2, 2002. He was born April 3, 1921 to the late Henry and Ozie Pondexter. He was a mechanic and a carpenter. He was also a decorated U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He attended Providence Full Gospel Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Betty Pondexter; three daughters, Angela Pondexter of Hope, Lashondra Pondexter of Hope, and Clara Harris of Texarkana; five sisters, Virginia of Detroit, MI, Ozie Bell of Long Beach, CA, Betty, Maehelen and Esselene, all of Wichita, KS; and an aunt, Virginia Gipson of Denver, CO. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Pauline Gulley; a sister Lula Queen; and two brothers, Augusta Pondexter and Henry Pondexter, Jr. Services were held at Providence Full Gospel Baptist Church. Burial was at Azar Cemetery with arrangements by Hicks Funeral Home of Hope, AR.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Otis C. Pool, 83, died July 4, 1983. He was a retired insurance executive, and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include his wife, Madge Pool; two stepsons, J.W. Terry of St. Joseph, MO, and H.E. Terry of Cookville, TN; a foster son, Alex York of Detroit, MI; and two brothers, Clyde Pool of El Paso, AR, and Claude Pool of Lubbock, TX. Burial was at 16th Section Cemetery by Cabot Funeral Home Chapel.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Zula Alred Pool, 95, died July 27, 2002 at Rochier Heights Nursing Home. She was born January 28, 1907 in Denmark to John and Annie Gibson Alred. She was a longtime beautician at the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs. She was a Sunday School teacher at Oaklawn Missionary Baptist Church in Hot Springs, and a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by two sons, Richard Pool of Farmington, and Jon Pool of Russellville; 3 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Memorial services were held in Hot Springs. Cremation arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel and Crematory.
EVENING SHADE, ARKANSAS: Dickie E. Pontzius, 65, died October 11, 2006. He was born March 24, 1941 to Walter Emmitt and Eleanor Harter Pontzius. He retired from the Brown Shoe Company in Pocahontas. He was a Baptist. Among the survivors are his wife, Teresa Branscum Pontzius; three sons, John Pontzius and Chad Pontzius, both of Indiana, and Ty Pontzius of Kentucky; two daughters, Tashina Brown of Pocahontas and Rebecca Adams of Indiana; his mother, Eleanor Pontzius of Evening Shade; two brothers, Billy Dean Pontzius of Indiana and Mike Pontzius of Florida; three sisters, Connie Foster of Indiana and Sandy Parker and Vickie Cohen, both of Memphis; 10 grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Walter Pontzius; a nephew, Gary Foster; and a niece, Dee Pontzius. Burial was at the Evening Shade Cemetery with arrangements by Qualls Funeral Home.
EVENING SHADE, ARKANSAS: Pauline "Polly" Kunkel Poor, 81, died December 27, 2005. She was born September 16, 1924 to the late Malford and Vernon Rush Hall. She was a homemaker, a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and was a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by her husband, Rowe Poor of St. James, MO; several nieces and nephews; and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her first husband, Elson Quail Kunkel; two brothers, Raymond Hall and Virgil Hall; and two sisters, Vivian Eaton and Mildred Faye Belcher. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery at Sidney with Dean Fugett presiding. Arrangements were handled by Qualls Funeral Home of Cave City, AR.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Claude Earl Poore, 65, died October 23, 2006. He was born July 17, 1941 to the late William Henry Poore and Mary Ida Brockman. He attended Faith Baptist Church of DeWitt. He is survived by a daughter, Angelia Brickey of Cushing, OK; three sons, James Poore of DeWitt, and William Poore and Mark Poore, both of Almyra; a stepdaughter, Cathy James of DeWitt; a brother, Charles Poore of Almyra; two sisters, Ruby Jackson and Cheryl Midkiff Terrell, both of DeWitt; 7 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Rhoda Poore; and a daughter, Sheila K. Poore. Services were held at Faith Baptist Church. Burial was at Thompson Cemetery with arrangements by by McKenzie Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Ruby Mae Poore, 87, died on October 29, 2002. She was born on April 23, 1915 to the late Charlie Grandval and Mary Leona Ballard Fletcher. She was a homemaker. She attended the Pine Bluff Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. She was the widow of Jesse Issac Poore. She was preceded in death by her husband, as well as by one son, Jimmy Rogers; six brothers; two sisters; and a great-granddaughter. Among the survivors are a son, Clifford Rogers of White Hall; a stepson, Vernon Poore of Reseda, California; a foster daughter, Rebecca Sue Griffin of Pine Bluff; 13 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; and nine great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Home with Billy Chapmon officiating. Interment was at Graceland Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Janice Pope, 14, died October 3, 1946. She was survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Pope; a sister, Mrs. A.F. Johnson; a half-sister, Mrs. Doak Thomas; and a grandfather, M.L. Lemons. Interment was at Crystal Hill Cemetery under the direction of Griffin-Leggett Funeral Home.
GURDON, ARKANSAS: Mary Cleo Pope, 89, died May 8, 1999. She attended Beirne Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, William H. Pope of Gurdon, and Robert C. Pope of Chidester; four daughters, Jean Stephenson of Gurdon, Buttons Forrest of Oklahoma City, OK, Linda Cameron of Virginia Beach, VA, and Johnnie Marie Pope of Chidester; two sisters, Mattie Smith of Arkadelphia, and Bert Marsh of Gurdon; 15 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Coley Pope. Interment was at Bluff City Cemetery with arrangements by Horne Funeral Home.
PINDALL, ARKANSAS: Wanda Belle Popejoy, 43, died January 9, 1976. She was survived by five brothers, Elmer, Gerald, Eugene, B.B. and Tim Popejoy. Interment was at Love Cemetery with arrangements by Coffman Funeral Home.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Edna Louvena Popplewell, 100, died February 28, 2003. She was born October 19, 1902 to Peter and Mahalia Thacker Daniel. She was a homemaker. Among the survivors are a son, Clarence Studyvin of Derby, KS; a daughter, Thelma Reeves of Harrison, AR; 5 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; a great-great grandson; a sister, Beuna Parkinson of Harrison, AR; two brothers, Lee Daniel of Harrison, AR, and Peter H. Daniel of Alpena, AR; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husbands, Alex Studyvin, J.B. Bunch and Albert Popplewell; a daughter, Beverly Ann; a son, Frank Paul Studyvin; a stepdaughter, Alberta Durant; a son-in-law, Jack Reeves; a grandson, Jackson Reeves; a great-grandson, Paul Alexander Studyvin; 4 sisters; and 3 brothers. Interment was at Glenwood Cemetery with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service of Green Forest, AR.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Betty Poppy, 68, died January 30, 2007. She retired from Sears. Survivors include her mother, Zady Combs of North Little Rock; two sons and daughters-in-law, Freddie and Susan Poppy of Sherwood, and Jerry and Teva Poppy of Lonoke; a daughter and son-in-law, Sandra and Louis Simpson of Jacksonville; 5 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; three sisters; and a brother. She was preceded in death by her father, Joe Harland Combs. Burial was at Union Valley Cemetery in Coy, AR under the direction of North Little Rock Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Bobby R. Porchia died June 24, 1968. He served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. He was born March 29, 1948. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ora Stuart Porter, 81, died February 15, 1975 at a hospital in Edwardsille, KS. She was born July 2, 1893 in Kaissee, KS to W.R. and Elizabeth Kaissee Stuart. She was a retired cook. She was living in Kansas City, KS at the time of her passing. Survivors include two sons, Oliver of LaCygne, KS, and Arthur of Colcord, OK: three sisters, Mrs. Agnes Miller of Fayetteville, Mrs. Ella Burson of Goshen, and Mrs. Eva Sanders of California; 6 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. Burial was at Son's Chapel Cemetery by Watson Funeral Home.
NEWPORT, ARKANSAS: Rosie Lee Porter, 61, died January 18, 2004. She was a Jehovah's Witness. Among the survivors are her husband, Charles Edward Porter; two sons, Donald Ivory Porter of Atlanta, GA and Charles E. Porter, Jr. of Little Rock; three daughters, Roselind Porter-Mclinn of Kansas City, MO, Gertha Lee Porter of Newport, and Gwendolyn Porter of San Diego, CA; a son-in-law, Michael Mclinn; three sisters, Gertha Lee Rainey of Las Vegas, NV, Pearline Gibson of Chicago, IL, and Otie Mae Scott of Harvey, IL; two brothers, Goldie Williams of Ontario, CA, and Mose Williams; three brothers-in-law; four sisters-in-law; 16 nieces; 16 nephews; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Newport with Steve Barner officiating. Interment was at Gum Grove Cemetery under the direction of Tolerson and Son Funeral Home.
NEWPORT, ARKANSAS: Samuel A. "Bo" Posey, 54, passed away June 16, 2005. He was born February 24, 1951 to Carl D. Posey, Sr. and Frances Josephine Pass Posey. He was an aircraft mechanic. He enjoyed animals, the outdoors, and playing the drums. He was preceded in death by his wife, Gail Peebles Posey; his parents, Carl D. Posey, Sr., and Frances Josephine Pass Posey; and one brother, Carl D. Posey, Jr. Survivors include one son, Bobby Ray Posey of Virginia; a daughter, Tina Renee Posey of Hermitage, Tenn.; one brother, David Posey of Bradford; three sisters, Vivian Frances McDougal of Michigan City, Indiana, Anna L. Kidd of Bradford and Theresa Mobb of Conway; and two grandchildren, Damien Kissinger and Bobby Gene Valdez. Services were held at Jackson's Newport Funeral Home Chapel with Mr. Llano Robinson and Bro. Gene Craig officiating. Arrangements were handled by Jackson's Newport Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Mildred Poss, 84, died July 30, 2002. She was born May 28, 1918 to Morris Silas and Willie Marie Sanders Baggett. She and her husband owned a Conoco gas station in Pine Bluff before retirement. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a son, James A. Lewis of Pine Bluff; brothers, John Baggett of Pine Bluff and Charlie Baggett of Star City; sisters, Jean Baggett of Pine Bluff, Ruby Walker of Pine Bluff, Sue Golden of Pine Bluff, Jo Segars of Pine Bluff, Wilma Owen of Mountain Home and Martha Taylor of Star City; 2 grandsons; and 2 great-grandsons. She was preceded in death by her husband, T.N. Poss, Jr.; parents, Morris Silas and Willie Marie Sanders Baggett; and 4 brothers, Woodrow, Charles, Samuel and Clinton Baggett. Interment was at Moore's Church Cemetery near Rison, AR with Dr. Robert Turner officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Lillie Mae Wiles Potter, 94, died January 25, 1995. She was born December 31, 1900 to Andrew Jackson Johnson Wiles and Elmira Pearl Maddox Wiles. She attended the United Pentecostal Church of Fayetteville. She was a nurse. She was predeceased by her husband, Glen Potter. Among the survivors are two sons, Glen H. Potter of Tulsa, and Ervin Potter of Fayetteville; a brother, Fred H. Wiles of Seymour, TX; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the United Pentecostal Church with Rev. Ray Hassel officiating. Interment was at Reece Cemetery near Elkins with arrangements by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home of Springdale, AR.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Clyde Pottorff, Sr., 78, died December 19, 2004. He was born May 22, 1926 to John Edward Pottorff and Josie Katherine Gordon Pottorff. He served in the U.S. Marines during World War II. He was the retired owner of Pottorff Heating and Air Conditioning. Survivors include a son, Clyde E. Pottorff Jr., of Supply, NC; three daughters, Kathy Williams and Beverly Faircloth and her husband, Phillip, of Supply, NC, and Jessica Lynn Loerzel and her husband, Bernie, of Oak Island, NC; a brother, Bill Pottorff of Pine Bluff; a sister, Mary Fish of DeWitt; six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Supply Chapel of Cobble Ward-Smith Funeral Service and Crematory, with interment at Sabbath Home Baptist Church Cemetery.
FOUKE, ARKANSAS: Linda Potts, 57, died January 8, 2007. She was born May 8, 1949. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include her husband, Cleo Potts; a son and daughter-in-law, Don R. and Charlotte McKamie; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Angela Linda Holland, Connie and Curtis Wood, and Kim and Danny White; a stepdaughter, Tiffany Griffin and her husband, Jeremy; a brother, Leon Cutchall; three sisters, Dottie Tabor, Nora Faulkner, and Bobbie Ann Walker; her mother and stepfather, Nannie Bell and Hiram Earl Welker; 7 grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Trinity Baptist Church with Rev. Matthew Neese presiding. Cremation arrangements were handled by Texarkana Funeral Home.
HELENA, ARKANSAS: Quimbia Potts, 73, died June 22, 2008. He was born June 11, 1935 to the late Archie Richard Potts and Eppie Lou Terry Potts. Survivors include his wife, Lottie Short Potts; a daughter, Pat Watkins of Wabash; a son, Rex Potts and wife Susan, of Wabash; four sisters; 9 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; three sisters; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in West Helena under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Viola Pound, 93, died July 22, 2006. She was born July 6, 1913 to Edward and Carrie Choat Polen. She enjoyed bowling and ceramics. She was a former member of the Rebekah Lodge and the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a volunteer for the Baxter Regional Medical Center Auxiliary's Bargain Box. Survivors include her daughters, Joan (Eli) Doneff of Las Vegas and Carol (Bob) Alexander of Mountain Home; a son, Dale (Maryann) Bowman of Kingwood, TX; a twin sister, Ethel Sherman of Mountain Home; 10 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; 15 great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother, three sisters and a grandson. Interment was at Mountain Home Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
HOUSTON, ARKANSAS: Ethel Powell died April 8, 1986. She was born December 18, 1894. She was preceded in death by her husband, H. Milton Powell. Services were held at Houston Methodist Church with Rev. Mike Anderson presiding. Burial took place at May Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: Herbert Leon Power, 83, died January 21, 2007. He was born August 25, 1923. He was a retired rancher, and loved horses. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He is survived by his wife, Opal Power; a daughter and son-in-law, Connie and Jimmy Larey of Texarkana, AR; his sons and daughters-in-law, Larry and Cindy Power of Willis Point, TX, Mike and Marilyn Power of Hendrix, OK, William and Freda Power of Texarkana, AR, Ricky and Kandy Power of Fouke, AR, Jerry Power of Prescott, AR, Danny and Patsy Power of Maud, TX, Larry and Annette Moore of Texarkana, TX, Noel and Paula Rider of Fouke, AR, Jerry and Linda Moore of Texarkana, TX, Dennis Moore of Utah; a brother and sister-in-law, Foy and Mildred Power of Texarkana, TX; two sisters and a brother-in-law, Edna Davis of Texarkana, AR and Patty and Ray Williams of Mabelvale, AR; 37 grandchildren; 46 great-grandchildren; and other relatives. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Sherri Rogers. Services were held at the chapel of Chapelwood Funeral Home with Rev. Charles Bell and Rev. Jay Launius officiating. Burial was at Chapelwood Memorial Gardens.
MOUNT VERNON, ARKANSAS: Lois Powers, 83, died May 27, 2004. She was born March 17, 1922 to the late Thomas Fred and Lillie May Newton Cox. She attended Mount Vernon Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Vernon Powers; two daughters and sons-in-law, Patsy and Daymon Brewer of Mount Vernon, and Linda and Ben Cheek of Conway; a grandson; and a great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother; and four sisters. Interment was at Mount Vernon Cemetery under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: Marcheal S. Powers, 32, died June 20, 2004. She was born November 22, 1971. She is survived by her husband, Curtis Powers; her father, Robert Smith of Coahoma, MS; three sisters, Felicia Elmore and Regina Bush, both of Friars Point, MS, and Sheri Smith of Tunica, MS; and a brother, Rico Smith of Coahoma. Services were held at Friendship Baptist Church in Friars Point, MS with the Rev. Valkin Will officiating. Burial was at Friars Point Cemetery (Coahoma County, Mississippi) with arrangements by Stephens Funeral Home of West Helena.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Joe Earnest Pracht, 86, died April 28, 2007. He was born November 22, 1920 to the late William Everet and Lydia Rhoades Pracht. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He was a florist, wood craftsman, and a salesman. He was a member of the Saline County Shriners and the Good Sam Club. Survivors include his wife, Lola Lovell Pracht; a stepdaughter, Linnie S. Henson; three step-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Elizabeth Pracht. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-Ballard Funeral Home with Dr. Rick Grant and Bro. Gerald Taylor officiating. Entombment was at Forest Hills Memorial Park in Alexander, AR.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Cleonas "Lee" Daisy Praetorius, 75, died November 24, 2007. She was born September 22, 1932 to David Le Roy and Lucille Nicewarner Le Roy.
She and her husband were world travelers. She attended the Bella Vista Community Church. Survivors include her husband of 56 years, William Praetorius; a son, Michael Allen Praetorius of Bella Vista; a sister, Noreene Koehler of Chicago, IL; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, William David Praetorius; and a daughter, Linda Lee Praetorius. Services were held at the Bella Vista Community Church with Dr. Thad Moore officiating. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Lucy Mae Pranter, 78, of Hot Springs, died April 3, 2009. She was born December 17, 1930 to Deliah and Willie Thurgood. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by four daughters, Sue Ornderff of Conway, Connie Vaseur (Robert) of Stuttgart, Ann Pullman of Stuttgart, and Sheila Gallon (Madison) of Hot Springs; three brothers, Tommy Thurgood (Zelma) of Carlisle, Eugene Thurgood (Reasel) of Rison, and Ray Keaton of Humphrey; three sisters, Pat Buterbaugh of Austin, Ann Rainey of Humphrey, and Glenda Barnes of Harwood, MD; 12 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a grandson, John Pullman; and a great-granddaughter, Elana Pullman. Burial was at Williams Cemetery under the direction of Turpin Funeral Home of Stuttgart, AR.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Donald Loyd Prater, 75, died May 31, 2007. He was born June 3, 1931 to Robert and Estelle Moore Prater. He belonged to American Legion Post 146 in Prairie Grove, and was a member of the Moose Lodge. He enjoyed wood carving, playing pool, dancing, and motorcycle riding. He attended Viney Grove United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Shirley Prater; three sons, Dennis Prater of Elkins, Darrell Prater of Lincoln, and Michael Elms, currently serving in the U.S. Army; two daughters, Darla Trout of Prairie Grove and Michelle Reed of Dutch Mills; two brothers, Weldon Prater of Shawnee, OK, and Gene Prater of Georgetown, TX; a sister, Mary Alexander of Collinsville, OK; 10 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the United Methodist Church in Prairie Grove with Audie Long officiating. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery Prairie with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Lola Rae Buck Pratt, 73, died March 8, 2006. She was born January 22, 1933 to Garland Ray and Eva Zelma Ward Buck. She retired from the Palace Restaurant in De Queen. She was also an Avon Representative and team leader. She attended the First United Methodist Church of De Queen. She enjoyed playing dominoes, socializing with friends, and the companionship with her special great-grand puppy, Gabriel. Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, David Haley and Anita Oglesby of Crossroads, AR, and Arlis and Patsy Pratt of Eufaula, OK; two daughters and sons-in-law, Deborah and Horace Poole of Texarkana, TX, and Janell and Lupe Trujillo of Queen Creek, AZ; 20 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; a sister, Maxine Rippy of Eufaula, OK; a sister by choice, Margie Funderburk of Amity, AR; and many nephews, nieces, cousins, and special friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Robert Pratt; two sons, Ron Haley and Jon Pratt; and two grandchildren, Chelle Haley Poole and Billy Roy Haley. Burial was at Millwee Cemetery under the direction of Chandler Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Luther H. Presson, Sr., 73, died December 24, 1968. He was a World War I veteran. Survivors include his wife, Minnie Brown Presson; two sons, Luther and A. Lowell Presson, both of California; two brothers, Henry Presson of Fort Smith, and Lloyd Presson of Mansfield; and 5 grandchildren. Services were held at Mount Carmel Baptist Church. Burial was at Mount Carmel Cemetery with arrangements by Bailey Funeral Service.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Sammie Louise Presson, 79, died October 28, 2006. She was a beautician, and was of the Baptist faith. Among the survivors are her sons, J.L. Presson of Mena and Jerry Presson of Prescott; her daughters, Shirley Brown of Urbana, Martha Brown of Rosston and Linda Marks of Stratford, OK; a brother, Carl Lee Wells of Gum Springs; 11 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Burial was at South Fork Cemetery near Gurdon with arrangements by Shackelford Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Tom Arsenios Priakos, 85, died May 20, 2002. He was born February 18, 1917 in Almyros, Greece to the late Father Aristides Priakos and Fotine Vasiliades Priakos. His father had served as the priest for the Greek Orthodox congregation in Little Rock. He became a United States citizen in 1935 and went on to serve in the United States Navy during World War II. Following the war, he returned to Pine Bluff and worked in the restaurant industry for over 50 years. He attended Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Little Rock. He was preceded in death by his wife, Juanita Fokakis Priakos; and a brother, Maestro Vasilios Priakos. Surviving relatives include a son, Tommy A. Priakos, Jr. of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Kathryn "Katie" Priakos Harrison of Houston, TX; and three grandchildren, Ted, Thomas, and Nia Harrison of Houston. Interment with military honors took place at Graceland Cemetery with Father Nicholas Verdaris officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: Bertha Mae Price, 75, died March 24, 2012 at Helena Regional Medical Center. Survivors include a daughter, Irma Williams of Marianna; a brother, Louis (Sherry) Greer of Jefferson City, MO; a sister, Rita Washington of Chicago; a half-sister, Luella Evans of Decatur, IL; 7 grandchildren; her cousins; her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Twin City Church of Christ. Interment was at Pilgrim Rest Cemetery in Wabash under the direction of O.L. Hightower and Sons Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Floyd Price died on January 1, 1941. He was born on July 11, 1912, and is survived by his wife, Mary Price. Services were held at the Methodist Episcopal Church with Rev. Woodley officiating. Burial was at Scott Cemetery.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Francis B. Price, 77, died July 11, 1928. He was born January 16, 1851. He was survived by his wife, Martha Phelan Price; and three sons, W.H Price, Donald Price, and Fred Price. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Mary Stanton. Burial was at the Rogers Cemetery.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Jerry H. Price of Cabot, 76, died on January 10, 2005. No services were scheduled. Cremation arrangements were handled by Griffin Leggett Rest Hills.
CARLISLE, ARKANSAS: Maclyn Albert Price, 64, died January 14, 2005. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Survivors include his son, Danny Price of Georgia; a brother, Buddy Woods; and sisters Mary Nelle Whitehead, Martha, Maryann and Dorothy. Interment was at Hamilton Cemetery in Carlisle with arrangements by Boyd Funeral Home.
PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Phebe Price, 76, died March 12, 1932. Survivors include three children and four step-children. Interment was at the Hickman Cemetery.
McRAE, ARKANSAS: Steven (Bun) Price, 71, died November 21, 1983. He was born December 21, 1911. He was a retired state employee and a member of the Church of Christ. Suvivors include his wife, Ruth Thornton Price; two daughters, Betty Colbert of Beebe and Naomi Hart of Lonoke; a son, Davy Price of Grand Junction, CO.; two brothers, Jeff Price of Jonesboro and Bill Price of San Antonio, TX; 13 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at W.L. Westbrook Funeral Home. Burial was at Weir Cemetery in Searcy, AR.
SPRINGFIELD, ARKANSAS: Willia Faye Sledge Price, 77, died December 29, 2006. She was born October 23, 1929 to the late Alex Sledge and Ruby Alexander Sledge. She was a beautician, and attended the Springfield Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Michael Price of Springfield; a brother, Claude Sledge of Morrilton; and a grandchild, Michelle Pace. She was preceded in death by a son, Jerry D. Price. Interment was at Springfield Cemetery with Roy Landers officiating. Arrangements were entrusted to Bob Neal and Sons Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Gilbert Earl Priddy, 84, died November 19, 2006. He was born December 23, 1921 to the late Earl Francis and Sarah Alice Wendel Priddy. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and then served in the U.S. Army Reserve. He held a degree from the University of Missouri in Business and Accounting. He was an accountanting supervisor with Agrico Chemical Company. He attended Hope Lutheran Church in Jacksonville, and was a member of the Military Officers Army Association (MOAA). Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Marie Hanusa Priddy; five children, Jim (Linda) Priddy of Aurora, Illinois, Cindy Priddy of Little Rock, Philip (Dorothy) Priddy of Baton Rouge, LA., Mary Alice (Jeffry) Berndt of George, Washington, Robert S. (Tina) Priddy of Little Rock; 11 grandchildren; and 3 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Elton Francis Priddy. Services were held at Hope Lutheran Church with Reverend Kevin Conger officiating. Interment with full military honors took place at the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery in North Little Rock under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
PONCA, ARKANSAS: James Victor Primrose died October 20, 1945. He was born April 12, 1923. He served with the United States Naval Reserve. Interment was at Beechwood Cemetery in Newton County, AR.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Bedie Mae Prince, 96, died January 23, 2012 at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff. She was born October 4, 1915 in Mendenhall, MS to Oscar and Arabelle Jones Yates Bass. She is survived by a brother, Bernice Yates of Gonzales, LA; a sister, Onnie Easterling of Lake Providence, LA; 3 grandsons; 6 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, O.A. Prince; a daughter, Mary Magdalene Willis; her parents; and 11 siblings. Interment was at Hickory Grove Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Service.
MARMADUKE, ARKANSAS: General Woodrow Prince, 81, died August 19, 2002. He was born February 28, 1921 to the late Willie Prince and Bertha Wilson Prince. He was a shop blast operator for the Bebdex Company, and attended the Church of God in Paragould. He married Velma Irene Kirby on May 3, 1937. Survivors include his wife, Velma Prince; a son and daughter-in-law, James and Lucy Prince of Marmaduke; two daughters and sons-in-law, Aline and Bill Bouwknegt and Brenda and Darrell Fikes, all of Benton Harbor, Mich.; one brother, Linkey Prince of Flint, Mich.; two sisters, Essie Griffith of Essex, Mo., and Gladys Prince, 12 grandchildren; Eddie Prince, Mike Prince, Tony Prince, Mark Prince, Larry Bettig, Ronnie Bettig, Roger Griffith, Debbie Griffith, Theresa Ott, Ottie Junior Cowgill, Wesley Fikes and Darrell Fikes, 12 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Pat Enos and Peggy Cowgill, six brothers, and a sister. Burial was at Gainesville Cemetery with arrangements by Irby Funeral Home.
LAMAR, ARKANSAS: Farris C. Privitt, 91, died July 30, 2002. He was a retired construction and iron worker. He was the son of the late Robert E. and Laura C. Holland Privitt, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by two daughters, Carolyn Sparkman of Clarksville and Hilda Carman of Albuquerque, NM; two sons, Robert H. Privitt of Thousand Oaks, CA, and John E. Privitt of California; a sister, Laura Lawrence of Roseville, CA; 12 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one brother and one sister. Services were held at Roller-Cox Chapel with George Carman officiating. Burial was at Holman Cemetery.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Kenneth W. Privitt, 60, died February 25, 1998. He was born May 23, 1937 to Thomas Franklin and Gertrude Welch Privitt. He worked for over 30 years for Standard Register, and was a U.S. Navy veteran. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Marie Kelley Privitt; four sons, David Privitt, Bruce A. Privitt, Timothy R. Privitt, and Brian F. Privitt; a brother, Joseph A. Privitt; and 21 grandchildren. Services were held at the Farmington Baptist Church with Preston Beeks officiating.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: James Thomas "Tommy" Probus, Sr., 65, died February 7, 2003 at Baptist Memorial Hospital. Survivors include his wife, Helen Probus; two sons, Michael Todd Probus, and James T. "Tommy" Probus, Jr.; a daughter, Anna Maria Jones; a sister, Barbara Rearden of Cloverport, KY: three brothers, Walter Probus of Hardinsburg, KY, Kenneth Probus of Cloverport, KY, and Charles Probus of Lexington, KY; and 4 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Stanley and Marie Probus; and a brother, Donald Probus. Interment was at 16th Section Cemetery under the direction of Cabot Funeral Home.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Eulin J. "Jack" Proctor, 71, died December 5, 2002. He was born March 3, 1931. He was a logger and a Jehovah's Witness. He is survived by his mother, Elsie E. Chansley Culberson of Saint Louis, Mo.; three brothers, Dalas Proctor of Dover, Dale Proctor of Blackwell and Dennis Proctor of Alexander; two sisters, Sue Robinson of Colorado and Francis Warren of Washington; two aunts; and several nephews and nieces. He was preceded in death by his wife, Aileen Proctor; father, L.J. Proctor; brothers, Thomas and Harrell Proctor; and his sister, Debbie Proctor. Burial was at Shiloh Williamson Cemetery with arrangements handled by Humphrey Funeral Service.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Marvin Arnold Proctor, 19, died July 12, 1959. Survivors include his parents, Fredrick and Linda Proctor; a sister, Ann, of Tampa, FL; and three brothers, Fred Glenn, Larry, and Harry E. Proctor, all of Blytheville. Burial was at Elmwood Cemetery with arrangements by Cobb Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Mary Louise Proctor, 89, died August 18, 2011 at Circle of Life Hospice in Springdale. She was born November 4, 1921 in St. Joseph, MO to Myrtle Carter Hollowell. She was a retired executive secretary for Tyson Foods, and attended Sonora Baptist Church. She enjoyed reading, needlepoint, traveling and gospel music. Survivors include three sons, Ron Proctor (Mary Ellen) of Fayetteville, LeRoy Proctor (Sandra) of Springdale, and Gary Proctor (Loretta) of Irmo, SC; a daughter-in-law, Connie Proctor of Springdale; 11 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and 8 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William "Bill" Proctor; and a sister, Loretta. Services were held at Sonora Baptist Church. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery with arrangements by Memorial Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: William Daniel Proffitt, 70, died June 23, 1940. Services were held at the Prairie View Baptist Church with Rev. Owens officiating. Survivors include his wife, Lona Proffitt, and three sisters. Burial was at Rose Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: William "Bill" Prouty, 82, died March 28, 1993. He was a retired mechanic for J.D. Wood, a division of John Deere Tractor Co. There are no immediate survivors. Burial was at Lonoke Cemetery under the direction of Boyd Funeral Home.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: James F. Province, 80, died December 31, 1967. He was born October 17, 1887 to James and Vina Henson Province. He was a retired farmer, and a World War I veteran. He was survived by 6 nephews and 5 nieces. Services were held at the Bidville Community Church with Rev. M.C. Parrish officiating. Burial was at Bidville Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
VILONIA, ARKANSAS: Iva Marie Prowse, 85, died December 25, 2003. She was born May 18, 1918 to the late William and Catherine Everett Stoker. She is survived by a daughter, Bonnie Fason of Vilonia; a son, Gordon Prowse of Vilonia; 4 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Armer Prowse of Raleigh, NC, and Margarite Ruple of Vilonia. She was preceded in death by parents; her husband, Jordon Prowse; and a son, Gerald Prowse. Services were held at Naylor United Methodist Church. Burial was at Naylor United Methodist Cemetery.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Joseph Alcibiade Prudhomme died October 27, 1916. He was born October 1, 1899. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery in Hot Springs, AR.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Loretta Valrie Pruett, 66, died March 18, 2000. She was born October 6, 1933 to John and Adeline Dirsa Kaunas. She was a registered nurse, and a U.S. Navy veteran. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church. She is survived by her husband, Robert Pruett; three sons, Michael Pruett of Las Vegas, NV, Robert Pruett, Jr. of Escondido, CA, and John Pruett of Prairie Grove, AR; a daughter, Christine Pruett of Milwaukie, OR; two stepdaughters, Karan Enders of Milwaukie, OR and Debbie Ruckles of Virginia Beach, VA; her mother, Adeline Kaunas of Fayetteville; a sister, Cynthia Baus of Foley, AL; 8 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR under the direction of Beard's Funeral Chapel.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Mary Louise Jones Pruitt, 55, passed away August 28, 2003. She was born July 2, 1948 to John Henry Jones and Lula Higgins Jones. Survivors include her husband, L.Q. Pruitt of Forrest City; a daughter, Lanan Pruitt Reese of Jackson, TN; two sons, Michael E. Pruitt of San Diego, CA and Christopher L. Pruitt of Forrest City; her parents; two sisters, Joanna Johnson and Lula A. Jones, both of Forrest City; two brothers, John H. Jones, Jr. and Jerry Jones, both of Forrest City; and 8 grandchildren. Services were held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses with V.B. Rose officiating. Burial was at Casteel Cemetery with arrangements by Woodhouse Mortuary.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: John August Pruss, 58, died February 10, 2005. He was the son of Seraphine Pruss and the late August Cyril Pruss. He graduated from Catholic High School and was a U.S. Army veteran. He worked for Union Pacific Railroad for over thirty years. He attended St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Among the survivors are his wife, Mary Ann Dayer Pruss; his daughter, Amanda Rose and her husband, James Justin Vallas of Greenbrier; a grandson, Jordan James Vallas; three brothers, Floyd Pruss, Tony and wife Irene Pruss, and Michael and wife Theresa Pruss; and two sisters, Marilyn and husband Michael Cash, and Kathy Piechocki. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Patrick's Catholic Church with Rev. Warren Harvey officiating. Burial was held at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Cemetery with arrangements by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Sylvester Pryor died January 22, 2006. He was born September 15, 1948 to Oliver J. and Willie Bell Jones Pryor. He was the owner of Pryor Maintenance. He is survived by a son, Daryl Pryor (Shameka) of Mobile, AL; a daughter, Lakisha Amos (Derrion) of Magnolia; two brothers, John Pryor (Delois) of Oakland, CA and Paul Pryor Elizabeth of Chicago, IL; 2 granddaughters; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Bill, Jose, and Dewayne Pryor. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery under the direction of Sims Mortuary.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Albert "Archie" Ptasznik, 58, died October 23, 2002. He was born August 21, 1944 to Joseph and Flora Rose Schauer Ptasznik.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and served in Vietnam. He was a mechanic, and was employed by Sam's Club and Wal-Mart. He was a member of American Legion Post #88 and Alton Eagles #254 of Alton, IL. He is survived by his wife, Leonarda Certa Ptasznik; a son, Albert S. Ptasznik; and many other relatives and friends. Services were held at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Eureka Springs with the Rev. Thomas Arackal officiating. Interment was at the VA National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Kary Lee Pugh, 55, died February 15, 2007. He is survived by his wife, Pearl Adkins Pugh; four daughters, Clara Pugh of Chicago, Sharonda Pugh of Little Rock, Tamika Pugh of Jonesboro, and Valerie Pugh of Gary, IN; two sons, Michael Williams of Hyattsville, MD and Clifford Adkins of Forrest Park, IL; a sister; and six brothers. Services were held at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Osceola. Burial was at Whiteside Cemetery in Osceola under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Bessie Mae Pulliam, 90, died October 2, 2007. She was born April 10, 1917. She was a member of Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, where she served on the Mother Board, and was a former choir member. She is survived by two sons, Fred Wiggins, Jr. of St. Louis, MO and Calvin W. Wiggins of Osceola; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, George Dickerson and Bessie Love; 2 husbands, Fred Wiggins, Sr. and Alfred Pulliam; 6 sisters; 6 brothers; and 2 infant daughters. Services were held at Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. M.L. Smith presiding. Burial was at Whiteside Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Melissa Thomas Pulliam, 28, died April 11, 1849. She was the wife of R.P. Pulliam. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Walter Pullman, 79, died June 17, 2006. He was born August 31, 1926 to Walter John Pullman and Anna Cuhn. He was a retired businessman.
He is survived by his wife, Laura; three sons, Walter Pullman and wife Donna of Seal Beach, CA, Johnn Pullman and wife Christine of Kansas City, MO, and Jason Pullman and wife Stephanie of Bentonville, AR; a daughter, Christine Ferera of Norwalk, CA; a sister, Jean Loreth and husband Al of Colorado Springs, CO; 7 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Bentonville Seventh-day Adventist Church. Arrangements were handled by Wasson Funeral Home of Siloam Springs.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: William K. Purdin, 60, died January 24, 1978. He was born in 1917 to C.R. and Helen Holton Bowles Purdin. He retired from Standard Bread Co. and was a veteran of World War II. In his youth, he was a classical pianist. He was survived by his wife, Helen Higgins Purdin; a daughter, Margot Jackson; and a granddaughter. Interment was at Wickwire Cemetery near Strickler, AR by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
McGEHEE, ARKANSAS: Bonnie Jean Purdy, 73, died July 27, 2007. She was born August 30, 1933 to the late Ernest McGahhey and Nancy Branstetter McGahhey.
She worked as a secretary for Purdy's Welding and Manufacturing, and was a member of Antioch Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Glendon Purdy; a son, Donnie Purdy; two daughters, Glenda Terry of McGehee and Nancy Singleton of Hope; and 5 grandchildren. Services were held at Antioch Baptist Church with Arlis East and Rick Miller officiating. Burial was at McArthur Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Service of McGehee, AR.
MENA, ARKANSAS: Curtis Purifoy, 79, died October 23, 2006. He was an U.S. Air Force veteran, and a member of the V.F.W. and American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Betty Purifoy; two sons, Paul Purifoy of Groveland, CA and Bill Purifoy of Arkadelphia; two daughters Gayle Carrington of Hensley, AR, and Karen Theel of Benton; his stepchildren, Michael, Charlie, Leann and Betty; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Harts Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Horne Funeral Home.
GURDON, ARKANSAS: Larry Purifoy, 64, died July 30, 2007. He was born April 20, 1943 to the late Lewis and Grace Gullick Purifoy. He was a self employed logger, and attended Whelen Springs Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Ann Boyett Purifoy; a daughter, Tammy Humphries of Jacksonville; a son, Timmy Purifoy of Arkadelphia; three sisters, Sally Walker of Gurdon, Cora Lampkin of Bossier City, LA, and Sharon McNeil of Traskwood; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister, Della Lamkin; three brothers, Alvin Purifoy, Aaron Purifoy, and Bob Purifoy; and a grandchild, Morgan Purifoy. Services were handled by Welch Funeral Home of Arkadelphia, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ira Dell Gregory Purkiss, 96, died January 1, 2002. She was a longtime member of South Highland Baptist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Willa Dean "Tommye" and Peggy Purkiss, both of Little Rock, and Earline Dailey of Pangburn; two sisters, Lola Dews of Kansas City, KS, and Selma Campbell of Brookings, OR; 5 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, George D. Purkiss. Services were held at South Highland Baptist Church. Interment was at Henderson Cemetery in Pangburn with arrangements by Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: William W. Pussehl, 82, died January 21, 2007. He retired from Rheem Manufacturing after over 30 years of service. He was U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and enjoyed golfing. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Betty Pussehl; a daughter, Georgeann Stringer of Northville, MI; and 3 grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Edwards Funeral Home.
BAUXITE, ARKANSAS: Linda Darlene Putman, 44, passed away on November 25, 2005. She was born October 13, 1961. Survivors include her parents, Woody A. and Beulah Mae Putman of Bauxite; a brother, Woody Eugene Putman of Alexander; two sisters, Shirley and husband Gerald Miller of Benton, and Rebecca Estep of Bryant; four nephews; two nieces; one great-niece, and one great-nephew. Interment was at Hicks Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Martha Ann Putman, 89, died January 6, 2010. She attended Beebe First Baptist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Gene and Barbara Putman of Fordland, MO; a daughter and son-in-law, Jeaniece and Kenneth Starnes of Beebe; a brother, Dewitt Busbea of North Little Rock; 5 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elbert H. Putman; and a son, Harold Leon Putman. Burial was at Harmony Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: A.Z. Putt, 78, passed away April 17, 2004. He was a member of the Cabot United Methodist Church and retired from Missouri Pacific Truck Lines. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Gladys Turner Putt; his children, Ricky Putt (Dorothy) of Cabot; Roger Anthony Putt of North Little Rock; Joy Thomas (Brent) of Mechanicsville, NY; and Janice Watson (Rick) of El Paso, AR; 9 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren; his brothers, Cecil Putt of Hazen; Leonard Putt of Alta Loma, CA; and his sisters, Clara Ingle of Hazen and Nadine Jay of Cambridge, NE. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jeff and Leona Putt; and by a brother, J.D. Putt. Services were held at Cabot United Methodist Church. Burial was at Hickory Plains cemetery with arrangements by Westbrook Funeral Home of Beebe, AR.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Judy LeVee Putt, 75, died October 8, 2006. She was a member of St. Andrew's Cathedral, and served as a volunteer for the Stephens Ministry and St. Vincent Hospital. She attended Mount St. Mary's Academy, and had been employed by Timex and Worthen Bank. Survivors include her sons, Randy Putt and wife Dixie of Cave Springs, and Rell Putt of Little Rock; her daughters, Paula Aultz and Laura Cole of Little Rock; a sister, Dodie Maurer of Belton, Mo.; a brother, Louis LeVee and wife Scilly of Virginia Beach, Va.; a brother-in-law, R.L. Putt of Heber Springs; her grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents, Clarence and Ruth LeVee. Services were held at St. Andrew's Cathedral, followed by interment at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Iva Mae Pyron, 74, died July 3, 2005.
She owned a gas station, and was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include a daughter, Shirlene Ricketts of Altus; two sons, Ray Pyron and Ronnie Pyron, both of Altus; mother, Nettie Penland of Idaho; two sisters, Wanda Sharpton of Idaho and Sue Hurt of Van Buren; a brother, Bobby Penland of Ozark; and 6 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Loy Glen Pyron; a son, Gary Glen Pyron; and her father, Ted C. Columbus Penland. Burial was at Nichols Chapel Cemetery in Altus with arrangements by Shaffer Funeral Home of Ozark, AR.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Kenneth H. Quaile, 75, died October 20, 1999. He was the son of the late Preston and Ferrol Harmon Quaile. He was a retired insurance salesman, and was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include a daughter, Susan Quaile of North Little Rock; and three sisters, Geri Thompson of Houston, TX, Elizabeth Spanke of Clarksville, and Virginia Esparza of Riverside, CA. He was preceded in death by his wife, Fae Rene Glover. Local arrangements were handled by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Charles W. Qualls, 85, died January 24, 2008. He was born October 10, 1922 to the late Ernest and Mattie Sue Glover Qualls. He retired from General Electric. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and was a member of the VFW. He is survived by a close friend, Martha Cobb of Fisher; five sisters, Elouise Wilson and Patsy Stalnaker of Harrisburg, Maxine Wilson of St. Louis, MO, Earnestine Lowery of Montrose, MI, and Carolyn Davis of Vicksburg, MS; two brothers, Thomas Qualls of Harrisburg, and Arthur Qualls of Batesville, MS; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by four sisters, Mary Sue Qualls, Etta Elizabeth Qualls Holmes, Stella L. Qualls, and Geraldine Qualls; three brothers, John Frank Qualls, Virl Qualls, and Oliver Qualls; and his parents. Services were held at the chapel of Thompson Funeral Home. Burial was at Pine Log Cemetery in Brookland, AR.
HOUSTON, ARKANSAS: Pearlie Qualls died February 20, 1907. She was born January 14, 1885. She was the wife of William M. Qualls. Interment was at May Cemetery.
SHERIDAN, ARKANSAS: Virginia Nayrene Qualls, 73, died November 3, 2008. She was born October 28, 1935 to the late Grover and Maggie Smith Ward. Survivors include her husband, William R. "Bill" Qualls; three sons, Jim Henley of Sheridan, David Henley of Longmont, CO, and Mike Henley of Sheridan; two daughters, Paula Patton of Sheridan, and Janie Boatwright of Watson Chapel; a brother, Troy Ward of Bentonville; 8 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by six brothers and a sister. Arrangements were handled by Buie Funeral Home.
BALD KNOB, ARKANSAS: Willie Mae Parker Querry, 79, died October 6, 2009. She was born May 16, 1930 to the late William Coy and Eula Gaskin Parker. She retired from Arkansas General Industries. She was of the Pentecostal faith, and was a Sunday School for over 55 years. She is survived by her sons, Hiawatha Querry (Sandra) of Bald Knob and William Querry (Lela) of Judsonia; her daughters, Shirley McGowan of Judsonia, Lanora Reed (Larry) of Judsonia, Annette Johnson (Jimmy) of Bradford, Charlene Williamson (Greg) of Bald Knob, and Gaya Reagan (Ronald) of Robert, LA; a sister, Nadean Brown of Mesa, AZ; 16 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cyrus Querry; a daughter, Willie Louise Querry; and a son, Lillard Cyrus Querry. Interment was at Shady Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Powell Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Kay Quick, 60, died July 25, 2000. She was a member of St. Boniface Catholic Church.
She is survived by her husband, Bill; a daughter, Wendy Quick of Fort Smith; a son, Eddy of Fort Smith; a sister, Wanda Ruth McLemore of Simonton, TX; and a brother, Lewis "Billy" King. Services were held at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Fort Smith. Burial of cremains was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith under the direction of Fentress Mortuary. Note: One record lists her name as Alma K. Quick.
GRAVETTE, ARKANSAS: Hattie Quigley, 72, died December 28, 1932. Survivors include her husband, J.J. Quigley; a stepson, Hugh Quigley; and two sisters. Services were held at the Christian Church, followed by interment at the Odd Fellows Cemetery.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Egberto Quijano, 77, died February 4, 2008. He was the son of the late Eucario Quijano and Esperanza Quijano. He is survived by several relatives and friends. Arrangements were handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
PARON, ARKANSAS: Mary Levina Quinn died on June 10, 1932. She was born in 1870, and was the wife of J.J. Quinn. Interment was at Bolin Cemetery in Paron, AR.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: James L. Quinton, 79, died March 17, 2000. He was born July 2, 1920 to Henry and Minda
Quinton. He was a retired construction worker. He was a World War II Army veteran, and attended the
West Fork Christian Church. He is survived by his wife, Mildred Quinton. Graveside services were held at the West Fork Cemetery with Rev. Jack Stockburger
officiating. Arrangements were handled by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home of Fayetteville, AR.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Willis Dean Quinton, 63, died on December 9, 1996. He was born on October 20, 1933 to Orvil and Oval Quinton McCratic. He is survived by a stepbrother, Junior McCratic; two stepsisters, France Eneks and Ruby Tribble; two uncles; and one aunt. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home of Prairie Grove, AR.
DARDANELLE, ARKANSAS: Loyd Rabjohn, 89, died April 26, 2002. He was born March 20, 1913 to the late E. L. Rabjohn and Alverda Armstrong Rabjohn. He was a retired lumber inspector and grader for the Deltic Timber Company in Ola, AR. He attended Mountain Pine Baptist Church. He is survived by a son, Laudell Rabjohn of Dardanelle; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife of 62 years, Modean Cox Rabjohn; two brothers, Gary "Bud" Rabjohn and Charlie Rabjohn; and two sisters, Gertrude Barnes and Leatha Elliott. Interment was at Bluffton Cemetery with Rev. Joe Yates officiating. Arrangements were handled by Shinn Funeral Service.
OXFORD, ARKANSAS: Lean O. Ausborn Raby, 62, died September 1, 2005. She was born April 9, 1943 to Lillie Brewer Ausborn and the late Bill Ausborn. She was a homemaker and a Baptist. She is survived by her mother; a son, David Ray Ausborn of Mountain View; a daughter, Deller Fisher of Mount Pleasant; two brothers, Olden and Mossey Ausborn, both of Mountain View; a sister, Lena Eversoll of Mountain View; and many nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, Bill Ausborn; her husband, Elvin Raby; three sisters; and a brother. Interment was at Alderbrook Cemetery in Desha under the direction of Roller-Crouch Funeral Home of Batesville, AR.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Opal Glee Raby, 92, passed away February 3, 2005. She was born December 28, 1912 to the late Elbert and Ellen Weaver Lasley. She was a homemaker, and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by a son, Dwight Harned and wife Suzanne of North Little Rock; two granddaughters, Jennifer Alton of Kansas City, MO, and Kristen Herring and husband Judd of Little Rock; a great-grandson, Lake Herring of Little Rock; and a stepdaughter, Carolyn McNeil and husband Jack of Vilonia. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Kermit Harned; her second husband, Millard Raby; three brothers; and two sisters. Interment was at Marcus Hill Cemetery in Enola with Rev. Greg Harrison officiating. Arrangements were handled by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: W.A. Raby, 50, died of typhoid fever on July 9, 1933 at the Fayetteville City Hospital. He was born May 8, 1883. Burial was at Illinois Chapel Cemetery under the direction of J.F. Moore.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Laura Radde, 82, died October 14, 2009. She was born May 11, 1927 to Edward and Loretta Tucker Miller. She is survived by a son, Jon Radde of Fayetteville; two daughters, Cheryl Sagman of Vista, CA, and Kim Berger of Bella Vista; a brother; two sisters; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
Services were held at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rogers. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Verdell Radford, 87, died March 5, 2012 at the Lifetouch Hospice House in El Dorado. She retired from the Crossett Health Center, and was a member of Fudge Baptist Church. She lived in the White Station community. Survivors include a daughter, Mary Jean Martin; a son, Jesse L. Radford, Jr.; a sister, Cora Lee Jones; a brother, Austin Williams; a daughter-in-law, Lora Jean Radford; 10 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Rev. Jesse L. Radford, Sr.; a daughter, Carol Sue Brown; a son, William Wayne Radford; her parents, Green and Mary Etta Cason Williams; two sisters, Vevia Bailey and Ozell Simpson; and two brothers, Earl Williams and Lacy Washington. Services were held at New Bethel Baptist Church. Interment was at Ryles Cemetery by Cromwell Funeral Home.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Paul J. Rasdon, 69, died March 19, 2007. He was a farmer and a truck driver. He is survived by three sons, Paul Luttrull and Eric Rasdon, both of Booneville, and Ronnie Rasdon of Iowa; a daughter, Brenda Rasdon of Iowa; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Sugar Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Helen J. Ragan, 79, died April 18, 2007. She was born January 19, 1918. She was a former employee of Brown Shoe Co. She is survived by her sons, Jim Ragan of Wauchula, FL, Neil Ragan and Jonathan Ragan, both of Pocahontas, David Ragan of Las Cruces, NM, and Warren Ragan of Marion, IL; her sisters, Florence Grissom of Maynard, Eloise Hufstedler and Sue Bunch, both of Pocahontas, and Lilly Dearlove of Fort Leonard Wood, MO; a brother, Norman Smith of Pocahontas; 5 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Hite and Ernestine Sutton Smith; her husband, Loyd Ragan; two sisters, Isabelle Penn and Linda Smith; and her brothers, Harold, Frank and Junior Smith. Burial was at Chesser Cemetery by Cox-Waymon Funeral Home.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Omega "Shady" Ragan, 77, died December 20, 2006. He was born February 24, 1929 to the late Bill Ragan and Annie Alfred Ragan Jones. He was a construction worker, and was of the Assembly of God faith. Survivors include his wife, Marjorie Curtis Ragan; four sons, Roger Ragan of Camden, AR, Bruce Ragan of Fordyce, AR, Marlin Ragan of Kilgore, TX, Jerry Ragan Williams of Marshall, TX; two daughters, Leatha Ragan of Kilgore, TX and Darlene Ragan of Kilgore, TX; 13 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Interement was at Moss Cemetery in Bearden with arrangements by Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Eva Madolyn Ragland, 85, died February 28, 2003. She was born November 28, 1917 to Ernest and Sarah Leona Lavender Nichols. She was a homemaker and a Jehovah's Witness. She is survived by four daughters, Sharon Ragland, Debbie Whitehead, Cheryl Phillips, and Sue Santillan; a son, Samuel Ragland; two sisters, Virginia Reader and Zelma Pikarsky; 8 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Samuel Ragland; a daughter, Linda Ragland; and two brothers. Interment was at Lawrence Memorial Park with Dale Cobble officiating. Arrangements were handled by Bryan Funeral Home.
MARSHALL, ARKANSAS: Jimmie Clyde Ragland died May 10, 2005. He was born February 20, 1941 to Cecil and Ruth Curtis Ragland. He served as Chief of Police in Marshall for seventeen years, and was a pastor at Nubbin Hill Community Church. He was a member of Wiley's Cove Masonic Lodge #524. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Ragland; two sons, David and Leslie Ragland; three daughters, Dana Tibbitts and husband Jim, Lana Rose and husband Jim, and Tina Ragland, all of Marshall; three grandchildren; a great-grandson; a sister, Joyce Watts and husband Gerald of Marshall; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; an infant brother; an infant sister; and a grandson. Services were held at Marshall Assembly of God with Bro. Steve Jones and Jimmy Don Tibbitts officiating. Burial was at Nubbin Hill Cemetery in Leslie, AR with arrangements by Roller-Coffman Funeral Home.
HARRISBURG, ARKANSAS: Mary Elezebeth Ragland, 85, died February 7, 2007. She was born May 25, 1921 to Wiley and Ozie Baker Floyd. She is survived by a son, Walter Ragland of Cherry Valley; a daughter, Joyce Evans of Eads, TN; a brother; a sister; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Cherry Valley Baptist Church. Burial was at Tyler Cemetery in Cherry Valley with arrangements handled by Thompson-Wilson Funeral Home of Wynne, AR.
MOUNT IDA, ARKANSAS: JoAnn Elizabeth Norris Ragle, 78, died August 4, 2009. She was born June 1, 1931 to Henry Brantley Norris and Alice Elizabeth Kinser Norris. She enjoyed gardening, cooking, crafts, reading and nature. She is survived by her husband, Morris W. Ragle; a son, Henry S. Ragle of Hot Springs; two daughters and sons-in-law, Nancy and David McLelland of Mount Ida, and Becky and Larry Hejduk of Nash, TX; two sisters, Shirley Ward of Abilene, TX and Kathy Schmeig of Fredericksburg, TX; six brothers, Terry Norris and Jim Norris, both of Mount Ida, Tony Norris of Flagstaff, AZ, Tom Norris of Aiken, SC, Sam Norris of Elkins, WV, and Homer Norris of Aledo, TX; 9 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Eldon Norris and Charles Norris; an infant daughter, Drama Suzanne; and a son, Randy Morris Ragle. Arrangements were handled by Gross Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Anner C. Raglind, 79, died August 29, 2002. She was born June 16, 1923 to the late Paul Wilkerson and Hattie Marzette Wilkerson.
She was a retired store owner. She attended St. Luke Baptist Church at Sherrill, where she was a member of the missionary society, usher board, choir and the pastoral singing union. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Yellow Stone Chapter 145, and the Order of the Golden Circle, E.U. Reed 78. She was the widow of Roosevelt Raglind. Among the survivors are four daughters, Ruby Garner of Chicago, Vera Cargile of Cleveland Heights, OH, Diane Mann of Milwaukee, and Ashley McDonald of Pine Bluff; a sister, Maeiona Bowens of St. Louis; 5 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. Luke Baptist Church with Rev. G.L. Ford officiating. Burial was at St. Luke Cemetery with arrangements by Brown Funeral Home.
MORRISON BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Absalom Ragon died March 17, 1880. He was born July 10, 1801. He was married to Jane Ragon, and they are both buried at the Ragon Family Cemetery in Morrison Bluff.
MORRISON BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Agnes Antonia Raible, 96, died January 26, 2006. She was born November 11, 1909. She was a dairy and poultry farmer, and was later a Co-Op clerk. She played the organ at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church for over 75 years. She is survived by a daughter, Dolores Stemper of Chicago, IL; a son, Frank Raible of Scranton; 7 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Elizabeth Rotert Geels; and her husband, Frank J. Raible. Services were held at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Morrison Bluff. Interment was at Ss. Peter and Paul Cemetery by Roller Funeral Home of Paris, AR.
HUMNOKE, ARKANSAS: Denver F. Rail, 94, died March 5, 2005. He was born August 20, 1910. He attended the Humnoke Pentecostal Church. Survivors include a son, Danny Rail (Paula) of England, AR; two daughters, JoAnn Drexler (Mike) of Stockbridge, and Georgia and Mary Catherine Jones of North Little Rock; a sister, Marie Gravett of North Little Rock; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife of 62 years, Martha Elizabeth Rail. Burial was at Flynn Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-England Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: C.A. Railey, Jr., 69, died July 24, 1999. He was a retired brickmason, and served as a music minister at Bethel Baptist Church in Barling. Survivors include his wife, Jackie; two daughters, Becky Davis and Martha Choate, both of Fort Smith; four sons, David P. Railey, Dennis Railey and John Railey, all of Fort Smith, and Don Railey of Rudy; a brother, Rev. David E. Railey of Fort Smith; 14 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Roselawn Cemetery under the direction of Lewis Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Homer Harold Railey, 85, died February 1, 2011. He was born May 15, 1925 in Butterfield, AR to Noah Levi Railey and Emma Hazel Beason Railey. He retired from the railroad industry after 32 years of service, and had worked for Rock Island, Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and served with the 446th Ordinance Division in Germany and France. He attended Park Place Baptist Church, and was a 32nd degree Mason. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Jewell Railey; a son, Jason Lee Railey of Little Rock; a sister, Mary Baxter of Bryant; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Barbara Reynolds; and a brother, J.D. Railey. Interment was at Antioch Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Henry Rainbolt, 65, died January 7, 2007. He was born January 2, 1942 to the late Seaborn Rainbolt and Gladys Holloway Rainbolt. He was a draftsman. He also worked in sales, and had been employed by the Department of Correction. He attended the Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca Brown Rainbolt; a son, Brad Rainbolt of Star City; three daughters, Christine Emwally of Woodland, WA, Bonnie Miller of Keizer, OR, and Kimberly Warren of Little Rock; two stepsons, Willie Jett of Tyler, TX and Wayne Jett of Star City; two brothers, Nolan Rainbolt of Star City and A.C. Rainbolt of Portland, OR; seven sisters, Lillian Boyd, Lena Rainbolt, Nellie Raymond and Lilly Rainbolt, all of Bastrop, Nettie Willie of Vidalia, LA, Eunice Murry of Bend, OR, and Patsy Russell of Marion, LA; and 13 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Jeff Rainbolt; his parents; and a brother, David Rainbolt. Burial was at Hickory Grove Cemetery by Griffin Funeral Service.
HATTIEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Icy Lee Rainey, 69, died July 29, 2006. She was born January 27, 1937 to Fred and Emma Byers. She was a member of New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland, where she served as a church secretary, youth director, mission president, mission teacher, Sunday School teacher and choir member. She was also secretary of the community center and a 4-H Club leader. She is survived by her husband, Carl Rainey; her sons, Alfred Rainey of Springdale, Carlton Rainey of Plumerville, Timothy Rainey of Maumelle, Dan Rainey of Farmington, Gerald Rainey of California, Julian Rainey, Paul Rainey, and Ron Rainey, all of Little Rock, and Rev. Kerwin Rainey, Eric Rainey, and Christopher Rainey, all of Cleveland; her daughters, Merdina Nash of North Little Rock, Charlotte Green of Conway, Stephanie Bryant of Forrest City, and Laurinda Rainey of Durham, NC; five brothers; three sisters; 25 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at New Mount Zion Cemetery by Wilson and Jarrett Funeral Home.
WILMOT, ARKANSAS: Betty Jean Raino, 55, died August 7, 2009. She was a member of Morning Star Baptist Church. She is survived by her mother, Rosie Mae Jackson Raino; a son, Michael Jackson of Wilmot; two daughters, Vicky Ann Raino and Tammy Jackson, all of Fort Smith; a brother, Tony Raino of Wilmot; three sisters, Frankie Smith of Little Rock, Kathleen Hampton of Fort Smith, and Angela Johnson; 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her father, Willie Lee Raino; and two brothers, Johnny and Bennie Raino. Cremation arrangements were handled by Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
MAYNARD, ARKANSAS: Amzier Rainwater, 65, passed away June 13, 2005. He was a heavy equipment operator. Survivors include his wife, Linda Gail Barnett Rainwater; three sons, Greg Rainwater of Lake City, Mark Rainwater of Pocahontas, and Joseph "Joe" Rainwater of Maryville, TN; a daughter, Sheila Quarterman of Pocahontas; six brothers, Richard Rainwater of Walnut Ridge, John Rainwater of Warm Springs, David Rainwater of Pocahontas, Ronnie Rainwater of Maynard, Phillip Rainwater of Winchester, KY, and Bill Rainwater of Boss, MO; four sisters, Geneva Allen of Maynard, Clara Chesser of Stokes, Doris Tunstall of Nashville, TN, and Virginia Hilton of Warrenton, M; 4 grandchildren; and 2 step-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Earl Enos and Martha Ader Hollaway Rainwater; two brothers; and a sister. Services were held at the Chapel of McNabb Funeral Home of Pocahontas, AR with Bill Goode and Bob McMillon officiating. Burial was at Barnett Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Marjorie Raley, 80, died May 9, 2007. She was a retired bookkeeper for International Paper Company. She was a longtime volunteer with Helping Hand, and enjoyed yard work and sports, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. She was a member of the Cathedral of St. Andrew. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Terry and Larry Gordon of Sherwood, and Karen and Dan Edelmann of Little Rock; a son and daughter-in-law, Thomas and Eunice Raley of Sherwood; 11 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas; and three sisters, Mildred Farley, Lois Krueger, and Kathryn Hurt. Services were held at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Olive M. Ralph died September 15, 2009. She was born May 30, 1930 to Earle Henry and Dorothy Lincoln Temple. She was a telephone operator, a cook for the US Air Force Food Service and local nursing homes, and retired from Pizza Hut. She enjoyed sports. She is survived by her husband, Franklin L. Ralph; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Gary Ralph and Stephen and Elizabeth Ralph; two daughters and sons-in-law, Kathryn and John Steele, and Heidi and Timothy Neumann; 12 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a brother, Earle H. Temple, Jr. Arrangements were handled by Westfield Chapel.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Sara Frances Hughes Rambo, 82, died May 8, 2009. She was the daughter of Esca Dewey and Ida Brown Hughes. She is survived by her children and their spouses, Luther and Linda Money, Edward and Goldie Money, Charles and Lynda Wilson, and Deborah Wilson; her brothers and sisters-in-law, Earl and Linda Williams and Elby and Betty Williams; a sister, Carrie Viola Denney; 13 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Dogwood Cemetery under the direction of Cobb Funeral Home.
ALTUS, ARKANSAS: Ruby E. Brown Rambur, 67, died May 27, 2004. She was born May 7, 1937 to the late Jefferson Davis and Ruby Neola McCartney Brown. Survivors include two daughters, Gina Oberste of Clarksville, and Lanesa Cordell of Altus; two sisters, Dorothy Rofkahr and Levonia Williamson, both of Altus; three brothers, Harold Brown of Altus, and Charles Brown and J.D. Brown; both of Ozark; and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at the Highland Cemetery in Ozark, AR under the direction of Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Marsena Ramey, 81, died October 2, 2005. She was a retired bookkeeper for Lake Fort Smith Park. She was active with the Girl Scouts. She enjoyed fishing, and was an avid fan of the Arkansas Razorbacks. Survivors include a brother-in-law, Weldon Ramey and his wife Mary of Alma, AR; a brother, Jim Stone and his wife Bonnie of Wichita, KS; and a granddaughter, Christina Taylor. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edgar Ramey; and by a daughter, Marcia Taylor. Interment was at Gill Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home of Van Buren, AR.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Alfredo Ramirez, 67, died March 9, 2004. He was born October 5, 1936 in Michoacan, Mexico. He was a farm laborer, and attended Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Hamburg. Survivors include his wife, Rosa Vargas Ramirez; four sons, Jose Luis Ramirez of Warren, Isidro Ramirez of Lake Village, Juan Carlos Ramirez of Portland and Alfredo Ramirez Jr. of Los Angeles, California; two daughters, Margarita Ramirez of Bastrop and Maria Ramirez of Mexico; three brothers, Artemio, Jesus and Arturo Rameriz; two sisters, Emma and Maria de los Angeles Ramirez, of Mexico; and 19 grandchildren. A funeral Mass was held at the chapel of Jones-Hartshorn Funeral Home with Father Eric Pohlmeier officiating. Burial was at the Hamburg Cemetery.
McNEIL, ARKANSAS: Connie L. Ramos, 75, died June 25, 2010 at Magnolia Regional Medical Center. She was born April 19, 1935 in Collins, IN to Wilmar and Katherine Deutsch Nace. She was a retired seamstress with Columbia Sewing, and attended North Acres Baptist Church. Survivors include her children, Paul Ramos, Jr. (Shirley) of Stephens, and Catherine Marie Carpenter of Mayo, FL; two sisters, Sharon Giger of Albion, IN, and Linda Tracey of Stanton, VA; 7 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Ramos, Sr.; and her parents. Interment was at New Hope Cemetery with arrangements by Bailey Funeral Home.
RUDY, ARKANSAS: Minnie Lou Ramsay, 99, died August 27, 2007. She retired from Garrison Furniture, and was a Baptist. Survivors include a great-niece, Teresa Burnett of Rudy; and a number of other relatives and friends. Services were held at the chapel of Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home. Burial was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Charles Ramsey, 73, died September 22, 2004 at St. Bernard's Medical Center. He was born January 29, 1931 in Ingram to Charlie and Laura Ramsey. He was a farmer, and also worked at Magee Picture Frame Outlet. He was a member of Success First Baptist Church, and was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his wife, Sue Ramsey; a son, Steve Ramsey of Corning; three daughters, Verna Godwin of Corning, Susan Gwinn of Maynard, and Pam Esparza of Mesquite, TX; a sister, Essie Furlow of Sherwood; 8 grandchildren; 8 step-grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a great-granddaughter. Burial was at Nelson Cemetery under the direction of Ermert Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Gaynor Ramsey, 88, died November 13, 2002. He was born August 25, 1914 to the late Paul and Effie Ann Lacey Ramsey. He was a retired foreman for McGeorge Contracting Construction Company after 40 years of service. He was a World War II veteran. He attended the Pauline Missionary Baptist Church of Monticello. He was preceded in death by his wife, Thelma Ramsey. There are no immediate survivors. Interment was at Union Ridge Cemetery with Rev. Larry Clements officiating. Arrangements were handled by Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home of Monticello, AR.
SMACKOVER, ARKANSAS: James Phillip Ramsey, infant, died December 23, 1954. He was survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ramsey; three brothers, Derrell Ramsey, Elvin Ramsey and Geania Ramsey; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Armand Butler, and Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Ramsey. Services were held at Beech Grove Church. Interment was at Beech Grove Cemetery under the direction of Pratt Funeral Home. Note: Another record mentions a Beech Grove Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Lt. William H. Ramsey died on May 16, 1925. He was born on February 2, 1840 in Georgia. He served with Co. C of the 11th Georgia Infantry during the Civil War. He was married to Judith Seale Ramsey. He worked as a clerk for the North Little Rock Police court. Burial was at Holly Cemetery in Pulaski County, Arkansas.
GRADY, ARKANSAS: Vernon L. Rancifer, 79, died June 25, 2002. He was born April 22, 1923 to the late Early Rancifer and Adline Thaddeus Rancifer. He was a farmer, and attended Paradise Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Lillie Mae Rancifer; five sons, Ricky Rancifer, Darnell Rancifer and Calvin Lee Rancifer, all of Grady, Earl Lee Rancifer of Pine Bluff and Barnell Holmes of Oklahoma City, OK; three daughters, Betty Garner Griffin of Pine Bluff, Lucetta Jordan of Little Rock and Angela Medlock Rancifer of Grady; a brother, Charles Rancifer of Kalamazoo, MI; five sisters, Melba Osborne, Mabeline Pearson, Willie Earl Hill and Alice Byrd, all of Chicago, IL, and Laverne Williams of Brookhaven, MS. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Linda Faye Rancifer; two brothers, Olive V. Rancifer and Hubbard Rancifer; and three sisters, Margie Wilcoxson, Helen Smith and Eylois Franklin. Services were held at Damascus Baptist Church in Grady with Rev. Sylvester Kearney officiating. Burial was at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery under the direction of P.K. Miller Mortuary.
GILLETT, ARKANSAS: Walter Joe Rand, 83, died December 23, 2009. He was a retired well driller, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Walter C. and Lora Rand of England; a brother, Sam Herod; and three sisters, Opal Simmons, Rosemary Reichenback, and Betty Sue Bone. He was preceded in death by his wife, Hazel Rand; his parents, Evelyn and Calvin A. Rand; two sisters, Leola Schucks and Eunice Fugatt; and a daughter, Sarah Jo Rand. Interment was at the Gillett Cemetery under the direction of Essex Funeral Home.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Dovie Mae Randall, 87, died October 10, 2005. She was a homemaker. She atteneded Maple Shade Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include a son, Clyde Randall of Van Buren; two sisters, Mable Salisbury of Avelene, Texas, and Lucille Kerns of Mount Vernon, Texas; one grandchild, three great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Interment was at Byers Cemtery in Alma with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Colette Renee Armstrong Randolph, 45, passed away on January 30, 2003. She was born March 19, 1957 to Clifton O. Armstrong Sr. and Maxine Armstrong. She attended Greater Trinity Church of God in Christ, and was an usher there. Survivors include her husband, Frederick Randolph; two sons, Frederickas Randolph and Benard J. Randolph, both of Little Rock; four sisters, Yolanda Winston, Sherri Armstrong, Jeannia Armstrong and Chasity Armstrong, all of Little Rock; and eight brothers, David Jones, Otis Armstrong, Clifton L. Armstrong, Clayton Armstrong and Clinton Armstrong, all of Little Rock, Clifton Q. Armstrong Jr. of Springfield, IL, Tony Givens of Conway, and Corey Knight of Omaha, NE. Services were held at Greater Trinity Church of God in Christ with Dewitt Hill officiating. Burial was at Rest in Peace Cemetery in Hensley with arrangements by Christian Way Funeral Home of Pine Bluff, AR.
SUMMERS, ARKANSAS: Susie Jane Rush Randolph, 76, died January 16, 1982. She was born December 26, 1905 to John and Sophia Summers Rush. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, J. Estle Randolph; a stepson, Marshall C. Randolph; a brother, Vester Rush; two sisters, Cindy Smith and Roffie Pergeson; a step-grandchild; and a step great-grandchild. Services were held at Wedington Baptist Church. Burial was as Wedington Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Virginia Quillin Randolph, 71, died November 14, 1998. She was the daughter of the late Bert and Helen Carroll Quillin, and had worked as a nurse's aide at Crawford Memorial Hospital. She attended Rena Road Church of Christ in Van Buren. She is survived by her husband, Lee J. Randolph; three daughters, Linda Smith of Claremore, OK, Jeanette Frantz of Ocala, FL, and Carolyn Griffin of Fort Smith; two sons, Tommy Randolph of Mulberry and Del Randolph of Cedarville; a brother, Robert Quillin of Edmond, OK; 14 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Rena Road Church of Christ with Wendell Needham officiating. Interment was at Srygley Cemetery in Coal Hill with arrangements by Lewis Funeral Chapel.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Kathy Fay Raney, 45, died in an automobile accident on July 25, 2003. She is survived by her mother, Mazie Raney; four sisters, Janet Mason and Lesia Simpson of Rector, and Dorothy Boozer and Frances Raney of Piggott; five brothers, Johnny Raney of Corning, Robert Raney of Marion, Max Raney of Piggott, Roger Raney of Pollard, and Gaylon Raney of Mountain Home; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her father, John Raney; and a brother, David. Burial was at Mars Hills Cemetery in Crockett with arrangements by Ermert Funeral Home.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Thomas C. Raney died December 29, 1909. He was born April 25, 1844. He was the husband of Sarah E. Raney. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company A of the Missouri Infantry. Burial was at the Berryville Cemetery.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Sammie Lewis Range, 80, died July 24, 2002. He was a retired farm worker, and attended New Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church in Osceola. He is survived by his wife, Bernice Range; two sons, William Range and Reginald Range, both of Burlington, IA; seven daughters, Jacqueline Johnson of Osceola, Brenda Love of Joiner, Joann Porter of Burlington, Laraine Range of Killeen, TX, and Martha Mobley, Mary Range and Aundria Range, all of Sherwood; a sister, Lillian Vaughn of Shreveport, LA; a brother, Willie Vaughn of Shreveport, LA; 24 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. Services were held at New Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Robert Overton officiating. Burial was at Whiteside Cemetery with arrangements by Wilson Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Roger F. Ransom, 75, died December 25, 2002 in Tulsa, OK. He was a retired salesman for Hiland Dairy, and was a U.S. Air Force veteran of the Korean War. He was a member of Belle Pointe Masonic Lodge #20 F&AM and the Scottish Rite Bodies of Western Arkansas. Survivors include his wife, Betty Ransom; a son, Ronnie Ransom of Fayetteville; and a brother, Billy Ransom of Richardson, TX. He was preceded in death by a son, Gary Ransom; and a daughter, Sherry Ransom. Interment was at Woodlawn Cemetery under the direction of Fentress Mortuary.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Eunice Rapp, 77, died May 2, 1969. She was a Methodist. She was survived by her husband, Albert Rapp; a son, A.J.; a sister, Marjorie McKee; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery under the direction of Pyeatte Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Harry Paul Rapp, 82, died October 22, 2009. He was born January 31, 1927 to James and Myrtle Rapp. He retired from Lion Oil Refinery after over 30 years of service, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He enjoyed baseball, football, and NASCAR. He is survived by three daughters, Vicki Ward (Robert), Marie James (Darrell), and Theresa Ward (Steve), all of El Dorado; a son, Rickey Rapp (Beverly); a brother, James D. Rapp (Esther) of El Dorado; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents. Interment with military honors was at Woodlawn Cemetery with arrangements by Young's Funeral Directors.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Paul J. Rasdon, 69, died March 19, 2007. He was a truck driver and a farmer. He was born January 17, 1928 to the late Elva and Millie Garrett Rasdon. Survivors include three sons, Paul Luttrull and Eric Rasdon, both of Booneville, and Ronnie Rasdon of Iowa; a daughter, Brenda Rasdon of Iowa; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Mike Rasdon; and three brothers. Interment was at Sugar Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
RISON, ARKANSAS: Carolyn Lorene Ratcliff, 87, died August 30, 2010 at Chicot Memorial Hospital in Lake Village. She was born June 8, 1923. She was a member of Watson United Methodist Church in Watson, AR. Survivors include her husband, Troy Ratcliff; two daughters, Shirley Burchfield of Monticello, and Ginger Crain of San Francisco, CA; three sons; Johnny Ratcliff of Rison, Gibbs Mays of McGehee, and Travis Ratcliff of Sheridan; a sister, Vernie Williams of Watson; 7 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at Morgan Cemetery in Watson, AR under the direction of Griffin Funeral Service.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Winona Eileen "Sissy" Knoll Ratcliff, 74, died December 28, 2002 at her residence. She was born September 1, 1928 to Everett and Faye Knoll. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Cynthia Ratcliff Hines of Stuttgart; a son, Johnny D. Ratcliff of Mabelvale; a sister, Norma Knoll Oliver of Stuttgart; a brother, Jimmie P. Knoll of McCaskill; 6 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lloyd Ratcliff; a son, Larry Ratcliff; and her parents. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church. Burial was at Lone Tree Cemetery under the direction of Turpin Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Lydia Ratliff, 91, died June 10, 1969. She was born December 2, 1877. She was a Methodist. She was survived by a daughter, Thelma Summer; a brother, Tom Worthy; 3 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. Burial was at Mount Hebron Cemetery under the direction of Callison Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Roy James Ratliff, 99, died January 30, 2009. He was born January 16, 1910 to the late James and Doran Ratliff. Survivors include his son, Leroy Ratliff; his sisters, Pauline Cooper, Marlene Brickeen, Sharon Ballard, and Libby Dunauant; 16 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Inis Ratliff; four brothers; and three sisters. Burial was at Randolph Memorial Gardens under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
MARVELL, ARKANSAS: Orental Maurice Rattler, 36, died August 25, 2012. He was born December 1, 1975 in Helena, AR. Survivors include his mother, Barbara Rattler of Little Rock; his father Lorenzo Rattler, Sr. of Elaine; four sisters, Regina Brown of Littler Rock, Shaundola Rattler of Helena, and Fallon Rattler and Veronica Palmer, both of Jacksonville; a brother, Lorenzo Rattler, Jr. of Little Rock; his uncles and aunts; his nieces and nephews; and his cousins. Interment was at Postelle Cemetery under the direction of Bob Neal and Sons Funeral Home.
SMACKOVER, ARKANSAS: Nancy Ratton, 79, died December 11, 1957. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include four sons, Leonard Ratton, Harry Ratton, J.W. Ratton, Jr. and Jesse Ratton; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Yingland, Mrs. Lottie Hughes, Mrs. Jane West and Mrs. Julia Harrison; a brother, John Wistnant; a half-brother, Leonard Wistnant; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Buckner Memorial Cemetery by Smith Funeral Home.
RISON, ARKANSAS: Bernice Holderfield Rauls, 86, died February 23, 2005. She was born June 12, 1918 to the late Garland "G.G." Holderfield and Monnie Lee Crook Holderfield. She served as treasurer of the Prosperity Cemetery Association for 25 years. She worked for Cleveland County Hospital, Cleveland County Nursing Home and Rison public schools as a lunchroom worker. She attended Center Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Clinton Rauls and Joe Rauls, both of Rison; a daughter, Nancy Briggs of DeWitt; a sister, Faye Spakes of Pine Bluff; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wheeler Rauls; and 7 brothers and sisters. Services were held at Buie Funeral Home with Doney Blackerby, Jim Tollison and Wade Totty officiating. Burial was at Prosperity Cemetery.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Willard Rawls, 68, died October 6, 2006. He was a retired farmer. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and was of the Pentecostal faith. He is survived by a son, Morgan Rawls of O'Kean; two daughters, Kelly Shawn Jones of O'Kean, and Michelle Eubanks of Paragould; four sisters, Barbara Jones of Bono, Mary Fossett of California, Georgia Rawls of Walnut Ridge, and Bernice Fossett of Delaplaine; 6 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sue Wilson Rawls. Burial was at Sharum Cemetery by House-Gregg Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Add Lee Ray, 73, died January 5, 2002. She was born May 25, 1928 to the late Adward Williams and Eliza Boulware Williams. She was a retiree of the Pine Bluff School District, having worked as a supervisor in the dietary department. She attended Indiana Street Missionary Baptist Church, and served on the usher board. Among the survivors are two daughters, Tina Hill and Sheila Hill, both of Pine Bluff. Services were held at the Indiana Street Missionary Baptist Church with the Rev. L.K. Solomon presiding. Burial was at Henson Memorial Garden with arrangements by Henson Mortuary.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ernest R. Ray died May 10, 1945. He was born November 18, 1878. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Gertie Swatzel Ray, 100, died November 29, 2004. She was born July 21, 1904 to John H. and Nancy Elizabeth Alexander Swatzel. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Mareta Adams and husband Ralph of Hartman; a son, Jack E. Ray and wife Donna of Fayetteville; 9 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie R. Ray, Sr.; a daughter, Glenita Ray Day; and a son, Charles Ray, Jr. Services were held at Hardwicke Funeral Home in Hartman with Harold Stambaugh officiating. Burial followed at West Mount Zion Cemetery.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Joe Wendell Ray died March 17, 2006.
He was born August 21, 1952 to the late Ellis H.
Ray and Lola Cornett Ray. He was a construction worker and a U.S. Army veteran. Survivors include two daughters, Shandra Ray and Amaris Ray; three sisters, Vera M. Brooks, Vada Ray Mosby and Lillie Patricia Green; three brothers, James Ray, Bobby Ray and Benjamin Ray; a granddaughter; and ex-wife Eddie Knox Ray. Services were held at Mt. Sinai Church of God In Christ, Conway. Burial was at Ray Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Kelley Michelle Ray, infant, died August 23, 1990. She is survived by her parents, Carl and LaNan Ray; a brother, Eric Ray of Cabot; her grandparents, Elzora and Kelly Gilliam of Cabot, and Carl and Jean Ray, Jr. of Austin; and her great-grandparents, R.V. and Evelyn Hooper of Beebe, Carl and Virginia Ray of Englewood, FL, and Beatrice Rupel of Jacksonville. Burial was at 16th Section Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Jack Allen Raymond, 58, died May 9, 2009. He was born July 7, 1950. He was a retired truck driver with Schnieder Truck Lines. He is survived by two sisters, Elaine House of Wynne and Elizabeth Peden of Mansfield, OH; brothers, Gene Raymond of Wynne and David Raymond of Matthews, MO; his best friends, Elizabeth Echols and Chuck Wilkins, both of Wynne; and a goddaughter, Elaine Echols of Wynne. He was preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Ada Raymond; and a brother, Tommy Raymond. Interment was at Crosslawn Cemetery under the direction of Kernodle Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Angie Lee Posey Rea, 105, died August 20, 2001. She was born October 9, 1895 to the late William Monroe Henson and Margaret Frances Sartain Henson. She was a nurse's aide, having worked in hospitals and private homes. She attended University Park Church of the Nazarene. She delivered Bibles to nursing homes and worked with the prison ministry. She was a musician and enjoyed crocheting.
She is survived by a son, Carroll Posey of Little Rock; a daughter, Sadie Varnell of Pine Bluff; 11 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and 24 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, C.A. Posey; a son, J.W. Posey; and a daughter, Pauline Kinsey. Services were held at the University Park Church of the Nazarene at Little Rock with Rev. Ken Campbell and Rev. Carroll Posey, Jr. officiating. Burial was at Edgewood Cemetery with arrangements by Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth of Little Rock, AR.
SHERIDAN, ARKANSAS: Leo Charles Read, 91, died September 15, 2007. He was born August 1, 1916 to the late Charles E. Read and Lula Louise Wilcox Read. He was a machinist for the Jacuzzi Brothers Company in Little Rock for over 25 years. He belonged to Little Creek Missionary Baptist Church. He is survived by a daughter, Sara Rita Smith of Pine Bluff; three stepsons, H. Gene Manning and Larry Joe Manning, both of Conway, and James Michael Manning of Sheridan; 9 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his wife, Odie Lee Read; and a son, Charles Read. Services were held at the chapel of Buie Funeral Home with Bro. Jim Wagner officiating. Interment was at Lone Tree Cemetery in Stuttgart, AR.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: William Edward Read died October 2, 2009. He was born August 19, 1948. He was a mechanic, and a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by a daughter, Rhonda Knight; 6 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at Oak Grove Cemetery #1 with arrangements by Brown's Home For Funerals, Inc.
HIGHFILL, ARKANSAS: Ona Mae Reams, 89, died April 2, 2000 at Siloam Springs Memorial Hospital. She was born January 13, 1911 in Washington County, AR to Frank and Sally Aden Stanfield. She had worked for the Bentonville Public Schools lunchroom program. She is survived by a daughter, Betty Reams Cherry of Highfill; a son, Bob F. Reams of Highfill; and 3 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ocey Ervin Reams; and a granddaughter. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Highfill. Interment was at Elm Springs Cemetery by Wasson Funeral Home.
EVENING SHADE, ARKANSAS: Wanda Faye Reans, 70, died September 4, 2007. She was the daughter of Francis and Flora Reans. She enjoyed fishing, sewing, crotcheting, and going to yard sales. She was a Baptist. Survivors include three daughters; two sons; three brothers; two sisters; 13 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Jerry; her stepmother, Genevieve; a grandson, Joshua Mullins; and two great-grandsons, Dade Wallace and Draven McEntire. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery in Highland, AR with Dr. Larry White officiating. Arrangements were handled by Tri-County Funeral Home of Hardy, AR.
WIDENER, ARKANSAS: Edna Crumbly Reason, 100, died February 10, 2002. She was born June 9, 1901. Survivors include five sons, Julian Crumbly, Ralph Crumbly and Joe Louis Crumbly, all of Chicago, Isaac Crumbly of Ft. Valley, GA, and Jack Crumbly of Widener; five daughters, Florine Kelly of Detroit, MI, Catherine Manning of Maywood, IL, Hazel Smith of Forrest City, Jeanette Wiley of Blytheville, and Edna Thompson of Las Vegas, NV; 38 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. Luke A.M.E. Church. Burial was at Paradise Garden Cemetery with arrangements by Clay Funeral Home.
HAZEN, ARKANSAS: Leona L. Red, 89, died March 4, 2007. Survivors include a son, Lynn Red of Hazen; a daughter, Anita Watkins of Forrest City; two sisters, Ann Boyce of Gurdon and Vera Faye Cullum of North Little Rock; a brother, Frank Carter of Little Rock; 4 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dave Red; two sisters, Ruby McCallie and Myrtle Hubble; and a brother, Walter Carter. Services were held at the chapel of Westbrook Funeral Home in Hazen. Burial followed at the Hazen Cemetery.
HELENA, ARKANSAS: Theodrice T. Redd, Sr., 88, of Helena-West Helena died July 13, 2008. He was born January 25, 1920 to the late George and Henrietta Redd. He retired from Chicago Mill and Lumber Company. He was a dedicated poll worker and community leader. He attended True Vine Baptist Church, where he served as a trustee and was active in the Men's Ministry. Survivors include two daughters, Loistyne Redd Burrell of Helena-West Helena, and Barbara Redd Williams of Broadview, IL; two sons, Teodrice Redd, Jr. (Diane) of Chicago, and Jordan Redd of Helena-West Helena; 8 grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Leoma Somlar Redd. Services were held at True Vine Baptist Church. Burial was at Jackson Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Jackson and Highley Funeral Home.
WHITE HALL, ARKANSAS: Kirby L. Reddin, 84, died May 25, 2005. He was born August 13, 1920 to the late Robert Reddin and Lurline Nichols Reddin. He was a retired crane operator for Weyerhauser Paper Mill, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He attended the First Baptist Church of Hampton, AR. He is survived by two sons, Scotty Reddin of Pine Bluff, and Mike Reddin of the Sulphur Springs community; a daughter, Darla Reddin Barr of White Hall; two brothers, Lee Reddin of Malvern, and James Reddin of Hampton; three sisters, Ruth Blann of Hampton, Nell Foster of Elko, NV, and Mable Merritt of Wilmar; 7 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Relda Porter Reddin; three brothers, Bill Reddin, Bob Reddin, and Fay Reddin; and a sister, Mildred Bass. Burial was at Campground Cemetery at Hampton under the direction of Cranford Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: John Green Reding, 79, died July 13, 1928 at a Fort Smith hospital. He was a retired farmer, and had lived in Fort Smith for eight years. He was a member of Odd Fellows Lodge #547 in Milltown. Services were held at Mount Harmony Cemetery near Greenwood with Rev. L.M. Kelly of Grand Avenue Methodist Church officiating. Independent Order of Odd Fellows rites were provided by Rainbow Lodge #12. Arrangements were handled by Putman Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Willie Redus, 88, died April 19, 2007. He was born September 9, 1918. Survivors include four sons, Billy Redus and Max Redus of Maynard, and Dwight and Delane Redus of Pocahontas; four daughters, Mary Hinkle of Trumann, Leveda McCamey and Jean Watson of Pocahontas, and Beverly Crawford of Alton; a brother, Charles Vance of Sylvia, NC; five sisters, Wilma Yarbar of Doniphan, MO, Mae Griggs of Loves Park, IL, Anna Lee Moore of Pocahontas, Birdie Blackwell of St. Louis, and Alice Hudson of Gatewood, MO; 22 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at the chapel of McNabb Funeral Home with Terry Miller officiating. Burial was at New Home Cemetery.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Ardella Reed, 78, died December 15, 2005. She was born February 4, 1927 to the late James and Ozell Porter Warren. She was a housekeeper, and attended St. Paul Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Thomas Rice of Little Rock and Marshall Rice of San Diego, CA; a sister, Mary Franklin of Benton; a brother, Paul Franklin of Little Rock; her grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by a son, Eddie Rice; and by her parents. Services were held December 19, 2005 at the chapel of Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Dixie Juanita Pridemore Reed, 66, died on May 10, 1996. She was born on March 23, 1930 to W.M. and Lillie Thurman Ballard. She belonged to the Lincoln Riding Club and the Moon Lighters Sewing Club. She was a Baptist. Among the survivors are a son, Floyd E. Pridemore; a daugher, Lillian McGaughy; two sisters; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Summers Cemetery with Rev. Ernie Meadows officiating. Arrangements were handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Dora Jones Reed, 39, died December 23, 1926. She was a member of the Baptist church in Lonoke. Survivors include her husband, Congressman James B. Reed; two sons, James B. Reed, Jr. and Bernard Reed; her father, T.T. Jones; three sisters, Mrs. Fannie Black of Walters Chapel, Mrs. R.E. Brians of Lonoke, and Mrs. Clark Cochran of Bethlehem; and five brothers, Tom Jones, Walter Jones, Clarence Jones, Fletcher Jones, and Rev. Herbert Jones, all of Wattensaw. Services were held at the Baptist Church in Lonoke. Burial was at Lonoke Cemetery.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Hestel Furr Reed, 95, died September 24, 2007. She was a former owner of Reed Realty, and was a member of Harvest Time Tabernacle. Survivors include two daughters, Melba Boren and Priscilla Hughes, both of Van Buren; a grandchild; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Reed. Services were held at the chapel of Ocker Funeral Home. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: William L. "Dub" Reed, 69, died June 19, 2002. He was a Jehovah's Witness. Among the surviving family members are his wife, Jane Reed of Pocahontas; a son, William James Reed of Pocahontas; Rebecca Summers of Peach Orchard; a sister, Nona Brown of Pocahontas; a brother, Dwane Reed of Augusta; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents. Services were held at the chapel of Cox-Waymon Funeral Home in Pocahontas with Ronald Floyd officiating. Burial was at the Masonic Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Selma Reese, 97, died July 3, 2007 at St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center in Little Rock. She was the daughter of Daniel Mitchell and Grace McFerrin. She was a member of the Lewis Street Church of Christ. She is survived by her nieces and nephews; and her cousins. She was preceded in death by a son, Clarence Wallace. Services were held at the Lewis Street Church of Christ. Interment was at Haven Of Rest Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ada Ruth Reeve, 82, died November 9, 2004. She was born October 24, 1922 to Clyde and Annie McChristian Howard. She attended Eastgate Church of Christ in Siloam Springs, and was the widow of Ed Reeve. She is survived by two sons, Ronald Edward Reeve of Harrisonburg, VA and Dennis Alan Reeve of Memphis, TN; a daughter, Sharon Steeley of Nashville, TN; 5 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and three brothers, Ray Howard of Fayetteville, Roy Howard of Johnson, and Harold Howard of Kennewick, WA. Services were held at Wasson Memorial Chapel in Siloam Springs. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery in Siloam Springs.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Dona Reeves, 100, died March 19, 2008. She was born December 15, 1907 to the late Zeb and Emma Patrick Morgan. Survivors include a son, W.E. Reeves, Jr. and wife Frances of Beebe; a daughter, Betty Horness of Ward; 3 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.E. Reeves, Sr.; her parents; two brothers; and a sister. Services were held at Old Austin Methodist Church. Interment was at Old Austin Cemetery under the direction of Thomas Funeral Service.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Ida McCollum Regan died October 5, 1924. She was survived by her husband, Thomas Regan; three children, Leon, Earl, and Thelma; her parents; a brother; and her sisters. Burial was at the Corning Cemetery.
LAKE VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Ned Edward Reginelli, 68, died August 6, 2008. He was born May 4, 1940 to the late Mack Reginelli and Vincenza Olivi Reginelli. He was the maintenance superintendent for Chicot Memorial Hospital, and attended our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. He is survived by four sons, Chris Reginelli of Canton, Georgia Matthew Reginelli of Bryant, Daniel Reginelli of Lake Village, and Simon Reginelli of Alexander; two sisters, Cecilia Jasay of Lake Village, and Corine Brown of White Pine, TN; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Alex Reginelli, Sr. and Jimmy Reginelli; and a sister, Marie Reginelli Holland. Services were held at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Mary's Cemetery under the direction of Bishop Funeral Home.
ST. ELIZABETH, ARKANSAS: Carl Francis Rehm, 18, died January 5, 1944. He was killed in action in Europe during World War II. He was the son of Frank and Albertine Flocks Rehm. He was of the Catholic faith. He was survived by his parents; and by a brother, Paul Rehm. A requiem Mass was held at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. He was buried in Belgium, and there is also a marker for him at St. Elizabeth Cemetery.
NASHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Leslie Paul Reich, 61, died March 20, 2009. He was born November 9, 1947 to the late Wilbert Paul and Hazel Stroud Reich. He was a truck driver, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Martha Ruth Reich; three sons and daughters-in-law, Jeff and T.J. Reich of Redwater, TX; Justin and Sherry Reich of Nashville, AR; and Johnnie Reich of Nashville, AR; a daughter, Gina Caudle of Oklahoma; and 8 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister; and a brother, Alan Reich. Interment was at Pike City Cemetery by Latimer Funeral Home.
WEINER, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Reid, 79, died May 18, 2004. She was born March 30, 1925. She was a homemaker, and attended the First Baptist Church of Weiner. She is survived by five sons, David Reid of Memphis, and Terry Reid, Dennis Reid, Tony Reid and Roger Reid, all of Weiner; two daughters, Beth Gebhart of Waldenburg, and Barbara McBryde of North Little Rock; four brothers, Ross Banks of San Bernardino, CA, Ralph Amann of Fort Wayne, IN, Rudolph Amann of Bald Knob, and Bud Banks of Seattle; a sister, Betty Hoy of Seattle; and several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Reid; a daughter, Darla Reid; a sister; and two brothers. Services were held at the First Baptist Church in Weiner with Nathan Smith and Rob McBryde officiating. Burial was at Waldenburg Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Farmers Union Funeral Home.
GRAVETTE, ARKANSAS: Cleva Elma Reinhardt, 97, died February 10, 2007. She was born May 15, 1909 to Arthur Hampton and Annie Gullidge Hampton. She was a homemaker. She is survived by a son, Robert Adams and his wife, Victoria of Maysville; a daughter, Nina Reandeau and her husband, Ronald of Gravette; a stepson, Fred Reinhardt and his wife, Sharon of Siloam Springs; 9 grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Milo Reinhardt and Andrew J. Adams; 5 sons; a brother; and a sister. Interment was at Springtown Cemetery with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home of Siloam Springs, AR.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Louis J. Reinhart, 94, died February 23, 2006. He was a farmer. He attended Holy Rosary Catholic Church and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by four children, Charles L. Reinhart of Wheatley, Mary Lou Reinhart of Houston, TX, Bill Reinhart of Stuttgart and Patricia Miller of Nevada, MO; 8 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.
He was predeceased by Mary E. Reinhart, his wife of over sixty years. Memorial contributions may be made to the Subiaco Academy in Subiaco, AR, or the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Stuttgart. Services were held at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church with arrangements by Turpin Funeral Home.
MAYFLOWER, ARKANSAS: Edward Reisinger, 61, died September 4, 2004. He was born August 7, 1943 to the late Doris Reisinger. He attended Northside Apostolic Church. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn Swift Reisinger; two daughters, Tracy Washam of Mayflower, and Dottie Reisinger of Conway; two stepsons, Jerry Aycock of Austin, AR and Keith Aycock of Pass Christian, MS; a stepdaughter, Ruth Aycock of Mayflower; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at Northside Apostolic Church with Bro. Keith Morris and Bro. J.R. Shadell officiating. Burial was at Mayflower Cemetery under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: St. Clair Releford, 75, died January 25, 2004. He was born August 9, 1927. He was a former resident of Chicago. Survivors include two sisters, Flora Atkinson and Willie C. Moore. Services were held at St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery under the direction of Premier Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Robert W. "Bob" Remington, 33, died November 27, 1969. He was born April 11, 1936 to Horace H. and Edith Cochran Remington. Survivors include his wife, Rose Remington; three sons, Mike, Bill and Ronald; three daughters, Carolyn, Virginia and Jeanette; three brothers, John of Lowell, Jack of Lincoln, and Gene of Siloam Springs; and four sisters, Mrs. Louise Brown of Tulsa, Mrs. Loretta Martin of Lincoln, Mrs. Carol Acker of Collinsville, OK. and Mrs. Pauline Fox of Prairie Grove. Services were held at the Presbyterian Church. Burial was at Prairie Grove Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Roy Eugene Remington, 63, died January 7, 2008. He was born December 6, 1944 to Horace H. Remington and Edith Cochran Remington. He attended Mount Pleasant Holiness Church in Morrow. He was a member of the National Rifle Association and the North American Hunting Club. He enjoyed the outdoors, coon hunting, and fishing. He is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Gina Sellers of Prairie Grove, and Tracy and Frank Gage; two brothers, Jack Remington of Springdale, and John Remington of Lowell; three sisters, Carol Acker and Paulene Fox, both of Prairie Grove, and Lorene Brown of Oklahoma; and 4 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia Mae Garrett Remington; a brother, Bob Remington; and a sister, Loretta Martin. Services were held at Mount Pleasant Holiness Church. Arrangements were handled by Benton County Memorial Park Funeral Home.
MULBERRY, ARKANSAS: Thel Wallace Renfro, 72, died September 24, 2007. He was born March 25, 1935 to the late George and Atha Davis Renfro. He was a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, and retired from Rhodes Chevrolet in Van Buren. He attended Fairview Regular Baptist Church, and was a 32nd degree Mason. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Thelma Roberts Renfro; two daughters, Amy Hale of Alma and Vickie Overbey of Mulberry; two sons, Thel Renfro, Jr. of Van Buren and Darren Renfro of Mulberry; a sister, Patsy Satterfield of Mulberry; a brother, Donald Renfro of Mulberry; a half-brother, George Renfro, Jr. of Van Buren; 14 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held in the chapel of Ocker Funeral Home. Burial was at New Cemetery in Mulberry, AR.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Rev. Arles "Mitch" Replogle, 80, died February 4, 2005. He retired after 45 years of service as a pastor in the Pentecostal Church of God. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, and a member of the Muskogee, OK VFW post. Survivors include three daughters, Diann Dugan of Fort Smith, Rita Kirby of Van Buren, and Becky Cook of Broken Arrow, OK; two sons, Hubert Replogle of Pocola, OK and Stanley Replogle of Leander, TX; three sisters, Merle Higgins and Mary Harvel, both of Fresno, CA, and Margaret Hamilton of San Antonio; a brother, George Replogle of Fresno; 16 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Retha Replogle. Burial with military honors was at Woodlawn Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ruby Bledsoe Retter, 86, died November 12, 2007. She was born July 3, 1920 to Luther Bledsoe and Robbie Bledsoe. She was of the Catholic faith. She is survived by a brother, Luther Bledsoe of Forrest City; and several other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Retter; and three sisters; Mabel Tatum, Gerry Wims, and Jane Swan. Interment was at Forrest Park Cemetery with arrangements by Stevens Funeral Home.
WOODRUFF COUNTY, ARKANSAS: John W. Revel died on July 12, 1903. He was born on February 1, 1832. He was a Civil War veteran, and served in Company A of the 18th Mississippi Cavalry. Interment was at the Augusta Cemetery.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Robert Reece Reveley, 85, died January 10, 1996. He was a retired building contractor. He is survived by his wife, Wilma Louise Reveley; three sons, Bill Reveley of Cabot, Richard Reveley of Conway, and Jimmy Reveley of Ward; two daughters, Bobby Jean Horn of Austin, and Johnnie Farris of Sherwood; two sisters, Camille Bell of California, and Paulene Henson of Ward; 11 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at Sixteenth Section Methodist Church. Burial was at Sixteenth Section Cemetery by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Wilma L. Stewart Reveley, 85, died January 30, 2007. She was born June 18, 1921 to the late John Q. and Bessie Flemings Stewart. Survivors include two children, Jim Reveley of Ward, and Johnnie Farris and husband Lynn of Sherwood; three stepchildren, Bobby Horn of Austin, Bill Reveley of Cabot and Richard Reveley of Conway; a sister, Ann Mallory; a brother, Buck Stewart of Redondo Beach, CA; two grandchildren, David Farris and Bill Michael Reveley; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Cornerstone Assembly Church in Ward with Bro. Jim Byrum officiating. Interment was at 16th Section Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Edward Reynolds, 77, died October 11, 1959. He was born March 27, 1882. Interment was at Huntsville Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Mortuary.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Ielamae Reynolds, 89, passed away January 30, 2005. She was born May 10, 1915 to the late George W. and Sadie Robinson Brown. She was a homemaker, and attended the First Free Will Baptist Church of Conway. She is survived by her husband of 70 years, Doyle M. Reynolds; a son, L.G. Reynolds and wife Mary Jane Reynolds of Conway; a daughter, Barbara Smith and husband Thurl Smith, Sr. of Greenbrier; a niece, Monette Duncan of Little Rock; 4 grandsons, Ricky Reynolds and wife Trina of Greenbrier, Thurl Smith, Jr. of Conway, Lance Smith and wife Laurinda of Greenbrier, and George Reynolds of Shreveport, LA; and 4 great-grandsons. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Chester Brown, and two sisters, Lillie Orr and Eva Phillips. Services were held at Roller-McNutt Funeral Home in Conway with Rev. Keith Johnson officiating. Interment at Crestlawn Memorial Park.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Scenia Mae Reynolds passed away January 24, 2008. She was born September 17, 1922 to John and Scenia Foster Fikes. She attended Olive Branch Baptist Church until her health failed. She is survived by a son, Jerry Fikes; a daughter, Grather B. Fikes, both of El Dorado; two special nephews, J.L. Williams and Phillip Maker; two special nieces, Billy A. Fikes and Ruby Fikes; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; two brothers, Willie Lee Fikes and Dan Fikes; and three sisters, Shirley M. Fikes, Laddie M. Fikes and Nettie M. Fikes. Services were held at United Baptist Church with Rev. Eugene Farley officiating. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery under the direction of Sims Mortuary.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Raymond Loyd Rheuark, 71, died January 25, 2005. Survivors include five daughters, Linda Certuche of Booneville, Karen Richardson of Fort Gibson, OK, Rhonda Richards of New Orleans, LA, Donna Oleson of Booneville, and Patty Pearcy of Booneville; two sons, Raymond Rheuark, Jr. of Blue Mountain, and Ronald Rheuark of Booneville; a sister, Ruby Jewell Rutledge; 11 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Agape Family Church in Booneville. Burial was at Old Union Cemetery in Magazine with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home of Booneville, AR.
MAYFLOWER, ARKANSAS: Iva Lee Acklin Rhine, 77, died January 29, 2005. She was born July 15, 1927 to Nevada Agee Acklin and Ed Fizer Acklin, Sr. She attended Palarm Chapel Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, James Rhine; two sons, Raymond Rhine of Conway and Jerome Rhine of Jacksonville; five daughters, Vanessa Bryant of Sherwood, Earlene Malik of Kansas City, MO, Annette Rhine of Mayflower, and Lisa Clemente and Sharon Ricks, both of Conway; two brothers, Ed Fizer Acklin, Jr. of Little Rock and Arzell Acklin of Little Rock; seven sisters, Jerrylean Terry of Arlington, TX, Pearline Puckett of Paris, TN, Jessie Blaylock of Van Nuys, CA; Geretta Howard of Little Rock, Gladys Moss of San Diego, and Carol Watson and Bettye Sykes, both of Lancaster, TX; 13 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Palarm Chapel Baptist Church with Rev. James E. Mackey officiating. Burial was at Palarm Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Kelmon J. Rhinehart, 76, died February 26, 2006. He was born September 27, 1929 to Alfred and Maude Stapleton Rhinehart. He was a retired oilfield worker. He is survived by two daughters, Barbara Appleton, Kellie Stewart; two sons, Doug Rhinehart and Shane Rhinehart; two brothers, Edward Rhinehart and Billy Dean Rhinehart; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First Assembly of God Church in Paris. Burial was at Hickory Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Matthew Scott Rhoads, 21, died January 4, 2004 from injuries sustained in an automobile accident while returning to active duty in the U. S. Army at Fort Benning, GA. He was born September 2, 1982 to Phillip Dave Daniel and Loretta Lee Calmes Rhoads. He entered the U.S. Army in January of 2002. He enjoyed automobiles and restoration of automobiles. Survivors include his fiancee', Mandy Staggs of Jacksonville; his father, Phillip D. Daniel of Shelbyville, TN; his mother, Loretta Rhoads of Russellville; a brother and sister-in-law, Roby and Stacie Rhoads of Pottsville; three sisters and a brother-in-law, Diane Rhoads of Russellville, Shirley and Richard Casey of Russellville, and Dawn Daniel of Wisconsin; four nieces; three nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Robert and Mabel Calmes; and his paternal grandparents, Art and Kate Daniel. Services were held with Rev. Mike Gallaway and Rev. David Downum officiating. Burial with military honors was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock, AR with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Lois G. Rhodenizer, 87, died December 10, 2004. She was born January 7, 1917 to John H. Gann and Etta Dunn Gann. She was a retired manager for Reltoc, and attended Forrest Hills United Methodist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Etta Kay Tedlock of Chelsea, OK; a brother, Bill Couch of Little Rock; a sister, Leota Lewis of Wynne; 6 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John E. Rhodenizer; and a son, John G. Rhodenizer. Interment was at Forrest Park Cemetery with Rev. James Wainscott officiating. Arrangements were handled by Stevens Funeral Home.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Beverly Suzon Rhodes, 53, died August 26, 1997. She was born March 1, 1944 to John Wesley and Evelyn Miller Hart. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Freeman Rhodes; three sons, Rodney Rhodes, Tracey M. Rhodes, and Mark Rhodes; and 3 grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Sisco Funeral Chapel.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Luther David Rhodes, Sr., 79, died May 13, 2005. Surviving family members include his children, Luther and Charles Rhodes, Joyce Rhodes all of Lonoke, Kay Anderson of Michigan; Loyce Brand of North Little Rock; and Martha Barnhart of Carlisle; a brother, Thomas Joseph Rhodes Jr., of Mayflower; sisters Lorene Caton of Lonoke and Elizabeth Rhodes of Scott, 18 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren and one great great-grandchild. He was predeceased by his wife, Katie Rhodes, and a grandson, Chad Rhodes. Services were held at chapel of Boyd Funeral Home followed by burial at Hicks Cemetery.
LOWELL, ARKANSAS: Vivan T. Rhodes, 92, died July 8, 2005. He was born December 2, 1912 to Charles Monroe and Ruthy Jane Neal Rhodes. He served as a minister for 50 years, and was pastor of People's Mission Church for around 25 years. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Bulah Pearl Phillips Rhodes; two daughters and a son-in-law, Charlene and Jackie Bowen of Springdale, and Brenda Kester of Bentonville; a son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Linda Rhodes of Farmington; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Interment with military honors was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville under the direction of Sisco Funeral Chapel.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Marjorie Rhodus, 91, died May 15, 2012 at Pocahontas Nursing and Rehab. She was born December 4, 1921 in Clover Bend, AR to Earnest and Grace Miller Smith. She was a retired bank teller and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Pocahontas. Survivors include her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Rhodus; her parents; and two brothers, John Fred Smith and Charles A. Smith. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church. Arrangements were handled by Taylor-Cox Funeral Home.
ALEXANDER, ARKANSAS: Michelena Ricciardi, 95, died September 22, 2008. She was born May 8, 1913. She is survived by three sons, Ralph of Alexander; Pasquale of Florida and Alfred of New York; 4 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great grandchildren; a sister, Julia Pisciotti of New Jersey; and a brother, Anthony Zanfardino of Florida. Interment was at Riverwood Memorial Gardens in Maumelle under the direction of Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Benjamin Rice died February 13, 1944. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Bobby Rice, 59, died March 11, 2009. He was a musician. He is survived by his wife, Martha Rice; two daughters, Holly Scribner and DeDe Speed; three brothers, Bill Rice of Atlanta, GA, Aubrey Rice of Williford, and Henry Rice of North Little Rock; a sister, Dana Watson of Southaven, MS; 3 grandchildren; his nieces, nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ed and Nellie Rice; and a brother, Eddie Rice. Arrangements were handled by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
CHARLESTON, ARKANSAS: Dollie Scrivner Rice, 94, died August 27, 2005. She was the daughter of the late Riley and Necie Gideon Scrivner. She was a homemaker, and was the widow of Henry Rice. Survivors include two sisters, Dorthy Marie Rollins of Alma and Helen Cook of Greenfield, MO. Burial was at Moore Cemetery in Paris with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home of Paris, AR.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ora Rich, 91, died April 18, 1968. She attended the Church of Christ. She is survived by her husband, J.F. Rich; a sister, Nora Dooley; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at the Aplin Church of Christ with Benny Cogburn officiating. Burial was at Pleasant Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
ASHDOWN, ARKANSAS: Mary Etta Richard, 79, died November 1, 2004 in Texarkana, TX. She was born February 27, 1925 in Arden, AR. She is survived by two daughters, Sue Hamilton of Ashdown, and Carol Lambert of Bruceton Mills, WV; a son, Kenneth J. Newman of Ashdown; a sister, Anita Davis of Daingerfield, TX; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Vernon Eugene Richard. Interment was at the Arden Cemetery with arrangements by Madden Funeral Home.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Kyler Tye Richards, infant son of Stephanie Andert of Ozark and Kenneth Richards of Altus, died January 18, 2005. He was born July 20, 2004. Services were held at Calvary Baptist Church in Ozark. Burial was at Coal Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Shaffer Funeral Home.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Mary Lou Richards, 72, died February 3, 2004 at the Arkansas Methodist Medical Center in Paragould. She was born January 7, 1932 in Success, AR to the late Ruben and Edna Edwards Foster. She was a retired CNA at the Corning Nursing Home. She is survived by two sons, John Richards of Corning, and Allen Richards of Battle Mountain, NV; two daughters, Phyllis Richards of Corning, and Susan Turner of Fort Worth, TX; two brothers, Lester Foster of Corning, and Elmo Foster of Walnut Ridge; a sister, Ann Ladd of Corning; 7 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Loyd Allen Richards. Interment was at Black Cemetery under the direction of Ermert Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Willie Richards, 70, died February 13, 2006. He was a retired timber worker. He is survived by a daughter, Latoya Richards of Crossett; a stepbrother, Ray Robinson of Hamburg; a stepsister, Josephine Williams of Oakland, CA; and a sister-in-law, Hazel Richards of Hamburg. He was preceded in death by his parents, Dewey and Frances Walton Richards. Interment was at Johnson Memorial Cemetery with Elder Jasper Mays officiating. Arrangements were handled by Cromwell Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Floyd E. Richardson, 77, died August 8, 1980. He was a retired carman for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Carmen, and was a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Mary Moore Richardson; two daughters, Kay Silverman of Memphis, TN, and Gail Eason of Maryland; two brothers; three sisters, including Bertie Ingles and Virgie Richardson, both of Malvern; and 3 grandchildren. Burial was at Edgewood Memorial Park by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Jerry Paulus Richardson, 79, passed away July 23, 2004. He was born November 17, 1924 to the late John W. and Belle Camp Richardson. From 1949 to 1953, he worked as assistant superintendent of a Southern Lumber Company mill, until he accepted a full time position in the Arkansas National Guard in Warren. In 1975, he served on the Adjutant General's staff as the personnel director for the Arkansas National Guard, attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel. He was a WWII veteran and served as an infantry unit commander with the 35th Infantry, where he received a bronze star. He was a Baptist deacon and Sunday School teacher. Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Thelma (Billie) Clower Richardson; his children, Belle and Carlos Summers of Little Rock, Jerry (Kibby) and Camille Richardson of Little Rock, Leanna and Glenn McClendon of Conway, and John and Elizabeth Richardson of Russellville; and twelve grandchildren. Services were held at Immanuel Baptist Church, Dr. Rex Horne, Jr. and Phil Spigner officiating. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery in Warren, AR with arrangements by Roller Chenal Funeral Home.
DYESS, ARKANSAS: Girfus Husky Richmond, 80, died February 18, 2002. Among the survivors are his wife, Irene Elizabeth Richmond, Monette; four sons, Reggie Richmond, Keiser, Ronald Dwayne Richmond, Etowah, Lanny Dwight Richmond, Williford, and the Rev. Lynsol Blain Richmond, Dyersburg, Tenn.; two daughters, Melissa Bennett, Strawberry, and Iva Dametra Helms, Wilson; 12 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons and a granddaughter. Services were held at the Murphy Funeral Home Chapel in Lepanto with Rev. Lynsol Richmond officiating. Burial was at Potter Memorial Cemetery in Lepanto, AR.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Rosa Lee Rickard, 86, died December 17, 2008. She was born July 6, 1922. She was a member of Forest Hills Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Curtis Rickard and John Rickard, both of Benton; two daughters, Phyllis Peters of Arcadia, LA and Mary Blaylock of Paron; a brother, Andrew Curtis of Benton; a sister, Ellene Lancaster of Benton; 7 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Jeffie Curtis; her husband, Zollie Evans Rickard; four brothers, Allen, Ed, Don and Kelso Curtis; and a sister, Eunice Jackson. Burial was at Bolin Cemetery by Ashby Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Judie Riddle died February 8, 1982. She was born August 30, 1918. She is survived by a son, Thell Fay Riddle; two daughters, Katy Lou Cook and Mary Lou Barris; her mother, Mirtie Carter; three brothers, Emra, John, and Doyle Carter; three sisters, Vola Key, Mary Rupp and Goldie Boster; 6 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Grandville Church in Natural Dam. Interment was at Salem Cemetery near Cedarville.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Mildred Ridgdill, 88, died December 19, 2003. She was born on July 24, 1914. She was a retired LPN. She attended Unity Baptist Church. Survivors include one brother and sister-in-law, C.E. and Oretha Toland of Little Rock; and a number of other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dwight Ridgdill. Services were held at the Herndon Funeral Home Chapel, with Rev. Jay Pollan officiating. Burial was at Rose Hill Cemetery.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Labue Ridgell, 90, died February 8, 2007. He was born January 22, 1917 to the late Alvin Ridgell and Lottie Gober Ridgell. He was a truck driver for Drew County, and attended Mount Zion AME Church. He is survived by two sons and a daughter-in-law, Alvin and Linda Ridgell, and Jerry Don Ridgell, Sr., all of Monticello; his daughters and sons-in-law, Emma and Carl Green of Little Rock, Margaret and L.C. Barnes of Dermott, and Olean Girtman, Annie Keith, and Bessie Ridgell and husband Japan, all of Monticello; two sisters, Katherine Coleman of Little Rock and Vera Kilpatrick of Detroit, MI; three grandchildren whom he and his wife raised, Sandra Burnett, Thomas Burnett and Sherry Ridgell Caldwell; 20 additional grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife of 61 years, Ruth Daniel Ridgell; and two brothers, Napoleon Ridgell and Leo Ridgell. Services were held at Mount Zion AME Church with Rev. Karen Jackson officiating. Burial was at Mount Zion Cemetery under the direction of Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Norene Holden Ridout, 88, died November 19, 2010. She was born May 9, 1922 to the late Flint and Ella Franks Brown. She attended Crosby Church of Christ, and enjoyed quilting. She is survived by four sons, Gary Holden (Glenda) of Pangburn, Roy Holden of Minneapolis, MN, and Randell Holden (Etta) and Billy Holden, all of Searcy; a sister, Sally Van Patton (Dale) of Searcy; her nieces and nephews; 9 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Burial was at Symrna Cemetery by Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Emil Joseph Riedmueller, 81, died December 6, 2002. He was born February 4, 1921 to the late George W. Riedmueller, Sr. and Elizabeth Laux Riedmueller. He retired from Crompton Mills, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He attended Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by his wife, Louise Briggler Riedmueller; four daughters, Betty Pitts of Russellville, Sharon Ichniowski of Cordova, TN, Janis Harless of Charlotte, NC, and Sandra Bearden of Little Rock; a brother, Leo Riedmueller of Hot Springs; three sisters, Rita Meyer of Dothan, AL, Frances Beck of Saint Vincent, and Lorene Riedmueller of Morrilton; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Fr. Charles Thessing and Monsignor Leo Riedmueller officiating. Burial was at Sacred Heart Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Service.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Col. Henry Rieff died August 29, 1874. He was survived by his wife and children. Interment with Masonic honors was at Rieff's Chapel Cemetery.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Martha Riehl, 63, died May 9, 1963. She was born March 21, 1900. She was a bookkeeper for S&E Wholesale Grocers. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, the Order of the Eastern Star, and Central Methodist Church. She was survived by several cousins. Burial was at Rogers Cemetery under the direction of Callison Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Anthony C. Riek, 67, died January 20, 2007. He was born October 14, 1939 to Clement and Marion Magli Riek. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran of Vietnam, and attended St. John's Lutheran Church in Russellville. He is survived by his wife, Helen Edwards Riek; a son, Steven Riek and wife Saila of Artesia, NM; a daughter, Laura Padovano and husband David of Russellville; two grandchildren; his mother, Marion Liegel of Plain, WI; two brothers, Jan Riek of Madison, WI and Douglas Riek of Milwaukee, WI; two sisters, Lynn Rae Reeder of Madison, WI and Debbie Cavanaugh of Spring Green, WI. He was preceded in death by his father. Services were held at St. John's Lutheran Church with Rev. Darrell Kobs officiating. Burial was at Zion Lutheran Cemetery in London, AR with arrangements by Humphrey Funeral Service.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Jacob Rife died May 2, 1909. He was born January 17, 1844. He was survived by his wife, Lenora Williams Rife; a sister; and an adopted daughter. Interment was at Barron Cemetery.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: John A. Rife, 60, died August 14, 1975. He was born February 17, 1915 to Luther and Emmaline Alden Rife. He was a feed dealer, and raised poultry and cattle. He was chairman of the Board of Directors at Farmers And Merchants Bank, and was one of the founders and original stockholder of that bank. He was also associated with American Savings and Loan of Springdale. He was survived by his wife, Evelyn Rife; his mother; and a brother, Addison Rife. Burial was at Barron Cemetery under the direction of Callison Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Luther Powell Rife, 80, died November 1, 1964. He was born November 21, 1883 to John A. and Martha Gambill Rife. He was a retired farmer. He was survived by his wife, Emmaline Alden Rife; two sons, John Rife and Addison Rife; and a grandchild. Interment was at Barron Cemetery with arrangements by Callison Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Wallace H. Riffle, 87, died September 30, 2007. He was born February 29, 1920 to the late Henry and Thelma Riffle. He was a retired Church of Christ minister, and also served as an elder in Sheridan, Heber Springs and Conway. He retired from civil service, and also worked for the Sheridan Schools. He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran of World War II. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Nell Riffle; his children and their spouses, Sue and Alfred McGhee, Wally and Sheryl Riffle, Ronny and Anita Riffle, and Kathy and Wayne Hightower; a sister, Norma Dorsey; 13 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Marsha Milholland; and four sisters, Geneva Johnson, Oleta Stogner, Cleta Spencer and Nona Wood. Services were held at the University Church of Christ. Burial was at Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Martha Joyce Veteto Riga, 70, died March 5, 2009. She was born November 4, 1938 to Henry and Jewell Holloway Veteto. She was a mother, homemaker, and a member of Blessed Sacrament Church. She is survived by her husband, Guy Riga; a son, Raymond Riga; three daughters, Kathy Shurley, Bonnie Kline and Sharon Petersen, all of Jonesboro; four brothers, James Veteto, Duawayne Veteto, and Timmy Veteto, all of Jonesboro, and Bobby Veteto of Trumann; a sister, Betty Cude of Lake City; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandsons. She was preceded in death by her parents, Henry and Jewell Veteto; a brother, William B. Veteto; a sister, Elberta Cambron; and a daughter, Patricia Riga. Services were held at Blessed Sacrament Church. Burial was at Holy Cross Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Farmers Union Funeral Home.
BOONE COUNTY, ARKANSAS: John Riggins was born in 1838. He served with Co. B, 14th Arkansas Infantry during the Civil War. He was taken as a prisoner of war at Port Hudson, Louisiana in 1863. He died in 1864. He was laid to rest at Jones Farm Cemetery in Boone County, AR.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Mary Alene Riggs, 67, died September 7, 2004. She was the daughter of the late Louie and Dorothy Willfond. She worked at Walnut Ridge Convalescent Center, and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Maxie Riggs; two daughters, Debra and Tammy; a brother, Louie Willfond, Jr., 7 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Phyllis Karnes; two brothers, Melvin and Edgar Willfond; and a son-in-law, Larry Cline. Burial was at Duty Cemetery under the direction of House-Gregg Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Alice Lee Seamster Riley, 78, died October 30, 2005. She was born August 19, 1927 in Bentonville, AR to Alvin and Ella Huls Seamster. She retired from Southwestern Bell Telephone and was a member of the Telephone Pioneers. She was formerly a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by two sons, Richard Riley and Randy Riley, both of Rogers; a brother, Buddy Seamster of Garfield; and a granddaughter. She was preceded in death by a son, Robert "Rob" Riley; a brother; and two sisters. Interment was at the Bentonville Cemetery under the direction of Benton County Funeral Home.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Cretia Mae Riley, 75, died April 29, 1999. She was born July 14, 1923. She was a Baptist. She is survived by a son, Leander King of St. Louis; a brother, Edward Jones of St. Louis; 5 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Burial was at Memory Gardens Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Ervin Otto Riley, 83, died August 28, 2001. He was born on May 23, 1918 to Henry Otto Riley and Nora Ella Ennis Riley. He was the owner of West Side Body Rebuilders. He was a WWII veteran of the U.S. Marines. He attended the Assembly of God Church in West Siloam Springs, OK. He was preceded in death by his wife, Louise B. Decker Riley. Among the survivors are two sons, Alan Riley of Gentry, and David Riley of Colcord, OK; three daughters, Gwen Powell and husband Bob of Gentry, Nila Sams and husband Ray of Bentonville, and Carolyn Butts and husband Larry, of West Siloam Springs; 10 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; a brother, Leonard Riley of Longview, TX; a sister, Loraine Lemke of Hayward, CA, and many nieces and nephews. Services were held at the West Siloam Springs Assembly of God Church with Pastor John Butts and Pastor Dennis Jech officiating. Burial was at the Springtown Cemetery in Springtown, AR under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Leapoledo Jose Rincon, infant son of Carlos Rincon and Becca Harris of Morrilton, died January 27, 2006. Aside from his parents, he is survived by three brothers, Antonio, Miguel and Carlos Rincon; and aunt and uncle, Jessica and Jose Navarro of Morrilton; and a cousin, Isabel Navarro of Morrilton. Graveside services were held at the Atkins Cemetery with arrangements handled by Bob Neal and Sons Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
ADA VALLEY, ARKANSAS: Ordie Lee Rinehart, 29, died August 25, 1973. He was of the Pentecostal faith. Survivors include his mother, Margaret Warren Rinehart; four brothers, Aimel Rinehart, James Rinehart, Ben Rinehart, and Orville Rinehart; and a sister, Vervie Keeland. Services were held at Ada Valley Methodist Church. Burial was at Ada Valley Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: William Ringgold died in Cabot, AR on January 12, 1904. He was born in Pitt County, North Carolina on July 14, 1822. He was a Civil War veteran, having served in Company I of the 50th Arkansas Militia. He was married to Sarah Green Ringgold. Interment was at the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Pulaski County, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Samuel Ringo, 44, died October 17, 2003. He was born September 3, 1959 to the late Sonny Ringo and Everlina Harrell Ringo. He was of the Pentecostal faith. He is survived by a daughter, Stacy Ringo Beard; five brothers, Melvin Geiggar, Schedrick Ringo, Eddie Lee Ringo, James Ringo and Donnie Ray Ringo, all of Pine Bluff; his mother; two sisters, Margie Clayton and Roberta Harris, both of Pine Bluff; and a grandmother, Verise Williams of Detroit. Services were held at Holy Deliverance Church with Henry J. Maxwell officiating. Burial was at Forest Lawn Memorial Garden under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
COAL HILL, ARKANSAS: Helen Martha Rinke, 87, died January 20, 2007. She was born March 6, 1919. She was a homemaker, and attended St. Mary's Catholic Church in Altus. Survivors include a daughter, Frances Whisenant of Fort Smith; three sisters, Edith Eveld of Altus, and Faye Rinke and Elizabeth Moore, both of Coal Hill; 5 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren; and 7 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ed Rinke. Services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Altus with arrangements by Shaffer Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Enrique Rios, 54, died October 7, 2005. He was born July 15, 1951 in Mexico to Miguel and Teresa Rios. Survivors include his wife, Grace Rios; a son, Troy Rios of Miami, OK; three stepsons, Davy Asher of Farmington, Tony Asher of Lincoln, and Wally Asher of Gentry; a brother, Tino Rios; two sisters, Gloria Rios of Torrean, Mexico, and Maria Orrdaz of Los Angeles; and 7 grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
SUMMERS, ARKANSAS: Adrian Silas Risley, 67, died December 27, 1977. He was born May 6, 1910 to John T. and Hattie Bridgeman Risley. He was a retired mechanic, and was of the Baptist faith. He was survived by three sons, Victor, John Jay, and Jackie; a daughter, Bonnie Jean Ross; two brothers, Alfred and Truman; his mother; 7 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Cane Hill Cemetery by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: John Thomas Risley, 84, died February 25, 1975. He was born May 2, 1891 to John William and Louise Alice Spear Risley. He was survived by his wife, Hattie Bridgeman Risley; three sons, Adrian Risley, Alfred Risley, and Truman Risley; three sisters, Nancy Colburn, Nona Smith, and Mary Lou Mahaffey; 10 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. Services were held at Sugar Hill Community Church. Burial was at Bethesda Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Howard M. Ritch, 87, died December 23, 2006. He was born December 22, 1919 to the late George and Nelva Ritch. He retired from the U.S. Army after 22 years of service, and had served in Germany and Japan. He was a farmer, and attended St. Joseph Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Helen Hertlein Ritch; a daughter and son-in-law, Cindy and Tom Lefler of Hot Springs Village; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Mike and Karen Ritch and David Ritch, all of Paris; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Margie and Jack Ballew of Tahlequah, OK, and Norma and Richard Payne of Stillwater, OK; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Herald and Carolyn Ritch of Hawthorne, CA, and Eugene and Carmen Ritch of Tahlequah, OK; a brother-in-law, Chet Lombardi; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister, Betty Lombardi. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Benedict Catholic Cemetery in Subiaco, AR by Roller Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Clyde Robert Ritchey, 93, died August 11, 1997 at a local nursing home. He was born April 28, 1904 in Tennessee to Inmon and Emma Ritchey. He was a member of New Life Full Gospel Church in Bentonville. He is survived by his wife, Lavida Wilkerson Blackburn Ritchey; a daughter, Ruby Schnider; a stepdaughter, Oweda Lonberger of Bentonville; a son, Robert Ritchey of Wilmington, NC; a stepson, Duane Wilkerson of Slidell, LA; 4 grandchildren; 9 step-grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; 19 step great-grandchildren; and 13 step great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two wives; a son; three sisters; and five brothers. Services were held at New Life Full Gospel Church. Interment was at Tucks Chapel Cemetery by Rollins Funeral Home.
HOXIE, ARKANSAS: Esther Alene Grimes Rivera, 52, died August 10, 2004. She was born October 14, 1951 in Rockford, IL. She worked as a nurse's aide for the Walnut Ridge Convalescent Center, and was a Seventh-Day Adventist. She is survived by her husband, Thomas Rivera; three sons, Jerry Brown of Ravenden, Troy Brown of Hoxie, and Mario Villarreal of Walnut Ridge; two daughters, Angie Wikllard of Hull, TX, and Teresa Smith of Grand Rapids, MI; her mother, Ilene Grimes of Hoxie; five sisters, Mary Rhea, Linda Blazer and Bonnie Becker, all of Hoxie, Sheron Swift of Pocahontas, and Julie Walker of Marvell; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Jose Villarreal; her father, Jasper Grimes; a brother, Roger Grimes; and two grandsons, Nathan Brown and Eddie Brown. Burial was at Trinity Cemetery with arrangements by Bryan Funeral Home.
JOHNSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Harvey Richard Roam, 62, died January 6, 2004. He was born April, 1 1941 to the late Harry P. Roam and Eunice B. Hargraves Roam. He retired from the Cotton Belt Railroad. He also worked for the Ashley and Drew Northen Railroad, and was an oilwell rigger. He was a Protestant. He is survived by a daughter, Shelly Fetters of Sheridan; two brothers, H.P. Roam of Crossett, and Dean Roam of Johnsville; two sisters, Estelle Savage of Sumpter, and Pat Ferrell of Johnsville. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Purvey Roam and Plez Roam. Burial was at Outlaw Cemetery under the direction of Frazer's Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Lamar Phillip "Phil" Roark, 69, died January 22, 2007. He was a former plant manager for International Paper BagPak in Camden. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Earlene Ponder Roark of Hot Springs; three children, Phyllis Roark Grierson of Brookhaven, MS, Phillip E. Roark of Magnolia, AR, and Kim Roark Sponer of Camden, AR; his siblings, Betty Brown of Jonesboro, AR, Thomas Winford Roark of Jacksonville, AR, and Wendell Roark of Fordyce, AR; and 6 grandchildren. Burial was at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Proctor Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Morene Floyd Robb, 87, passed away October 17, 2000. She was born August 8, 1913 to George Cleveland Floyd and Mary Etta Isom Floyd. She attended Morrilton First Baptist Church, and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by a daughter, Anna Sue Dammon of Hattiesburg, MS; a sister, Autra Tunnell of Arlington, VA; and 3 grandsons. She was preceded in death by her husband, Peyton Robb. Services were held at Morrilton First Baptist Church with Dr. Bill Brown officiating. Interment was at Elmwood Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Roberta Sue Robberson, 77, died October 6, 2007. She was a homemaker. She is survived by her husband, Charles Robberson; a daughter, Rose Bottoms of Ratcliff; two sons, Larry and David Robberson, both of Paris; four sisters, Erma Wiggins, Ester Cothran and Geneva Morton, all of Paris, and Catherine Henson of Madera, CA; 6 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Burial was at Moore Cemetery under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Alma Thom Robbins, 87, died December 27, 2003 at City Hospital in Fayetteville. She was born December 24, 1916 in Providence, RI to Albert and Ruth Shaw Wainwright. She served as a captain in the U.S. Army, and was a registered dietitian. She was an Episcopalian and a member of the Retired Army Medical Service Corps of America and the American Dietetic Association. She is survived by a daughter, Karen Idlet of Prairie Grove; a son, Jody Thom of Prairie Grove; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two husbands, George Thom and Alden Robbins; and her twin sister, Alice Huckaby. Interment was at the Fort Bliss National Cemetery in El Paso, TX with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
RECTOR, ARKANSAS: Samuel Huron "Sam" Robbins, 74, died February 8, 2002. He was born August 5, 1927 to the late George Clifford Robbins and Leta Viola Hemingway Robbins. He was a retired fireman and truck driver, and attended East Side Holly Island Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Esperita Huckabay Robbins; two sons, Sam Gene Robbins, Sr. of Clinton, OK, and Keff Eubanks of Brookland; three daughters, Leta Barnett of Little Rock, Nancy Rouggly of Farmington, MO, and Judy Valle of Park Hills, MO; a sister, Nettie Logabrink of St. Louis; 11 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a daughter; a brother, BeDe DeMoss; four sisters, Elvee Talbott, Clorene Fenalli, Norene Holst and Lorene Lohmeyer; and a grandson, James Strassle. Services were held at the chapel of Irby Funeral Home. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery.
KENSETT, ARKANSAS: Chester Roberson, 82, died December 4, 2002. He was born January 5, 1920. He had worked as a railroad foreman, and was a member of Centennial Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Monteen Brewer Roberson; his children, Chester J. Roberson of Kensett, Shirley Sipes of Searcy, Sarah Jones of Conway, Jimmy Darden and Margaret Aaron, both of Little Rock, Thelma Ryland and Eddie Darden, both of Olive Branch, MS, Willie Darden of Lithonia, GA, and Velma Jackson of Indianapolis, IN; 13 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Centennial Baptist Church. Interment was at White County Memorial Gardens under the direction of Powell Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Rob Roberson died on January 9, 1950. He was born on January 15, 1890. He was a World War I veteran, having served with the 334th Labor Battalion. Interment was at Mount Zion Cemetery in Union County, AR.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Albert Henry Roberts, 77, died September 3, 1974 in Fayetteville. He was born July 2, 1897 in Cowley County, KS to Charles and Stella Elrod Roberts. He was a 50-year member of the Masonic Lodge. Burial was at Highland Park Cemetery in Winfield, KS under the direction of Morris Funeral Home. Local arrangements were handled by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
SHERIDAN, ARKANSAS: Alice Elizabeth Whitaker Roberts, 92, died December 23, 2005. She was born July 9, 1913 to the late Walter Elmer and Violet Atchley Whitaker. She was a homemaker, and was the oldest living member of Little Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Among the survivors are a son, Don Roberts; a brother, Elzy Pryor Vance; two grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marion Ross Roberts; four brothers, Willis Fillmore Whitaker, Daniel David Vance, Benny Earl Vance and James Vance; and two sisters, Elma Mae Whitaker Croy and Pearl Vance Flory. Services were held at Buie Funeral Home with Ron Ballard and Jim Wagner presiding. Burial was at Providence Cemetery.
JUDSONIA, ARKANSAS: Rosetta Roberts passed away in January of 1966. She was born March 10, 1886. She was a member of the International Order of Twelve Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Interment was at Antioch Cemetery.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Russella Roberts, 33, died June 28, 1851. She was the wife of P.H. Roberts. Burial was at Fairview Cemetery.
PORTLAND, ARKANSAS: Clara Robinson, 101, died May 20, 2010. Survivors include a stepdaughter, Irene Wright; a stepson, George Robinson, Jr.; a brother, Rev. Eddie Rice of Warren; her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Robinson, Sr.; her parents, Will and France Craig Rice; four sisters, Annie Bell Scott, Novella Caldwell, Harriet McCoy, and Caroline McCoy; and a brother, John Rice. Burial was at Providence Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Delois Barbee Robinson, 54, died March 31, 2009. She was born October 19, 1954 to the late Jessie and Margree Barbee. She is survived by her husband, Earl Robinson; a daughter, Abbie Robinson; two sons, Cosie Robinson of North Little Rock, and Chris (Rebekah) Robinson of Sherwood; 7 grandchildren; her mother, Margree Barbee of Sherwood; her siblings, Sylvester (Patricia) Barbee, Jerome (Claudette) Barbee, Wayne Barbee, Quantilla Barbee, all of North Little Rock, and Clarice Brown (Victor) Roy of Sherwood; and many other relatives and friends. Services were held at Longley Baptist Church. Arrangements were entrusted to Griffin Leggett-Rest Hills Funeral Home.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Fannie Robinson, 87, died July 22, 2004. She was born December 8, 1916 to the late Jim Robinson and Elizabeth Robinson. She attended St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church in Marvell. There are no immediate survivors. Services were held at St. Matthews Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Harvey Gates officiating. Burial was at Israel Chapel Cemetery in Turner with arrangements by McKinzie Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Minnie Robinson, 78, died November 24, 1929. She was born in 1851. She was a widowed domestic worker. Interment was at Scott Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: William H. Robinson died January 18, 1944. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Cleta Robison, 90, died January 8, 2006. She was born February 2, 1915 to Fred W. Baker and Gladys Byers Baker. She was a retired schoolteacher. She was active in a number of civic organizations, and was a charter member of the First United Methodist Church of Bella Vista. She enjoyed gardening and traveling. She is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Freya Robison of Dallas, TX; and Janet and Scott Romer of Santa Fe, NM. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil Robison; and by a twin sister, Fleta Terry. Interment was at the Bentonville Cemetery under the direction of Callison-Lough Funeral Home.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Peggy Jean Williams Robison, 73, died September 13, 2006. She was born November 9, 1932 to Otto Williams and Mildred Brown Williams. She attended Riverview Baptist Church. She is survived by a sister, Pat Hiett of California; two daughters, Susan "Katie" Douglas of Casa and Dorothy Brannam of Morrilton; 8 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elisha LeRoy Robison. Services were held at Harris Chapel with Bro. Tim Douglas and Bro. Mike Atkinson officiating. Burial was at Needmore Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Ronald Robrahn, 86, died December 25, 2004. He was born June 18, 1918 to Carl W. Robrahn and Maude Fleming Robrahn. He was co-owner and operator of Robrahn Brothers' Welding in Siloam Springs for over 50 years. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member and past-president of the Siloam Springs Lions Club, with over 50 years of perfect attendance. He belonged to the First Christian Church of Siloam Springs, and was a charter member of the Northwest Arkansas Gem and Mineral Society, and the R.C. Flying Club. Survivors include his wife Doris; a son, Larry Robrahn and wife Linda of Siloam Springs; 2 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and a brother, Rex Robrahn and wife Jeanne of Siloam Springs. He was preceded in death by a son, Ron Robrahn, Jr. Services were held at First Christian Church in Siloam Springs, AR with Jack Steele officiating. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery in Siloam Springs with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Georgia Eversteen Roby, 95, died August 5, 2004 in Little Rock. Survivors include a son, Warfield Roby, Jr. of Williamsburg, VA.; a sister, Lynn Toney of Los Angeles, CA; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Mount Zion C.M.E. Church. Interment was at Washington Cemetery under the direction of Rowell-Parish Mortuary.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Jewel Marie Rock, 96, died May 7, 2007. She was born September 8, 1910 to France and Mary Hendrix Brown. She is survived by 14 grandchildren; her great-grandchildren; her great-great-grandchildren; and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband, William "Bill" Rock; four daughters, Louise Harrington, Hazel Leming, Betty Dobbs and Elwanda Cameron; and a great-granddaughter, Virginia Hull. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
SUBIACO, ARKANSAS: Elizabeth Jean Rockenhaus, 79, died June 3, 2009. She was born November 24, 1929 to James Edward and Camille Gaiennie Poole. She worked at the Coury House for many years. She attended St. Benedict Catholic Church, and was a member of the Abbey Retreat League. She is survived by two sons, Jim Rockenhaus of Magazine, and Fred Rockenhaus of Ellaville, GA; four daughters, Clare Rockenhaus of Kansas City, MO, Marge Snider of Dover, Ginger Reid of Salina, KS, and Adele Berry of Subiaco; three sisters, Patricia Poole, Merle Poole and Mattie Vucina, all of Jackson, TN; two brothers, Edward Poole of Birmingham, AL, and Paul Poole of Milan, TN; and 13 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, A.J. Rockenhaus; four sisters; and an infant grandson. Services were held at St. Benedict Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Benedict Cemetery by Roller Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Ola Lee Rodgers, 93, died August 29, 2002 at Crestpark Nursing Facility in DeWitt. She was born April 23, 1909 in Bayou Meto to John and Nora White Rodgers. She was a retired teacher, and attended the First Baptist Church of Stuttgart. She was a former District Deputy Grand Lecturer in the Order of the Eastern Star, and a member of the Women's Missionary Union. Survivors include four nieces, Vena (Harold) White of Benton, Elizabeth Rodgers DeRaps of Houston, TX, Mary Lou (Frank) McKay of North Augusta, SC, and Donna Lee (Ed) Duncan of Greenville, SC; two nephews, Dr. Dudley (Cathy) Rodgers of Little Rock, and Jimmie (Yvonne) Rodgers of DeWitt; her great-nieces and great-nephews; and her great-great nieces and great-great nephews. Visitation was at Turpin Funeral Home. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Stuttgart. Burial was at Lone Tree Cemetery under the direction of Essex Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Michael Rodrigo, 86, died January 15, 2008. He was a retired civil engineer, and attended Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church. He is survived by his children, Mala, Vivian, Palitha, Anoma, Nihal and Nimali, all of Little Rock; Tom of the United Kingdom; Malika of New York; Gamini of Maryland; and Jayanthi of Sri Lanka; a brother, Charles; and a sister, Caroline, both of Sri Lanka. He was the father-in-law of Aine, Ivan, Shanthi, Shirley, Samudra, Dammika, Ramona and Kenneth. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alice Rodrigo; his parents, Philip and Thomasia Rodrigo; a son, Vernon; a brother, Edwin; and a granddaughter, Nilu. Services were held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery by Little Rock Funeral Home.
DES ARC, ARKANSAS: Ruby Lucille Roe, 84, died February 20, 2006. She is survived by her husband, Carthel; a daughter, Delories Keyser; two brothers, Melvin Brown and J.W. Brown; 10 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at the Garth Funeral Home Chapel, followed by interment at Lakeside Cemetery.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Cecil Roedel, 85, died January 5, 2007. He was born October 26, 1921. He was a retired farmer. He is survived by a sister, Mary Jean Roedel Tolbert of Palmer Lake, CO; a brother, John Roedel of Lagotee, IN; and nephews, nieces and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by eight brothers; and one sister. Burial was at the Jonesboro City Cemetery under the direction of Emerson Funeral Home.
LEE COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Charles Roemhild died February 10, 1951. He was born March 1, 1868. He was preceded in death by his wife, Clara Roemhild; and two sons, William Roemhild and Albert Roemhild. Burial was at Andrews Cemetery.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Oberia Rofe, 76, died October 26, 2007. He was born October 4, 1931 to the late John Henry and Viola Sims Clayton. He worked at EOC for 15 years, and retired from American Greetings. He attended Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Osceola. Survivors include five daughters, Ivy Sanders, Carolyn Pointer and Cynthia Boyce, all of Osceola, Virginia Ann Brown of Elkhart, IN, and Brenda Kaye Coleman of West Palm Beach, FL; three sons, Wilbur Lee Rofe of Blytheville, Billy Rofe of Trumann, and George Rofe of Joiner; four sisters, Lovetria Holman, Dazer Mason and Barbara Jordon, all of Erie, PA, and Dorothy Clayton of Kansas City, MO; four brothers, Lloyd Henry Clayton of Kansas City, MO, Larry Clayton of Jacksonville, FL, Melvin Clayton of Pine Bluff, and Dennis Clayton of Erie; 24 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister, Vertie Mae Clayton. Services were held at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Ed Richardson presiding. Burial was at Whiteside Cemetery with arrangements by Wilson Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: John Conrad Rofkahr, 88, died November 1, 2000. He was a retired farmer, coal miner, and plant worker. He was a member of New Life Christian Center in Clarksville. He is survived by his wife, Laverne; a daughter, Jane Winsell Paramore of Clarksville; two sisters, Annie Dahlem and Marie Lingar, both of Hartman; two brothers, Frank and Clarence Rofkahr, both of Hartman; 3 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Shady Grove Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Albert Rogers, 89, died June 1, 2007. He was a bricklayer, and was also a retired Lieutenant Colonel with the Air Force National Guard. He attended Wood Memorial Christian Church. He was a 32nd degree Mason, and was involved with Blue Lodge #6 and the York Rite Bodies. Survivors include his wife, VonDell Rogers; a son, Albert Rogers of Van Buren; two sisters, Edith Didier of Fort Smith and Ollie Sweeney of Tulsa; 3 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and 5 step great-grandchildren. Burial with military honors was at the National Cemetery in Fort Smith under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Edith Saylors Rogers died October 7, 2006. She was born December 15, 1914 to Fred and Freddie Saylors. She is survived by her sons, H. Donald Owens of Midway, AR, James F. Owens of San Diego, CA, and Larry W. Rogers of Houston, TX; a daughter, Linda C. Taylor of Walls, MS; a sister, Netsie Tinkle of Cotton Plant, AR; 9 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Melvin V. Rogers; her parents; and two brothers, James Saylors and Sam Ballowe. Interment was at Lone Tree Cemetery with arrangements by Turpin Funeral Home.
CEDARVILLE, ARKANSAS: Edsel Maxey Rogers, 86, died November 5, 2006. He was a retired barber and a World War II veteran. He was a Seventh Day Adventist. Survivors include his wife, Melba; a daughter, Gretchen Dobbs of Vian, OK; a sister, Mary Wagner of Cedarville, AR; two brothers, Gerald Harris of Van Buren, AR and Richard Harris of Cedarville, AR; 6 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandson. Interment was at Macedonia Cemetery near Uniontown, AR with arrangements by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
LUXORA, ARKANSAS: Joe Rogers, Sr., 69, died November 6, 1969. Survivors include his wife, Ellen Rogers; two daughters, Mrs. Mary J. Rhodes of Luxora, and Mrs. Betty Wilson of Osceola; a son, Joe Rogers, Jr. of Osceola; and a grandchild. Burial was at Bassett Cemetery with arrangements by Swift Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ollidean Rogers, 28, died October 3, 1946. She was born September 1, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Rogers. She was a member of Capitol View Methodist Church. She was survived by her parents; a grandfather, D.R. Wilson; and a grandmother, Mrs. Nettie Rogers. Services were held at Ebenezer Methodist Church near Magnolia. Burial was at Ebenezer Cemetery in Columbia County, AR under the direction of Griffin-Leggett Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: John Thomas Rognrud, 75, died September 28, 2004. He was born October 2, 1928 to the late Walter and Evelyn Theres Rognrud. He was an entrepreneur. He attended Christ The King Catholic Church, and was a founding member of the Pleasant Valley Country Club. He is survived by his wife, Eugenie Rognrud; his sons, Walter Rognrud and wife Barbara and their children, Peter Rognrud and wife Terri and their daughter; his daughters, Rachel Rognrud Sacco and husband Joe and their children, Rebecca Rognrud and Riesa Rognrud; his brothers, Roger and Dan Rognrud; and his sisters, Jeanne Hoffstrom, Karyn Jacobsen, and Grace Sultzbach. Cremation arrangements were handled by Roller-Chenal Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Thurman Lawson Roles, 23, died on October 15, 1933. Survivors include his parents and his sister, Thelma. Interment was at Burks Shed Cemetery with Bro. Clyde Clark officiating.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Ivonette Crownover Rolland, 78, died July 11, 2003. She was born June 25, 1925 to William Daniel Crownover and Pearl Winningham Crownover. She was a retired school teacher for the Forrest City School District. She was a member of the Arkansas Education Association, and Delta Kappa Gamma. She attended the Second Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Cecil Rolland; a son, Kim Rolland of Widener; a daughter, Amy Belcher of Wynne; two sisters, Stella Mae Sample of Clinton and Jeanette Maddox of North Little Rock; two brothers, Verne Crownover of Clinton and Carl Crownover of Brooklyn, N.Y.; and five grandchildren. Services were held at Second Baptist Church. Burial followed at Forrest Park Cemetery under the direction of Stevens Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Kathryn Yvonne Rolland, 71, died March 8, 2009 at her home. She was born June 12, 1937 in Cross County, AR to Elmer White and Hazel Viola Jones Lloyd. She was the former owner of the BBQ House, and was a bookkeeper and office manager for the Cross County School District for 37 years. Survivors include four daughters, Donna Robertson of Wynne, Kathy Hodge (Tony) of Blytheville, Mary Ann Williams of Forrest City, and Cynthia Shearin (Trey) of Jonesboro; a son, Gary Rolland (Robin) of Wynne; three brothers, Elmer Lloyd of Birdeye, and Russell Lloyd and Marvin Lloyd, both of Wynne; 13 grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband, Roger Rolland; her parents; two brothers, Roland Lloyd and Harold Lloyd; and a grandson, John David Rice. Arrangements were handled by Thompson-Wilson McCrory Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Billy Dean Roller, Sr., 79, died February 8, 2005. He was born January 26, 1926 to Claude Roller and Ella Forbes Roller. He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran of World War II. He attended Rogers Freewill Baptist Church. He enjoyed fishing and tending to the upkeep of the church. Survivors include his wife of 57 years, Bertha Krug Roller; a daughter and son-in-law, Dianne and H.K. Knox of Little Flock, AR; two sons and daughters-in-law, Bill Dean Roller, Jr. and Rexine Roller of Pea Ridge, AR, and Darrell and Kay Roller of Washburn, MO; 6 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Robert Wayne Roller, 56, died December 31, 2013. He was born September 23, 1957 in Little Rock. He worked for Canon Solutions, and was a member of the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ. Survivors include two sons, Andy (Mandi) Roller of Fayetteville, and James Roller of Fort Smith; his mother, Joyce L. Roller; and a sister, Cathy R. Hogue of Romance. He was preceded in death by a son, Wesley Roller; and his father, Harley Roller. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
BRINKLEY, ARKANSAS: Bruce Rollins died December 8, 1934. He was born March 14, 1896. Burial was at Haven Rest Cemetery.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Pauline V. Rollins, 86, died June 12, 2006. She was born January 26, 1920. She attended Landmark Baptist Church, where she was a longtime Sunday School teacher. She is survived by a son, James Rollins (Mary) of England; a daughter, Barbara Claussen (Tommy) of Sherwood; two sisters, Pearl Henderson Sears and Opal Rollins; 5 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents, Wilson and Myrtle Craig Hankins; her husband, Newman Rollins; a sister, Aubrey Henderson; a grandson, Mark Rollins; and a great-grandson, Reid Dickey. Burial was at Mulberry Cemetery by Roller-England Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Floy Mahdeen Romine, 79, died January 16, 2004. She was born August 25, 1924 to the late Oscar and Sophia Armstrong Hickey. She owned a beauty shop. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Billy and Cher Romine of Piggott; a granddaughter, Amy Berberniss of Houston, TX; a stepbrother, Felix Mangrum of Spokane, WA; and several other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Harold "Bill" Romine; a son, Ricky Romine; a sister; and three stepbrothers. Burial was at the Piggott Cemetery under the direction of Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home of Piggott, AR.
WINSLOW, ARKANSAS: Ronnie Allen Romine, 60, died February 21, 2006. He was born September 8, 1945 to Lonnie and Pauline Yates Romine. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by four sons, Ronnie Romine, Jr., Tommy Barnhart, Robert Allen Romine, and Richard Ray Romine; three brothers, Mel Romine, Bob Romine, and James Romine; two sisters, Jean Binder and Marge Cissell; 11 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sharon Romine; a son, Kenneth Allen Romine; and a daughter, Tina Louise Romine. Services were held at the Winslow Assembly of God Church with pastor Perry Hall officiating. Burial was at Coil Cemetery with arrangements by Beard's Funeral Chapel.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Virgil Parvin Romines, 81, passed away August 16, 2005. He was born September 10, 1923 to the late Virgil and Mary Louise Herr Romines. He served as Chief of Police in West Memphis, AR from 1970 to 1975, Chief of Police of Arkadelphia, AR from 1975 to 1985, and was a businessman. He was preceded in death by his wife, Patricia Darnell Romines. Among the survivors are his brother-in-laws, Harvey Darnell and wife Doris of Walker, LA and Troy Darnell and wife Faye of Charlotte, NC. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park in West Memphis, AR with arrangements by Roller-Ballard Funeral Home.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Wilma Rood, 90, died December 17, 2002. She is survived by two sons, Donald Kenneth Rood of Imboden, and Michael Dean Rood of Laguna Hills, CA; two daughters, Shirley Lewis of Imboden, and Anna Marie Swick of Las Vegas; two sisters, Dorothy Anwyl and Anna Brown, both of Omaha, NE; 13 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth Rood; and a sister. Interment was at Baker Cemetery with arrangements by Heath Oak Hill Chapel of Hardy, AR.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Duncan "Don" Rook, 75, died January 25, 2006. He was born August 12, 1930 to Will and Ella Marie Bailey Rook. He was retired from the military, and had served with the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy and the Army National Guard. Among the survivors are three sons, Larry Rook and Randy Rook, both of Batesville, and Keith Byrum of Russellville; two sisters, Ruby Lee Smith of Casa and Johnny Sue Bean of Dardanelle; 7 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter, Donna Ann Summit; and a brother, Bill Rook. Interment was at the Cave City Cemetery with Orville Berg officiating. Arrangements were handled by Qualls Batesville Funeral Service.
RAVENDEN, ARKANSAS: Mary C. Rooker, 104, died July 14, 2002. She was born May 24, 1898 in the Netherlands to Gerrit and Janet Scharp Markus. Her family came to America in 1904. She attended the Smithville United Methodist Church, and was a member of the Smithville Homemakers' Club. Surviving family members include two sons, Leo Rooker of Ravenden and Charles Rooker of Imboden; a daughter, Alice Wassink of Pocahontas; 11 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and 8 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Rooker; an infant son; four brothers; and five sisters. Services were held at the Smithville United Methodist Church with Rev. Billy Barnhill officiating. Burial was at Smithville Cemetery with arrangements by Higginbotham Funeral Services.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Jerry Rorex, 67, died March 25, 2007. He was born May 16, 1939. He was a retired businessman. He served in the National Guard, and was of the Assembly of God faith. He is survived by three brothers, Charles Rorex of Farmington, MO, and Don Rorex and Carrol Rorex, both of Walnut Ridge; four sisters, Frances Watkins of Broken Arrow, OK, Mary Osborn of Cocoa, FL, Shirley LeBlanc of Hoxie, and Janice Lykins of Gravette. He was preceded in death by two sons, Jerry Randall Rorex and Stephen Timothy Rorex; and his parents, Lehman and Myrtle Rorex. Interment was at the Corning Cemetery with arrangements by Ermert Funeral Home.
NATURAL DAM, ARKANSAS: Jimmy Lou Rose, 85, died April 19, 2006. She was a retired school teacher for the Cedarville School System, and attended Independence Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Eura V. Rose; two daughters, Kaye Woodward of Houston and Reta Lesly of Spearman, TX; a son, Jim Taylor of Gary, TX; a sister, Mont McSpadden of Rankin, TX; 8 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Independence Freewill Baptist Church. Burial was at Hall Cemetery in Natural Dam with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
JOHNSON, ARKANSAS: Rhonda Diane Rose, 10, died September 8, 1974 in Dallas, TX. She was born July 5, 1964 in Springdale to William Robert and Ardith Hanson Rose. She was a member of Salem Lutheran Church. Survivors include her mother; a sister, Renae Rose; and a brother, Richard Rose. Services were held at Salem Lutheran Church. Interment was at the Lutheran Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Chapel.
CENTER RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Wilson Roseburrow, 59, died October 16, 2005. He was born July 2, 1946 to Marvell Clinkscale Roseburrow and the late Joecephus Roseburrow. He was a construction worker and attended the Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Center Ridge. Survivors include his wife, Evelyn Roseburrow; a son, Wilson G. Roseburrow; a daughter, Patricia Roseburrow; his mother, Marvell Roseburrow; five brothers, Nathaniel Roseburrow, Ernie Lee Roseburrow, Reginald Roseburrow, Alford Roseburrow, and Jimmy Ray Roseburrow; two sisters, Marilyn Gilmore and Sheree Murry; 3 grandchildren; and a host of relatives and friends. Services were held at Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Center Ridge. Interment was at Mt. Zion Methodist Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Pearl Goodman Rosen, 94, died October 23, 2002. She was born June 17, 1908 to the late Manuel Goodman and Fannie Friedman Goodman. She was a member of Temple Anshe Emeth, the Temple Sisterhood, and was a past member of the Temple Board. She and her husband were longtime supporters of the Arts and Science Center for Southeast Arkansas, the Pine Bluff Symphony, and other charitable organizations. Survivors include a son, Robert A. Rosen of Pine Bluff; a brother, Albert Goodman of St. Louis; a sister, Esther Mendelsohn of Cleveland; and a grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Morris H. Rosen; a daughter, Marsha Rosen; and a brother, Harold Goodman. Services were arranged by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors with Rabbi Karen Bodney presiding. Burial was at the Jewish Cemetery.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Marija Roskasow, 87, died February 3, 2007. She was born October 13, 1919 in Opavo, Yugoslavia to Joseph and Julijana Ajdelbes Ilic. She is survived by a daughter, Ernestina Predojevic of Seminole, FL; two grandchildren, Mirjana Vaeth of Seminole, FL and Michael Predojevic and wife Kelly of West Patterson, NJ; three great-grandchildren; and a sister, Karolina Nikolic of North Port, FL. Cremation arrangements were handled by Gross Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Lillian Lane Ross, 95, died July 5, 2004 at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff. She was born March 18, 1909 in Dumas to Joe and Joanna Lane. She was a member and church mother of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by two brothers, Angrish Lane of Dumas, and Cornelius Lane of Passaic, NJ; 6 great-grandchildren; 18 great-great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at St. Peter's Rock Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Free Gift Cemetery in Dumas under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Marion Martel Ross, 88, died May 23, 2009. She was born December 4, 1920. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church. She is survived by her sons, Ed Ross of Heber Springs, Dan Ross of Jonesboro, and Bill Ross of Peach Tree City, GA; a daughter, Cindy Buehling of Little Rock; a brother, Thurston Stonewall Daniel of Bullhead City, AZ; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, E.G. "Ed" Ross; her parents, Thurston Stonewall and Carrie Reynolds Daniel; and three sisters. Services were held at First United Methodist Church. Burial was at Memorial Gardens Cemetery under the direction of Heath Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Thomas M. Ross, 81, died January 19, 1988. He was a retired sales clerk for William E. Moore Wholesale Drygoods. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and attended Sylvan Hills First Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Irene Walters Ross; and two sisters, Sadie Ross and Elizabeth Crawford, both of Little Rock. Burial was at Carlisle Cemetery by Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
JUDSONIA, ARKANSAS: Betty Ruth Roth, 71, died January 25, 2009. She was born February 27, 1937 to the late Arthur and Anita Redding Picklesimer. She attended Rocky Point Baptist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Tony and Pam Roth of Judsonia; her daughters and a son-in-law, Debbie and Mike Monday and Eva Sarrels, all of Judsonia; 6 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; two brothers, David (Threasa) Picklesimer of Benton and Jim (Nancy) Picklesimer of Wichita, KS; a sister, Marsha Luther of Brockway, MI; her aunts; her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery with arrangements by Powell Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Thelma Wood Roth, 99, died January 9, 2005. She was born May 7, 1905 to Virgie Wileman Wood and Stephen Edgar Wood, Sr. In 1928, she earned a degree from Galloway College for Women, and later worked for the Arkansas Power & Light Company in Earle. In 1934, she married Monroe Roth, a Kensett merchant. In 1935, she started work for the Bank of Kensett, where she was employed for 45 years. In 1988, the Kensett First Methodist Church honored her with a celebration of Thelma Roth Day. She served as musician in the church for over 50 years. She is survived by a sister-in-law, Beverly Wood of Little Rock; two nieces, Sue Wood McKay of Grenada, Mississippi and Caroline Wood Pope of Columbus, Mississippi. Funeral arrangements were handled by Roller-Daniel Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Alphonse Rotzinger, 70, died April 1, 1917. Services were held at the Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Paul's Catholic Cemetery. Note: One record gives his age as 68 and his first name as Alphonsus.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Elva Francis Rouse, 69, died February 1, 2005. She was born May 28, 1935 to Hiram and Angeline McGehee Pointer. Survivors include a daughter, Kathy Dove of Fort Worth, TX; a brother, Forrest Pointer of Clifty; and two sisters, Lenora Crumby of Fayetteville and Mary Studebaker of Fayetteville. Cremation arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel and Crematory of Fayetteville.
CARLISLE, ARKANSAS: William Noel Rouse, 82, died January 1, 1970. He was a retired farmer, and attended Hamilton Methodist Church. He is survived by two sons, Raymond Rouse of Carlisle, and Houston O. (Sonny) Rouse of Little Rock; five daughters, Mrs. Clyde Holt of Tillar, Mrs. James Edmondson of California, Mrs. W.R. Scott of Monticello, Mrs. Joe Young of North Little Rock, and Mrs. David Wright of California; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Grace Caviness and Mrs. Alford Stauber, both of Carlisle; two brothers, George and Herbert Rouse, both of Carlisle; a sister, Mrs. Lula Young of Carlisle; 16 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Hamilton Methodist Church. Burial was at Hamilton Cemetery.
FORDYCE, ARKANSAS: Ben Abner Rowe Sr., 84, passed away July 8, 2005. He was born on March 29, 1921 to the late Harvey & Bessie Rowe. He was a retired mechanic for Georgia-Pacific and attended the Beech Grove Baptist Church in Fordyce. Survivors include his wife of 62 years, Ophelia Rowe of Fordyce; a son, Jackie L. Rowe of Fordyce; three grandchildren, Melissa Rowe-Webb of Dallas, TX, Tracy L. Rowe of Columbia, MO, Tiffany A. Hastings of Lonoke, AR; three great grandchildren, Laura Ashley Rowe and Madison Elizabeth Rowe both of Columbia, MO, and Abigail Hastings of Lonoke, AR. He was preceded in death by his son, Ben Abner Rowe, Jr. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery with arrangements by Benton Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Judge Elsijane Trimble Roy died January 23, 2007. She was born April 2, 1916 to Judge Thomas Clark and Elsie Walls Trimble. She attended the University of Arkansas Law School, and was the only female graduate of the class of 1939. In 1966, she was appointed Arkansas' first woman circuit judge. In 1975, she became the state's first female Supreme Court Justice; in 1977, she was appointed Arkansas' first woman Federal Judge, and the first woman appointed to the 8th Circuit. She followed her father as Federal Judge, and presided in the same courtroom where he had served for two decades. She retired in 1999, after over twenty years on the Federal bench. Judge Roy was the recipient of many awards, including being named Woman of the Year by the Business and Professional Woman's Club in 1969, Arkansas Democrat Woman of the Year in 1976 (an honor that her mother also received), and Outstanding Appellate Judge of 1976-1977 by the Arkansas Trial Lawyers' Association. She enjoyed sports, particularly basketball. She was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include her son, Jim Roy and wife Bea of Springdale; two grandchildren, Allyson Roy Patrick and husband Ashley of Fayetteville and Tommy Roy and wife Christa of Springdale; 4 great-grandchildren; a brother, Walls Trimble of Little Rock; a sister, Sue Measel of Birmingham, AL; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Thomas Trimble; and a sister, Molly Verser. Services were held at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, and burial was at the Lonoke Cemetery with Rev. Dr. Rex M. Horne, Jr. officiating. Arrangements were entrusted to Ruebel Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Sarah Roy, 81, died September 16, 2005. She retired from Allen Canning Company. She was a Baptist. Survivors include two daughters, Diane Moore and Frances Boyd, both of Van Buren; six sons, Albert, Harold, Darrell, Tommy, Freddy and Bobby Boyd, all of Van Buren; and three sisters, Shirley Hall and Dorothy Freeman, both of Fort Smith, and Virginia Jeffcoat of Van Buren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alfred Roy. Interment was at Gill Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
ST. FRANCIS COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Almus Gideon Royal died December 19, 1946. He was was born August 14, 1925, and was a World War II veteran. Interment was at Wylds Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Jeannie Brown Royse, 84, died November 17, 2007. She retired from the VA Hospital as a dental assistant. She was born March 25, 1923 to William Arthur Brown and Eva Ellen Jackson Brown. She attended Geyer Springs Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Deborah Seifer and husband Harold; 2 grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband, Eston Royse; a son, Mark Royse; and a daughter, Susan Brown Schulte. Burial was at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Alexander, AR under the direction of Little Rock Funeral Home.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Milton Royston died November 28, 1957. He was born April 20, 1895. He was a World War I veteran. Interment was at De Ann Cemetery.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: John Rubottom, 80, died November 22, 1981. He was a construction worker. He is survived by a daughter, Peggy Johnson; a brother, Ted; a sister, Della Spencer; and his grandchildren. Interment was at Kimbler Cemetery in Cedarville under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Katherine Hope Ruby, 60, died May 8, 2007. She was born February 8, 1946. She was a social worker and poultry grower. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Social Welfare from San Francisco State University, and worked in Logan and Franklin counties as a child welfare investigator. Survivors include her son, William Ruby of Booneville; and a sister, Kim Lee of Paris. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ronald Ruby; her parents, Merlin and Grace Dana Hendrickson; and two brothers, Felix and Kris Hendrickson. Interment was at Paint Rock Cemetery in Paris with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
NEWPORT, ARKANSAS: Vernon Lester Rudd, 77, died January 2, 2007. He was born September 16, 1929 to Robert and Melvina Rudd. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Peggy White Rudd; two sons, Randall Rudd and wife, Sha of Amagon and Ronnie Rudd of Cabot; two daughters, Barbara Clark and husband Patrick of Searcy, and Cathy Branch and husband George of Beebe; two brothers, Willie Rudd of Weiner, and Ralph Rudd of Newport; a sister, Etta Faye Ruch of Jacksonville; 10 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and several siblings. Interment was at Pennington Cemetery with arrangements by Jackson's Newport Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Treasure Amere Ruff, one-day-old infant, died May 13, 2006. He was born May 12, 2006 to Linda Ruff. He is survived by a grandmother, Alice Ruff; and a great-grandmother, Lucille McNealy, both of Pine Bluff. Services were held at Forrest Lawn Cemetery with Rev. Lee Whitiker officiating. Arrangements were handled by Christian Way Funeral Home.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Reba Louise Hutchcraft Ruffin, 97, passed away August 10, 2005. She was born June 25, 1908 to Elijah and Mildred Hutchcraft. She attended First Assembly of God in DeWitt, where she was a Sunday School teacher and active in Women's Ministries. She is survived by two daughters, Christene Wood and her husband, William, and Norma Estes and her husband, David, of DeWitt; 6 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and 7 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Pete Ruffin; her parents; a brother; and four sisters. Services were held at the First Assembly of God, followed by interment at DeWitt Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Essex Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Amalia Rocconi Ruggeri, 86, died on December 4, 2001. She was born on January 17, 1915 to the late Peter and Julia Mazzanti Rocconi. She was the widow of Robert Ruggeri. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Catholic Daughters of America, the Altar Society of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, and the Merry Mix-up Sewing Club. Survivors include her son, Donald Ruggeri of Pine Bluff; her daughter, Joann Kongenske of Pine Bluff; a sister, Amalite Fratesi of Pine Bluff; 6 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband; a son; Richard Ruggeri; five brothers; and a sister. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Pine Bluff with Fr. Andrew Smith officiating. Interment was at St. Joseph Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Eda Toxword Rumsey, 91, died March 6, 1992. She was born July 10, 1900 to Ed and Adeline Strelo Toxword. She was a member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist. She is survived by her husband of 51 years, C.E. Rumsey; two daughters, Gretchen Robb and Dorothy Magnusson; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Home. Interment was at Lyons Cemetery in Lyons, Nebraska.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Blanche Runnels, 80, died September 30, 1970 at her residence. She was a member of the Camden Presbyterian Church. Survivors include a son, Bobby; a brother, Clifford Fincher; and two sisters, Mrs. Ola Corley and Mrs. Wyna Combs. Burial was at Greenwood Cemetery under the direction of Proctor Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Anna B. Rupe, 81, died July 28, 1984. She was born January 15, 1903. She was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include six daughters, Wilma Goad of Pine Bluff, Carolyn Spainhouer of Watson, Sibyl Cool of Byron, CA, Thelma Brown of Sacramento, CA, Mary Meixner of Napa, CA, and Nettie Venable of Castle Rock, WA; three sons, Benny Rupe of Pine Bluff, J.D. Rupe of Ward, and Charley Wayne Rupe of Galveston, TX; a brother, Lester Parks of Casa; 24 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren; and 7 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, David G. Rupe. Interment was at Mulberry Cemetery in England, AR under the direction of Hale-South Funeral Home.
DYESS, ARKANSAS: Arie Reedie Ruple, 68, died June 29, 2005. She was a homemaker, and was a Baptist. She is survived by her husband, James Ruple; five sons, Billy Ruple of Fulton, MS, Jimmy Ruple, Donald Ruple and Terry Ruple, Jr., all of Dyess, and Wayne Ruple of Zion, IL; two daughters, Brenda Hopper of Osceola, and Terra Tanner of Joiner; five brothers, Taylor Slaughter of Tishomingo, MS, L.C. Slaughter of Lepanto, Bobby Slaughter and Jack Slaughter, both of Batesville, and Stanley Slaughter of Joiner; a sister, Sarah Campbell of Tyronza; 14 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Wilson Funeral Home in Osceola with Rev. Joe Thompson presiding. Burial was at Rivercrest Gardens Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Thearl Stanley Rushin, 82, died January 24, 2006. He was a retired meat processor. He attended Heritage Missionary Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Oceline Rushin of Little Rock; a son, Keith Rushin of Ward; and a daughter, Shelia Hill of Little Rock.
Services were held at the chapel of Griffin Leggett Healey and Roth Funeral Home in Little Rock, followed by burial at the Romance Cemetery.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: W.H. Rushing, 84, died October 18, 1937. He was survived by three daughters; two sons; 20 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Fairview Cemetery under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: Douglas Russ, 62, died October 15, 2009. He was born August 5, 1947 to the late Edwin James Russ and Barbara Thornton Russ. He was a Presbyterian. He is survived by his family and friends. Interment was at Mississippi County Memorial Gardens under the direction of Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Clara M. Russell, 89, died December 24, 2002 at the Arkansas Hospice Center in North Little Rock. She was born April 23, 1913 in Stilwell, OK to Edward Warren and Ruby Ray. She was a member of Central Assembly of God in Little Rock, and had formerly lived in Sallisaw, OK. She is survived by a daughter, Betty R. Taylor of Dallas, TX; a son, Kenneth Russell of North Little Rock; 5 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and her caregiver, Debbie Young of Little Rock. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery in Lincoln, AR under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CORNING, ARKANSAS: Les Russell, 93, died July 6, 2004. He was born March 29, 1911 in Greenway to Thomas Adron and Jennie Belle Latta Russell. He was a funeral director and embalmer, and was a former co-owner of Russell-Ermert Funeral Home. He attended the First United Methodist Church of Corning. Survivors include his wife, Anna Raye Blackwood Russell; a son, Don Russell (Clarissa) of Corning; two brothers, Lloyd Russell of Piggott and Ivan Russell of Jacksonville, FL; a granddaughter; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two sisters, Emma Lou Morgan and Dorothy Heidbreder. Burial was at the Corning Cemetery by Ermert Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Marie Russell, 81, died October 5, 2007. She was born January 31, 1926 to Searcy and Pearl Ross Chesser. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, John; a daughter, Phyllis Towler of Lamar; two sisters, Lois Metzker of Clarksville and Pat Yates of Russellville; two brothers, J.T. and Gene Chesser, both of Clarksville; 2 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Hardwicke Funeral Home with Rev. Tom Dicus officiating. Burial was at Woodland Cemetery.
ASHDOWN, ARKANSAS: Marion June Russell, 57, died February 3, 2003 in Ashdown. She was born February 19, 1945 in Gurdon, AR. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her mother, Opal Daniels of Ashdown; a sister, Margaret Wise of DeKalb, TX; a brother, Joe Daniels of Ashdown; and her nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Curtis Russell. Interment was at Hicks Cemetery with arrangements by Madden Funeral Home.
WARD, ARKANSAS: Mattie Reveley Russell, 83, died December 30, 1969. She was a Baptist. She is survived by two sons, Coleman Reveley of Ward, and Reece Reveley of Cabot; three daughters, Camille Colbert of California, and Pauline Henson and Lucille Wilburn, both of Ward; four sisters, Mrs. Fannie Parks of North Little Rock, Mrs. Linnie Shock of Cabot, Mrs. Essie Marshall and Mrs. Bain Russell of Ward; 10 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Baugh Chapel. Burial was at Sixteenth Section Cemetery with arrangements by Daniel Funeral Service.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Theora Farmer Russell, 80, passed away on October 2, 1999. She was born on October 4, 1918. She was a homemaker, and attended Calvary Baptist Church. She was the widow of Paul O. Russell. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Elaine and Don Kennemer of Hope; 2 granddaughters; 3 great-grandchildren; and a nephew. Graveside services were held at Memory Gardens Cemetery with the Rev. Scott Neathery presiding. Arrangements were handled by Herndon Funeral Home.
LONOKE COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Elsie Russom died January 23, 1937. She was born December 29, 1847. She was the widow of Zachary T. Russom. Burial was at Walters Chapel Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Jettie Mae Rutherford, 77, died March 20. 1978. She was born October 31, 1900 to James Arthur and Mattie Fletcher Baugh. She was survived by a son, Bill; a daughter, Geraldine Parks; two brothers, Earnest Baugh and D.H. Baugh; a sister, Eva Keene; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at the First Presbyterian Church of Prairie Grove. Burial was at Bethesda Cemetery by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Mary Louise Pratt Rutherford, 88, died January 10, 1996. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. She is survived by three sons, Al Rutherford and Gabe Rutherford, both of North Little Rock, and Bill Rutherford of Austin; two daughters, Kay Squires and Ellen King, both of North Little Rock; 12 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Keith Rutherford. Services were held at St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Burial was at Rest Hills Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Willie Rutherford passed away
November 29, 2006. She was born January 1, 1915 to the late Nancy Ann and Zeddie Baldwin. She was a homemaker, and attended the First Baptist Church of Jonesboro. She and her husband operated several grocery stores and cafes. Survivors include her daughters, Ann and husband James McAnear of Jonesboro, Ina and husband James Baker of Calhoun City, Mississippi and Elaine Milloway of Clarksville; a son-in-law, Bill Walter of LaPorte, Indiana; 11 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Barney Rutherford; and a daughter, Nina Walter. Burial was at Macedonia Cemetery with arrangements by Gregg Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Irene Rutledge, 85, died October 23, 2011 at St. Bernard's Medical Center. She was born October 14, 1926 in Delaplaine to the late Arthur and Gurta Davis. She was a member of Nettleton Baptist Church, where she was a Sunday School teacher, Sunday School assistant superintendent, and served on several church committees. Survivors include a daughter, Barbara Rowlett (Don) of Jonesboro; a son, Virgil Dean Rutledge (Sandy Smith) of Orchard Lake, MI; a son-in-law, Jim Smith of Jonesboro; a brother, Charles Davis (Carol); three sisters, Jessie Fletcher (Doyle), Vernell Miller and Shirley Trusal (Bob); 6 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and her close friends, Shirley and Bob Mooneyham. She was preceded in death by her husband, David R. Rutledge; a daughter, Deloris Dianne Smith; three sisters, Wanda Fletcher, Clara Pollard, and Geneva Tompkins; and a brother, Ralph Davis. Interment was at Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery with arrangements by Gregg-Langford Bookout Funeral Home.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: Lucille Angela Rutledge, 92, died April 25, 2008. She was born December 9, 1915 to the late Lee Little and Nellie Ripper Little. She attended Marianna Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Roger and Lennie Rutledge of Marianna; and 16 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Rutledge. Burial was at LaGrange Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
GASSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Henrietta Rutzen, 84, died February 2, 2005. She was born September 23, 1920 to the late Frank and Jozephine Wismierski Zimney. She worked at the R.R. Donnelley Company, and attended St. Peter The Fisherman Catholic Church. She is survived by her husband, Theodore Rutzen; a son, Thomas D. Kowalski of Calico Rock; a sister, Irene Kosiara; a grandson, Thomas H. Kowalski of Knox, IN; and a great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her parents; her first husband, Fred Hosmer; two sisters; and two brothers. Services were held at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church in Mountain Home with Rev. Jim Fanrak officiating. Burial was at the Mountain Home Cemetery under the direction of Kirby-Boaz Funeral Home.
HARTMAN, ARKANSAS: Sam R. Rylee, 82, died December 2, 1982. He was a retired farmer, and attended the United Baptist Church. He is survived by two daughters, Hazel Stepp and Pansy Thompson; a brother, Sherman Rylee; 13 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Salus Church with Rev. Clayton Rylee presiding. Burial was at Case Cemetery with arrangements handled by Cox Funeral Home.
BERGMAN, ARKANSAS: Myrna Sachse, 74, died June 21, 2007. She was born November 26, 1933. She is survived by her husband, James M. Sachse; her sons, Mike Sachse of Bergman and David Sachse of Horicon, WI; a daughter, Karen Miller, of Okemos, MI; 13 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a daughter, Cynthia Pruitt.
Cremation arrangements were handled by Christeson Funeral Home of Harrison, AR.
KINGSLAND, ARKANSAS: Virgie Lee Golden Saeler, 80, died January 4, 2005. She was born March 17, 1924 to the late Ed Golden and Lucy Cates Golden. She retired from Fordyce Picture Frame. She is survived by a son, Jesse Saeler of Kingsland; a daughter, Vickie Works of Conway; a twin brother, Virgil L. Golden of Kingsland; a sister, Opal Davis of Pine Bluff; 5 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years, Jessie Valdo Saeler. Burial was at Crossroads Cemetery with arrangements by Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
SUMMERS, ARKANSAS: Emma Rozella Sailman, 80, died March 1, 1983. She was born April 21, 1902 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Parker. She was survived by her husband, Joe Sailman; and a sister, Ella Wilson. Services were held at Summers Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at Summers Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Earman R. Sain, 78, died March 25, 2007. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Lorene Sain; a son, Keith Edward Sain; his daughters, Debbie S. Mapes and Lisa M. Scheuter, both of Harrison, and Valerie Y. Wheeler of Ozone; a brother, Frank Sain of Cabool, MO; a sister, Niva Faught of Deer; 6 grandchildren; and his nieces and nephews. Burial was at Cowell Cemetery under the direction of Coffman Funeral Home.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Pencolia Saine, 85, died January 6, 2001. Survivors include her husband, Roosevelt Saine, Sr.; a daughter, Dorothy Goodwin of Chicago, IL; a son, Roosevelt Sain, Jr. of Forrest City; two brothers, Q.B. Bradley of New Jersey and R.D. Bradley of Chicago, IL; 7 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and 9 great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Booker Hansberry, Sr. Funeral services were held at Pine Tree Church of God in Christ in Caldwell with the Elder Verlee Lucas presiding. Burial was at Stanley Grove Cemetery under the direction of Kennedy Funeral Home.
BEEBE, ARKANSAS: Isaac I. Salaz, 79, died December 13, 2009. He was born January 25, 1930. He is survived by his wife, Mary Salaz; his children, Jenny Taylor and husband Justin Moore of Beebe, Barbara Beasley of Dallas, TX, Christie Taylor, Geraldine Duran, and Larry and Lloyd Salaz, all of Denver, CO; two sisters, Francis Oliva of Ontario, OR, and Theresa Salaz of Fort Collins, CO; a brother, Andy Salaz of Fort Collins, CO; and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by
Westbrook Funeral Home.
MAYNARD, ARKANSAS: Lenardo Juan Salazar, 54, died May 3, 2007. Survivors include his wife, Sandra Salazar; a son, Jason Salazar of Plano, TX; a daughter, Amanda Salazar of Jonesboro; a grandson; his brothers, Chris Salazar of Haslet, TX, Daniel Salazar of Lubbock, TX, Jesse Salazar of Ft. Worth, TX, Fred Salazar of San Perlita, TX, Val Salazar of Grand Prairie, TX, and Ruben Salazar of Fresno, CA; and a sister, Lupe Jalomo of Fresno, CA. Services were held at the chapel of McNabb Funeral Home with Deacon Marlyn Tate officiating. Burial with military honors was at Maynard Cemetery.
LEACHVILLE, ARKANSAS: Gloria Jean Samford, 49, died March 12, 2007. She was born June 22, 1957 to the late David Stone and Velma Foster Stone. She was a homemaker. She is survived by her husband, Frank Samford of Steele, MO; a son, Jerry Pemberton of Blytheville; a daughter, LeAnne Galloway of Rector; a sister, Janet Skaggs of Manila; and 3 grandsons.
She was preceded in death by her father; and a brother, David Stone. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church in Manila with Rev. Stephen Waggoner officiating. Interment was at the Manila Cemetery under the direction of Faith Funeral Service of Manila, AR.
LAWRENCE COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Donna Joyce Sammons died on September 1, 1940. Her parents were C.L. Sammons and Edith Melton Sammons. She is survived by a sister. Interment was at Hawkins Cemetery.
MOUNTAINBURG, ARKANSAS: Gaylena Sammons, 35, died May 31, 2007. She was a funeral director and embalmer. She attended Concord Baptist Church. She is survived by her sons, Johnathon Sammons and Jeffery Sammons, both of Ozark; her father and stepmother, Ronnie and Ellen Miller of Mountainburg; a sister, Valarie Franklin of Fort Smith; two stepsisters, Tammy Nichols of Cecil and Tonya Partain of Fort Smith; two brothers, Gaylon Miller and Tyler Miller, both of Mountainburg; a stepbrother, Stanley Partain of Kibler; and her grandparents, Virginia Rye of Alma, and Vernon and Jewell Stites of Van Buren.
Cremation arrangements were handled by Shaffer Funeral Home of Ozark, AR.
LAKE VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Gelio Sampolesi, 77, died January 13, 2006. He was born August 21, 1928 to the late Nazzareno and Annuncita Sampolesi. He was a farmer. He attended Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Erma Nell Sampolesi of Lake Village; two sons, Ned Sampolesi and his wife, Regina, and Tim Sampolesi and his wife, Janie, all of Lake Village; three daughters, Shelia Sampolesi of Seattle, WA, Lucy Ferri and her husband, Steve, of Lake Village, and Melanie Henry and her husband, Fred, of Cleveland, MS; a sister-in-law, Lena F. Sampolesi of Lake Village; 9 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by five sisters and two brothers. Services were held at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church with Fr. Theophilus Okpara presiding. Burial was at St. Mary's Cemetery with arrangements by Bishop Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Roger Dale Samuel, 53, died December 3, 2001. He was born December 23, 1948 to the late Sidney and Blanchie West Samuel. He was a laborer, and attended McCormick Baptist Church. He is survived by a brother, Auston Samuel of Trumann; and three sisters: Erma Privett of Engelhard, NC, Linda Selma of Hampton, TN, and Patricia Knighten of Ada, OK. Services were held at McCormick Baptist Church with Rev. Jim Frazier officiating. Interment was at Holly Springs Cemetery in Harrisburg, AR.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Carl Samuels died May 1, 1945. He was killed in action during World War II. He was born September 28, 1914. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Lucy Sanabria, 20, died December 22, 2005. She worked for Allen Canning Company, and attended the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Fort Smith. Survivors include her sons, Anthony and David Sanabria; her mother, Lucia Gonzalez of Van Buren; her father, Antonio Ojeda of Mexico; four sisters, Monica Navarro of Santa Maria, CA, Patricia Nouven of Barling, Sandra Truong and Susy Eleuterio, both of Van Buren; a brother, Carlos Ojeda of Van Buren; and her grandparents, Javier and Maria Gonzalez of Santa Maria, CA, and Guadalupe Ojeda of Mexico. Services were held at the Ocker Funeral Home Memorial Chapel, followed by interment at Gill Cemetery in Van Buren, AR.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Diane Sanchez, 44, passed away May 4, 2004. She was born March 15, 1960 to Oscar and Betty Catherine Ship Clement. She was a bus driver for the Springdale Public Schools, and a Jehovah's Witness. Among the survivors are her husband, Rudy Sanchez; a son, Reuben James of Springdale; two daughters, Juliana Elizabeth Sanchez of Springdale and Molly Ann Sanchez of New Mexico; two sisters; two brothers; and 3 grandchildren. A memorial service was held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Springdale with Rev. Jerry Welch presiding. Cremation and funeral arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel and Crematory.
MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Rosalinda Sanchez, infant, died October 31, 1952. She was survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jose Sanchez of Barfield; and a sister, Maria Sanchez. Burial was at Dogwood Cemetery with arrangements by Cobb Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Rev. Doyne Sandefur, 75, died May 23, 2007. He served in the ministry for over 45 years, and for 24 of those years, he was pastor of Cherrywood Baptist Church. He attended First Baptist Church in North Little Rock. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Emma Sandefur; a daughter and son-in-law, Cheri Sandefur Peavy and husband Scott; two sons and daughters-in-law, Jim and Paula Sandefur, and Bob and Amy Sandefur; three sisters, Alice Faye James, Bonnie Latting, and Ernestine Loy; and 4 grandsons. Services were held at Cherrywood Baptist Church. Interment was at Beebe Cemetery by Huson Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Edna Sandel, 91, died August 12, 2007. She was born August 25, 1915 to Festus Luther and Hattie Esther Carrol Hargrove. She was a homemaker, and attended Park Street Baptist Church in Bentonville. Survivors include her daughters, Theresa Sandel and Naomi Smith, both of Bentonville; 7 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Francis Alton Sandel. Cremation arrangements were handled by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Albert Sanders, 83, of Piggott, died February 8, 2007. He was born May 15, 1923 to the late William and Nellie Russell Sanders. Survivors include his wife, Mary Dawson Sanders; two sons, James Sanders of Sikeston and Eddie Sanders of Piggott; five daughters, Nellie Alexander of McComb, MI, Barbara French and Brenda French, both of Pevely, MO, Mary Moore of Florissant, MO, and Loretta Banegas of College Station, TX; three brothers, John Sanders of Ozark, MO, Monroe Sanders of Malden, Billy Sanders of Jonesboro; three sisters, Lina Mae Jackson of Piggott, Leona Mungle of Patton, MO, and Gertrude Wikowsky of Rector; 16 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Marvin Sanders; a sister, Alline Cato; and a son-in-law, Cleatie Sharp. Interment was at Mitchell Cemetery in Greenway with Rev. Mike Book presiding. Arrangements were by McDaniel Funeral Home.
LUXORA, ARKANSAS: Claree Sanders, 83, died November 3, 2002. She was born January 27, 1919. She was a homemaker. Survivors include two sons, Reader Current of Tarpon Springs, FL, and Curtis Sanders of Luxora; two daughters, Clara Montgomery of Tarpon Springs and Mae Frances Hale of Largo, FL; a sister, Missionary Samantha Royster of Memphis; a brother, James Seals of Memphis; 39 grandchildren; 93 great-grandchildren; and 16 great-great-grandchildren. Services were held at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Osceola with Rev. Robert Ousley III officiating. Interment was at Whiteside Cemetery under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
ELIZABETH, ARKANSAS: Delma Lee Sanders, 82, died October 19, 2005. He was born December 31, 1922 to the late Fred Sanders and Dorcie Knapp Sanders. He was a cattle farmer and produce grower. He is survived by his wife, Marie Foster Sanders; a daughter, Dorcile (Jim) Brink of Mountain Home; a daughter-in-law, Sandra Sanders of Salem; 3 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; a sister, Shirlene (Roger) Tiedt of Parkville, MO; nieces, Sheila Raham and Sherry Lodes; and a host of other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by a son, Darrell Lee Sanders; a brother, Norman Dale Sanders; his parents; and his stepmother, Clarcie Rand Sanders. Burial was at Wild Cherry Cemetery with arrangements by Cox-Blevins Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Cato Sanders, 67, died December 16, 2003. She was a homemaker. She was a Jehovah's Witness. She was born September 8, 1936 to the late Johnson Cato and Ader Potts Cato. She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers; and a sister. Survivors include her husband, Billy George Sanders; a daughter, Deliah Sanders; three sisters, Catherine Cato of Piggott, Maurine Nelson of Fort Smith and Pearline Fellow of Harrison, Ark.; and many other relatives and friends. Services were held at the Irby Funeral Home Chapel with Les Lanley officiating. Burial was at Mitchell Cemetery in Greenway under the direction Irby Funeral Service.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Leroy Sanders, 72, died October 15, 2009. He was born September 20, 1937 in Pine Bluff to Abe and Ardelia Sanders. He is survived by three sisters, Teresa Brown, Erma Carter, and Lorine Shears; and five brothers, Cornelius Sanders, Jimmy Sanders, Gene Sanders, Harold Sanders, and Charles Sanders. Services were held at the First Christian Church. Interment was at Forrest Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Wess Sandlin, 66, died December 16, 2002 in Little Rock. Survivors include three daughters, Edith King, Anita Sandlin, and Elizabeth Murphy; two sons, Wade and Will Sandlin; 12 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Jack Sandlin. Interment was at Edgewood Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Alma Esperanza Sandoval, 57, died February 10, 2012 in Rogers. She was born in El Salvador on July 21, 1954 to Roberto and Maria Emilia Sandoval Pineda. She worked at Tyson's, and was a member of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. She is survived by a daughter, Alma Moran; a son, Jaime Moran; a sister, Marie Henriquez; 4 grandchildren; and a niece. Interment was at the Rogers Cemetery under the direction of Benton County Funeral Home.
MAYFLOWER, ARKANSAS: Addie Lee Sansom, 18, died March 20, 1922. She was born January 20, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. William Newton Sansom. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Della Dawson of Conway; and two brothers, J.J. Sansom and J.W. Sansom of Mayflower. Burial was at the Mayflower Cemetery with arrangements by P.H. Ruebel and Co. Note: The sister's name may be Delia Lawson.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Renna Santacroce, 90, died February 24, 2005. She was a retired restaurant owner. She was a Catholic. Among the survivors are a daughter, Roberta Tanguay of Van Buren; and three grandchildren. She was the widow of Robert Santacroce. Services were held at St. Michael's Catholic Church. Burial was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Bernardo Santiago, 73, died April 15, 2002. He was retired, and served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. Survivors include two sons and one daughter-in-law, Bennie Santiago, Jr. of Delano, CS, and Raymond and Lona Santiago of Clarksville; his parents, Jesus and Candida Torres Santiago; two sisters and one brother-in-law, Valentina and Emilo Mora and Bonefacia Santos, all of Chicago; two brothers, Maximino Santiago of Puerto Rico and Raymond Rutger of Boston, MA; and three grandchildren. Burial was at Lamar Cemetery with Rev. Hector Mendez officiating. Arrangements were handled by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Juanita Pauline Sappenfield, 77, died May 27, 2005. She was born December 18, 1927 to Lee and Mamie Conley. She was a homemaker and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Barbara Patrick of Fayetteville; two half-brothers, Charles W. Combs of Havana and Cecil Combs of Dover, Fla.; two grandsons, David Patrick and Deron Patrick; and one great-granddaughter, Madison Patrick. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert W. Sappenfield. Burial was at Oakley Chapel Cemetery in Rogers, AR with Moore's Chapel handling the funeral arrangements.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Irene M. Sargent, 74, died June 17, 1995. She was born July 18, 1920 to Elisa George Nicholson and Callie Cox Nicholson. Among the survivors are her husband, Clyde Sargent; three sons; two daughters; twelve grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home of Prairie Grove, AR.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Cecil Lowell Sarratt, 80, died December 19, 2006. He was born May 27, 1926 to Oscar Sarratt and Ollie Lee Sarratt. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a farmer, and attended the Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Esther Sarratt; two sons, Bryan Sarratt and wife Toni of Gentry, and Kyle Sarratt and wife Christine of Rogers; a daughter, Susan Rhodes of Fayetteville; 6 grandchildren; two brothers, Harl Sarratt of Checotah, OK and Lee Sarratt of Springdale; and three sisters, Bethel Logan and Lyndel Medley, both of Tulsa, OK, and Doris Hammons of Austin, TX. Services were held at the Church of Christ in Gentry with Bruce Potter officiating. Burial was at the Gentry Cemetery under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home in Siloam Springs, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Jeff A. Sarver, 93, died August 7, 2009. He was born December 30, 1915 to John David and Macie Holland Sarver. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his wife, Ida Gertrude Sarver; a son and daughter-in-law, Otha and Wanda Sarver of California; and 2 grandchildren, Randy Sarver of Little Rock and Farrah Turner and husband Ed of Lake Norrell. He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Stanley Sarver; a daughter, Brenda Sarver; a brother, Otha Sarver; two sisters, Lexie James and Lois James; and a great-grandson, Tyler Griffin. Interment was at Edgewood Memorial Park under the direction of Little Rock Funeral Home.
PERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Mattie Lee Cook Sarver, 98, died September 29, 1996. She was born February 28, 1898 to Thomas Edward and Viola Holcomb Cook. She attended the Perryville Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her husband, Otha B. Sarver. She is survived by two sisters, Marie Cockman and Louise Charton of Perryville. Interment was at Cherry Hill Cemetery with Leslie Hepp officiating. Arrangements were handled by Harris Funeral Home.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Audrey Ann Blissmer Sasseen, 67, died May 14, 2008. She was born April 2, 1941 to William and Verna Sokolowskie Blissmer. She was of the Catholic faith. She is survived by a son, Richard Saseen of Crossett; two daughters, Pam Zollman of El Dorado, AR and Brenda Root of Bolivar, MO; her mother, Verna Wolak of Calument City, IL; two brothers; three sisters; 7 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren.
Interment was at Simms Cemetery under the direction of Jones Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Alma Culbreth Sasser, 97, died October 4, 2007. She was a licensed nurse, and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include a daughter, Earline Cheyne of Van Buren; two brothers, Tom Joyner of North Carolina and Lynn Joyner of Minnesota; 5 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willie Sasser. Interment was at Gracelawn Arbor in Van Buren with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
YELL COUNTY, ARKANSAS: William Columbus Satterfield died November 10, 1898. He was born April 3, 1835 to Peter and Hester Denton Satterfield. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company K of Cocke's Regiment, Arkansas Infantry. He was the husband of Louisa Claborn Satterfield. He had several brothers, including Marcus Lafayette Satterfield and Peter Lycurgus Satterfield, both of whom were also Civil War soldiers. Burial was at Chickalah Cemetery.
EVENING SHADE, ARKANSAS: Allie Ellen Kunkel Thompson Saucier, 70, died February 4, 2001. She was born June 14, 1930 to the late Hubert and Hazel Marie Graddy Kunkel. She was a homemaker. She was a member of the National Rifle Association, and was of the Church of Christ faith. She is survived by her husband of 46 years, Kenneth Saucier; two sons, William C. Thompson of Ash Flat, and Neal Saucier of Fayetteville; two daughters, Phyllis Saucier and JoEllen Casey, both of Evening Shade; a brother, David O. Kunkel of Evening Shade; two sisters, Johnnie Hazel Ring of Batesville, and Cora Lou Murphy of Thayer, MO; 10 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and several nephews and nieces. She was preceded in death by her parents; her stepmother, Margaret Kunkel; her first husband, William G. Thompson; a son, Hubert Wayne Saucier; and two sisters, Sarah Marie Christoforo and Willella Charlton. Services were held at Piney Fork Church of Christ in Evening Shade with Rev. Ralph Wallis officiating. Burial was at the Evening Shade Cemetery.
De QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Mrs. Aletha Tallman Savage, 92, passed away on February 28, 2003. She was born on August 12, 1910. She was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husbands, George Henry and Rev. W. B. Savage. She is survived by one daughter, Charlotte Shepherd of Arkadelphia; one brother, Richard Tallman of Horatio; two grandsons, Stan and Scott Shepherd; one granddaughter, Shannon Ware; and three great-grandchildren, Hunter Ware, Samantha Shepherd, and Braden Shepherd. Services were held at the Horatio First Methodist Church. Interment followed in the Horatio Cemetery under the direction of Wilkerson Funeral Home of De Queen, AR.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Cory James Christopher Savary, 19, passed away on January 15, 2006. He was born January 7, 1987. He was a Special Olympics participant. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, C.D. Watts and Connie and Steve Stevenson. He is survived by his parents, Skip and Janet Savary of Little Rock and Janice Jones of Sherwood; four brothers, Caelan, Colby, Cameron, Conner; a sister, Camille; his grandparents, Bob and Kay Savary and Anne Watts, all of Little Rock, and Bob and Judith Jones of Marana, AZ; and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Memorial donations may be made to the Conway Human Development Center Parents' Association. Services were held at Family Life Bible Church in Conway. Interment was at Rest Hills Cemetery in North Little Rock with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Nola Sawrey died May 10, 1969. She was born June 30, 1893 to Ambros and Martha Poindexter. She was survived by a sister, Emma Kannegaard. Services were held at the Assembly of God church. Burial was at Elm Springs Cemetery.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Julia Rose Saykelly, 67, died July 9, 1957. She was the daughter of Philander Rose and Caroline Davis Rose. She was survived by a brother, Bob Rose; and a sister, Mrs. L.H. Gregg. Interment was at the Bentonville Cemetery by Callison-McKinney Funeral Home.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Clodine Hoskins Saylor, 89, passed away January 14, 2006. She was born August 20, 1916 to the late Owen W. Hoskins, Sr. and Sudie Hoskins. She was the former owner of Clodine's Beauty Shop in Paragould. She attended All Saints Episcopal Church in Paragould for over 50 years. She is survived by a son, Col. Ira M. Click and wife Harriet of Frederick, MD; 3 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; a brother, Owen W. Hoskins, Jr. and wife Kathryn, of Paragould; a sister-in-law, Barbara Johnson of Franklin, TN; a stepdaughter, Margaret "Mimi" R. Broadhead of San Antonio; five nephews; and two nieces. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gordon Reynolds Saylor; a brother, Charlie Benjamin Hoskins; and a sister, Mary Lou Marshall. A memorial service was held at All Saints Episcopal Church in Paragould with arrangements by Heath Funeral Home.
DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Morris Edward Scaggs, 69, died December 28, 2006. He was born February 18, 1937 to Charles and Mary Mullins Scaggs. He was a retired plumber, and attended the Old Time Missionary Baptist Church in De Queen. Survivors include his wife, Barbara Smith Scaggs of De Queen; a son, Mark Edward Scaggs of De Queen; and a daughter, Evelyn LeAnne Scaggs of De Queen. Interment was at Redmen Cemetery with arrangements by Chandler Funeral Home.
POSTELLE, ARKANSAS: W.C. Scaife, 72, died April 1, 2009. He was born February 7, 1937. He was a member of the Apostolic Life Center. He is survived by two sisters, Maggie (Wardell) BoBo of Postelle, and Essie Key of St. Louis; a brother, Donzell (Doll) Scaife of St. Louis; his aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at the Apostolic Life Center Church in Marvell with Pastor Sarah Jackson officiating. Burial was at Postelle Cemetery with arrangements by Kincaid Funeral Services, Inc.
TYRONZA, ARKANSAS: John Wesley Scales, Jr. died June 21, 1972. He was born December 17, 1940 to John W. Scales, Sr. and Marie Scales. He served with the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam Conflict. Interment was at Cherry Beam Cemetery.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Quintella Polk Scales, 73, died March 24, 2002. She was born August 9, 1928 in Tarry, AR to the late Eliza Russell Polk and Irvin Polk. She attended the First Baptist Church at Ladd, where she served as a member of the choir and missionary society. Among the survivors are two daughters, JoAnn Bedgood of Savannah, Georgia and Tina Brown of Richmond, Virginia; one brother, Addison Polk of Tarry; one sister, Dorothy Mitchell of Pine Bluff; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was the widow of Frank Scales. She was also preceded in death by a son, Ray Mallett. Services were held at the First Baptist Church at Ladd with the Rev. Kenneth Jones presiding. Burial was at the Macedonia Cemetery with arrangements by P.K. Miller Mortuary of Pine Bluff, AR.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Bonnie Jones Scandrett, 65, died February 21, 2007. She was born December 29, 1941. She worked at the Cass Civilian Conservation Center for the US Forest Service. Survivors include a daughter, Wanda Reisinger of Conyers, GA; a son, Wade Fallin of Hyde Park, UT; a brother, Dennis Jones; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at Cass Baptist Church. Cremation arrangements were handled by Shaffer Funeral Home of Ozark, AR.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Brisco Cornelius Scates, 101, died April 29, 2007. He was a retired railroad worker, and attended Gates Chapel A.M.E. Church. He is survived by a son, Marshall Scates and wife Beverly of Tulsa, OK; and four grandchildren, Alvertine Ridley, Thomas H. Scates, David Scates and Jeff Scates. He was preceded in death by his wife, Beulah Scates; his parents, T. W. and Louvenia Scates; and a son, Alvin Scates. Services were held at Zion Chapel A.M.E. Church with Rev. Tyrone A. Broomfield officiating. Burial was at Westview Cemetery with arrangements by Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
SUBIACO, ARKANSAS: Brother John Schad, OSB, 82, a monk at Subiaco Abbey, died December 11, 1998. He was born Lawrence H. Schad on January 10, 1916 to John and Sophie Schad. He was a decorated U.S. Army veteran of World War II. After his military service, he entered Subiaco Abbey and made his monastic vows. He retired after 50 years of working on the Abbey farm. Survivors include two brothers, Father Sylvester Schad of Corpus Christi, TX, and Edward Schad of Gainesville, TX; four sisters, Sister Alma Sophie Schad, Sister Vera Schad and Sister Helen Margaret Schad, all of San Antonio, TX, and Mae Streng of Muenster, TX. Services were held at St. Benedict Church at Subiaco. Interment was at the Abbey Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
MARVELL, ARKANSAS: William "Billy" Schaffhauser, 76, died July 6, 2007. He was born November 14, 1930 to William Victor Schaffhauser and Nina Keath Schaffhauser. He was a farmer, and attended Marvell United Methodist Church. He is survived by his mother, Nina Schaffhauser of Marvell; a son, Rick Schaffhauser and wife Linda of Marvell; a daughter, Jeanne Groves and husband Steve of Lexa; 4 grandchildren; a great grandson; and a brother and sister-in-law, Johnny and Martha Ann Schaffhauser of Madison, MS. He was preceded in death by his wife, Doris Molpus Schaffhauser; and his father, William V. Schaffhauser. Interment was at Schaffhauser Cemetery in Marvell under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Brooks Scharbor, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Scharbor, died January 19, 1974 at a Fort Smith hospital. Survivors include his parents; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glifford Clark of Greenwood; his paternal grandparents, Mrs. and Mrs. Allen Scharbor of Greenwood; his paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Scharbor of Greenwood; and his maternal great-great-grandfather, Jake Clark of Greenwood. Burial was at Washburn Cemetery by McConnell Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Horst A. Scharoll, 81, died November 24, 2006. He was born March 20, 1925 in Elbing, Germany to the late Pauline Metzing and Paul Scharoll. He was a longtime tool and die maker, and later became a locksmith. He was a member of the DeSoto Square Dance Club, the A Team, and the advanced square dance group. He attended Christ Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife, Ursula Stoever Scharoll; a son and daughter-in-law, Wilfred H. and Nancy Scharoll of Macomb, MI; a sister, Trudy Priebe of Leigh Acres, FL; and a grandchild. Services were held at Christ Lutheran Church with Dr. Charles Gilmore officiating. Arrangements were handled by CedarVale Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Vivian M. Scheel, 83, died December 27, 2004. She was born January 27, 1921 to Louis and Lillian Zoellick Meneke. She attended Redeemer Lutheran Church, and was a member of the Foresters. She is survived by her husband, Charles W. Scheel; and her nieces and nephews. Interment was at Baxter Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Herman Michael Scherm, 88, died October 2, 2002. He was born November 18, 1913. He was a retired farmer. He attended Holy Rosary Catholic Church, and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is survived by three sons, Tommy Scherm of Ulm, Bobby Scherm of Roe, and Eddie Scherm of Portland; four daughters, Sherry Hoffpauir, Barbara Smith and Karen Owens of Stuttgart, and Janice Smith of Barton; two sisters, Dolly Davis and Anna Rose Lorine of Stuttgart; 21 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and 5 great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Paul and Teresa Wink Scherm; and his wife, Georgia Raab Scherm. Services were held at Holy Rosary Catholic Church with Fr. John Janesko officiating. Burial was at Holy Rosary Cemetery by Turpin Funeral Home.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Melvin John Schexnayder, 87, died September 12, 2007. He was born January 20, 1920 to Maurice and Rose Meaux Schexnayder. He was the retired newspaper publisher of The Dumas Clarion. He earned a degree in chemical engineering from Louisiana State University, and was a member of Tau Beta Phi. He was a decorated U.S. Army officer during World War II. He worked as a chemical engineer for the Texas Pacific Railroad, and then, along with his wife, went into the newspaper trade. The Schexnayders bought The Dumas Clarion, and later ran The Delta Advertiser. They operated the Clarion Publishing Company until their retirement. The newspaper was the recipient of over 500 awards in state and national journalism contests during their ownership. He served as president of the Arkansas Press Association, and helped establish Journalism Days at the University of Arkansas. He received the Distinguished Service Award from the Arkansas Press Association, and was active with the National Editorial Association and the National Newspaper Association. He was past president of both the Dumas Chamber of Commerce and the Dumas Lions Club, and was chairman of the Desha County Hospital Board. He was honored by the Dumas Industrial Foundation for over 25 years of service. He was given the Lions Club citizenship award, and was named the Ding Dong Daddy of Dumas in 1999. He was a former chairman of the Chicot-Desha Boy Scout District, and former adjutant of Walter Hall Post #84 of the American Legion. He chaired several charitable fund drives, and he and his wife established the Delta Area Community Foundation. He attended Holy Child Catholic Church. Survivors include his wife, Charlotte Tillar Schexnayder, whom he married August 18, 1946; two sons and daughters-in-law, M. John and Deanna Schexnayder, Jr. of Austin, TX, and Dr. Stephen M. and Dr. Rebecca Schexnayder of Little Rock; a daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and Mark Steen of Fort Worth, TX; 9 grandchildren; and 2 great-granddaughters. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two sisters, Mabel Darcey and Emaria Judice. Interment was at Tillar Cemetery.
McRAE, ARKANSAS: Lorena Schieffer,96, died March 22, 2007. She was a member of the McRae First United Methodist Church. Survivors include two daughters, Mildred Harvey of Texas, and Nell Clements (Derek) of Florida; 3 great-grandsons; and a great-great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe Schieffer; and a granddaughter, Ann Judkins. Interment was at Antioch Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Galen Eric Schildknecht, 33, died November 11, 2009. He was born May 13, 1976. He is survived by his mother, Janna Pfautz; his stepfather, Robert "Bob" Pfautz; two sisters, Heather Noelle Taylor and Cindy (Bryan) Pfautz Davis; a brother, Robert (Dorothe) Pfautz, Jr.; his grandparents, Pat and Bette D'Arco; two aunts, Cathy (Carl) Thompson and Georgie (Clint) Stuart; four nieces and nephews; and his friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Philip Schildknecht; and his grandparents, Harold E. Schildknecht, Glenda Udell Schildknecht, and Glen William Little. Arrangements were handled by Gross Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Wilma Louise Schiro, 79, died February 16, 2007. She was born September 20, 1927 in Bremen, Germany to the late Wilhem and Louise Westphal Bode. She was a building manager. She was a volunteer at the Baxter Regional Medical Center and Reach to Recovery. She belonged to the Ozark VFW Post #3246 Auxiliary, Alley-White Post #52 Auxiliary, Hope Committee and the Modern Woodmen of America. Survivors include her husband, Lawrence Schiro; a daughter, Margaret Berg and husband Paul of Morton Grove, IL; a sister, Carole Knight of Prospect Heights, IL; 5 grandchildren; and 13 nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother. Services were held at the chapel of Kirby-Boaz Funeral Home with Rev. Kenneth Taglauer officiating. Interment was at Kirby's Tucker Memorial Mausoleum.
WEINER, ARKANSAS: John Schisler, 27, died on July 22, 1918. He was born on July 18, 1891. He was wounded in action on July 17, 1918, and later died. Interment was at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Aisne, France.
SCRANTON, ARKANSAS: Anton "Junior" Schlaf, 80, died September 26, 2006. He was a farmer, and had retired from Cloyes Gear Plant. He was the past president of Logan County Farmers' Mutual Aid, and also president of St. Florian Fire Ins. Company. He was a lifetime member of Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Morrison Bluff, AR, where he sang in the choir. Survivors include his wife, Louise Nichols Schlaf of Scranton; four daughters, Debbie Baumgartner of Scranton, Jane Mize of Ozark, Judy Wilhelms of Clarksville, and Brenda Morgan of Clarksville; a son, Kenny Schlaf of Subiaco; 10 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Anton and Mary Etzkorn Schlaf, Sr.; a brother, Steve Schlaf; a sister, Helen Hessney; and a great-grandson, Malachi Diaz. Mass was held at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Morrison Bluff. Burial was at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home of Paris, AR.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Meta F. Schleef, 100, died December 6, 2006. She was born October 26th, 1906 to Harry and Emma Oetter Simpson. She was a homemaker and a retired receptionist for Eads Brothers Furniture. She attended the First Lutheran Church. Survivors include a daughter, Mary Schleef of Oklahoma City, OK; two sons, Daniel Schleef of Omena, MI and Roger Schleef of Richmond, MI; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alfred Herman Schleef. Services were held at First Lutheran Church. Burial was at Roselawn Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Iva Lee Smith Schlinker of Booneville died July 29, 2005. She was a homemaker, and attended Sugar Grove Pentecostal Church. Survivors include three daughters and sons-in-law, Geraldine and Robert Chambers of Magazine, Norma and Edgar Holt of Booneville, and Sharon and Tom Gray of Booneville; seven sons and daughters-in-law, Jerry and Carolyn Schlinker of London, George and Sandra Schlinker of Booneville, Johnny and Velma Schlinker of Sugar Grove, Derral and Patricia Schlinker of Magazine, Eddie and Vicki Schlinker of Booneville, Terry and Judy Schlinker of Clarksville, and Ronnie and wife Ruth Schlinker of Booneville; two stepdaughters, Carol Metz of Uma, AZ and Kathy Frank of Placerville, CA; a stepson, Joe Schlinker and his wife Beverly of Booneville; 29 grandchildren; 40 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rev. Herbert Schlinker. Services were held at Sugar Grove Pentecostal Church. Burial was at Sugar Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Roberts Funeral Home of Booneville, AR.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Dorthy M. Schlude, 84, died May 5, 2009. She was born August 15, 1924 to Antonio and Rose Nardozzo Barrasso. She is survived by a son, Francis Schlude, Jr. of Russellville; 3 grandchildren; and a sister, Gloria Kimbriel of Paris. She was preceded in death by her husband of over 50 years, Francis Schlude; her parents; four brothers; and a sister. Interment was at St. Benedict Cemetery in Subiaco under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Otto Schmalz, 90, died August 14, 2004. He was born October 11, 1913. He was a farmer. He attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, and was a member of the Catholic War Veterans, Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, and the Polar Bears Association of World War II. He is survived by his wife, Freida Schmalz; two daughters, Jeanette Federick of Subiaco, and Linda Ussery of Dickinson TX; a son, Larry Schmalz of Paris; a sister, Mary Schmitz of Paris; 9 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Matilda Schmalz. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Interment was at St. Joseph Cemetery by Roller Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Daniel Dare Schmatjen, 75, died April 12, 2008. He was born April 15, 2008 to the late Henry C. and Myrtle P. Hunter Schmatjen. He was an Army veteran, and attended Hilltop Bible Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Anna Bell Baskin Schmatjen; a daughter and son-in-law, Lisa and Ricky McCarley of Lamar, AR; four stepchildren, Daniel Wyers of Laredo, TX, Diane Austin of Keller, TX, Pam Story of Atlanta, GA, and Lisa Weigner of Cordele, GA; a sister, Eileen Page of Bates City, MO; 10 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his first wife, Annetta Pitts; a stepson, Mark Wyers; four brothers, Henry Clair, Carl, Paul, and Walter; and two sisters, Angla Harper and Maida Harper. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery by Roller-Cox Funeral Home.
SCRANTON, ARKANSAS: Ben C. Schmitz, 93, died October 23, 2004. He was born October 16, 1911 to the late Henry and Julie Diller Schmitz. He was a retired road construction worker. He attended St. Ignatius Catholic Church and was a member of the Catholic Knights of America. He is survived by three daughters, Jeanette Wade and Florence Frederick of Paris, AR, and Anna Mullen of Jamestown, NY; four sisters, Louise Geels of Morrison Bluff, AR, Betty Becker of Barling, AR, and Freda Schmalz and Dorothy Schneider of Paris; a brother, Joe Schmitz of Conway; two sisters-in-law, Josephine Tencleve of Morrison Bluff and Mary Schmitz of Charleston, AR; 14 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Angeline Kern Schmitz; a son Harold Bernard Schmitz; two brothers, Tony and Ed Schmitz; and a sister, Regina Becker. Services were held at St. Ignatius Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Ignatius Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
WYNNE, ARKANSAS: Susie Pauline Gilbert Schmitz, 86, died October 19, 2002. She was a member of Truth Ministries Church, and had worked for Ferguson's Drug Store in Forrest City. She is survived by a son, Eddie Schmitz of Wynne; four daughters, Monica Schmitz McWhirter of Montgomery, AL, Phyllis Schmitz Ellis of Deer, Judy Schmitz Hall of Wynne, and Tommye Schmitz McElroy of Jonesboro; a brother, Edward Gilbert of Forrest City; one sister, Edna Munn of Wynne; 14 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Garland Lee Schmitz; her parents, William Flethcer and Mary M. Waymire Gilbert; and a son. Burial was at Hughes Cemetery in Forrest City under the direction of Thompson-Wilson Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Richard James Schmuck died December 20, 1964. He was born August 12, 1912, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Burial was at the Fort Smith National Cemetery.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Sister Maurine Schmucker, 88, died February 4, 2006. She was born July 14, 1917, in Nazareth, TX. She was an elementary school teacher for nearly fifty years. She made her religious profession on June 24, 1936. Survivors include a sister, Agnes Warren of Woodward, OK; two brothers, Alvin Schmucker of Hereford, TX, and Arnold Schmucker of Tucson, AZ; and her religious community. A Funeral Mass was held at St. Scholastica Monastery Chapel. Interment was at St. Scholastica Cemetery with arrangements handled by Fentress Mortuary.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Mary Evelyn Schnitzius, 76, died December 14, 2005. She was a retired nurse. She was a Protestant. Survivors include two sons, John W. Schnitzius of Paris, and Fred P. Schnitzius of Paris; two sisters, Geraldine Felkins of Clarksville, and Pearl Hudson of Tulsa, OK; 8 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Pilot and Eunice Houston O'Neal; and by her husband, John Schnitzius. Interment was at Baxley Cemetery in Paris with arrangements handled by Roller Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: William F. Schnur died March 9, 1976. He was born April 21, 1880, and was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the National Cemtery in Fayetteville, AR.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Rosalee Schock, 90, died October 10, 1998. She was born January 25, 1908 to John King and Mary Williams. She is survived by a daughter, Pauline Rule; and a granddaughter, Jennifer Rule. Interment was at Summers Cemetery with Jack Thompson officiating. Arrangements were handled by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: David Schoen died December 19, 1862. He was a soldier during the Civil War. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery.
POYEN, ARKANSAS: Lillian Margaret "Marge" Schoggin, 78, died February 8, 2007. She was born August 14, 1928 to Birl and Lillian Rice Andrus. She was a homemaker, and attended Poyen Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Yvonne Jones and husband Noel; a son, David Schoggin and wife Susan; 7 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Vaughn Schoggin; and a sister, Margie Griffith. Services were held at Poyen Missionary Baptist Church with Bros. Hurby Morgan, Steve Franklin and Don Goodman officiating. Interment was at Lindsey-Poyen Cemetery under the direction of Regency Funeral Home of Malvern, AR.
GARFIELD, ARKANSAS: John Schooley, 77, died August 3, 2007. He was born March 2, 1930 to John Lewis Schooley and Belle Faulkner Schooley. He was a farmer. He is survived by a brother, Lewis Schooley of Corpus Christi, TX; and a sister, Rose Mary Marquess of Garfield. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, Denver Schooley, Ivy Schooley, and Bruce Schooley; and three sisters, Wilma Schnitzer, Bea Davidson, and Martha Councellor. Services were held at the chapel of Sisco Funeral Home with Bill Schnitzer officiating. Burial was at Ruddick Cemetery.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Gladys Cleo Brown Schoonover, 82, died on February 5, 2006. She was born on December 29, 1923 to the late Burl and Evelyn Girardot Brown. She was an LPN who enjoyed sewing and gardening. She was a Jehovah's Witness. Among the survivors are three sons, Alfred Wayne Andrews of Jefferson City, MO., Jimmy Ray Andrews of Long Beach, California, and Paul David Andrews of Dover; four daughters, Gladys Warren of Clarksville, Brenda Lavone Doyle of Dover, Betty Jo Andrews of Jacksonville, Texas, and Mary Evelyn Turner of Wichita, Kansas; two brothers, Charles Brown of Pocahontas, Arkansas and Burl Bradley Brown of Hot Springs; a sister, Estelle Ford of Riverside, California; 14 grandchildren; numerous great grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Otto K. Schoonover and Alfred Andrews Jr.; two brothers, Lawrence and Fay Brown; and two sisters, Opal Taylor and Hallie Casey. Interment was at McFadden Cemetery with arrangements by Shinn Funeral Service.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Elvira Josephine Nabholz Schrekenhofer, 85, passed away July 19, 2005. She was born September 13, 1919 to Philemon and Josephine Moix Nabholz. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, where she was active with the St. Joseph Christian Ladies. She is survived by four sons, George Schrekenhofer, Jr. and wife Mary, Louis Schrekenhofer and wife Stefanie, Steve Schrekenhofer and wife Sandra, all of Conway, and Thomas Schrekenhofer and wife Diane of Sherwood; four daughters, Jo Ann Robinette of Little Rock, Janet Dail, Cindy Newberry and husband Dan, Linda Freyaldenhoven and husband Paul, all of Conway; a brother, Martin Nabholz of Memphis, TN; 18 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 49 years, George F. Schrekenhofer, Sr.; four brothers, Julian, Bill, Henry, and Tony Nabholz; and three sisters, Marceline Kubacki, Louise Skelton, and Lena Furnell. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Fr. Michael Grey officiating. Interment was at St. Joseph Cemetery under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Thomas M. Schriver died December 8, 1944. He was born January 3, 1921. He died during World War II. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
GARNER, ARKANSAS: Willard Robert Schroeder, 79, died October 24, 2008. He was born June 3, 1929 to August and Bertha Voester Schroeder. He owned Schroeder's Catfish Paradise in Garner, and farmed rice, soybeans and catfish. He was a U.S. Army veteran, a member of the Beebe VFW, and attended Higginson Baptist Church. He is survived by two sons, Kent Schroeder and wife Helen of Cabot, and Norman Schroeder of Garner; 12 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; a brother, Herb Schroeder and wife Betty of Searcy; and Geraldine Burgess, the mother of their children. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a daughter, Karen Schroeder. Burial was at Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Helen Schuemann, 85, died August 28, 2002. She was born December 16, 1916 to the late William and Marie Brunner Andres. She was a retired sewing instructor and salesperson for the Singer Sewing Machine Company. She was a member of the Bay Ridge Boat and Golf Club, the Elks, the American Association of Retired Persons, and the Dardanelle Garden Club. She attended Saint John's Lutheran Church in Russellville, where she served with the Altar Guild and Women's Mission League. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Dennis A. and Madelen Schuemann of Squaw Lake, Minn., and Garry William and Virginia Schuemann of Darien, IL; a daughter and son-in-law, Norma D. and Raymond Benck of Binghamton, NY; 13 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at Saint John's Lutheran Church with the Rev. Darrell Kobs presiding. Burial was at Brearley Cemetery under the direction of Cornwell Funeral Service.
WEST FORK, ARKANSAS: Patricia Anne Schulz, 61, died December 19, 2004. She was born July 3, 1943 to Richard Jiron and Dorothy Martinez. She is survived by her husband, Edmond M. Schulz; two daughters, Yolanda Triana of Fayetteville and Synthia Schulz of California; a son, Kenny Schulz of Missouri; a sister, Rosemary Jiron of California; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Brentwood Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home of Prairie Grove, AR.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Robert Otto Schulz, 86, died Oct. 24, 2005. He was born January 22, 1919 to Herman Schulz and Sophia Oberheu Schulz. Among the survivors are his wife, Corinne Schulz of Bella Vista; a son and daughter-in-law, Gregory Schulz and Ria Schulz of Cedarburg; and a niece, Christine Glor of Wauwatosa, WI. He was preceded in death by an infant son and two sisters, Evelyn Wulff and Dorothy Dallmann. Private services were held with arrangements by Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Louis W. Schurle, 73, died November 12, 1970. He was born November 3, 1897. He was a former auditor for the Santa Fe Railroad, and also worked at Gustin-Bacon Manufacturing Co. in Kansas City. He was a former resident of Lawrence, KS. He was a member of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Survivors include his wife, Lenore Schurle; a daughter, Mrs. Dione Trimble of Kansas City, MO; a sister, Elsie Schurle of Salina, KS; and 2 granddaughters. Interment was at the Bentonville Cemetery under the direction of Callison-McKinney Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Roy R. Schwandt, 72, died April 16, 2008. He was born September 24, 1935. He was a retired foreman, welder, pipefitter and truck driver. He was a Baptist. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Schwandt; five sons, Eddie Schwandt and Tracy Schwandt both of Bloomington, IL, Danny Schwandt of Florida, James Rieathbaum of Ash Flat; and Daniel Rieathbaum of Trumann; three daughters, Barbara Sims and Connie Conrad, both of Trumann, and Bobbie Hazlett of Bee Branch, AR; a brother, Albert Schwandt of Rockford, IL; a sister, Loretta Coleman of Rockford, IL; 17 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Rinehardt and Stella Schuth Schwandt; a sister, Wilma; and a grandson, Jacob Lee Snyder. Burial was at Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery by Thompson Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Herman Edwin Schweitzer, 94, died September 9, 1968. He was born October 8, 1874 to Herman and Bertha Wittenberg Schweitzer. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. He was survived by his wife, Bess Harris Schweitzer; two daughters, Charlotte Chornock, and Mrs. Max Julian; a sister, Charlotte Burford; 4 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville under the direction of Watson Mortuary.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Clara "Mickey" Scivally, 80, died February 27, 2007. She was born May 30, 1926 to Marino Mecchi and Philomena Friscotti Mecchi. Survivors include a daughter, Jacquie Hinton and husband Arthur of Valdez, AK; a brother, Richard Mecchi of Warner Robbins, GA; a sister, Lillian Chirco of Fort Lauderdale, FL; 5 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and special friends, William and Diana Thompson of Bella Vista. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a sister. Interment was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Hiwasse, AR under the direction of Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
SULPHUR SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Alice Westcott Scott, 97, died September 2, 1997. She was born September 10, 1899 to Ira Smith and Minnie Carman Westcott. She attended Sulphur Springs Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hugh M. Scott. Cremation arrangements were handled by Rollins Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ceotris Louise Scott, 62, died March 21, 2010 at Baptist Health Springhill in North Little Rock. She was born October 26, 1948 in Tucker, AR to Sam and Ceotris Sims. She was a graduate of AM&N College in Pine Bluff with a degree in biology. She retired from the V.A. Hospital, and was a longtime member of Community Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Earl (Ebonee) Scott of Bryant; a daughter, Keisha (Mike) Jefferson of North Little Rock; a brother; two sisters; 7 grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Mount Olive Baptist Church. Arrangements were handled by Premier Funeral Home.
LITTLE RIVER COUNTY, ARKANSAS: John R. Scott died November 7, 1920. He was born June 2, 1836. He was a Civil War veteran of Company E of the Georgia Infantry. Burial was at Cerro Gordo Cemetery.
McNAB, ARKANSAS: Queen Elizabeth Scott died November 17, 1967. She was born April 10, 1927. Interment was at Block Cemetery.
CAMDEN, ARKANSAS: Odessa Freeman Scott, 80, died May 15, 2012 at the Ouachita Nursing and Rehab Center. She was born July 23, 1931 in Ouachita County to the late Seymore and Lillie Mae Freeman. She worked at Masterson Garment, and also at International Paper Company. She was a member of Mt. Gillard Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, James McCoy; nine sisters, Alice J. Falls, Paulette Seals, Lessie Lester, Mary Ellen Montgomery, Betty (Wes) Parham, Pat (Leonard) McCoy, Bessie (Jimmy) King and JoAnn King-Minor, all of Camden, and Mary Fairley of Cleveland, OH; 3 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren; her nieces and nephews; and her friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; two sisters; and five brothers. Interment was at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Proctor Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Jerry Don Scrimager, 61, died September 23, 2007. He was born December 11, 1945. He was a counselor and instructor at the Arkansas School for the Deaf. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during Vietnam, and belonged to the Disabled American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He attended Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. He is survived by a son, Brian Joseph Scrimager of Des Moines, IA; a daughter, Tara Lei Freeman of Des Moines; two brothers, Bill Scrimager and wife Brenda Lynn of Little Rock, and David Collier and wife Jamie of Dilly, TX; three sisters, Ada Lee Dickerson and husband Charles, Linda Sue Stzaba and husband Gary, and Catherine Burnham and husband Larry; and 7 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Joseph Shelby Scrimager; his mother, Ruby Lee Reese Collier; and two brothers, Burl Dean Scrimager and Michael Scrimager. Burial with military honors was at the Arkansas Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock under the direction of Little Rock Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Alvin J. Scruggs, 45, died March 6, 2010. He was born March 12, 1964 to Jessie Scruggs and Tressie D. Gray. He is survived by a son, Mark Jones of El Dorado; a sister, Jessie R. Scruggs of El Dorado; five brothers, Fredrick Anderson of Oakland, CA, and Danny Scruggs, Kenneth R. Williams, Tommy Lee Gentle, Sr., and Timothy Finley, all of El Dorado; and a granddaughter. He was preceded in death by a brother, Luther R. Finley; a sister, Thelma Gentle Turner; and his parents. Burial was at Mount Zion Cemetery in Urbana with arrangements by Andrews Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Jessie Scruggs, 69, died February 26, 1988. He is survived by his wife, Ruthie Scruggs; three sons, Alvin, Danny and Fred; two daughters, Mrs. Ira Jones and Ruth Levingston; and 15 grandchildren. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery under the direction of Sims Mortuary.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: George H. Scudder died February 17, 1942. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Clark C. Scurrah, 77, died March 25, 1985. He was a retired police officer. He was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include his wife, Irma Phillips Scurrah; two daughters, Donna Rankin and Kate Barrenche; three brothers, George Scurrah, Bob Scurrah and John Scurrah; a sister, Nadine Helledly; 4 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery with arrangements by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: Mary Jane Scott Seaburn, 94, died February 12, 2009. She was born March 29, 1914 to Jack Scott and Nancy Vines Scott. She is survived by a daughter, Nancy Hires of West Helena; 3 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Eugene Seaburn; four brothers; and four sisters.
Interment was at LaGrange Cemetery in LaGrange, AR under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Lee Seale died February 20, 2007. He was born September 27, 1959 to Pecola Reed. He was a military veteran, and belonged to El Bethel Baptist Church in Three Creeks, AR. He is survived by four brothers, Albert Seale of Three Creeks, Clifton White of Crossett, Eugene Reed and Travis Seale of El Dorado; three sisters, Lois Easter of Houston, TX, Rosie Seale of El Dorado, and Kathy Hollins of Hot Springs. He was preceded in death by his mother; and a brother, Joe Nathan Brice. Services were held at El Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. Charles Henry officiating. Interment was at El Bethel Cemetery with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Doyle Seals, 56, died on May 4, 1951. He was born in 1895. The burial was held at Oak Ridge Cemetery in Franklin County, AR under the direction of Greer's Mortuary of Ozark, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Kendyl Rector Seamans, 32, passed away November 5, 2006. She was born July 21, 1974 to Kenneth J. Rector and the late Dana Arlene Brooks Kortenber. She was a Licensed Practical Nurse and a cosmetologist. She was a member of Green Meadows Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Kenneth J. Seamans; a son, Cody Tyler Gracie of White Hall; a daughter, Bianca D. Menjivar of Pine Bluff; her father, Kenneth J. Rector of Hot Springs Village; her stepmother, Donna Rector of Hot Springs Village; a sister, Dana Michelle Shinn of Cabot; her grandparents, Arlene and Prentiss Dickey of Pine Bluff; three nieces; a great-niece, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her mother, Dana Brooks Kortenber. Interment was at Graceland Cemetery with Rev. Burt Thomas officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors of Pine Bluff, AR.
HIWASSE, ARKANSAS: Odin Phillip Seamster died June 5, 1996. He was born January 27, 1933 to Odin D. and Catherine Dixon Seamster. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. Interment was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Larry P. Sears, 50, died January 2, 2003. He was born July 9, 1952 to Charlotte Sears Lacey of Pine Bluff and the late Art Hathway, Jr. He was a retired combat engineer for the U.S. Army, and was a veteran of Desert Storm. Survivors include a son, Nicholas Sears of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Marquitta Sears of Pine Bluff; and three brothers, William Griffin of Pine Bluff, Darrell Lacey of California and Dennis Lee Burner of Oregon. Cremation arrangements were handled by Hale-South Funeral Home.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Willie Littleton Seay, 94, died September 4, 2004. He was born February 25, 1910 to Odas L. Seay and Lula Beam Seay. He was a retired farmer, and attended the First Baptist Church in Lake City, AR. Survivors include his wife of 68 years, Thelma Lee Norman Seay of Batesville; seven sons, Odas L. Seay of Cherry Valley, AR, Claude L. Seay of Newark, AR, Danny L. Seay of Pleasant Plains, AR, Roy L. Seay of Bentonville, AR, Robert L. Seay of Highfill, AR, Ronald W. Seay of Sulphur Rock, AR, and Raymond B. Seay of Baytown, TX; six daughters, Marge L. Murray of Sherwood, AR, Tilda O'Neal of Sulphur Springs, AR, Anna L. Lewis of Prattsville, AR, Nancy L. Gammill of Jonesboro, AR, Betty L. Foster of Marion, AR, and Sheila A. Mullins of Newark, AR; a sister, Annie Fulmer of Conway, AR; 35 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; two daughters, Sarah Jane Seay and Nettie L. Seay; two brothers; and three sisters. Graveside services were held at Kyler Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Crouch Funeral Home.
GLENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Lloyd G. Sebby, 73, died July 6, 1974 at his residence. He was a former resident of St. Joseph, MO, and had worked as a salesman with the Missouri Livestock Commission Co. Survivors include his wife, Lola F. Sebby; a daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Klepac of Kansas City; two sons, Lawrence Sebby of Scottsdale, AZ, and Richard Sebby of Glenwood; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Trump; and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens in Kansas City.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: James S. Sebourn, 89, died February 10, 1998. He was born June 19, 1908 to Lewis M. and Hannah Satterfield Sebourn. He was a retired U.S. Army captain. He attended Township Baptist Church, and was a Mason. He is survived by his wife, Delores Sebourn; a daughter, Shirley Peters of Fayetteville; 3 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the National Cemetery under the direction of Beard's Funeral Home.
PETIT JEAN MOUNTAIN, ARKANSAS: Gerhard Franz Otto Seck, 87, died April 5, 2007. He was born October 17, 1919 in Erfurt, Germany to Franz Seck and Margareta Hammer Seck. He was a radio operator, and attended Trinity Lutheran Church of Petit Jean Mountain. He is survived by a daughter, Christina Phelps of Little Rock; a son, Norman Seck of Taos, NM; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Trinity Lutheran Church with Bill Parkinson officiating. Arrangements were handled by Harris Funeral Home.
SWIFTON, ARKANSAS: Luther See died June 1, 1892. He was born April 23, 1869 to the late Albert and Ellet See. Interment was at the Swifton Cemetery.
LEAD HILL, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Lee Seeley, 77, died April 5, 2009. She was born September 23, 1931 to the late Leigh and Dorothy B. Kerns DeLap. She is survived by her husband, Francis Eugene Seeley; a son, Bill Seeley and wife Leslie of Lead Hill; two daughters, Cheryl Godfrey and Cindy Seeley, both of Lead Hill; 7 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a daughter, Carol Evans. Services were held at the House of Prayer. Interment was at Cedar Grove Cemetery under the direction of H.A. Burns Funeral Home.
PARAGOULD, ARKANSAS: Lucian Segraves, 72, died October 15, 2011 in Gainesville, MO. He was born November 3, 1938 to William Vincent and Ruby Lavone Segraves. He was a retired truck driver with Leeway Transportation, and was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He attended Frontier Baptist Church, and was a member of the VFW. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. Survivors include his wife, Guadalupe "Lupe" Avalos Segraves; four children, Larry Rebels of Corning, Martha (Darrell) Eliott of Pontiac, MO, Lora (Donald) Penton of Houston, TX, and Oscar Gonzales of Hyland, TX; 12 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Charolette Medcalf and Billy Jean Cleaveland; and a brother, Danny Segraves. Interment was at Richwoods Cemetery under the direction of Ermert Funeral Home.
HIWASSE, ARKANSAS: Delilah Seiler died May 28, 1883. She was born December 8, 1846. She was survived by her husband, Rudolph Seiler. Burial was at Daniels Cemetery.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Theo Maxine Reeder Self, 86, died October 25, 2006. She was born September 4, 1920. She attended Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Waldron, and was a volunteer at Waldron Nursing Home and Hospital. Survivors include two daughters, Sophia Kay Caldwell and husband Joe, and Nancy S. Casey and husband Jerry; a son, William Matt Self; 4 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Waymon M. Self. Interment was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery with arrangements by Martin Funeral Home.
PIKE COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Thomas Albert Self, 60, died August 8, 1935. He was born in 1875. He was the husband of May Beverly Walls. Burial was at Ebenezer Cemetery.
ROGERS, ARKANSAS: Violet Self, 79, died June 5, 2003.
She was the daughter of the late Harrison and Lela Mae Thomas Hufford. She was a retired boat builder, and attended the First Assembly of God Church in Clarksville. She is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, J.R. and Laura Self of Van Buren, Jerry M. and Glenda Self of Fayetteville, and Larry D. and Shirley Self of Springdale; two daughters and sons-in-law, Burni and Jim Tolbert of North Little Rock, and Norma Jo and Jimmie Johnson of Rogers; two brothers and three sisters-in-law, Georald and Esther Hufford of Bentonville, James and Faye Hufford of Rogers, and JoAnn Hufford of Afton, OK; a sister and brother-in-law, Stella and Junior Henderson of Morrilton; 12 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harlon Self, Sr.; two brothers; and two sisters. Services were held at the First Assembly of God Church with Rev. Terry Cameron officiating. Burial was at Woodland Cemetery with arrangements by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: William Wayford Self, 90, died Janury 28, 2006. He was a retired sawmill owner, and was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include a sister, Beatrice Hanf of Rogers; a brother, Tade Self of Waldron; 9 nieces and nephews; and several great-nieces and nephews, cousins, and other relatives.
Services were held at the chapel of Martin Funeral Home. Interment was at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Joyce Gottlieb Solomon Selig, 79, died August 20, 2001. She was born November 3, 1921 to Joe and Leah Hecht Gottlieb. She was the proprietor of a Pine Bluff dress shop, The Jo-Lynn. Later, she worked for B&J Jewelers. She also served as a volunteer for The Stroke Center in Palm Springs, CA. She attended both Temple B'nai Israel of Little Rock and Temple Anshe Emeth of Pine Bluff. She was predeceased by two husbands, Marvin Solomon and Leonard L. Selig. Surviving family members include Joe and Missy Solomon of Little Rock, a son and daughter-in-law; Lynda and Richard Zionts of Palm Springs, CA, a daughter and son-in-law; John S. and Judy Selig of Little Rock, a stepson and stepdaughter-in-law; Ann Selig Lubin and Barry Lubin of Beltsville, MD, a stepdaughter and stepson-in-law; her grandchildren, Leah Selig Elenzweig and husband Neil, Michael John Selig and wife Jennifer, Amber Marie Selig, Joe Ryan Solomon, Gregory Braxton Solomon, Miriam "Mimi" Joyce Solomon, all of Little Rock; and 3 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Robinson's Chapel in Pine Bluff with arrangements by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
GASSVILLE, ARKANSAS: James W. "Jim" Sell, 63, a police officer in Gassville, AR, died in the line of duty on February 4, 2006. He was born June 21, 1942 to Walter Henry and Alberta Alice Olson Sell. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. Officer Sell retired from the Blytheville, AR Police Department after over 30 years, having attained the rank of captain. He joined the Gassville Police Department in 2003. He is survived by a stepdaughter, Terri Elliott of Gassville; two grandchildren; and his extended family, Billy Sullins and wife Tara, and Bobby Sullins and wife Pam, and their children; and by Michelle Bynum of Blytheville. He was preceded in death by his parents; and by his wife, Shirley Elliott Sell. Memorial contributions may be made to "Concerns of Police Survivors". Services were held at East Side Baptist Church in Mountain Home with the Reverend Dr. Michael Shy and Rev. Sam Seamans officiating. Law Enforcement Honor Guard Services and interment followed at Baxter Memorial Gardens. Arrangements were handled by Roller Funeral Home of Mountain Home, AR.
SPARKMAN, ARKANSAS: Bobby Selph, 64, passed away August 8, 2007. He was born October 16, 1942 to the late Huel and Georgia Walker Selph. He was a police officer. He was a member of Abate District 12, and was of the Catholic faith. He is survived by his daughters, Amber Cook of Hot Springs and Kristen Selph of Kuwait; a son, Bob Selph of Springdale; a grandson, Chris Cook of Arkadelphia; and two sisters, Sue Wilbanks of Sparkman and Barbara Peterson of Many, LA. He was preceded in death by a sister, Jewel Peters; and three brothers, Huel Selph, Jr., Larry Selph, and Jessie Priest. Services were held at Welch Funeral Home in Arkadelphia with Rev. Larry Ott officiating. Interment was at Sparkman Cemetery.
NEWPORT, ARKANSAS: Wanda Leigh Selvidge, 64, died January 9, 2010. She was born May 11, 1945 to the late Robert and Rosie Williams Womack. She is survived by two daughters, Tommye Jacobs of McCrory, and Stacy Reed of Newport; a son, Jimmy Selvidge of Heber Springs; a brother, Billy Glen Womack of Newport; 5 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Billy Jo Selvidge; her parents; and a sister, Betty Sue. Arrangements were handled by Bradford Funeral Home.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Sally Ann Selwood, 68, died September 28, 2009. She was born August 14, 1941 to Horace E. Bell and Marjorie G. Bartlett Bell. She held a teaching degree from the University of Maine, and was a member of the Congregational Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Michele Selwood of Houston, TX; a sister and brother-in-law, Nancy and Jim Scott of England, AR; her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents. Arrangements were handled by Roller England Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Bettie Stephens Senior, 81, died November 28, 2006. She was a homemaker, and attended New Zion Methodist Church in Maumelle. She is survived by two aunts, Willie Mae Seay and Annie Taylor, both of Maumelle. Services were held at the New Zion Methodist Church. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Pearlena Sephus, 90, died August 16, 2004. She was born February 18, 1914 to the late Ferd Harris, Sr. and Mary Eva Ashford Harris.
She was a homemaker. She attended Gospel Temple Baptist Church, and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She was the widow of Joe Sephus. She is survived by eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.
Services were held at Gospel Temple Baptist Church with Rev. James Murry officiating. Burial was at Watkins Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Brown Funeral Home of Pine Bluff, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Grace Marascalco Serio, 84, died February 7, 2004. She was born December 17, 1919 in Cefalu, Sicily to the late Frank and Grace Marascalco. She grew up in Grenada, MS, and with her husband, owned the East End Grocery in Greenwood. She attended the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Greenwood, where she was a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus, the Altar Society, and a volunteer member of the pantry closet. When she moved to Pine Bluff, she attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, serving on the Altar Society and as a volunteer at St. Joseph Catholic School. She is survived by a son, Charles S. Serio of Bethesda, Md.; a daughter, Mary Louise Martin of Pine Bluff; 5 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Salvo Serio; and a sister, Mary Marascalco. Services were held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Burial was at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Greenwood with arrangements by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
WILMAR, ARKANSAS: Freddie Mae Sessions, 75, died November 21, 2003. She was born May 1, 1928 to the late Fred Workman and Bessie Temple Workman. She was a homemaker, and attended Wilmar Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Judy Elizabeth Thompson and spouse Roy of Wilmar; a sister, Dorothy Bass of Olive Branch, MS; 3 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wiley Thomas Sessions; a son, Victor Thomas Sessions; a brother, Royal Ingram; and four sisters, Beadie Shannon, Ruby Cherry, Nannie Cronin, and Olie Workman. Interment was at Chambersville Cemetery near Fordyce under the direction of Frazer's Funeral Home of Warren, AR.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Manita Howard Sessions, 79, passed away June 19, 2005. She was born May 5, 1926 to the late C.L. Howard and Emma Louise Newton Howard. She attended the University of Southern Mississippi. She worked in the personnel department at Sunbeam for 17 years. She attended the First United Methodist Church in Dumas, where she sang in the choir. She was a member and past president of the Dumas Business Women, and served on the board of the Dumas Community Theater. She was the widow of Leslie Houston Sessions. She is survived by three sons, Leslie Howard Sessions of Little Rock, Stephen David Sessions and James Victor Sessions, both of Dumas; a brother, Jackie Howard of Purvis; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church with Rev. Buddy Ratliff and Rev. Howard Richard Sessions officiating. Burial was at Walnut Lake Cemetery in Dumas with arrangements by Griffin Funeral Home of Dumas, AR.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: David James Settle, 62, died July 10, 2005. He was a retired bus driver for the Van Buren School District, and was also the retired owner of Settle Custom Milling. He attended Van Buren United Pentecostal Church. Among the survivors are his wife, Geraldine Settle; three daughters, Anna Piano of Springdale, Susie Frazier of Greenwood, and Julie Walker of Van Buren; two sons, David Settle of Benton and Kiley Settle of Springdale; three stepdaughters, Debbie Chase of St. Cloud, FL, Cathi Peters of Springdale, and Angie Farley of Van Buren; two stepsons, John Darter of Fort Smith and Shawn Darter of Fort Smith; five sisters, Sue Burkhalter and Delores Mikkelsen, both of San Antonio, TX, Pat Faldon of Plano, TX, Ann Farrington of Lindale, TX, and Dean Rood of Mineola, TX; 27 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the United Pentecostal Church in Van Buren. Arrangements were handled by Ocker Funeral Home.
COY, ARKANSAS: Basil Otis Setzer, 55, died October 5, 2004. Surviving family members include his wife, Lottie Setzer of Coy; two sons, Leslie Clay Setzer of England and Johnny Ray Setzer (Brooke) of North Little Rock; his mother, Lillie Duhon of Carlisle; two sisters, Edna Parker of Carlisle and Dorothy Baxter (Doyle) of Des Arc; and a granddaughter.
He was preceded in death by his father, Millard Setzer. Services were held at the Pentecostal Church of God in Humnoke with Bro. David Gammel and Bro. Randy Smith officiating. Burial was at Union Valley Cemetery under the direction of Roller-England Funeral Home.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS: Georgiann Sevier died March 7, 2005. She was born August 3, 1918 to William Joseph and Lydia Mae Westmoreland Ridling. She is survived by her children, Roberta "Robbie" Ingle and husband Herston of Maumelle, Susan Peters and husband Billy Don of Prescott, Joann Drake-Rhodes and husband Mike of Hot Springs, William Elbert Sevier, Jr. and wife Janis of Little Rock and Mary Kay Hudson and husband Wayne of Little Rock; 13 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Cynthia Hindman of Baton Rouge, La. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William Elbert Sevier; five sisters; and a granddaughter, Angela Miller. Interment was at Forest Hills Memorial Park under the direction of
Griffin Leggett Forest Hills Funeral Home.
HOLLY GROVE, ARKANSAS: Mariah Sevier died April 16, 1916. She was born August 3, 1885. Burial was at Mount Zion Cemetery.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Corbit Seward, 81, died May 8, 2008.
He was the son of Willie Seward and Birtie Belle Blakley. Survivors include two nephews, Douglas and Denver Seward of Dover; a niece, Ruby Clemons of Pottsville; a great-nephew, Bobby Goates of Dover; and several other nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and three brothers. Services were held at the Pleasant Grove Community Church in Dover. Burial was at Pollard Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Willie Mae Sewell, 73, died November 7, 2006. She was born November 20, 1932 to Maggie Sewell and the late Jack Sewell. She was a domestic worker and waitress. Survivors include her mother, Maggie Sewell of Conway; two brothers, Jasper Sewell of Conway and Emmerson Sewell of Chula Vista, CA; three sisters, Lutishia Hollis of Blytheville, AR; Patricia Sewell and Hattie Shannon, both of Houston, TX; her nieces and nephews; and great-nieces and nephews. Interment was at Robinson Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
PANGBURN, ARKANSAS: John E. Sexton Sr., 73, died November 24, 2004. He was a bricklayer, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by two sons, Billy Sexton and John E. Sexton, Jr.; two daughters, Belinda Houston and Reta Faye Woodruff; five sisters, Imogene Ellis, Pauline Pearce, Pat Imbierowicz, Joann Caldwell, and Nadine Watkins; a brother, Richard Sexton, 8 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at McJester Baptist Church. Interment was at Leggett Cemetery with arrangements by Olmstead Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: William Corbit Sexton, 77, died May 8, 2006. He was a retired evangelist. He was a Church of Christ minister in several states, and was an Army veteran of World War II. He held a Bachelor's degree from Wichita State University and a Master's degree from Christian Bible College. He was a member of the Van Buren Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Lois; two daughters, Betty Ashworth of St. Joseph, MO, and Sheryl Harden of Rose Hill, KS; a son, Randy Sexton of Raymore, MO; three sisters, Jurlene Collins of Ozark, Maxine Kemp of Altus and Marie Williams of Alix; a brother, Haskell Sexton of Kingsland, TX; 10 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Ocker Memorial Chapel in Van Buren. Burial was at Highland Cemetery in Ozark with military honors.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Albert Edward Seyler, 75, died February 22, 1999. He was born June 6, 1923 to the late William and Anna Marie Krietz Seyler. He retired from the U.S. Air Force, and was a veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. He also taught at Black River Vocational Technical School. He is survived by his wife, Judith Cox Seyler; a son, Dennis; a daughter, Bonnelle; and several stepchildren. He was preceded in death by a wife, Zerelda Skoglund Seyler. Interment with military honors was at Randolph Memorial Gardens.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Zerelda Janice Skoglund Seyler, 33, was killed by a drunken driver in an automobile accident on August 7, 1972. She was born May 5, 1939 in Georgetown, TX to Mary Jane Svenson Skoglund Crisp and John Skoglund. She was survived by her mother; her husband, Albert Seyler; a son, Randal Seyler; two daughters, Angela and Sharon; a stepson, Dennis Seyler; her stepfather, Harry Crisp; a sister, Betty Jane Skoglund Farris; 6 stepbrothers; and 5 stepsisters. Services were held in the chapel of McNabb Funeral Home with Harold Wilson officiating. Burial was at Randolph Memorial Gardens with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Rev. Johnnie Faye Shaddon, 73, died January 6, 2005. Survivors include her husband, Lonnie Shaddon; her children, Amaryllis Corbin of Mena, Raymond Shaddon and Janey Duvall, both of Atkins, Ricky Shaddon of North Carolina, Rhonda Elmore of Huntington, Candy Tuck of Gamielel, Clinton Shaddon of Montana, and Lutisha Jones of Mountain Home; 30 grandchildren; 41 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Services were held at the Antioch Community Church. Burial was at Antioch Cemetery in Booneville with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Rosalie Shahan was born August 20, 1921 to John and Gladys Shahan, and died January 17, 1968. Burial was at Forest Park Cemetery.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Della Beaty Shannon died August 24, 1992. She was born July 20, 1903 to Alvin Beaty and Ella Writesman. She attended the United Methodist Church of Farmington. She is survived by three sons, Alvin Shannon, Jerry Shannon, and Tommy Shannon; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John D. Shannon. Burial was at Beaty Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Viola Mae Shannon, 83, died June 7, 2010. She was born October 8, 1926 in Hot Springs to Samuel and Maybelle Berry Ritter. She retired from the Revenue Department in Benton with 23 years of service, and was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Rhonda Shannon of Benton; a son, Alan R. Shannon of Benton; a sister, Neelie Johnson of Paron; and a granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband Roy; and two sisters, Tavy Adams and Dotsie Mushrush. Interment was at Old Rosemont Cemetery under the direction of Ashby Funeral Home.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Marion Glynn Shannon, 70, died November 2, 2008. He was born March 3, 1938 to Paul Larimore Shannon, Sr. and Eva Geneva Summers Shannon. He worked for Airborne Electronic Systems. He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Bruce and Kim Shannon of Booneville; a daughter, Collene Y. Bojarski of Booneville; a brother, Howard E. Shannon of Oden, AR; two nephews, David Ammons of Keyes, CA, and Michael Shannon of Edgewood, NM; and 5 grandchildren. Interment was at Sunset Cemetery in Winslow, AR with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Oma Shannon, 80, died January 30, 1982. She was born January 28, 1902 to Josh and Lizzie Murphy. She was a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by her husband, Paul; a son, Johnny Thomas; four stepsons, Paul Shannon, Jr., Jack Shannon, Glen Shannon, and Howard Shannon; and two stepdaughters, Margaret Colwell and Nancy Chissler. Burial was at Patrick Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Home.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: Toreatha Cunningham Shans, 96, passed away on January 1, 2000. She was born on March 27, 1903 to William and Prescilla Sanders Cunningham. She was a retiree of Robinson Home in Russellville, and attended Pilgrim Rest No. 2 Baptist Church in Atkins. She was the widow of Otway Shans. Among the survivors are two stepchildren, Otway Shans, Jr. of Paris, Texas and Helen Dangerfield of Powderly, Texas; five nephews; and nine nieces. She was preceded in death by her parents. Services were held at Pilgrim Rest No. 2 Baptist Church, followed by interment at Reed Cemetery in Russellville, AR.
PERRY, ARKANSAS: Lonnie Sharp, 78, died May 14, 1968. He was a retired carpenter and farmer, and was a Methodist. He is survived by three sons, Dolphus Sharp and Othen Sharp, both of Perry, and Winford Sharp of Kansas City, MO; three sisters; two brothers; 6 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Perry Baptist Church.
TYRONZA, ARKANSAS: Ofard W. Sharp, 73, died May 7, 2005. He was born on August 23, 1931. He was a retired maintenance man for the City of Tyronza. He attended the Tyronza Church of Christ. Survivors include two daughters, Retha Ross of Cabot, AR and Jane Cavitt of Searcy, AR; two brothers, Charles Sharp of Waterloo, AL and Earl Sharp of Tyronza, AR; two sisters, Lorene Hanback of Florence, AL and Hazel Lovell of Tyronza, AR; four grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Memorial donations may be sent to the Searcy Children's Home in Searcy, AR. Interment was at the Tyronza Cemetery with arrangements handled by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home of West Memphis, AR.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Denver "Denny" Sharpe died July 15, 2007. He was born April 6, 1954. He worked for the Norton Company for 20 years, and attended Grand Avenue Baptist Church. He enjoyed boating and parasailing. Survivors include his mother, Nadene Swink of Fort Smith; a sister, Pamela Cochran of Tulsa, OK; and a stepbrother, Sidney Swink. He was preceded in death by his father, James Swink. Burial was at Liberty Cemetery in Greenwood, AR under the direction of Edwards Funeral Home.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Scott M. Shatwell, 92, died March 1, 2003. He was the son of the late Minnie and George Shatwell, and was a retired farmer. He is survived by a daughter, Carolyn Balkcom of Clarksville; a son, Felix Shatwell of Clarksville; 6 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Eunice Overman Shatwell. Burial was at Holman Cemetery with arrangements by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: John L. Shatzer, 83, died October 4, 2006. He was born August 11, 1923 to the late Maurice and Jewell Duncan Shatzer. He retired from Arkansas Power and Light Company after 30 years of service. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, and attended Brumley Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Flora Gibbs Shatzer; a son, John Shatzer and wife Kathy of Conway; a brother, Morris Shatzer of Memphis; a sister, Juanita Fortner of North Little Rock; 5 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons, Neil Shatzer and Carter Holder, Jr.; a daughter, Ethelena St. John; a brother, Charles Shatzer; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of North Little Rock Funeral Home. Burial was at Forest Hills Memorial Park.
MARKED TREE, ARKANSAS: Favorita Payne Shaver, 86, died May 3, 2002. She was a retired teacher. She was a member of the DAR, Delta Kappa Gamma, and Beta Sigma Phi. She attended the First United Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, C.L. Shaver; a daughter, Anne Bryant of Leawood, KS; a son, David L. Shaver of Rogers; two brothers, Neale Payne of Payneway and Gerald Payne of Sherwood; a sister, Elinor Levine of Alpine, TX; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery in Jonesboro under the direction of Murphy Funeral Home.
RANDOLPH COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Frances J. "Franie" Shaver died February 22, 1941. She was born October 17, 1873 in Randolph County, AR to James W. and Nancy Ellen Shaver Condict. She and her husband had three children, Leslie E., Alvin, and Erva. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert D. Shaver. Burial was at Palestine Cemetery in Randolph County under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home. Note: One record gives her date of birth as October 16, 1873, and another spells her nickname as Frannie.
RANDOLPH COUNTY, ARKANSAS: William Miller Shaver died August 11, 1945 in Randolph County. He was born August 27, 1871 in the Ingram Community in Randolph County to James and Elizabeth Waddle Shaver. He was survived by his wife, Florance J. Matthews. Burial was at Hite Cemetery with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
MENIFEE, ARKANSAS: Elijah Shavers, 55, died January 9, 2008. He was the son of Izola Hood Shavers and the late John Henry Shavers. He was a member of Better Life Ministries. Survivors include his mother; two stepchildren, Lillie Mae Piggee and Howard Piggee; six sisters, Johnnie Oliver, Betty Godbold, Donna Shavers, and Sarah Foster, all of Menifee, and Linda Shavers and Brenda Stewart of Hot Springs; three brothers, Maurice Shavers and Larry Shavers of Menifee, and Richard Shavers of Hot Springs; three uncles, Aaron Hood of Menifee, Theodore Hood of Morrilton, and Bobby Hood of St. Joseph, MO; 5 step-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at Philadelphia Baptist Church in Menifee. Interment was at Menifee Community Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Irene Shaw, 73, died November 4, 2006. She was born July 31, 1933 to Elmer and Cora Lee Hammond Partaine. She was a homemaker, and was the widow of Virgil E. Shaw. She is survived by three sons, Johnny Shaw of Covington, Louisiana, Jimmy Shaw of Pine Bluff, and Jerry Shaw of Walkertown, North Carolina; a daughter, Shannon Shaw of Pine Bluff; 7 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Graveside services were held at Shiloh Cemetery near Jessieville with Bro. Johnny Shaw officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson and Son Funeral Directors.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: J. Harvey Shaw, Sr., 97, died April 21, 2002 at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Forrest City. He was born October 17, 1904 to Alonzo and Molly Eubanks Shaw. He was a retired educator and attended Coleman Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church. He was a former resident of Mississippi. He was a member of the Mississippi Teachers' Association and the Masonic Lodge. He is survived by two sons, J. Harvey Shaw, Jr. of Moro, and James E. Shaw of Batesville, MS; two daughters, Sarah Shaw Jones of Forrest City, and Gwendolyn Cooper of St. Louis, MO; 19 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Coleman Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church. Interment was at the Batesville Cemetery in Batesville, MS with arrangements by Cooley's Mortuary, Inc.
TOMATO, ARKANSAS: Hazel Horace Shea, 73, died June 21, 1973. He was born September 11, 1899, and was a native of Pocahontas, TN. He was a retired farmer, and a Baptist. He was survived by his wife, Hattie Blair Shea; a daughter, Dorothy (Leon) Malone of Tomato; four sons, John N. Shea of Blytheville, Arthur Shea of Hanover Park, IL, Neal Shea of Parsons, TN, and Leamon Shea of Lakeworth, FL; a sister, Ethel Ruggles of Sheffield, AL; two brothers, Clement Shea of Sheffield, AL and Mike Shea of Ensley, AL; 9 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Dogwood Cemetery with arrangements by Cobb Funeral Home.
McCRORY, ARKANSAS: Jeanette Penelope Shearer, age 3, died January 3, 1918. She was born March 21, 1914 to Hugh C. and Ethel Shearer. Burial was at Fakes Cemetery.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Paulette Shelly, 64, died April 6, 2007. She was a homemaker, and attended Liberty Pentecostal Church. Survivors include two sons, Bennie Roolon and Danny Shelly, both of Alma; a sister, Norma Reeves of Alma; and a brother, Leon Shelly of Alma. Burial was at Sarah Grove Cemetery in Cedarville with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
HAMBURG, ARKANSAS: Betty Jeanette Shelton, 71, died December 27, 2002. She was born July 4, 1931. She attended New Hope Baptist Church in Eudora. She is survived by her husband; two sons, Carl and Raymond Shelton of Hamburg; a sister, Virginia Mullins of Dermott; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Linda Wilson. Services were held at Gardner Baptist Church in Hamburg. Burial was at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Eudora with arrangements by Bishop Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Earl Leon Shelton, 77, died August 29, 2006. He is survived by a brother, Glen Shelton of Paducah, KY; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Annieville with Jerry Clements officiating. Burial was at Friendship Cemetery in Ravenden with arrangements by Cox-Waymon Funeral Home.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Iobra Eileen Shelton, 92, died May 28, 2009. She was born March 7, 1917 to J.P. and Cordelia Casteel McCutcheon. She attended Arkansas Tech University, and was a school teacher. She enjoyed gardening and cooking. She is survived by a son, Dorwin Lynn Shelton of St. Augustine, FL; her daughters, Elizabeth Sue Ober of Springdale, Janice Sloan of Jasper, and Glenda Burns of Georgia; a sister, Bernice Thorp of Harrison; a son-in-law, Ford Carlton of Claremore, OK; 16 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Dorwin Dean Shelton; a daughter, Bernell Carlton; and a grandson, Patrick Burnes. Interment was at Union Hill Cemetery in Parthenon, AR under the direction of Roller-Christeson Funeral Home.
REDFIELD, ARKANSAS: Veona Bradshaw Shelton, 84, died on July 17, 2002. She was born on August 19, 1917 to the late J.F. Bradshaw and Nora Cloninger Bradshaw. Among the survivors are a son, Lon Shelton of Redfield; a sister, Marie McBurnett of Redfield; 2 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Shelton; and by a brother. Services were held at River Road River of Life Church of God in Redfield with Ricky Broach officiating. Burial was at Redfield Cemetery under the direction of Hale-South Funeral Home of Pine Bluff, AR.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Bertha Shepherd, 99, died March 7, 2002. She was born November 20, 1902 to the late William Gilmore and Martha Young Gilmore. She was a homemaker, and attended St. Peter's Rock Missionary Baptist Church in Dumas. She is survived two sisters, Flossie Lewis and Lizzie Fuller, both of Oakland, California; and her guardian, Dixie Corbin of Mitchellville, AR. Services were held at Brown Funeral Home in Dumas with Rev. Larry Alexander officiating. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery in Pickens, AR.
OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS: James Shepherd, 47, died May 14, 2007. He attended Holy Trinity Church of God in Osceola. Survivors include his wife, Sherry Shepherd of Osceola; a son, Mitchell Shepherd of Osceola; two brothers, Virgil Thompson of Milligan Ridge and Robert Shepherd of Osceola; and a sister, Rebecca Broughman of Luxora. He was preceded in death by his father, James William Franklin Shepherd; and a brother, Thomas Ramsey. Services were held at Holy Trinity Church of God. Interment was at Sandy Ridge Cemetery in Burdette under the direction of Roller-Swift Funeral Home.
DONALDSON, ARKANSAS: Otis Shepherd, 85, died April 7, 2004. He was born February 20, 1919. Services were held at the Church of the Nazarene with the Rev. Mel Vail officiating. Burial was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery near Friendship, AR.
GRAVETTE, ARKANSAS: Lester Monroe Shields, 22, died May 3, 1958 in McDonald County, MO. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Shields; six sisters, Mrs. Florence Jones, Mrs. Goldie Jones, Mrs. Clara Cramer, Mrs. Helen McKinley, Mrs. Ollie Sanders, and Mrs. Mildred Bates; and four brothers, Joe Shields, Richard Shields, Grover Shields, and Fred Shields. Burial was at Hillcrest Cemetery under the direction of Callison-McKinley Funeral Home. Note: One record gives his first name as Leslie.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Victor Shields, 88, died April 9, 2005. He was born April 8, 1917 to Arthur C. and Lela Rea Summers Shields. He was a dairy farmer, as well as an agent and board member for Farmers Mutual Insurance in Gentry. He attended East Kenwood Missionary Baptist Church, and served as a longtime caretaker at Fairmount Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Opal Burden Shields; a son, Lyle Shields and wife Cynthia of Rogers; and a daughter, Faye Roberts and husband Parker of Gentry. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Linda Shields. Burial was at Fairmount Cemetery with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home of Siloam Springs, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Iva Marie Shillings, 81, died December 29, 2002 at Trinity Village. She was born November 1, 1921 in Glendale, AR to the late John and Tommie Floyd Bounds. She was a beautician. She was a member of Olive Street Baptist Church, and enjoyed taking trips with the church's SAMS group. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Dale and Melba Shillings of Pine Bluff; a sister, Lois Nesbett of Pine Bluff; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, William C. Shillings; and a brother, Harold Bounds. Interment was at Rowell Cemetery with arrangements by Hale-South Funeral Home.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: Betty Mae Shinkle, 67, died November 4, 1994. She was born January 10, 1927 in Eureka, CA. Survivors include her husband, Vernon Shinkle; a son, David Shinkle of Russellville; a brother, Robert Kendall of Escondido, CA; and 2 grandchildren. Cremation arrangments were handled by Humphrey Funeral Service.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Gladys Jean Shinn, 63, died February 22, 1999. She was born February 13, 1936 to Jessie Steele and Rosa Lee Pike. She is survived by her husband, Frank Shinn; a son, Darrell Hearn; two daughters, Elaine Morrow and Sharon Buth; 6 grandchilren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Old Union Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Joseph Clarence Shinpaugh, 81, died August 27, 1975. He was born July 11, 1894 to George and Hester England Shinpaugh. He was a retired merchant. He was survived by his wife, Maggie Moody Shinpaugh; a son, LeeRoy Shinpaugh; two daughters, Juanita Umbaugh and Jean McCollough; two sisters, Lucy Broyles and Gertie Ray; 9 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Bluff Cemetery under the direction of Shinn Funeral Service.
ST. PAUL, ARKANSAS: Braden Shipley, 19, died of influenza on December 28, 1918. He was born on September 17, 1899 to Dr. Elijah H. Shipley and Nellie B. Calico Shipley. He worked for a lumber company. Survivors include his parents; a sister, Ora; and a brother, Elton. Reverend Robert Reed presided at the service. Interment was at Riverside Cemetery.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Aurora Shock, 91, died December 28, 2000. She was a member of Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church. Services were held at the funeral home chapel with the Rev. Jerry Meeks presiding. Burial was at Crestlawn Memorial Park. Memorial donations may be made to Gardner Memorial United Methodist Church, 1723 North Schaer Street, North Little Rock, AR 72114. Funeral arrangements were handled by the North Little Rock Funeral Home.
HARTMAN, ARKANSAS: Lois C. Shoeffler, 88, died October 23, 1999. She was the daughter of the late Newt and Ruth Tipton Adams. She attended the Fernwood Assembly of God Church. Survivors include a nephew, Ralph Adams of Hartman; two great-nieces, Debbie Taylor of Albertville, AL, and Treon Lasiter of Russellville; and several cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence Shoeffler. Services were held at Hardwicke Funeral Chapel with Elder Harold Stumbaugh and Gene Yeager officiating. Burial was at Hartman Cemetery.
MELBOURNE, ARKANSAS: Cornelia Catherine Elizabeth Shoemaker, 88, died June 5, 2007. She was born September 6, 1918 to the late Elbert Elmon and Mary Catherine Simmons Yancey. She was a homemaker, and was a Baptist. She is survived by her husband, James "Bud" Shoemaker; three sons, Kenneth Roddy and Winston Roddy, both of Brockwell, and Gail Roddy of Yakima, WA; four daughters, Shirley Stevens of Wichita, KS, Melvalea Kendrick of North Little Rock, Donna Smith of Joplin, MO, and Kathy Phipps of Hickory Ridge; 18 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; 6 great-great-grandchildren; and her nephews and nieces. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Marvin Roddy; two brothers, Ezra Yancey and Marvin Yancey; two sisters, Ozzie Owens and Eva Estes; and a granddaughter, Susan Haynes. Services were held at the chapel of Howard Funeral Home in Melbourne with S.D. Hacker officiating. Burial followed at the Melbourne Cemetery.
CLARKSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Dorothy L. Thompson Shomber, 59, died August 11, 2006. She was the daughter of the late Jasper and Nora Davis Thompson. She was a retired secretary, and attended Faith Community Church. She is survived by her husband, Stephen G. Shomber; a daughter, Cindy Shomber of Phoenix, AZ; a son, Tim Connor of Santa Clarita, CA; a brother, Jay Thompson of Thousand Oaks, CA; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel of Hardwicke Funeral Home with Rev. Jill Perdue officiating. Burial was at Coal Hill Cemetery.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Minne M. Sosbee Shoptaw, 87, died November 16, 1968. She was born January 15, 1881. She was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Claudine Shoptaw of Dover; two sons, Tom Shoptaw of Dover, and Lavan Shoptaw of Paragould; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.E. Shoptaw. Services were held at the Dover Church of Christ. Interment was at McFadden Cemetery with arrangements by Shinn and Son Funeral Service.
GRENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Donna Gail Shores, age 1 year, died March 8, 1949. She was survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Shores; three sisters, Patricia Shores, Joan Shores, and Mrs. Kenneth Sanders; a brother, Donald Shores; her paternal grandmother, Margaret Shores; and her maternal grandmother, Mary Johnson. Burial was at Liberty Cemetery.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Ruth Velma Shores, 86, died September 14, 2009. She attended the First Baptist Church. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Betty Shores of Trumann; a sister and brother-in-law, Louise and A.L. Carman of St. Francis; 2 grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie Gray Shores; three sisters; and five brothers. Services were held at the chapel of Thompson Funeral Home. Burial was at Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery.
BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Frank Short, 69, died May 5, 1969. He was born October 1, 1899. He was a retired sheet metal worker. He was of the Methodist faith. He was survived by his wife, Mildred Lea Short; two brothers, Claude and Oren Short; and a sister, Ola Mae Stinson. Interment was at Buttram's Chapel Cemetery by Callison Funeral Home.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Goldie Leffie Short, 87, died December 17, 2006. She was born Saturday, January 11, 1919 to the late Wheeler and Nora Miller Short. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by nine nieces, Mary Ann Mitchell of Colt, Betty Hogland of Kansas, Lois Collett of Oklahoma, Bonnie Tesch of Kansas, Louise Raymond of Bald Knob, Lucille Moreland, Kay Presley and Marilyn Keffier, all of Trumann and Doris Exum of Batesville; and four nephews, Raymond Williams of Trumann, Franklin Williams of Forrest City, James Williams of Marked Tree, and Jerry Williams of Batesville. Interment was at Harrisburg Memorial Park Cemetery with arrangements by Thompson Funeral Home of Trumann, AR.
SULPHUR SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Levina M. Dunfee Short died August 26, 1975. She was born August 16, 1914 to John and M. Price Dunfee. She was survived by a son, Lee Carrier; four brothers, Thomas Dunfee, George Dunfee, John Dunfee, and Charles Dunfee; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Skerfance and Mrs. Jeanett Reiter; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Burial was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Hiwasse with arrangements by Callison-McKinney Funeral Home.
MELBOURNE, ARKANSAS: Aldie John Shreve, 85, died November 9, 2004. He was born on December 20, 1918 to Vance C. Shreve and Janie James Shreve. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of WWII. He was a retired road construction worker, and belonged to the American Veterans of Melbourne. He was preceded in death by his parents; an infant son; two brothers, Eldie Shreve (his twin), and Guy Shreve; a sister, Leatha Dunaway; a granddaughter, Irene Shreve; and two great-grandchildren, Kayla and Kyla Guthrie. Survivors include three sons, Billy Ray Shreve of Melbourne, Michael Lovelady of Sulphur, LA and John Shreve of Liberal, MO; three daughters, Georgia Ellison of West Plains, MO, Gladys Brashear of Melbourne and Melissa Auxier of Liberal, MO; 17 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; his best friend, Retha Elliott of Melbourne; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were handled by Roller-Crouch-McGee Funeral Home of Cave City, AR.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Aubra Shrode died December 17, 1944. He was killed in action during World War II. He was born August 25, 1916. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Louie Edward Shultz, 95, died March 30, 2006. He was born September 19, 1910 to Bolden Shultz and Martha Evelyn Widner. He was a retired minister, and attended the First Assembly of God Church. He is survived by a brother, Claude R. Shultz of Manila. He was preceded in death by his wife, Harriet Rice Shultz; and by his parents. Services were held at the Cobb Funeral Home Chapel in Blytheville with Rev. Freddie Richardson presiding. Burial followed at Elmwood Cemetery in Blytheville, AR.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Harry Shumard, 79, died October 10, 2005. He was a retired captain for the Oklahoma City Fire Department, and served as past president and former volunteer with the Natural Dam Volunteer Fire Department. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran. He attended the First Baptist Church in Van Buren, and was a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner. Survivors include his wife, Betty Shumard; a daughter, Paula Butler of Natural Dam; two sons, Mike Shumard of Natural Dam and Greg Shumard of Oklahoma City, OK; a sister, Katherine Burkett; and 7 grandchildren. Burial was at Hall Cemetery with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Thomas "Tom" Sicoli, 96, died October 11, 2009. He was born November 16, 1912 to Dominic and Vincenzina Lupo Sicoli. He is survived by his wife, Norma; a son, Thomas Corbin of West Chester, PA; two brothers; five sisters; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Elks Lodge. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home.
MORRISON BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Anthony Justin Siebenmorgen, 72, died January 8, 2005. He was born July 18, 1932 to the late Joseph and Anna Geels Siebenmorgen. He was a retired row crop and dairy farmer, and attended Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Morrison Bluff, AR. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Benita Wewers Siebenmorgen; five sons and daughters-in-law: Terrence and Patty Siebenmorgen of Fayetteville, AR, Michael and Susana Siebenmorgen of Ft. Smith, AR, Kenneth and Sharon Siebenmorgen of Central City, AR, Dennis and Pam Siebenmorgen of Morrison Bluff, AR and David and Paula Siebenmorgen of Morrison Bluff, AR; three daughters and sons-in-law: Diane and Steve Auchterlonie of Lee's Summit, MO, Doris and Greg Williams of Conway, AR, Ramona and Doug Deen of Conway, AR; two brothers: Joseph Siebenmorgen, Jr. of Morrison Bluff, AR and William Siebenmorgen of Longview, TX; three sisters: Beatrice Schlaf of Ft. Smith, AR, Maggie Cesare of Hicksville, New York and Mary Ann Weisenfels of Morrison Bluff, AR; and 21 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a grandson, Matthew Siebenmorgen, a brother, George Siebenmorgen and a sister, Sister Annene Siebenmorgen, OSB. Services were held at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Morrison Bluff with interment in the church cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Roller Funeral Home of Paris, AR.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Gilbert Siebenmorgen, 81, died October 13, 2006. He retired from Shipley Baking Company and Borden Foods. He attended Christ the King Catholic Church. Survivors include three sisters, Margaret Newman, Pauline Boerner and her husband Gene, and Jane Sparkman and her husband Elliott, all of Fort Smith; three brothers, David Siebenmorgen of Houston TX, Tom Siebenmorgen and his wife Pat of Scranton, and Andrew Siebenmorgen, also of Scranton. He was preceded in death by his parents, Louis and Mary Siebenmorgen; and a brother, Martin Siebenmorgen. Services were held at Christ the King Catholic Church with burial at Holy Cross Cemetery under the direction of Edwards Funeral Home.
RUDY, ARKANSAS: Anabel Siebert, 86, died May 4, 2005. She was a homemaker, and a Freewill Baptist. Survivors include three daughters, Dorothy Trentham of Fort Smith, Edwina Ramirez of Laredo, TX, and Selma Atwell of Rudy; a son, Bill Siebert of Cabot; two sisters, Edith Anderson of Sand Springs, OK, and Betty Gentry of Fort Smith; 8 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edwin Siebert. Services were held at the chapel of Ocker Funeral Home, followed by burial at Morrison Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Gertie May Siefkas, 56, died in January of 1959. She was born April 12, 1902 to the late Mr. and Mrs. Ashley McMurray. Survivors include a brother, H.I. McMurray; a sister, Ruth Wiley; 5 nieces; and 3 nephews. She was the widow of Willis Siefkas. Services were held at the chapel of Greer Funeral Home of Ozark, AR. Burial was at Hixon Cemetery.
MOUNTAINBURG, ARKANSAS: Julio Luis Sierra, 55, died August 4, 1999. He was an employee of Bryant Preserving Co. in Alma. Survivors include his wife, Katherine; two daughters, Jessica Sierra of Alma and Caitlin Broyles of Mountainburg; two sons, Samual Sierra of Mountainburg and James Bowles of Alma; his parents, Julio Luis Sierra, Sr. and Rosa Maria Sierra of Puerto Rico; three sisters, Geneva and Maria, both of New Jersey, and Sarah of Puerto Rico; and two brothers, Alfreddo Sierra and Jose Sierra, both of Puerto Rico. Interment was at Love Cemetery in Alma with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home of Alma, AR.
CLINTON, ARKANSAS: Ivanette French Sigler passed away April 24, 2005. She was born October 13, 1919 to the late A.G. and Adner French. She was a longtime member of Pleasant Valley General Baptist Church. Among the survivors are a son, Larry Sigler; two daughters, Carlene Woodard, and Juanita Patton and husband Ken; two brothers, Carol French and wife Nadine, and Billy French and wife Ann; a sister, Gladys McKnight; 5 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews, cousins, and other relatives. She was preceeded in death by her parents; her husband of 56 years, Carl Sigler; and seven siblings. Interment took place at Union Hill Cemetery in Formosa, AR under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Phanavan Sihapanya died December 19, 2004. He was born January 5, 1978, in Thourakhom, Laos to Kimo Sihapanya and Radsavong Chanhpheng. He is survived by his parents; his wife, Phoxaykham Sihapanya; and a daughter, Darina Sihapanya. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson-Berna Funeral Home of Fayetteville, AR.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Edwin Sikes, 51, passed away March 9, 2005. He was born August 16, 1953 to Harley Lee and Dorothy Dee Gardner Sikes. He worked at Superior Industries in Fayetteville. Survivors include his mother, Dorothey Edens of Alabam; five brothers, Von Sikes, Dennie Sikes and Aubry Sikes, all of Huntsville, Jim Sikes of Springdale and Robbie Sikes of Fayetteville; and three sisters, Reba Sloan and Eulanda Bryant, both of Huntsville, and Lavelle Haney of Springdale. Interment was at Alabam Cemetery with Rev. Bill Burk officiating. Arrangements were handled by Brashears Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Dan Silbernagel, 58, died October 3, 1946. He was born August 29, 1988 to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sibernagel. He was president of the Silbernagel Company, Inc., and directed the wholesale grocery industry started by his father. The company had branches in Dermott and Little Rock. He was a member of Temple Anshe Emeth. He was survived by his wife, Frances; a son, Lester; a daughter, Mrs. Elliott Levand; his mother; two sisters, Mrs. Nathan Udes and Mrs. Stanley Mass, Sr.; and a brother, Leon. Interment was at Congregation Anshe Emeth Cemetery under the direction of Robinson Mortuary. Note: One record gives his wife's name as Ella.
SHARP COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Tennie Siler died October 10, 1907. She was born September 10, 1907 to J.T. and Ivory Siler. Burial was at Steven Creek Cemetery.
DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Estie Pearl Brandon Sillavan, 99, died June 13, 2007. She was born October 25, 1907 to the late Jasper Calvin and Emma James Brandon. She was a retired employee of Mountaire Poultry Corp. She attended Rose Hill Baptist Church, and enjoyed gardening and canning. Survivors include her stepdaughter, Normalle Tilghman of Salisbury, MD; three step-grandchildren; a nephew, Harold Brazile of Amarillo, TX; a niece, Betty Cowling of Amarillo, TX; and a special friend, Marian Chandler of De Queen. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leon Sillavan; her parents; and three sisters, Icie Crisp, Hazel Tollett, and Dessie Brazile. Interment was at Allen Cemetery in Dierks, AR with Rev. Oscar Ball officiating. Arrangements were handled by Chandler Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: James Robert Simmermon, Sr., 87, died August 27, 2001. He played football for Arkansas College for two years. He was a lumber and stave inspector, and attended Independence Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Catherine M. Heath of Conway, Ark.; two sons, Prior Simmermon of Greenbrier, Ark. and Benton Simmermon of Conway, Ark.; a step-daughter, Rebecca Neal of Independence; a step-son, Guy Bernard of Independence; 4 grandchildren; 6 step-grandchildren; and a host of great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marie Massey Simmermon; and by his wife, Ora Bernard Simmermon. Services were held at Moorefield United Methodist Church with Rev. Mary Catherine McSpadden officiating. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Nettie Lee Matthews Simmons died May 3, 1966 in El Dorado. She was born June 15, 1904 in El Dorado. Survivors include a daughter, Mildred Simmons Lassiter. She was preceded in death by her husband, Maynard Holt Simmons. Interment was at Arlington Memorial Park.
TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS: William S. Simmons died June 3, 1951. He was born July 18, 1892. He was a World War I veteran. He was survived by his wife, Mamie R. Simmons. Interment was at State Line Cemetery in Texarkana.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Dan Simpson died June 13, 1943. He was a U.S. Army veteran, and served in the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS: Florence Elizabeth Simpson, 83, died February 14, 2005 in Forrest City, AR. She was born April 15, 1921. She retired from American Greetings. She is survived by two daughters, Betty Butler of Colt, and Martha Davidson of Bartlett, TN; a sister, Bertie Baker of Searcy; 5 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Joseph Simpson. Interment was at the Bassett Cemetery in Bassett, AR with arrangements by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
CAVE SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Marion J. Simpson, 60, died January 30, 2004 at St. Mary's Hospital in Rogers. He was born April 25, 1943 in Rogers to Doris Joshua and Louise Threet Simpson. He was a farmer and a member of Lakeview Baptist Church. He had been active with the Boy Scouts, and coached a softball team in Rogers. He is survived by his wife, Brenda Cousins Simpson; a son, Daniel Simpson; his mother; three brothers, Jimmy Simpson, Jerry Simpson and Gale Simpson; and two sisters, Martha Disney and Doris Murphy. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Diana Simpson; his father; a brother, Ronnie Simpson; and two sisters, Patty Simpson and Janice Baker. Interment was at the Cave Springs Cemetery under the direction of Benton County Funeral Home.
ASHLEY COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Mildred B. Myers Simpson died on December 25, 1903. She was preceded in death by one of her children. She is survived by her husband, J.A. "Jack" Simpson, and two children. She died at the home of her son, Dr. J.W. Simpson. She was a Methodist. She was born in Augusta, MS, and was believed to be 78 years of age.
WEST HELENA, ARKANSAS: Otliea Sims, 83, passed away February 21, 2009. She was born November 4, 1925 to the late Robert and Rosie Norvell. She retired from McKnight Mill. She atteded Greater First Baptist Church of West Helena. She is survived by her children, Ora (James) Ward, William (Pete) Sims of West Helena, AR, Blanchie Sims of Gary, IN, Rita (Jerry) Davis and James Sims of Waukegan, IL, Annie Sims of Indianapolis, IN, Larry Owen (Shelia) Sims, Jr. of Gilbert, AZ, Verdine Sims and Diane (L.C.) Bledsoe of Houston, TX; a sister, Louise Willis of Gary, IN; 19 grandchildren; 46 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren; her cousin and friend, Dorothy Banks-McKissack; a caregiver nurse, Anniea Hassan; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Owen Sims, Sr.; a brother, Samuel Norvell, Sr.; a sister, Lillie Mae Campbell; and a granddaughter, Stephanie Ward. Services were held at Greater First Baptist Church. Interment was at Oak Grove Cemetery #1 under the direction of Brown's Home For Funerals.
MARKED TREE, ARKANSAS: William Sipas, 83, died June 2, 2007 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro. He was born March 14, 1924 in Selmer, TN. He was a farmer and a member of the Pentecostal church. He is survived by a daughter, Cleo Carroll of Lepanto; a son, William Sipas of Teague, TX; and two sisters, Ruth Riley of Lonoke, and Liddie Mann of Jopin, MO. Interment was at Potter Cemetery in Lepanto under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home.
DeQUEEN, ARKANSAS: Seldon Sirmon Sr., 75, died March 1, 2003. He was born December 18, 1927 to James Roy and Ora Nell Pinkerton Sirmon. He was a truck driver, Mason, and musician. He served in the Merchant Marines and attended the De Queen Church of Christ. Survivors include five sons, Larry D. Sirmon of De Queen, James Leroy Sirmon of Tucson, Ariz., Timmy Joe Sirmon of Grannis, Seldon Sirmon Jr. of Ft. Smith, and Bobby Ray Sirmon of Horatio; three daughters, Susan Lynn Miller of Horatio, Janet K. Sirmon of De Queen, and Laura Mae Sirmon of Horatio; a brother, Preston Sirmon of De Queen; 21 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Burial was at Redmen Cemetery under the direction of Wilkerson Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Bundine Parker Sisk, 58, passed away on December 18, 2008. She is survived by her husband, Timothy Sisk; a son; two daughters; five sisters; and a brother. Interment was at Elm Lawn Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
MADISON COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Martha E. Sissom died May 1, 1912. She was born September 24, 1850. She was the wife of Calvin Sissom. Burial was at Sissom Cemetery.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: L. C. Sivils, 90, passed away August 4, 2004. He was born January 1, 1914 to Louis Patrick and Ola Viola Jane Croswell Sivils. He belonged to Mt. Olive Baptist Church and retired from Georgia-Pacific in 1975 after 35 years. He was an outdoorsman. He is survived by his wife, Mollie T. Smith; one son, Glen Sivils of Kingston, Jamaica; two grandchildren, Louis Christopher Sivils of Fort Payne, AL, and Lance Everett Sivils of Hamburg; and two great-grandchildren, Logan Taylor Sivils and Lauren Kristen Sivils, both of Gainesville, GA. Services were held at Mt. Olive Baptist Church with Rev. Eric Hodge officiating. Interment was at Lakewood Cemetery with arrangements by Jones Funeral Home.
BOONEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Nina Six, 71, died March 20, 2006. She was born November 27, 1934. She attended Southside Baptist Church. She is survived by several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Roberts Funeral Home.
HAZEN, ARKANSAS: Gary Alan Skarda, 56, died February 23, 2004. He worked as a crop duster for 34 years. He was a member of the Arkansas Ag. Association, a lifetime member of the Confederate Air Force, the EAA War Birds, the A.O.P.A., and the Air National Guard. He was secretary-treasurer of the Czech National Cemetery, and attended the First United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Dotsy Skarda; a son, Joseph Skarda of Little Rock; a brother, Randy Joe Skarda of Hazen; and a sister, Connie Skarda of Dallas, TX. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church of Hazen, followed by interment at the Czech National Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Frances Mae Morton Skelton died June 12, 1959. She was born May 24, 1905. She was survived by her husband, Rex Skelton; a son, Jim McKinney; and a brother, Austin Morton. Services were held at the Methodist Church with Rev. Dewey Dark officiating. Burial was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
HARTMAN, ARKANSAS: Antone Francis Slach, 80, died May 4, 2006. He was a retired farmer and mechanic. He was a member of the American Legion. He was a U.S. Army veteran and served in Korea. Survivors include a son, Kenneth F. Slach of Hartman; a sister, Darleen Hoffman of West Branch, IA; a brother, Ardell Slach of Orange County, CA; 3 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held at the First Baptist Church in Hartman. Cremation arrangements were handled by Hardwicke Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: D'Ella Slade, 81, died August 14, 2010. She was the daughter of the late Samuel and Ardeailure Alexander. She retired from the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, and attended the United Missionary Baptist Church in Conway. She is survived by two sisters-in-law, Nannie Alexander of Conway, and Doris Gwyn of Yanceyville, NC; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. Services were held at the United Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Dukes Community Cemetery by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
GILLETT, ARKANSAS: Lee Arthur Slater, 51, died January 21, 2005. He was born December 22, 1953 to Alfred and Mildred Slater of Gillett. He was preceded in death by his mother. Survivors include his father, Alfred Slater of Gillett; two brothers, Allen Slater and Donnie Slater of Gillett; 10 sisters, Charlene Slater of Gillett, Shirley Slater and Elizabeth Slater of Spokane, WA, Zola Willis, Patricia Slater, Darlene Gatewood, Linda Turner and Jewel Turner of Little Rock and Tracy Daniels and Carol Reed of DeWitt. Services were held at Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Gillett with Rev. Roscoe Joyner officiating. Burial followed at Mt. Olive Cemetery with arrangements by Serenity Gardens Funeral Services of Dumas, AR.
FARMINGTON, ARKANSAS: Columbus Wesley Slaten, 71, died January 19, 1959. He was born January 21, 1888. He was of the Presbyterian faith. He was survived by two daughters, Ora Giles and Emogene McKee; a brother, R.C. Slaten; two sisters, Mrs. W.H. Gibson and Mrs. Roscoe Barker; two half-sisters, Stella Henson and Maxine Carter; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at Walnut Grove Church with Rev. Jesse Coleman officiating. Burial was at Cemetery Hill under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
HELENA, ARKANSAS: Joanne Denise Slaughter died November 3, 2009. She was born August 12, 1954 to Eddie Walter Lee, Sr. and the late Marion Parker Johnson. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Bobby Slaughter; four daughters, Katonya (Kenneth) Sanders of Oneida, AR, LaJuanda Walker of Addison, TX and Makia and Antranelia Edwards of Alexander, AR; seven sisters, Cheryl and Antoinette Johnson and Jacqueline Lee of Chicago, IL, Charlotte Johnson of Oklahoma City, OK, Carolyn (Clifton) Owens, and Sheila and Vicki Lee of Minneapolis, MN; four brothers, Eric Parker of Chicago, IL, Dexter (Martha) Lee and Eddie Lee, Jr. of Minneapolis, MN, and Rodney (Tamara) Johnson of Oklahoma City, OK; her father, Eddie (Annie) Lee of Minneapolis, MN; 13 grandchildren; a best friend, Linda King of Lakeview, AR; and her nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her mother; a son, Alco Edwards III; and a brother, Malcolm Johnson. Services were held at New Haven Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at Jackson Memorial Gardens by Brown's Home For Funerals, Inc.
DOVER, ARKANSAS: Mittie C. Slaughter, 78, died April 1, 2007. She was of the Pentecostal faith. She is survived by a son, Shannon Slaughter of Dover; three daughters, Sharon Whitehead and Sandra Slaughter, both of Dover, and Shirley Slaughter of Russellville; 3 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Interment was at Rest Haven Cemetery in Russellville under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Homer Carl Slay, 59, died May 30, 2003 in Siloam Springs. He was born November 29, 1943 in Vivian, LA to Homer Carl and Arlie Wright Slay. He was a shift supervisor at SWEPCO, where he had worked for 40 years. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Gentry. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Slay; a daughter, Sandy Zebranec of Liberty, TX; two sons, T.C. Slay of Fayetteville and Michael Slay of Jefferson City, MO; a sister, Margie Manning of Houston, TX; a brother, Callie Gene Dudley of Blanchard, LA; and 2 grandchildren. Interment was at the Gentry Cemetery by Wasson Funeral Home.
GURDON, ARKANSAS: Mildred Norman Slayton, 81, died October 13, 2007. She was born February 23, 1926 to the late Archie and Pattie Otwell Norman. She was a beautician in Gurdon for fifty years. She was a longtime member of the First Baptist Church of Gurdon, and had served as the secretary and treasurer for the South Fork Cemetery Association. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Kathy and Ed Anderson of Gurdon; a nephew raised as a son, Joel Slayton and wife Dianne of Conway; two sisters, Adeline Kelly and Virginia Little of North Little Rock; a brother, A.G. Norman of Eldorado; several nieces and nephews; her grandsons, Jason Anderson of Gurdon, and John Anderson and wife Christina of Sherwood; a granddaughter-in-law, Michelle Anderson of Gurdon; 4 great-grandchildren; and a close friend, James Smith of Camden. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Jimmy Slayton and Howard Ferguson; a son, David Wayne Slayton; a brother, L.C. Norman; and a sister, Patsy Norman. Services were held at the First Baptist Church. Interment was at South Fork Cemetery under the direction of Horne Funeral Home.
HAMPTON, ARKANSAS: James "Jim" F. Sloan, 63, died December 29, 2006. He was born June 14, 1943 to Ben Sloan and Bertha Faulkner Sloan. Survivors include a son, Chuck Sloan of Hampton; a daughter, Sabina Pickett of Hampton; two brothers, George Sloan of Dallas, TX and Leroy Sloan of Austin, TX; two sisters, Dorothy Nowlin of Hampton, Sallie Sprenger of Little Rock; and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, James Victor Sloan; and a sister, Annie Lou Gilbert. Services were held at Union Grove Assembly of God Church. Burial was at Union Grove Cemetery under the direction of Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
ENGLAND, ARKANSAS: Roy Thomas Sloan died November 5, 1927. He was born November 2, 1927 to Chester and Ethel Sloan. Burial was at Mulberry Cemetery.
DeWITT, ARKANSAS: Dale Henry Sloate, 79, died November 22, 2006. He retired from the DeWitt School District, and served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He attended the Church of the First Born. He is survived by two daughters, Debbie Bowling and her husband, Ronnie, and Lisa Ferrell and her husband, Thomas of DeWitt; two grandsons; a brother, Arthur Fisher of Monroe, LA, and a special friend, Russell Dike. He was preceded in death by his wife, Emmalene Sloate; a son, Stephen Dale Sloate; his parents, Arley and Mandy Sloate; and several siblings. Services were held at the Church of the First Born. Burial was at DeWitt Cemetery under the direction of Essex Funeral Home of DeWitt, AR.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Lizzie Slusher, 40, died June 25, 1900. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery in Hot Springs.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Salomeja "Sally" Smaizys, 77, died August 21, 2002 in Hot Springs. She was born October 12, 1924. She hosted a Lithuanian language radio program for 20 years, and was a member of the Hot Springs chapter of the Republican Women's Organization. She is survived by three daughters, Rasa Myers of Hot Springs, Sylvia Smaizys of Plymouth, MI, and Vida McDonald; a son, Saul Smaizys of Chicago, IL; a sister, Gail Palionis of Madison, WI; a brother, Pranas Jurjonas of Chicago, IL; 9 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Peter Smaizys. Services were held at St. John’s Catholic Church. Interment was at Crestview Cemetery by Gross Funeral Home.
MABELVALE, ARKANSAS: Irene Virginia Smallwood, 89, died July 24, 2007. She was born November 29, 1917 to Cave M. and Sarah E. Johnson. She was a member of Mabelvale United Methodist Church. She is survived by three sons, James Smallwood and wife Linda of Benton, Charles Smallwood and David Smallwood both of Mabelvale; 6 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond E. Smallwood; her parents; a brother, Albert Johnson; and a sister, Ethel Beckwith. Services were held at Ashby Funeral Home. Burial was at New Rosemont Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Grant H. Smart, 77, died April 17, 2000. He was born December 28, 1922 to Grant H. Smart Sr. and Gladys Black Smart. He was a forms technologist for the Standard Register Company, and served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. He is survived by his wife, Edna Smith Smart; a son and daughter-in-law, Randall Grant Smart and Rosa Lee of League City, TX; a daughter and son-in-law, Luanne Smart Lamont and Daniel K. Lamont of Missouri City, TX; a granddaughter; and two step-granddaughters. Services were held at University Baptist Church with Dr. H.D. McCarty officiating. Burial was at Fairview Memorial Gardens with arrangements by Moore's Chapel.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Kate M. Kesner Smelley, 91, passed away September 21, 2003. She was born March 25, 1912 to Charlie Wayne and Donna Mae Mitchell Kesner. She attended the First Baptist Church of Berryville, and was a former member of the Rebekah Lodge. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Iva and Jim Rusterholz of Berryville; a brother and sister-in-law, Charles and Geraldine Kesner of Berryville; 8 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; a great-great grandson; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred N. Smelley; two sons, Bill Smelley and Tom Smelley; three brothers, Loyd Kesner, Jay Kesner, and Allen Kesner; and three sisters, Alice Burke, Josie Thomas, and Willie Austin. Interment was at Kingston Cemetery under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: America Holland Smith, 85, died April 15, 1965. She was born March 4, 1880 to Clark and Sarah Bailey Holland. She was the wife of John H. Smith. She is survived by three daughters, Oney Tucker, Edna Porter and Jessie Holland; two sons, Orvil Smith and Earl Smith; a brother, Levi Holland; 24 grandchildren, 51 great-grandchildren and 8 great-great-grandchildren. Interment was at Boston Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
PRATTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Betty Jane Hubbard Smith, 71, died December 31, 2000 at her residence. She was born February 14, 1929 to Percy and Era Ham Hubbard. She was a member of Harmony Missionary Baptist Church, and a native of El Dorado. She is survived by three sons, Billy Smith and Gary Smith, both of Prattsville, and Ralph Smith of Leola; two stepsons, Grady Smith of Lake Village, and Richard Smith of East End; a sister, Lottie Cabola of Sandusky, OH; 15 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Grady A. Smith; a daughter, Peggy Smith Pumphrey; and a grandson. Interment was at Philadelphia Cemetery with arrangements by Buie Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Bill Smith, 72, died September 3, 1982 in Springdale. He was born December 27, 1909 to Dan and Ann McChristian Smith. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Ruth Cain Smith; a son, Van Smith; and two sisters, Mary Drake and Bonnie Harris. Interment was at Alabam Cemetery under the direction of Brashears Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Billy Smith, age 6 months, died July 28, 1927. He was the son of Mrs. Vernie Smith. Services were held at the Church of the Nazarene with Rev. R.A. Teeter officiating. Interment was at Mount Carmel Cemetery.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Carretter Smith, 82, passed away on November 3, 2003. Services were held at the Greater New Hope Baptist Church with Rev. Lea presiding. Interment was at Toones Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home.
SEARCY, ARKANSAS: Charles Allen "Charlie Boy" Smith, 80, died September 27, 2012 at Searcy Healthcare. He was born September 24, 1932 in Searcy to Will and Fannie Mae Smith. He retired from Koppers, Inc. in Little Rock and the City of Searcy Sanitation Department. He was a member and steward of St. Mary C.M.E. Church. He enjoyed attending Harding University football and basketball games, and going to Spring Park in Searcy. Survivors include a sister, Rebecca Tipton; his cousins, including Paula Cleveland and Initia Shelton; and his friends. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Wanda Sue Johnson; an aunt who raised him, Cleo Reynolds; a stepbrother, Bradley Johnson; and cousins John "Ducie" Reynolds and Henry Clay, Sr. Interment was at Gum Springs Cemetery by Searcy-McEuen Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Cleolla Pearl Smith, 83, died June 9, 2011 at her home. She was born May 20, 1928 in West Fork, AR to John Thomas and Nettie Mildred Cobb Taylor. She is survived by a brother, Cecil Taylor (Marcela) of West Fork; a nephew, Larry Taylor of Glendale, OR; two nieces, Elise Wonnacott (Ed) and Julie Webber of Roseburg, OR; and a great-niece. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herman Wayne Smith. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Dorothy L. Smith, 65, died October 19, 2003 at Arkansas Hospice in North Little Rock. She was born August 8, 1938 in Austin to James Worthen and Lucille Jackson Worthen. She was a retired nurse and unit secretary, and a member of United Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, James Smith; a daughter, Nichole McIvor of North Little Rock; five sisters, Earnestine Worthen of North Little Rock, Janie Harshaw of Little Rock, Lillie M. Delony of Cabot, Sally F. Bradley of Beebe, and Elsie T. Martin of Detroit, MI; four brothers, Willie E. Hendrix of Austin, TX, and Melvin Fuller, James E. Fuller, and Ernest Fuller, all of Beebe; and 2 grandchildren. Services were held at United Baptist Church. Interment was at the United Baptist Cemetery under the direction of Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Effie Maude Franklin Smith, 79, died September 29, 1986. She was born January 21, 1907 to Henry and Eliza Minks Franklin. She was the widow of William Kermit Smith. Among the survivors are a son, Benton Smith; a daughter, Mrs. Vivian Carson; a brother, Bill Franklin; two sisters, Mrs. Helen DuVall and Mrs. Marvin Daharsh; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services were held at the New Home Church of Christ with Otto Bennett officiating. Interment was at the Boston Cemetery with arrangements by Brashears Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Elvis W. Smith, 71, died December 3, 2003. He was the son of Carlin E. and Velma Smith. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War, and was a member of the Benton and Bryant Senior Citizen Centers. Survivors include his wife, Joyce Smith; a son, Ron Smith of Little Rock; two sisters, Charlene Carpenter of Benton, and Paula Newton of North Little Rock; two brothers, David C. Smith of Little Rock, and Troy Smith of Salt Lake City, UT; and 2 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Juanita Oldner; and two brothers, Alvin and Orville Smith. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park with arrangements by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
BEARDEN, ARKANSAS: Erleen Smith, 77, died March 9, 2005 at the Ouachita County Medical Center. She retired from BEI, and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include a daughter, Susan Smith of Bearden; her sons, Matthew Smith and Jeb Smith, both of Bearden, and Mark Smith of Camden; a sister, Muriel Cook of Conroe, TX; a brother, Gerald Givens of Harmony Grove; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles W. Smith; her parents, Ray and Lucy Culbreath Givens; a sister, Mary Lou Ponder; and a brother, Ray Mack Givens. Interment was at Sardis Cemetery in Sparkman under the direction of Proctor Funeral Home.
WOODSON, ARKANSAS: Ernestine Dixon Smith, 83, died November 27, 2002. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Woodson. Survivors include three daughters, Carolyn Raglin of Woodson, Deborah Kelley of Little Rock, and Verneda Burton of Altadena, CA; 8 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; a nephew; and 2 nieces. Services were held at the First Baptist Church. Interment was at the Woodson Community Cemetery with arrangements by Brown Funeral Home of Pine Bluff, AR.
PIGGOT, ARKANSAS: Ettamay Baxley Smith, 72, died August 12, 2001. She was born March 17, 1929 to the late William Asa and Erleen Copeland Baxley. She is survived by her husband, Bobby; seven children, Joel T. Smith of Lapeer, MI, Mary Anderson of Kilgore, TX, Linda Mankiewicz of Las Vegas, NV, Priscilla Smith of Chino Hills, CA, Lisa Marie Fiske of Apple Valley, CA, Robert Smith of Bullhead City, AZ, and Richard Smith of Anaheim, CA; 13 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; a brother, Monte Joe Baxley of Edwards, MS; and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by 2 grandchildren and a brother. Burial was at Holcomb Cemetery under the direction of Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Florence Mae Smith, 90, died November 30, 2002 at the Pocahontas Nursing and Rehab Center. She was born January 12, 1912 in Warm Springs to Andy and Rosetta Gaither Waggoner. She is survived by seven daughters, Nola Taylor of Pocahontas, Clara Reed of Pine Bluff, Gail Sue Smith of Walnut Ridge, Betty Ingber of Bayside, NY, Gloria Wilton of Battle Creek, MI, Nadine Watros of Lansing, MI, and Nancy Lee Hill of Chelsea, MI; three sons, Robert Smith of Pine Bluff, Jeffrey Smith of Morrilton, and Gary Smith of Grand Rapids, MI; 22 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren; and 6 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Camuel Smith; two sons, Thomas J. Smith and Ervin Ray Smith; two daughters, Donna Sue Smith and Ruth Ann Smith; her parents; a sister, Martha Morgan; and two brothers, Willie Waggoner and Laurence Waggoner. Interment was at the Masonic Cemetery in Pocahontas by McNabb Funeral Home.
MORROW, ARKANSAS: Gertrude Smith, 77, died August 16, 1995. She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Morrow United Methodist Church and the VFW Auxiliary. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Phyllis and Deon Rollans of Harrison; and a grandson and wife, Sean and Karen Rollans of Fort Smith, AR. Services were held at Morrow United Methodist Church. Burial was at Bethesda Cemetery in Morrow with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home of Fort Smith, AR.
RECTOR, ARKANSAS: Goldie Mae Smith, 85, died December 2, 2001. She was born April 30, 1916 to the late Tommy and Artra Landrum. She was the widow of Ralph Smith. She was a homemaker, and was of the Pentecostal faith. Among the survivors are a son and daughter-in-law, Terrell and Alice Kennedy of Roseville, Mich.; three brothers, Truman Landrum of Rector, Kenneth Landrum of Ocala, Fla., and Donald Landrum of Hico, Texas; three sisters, Fay Bonbrisco of Clinton, Mich., Pauline Petard of Marine, Mich., and Wilma Moore of Roseville, Mich., 3 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Woodland Heights Cemetery in Rector under the direction of Mitchell Funeral Home.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Gregory Lamont Smith, Sr., 50, died December 30, 2009. He was born December 22, 1959 in Pine Bluff to the late Abraham Smith and Louise Royal of Pine Bluff. Survivors include a daughter, Marie Smith; two sons, Gregory Smith, Jr. of Pine Bluff, and Olander Smith of West Virginia; a stepdaughter, LaQuandra Baker; two stepsons, Marcus Baker and Timothy Baker; three sisters, Carrie Wilson of Detroit, MI, and Tracey Royal and Patricia McGhee, both of Pine Bluff; 6 grandchildren; and his friends, including Alberta Baker of Pine Bluff. Services were held at Amos Chapel Baptist Church. Interment was at Forrest Lawn Cemetery with arrangements by Brown Funeral Home.
DUTCH MILLS, ARKANSAS: Harry B. Smith, 82, died June 2, 1997. He was born April 15, 1915 to Alexander and Hattie B. Landers Smith. He is survived by several nieces and nephews. Interment was at Bethesda Cemetery in Morrow, AR with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
OIL TROUGH, ARKANSAS: Hugh Pentecost Smith, 91, died May 2, 2001. He was born October 4, 1909 to Arthur Bunyon and Elizabeth "Bessie" Pentecost Smith. He was a retired sawmill operator, and attended Blackland Freewill Baptist Church. Among the survivors are a son, Vaughn Smith of Oil Trough; three daughters, Nadine Warman of Columbia, MD, Virginia Sullivan of Oil Trough, and Velma Honeycutt of Russelville; 8 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death were his parents; his wife, Lola Shelton Smith; a daughter, Rhea Dean Cooley; a brother, Woodrow Smith; and a sister, Gwen Breeden. Services were held at Blackland Freewill Baptist Church. Burial was at Campbell Cemetery at Guion with arrangements by Roller-Crouch Funeral Home of Batesville, AR.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ivory Smith, 83, died March 31, 2003. Survivors include five daughters; four sons; his grandchildren; and his great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research in North Little Rock. Arrangements were handled by Hubble Funeral Home.
GRAVETTE, ARKANSAS: Lola Ione Smith, 85, died September 6, 2004. She was born October 26, 1918 to Clarence O'Neal and Lola Barnes O'Neal. She liked gardening, sewing, cooking, writing poetry and playing the piano. She attended the First Assembly of God Church of Gravette. Among the survivors are five sons, J.R. Smith of Berthoud, CO, Wilbur Smith of Gravette, Larry Lee Smith of Anderson, MO, Lester "Red" Smith of Joplin, and David Smith of Southwest City, MO; five daughters, Margie Carey of Grove, Joy Goodman of Neosho, MO, and Mary Vest, Donna Sue Howerton and Sherry Kay Smith all of Gravette; two sisters, Vera Jones of Tulsa, and Donna Mae Salas of Siloam Springs; 29 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, Jay Smith, and also by a son, Gerald Smith. Services were held at the First Assembly of God Church with Rev. Rick McElhannon and Rev. Jack Deaton presiding. Interment was at Hillcrest Cemetery with arrangements by Stockdale Funeral Services of Rogers, AR.
MALVERN, ARKANSAS: Lula Bertha Smith, 71, died on October 15, 2004. Services were held at Bethel A.M.E. Church with Rev. Larry Banks and Dr. J.W. Harrison officiating. Interment was at Toones Chapel Cemetery in Tulip, AR with arrangements by Brandon's Mortuary of Malvern, AR.
CALION, ARKANSAS: Mattie Mae Smith died October 22, 2005. She was born May 23, 1912 in Union County AR to Tom and Roxie Box Jones. She is survived by a daughter, Ada Lawrence of Calion; three sons, James Darling of Los Angeles, CA, and Fred Smith and James Smith of Calion; 9 grandchildren; and 41 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Gaddy L. Smith; three sons, Linnie Smith, Prezell Smith and Henry Smith; and her parents. Services were held at Willow Grove Baptist Church. Burial was at St. Paul Cemetery in El Dorado with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Nathalea Smith, 87, passed away September 15, 2005. She was born June 23, 1918 to Nepolian Fizer Jones and Georgia Alberta Reed Jones. She was a Methodist. She enjoyed gardening, needlework, canning and listening to audio books. Among the survivors are a son, Robert E. Smith of Phoenix, AZ; a daughter, Roberta C. Skaggs of Fayetteville; a sister, Margie E. Roller of Rogers; 2 grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Edward Smith; a brother; and a sister. Graveside services were held at Benton County Memorial Park in Rogers with arrangements by Callison-Lough Funeral Service.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Ollie Green Smith, 86, died August 6, 2004. She was the widow of John DeWitt Smith. She is survived by four adopted children, Tom Smith of Coushatta, La., Lynn Smith of Houston, Texas, Joyce Smith of Newport, Ore., and Sharon Cornelius of Houston, Texas; one brother, Ralph Green of Hot Springs Village; three sisters, Vivian Watkins of Camden, Margaret Purvis of Des Arc, and Shirley Sullivan of Texarkana; and four grandchildren. Services were held at Garth Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Sand Hill Cemetery in Des Arc, AR.
De QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Rev. Phillip Spencer Smith died Sunday, May 14, 2006. He was the son of Bob and Mary Spencer Smith. He attended St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City and Hendrix College in Conway, AR. He was an Army veteran. He was a carpenter, and was the past pastor of Wylie Chapel in Nashville, St. Paul Church in Eagletown, OK and Turner Memorial Chapel in Foreman. He was a Mason. Survivors include his wife, Faye Lewis Smith of De Queen; one daughter, Penny Smith of Dayton, OH; two sisters, Victoria Gibson of Huber Heights, OH and Avory Neal of Dallas, TX; 5 grandchildren; and a number of great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a son, Harvey Lee Smith. Services were held at the chapel of Wilkerson Funeral Home with Rev. Eddie Williamson officiating. Burial was at Sand Hill Cemetery.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ruth Peach Smith, 59, passed away March 18, 2005. Survivors include her husband, John Lee Smith of North Little Rock; two stepdaughters, Helen Skinner of North Little Rock, and Diane Smith of Gravel Ridge; a brother, Morris Nash of El Dorado; and 5 step-grandchildren. Services were conducted by Griffin Leggett Rest Hills.
MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS: Sarah A. Smith, 95, died January 15, 2007. She was born January 31, 1911 to the late John Ambrose and Bertha Tillman Ambrose. She was a member of First Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by five daughters, Corine Dobbins Baines and Henrietta Smith McFadden, both of Michigan, Bertha Smith Bell of California, and Sarah Smith and Virgie Smith, both of Monticello; 23 grandchildren; 41 great-grandchildren; and 15 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Calvin Smith; three sons, Sylvester Dobbins, Charlie Dobbins and William C. Smith; a stepson, Pete Smith; two stepdaughters, Ethel Smith Ward and Thelma Smith Jones; three brothers, John Ambrose, Jessie Ambrose and Henry Ambrose; and two grandchildren. Services were held at First Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery by Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: William Phinon Smith, Sr., 87, died January 17, 2005. He was born June 28, 1917 to William Willis Smith and Hester Hightower Smith. He was a Baptist, a car salesman and a World War II Army Corps of Engineer veteran. Survivors include a son, William Smith, Jr. of Clinton; three daughters, Evelyn Cathey of Tracy, CA, Nicie Ann Dillahay of Little Rock, and Nancy Van Dalsen of Thornburg; a sister, Moonie Langford of Tracy, CA; one brother, Monroe Smith, of Sacramento, CA, 12 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lena Bell Nickles Smith. Services were held at Thornburg Baptist Church. Burial was at Thornburg Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: Willie Edward Smith, 71, passed away April 14, 2005. He was born January 29, 1934 to Auther and Alma Bedford Smith. He worked for Pepsi for over 30 years, and was a Jehovah's Witness. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Smith; two sons, Michael Thomas of Chicago and Bennie James Smith of Memphis, TN; a daughter, Genell Thomas of Chicago; a brother, Auther Smith, Jr. of Las Vegas; 12 grandchildren; and 26 great-grandchildren. Services were held at the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall in Morrilton, followed by a private burial. Arrangements were handled by Central Arkansas Funeral Services of Conway, AR.
GURDON, ARKANSAS: Earl Smithpeters, 88, died December 12, 2006. He was a retired forestry technician at International Paper Company, and attended Maryetta Pentecostal Church in Okolona. He is survived by three sons and daughters-in-law, Robert and Shirley Smithpeters of Okolona, and Jimmy and Patsy Smithpeters and Kenneth and Vada Smithpeters, all of Gurdon; a daughter and son-in-law, Earline and Harold Keyof Eldorado; a brother, Lindal Smithpeters of Sallisaw, OK; 7 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife of 59 years, Estelle Smithpeters; and a daughter, Betty Lou. Interment was at Center Ridge Cemetery under the direction of Horne Funeral Home.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Garland Smothers, 99, died August 6, 2006. He was born December 3, 1906 to William Marion and Lula Jane Hemphill Smothers. He was a farmer and a retired truck driver for Garrison Motor Freight, and attended the Church of Christ. He is survived by his daughters and son-in-law, Sharon K. and Bobby Williams of Harrison, Wilma Joyce Dees of Harrison, Bernice Hiett of Dardanelle, Arkansas, and Erma Watkins of Harrison; 25 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; 14 great-great-grandchildren; and a host of other family and friends. He was predeceased by his parents; his wife, Zella Mae Lawrence Smothers; a son; 3 daughters; 10 brothers; and 7 sisters. Services were held at Christeson Funeral Home with Jon Hendrix officiating, followed by interment at Maplewood Cemetery.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Patty Jean Smythe, 17, died January 3, 1970. She was born August 5, 1953. She was a junior at Siloam Springs High School, and was a Baptist. She is survived by her mother, Lucille Phillips Smythe; and a sister, Emma Jo Smythe. Interment was at Oak Hill Cemetery under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: James William Snarr, 87, died September 7, 2011 in Rogers, AR. He was born November 26, 1923 in Montgomery, MO to James Ray and Florence Robertson Snarr. He was a retired pastor of the Maranatha Christian Fellowship, and founder of Second Mile Ministry, now known as "The Grace Place". He was a disabled veteran of World War II. He is survived by his wife, Patricia Snarr; three sons, Joel W. Snarr of Lincoln, Jamin W. Snarr of Rogers, and James W. Snarr II of Canutillo, TX; 14 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, John Snarr; his parents; two sisters; and a brother. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Lincoln. Interment was at Beaty Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
JUDSONIA, ARKANSAS: Willie B. Sneed, 73, died October 30, 2009. He was born June 11, 1936 to the late Ira Amos and Opal Almeda Thomason Sneed. He was a truck driver and a carpenter, and attended Temple Missionary Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Maxine Sneed; a daughter, Juanita Harper of Judsonia; three sons, Willie Sneed, Jr. of Judsonia, Joey E. Sneed of Jackson, MS, and Jason E. Sneed of Columbus, OH; a sister, Linda Carol Shaver of Batesville; and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a grandson, Troy B. Sneed. Services were held at Temple Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Egner Cemetery in Independence County under the direction of Powell Funeral Home.
SHARP COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Jane Snow, age 6, died on March 2, 1904. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Snow. Interment was at Sharp Cemetery.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Lila Bell Snow, 78, died September 10, 2005. She was the daughter of William Jack and Elsie Amanda Dent Dickson. She is survived by three sons, Jack Snow of Oswego, IL, Rick Snow of Black Rock, and Jody Snow of Yorkville, IL; four daughters, Bonnie Sue Mszorowicz of Canton, MI, Nancy Gossett of Paragould, Rose Mary Baldridge of Newport, and Suzanne Childers of Redford, MI; a brother, Charles Dickson of Imboden; six sisters, Ruby Lawrence, Wilma Trenholm, Velma Gore, Lennie Fortson and Gladys Malone, all of Imboden, and Melba Cooper of Memphis; 18 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by three sons, Charles Snow, Michael Snow and Roger Snow. Burial was at Dent Cemetery with arrangements by McNabb Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Silas D. Snow, 94, died May 31, 2004. He graduated from Arkansas State Teachers College in 1929, and later earned a Master of Education degree from George Peabody College in Nashville, TN. He was awarded an honorary Doctorate Degree from Hendrix College in Conway, AR. After serving as a public education administrator, he was elected as president of Arkansas State Teachers College (now the University of Central Arkansas). He was active in many educational organizations, including serving as president of the Arkansas Education Association, the Arkansas Retired Teachers Association, the UCA Alumni Association, and the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference. He was a member of the National Commission on Accrediting for Higher Education, and was involved with the development of the Arkansas Public Television Network (AETN). Following retirement, he helped organize the Arkansas Good Roads Transportation Council and served as its president for over a decade. He was a member of the Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board for 19 years, having been appointed by two governors. He was inducted into the North Little Rock Citizens Hall of Fame. He was a recipient of the Conway Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Alumnus Award and the UCA Distinguished Alumnus Award. He was a Rotarian for over 60 years. He was a 32nd Degree Mason and a Shriner. He was a Methodist for over 70 years, and attended St. James United Methodist Church in Little Rock. Survivors include a son, Si Snow of Alexandria, VA; a daughter, Sue Cooper of Little Rock; three grandchildren, Todd Cooper and wife Lisa of Little Rock, Dr. Scott Cooper and wife Cynthia of Rogers, Kristin Cooper Maris and husband Lee of Little Rock; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Mary Titus Snow; and by a son, Harold Titus Snow. Interment was at Crestlawn Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-McNutt Funeral Home of Conway, AR.
SHERIDAN, ARKANSAS: Dew Drop Pennington Snowball, 93, died July 28, 2007. She was born February 24, 1914 to the late William Thomas Pennington and Tommie Thomas Pennington. She is survived by a daughter, Rosemary Warnix of Sheridan; a grandson; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Keith Snowball; two brothers, Paul Pennington and Thomas Pennington; and four sisters, Myrtle Nutt, Verda Smith, Julia Jones and Lily Mae Sims. Services were held at the chapel of Benton Funeral Home. Burial was at Oakland Cemetery.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Evonne Snowden died December 26, 2006. She was born November 2, 1951 to James and Claudia Faye May Snowden. She was a driver and caregiver at the South Arkansas Developmental Center. She attended St. Vestal CME Church. She is survived by a son, Rodney Lamar Moody of El Dorado; her parents; two brothers, Bernard Snowden of Desoto, TX and Billy Ray Snowden of Milwaukee, WI; two sisters, Janice Faye Meeks and Beverly Schultz, both of El Dorado; her grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Robert and Dezerra Suide; her paternal grandparents, Reason and Sarah Meeks Snowden; and a brother, John Eric Snowden. Services were held at St. Vestal CME Church with Rev. Larry Shaw offficiating. Interment of ashes was at Lott Burgy Cemetery with arrangements by Sims Mortuary.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Millicent Sobanski , 85, died March 16, 2006. She was born July 13, 1920 to Edward and Hilda Hebel Marshall. She was a retired beauty operator who worked in that field for 27 years. She attended St. Raphael Catholic Church. Survivors include a daughter, Theresa Trombley of Saline, MI; three sisters, Virginia Fenwick of Dearborn, MI, Evelyn Schultz of Fullerton, CA, and Phyllis McCaulley of Bend, OR; and 5 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Theodore C. Sobanski. Interment was at Bluff Cemetery with arrangements by Sisco Funeral Chapel.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: John Soenksen died November 7, 1863. He was a Civil War soldier with Company D of the 27th Wisconsin Infantry. He is buried at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
BARLING, ARKANSAS: Virginia Marie Manning Soller, 80, died June 16, 2005. She was born October 27, 1925 to the late Marshal and Irene Mahl Manning. She was a homemaker, and attended the Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Survivors include her husband, Edwin; four daughers, Julia Edna Olienyk of Barling, Karon Finn of Creston, IA, Joan Becker of Barling, and Susan Fustin of Uniontown; two sons, Michael Soller of Meeker, OK, and Steve Soller of Broomfield, CO; a brother, Andrew D. Manning of Paris; 24 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Gerald P. Manning; a son, James Edwin Soller; and a son-in-law, Joe Becker. A funeral Mass was held at Sacred Heart of Mary Church. Interment was at St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery in Ratcliff with arrangements handled by Smith Funeral Home of Charleston, AR.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Wood L. Solomon, 74, died August 25, 1957. He was born in 1883. He was a retired farmer. He was survived by his wife, Ada Solomon; four daughters; two sisters; two brothers; 4 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Burial was at Pilot Prairie Cemetery under the direction of Rice Funeral Home.
DERMOTT, ARKANSAS: Margaret Lucille Jennings Somervell, 92, died September 15, 2011 at the Dermott City Nursing Home. She was born August 17, 1919 in Arkansas to the late William and Lottie Talley. Survivors include a daughter, Jann Bledsoe of Leland, MS; a son, Butch Jennings of Arkadelphia; 5 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Collins Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Service.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Khaow Somsri, 72, died May 6, 2009. He was born January 6, 1937 in Laos to Dee and Chan Somsri. He left Laos during the Vietnam War. He retired from IBP, and attended Robinson Avenue Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, See Somsri; five children, Kaham Panboun and husband Phone of Amarillo, TX, Jit Soudthivong and husband Vilay of Springdale, Jamie Somsri and wife Vilayvanh of Springdale, Phoupha Phouthalangsy and husband Boommer of Amarillo, and Rattana Boriboun and husband Paul of Amarillo; 15 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; and several siblings in Laos. Cremation arrangements were handled by Heritage Funeral Home.
VILONIA, ARKANSAS: Kenneth E. Sontag, 74, died May 16, 2006. Survivors include his wife, Margaret Sontag; daughters, Vicki Worley of Springdale, and Sheri Sontag of Mabelvale; a son, Gary Sontag of Cabot; his sisters, Carolyn Bolin, Hazel Wilson, and Betty Sanders; his brothers, David Sontag and Charles Sontag; 8 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Pinecrest Memorial Park with arrangements by Huson Funeral Home of Sherwood, AR.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Leah Lucile Soper, 93, died September 11, 2009. She was born April 18, 1916 to Emil and Elizabeth Heiden Handrock. She is survived by three sons, Stephen Soper of Columbia, MO, Keith Soper of Jackson Hole, WY, and Jonathan Soper of Lake Tahoe, CA; a daughter, Kathleen Turgeon of Belgrade, MT; 10 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at United Lutheran Church. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: Jack Sorrells, 88, died December 28, 2000. He was born July 29, 1912 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sorrells. Survivors include a son, Jackie Sorrells of Marianna; five daughters, Agnes McNair of Minot, ND, Pauline Ward and Juanita Martin, both of Forrest City, Winsel Harper of Lexa, and Peggy Casteel of Marianna; a brother, Harold Sorrells, of Wynne; three sisters, Nettie Davis and Margie Fisher, both of Marianna, and Goldie Shepherd of Holly Grove; 21 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Vivian Sorrells; and a son, Lonnie Anderson. Interment was at LaGrange Cemetery with Bro. Gary Malone officiating. Arrangements were handled by Fowler Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Abner "Junior" Gerald Sorrows, Sr., 73, died August 7, 2006. He was a nursing assistant at Fort Roots for 29 years. He was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus, and Arena Billiards. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Velma Trujillo Sorrows; his sons, Steve Sorrows of Sherwood, Abner Jerry Sorrows of Rose Bud, Ricky Joseph Sorrows of Vilonia, Lance Sorrows of Lonoke, and Jimmy Eugene Sorrows of Sherwood; his daughters, Denise Patterson of Fox Lake, IL, and Dawana Sorrows of Sherwood; two brothers, Ray Sorrows of North Little Rock and Harvey Sorrows of Lonoke; 13 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Burial was at Rest Hills Memorial Park.
OZARK, ARKANSAS: Greta Gail Sosebee, 52, a retired school teacher, died February 2, 2005. She was the daughter of Relus and Joan Hurst Sosebee. She held a Master's degree and had taught school at Clarksville, County Line and Elaine. She also taught music. She was a Sunday School teacher and a member of Corinth Baptist Church. Survivors include her mother, Joan Sosebee of Altus; two sisters, JoEtta Hawkins of Ratcliff and Patti Alexander of Springdale. Funeral services were held at Shaffer Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was at Hess Cemetery in Coal Hill, AR.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Phonephet Soundara, 44, died August 28, 2006. He was born in Laos on May 28, 1962. He was an employee of Wal-Mart. Surviving family members include his wife; Diane Soundara of Bentonville; a daughter; Ashley Ruiz of Rogers, AR; a son; Khamsy Souvannaraj of Lowell, AR; and 5 grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson-Berna Funeral Home.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Raymond Aubry Souter, 66, died March 19, 1980. He was born January 10, 1914 to Hilliard Morgan and Ida Alice Thomas Souter. He was a crane operator, and attended Sugar Hill Community Church. He was survived by his wife, Lucy Thomas Souter; two sons, Jimmy Ray Souter and Michael K. Souter; a daughter, Carol Tollefson; two stepsons, Kenneth Davis and Carl Davis; his mother; three sisters, Mulqueen Thomas, Lida Ivey, and Ileen Wakefield; 11 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services were held at Sugar Hill Community Church. Burial was at Summers Cemetery under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Shirley Irene South died September 12, 2006. She is survived by a daughter, Renee Qualls of Brookland; a brother, Bill Adamson of Poplar Bluff, MO; and a granddaughter, Tawnya South of Brookland. She was preceded in death by her parents, Staton and Clite Adamson; her husband, William South; and two sisters. Interment was at Bolivar Cemetery under the direction of Jackson's Harrisburg Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Ray Southall, 74, died April 4, 2006. He was born August 5, 1931 to the late Robert and Ruebettie Raney Southall. He was a retired heavy equipment mechanic, and was a U.S. Navy veteran during the Korean War. Survivors include his wife, Ozella Harrison Southall of Van Buren; one daughter and son-in-law, Ann and Gary Merrell of Van Buren; one brother, Elbert Southall of Gainesville, FL; and two grandchildren. Graveside services were held at Shady Grove (Bleeker) Cemetery near Fordyce under the direction of Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
CAVE CITY, ARKANSAS: Bessie Clem Sanders Southard, 60, died April 24, 2007. She was born December 2, 1946 to the late Andrew Jackson Sanders and Mary Louise Coleman Sanders. She was a homemaker, and attended the Cave City Church of God. She is survived by her husband, E.A. Southard; four sons, Tommy Butler of Jonesboro, Larry Reeves of Desha, Charles Reeves of Kansas City, KS, and Ricky Reeves of Batesville; six daughters, Violet Sheffield of Cabot, Tina Amidon of Cave City, Melissa Odom of Cave City, Kathy Reeves of Batesville, Linda Melton of Jamestown and Carolyn Loggins of Jonesboro; a brother, Jack Sanders of Harrisburg; a sister, Dale Sanders of North Carolina; 10 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Billy Odom; a stepdaughter, Marylyn Loggins; two sisters, Violet Reeves, and Mae Turner; and three brothers, Monroe Sanders, C.L. Sanders, and Harry Sanders. Services were held at Cave City Church of God with Allen Brown and Ed Cane officiating. Burial was at Weavers Chapel Cemetery with arrangements by Willis-Hays Funeral Service.
VILONIA, ARKANSAS: Ira W. Sowell died January 31, 2004 in Conway, AR. He was born October 15, 1908 in Vilonia to John Walter and Floy Bird Sowell. He was a retired self-employed truck driver, and attended Center Point Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife of 63 years, Mildred L. Sowell; two daughters, Sue Patrom (Harold) of Vilonia, and Jan Melton (Bill) of Conway; a son, Jerry Sowell (Jerita) of Bee Branch; two sisters, Rayda Stanley and Lucille Arendall; 5 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister, Hazel Stufflebeen; and three brothers, Ewell, Ruby, and Elmer Sowell. Interment was at Cypress Valley Cemetery in Vilonia with arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
STAR CITY, ARKANSAS: Ruby Foster Sowrheaver, 87, died January 17, 2004 at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff. She was born November 30, 1916 in Rogers to William Berlin and Nancy Annie Bowman Foster. She was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include three daughters, Jane Ashmore of Star City, Elizabeth Nabors of Paron, and Ioma Price of Pleasant Plains; two sons, William Sowrheaver of Star City, and J.C. Sowrheaver, Jr. of Cornerville; 10 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was predeceased by her husband, James Carl Sowrheaver, Sr. Services were held at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Hickory Grove Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Service.
NATURAL DAM, ARKANSAS: Estelle M. Soy, 83, died December 8, 2006. She was a homemaker, and attended St. Michael's Catholic Church. Survivors include two daughters, Susan Abbe of Natural Dam and Barbara Moreno of Simi Valley, CA; four sons, John Soy of Bremerton, WA, Michael Soy of Natural Dam, Joseph Soy of Flagstaff, AZ, and Douglas Soy of Grants Pass, OR; 16 grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Soy. Services were held at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Van Buren. Burial was at Hall Cemetery with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home of Van Buren, AR.
NATURAL DAM, ARKANSAS: Michael Soy, 60, died June 3, 2007. He was a self-employed carpenter. Survivors include his daughters, Candy Lane of Natural Dam and Michele Flynn of Lavaca; two sisters, Barbara Moreno of Simi Valley, CA, and Susan Abbe of Natural Dam; three brothers, John Soy of Bremerton, WA, Joseph Soy of Flagstaff, AZ, and Douglas Soy of Grant's Pass, OR; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Shirley Engle Soy. Services were held at Grandview Assembly of God Church. Interment with military honors was at Hall Cemetery with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home of Van Buren, AR.
MARIANNA, ARKANSAS: Dempsey Louis Spain, 81, died June 18, 2008. He was born September 30, 1926 to Fonnie Edward Spain and Ethel Mae Boswell Spain. He was a carpenter. He is survived by his sons, David Brian Spain of Coldwater, MS, and Donald Louis Spain and wife Pat of Moro, AR; his daughters, Kayla C. Bonds of Memphis, TN, and Gwen Fisher and husband Neal of Marianna; 4 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. Interment was at Marianna Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
SMACKOVER, ARKANSAS: William Spain, 87, died November 6, 1957 in Smackover. He was a retired gardener, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Survivors include a son, Roy Spain of Smackover; a brother, Frank Spain of Lockwood, MO; 7 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Interment was at the Smackover Cemetery under the direction of Barton Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Anna Spang, 63, died March 19, 1928. She was survived by two children, a son and a daughter. Interment was at Dug Hill Cemetery.
LESLIE, ARKANSAS: Ulie Steve Spangler died June 6, 1944. He was born July 25, 1924. He died in an airplane crash while serving World War II. Interment was at the Old Leslie Cemetery.
REDFIELD, ARKANSAS: Mary D'Lane Spann, 43, died March 7, 2008. She was born November 4, 1964. She attended Orion Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by her parents, Jerry and Mary Spann; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Romona and Jeff Jackson and Jeannette and Kevin Minyard; a brother and sister-in-law, Jerry and Jennifer Spann; her nieces, Rebecca Jackson and Rosalyn Minyard; her nephews, Jeffrey Jackson, Jr. and wife Jessica, Christopher Minyard, Johnny Spann, and Riley Spann; two great-nieces, Lindzy Mcllwain and Jacey Jackson; her aunts and uncles; her cousins; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her grandparents, J.R. and Gladys Spann, Lester and Louise Drew, and Goldie Drew. Services were held at Orion Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at Orion Cemetery.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Mabel A. Spaulding, 85, died March 23, 2005. She was a homemaker, and attended St. Paul United Methodist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Janet Solesbee of Greenwood; two sons, Wayne and Greg Spaulding, both of Greenwood; 6 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clyde Spaulding, Sr.; and a son, Clyde Spaulding, Jr. Services were held at Putman Funeral Home Chapel with burial at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith, AR.
AUGUSTA, ARKANSAS: Tonia Delores Spaunhorst, 61, died June 28, 2008. She was born May 15, 1947 to George Adam and Elnora Aida Little Johnson. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Ben and Tonya Spaunhorst of Bald Knob, and Eric and Annetta Spaunhorst of Fort Riley, KS; three brothers, Tom Johnson, Jack Johnson, and George Ray Johnson; a sister, Phyllis Watson; 7 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Powell Funeral Home.
ROLAND, ARKANSAS: Lottie Belle Spaunhurst, 96, died May 6, 2009. She was born April 26, 1913. She is survived by two daughters, Margaret Hudson and Carolyn Rogers, both of Roland; 14 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; 7 great-great grandchildren; and her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bill; her parents; five brothers; two grandsons; and a great-great-grandson. Interment was at Kennerly Cemetery under the direction of Little Rock Funeral Home.
HIWASSE, ARKANSAS: Lutie Beaird Spears, 97, died July 7, 2005. She was born January 14, 1908 to James Madison and Martha Eliza Elkins Beaird. She was a former dairy farmer and nurse's aide. She enjoyed fishing, gardening, cooking and sewing. She was a charter member of the First Baptist Church of Hiwasse. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Howard W. and Kathleen Spears of Hiwasse; five daughters and her sons-in-law, Joan Day of Rogers, Wanda and Ron Trembly of Maysville, Betty Red of Bentonville, Charlotte and David Spear of Bentonville, and Patricia and Jerald Boling of Gravette; a daughter-in-law, Shirley Spears of Gravette; a sister, Jasper B. Hoover of Sherwood; 15 grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren; and 15 step great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Varner Spears; two sons, James R. Spears and Charles Marvin Spears; a grandson, Jeffery Paul Wilbur; a son-in-law, Bill Red; three brothers, Boyer Elkins Beaird, James Ronald "Mutt" Beaird, and William Curtis "Jeff" Beaird; and three sisters, Loleta McCullough, Doyle Fuller, and Margaret Bedgood. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Hiwasse. Burial was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery with arrangements by Backstrom-Pyeatte Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Edith Bryant Speck, 79, died November 16, 2004. She was born April 12, 1925 to Jasper and Dora McMillion Pennington. She was a retired poultry lab technician for the State of Arkansas, and was also a homemaker. She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary, and was a Protestant. She is survived by her husband, Garland Speck; two sons, David Speck of Rogers and Larry Speck of Springdale; two brothers, Ardell Pennington and Vanis Pennington, both of Springdale; and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at Friendship Cemetery with Paul Woodhouse officiating. Arrangements were handled by Sisco Funeral Chapel.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ben Spector, 93, died July 1, 2005. He was born January 14, 1912 in Kodnya, Ukraine, and became a United States citizen in 1921. He engaged in a fifty-plus year career in the fur industry. He was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1943, and served with distinction during World War II under General Patton. He fought in France, Belgium and Germany. He returned to Little Rock in 1949 and opened Ben Spector Furs with his wife Rose. He was awarded the title of "Master Furrier". He belonged to the Y.B.M.A, the North Little Rock Elks Club, and was president of Congregation Agudath Achim for several years. Survivors include his wife, Rose Love Spector; two sons, Robert Spector of Little Rock, and Arthur Spector of Las Vegas, NV; and three grandchildren, Andy Spector of Chicago, IL, Jeffrey Spector of Little Rock, and Stacey Spector of San Jose, CA. Interment was at Oakland Cemetery with arrangements by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
CLINTON, ARKANSAS: Wanda B. Speed, 87, died on March 21, 2006. She was born January 18, 1919 to the late Henry G. Barlow and Lue M. Bogue Barlow. She was the widow of Walter D. Speed. She was a retired real estate broker, and was a Methodist. She is survived by a nephew, J.C. Sayers; and nieces Donna L. Lockner and Patsy Sayers of Norman, OK; several other relatives; and three special friends, Eddie Passmore, Becky Baker, and Jean Larson. She was preceded in death by her husband; and by her siblings. Interment was at Hunter Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home.
FORDYCE, ARKANSAS: Orlin Wayne Speer, 77, died November 21, 2009. He was born April 11, 1932 to the late Robert and Audrey Moore Speer. He was a retired foreman at Georgia-Pacific. He attended Tinsman First Baptist Church. He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Monica and Randall Jones of Fordyce; two sisters, Shirley Hughes of Parsons, TN and Sue Palmer of Hurst, TX; 2 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; his nieces and nephews; and his friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Bettye Dove Williams Speer. Burial was at Newton Cemetery by Benton Funeral Home.
CENTERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Vivian Lucille Speer, 78, died November 12, 2006. She was born June 11, 1928 to the late Fillmore Sanders and Lena Rodgers Sanders. She was a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie #3928. Survivors include her sons, James "Butch" Speer of Centerville, and David L. Speer and wife Jody of West Des Moines, IA; 9 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James A. Speer. Interment was at Forest Hills Memorial Park with arrangements by Griffin Leggett Forest Hills Funeral Home.
HENSLEY, ARKANSAS: Robert Ernest Speights, 92, died November 29, 2002. He retired from Buckeye Oil Company. Survivors include a daughter, Evelyn Croy (Charles) of Redfield; two sons, Bob Speights of Hensley, and Gene Speights (Sandy) of Sherwood; 6 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary A. Speights; and a grandson, Dewayne Speights. Interment was at Orion Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Drummond Funeral Home.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Adele Raishel Speltz, 84, died March 17, 2003. She was born May 26, 1918 to Matt and Annie Fabacar Raishel. She was a Roman Catholic, and was active in the National Council of Catholic Women. She was a Eucharistic Minister and volunteered in the church gift shop. She was a member of the Hospital Guild, the Hollow Garden Club, the Mountain Echoes Club, the Emblem Club, and the Eureka Quilters. She enjoyed sewing, crafts, quilting, line-dancing and and square dancing. She was the widow of Nicholas Peter Speltz. Survivors include a son, Charles Speltz and wife Roberta of Denver, CO; two daughters, Susan Feltus and husband David of Hopkinton, NH, and Sheila Speltz of Lawrenceville, GA; two grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and a sister, Ann James of Mountain Home. A memorial Mass was said at St. Elizabeth Parish Hall with the Rev. Thomas Arackal presiding. Cremation arrangements were handled by Nelson Funeral Service.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Anita Spencer died November 4, 2009. She was born March 30, 1940 to the late Alice Pace. She was a certified nursing assistant at Hudson Nursing Home. Survivors include three brothers, Freddie C. Williams (Earlie Mae) of El Dorado, Willie Williams (Dinah) of Lorain, OH, and Douglas Williams of Junction City; four sisters, Carolyn Harden (Clarence) of Irving, TX, Valarie Davis of Los Angeles, CA, and Deborah A. Smith and Barbara Paige, both of Camden; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, Jimmy; a brother, Yuang Pace; and three sisters, Freddie Mae Grant, Juanita Monk, and Beverly ElJechi. Interment was at Lott Burgy Cemetery by Sims Mortuary.
COAL HILL, ARKANSAS: Docha Hatchett Sperry, 81, died October 6, 2005. She was a home nurse. Local survivors include a son, Steve Crabtree of Coal Hill. Cremation arrangements were handled by the Hardwicke Funeral Home of Clarksville, AR.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Cecil Wayland Spicer, 74, died March 11, 2005. He was born May 25, 1930. He was a retired janitor for Cloyes Gear in Paris. He attended Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church at Crossroads. Survivors include a daughter, Marsha Mitchell of Paris; a son, James Spicer of Paris; one sister, Lucille Butler of Paris; five granddaughters; and one great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his wife, Radnia Dooley Spicer; and two daughers, Marilyn Kay Spicer and Radnia Spicer. Services were held at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. J. H. Carter and Rev. James Kinney officiating. Burial was at McKendree Cemetery with arrangements by Brotherton Brothers Funeral Home of Paris, AR.
GREENWOOD, ARKANSAS: Miro Spicer, 95, died January 30, 2006. He was a retired teacher, coach and bus driver for over thirty years at the Greenwood School District. He attended Greenwood First Baptist Church, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He is survived by a daughter, Sandra Rambo of Lavaca; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Helen Spicer. Services were held at Greenwood First Baptist Church. Burial was at Greenwood Memorial Cemetery with arrangements by McConnell Funeral Home of Greenwood, AR.
JONESBORO, ARKANSAS: Leonard Spikes died on January 6, 1936. He was born on November 14, 1898. Interment was at Lane Cemetery.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Willard Spillars, 57, died September 20, 1974 in Fayetteville. He was born August 14, 1917 in Fayetteville to John and Pearl Johnson Spillars. He was survived by his mother, Pearl Satterfield; a sister, Dorothy Morgan; and three brothers, Johnny, Paul and Leonard Spillars. Interment was at Hillcrest Cemetery in Gravette under the direction of Callison-McKinney Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Erma Lee Spiller, 42, died November 10, 2006. She was born September 14, 1964 to the late Harrison Spiller and Sarah Dedmon Spiller. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by three daughters, Camille Thomas, Ashley Thomas and Tanisha Roby, all of Little Rock; two brothers, Jesse Spiller and Willie Monroe, both of Los Angeles; and a sister, Albirda Carter of Pine Bluff. She was predeceased by two sisters, Virginia Spiller and Edna Spiller. Services were held at Brown Funeral Home in Pine Bluff, followed by burial at Forest Lawn Memorial Garden.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Margaret T. "Peg" Spitler, 81, died January 9, 2005. She was born April 30, 1923 to the late Jess and Lucie Colhoon Mott. She attended Wye Mountain Baptist Church in Perryville, and enjoyed gardening. She is survived by two daughters, Peggy Spitler of Conway and Patsy Harmon of Logansport, IN; and a son, Jack Ogden of Logansport, IN. She was preceded in death by her husband, Billy Spitler, Sr.; and two sons, Billy Spitler II and Donald Bellanca. Interment was at Oak Grove Cemetery with Bro. Robert Edders officiating. Arrangements were handled by Roller McNutt Funeral Home of Conway, AR.
BERRYVILLE, ARKANSAS: Gerald E. Spitze, 70, died May 30, 2003. He formerly owned Braswell Printing in Berryville, and was a member of the United Methodist Church. He was a military veteran of the Korean Conflict. He was born January 12, 1933 to Wesley and Gracie McLoud Spitze. Survivors include his wife, Doris Walton Spitze; a son, Mike Spitze of Green Forest; two daughters, Jan and her husband, Ray Eubandks of Monette, MO, and Loretta Tanner of the home; two brothers, Elmer and his wife, Bettie Spitze of Lincoln, IL, and Robert and his wife, Hazel Spitze of Chapin, IL; a sister, Dora and her husband Nolan McCall of Berryville; 3 grandchildren; an aunt, Thelma Crow of Berryville; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Wesley and Gracie Spitze. Interment was at Berryville Memorial Park with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
STAMPS, ARKANSAS: Jane Spivey, 62, died January 19, 2005. She was born March 17, 1942. She retired from the Alan White Company, and was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her husband, Huey Spivey of Buckner; a daughter and son-in-law, Nita and Robert Lewis of Buckner; a daughter-in-law, Lesby and husband Raymond Garland of Buckner; a brother, Kenneth and Doris Sneed of Hot Springs; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Stamps with Bro. Charles Leslie and Bro. Charlie Warren officiating. Burial was at Buckner Cemetery.
ST. VINCENT, ARKANSAS: Martha Louise Wiedower Sponer, 94, died April 28, 2007. She was born August 23, 1912 to William Wiedower and Josephine Zimmerman Wiedower. She was a homemaker, and attended St. Mary Catholic Church in St. Vincent. Survivors include three sons, Raymond and Barbara Sponer, and Neil Sponer and James Sponer of St. Vincent; four daughters, Mary Wells of St. Vincent; Charlotte Rohlman and Connie Kersten of Morrilton, and Betty Rossi of Center Ridge; a brother, Joe Wiedower of El Cajon, CA; three sisters, Freda Hicks, Pauline Koelker, and Tina Howard, all of Granite City, IL; 21 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Emanuel Frank Sponer. Services were held at St. Mary Catholic Church with Fr. Jim Burnie officiating. Burial was at St. Mary Cemetery with arrangements by Harris Funeral Home.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Elmer Spoon, 75, passed away June 17, 2005. He was born June 19, 1929. He was a retired heavy equipment operator. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Melba Spoon; two daughters, Debra Spoon of Albuquerque, NM, and Flora Erwin of Uniontown; three sons, Robert and Dale, both of LaPorte, TX, and Rocky of Van Buren; three sisters, Margie English of Muldrow, Betty O'Kelly of Woodland, CA, and Erma Humphrey of Sallisaw; 14 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Dripping Springs Cemetery with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home of Van Buren, AR.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: William Henry Spotten, 57, died August 10, 2008. He was born September 6, 1950 in Chicago to William H. and Chloe Clark Spotten. He was a retired mechanic, and was of the Catholic faith. He is survived by his children, David L. Spotten, William H. Spotten, and Christopher W. Spotten of Rogers; and several stepchildren. Interment was at Sonora Cemetery under the direction of Westfield Chapel.
BRYANT, ARKANSAS: J.W. Spradlin, 54, died August 8, 1980. He was a heavy equipment operator, and a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. He was a member of the First Baptist Church and the VFW. Survivors include his wife, Mary Jones Spradlin; three daughters, Rebecca Young of Plummerville, and Rhonda K. Spradlin and Nicki R. Spradlin, both of Bryant; two sons, Ervin W. Nichols of North Little Rock and Rodney J. Spradlin of Bryant; his mother, Mary Spradlin of Arkadelphia; a sister, Ora Mae Davis of Texarkana; two brothers, T.J. "Dan" Spradlin and J.C. Spradlin, both of Arkadelphia; and 3 grandchildren. Burial was at Smyrna Cemetery in Clark County with arrangements by Ashby Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Anna Sprang, 63, died March 19, 1928. She was survived by a son and a daughter. Burial was at Dug Hill Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Wilborn Spratt, 72, died September 2, 2002. He was born May 15, 1930 to the late Pink Spratt and Lela Brice. Survivors include his wife, Ethel Spratt; a son, Willie Earl Spratt of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Jackie Elane Spratt of Pine Bluff; three stepsons, Clifford Sholars of Austin, TX, Jerome Morrow of Los Angeles, and Earl Morrow of Pine Bluff; three sisters, Davie Mays of Compton, CA, and Leti Mitchell and Ruthie Griffin, both of Texarkana, TX; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three brothers; and two sisters. Services were held at Pine Bluff Mortuary with Rev. James Wilkerson officiating. Burial was at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
DIERKS, ARKANSAS: Willard Leroy Spray, 70, died January 29, 2009. He was born August 8, 1938 to Audie and Racheal Fultner Spray. He was a night guard for Federal Compress. He is survived by his children, Willard Leo Spray of Trumann, Brenda Kay Spray, Leamon Hardy Spray, and Timothy DeWayne Spray, all of Dierks, and Carolyn Dees of Frostproof, FL; a brother, Tommy Spray of Trumann; a sister, Darlene Dulaney of Trumann; 16 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren and his nieces and nephews. Spray was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Ellen Authetta Goodwin Spray; two brothers, Leamon Spray and Ernest Spray; and two sisters, Joyce Link and Jewell Bateman. Cremation arrangements were handled by Wilkerson Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Doris Springer, 93, passed away on January 20, 2006. She was the retired co-owner of the Springer Grocery. She attended the First United Methodist Church. She was the widow of Glenn Springer. She is survived by a brother, John Hogan of Oklahoma City, OK. Graveside services were held at Oak Cemetery with arrangements by Edwards Funeral Home.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Bernard Rex Springston, 82, died December 22, 2002. He was a brick mason. He is survived by his wife, Mary Bailey Springston; two sons, Richard Springston of Dardanelle and Bill Springston of Cardwell; a daughter, Cathy Stuhldreher of Mesa, AZ; 20 grandchildren; and 27 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons, Daniel Springston and Keith Springston; a daughter, Barbara Springston; and his parents. Burial with military honors was at Thompson Cemetery under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ann Squashic, 81, died October 9, 2004. She was a Jehovah's Witness. She is survived by four daughters, Lana Crews of West Memphis, Barbara Francis of North Little Rock, Sharon Shaw Young of Allen, Texas, and Mary Susan Entwhisle of Lakewood, Wash.; a son, John W. Squashic, Jr. of Rahway, N.J.; two sisters, Lorraine Broach of Sherwood and Alean Clark of Forrest City; 8 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and a host of friends and family. Services were held at Huson Funeral Home in Sherwood with Bro. Ray Armstrong presiding.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Emerson Ralph Squires, 82, died November 17, 2005. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, and belonged to the Carpenters' Union. Survivors include his wife, Melba; two daughters, Billie Sue Berna of Dyer and Kathy E. Morgan of Van Buren; two sons, Rodney Squires of Alma and Terry Squires of Van Buren; a sister, Frances Cecil of Van Buren; 12 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Interment was at Chastian Cemetery with arrangements handled by Ocker Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: James Srbeny, 85, died April 26, 2005. He was born September 6, 1919 to Anton and Mary Srbeny. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He worked as an electrician for Exelon for over forty years, and was a member of Ozark VFW Post #3246, the American Legion, and the Electrical Workers Benefit Association. He attended St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church. Among the survivors are his wife of 59 years, Josephine Bator Srbeny of Mountain Home; a daughter, Karen (John) Langner of Woodstock, Illinois; grandchildren, Samantha Langner and Jenifer Langner; and two nieces. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers; and four sisters. A funeral Mass was held at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church, followed by burial at Kirby's Tucker Memorial Mausoleum with military honors. Arrangements were handled by Kirby-Boaz Funeral Directors.
BUCKNER, ARKANSAS: Arthur Gene Srebalus, Sr., 63, died December 3, 2005. He was born December 6, 1941. He was an electrician and a construction worker. Among the survivors are two sons, Arthur Srebalus, Jr. and wife Donna of Magnolia, and Steven Srebalus and wife Cristin of Jacksonville, AR; two daughters, Jeanette Srebalus of Buckner, and Sharon Srebalus of Stamps, AR; three brothers, Albert Srebalus of Lakeview, AR, Walter Srebalus of Garfield, AR, and Edward Srebalus of Sulphur Springs, TX; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Darlene. Services were held at the chapel of Smith Funeral Home in Stamps, AR with interment of cremains at Lakeside Cemetery.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Fletcher Srygley, 88, died December 17, 2009. He was born June 18, 1921 to Osce M. and Wilhelmina Strider Srygley. He was a member of the Church at Rock Creek. He is survived by two daughters, Carolyn Brown (Tommy) of Mabelvale, and Judy Buie (Turner) of Little Rock; 4 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; a brother, Jim Srygley of Chatham, NJ; two sisters, Mina Godden of Merritt Island, FL, and Ann Stitt of Chandler, AZ; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife of 65 years, Edna Srygley; a sister, Lucille Peacock; and a brother, Ed Srygley. Arrangements were handled by Little Rock Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Anderson Stackhouse died February 4, 1945. He was born May 6, 1880. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Bertie Estelle Stacy, 78, died July 20, 1990 at her residence. She was born December 25, 1912. She was a member of the First General Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, A.C. Stacy and Fred Stacy, Jr., both of Trumann; two brothers, James Haynes of Pocahontas, and Beachum Haynes of Trumann; a sister, Mrs. Chester Mann of St. Louis; 3 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred C. Stacy. Interment was at Oaklawn Cemetery with arrangements by Thompson Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Verelene Staggers, 69, died November 29, 2005. She is survived by two sons, Lee Otis and David R. McFadden; six brothers, Lewis, Lumas, Pete, and David Kendrick, and Rollie and Charles Winston; seven sisters, Algerine Watson, Jerelene Ward, Shirley Green, Lois Parker, and Ronda, Donna and Sarah Kendrick; 10 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Marilyn McFadden. Services were held at Woods Temple Church of God In Christ. Arrangements were handled by Ruffin and Jarrett Funeral Home.
BALD KNOB, ARKANSAS: Luma Opal Staggs, 90, died February 18, 2007. She was born February 18, 1917 to the late Jim and Sarah Southerland. She retired from Arkansas General Industries. She was a member of New Bethel General Baptist Church for over 75 years. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, W.L. "Bud" Staggs; a son, Harold Staggs; her grandchildren, Kristie Staggs and Patty Long; and sons-in-law, Ottis Dunn and Dwight Gordon. She is survived by her daughters, Kathleen Gordon of Bald Knob, and Fredda (Bill) Love; her sons, Glenn (Patricia) Staggs and Terry (Margie) Staggs, all of Searcy, a daughter-in-law, Sue Staggs of Niles, MI; her grandchildren and step-grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great grandchildren. Services were held at New Bethel General Baptist Church. Burial was at Shady Grove Cemetery under the direction of Powell Funeral Home.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Zinnia Alice Stairs, 96, died February 14, 2009. She was the daughter of the late Rufus and Christine Gribble. She was a Baptist. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Jerry and Patsy Stairs of Lebanon, TN; two daughters and a son-in-law, Janis Stairs of Paragould, and Joyce and Fred Heiliger of Gladwin, MI; 8 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; 4 great-great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Talmer Stairs; a son, Jimmy Stairs; her parents; a granddaughter, Lorrisa Stairs; a great-granddaughter, Jennifer Booth; a great-grandson, January Love Stairs; and eleven siblings. Interment was at New Hope Cemetery at Pollard with arrangements by Heath Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Grover Wesley Stallsworth, 65, died August 21, 2009. He was born June 2, 1944 to the late Amos and Elsie Stallsworth. He is survived by a daughter, Christie (Donald) Harrison of Bryant; two sons, Joel Stallsworth and Justin Stallsworth, both of Cabot; 3 grandchildren; three sisters, Nancy Bailey, Linda Underwood and Phyllis Stewart; a brother, Charley Stallsworth; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife of 36 years, Barbara Outlaw Stallsworth. Interment was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
HENSLEY, ARKANSAS: Evie L. Standard, 76, died December 29, 2002. She was a retired florist, and was a member of the First Lutheran Church. Survivors include a daughter, Jana Workman (Sterling) of Hensley; two sisters, Alyce Henslee of Gridley, KS, and Sarah Barnard of Hephzibah, GA; and 4 grandchildren. Services were held at First Lutheran Church in Little Rock. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery under the direction of Huson Funeral Home.
HERMITAGE, ARKANSAS: Sammie L. Standard, 82, died August 10, 2004. He was born October 7, 1921 to the late Ardis L. Standard and Emma Huitt Standard. He was a farmer and a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He attended Eagle Lake Crossroads Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Linda Dean Standard; two stepsons, Tim Vines of Hermitage and Gary Vines of Ingalls, AR; a stepdaughter, Vickie Reynolds of Hermitage; 6 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Union Hill Baptist Church. Burial was at Union Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Frazer's Funeral Home of Warren, AR.
FORDYCE, ARKANSAS: Alfred B. Stanfield, 76, died January 16, 2005. He was born August 15, 1928 to the late Jewell Henry Stanfield and Ludie Word Stanfield. He served in the Air Force during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and retired after 30 years of service. He also retired from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department after 10 years of service. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Fordyce. Survivors include two brothers, Jewell Stanfield of Table Rock, MO and Rex Stanfield of Fordyce; and five sisters, Catherine Kelley of Ferriday, LA, Louise Hall of Jacksonville, Ann Breazeale of Millbrook, AL, Ruby Sellers of Atlanta, and Jeane Feaster of Soddy Daisy, TN. He was preceded in death by his wife, Laura Mae Stanfield; and his parents. Services were held at Benton Funeral Home in Fordyce with Rev. David Dillard officiating. Burial was at Ebenezer Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Toussaint L'Ouverture Stanfield, 58, died May 8, 2002. He was born August 14, 1943 to the late Lloyd George Stanfield and Jessie Nall Stanfield. In his youth, he was a school football player. He was a graduate of Tyler Barber College in Little Rock, and was also a licensed electrician. Additionally, he worked installing heating and air conditioning units. He owned A&S Electric. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church. He is survived by two sons, Floyd Stanfield and Dilan A. Stanfield, both of Pine Bluff; a daughter, Kristie T. Stanfield of Pine Bluff; a brother, Lloyd G. Stanfield of Pine Bluff; a sister, Katryne S. Horton of Pine Bluff; and one grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife, Erma Holly Stanfield. Services were held at Pine Hill Baptist Church with the Rev. Louis Williams, Jr. officiating. Burial was at P.K. Miller Cemetery with arrangements by Perry Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: James A. Stanley, Jr., was killed in action during World War II on January 18, 1945. He was born December 17, 1921. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Roy L. Stanley, 61, died February 5, 1980. He was born June 7, 1918 to Vernon and Lisa Tyree Stanley. He was a farmer, and attended the Church of Christ. He was a World War II veteran. He was survived by his wife, Lucretia Morris Stanley; two sons, Dennis Stanley and Terry Stanley; two daughters, Connie Brown and Joyce Phillips; his father, Vernon Stanley; a brother, Max Stanley; two sisters, Evelyn Center and Lorene Asher; and 12 grandchildren. Burial was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville under the direction of Luginbuel Funeral Home.
WARREN, ARKANSAS: Ethel Janet Wright Staples, 92, died August 3, 2002 at her residence. She was born February 10, 1910 to R.R. and Margie Word Wright. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Margie Ruth and J.C. Moseley of Warren; 2 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by four brothers, Everett, Carl, Roy, and R.A. Wright. Interment was at Smith Morgan Cemetery under the direction of Benton Funeral Home of Fordyce, AR.
LINCOLN, ARKANSAS: Edward Eugene Stark, 26, died September 1, 1992. He was born November 11, 1965 to Carl and Betty Pittman Stark. He worked for the Allen Canning Company, and was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his parents; a brother, Kevin Stark; a sister, April Phillips; his maternal grandmother, Barbara Pittman; his paternal grandfather, Carl B. Stark; and his paternal step-grandparents, Luther and Ermadean Young. Burial was at Dutch Mills Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
QUITMAN, ARKANSAS: Mildred O. Stark died July 9, 1944. She was born February 26, 1914. Burial was at Goodloe Cemetery.
MAYNARD, ARKANSAS: Leona Starkweather, 76, died September 23, 2008. She was born September 11, 1932. She is survived by a daughter, Ann Sebastian of Toney, AL; her mother, Willie Thomas; a sister, Larue Wilson of Pocahontas; a brother, Steve Thomas of Galveston, TX; 2 grandsons; and a special friend, Robert Harris. She was preceded in death by two sons, Michael and Kevin McGowan; a sister, Shirley Anderson; and her father, Mont Thomas. Services were held at Maynard Methodist Church. Arrangements were handled by McNabb Funeral Home.
MAGAZINE, ARKANSAS: Addie Z. Haller Starling, 90, died April 8, 2005. She attended Reveille Primitive Baptist Church. Survivors include two daughters and sons-in-law, Willa Dean and Robert Wingfield of North Little Rock, and Carolyn and Harold Holt of Magazine; a brother, J.L. Haller of Magazine; 5 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Willard Starling; four sisters, Ovene Starling, Virginia Napier, Geneva Davis and Vera Lee Beck; two brothers, Wayne Dean Haller and Sinclair Haller; and two great-grandsons. Interment was at Evans Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, ARKANSAS: Elvis Wade Starnes, 50, died August 1, 2006. He was born May 20, 1956 to Alvin Eugene "Gene" and Viola Moody Starnes. He attended the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church, and worked as an automobile body repairman. Survivors include his mother; a son, Chris Starnes of Sikeston, MO; two daughters, April (David) Kincaid and Kristy (Billy) Wicker, all of Blytheville; four grandchildren; four brothers, Roger (Gina) Starnes of Pleasant Grove and Brian, Danny and Randy, all of Mountain View; and a special friend, Ethel Warren of Port Charlotte, FL. He was preceded in death by his father; a sister, Joy Starnes; and a son, Shannon Starnes. Service were held at Lighthouse Pentecostal Church with Sister Olivee Watters officiating. Interment was at Lighthouse Cemetery with arrangements by Roller-Crouch Funeral Home.
LONOKE, ARKANSAS: Elder Walter St. Clair, 93, died May 17, 2003. He was pastor of the Church of Jesus Christ, Lonoke. He is survived by a sister, Gertrude Woods of Lonoke. Services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ, followed by interment at Johnson Cemetery in Jacksonville. Arrangements were handled by Boyd Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Cyrus Persia "Tobe" Stearns, 85, died February 23, 1938 at his home. He was born August 10, 1852 in Osceola, MO to Stinson Stearns, a native of Maine, and Minerva Stearns, who was born in Missouri. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. E.B. Cummings and Mrs. Will Anderson of Springdale, and Miss Bess Stearns of the home; and two brothers, Charles Stearns of near Fayetteville, and Mose Stearns of Twin Falls ID. The pallbearers were Sid Stearns, Carl Stearns, Bryan Stearns, all nephews; and Paul and Edward Cummings and Joe Kimball, all grandsons. Burial was at Stearns Cemetery north of Fayetteville under the direction of Moore's Chapel.
SCOTT, ARKANSAS: Ida Mae Eagle Stecks passed away March 6, 2005. Born October 13, 1916 to Ida May Bevis and William Charles Eagle, she was preceded in death by all her siblings, sisters, Edith Eagle and Frances Gateley McRae; brothers, Dan, C.F. "Todd", Walter, Shelby and Oscar "Bill" Eagle. Mrs. Stecks and her husband of 68 years, Carl were farmers in Scott, AR. She is survived by her husband, Carl; her children, Carl, Jr. "Freddie" and Jane Stecks, Michael and Jo Anne Stecks, Brenda and Randall Smith; Grandchildren, Carl III "Trey" Stecks and sons, Carl IV "Quad" and Ethan; Greg Stecks, Leigh and Brendan Quirk and children Lily and James; Kevin and Alecia Stecks; Michael Stecks, Jr. and daughter Kennedy; Ami Stecks; Sarah, Stephen, Ben and Eric Smith; sister-in-law, Eunice Watson of England and many nieces and nephews. Services were held at Lonoke United Methodist Church. Burial was at Lonoke Cemetery with arrangements by Boyd Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Mildred Pickett Steed, 79, died June 15, 2009. She was born October 16, 1929 to William John Pickett and Laura Mae Anders Pickett. She was an LPN, and formerly worked for Stuttgart Memorial Hospital. She retired from Jefferson Regional Medical Center. She attended Grand Avenue United Methodist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Ginger Moore of Stuttgart; a son, James Terry Steed (Beverly) of Bryant; a brother, Charles Pickett of Camden; 4 granddaughters; 2 great-grandsons; and her longtime companion, C.P. Kirkpatrick of Stuttgart. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, James M. "Jim" Steed; two sisters, Mavene Toll and Lorene Gaskin; and four brothers, Hugh, Robert, Ray and Everett Pickett. Interment was at Lone Tree Cemetery under the direction of Turpin Funeral Home.
CALION, ARKANSAS: Charles Douglas Steele, 37, died April 6, 1968. He was born January 5, 1931 in Norphlet, AR to Walter Steele, Sr. and Maggie Lyles Steele. He was a member of Calion Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Margaret Steele; a daughter, Deborah A. Steele; his stepmother, Mrs. Minnie Moates; a brother, Walter Steele, Jr.; and a stepbrother, Lloyd Ellison. Interment was at Arlington Memorial Park under the direction of Pratt Funeral Home.
BENTON, ARKANSAS: Geneva O. Lincoln Steele, 96, died January 12, 2007. She was born May 17, 1910 to the late W.F. and Pearl Lincoln. She is survived by a son, Kenneth Steele and wife Joan of Benton; 3 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; and a great-great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ralph Steele; a brother, W.P. Lincoln; and a sister, Margie Davila. Interment was at New Rosemont Cemetery with Rev. George McCoy officiating. Arrangements were handled by Ashby Funeral Home.
WALDO, ARKANSAS: James Steele, 85, died December 26, 2004 at his home. He was born October 14, 1922 in Minden to the late Dobby and Ollie Steele. Survivors include two daughters, Cherry and Katherine Steele, both of Dallas; a son, Michael Steele of Dallas; 23 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents. Interment was at Cedar Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Henderson's Mortuary.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Samuel Webster Steele, 91, died March 9, 1989. He was born May 3, 1897 to John and Harriet Burk Steele. He was a World War I veteran. He was a farmer, and attended the Holiness Church. He is survived by his wife, Pearl Bolinger Steele; four sons, Duane Steele, Dwight Steele, Arthur Steele and Leon Steele; a daughter, Helen Tait; a sister, Sarah Garton; 10 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Whorton Creek Cemetery with arrangements by Brashears Funeral Home.
AUSTIN, ARKANSAS: Alfred Leo "A.L." Steffen, 83, died November 16, 2008. He was born April 10, 1925 to the late Felix Steffen and Anna Maly Steffen. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He is survived by a daughter, Gwen Fasol of Austin, AR; a son, Gregory Steffen of Dallas, TX; a sister, Helen Ambrose of Pittsburgh, PA; 2 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Cremation arrangements were handled by Moore's Cabot Funeral Home.
CALION, ARKANSAS: Harry Augustus Steffen, Jr., 62, died February 2, 1997 at the Medical Center of South Arkansas. He was born June 20, 1934 in Pine Bluff to Harry A. Steffen, Sr. and Ethel Lee Loven Steffen. He worked for Cooper Engineered Products. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and a member of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. Survivors include a daughter, Mary C. Barber of Calion; a son, Harry A. Steffen III; and 3 grandchildren. Interment was at Arlington Memorial Park by Young's Funeral Directors.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: John J. Stehle, 77, of Paris, died November 25, 2007. He was born September 28, 1930 to the late John and Katherine Stehle. He was a dairy, poultry and cattle farmer. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean Conflict, and was a member of the Catholic War Veterans. He was a 1948 graduate of Subiaco Academy, and was a lifelong member of St. Benedict's Catholic Church in Subiaco, where he served as a Eucharistic Minister. He is survived by his wife, Mary E. Stehle; six daughters, Theresa Rogers and Pam Stehle, both of Little Rock, Janet Glass of Fort Smith, Barbara Edquist of Conway, JoAnn Kraus of Russellville, and Ruth Conrad of San Antonio, TX; three sons, Stephen Stehle of Paris, Carl Stehle of Subiaco, and Brian Stehle of Magazine; two sisters, Ann Martin of Paris and Rose Spanel of Lavaca; and 13 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a brother, Tony Stehle. Services were held at St. Benedict's Catholic Church. Burial was at St. Benedict's Cemetery in Subiaco by Roller Funeral Home.
EARLE, ARKANSAS: Jessie Mae Stein, 90, died December 27, 2007. She was born September 19, 1917. She was a retired grocery store owner, and attended the First United Methodist Church of Earle. Survivors include a son, George R. Stein of Earle; three sisters, Florence Norris of Searcy, Blanche Crook of Parkin, AR, and Sherrel Knight of South Carolina. She was preceded in death by her husband, George E. Stein. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: Sheridan Stein, 92, died May 22, 2009. He was born November 24, 1916. He was a businessman in Chicago until his retirement to Arkansas. He was a military veteran of World War II. He is survived by his wife, Jean Butcher Stein; four children, Sheridan Richard Stein, Mark Stein, Celeste Saltzman, and Greg Stein; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Bella Vista Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Howard H. Steinbeck, age 85, died December 8, 2006. He was a World War II veteran and served in the U.S. Navy. Survivors include his wife, Margie Steinbeck; a brother, Homer Steinbeck; and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia Steinbeck; his parents, Henry and Kitty Mae Steinbeck; and brothers, Ernie Cameron, Ed, Harry, and Mike Steinbeck. Interment was at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in West Helena with arrangements by Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Willard Steinheil died October 23, 1944. He was a casualty of World War II. He was born April 29, 1919. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery.
ALMA, ARKANSAS: Willie Mae Steinsiek, 88, died February 4, 2007. She was a member of the Alma United Methodist Church. Survivors include two granddaughters, Traci Jackson of Natural Dam and Denise Hitcher of Ozark; and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Steinsiek; and a daughter, Sandra Sue Thrasher. Services were held at the chapel of Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Van Buren.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Larry D. Stem Sr., 63, died March 23, 2007. He retired from Flanders Industries, and attended Bethlehem Freewill Baptist Church in Van Buren. Survivors include two daughters, Deletta Stem of Van Buren and Stacy Stem of Fort Smith; a son, Larry Stem, Jr. of Kibler; his mother, Mabel Stem of Fort Smith; 3 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements handled by Edwards Van-Alma Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: J. Paul Stephan, 95, died July 17, 2005. He was born February 20, 1910 to John and Nell Goldie Stephan. He was a Jehovah's Witness minister for 37 years. He worked as a tool designer for the National Cash Register Co. in Dayton, OH for over 30 years. Among the survivors are a daughter, Gloria F. Wight and her husband Herbert L. Wight of Fayetteville; 3 grandchildren, Hazel Elizabeth Carpenter and her husband, Terry Wayne Carpenter of Fayetteville, Amy Patrice Cook and her husband, Mark Cook of Tipton, IA, and Andrew Scott Wight and his wife, Bethanie Wight of Paragould; and 7 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Hazel Irene Thaxton. Services were held at the Fayetteville Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses with Kenneth Purvis officiating. Cremation arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel and Crematory.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Eleanor B. Stephen, 84, died December 25, 2002 at Northwest Medical Center in Springdale. She was born May 15, 1918 in Neosho, MO to William and Bernice Poole Morgan. She retired from Pacific Bell Telephone Company with 30 years of service, and was a member of Mount Comfort Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville. She is survived by a daughter, Mitzi Stockalper of Tontitown; a son, Ralph B. Stephen, Jr. of Salem; a brother, Bob Long of San Jose, CA; 12 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph Bennett Stephen; and a daughter, Marilyn Bisher. Cremation arrangements were handled by Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Emma B. Monk Stephens, 72, died June 4, 1957. She attended Gardner Memorial Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband of 50 years, Frank D. Stephens; four sons, Judson P. Stephens and George T. Stephens of North Little Rock, Woodrow W. Stephens of Kingston Springs, TN and Floyd M. Stephens of Cabot; five daughters, Mrs. W.W. Jones of Beebe, Mrs. Paul Womack of Cabot, Mrs. J.O. Jones of Texarkana, Mrs. J.R. Russell of North Little Rock, and Mrs. L.E. Cavender of Benton; two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Waymack and Minnie Ringgold of Cabot; a brother, Bill Monk of Cabot; 38 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Cabot Methodist Church. Burial was at Mount Carmel Cemetery.
MAUMELLE, ARKANSAs: Jenwyl D. Jackson Stephens, 79, died September 6, 2007. She attended the First United Methodist Church in Little Rock. Survivors include her husband, Walter W. Stephens of Maumelle; a daughter, June Combs and husband Bob of Gravel Ridge; her sisters, Iva Jean Durbin of Atkins and Carlene Chamblis of Greenbrier; a brother, Carroll Jackson of Morrilton; 2 grandchildren; and 2 great-granddaughters. She was preceded in death by her parents, Carl and Fatha Jackson. Services were held at the chapel of North Little Rock Funeral Home. Burial was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery.
SCRANTON, ARKANSAS: Leila Stephens, 83, died August 26, 2006. She was a retired teacher. She attended Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Subiaco. She is survived by a brother, Jerry Stephens and wife Aline of Subiaco; a sister-in-law, Rebecca Stephens of Scranton; four nieces; and two nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Gentry and Janie Spicer Stephens; and two brothers, Jimmie D. and Leon Stephens. Services were held at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at McKendree Cemetery with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Peter I. Stephens died March 7, 1862. He fought in the Civil War. Interment was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
MABELVALE, ARKANSAS: Rochell Yvonne Kerr Stephens, 64, died August 25, 2005. She was born November 22, 1940 to the late Clarence H. and Bertha V. Kerr. She was a longtime employee of the Little Rock Police Department and of Answerfone, Inc. She was predeceased by her husband, Charles A. Stephens, Sr.; a sister, Wanda K. Kerr; and a son, Aubrey Riddle III. Survivors include a brother, C.H. Kerr; and four children, Anthony G. Riddle, Chandra V. Vaughn, Kerri K. Stephens, and Charles A. Stephens, Jr.; a special friend, Mary Sample; 17 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; five nieces and nephews; and a host of family and friends. Services were held at Roller-Drummond Funeral Home in Little Rock with Rev. Mitchell Moore officiating.
DUMAS, ARKANSAS: Everett Mauney "Buck" Stephenson, 83, died January 2, 2004. He is survived by his wife, Camille Linder Stephenson; and a sister, Juanita Rowland of Dumas. He was preceded in death by a sister, Helen S. Davis. Interment was at Tyro Cemetery under the direction of Griffin Funeral Home.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Wanda Sternberg, 77, passed away July 17, 2005. Survivors include a daughter, Taria Taylor-Dodge; one granddaughter; and two great-grandsons. Services were held at Roller Chapel followed by interment at Eglantine Cemetery. Arrangements were by Roller-McNutt Funeral Home of Clinton.
HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: Robert L. Steveken, 76, died January 17, 2007. He was born May 11, 1930 to the late Frederick Steveken and Marion Garey Steveken. He was a retired terminal superintendent for Texaco, and was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus, the Sacred Heart Men's Club, Evening Lions Club, and the VFW. He enjoyed hiking, golf and tennis. He is survived by his wife, Mildred Koppy Steveken; his sons and daughters-in-law, Greg and Peggy Steveken of South Bend, IN, and Mike and Liz Steveken of Houston, TX; three daughters and sons-in-law, Susan and Steve Paeplow of Granger, IN; Molly and Ed Hinz of Niles, MN, and Sara and Jim Hoerth of Dallas, TX; two brothers, David and Tom Steveken of St. Paul, MN; and 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Ann Steveken; and two brothers, Fred and Roger Steveken. Services were held at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. Arrangements were handled by Caruth Village Funeral Home.
HOPE, ARKANSAS: Annie Bell Stevens, 103, passed away on August 21, 2001. She was born July 4, 1899. She was a midwife. Among the survivors are five grandsons, A.D. Dabbs, Jr. of Allen, TX, Otis Howard, Wade Clifford Howard, and Zoren Henry Howard all of Hope, AR; Johnny Lee Howard of Greenville, TX; 6 granddaughters, Betty Ruth Howard and Katie Mae Boyd both of Greenville, TX, Linda Emory of Hope, Bessie Howard also of Greenville, TX, Virginia Howard of Ruston, LA, and Mary Louise Key; granddaughters-in-law, Elsie Howard and Linda Howard; grandsons-in-law, Kenneth Emory and James Henderson; 98 great-grandchildren; other great great-grandchildren; and a host of relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence Stevens; a daughter, Helen Young; three grandsons, Rodger Lee Mitchell, J.B. Howard Jr., and Luther Howard; 2 granddaughters, Anna Faye Wilson and Anna Pearl Howard; and a son-in-law, J.B. Howard, Sr. Interment was at Shorter Chapel Cemetery in Blevins with arrangements by Hicks Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Grapelle Smith Stevens, 82, died on April 18, 2003. She was a retired teacher and school principal. She attended the First United Methodist Church in North Little Rock, and was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. Survivors include a daughter, Betty Flowers of Cabot; a brother, Bill Smith of Millington, Tenn.; 5 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society or to the First United Methodist Church in North Little Rock. Services were held at the North Little Rock Funeral Home Chapel, followed by burial at Rest Hills Memorial Park.
CABOT, ARKANSAS: Hilda Stevens, 70, died May 6, 2004. She is survived by her daughters, Barbara Mahoney of Floyd, Ruby Danner of Cabot, Kathy Wilk and Brenda Poore of Vilonia, Theta Chavez of Cabot; her sons, John Stevens of Ward and Terry Stevens of Madison; 23 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Moore's Jacksonville Funeral Home, followed by interment at Arkansas Memorial Gardens.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Jerry Eugene Stevenson, 55, died October 28, 2000. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his companion, Stella Jean Parks; four daughters, Lavonna and Lalonna Releford, Tiffany Parks and Pamela Jenkins, all of Fort Smith; five sons, Ricky and Anthony Releford and Anthony, Gerry and Titus Parks, all of Fort Smith; his parents, John Daniel and Essie Stevenson of Fort Smith; four sisters, Patricia Wheatt of Brooklyn, NY, and Margaret Stevenson, Paula Releford and Anntionette Lofton, all of Fort Smith; six brothers, John Edward and Daniel Paul, both of Portland, OR, Samuel and Michael, both of Fort Smith, Jarvis of Detroit, MI, and Malcolm of Vian; and 16 grandchildren. Services were held at King Solomon Baptist Church. Burial was at the U.S. National Cemetery in Fort Smith with arrangements by Rowell-Parish Mortuary of Fort Smith.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Ruby Cunningham Stevenson, 78, died April 10, 2006. She was born October 30, 1927 to the late Hosie Lee Fowler and Francis Stevenson Cunningham. She was a retired aide at the Arkansas Human Development Center, and was a longtime member of Salem Missionary Baptist Church in Conway. Survivors include two sisters, Casterene Henderson of Conway, and Lurena Henderson of St. Louis, MO; and a brother, Lonnie Cunningham of Conway. Services were held at Salem Missionary Baptist Church. Interment was at Salem Cemetery with arrangements by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Verna Coker Stevenson, 70, died February 11, 1970 at her residence. She was born October 23, 1904 in Indian Territory, Oklahoma. She was a member of the Worldwide Church of God. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Carol Best of Dallas, TX; two sons, Powell Stevenson of Florence, AL, Elton L. Stevenson of Sedalia, MO, and Earnest B. Stevenson, Jr. of Sherman, TX; four brothers, Neil Coker, Eugene Coker, Al Coker and Hugh Coker, all of Dallas, TX; two sisters, Mrs. Faunza Petree and Mrs. Florence Churchwell, both of Dallas, TX; and 9 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earnest B. Stevenson, Sr. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery by Owens Funeral Home. Note: One record gives her maiden name as Cocker, and her sister's name as Faunca.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Cleon Jones Stewart, 98, died September 28, 2002. She was born May 8, 1904. She was a retired beautician and a longtime member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include a son, Travis Stewart (Norma); two brothers-in-law, George and Sam Stewart; 2 granddaughters; a great-granddaughter; her nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd Stewart. Services were held at Eighth Street Baptist Church. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery under the direction of Ruffin and Jarrett Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Funeral services were held for Dewell David Stewart, the six-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewell Lee Stewart, on November 18, 1964. He was survived by his parents; his grandparents; and his maternal great-grandmother, Fannie Cobb. Interment was at the Bentonville Cemetery with arrangements handled by Burns Funeral Home.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Icelean Beard Stewart, 86, died June 2, 2002. She was born August 22, 1915 to the late Tommie Beard and Annie Mae Brown Beard. She attended Motley Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Hassie L. Stewart and Emogene Limuel, both of Pine Bluff; four brothers, Eddie Beard and Lonnie Beard, both of Pine Bluff, and Sammie Beard and Lugene Beard, both of Flint, Michigan; a sister, Estella Newton of Bearden; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Adolphus Stewart; four brothers, Tommie Beard, Lester Beard, Chester Beard and Nathaniel Beard; and two sisters, Beauty Mae Beard and Annie Mae Beard. Services were held at Solomon Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Wiley Shelton officiating. Burial was at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery with arrangements by P.K. Miller Mortuary.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: John Stiles died March 13, 1862. He fought in the Civil War. Burial was at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: L.D. Stiles, 86, died December 27, 2006. He was born June 6, 1920. He was a retired pipefitter, and a member of the Pipefitters' Union #100. Survivors include a son, Loyd D. Stiles of Pontotoc, MS; a daughter, Linda Nix of Arkadelphia; a sister, Josephine Watkins of Orange, TX; 6 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Alene Stiles; and a son, Todd Edwin Stiles. Interment was at Oak Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Smith Funeral Home of Stamps, AR.
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Milburn E. Stiles, 93, died December 31, 2002 in Springdale. He was born June 12, 1908 in Golden, MO to William and Dora Hill Stiles. He was a school custodian, and was of the Methodist faith. He is survived by three daughters, Louise Phillips of Humansville, MO, Faye Farwell of Eureka Springs, and Wanda Shields of Lakewood, CO; four sons, Paul Stiles of Berryville, MO, Don Stiles of Parker, CO, Bob Stiles of Great Bend, KS, and Joy Stiles of Harrington; a sister, Gladys Nance of Cassville, MO; three brothers, Ralph Stiles of Ripley, OK, Clarence Stiles of Galesburg, IL, and George Stiles of Milwaukee, OR; 25 grandchildren; his great-grandchildren; and his great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two wives, Alice Phillips Stiles and Helen Brutchin Stiles; a daughter, May Stiles; two sons, Lonnie Stiles and Ray Stiles; a brother; 2 grandsons; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Viney Creek Cemetery in Barry County, MO with arrangements by Nelson Funeral Service.
MANILA, ARKANSAS: Martha Jean Stillwell, 66, died August 24, 2007. She was the daughter of the late Earnest and Dixie Turner Evans. She was a member of the Lake City Church of God. She is survived by her husband, Vernon Stillwell; a son, Timothy Stillwell of Mount Morris, MI; six daughters, Debbie Viele of Jonesboro, Pamela Stillwell-Binder of Caro, MI, Kimberly Wallace of Stuarts Draft, VA, Angela Stillwell of Paragould, Michelle Sasser of Rose City, MI, and Jamie Lynn Williams, of Manila; 21 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Paul Evans and Leonard Evans; and two sisters, Dorothy Phillips and Linda Willmuth. Burial was at Manila Cemetery with arrangements by Howard Funeral Service.
PIGGOTT, ARKANSAS: Neeley Stinebrook, 79, died June 30, 2003. He was born August 22, 1923 to Earl and Dorothy George Stinebrook. He is survived by his wife, Norma Green Stinebrook; two daughters, Sherry Stinebrook of St. Francis, and Paulette Foster of Piggott; two brothers, Clinton Stinebrook of Millstadt, IL, and George Stinebrook of Carthage, MO; a sister, Catherine Stevens of Jackson; 4 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home with George Stinebrook officiating. Burial was at Gravel Hill Cemetery in St. Francis, AR.
PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS: Rev. Betty Ann Twining Stinson, 75, died November 7, 2002. She was born February 5, 1927 to Ray and Nellie Viola Twining. She was a retired Nazarene minister with 50 years of service, and a teacher for the Prescott Public Schools for over 35 years. She was the pastor of Liberty Church Of The Nazarene. Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Rev. K. Laverne and Janet Stinson of Harrah, OK, Dr. E. Ray Stinson of Grosse Pointe, MI, and Jerry Lee Stinson of Prescott; a daughter, LaVetta Anne Davis of Hope; two brothers, Eugene Twining of Edmond, OK and Harold Twining of Houston, TX; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Ilene and Hollis Williams of Little Rock, and Grace and James Williams of Hensley; 7 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Vernie L. Stinson. Services were held at Liberty Church Of The Nazarene. Interment was at Liberty Cemetery with arrangements by Shackelford Funeral Home.
HAMPTON, ARKANSAS: Ellen Fay Stivers, 67, died April 3, 2011. She was born November 7, 1943 in Jacksonville, AR to the late Raymond and Bernice Jenkins. She was a member of the First Assembly of God, and enjoyed crocheting and and collecting dolls. Survivors include two sons, Raymond Stivers and Dennis Stivers; four daughters, Denise Stivers, Hazel Stivers, Lori Salazar, and Polly Allen; a brother, Andrew Jenkins; 12 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis M. Stivers; a son, Danny Stivers; her parents; three brothers, Earnest, Buddy, and Jimmy Jenkins; and a sister, Inez Keister. Arrangements were handled by Powell Funeral Home.
ATKINS, ARKANSAS: Art Stokes, 84, died June 6, 2007. He was the son of the late Damon and Lessie Stokes. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Lila M. Stokes; a son, Stanley Stokes of Atkins; and seven daughters, Shirley Willett of Glendale Heights, IL, Debra Gordon of Kansas City, MO, Diane Stokes of Conway, Lori Paul of Detroit, MI, Barbara Thomas of Baytown, TX, Linda Burks of Southfield, MI, and Brenda Cummins of Atkins. Services were held at Allen Chapel AME Church with Rev. Brenda Tillman officiating. Arrangements were handled by Wilson & Jarrett Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Kenneth Howell Stokes, 78, died November 3, 2003. He was a World War II veteran and retired from Arkansas State Highway Department. He was a Methodist. He is survived by his wife, Laura Stokes of Waldron; and two sisters, Hazel Hudnell of DeKalb and Gwin Robertson of Jackson. He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stokes; a brother, C.N. Stokes; and sister, Cleo Sturgis. Services were held at the Smith Mortuary Chapel in Charleston. Burial was at St. Anthony's Cemetery in Caulksville, AR.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Linda Patricia Gail Stokes, 63, died September 22, 2008. She is survived by her husband, Clarence Stokes; two sons; a daughter; five brothers; two sisters; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Sandy Ridge Cemetery in Burdette with arrangements handled by Wilson's Funeral Home.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Henrietta Stone, 71, died December 8, 2009 at Flo Phil Jones Hospice House. She was born January 15, 1938 in Walnut Ridge to Delmar Massey, Sr. and Stella Marshall Massey. Survivors include her husband, Johnie Stone; four daughters, Lisa Foley of Walnut Ridge, Jennifer Graves of Marmaduke, and Cyndi Wood and Janie Carlile, both of Paragould; three stepdaughters, Joan Stout of Walnut Ridge, Linda Debow of Hoxie, and Brenda Birmingham of Portland, OR; two stepsons, Gary Stone of Anthem, AZ, and Larry Stone of Tonganoxie, KS; a brother, Delmar Massey, Jr., of Walcott; 19 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Pete Massey; three sisters, Bonnie Fender, Sue Cline and Mary Wilson; and a grandson. Interment was at Mount Zion Cemetery in Walcott, AR by McNabb Funeral Home.
ASH FLAT, ARKANSAS: Ray Stone, 87, died April 21, 2009. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He is survived by a daughter, Rayeana Stacy of Illiopolis, IL. Interment was at the Little Rock National Cemetery under the direction of Heath Funeral Home.
MABLEVALE, ARKANSAS: Rocky P. Stone, 53, died on January 19, 2006. He worked for Township Builders of Little Rock, AR. He is survived by his wife, Loneta Sylanouvong; and a son, James Sylanouvong, both of Mabelvale. Services were held at Chapel Hill in Jacksonville, AR. Funeral arrangements were handled by Larry G. Acklin Funeral Home.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: Sadie Stonebraker, 85, died September 26, 2005. She was a homemaker, and was a member of the Salvation Army. Survivors include three daughters, Ethel Fingerhut of Roland, Irene Juneio of Seattle, and Patsy Torres of Fort Wayne, IN; three sisters, Virgie Brown of Maud, TX, Iva Peters of Rudy, and Ann Estep of Sherwood; 11 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and 4 great-great-grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Ocker Funeral Home.
BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS: Edith Marie Herron Storms, 71, died November 27, 2004. She was born on August 16, 1933 to Connie Clarance Herron and Ida Elsie Evans Herron. She worked at the First National Bank in Little Rock for 17 years, and also worked for the First National Bank of Batesville. She attended the Hutchinson Mountain Church of Christ. She is survived by her husband, Monroe Storms; her aunts, Jesse H. Geiger, Verna Lea Clark, Marcella King, and Carman Liska; her uncles, Denver Lamons and Floyd Evans; and a host of cousins and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her parents; both sets of grandparents; and her aunts, Edith Evans and Nola McGough. Services were held at the Hutchinson Mountain Church of Christ with John Wilkins officiating. Burial was at the Palestine Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Crouch Funeral Home of Batesville, AR.
LAMAR, ARKANSAS: Virginia Joy Storms, 69, died March 4, 2005. She was born November 24, 1935 to the late Orville and Una Lewis Pigman McMillen. She attended Pittsburgh Baptist Church, where she was a secretary and treasurer. She was also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star in Lamar, in which she served three terms as Matron. She is survived by her husband, Cecil Storms, Jr.; and a daughter and son-in law, Gail Broyles and husband Jonathan of Parker, CO. Services were held at the chapel of Roller-Cox Funeral Home with the Rev. Jim Milloway officiating. Burial was at the Lamar Cemetery.
De QUEEN, ARKANSAS: Chester Persey Story, 76, died July 13, 2006 in De Queen. He was born February 7, 1930 to Houston and Dorothy Jones Story. He was a retired truck driver. Survivors include a daughter, Debbie Arndt of De Queen; two brothers, Hubert Story of Fouke and Lester Story of Burns Flat, OK; two sisters, Marie Wise of Irving, TX and Frances Hall of De Queen; and two half-brothers, Pete and Bobby Story, both of De Queen. He was preceded in death by his parents; and by his wife, Imogene Story. Graveside services were held at the Chapel Hill Cemetery with Rev. Tim Johnson officiating. Arrangements were handled by Wilkerson Funeral Home.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Donald C. Story, 72, died October 13, 2007. He was born June 2, 1935 to the late Charles Ransom Story and Edith Story Peifer. He was a maintenance man at Legacy Lodge Nursing Home. He was a Mason, and a former member of the Retreads Motorcycle Club. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, and enjoyed fishing and bowling. He is survived by his wife, Diana Story; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Kevin Dean Story of Spring, TX and Michael and Sara Hegarty of Lee's Summit, MO; three daughters and sons-in-law, Denise and Rob Isom of Decatur, IL, Jenny and Jeff Strain of Des Moines, IA, and Emily and Kirby Aadland of Lee's Summit, MO; 15 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held at Legacy Lodge Nursing Home. Cremation arrangements were handled by Shinn Funeral Service.
TRUMANN, ARKANSAS: Sarah Louise Stotts, 74, died June 14, 2007. She was born April 23, 1933 to Kelsey Bowen and Mabel Fears Bowen Byrd. She attended the Kirby Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. Survivors include a son, Daniel Huffman of Memphis, TN; three daughters, Virginia Terrell of Olive Branch, MS, Joan Malone of Hot Springs, and Tanya Moore of Oklahoma City, OK; a sister, Vivian Doyle of Jonesboro; a brother, Bobby Byrd of Harrisburg; 12 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Louran H. Stotts; her parents; and four brothers. Services were held at the chapel of Thompson Funeral Home. Burial was at Crittenden Memorial Park Cemetery.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Spencer Stoudamire, 90, of Pine Bluff died May 9, 2006. He was born July 7, 1915 to the late Charlie and Malinda Stoudamire. He was a logger and a farmer, and attended St. Luke A.M.E. Church. He is survived by two stepdaughters, Jewell Rainear of Bridgestone, N.J. and Justine Adams Williams of Chicago; three sisters, Lillie Mae Jenkins and Gladys Hill, both of Cleveland, and Mae Etta Bowie of Pine Bluff. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ethel B. Green Stoudamire; two brothers; and one sister. Services were held at St. Luke A.M.E. Church with Rev. Ida Hall Talley officiating. Burial was at St. Luke Cemetery under the direction of P.K. Miller Mortuary.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Burl Stout was killed in action during World War II. He died June 12, 1944. He was born June 23, 1921. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Edwin D. Stout, 50, died April 19, 1957. He was born February 28, 1907. He was survived by his mother, Mrs. Ed Stout; and a daughter, Mrs. Frank Cochran. Burial was at Oak Hill Cemetery with arrangements by Wasson Funeral Home.
TONTITOWN, ARKANSAS: John H. Stout, 74, died February 28, 1994. He was born September 20, 1919 to Calvin and Julia Skelton Stout. He was a member of the Fayetteville East Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, where he served as an elder. He is survived by his wife, Jean Stout; two sons, Gary Stout and Don Stout; a daughter, Laura Breshears; three brothers, Orville Stout, Wayne Stout and Erville Stout; a sister, Velma Lewis; a stepsister, Iylene Gibson; 9 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Maudie McCord Stout, 92, died Saturday April 19, 2003 at Good Shepherd Health Care Center in Little Rock. She was born February 8, 1911 in Clay County to Calvin E. McCord, Sr. and Ethel Foster McCord. She was a member of the Barrow Road Church of Christ and former resident of Randolph County, AR. Survivors include a daughter, Betty McBride of Little Rock; a sister, Armold Bickerton of Little Rock; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry Stout; two brothers, Ralph and Calvin E. McCord, Jr.; and three sisters, Kathran Vaughn, Marie Rush, and Omega Milam. Burial was at Ingram Cemetery under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
IMBODEN, ARKANSAS: Thirsa Avis Stovall, 85, died March 1, 2001. She was born June 5, 1915 to B.O. and Florence Norris Brightwell. She attended the Imboden Church of Christ. She is survived by her husband, Oscar Floyd Stovall; a son, Dale Stovall of Helena; a daughter, Barbara Woods of Imboden; three sisters, Ruby Bilbrey of Rock Falls, IL, Louise Weir of Imboden, and Imogene Hancock of Walnut Ridge; a brother, Orvel E. Brightwell of Imboden; 4 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers; four sisters; and a daughter. Services were held at the Imboden Church of Christ with Larry Kitchens officiating. Burial was at Hope Cemetery with arrangements by Bryan Funeral Home.
STUTTGART, ARKANSAS: Joe Dean Stovesand, 66, died June 2, 2009. He was born December 15, 1942 to Clarence and Geraldine Carroll Stovesand. He worked in the maintenance department of Comet Rice Mill, and attended the First Baptist Church. He is survived by his mother, Geraldine Stovesand of Stuttgart; and a sister, Mary Evans of Stuttgart. He was preceded in death by his father. A memorial service was held at Lone Tree Cemetery chapel. Arrangements were handled by Turpin Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: James Blandon Stowe, 75, died June 15, 1986. He was born June 13, 1911 to Floyd and Elizabeth Richardson Stowe. He was the manager of a Fayetteville service station. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Stowe; a son, James J. Stowe; two daughters, Joyce Stafford and Dawn DeLong; and 6 grandchildren. Services were held at the First Christian Church in Fayetteville. Cremation arrangements were handled by Memorial Funeral Home.
PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS: Girlie Jewell Cooper Stracener, 94, died February 20, 2007. She was born November 1, 1912 to Johnny Cooper and Mary Martin Cooper. She was a homemaker, and attended Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Ann Lefler and husband Bill Lefler of Plumerville; her grandsons, Dr. Steve Lefler and wife Hope of Searcy and Mike Lefler and wife Teresa of Conway; and 5 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church with Bro. Mike Lefler and Bro. Mike Cantrell officiating. Interment was at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery under the direction of Harris Funeral Home of Morrilton, AR.
PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS: Millie Poposky Strachota, 88, died November 15, 2001. She was born September 19, 1913 to the late Joseph Poposky and Marie Hannah Poposky. She was a homemaker, and had worked for the Jacksonville Arsenal and Timex during World War II. She attended St. Joseph Catholic Church, where she was a member of the Altar Society. Survivors include her husband of 55 years, Joe F. Strachota, a son, Patrick Joseph Strachota of Pine Bluff, a brother, Louis Poposky of Pine Bluff, two sisters, Ann Tucek of Arnold, MO and Frances Kasting of LeMay, MO; and a grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents; a daughter, Carolyn Strachota; and two sisters, Rosie Sofka and Mary Podgornick. Services were held at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Rev. Andrew Smith officiating. Interment was at Graceland Cemetery with arrangements by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: James Edmon Strahn, 72, died November 27, 2006. He was born July 20, 1934 to the late John Earl and Vera Ann Goats Strahn. He held a marketing degree from the University of Arkansas. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, and served in Korea. He was a retired MIS manager at Dassault Falcon Jet in Little Rock. He was a member of the Shriners for 50 years, and was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include two daughters, Lisa Allen of Little Rock, and Cynthia Strahn-Durant of Yuma, AZ; and 3 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and an infant brother. Interment was at Graceland Cemetery under the direction of Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Wilma Ovene Strain, 97, died July 17, 2004. She was born March 6, 1907 to David Vernie and Pearl Mae Meredith Thomason. She was a member of the Gamaliel Fire Department Auxiliary, and attended Clarkridge Church of Christ. She is survived by a daughter, Reba Frances Thomas of Gamaliel; a stepdaughter, Juanita Stone of Clarkridge; a sister, Irene Brown of Fort Myers, FL; a sister-in-law, Mabel Thomason of Canton, MI; a daughter-in-law, Lucille Cooper of Coleman, MI; a nephew; 3 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and her great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; two husbands, Gladys Cooper and Willie Strain; a sister, Essie Lee Adams; a brother, Vernie Everett Thomason; and two stepsons, Dwight Cooper and Iva Stone. Burial was at Maynard Bend Cemetery in Gamaliel with arrangements by Roller Funeral Home.
CONWAY, ARKANSAS: Vincent Charles Strassner, 74, died May 9, 2004. He was born October 14, 1929. Survivors include a sister, Stella Grayson of Conway; and a brother, Paul Strassner of Wildomar, CA. He was preceded in death by a brother, Norman Strassner.
A memorial Mass was held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church with Fr. Tom Byrne officiating. Burial was at the Arkansas State Veterans' Cemetery in North Little Rock, AR.
HARRISON, ARKANSAS: Tennie Bell Strawhacker, 89, died May 15, 2009. She was born April 7, 1920 to the late William H. and Nora Lamyra Self Griffin. She was a member of Shiloh Baptist Church. Survivors include her sons, T.C. Strawhacker and Mac Strawhacker, both of Fort Smith, Lonnie Strawhacker of Grady, AR, and Donnie Strawhacker of Arkansas; her daughters, Myrtle Ford of Harrison, Betty Wilson of Bellefonte, AR, Rosemary Strawhacker of Van Buren, Fern Pearson of Missouri, and Zettie Carter of Harrison; four sisters; and several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and a great-great-grandchild. She was preceded her in death by an infant daughter; 3 great-grandchildren; two brothers; and her parents. Interment was at Denning Cemetery by Coffman Funeral Home.
PARIS, ARKANSAS: Wallace Street, Sr., died August 20, 2007. He was born November 10, 1940 to Perry and Opal Brown Street. He was a retired glass cutter with Meeks Mfg. Company. He is survived by his wife, Shelby Pierson Street; two sons, Wally Street and Eric Street; two daughters, Taressa Young and Sondra Rogers; a brother, Jerry Street; 7 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. Interment of cremains was at Baxley Cemetery under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Wayne Everett Strickland, 66, died November 23, 2005. He was born October 23, 1927 to Frank Forrest and Grace June Harding Strickland. He was a WWII veteran and a pilot. He held a degree in philosophy. Among the survivors are his wife, Sharon Dawn Strickland; a son, Gregory Evan Strickland of Hanford, CA; a brother, Ed Strickland of Indiana; a sister, Iris Fairbanks of Monroe, LA; and two grandchildren. Services were held at Luginbuel Funeral Home in Prairie Grove, followed by interment at the Prairie Grove Cemetery.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Elmer Glenn Stringham, 81, died January 29, 2007. He was born July 6, 1925 to the late Lincoln and Ethel Stringham. He served during World War II with U.S. Navy Seabees. Later, he entered the sheet metal business, in which he worked for 40 years. Survivors include his wife, Coralie Stringham; two sons and daughers-in-law, Larry and Becky Stringham of Paron, AR and Rick and Darcy Stringham of North Little Rock, AR; and 5 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mary Ellen Stringham; and a daughter, Linda Tyler. Entombment was at Rest Hills Memorial Park under the direction of Griffin Leggett Rest Hills Funeral Home.
BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Levester Thomas Strong, Sr., 64, died July 28, 2010 at Great River Medical Center in Blytheville. He was born September 9, 1945. He worked as a tow truck driver, and was a U.S. Navy veteran. He was a member of Carter Temple C.M.E. Church and the Harrisonites, Inc. Survivors include three sons, Lester Rainer, Shawn Rainer and Michael Ranier, all of Blytheville; 13 grandchildren; and a close friend, Shirley M. Furlow of Blytheville. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister. Services were held at Carter Temple C.M.E. Church. Interment was at Carney Cemetery under the direction of Carney Funeral Home.
HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: Carma Albrecht Stroupe, 89, died May 9, 2009. She was born March 27, 1920 to John Albrecht and Carma Loretta Handy Albrecht. She was a graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, and a member of Chi Omega Sorority. She was also a member the P.E.O. Sisterhood, the American Association of University Women; and the Helen Wilson Circle. She was a member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.D. "Bill" Stroupe; a daughter, Stacey Anne Stroupe; and her parents. Interment was at CedarVale Cemetery by CedarVale Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Alma Marie Bulmanski Strozyk, 75, died February 14, 2005. She was born July 30, 1929 to the late Casimir J. and Hedwig Anne Kowalski Bulmanski. She attended Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Marche, where she was a member of the Rosary Sodality and the Altar Society. She enjoyed embroidery, cooking, and flower gardening. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Lawrence Frank Strozyk; two sons, Marion Eugene Strozyk of North Little Rock and Anthony Wayne Strozyk and wife Melanie of Conway; a brother, Albert John and wife Jackie Bulmanski of North Little Rock; 4 grandchildren; two nieces; and a nephew. Services were held at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Interment was at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Cemetery with arrangements by North Little Rock Funeral Home.
SUMMERS, ARKANSAS: Ruby Fern Struble, 81, died May 26, 1994. She was born March 23, 1913 to Elmer and Meda Pierce Scott. She attended the Holiness Church. Survivors include three daughters, Wilma Harris, Lena King, and Vonda Tucker; 12 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Peggy Sue Winters. Interment was at Antioch Cemetery by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Lena Struebing, 74, died March 4, 1985. She was born June 3, 1910 in Springdale to William and Effie Webb Goree. She was a retired beauty operator. She was a member of the Shiloh Museum, the Antique Club, and the Terra Firma Garden Club. She attended the First Christian Church of Springdale. She is survived by a sister, Mable Bell of Springdale; and a niece, Vera Lou Fowler. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.C. Struebing. Services were held at the First Christian Church of Springdale. Burial was at Bluff Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Chapel.
WARREN, ARKANSAS: Glynace Baker Stuard, 85, died January 7, 2006. She was born February 11, 1920 to the late William Henry Baker and Odie Adell Seymour Baker. She retired from West Brothers Department Store. She was a seamstress, and attended Immanuel Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Floyd Dale Stuard of Warren; two daughters, Anita Williams of Warren, and Janice Goodall of Morrilton; 7 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren, 5 great-great-grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; 3 step great-grandchildren; and 2 step great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jessie Stuard. Burial was at Outlaw Cemetery by Frazer's Funeral Home.
FULTON, ARKANSAS: Lafreedia Stuard, 76, died May 23, 2009. She was born April 19, 1933. She retired from Day and Zimmerman, Inc., the Red River Army Depot, and the Hope Public School District. She attended Union Missionary Baptist Church, and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include her daughter, Sandra and Greg Hickman; her mother, Edna Campbell Nash, and one sister, Darlene C. Beasely, all of Fulton; three grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, Arthur Wright; and a brother, John Wright. Services were at Charity Baptist Church. Burial was at White Hill Cemetery under the direction of Hicks Funeral Home.
WALDRON, ARKANSAS: Dorothy Mae Nuttt Stuart, 73, died February 21, 2007. She was born March 7, 1934 to the late Virgil R. and Edna Mae Nutt. She was a homemaker, and attended Harmony Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband of 49 years, Lewis Stuart, Jr.; a sister, Shirley Schulte of Tulsa, OK; and many nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; a sister, Deloris Bailey; and two brothers, Marvin Nutt and Thomas Nutt. Services were held at the chapel of Martin Funeral Home. Interment was at Lower Center Point Cemetery.
ASH FLAT, ARKANSAS: Arveda Mae Stucker, 85, died March 20, 2001. She was born March 12, 1916 to Royal H. Bullard and Ollie Mae Foreman Bullard. She was a farmer, homemaker, and worked for 25 years at the Sitting Bull Restaurant in Cherokee Village. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, �Dennis Ray and Sharon Stucker of Center, and Larry Wayne and Donna Stucker of Seattle, WA; two daughters and sons-in-law, Roy Marie and Tom Mitchell of Del City, OK, and Sandra Sue and Robert Nokes of Tulsa, OK; 15 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Leo Stucker. Services were held at Tri-County Cherokee Chapel with C.C. Baird presiding. Burial was at Wiles Cemetery in Ash Flat, AR.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Elizabeth A. Studnar, 95, died January 14, 2006. She was born October 9, 1910 to the late Valentine and Katherine Hunter Anzak. She was a homemaker. She enjoyed fishing, crocheting, and playing bingo, and was active with Welcome Wagon. She attended St. Peter's Catholic Church, and was a member of the Council of Catholic Women. She is survived by a son, Robert Studnar of Mountain Home; two daughters, Ruth Bohling of Crown Point, IN, and Kathleen Jendzejewski of Sierra Vista, AZ; 13 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and 3 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Charles Studnar; a brother, two sisters; a granddaughter; and a son-in-law. Services were held at St. Peter's Catholic Church. Interment was at Baxter Memorial Gardens under the direction of Kirby-Boaz Funeral Home.
SHERWOOD, ARKANSAS: Delmira Guajardo Stuenkel, 65, died July 11, 2006. She attended Mercy Cross Church. Survivors include her husband, Arthur Stuenkel; a son, James Dale Sullivan; her daughters, Angela Kaye Person and Donna Marie Inman; her stepsons, Brian Stuenkel and Ben Stuenkel; a future daughter-in-law, Kimberly Moore; her brothers, Johnny, Alex and Larry Guajardo; her sisters, Mamie Wohner, Millie Carrion, Angela Helen Dandridge, and Chelo Pettit; and 7 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Juan and Agueda Guajardo; and her brothers, Ramon, Paul and Salomon Guajardo. Services were held at Mercy Cross Church.
MARION, ARKANSAS: Aldo Stupenti, 86, died December 2, 2007. He was born March 2, 1921. He attended St. Michael's Catholic Church in West Memphis, AR, and was a member of the American Legion and the VFW. He is survived by a son, Michael L. Stupenti of Marion; and a sister, Dorothy Hemphill of Cordova, TN. He was preceded in death by his wife, Bobbie Stupenti. Services were held at St. Michael's Catholic Church. Interment was at Crittenden Memorial Park with arrangements by Roller-Citizens Funeral Home.
MOUNTAIN HOME, ARKANSAS: Trudy Sturgeon, 97, died June 14, 2009. She was born May 8, 1912 to the late Marvin and Emma Wendall Ellis. She attended the First Baptist Church of Mountain Home. She is survived by five grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold Sturgeon; a son, Mike; a brother; and three sisters. Interment was at Baxter Memorial Gardens under the direction of Roller Funeral Home.
EL DORADO, ARKANSAS: Lamos Sturgis died August 25, 2008. He was born October 11, 1925 to Jim and Effie Byrd Sturgis. He worked for Old Union and the El Dorado School District, and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He was of the Baptist faith, and had served in the male chorus at his church. He is survived by a son, Lamos Wayne Sturgis of Los Angeles, CA; four daughters, Marilyn Cameron (David), Deborah Newton, Shelia Porchia (Emanuel), and Melissa(Demetris) Gray, all of El Dorado; a nephew, Frank James Sturgis; two sisters-in-law, Jessie B. Bowie and Mary B. Christopher of El Dorado; 11 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; his nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife Julia Lee Moore Sturgis; a son, Julian Lamar Sturgis; a daughter, Wanda Lee Watson Carey; four brother; and two sisters. Services were held at First Baptist Church-Cordell in El Dorado. Intement was at Rest Haven Memorial Gardens in Norphlet, AR. Arrangements were handled by Sims Mortuary.
JUDSONIA, ARKANSAS: Eula Fornelli Stutts, 80, died September 12, 2007. She was born March 30, 1927 to the late Carm Eli and Rosie Bell Steward Passmore. She was a member of Lifeline Southern Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Jay Fornelli of Searcy; three daughters, Glenda Smith of Pleasant Plains, Shirley Sutter of Judsonia, and Sharon Hays of Searcy; a sister, Geneva Burns of Searcy; 10 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and several great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bill Stutts; a daughter, Rintha Rose Fornelli; four brothers; and four sisters. Interment was at Pleasant Plains Cemetery with arrangements by Powell Funeral Home.
SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS: Suzanne Subastian, 49, died November 2, 1996. She was born September 1, 1947 to Herbert Lloyd And Hazel Pinkley Subastian. She attended the First Baptist Church of Springdale. She is survived by her mother; a sister, Sandra Sewell; a nephew; and a niece. She was preceded in death by her father. Burial was at Bluff Cemetery under the direction of Sisco Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Ruby Lee Sucka, 76, died November 2, 2008. She was born January 9, 1932 to the late Barney and Ina Graham Brannon. She was a member of Calvary Apostolic Church, and enjoyed working at all the church functions. She is survived by her husband, Calvin Sucka; a sister, Hazel Harrell of Arkadelphia; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, Carroll Brannon. Interment was at Sumner Cemetery in Cabot under the direction of Moore�s Cabot Funeral Home.
CARROLL COUNTY, ARKANSAS: Elijah Hiram Sugg died August 25, 1887. He was born March 25, 1831 to George and Elizabeth Brown Sugg. He was a Civil War veteran, and served with Company C of the 7th Arkansas Infantry. He was a Freemason. He was survived by his wife, Nancy M. Sugg, and at least two children, John Sugg and Samuel Sugg. Interment was at Sugg Cemetery.
PRAIRIE GROVE, ARKANSAS: Martha Louise Suggs, 80, died May 20, 2011 at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville. She was born February 21, 1931 in Rhea, AR to Robert Samuel and Nora Ellen Lane Hyler. She was a member of the Foothills of the Ozarks Antique Car Club. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, George Suggs; a son, Byron Suggs (LeAnn) of Prairie Grove; a brother, Bobby Hyler of Renton, WA; a sister, Fern McNair of Prairie Grove; and 2 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a sister, Dorothy Hart; and a brother, Harold Hyler. Interment was at the Prairie Grove Cemetery with arrangements by Luginbuel Funeral Home.
BURDETTE, ARKANSAS: Hays Sullivan, Sr., 75, died June 16, 1985. He was a prominent Northeast Arkansas farmer and ginner, and served as a former school superintendent at Vanndale. He was a graduate of Mississippi State University and the University of Arkansas. He was a former president of the National American Soybean Association, a charter member of the Arkansas Soybean Association, past president of the Mississippi County Farm Bureau, and a former member of the Soybean Promotion Board. He was a Mason and a member of the Rotary Club, and was a Baptist deacon. He is survived by his wife, Emily Tompkins Sullivan; three sons, Hays T., Pat, and Bill Sullivan, all of Burdette; two sisters, Mrs. L.H. Autry and Mrs. Robert Lessenberry, both of Lonoke; and 10 grandchildren. Services were held at the First Baptist Church of Burdette. Burial was at Elmwood Cemetery under the direction of Cobb Funeral Home.
GURDON, ARKANSAS: Maude Sullivan, 89, died January 16, 2005 in an Arkadelphia, AR. She was born March 30, 1915 in Arkansas. She was a member of Beech Street Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Gerri and William Ward of Texarkana, and JoAnn and Al Thomas of Gurdon; a son and daughter-in-law, Tommy and Beth Sullivan; 5 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dayton Sullivan. Interment was at Rose Hedge Cemetery with arrangements by Horne Funeral Home.
ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Mildred Shaw Sullivan, 89, died July 8, 2002. She was born September 17, 1912 to the late Will and Zera North Shaw. She was a retired employee of the Clark County Hospital, and attended Second Baptist Church. Among the survivors are three sons, Jerry Sullivan of Arkadelphia, Jimmy Sullivan of Hope and William Sullivan of Bismarck; two daughters, Shirley Cooper of Okolona and Margurite Rice of Austin, TX; a brother, Dellie Shaw of Arkadelphia; two sisters, Thelma Sparks and Tinie Shaw of Arkadelphia; 22 grandchildren; and 35 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Sullivan; and one son, Junior Sullivan. Services were held at the chapel of Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home, followed by interment at DeGray Cemetery.
RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS: Maggie Summerhill, 84, died February 22, 2005. She was a lifelong member of the First Freewill Baptist Church in Fort Smith. During World War II, she was a welder at the naval shipyards. Survivors include two daughters, Pauline Summerhill, and Laura Gail Summerhill Crouch of Russellville; a son, David Summerhill of Alma; a sister, Treva Pounds of Lemon Grove, CA; 5 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Delbert Summerhill. Burial was at Gracelawn Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home of Van Buren, AR.
WALNUT RIDGE, ARKANSAS: Lillie Ludean Summers, 86, died February 17, 2007. She was born February 17, 1921 to the late Ben and Mary Vandergriff Smith. She is survived by her nephews, Tom Towell of Pocahontas and Jerry Snow of Reno, NV; and two nieces, Patsy Wilcox of Reno and Doris Hunsinger of Dana Pointe, CA. She was preceded in death by her husband, Artie Summers. Burial was at Lawrence Memorial Cemetery with arrangements by Higginbotham Funeral Service.
FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS: Henry Surginer, 74, died January 28, 2001. He was born June 9, 1926 to Dave and Cora P. Surginer. He was a member of the Jolly Elders, and attended the Second Baptist Church. Survivors include several friends and his church family. He was preceded in death by his wife, Anita Devasier Surginer. Interment was at Hughes Cemetery under the direction of Stevens Funeral Home.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Rev. Jim Calvin Surles, 82, died December 15, 2000. He had pastored at several Free Will Baptist churches in Lawrence and Randolph Counties prior to retirement. He is survived by a son, Jim Surles of Onia; three daughters, Pat Bowers of Cabot, Judy Simpson of Pocahontas, and Peggy Webb of Beebe; a sister, Gladys Stringer of Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Hazel Chesser Surles. Burial was at Chesser Cemetery by McNabb Funeral Home.
GENTRY, ARKANSAS: Robert Suter, 60, died August 22, 1992. He was born April 12, 1932 to Rony Suter and Ella Richenbaugh Suter. He owned Suter's Auto Salvage. He attended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is survived by his wife, Delores Suter; two sons, Rocky Suter and Michael Suter; three daughters, Teresa Vargas, Diana Haderlie, and Jacqueline Colinger; a brother, Dee Val Suter; 5 grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Burial was at Bell Cemetery in Adair County, OK under the direction of Wasson Funeral Home.
HUNTSVILLE, ARKANSAS: Adelia Maud Sutton, 82, died December 26, 1953. She was born August 22, 1871 to Moses and Sarah H. Babcock. She was a former teacher and a Baptist. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clay Dean Sutton. Interment was at Huntsville Cemetery with arrangements by Brashears Mortuary.
MORRILTON, ARKANSAS: John M. Sutton, 71, died August 17, 1983. He was a retired teacher, a Mason, and an Army veteran of World War II. He was a member of St. Paul AME Church. Survivors include his wife, Billie Faye Sutton; two daughters, Elizabeth Sutton and Mary V. Toney, both of Morrilton; a brother, Alfonso Sutton of Chapel Oaks, MD; and two grandchildren. Services were held at St. Paul AME Church. Burial was at Odd Fellows Cemetery with arrangements by Cosmopolitan Funeral Home.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Margaret Sutton, 82, died October 25, 2009. She was born December 23, 1926 to the late Vester and Lucille Belle Smith. She was a retired supervisor with the Arkansas Unemployment Compensation Department. She is survived by a sister, Dorothy Kimbrell; four brothers, Ray, Earl "Bill", Lee and Roy Smith; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; two sisters, Gladys and Carolyn Smith; and a brother, Mahlon "Bob" Smith. Services were held at Bethany Baptist Church. Interment was at Edgewood Memorial Park under the direction of Roller-Owens Funeral Home.
JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Margaret B. Sutton, 80, died May 15, 2006 in Conway. She was born September 10, 1925 in Albemarle, NC to Oscar R. and Cora Simpson Springer. She attended Marshall Road Baptist Church, where she worked with the nursery. She was a member of the MAC group, and volunteered with Fishnet Ministries. She is survived by two daughters, Diane Dolan (Joseph) of Federal Way, WA and Barbara J. Thrall (Charles) of Greenville, CA; two sons; Walter W. Sutton, Jr. (Hazel) and Donald E. Sutton (Barbara) of Mayflower; a sister, Dorothy Rains of Galveston, TX; 14 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Walter W. Sutton, Sr.; her parents; a sister; five brothers; and a great-granddaughter. Interment was at Chapel Hill Memorial Park under the direction of Moore's Funeral Home.
BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Ethel May Crites Swadley, 73, died July 28, 2006. She was born February 25, 1933 to the late Andrew Norton and Mary Ellen Longcor Crites. She enjoyed fishing, playing dominoes, and bingo. She is survived by three brothers, Franklin Denver Crites of Cassie, IL, Charles Eugene Crites of Mountain Home, and James Berry Crites of Rogers. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mark Swadley. Cremation arrangements were handled by Rollins Funeral Home.
NATURAL DAM, ARKANSAS: Sandra Kay Swaim, 65, died September 12, 2006. She was a homemaker, and was a member of Cornerstone Community Church in Cedarville. Among the surviving family members are her husband, Earl; a daughter, Maelena Glass of Spotsylvania, VA; four sons, Robert Ross of Arkoma, Frankie Ross of Waldron, Rodger Ross of Fort Smith, and James Pendleton of Van Buren; a sister, Barbara Hudson of Fort Smith; three brothers, Richard and Johnnie House, both of Fort Smith, and Jim House of Dallas; 27 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Hall Cemetery in Natural Dam with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home of Van Buren, AR.
CROSSETT, ARKANSAS: Easter Louise Swain, 86, passed away on December 29, 2005. She was a homemaker, and attended Soldiers Chapel A.M.E. Church. She is survived by two sisters, Verdell Lowe and Ollie Mae Griffin, both of Crossett; and by a special niece, Debra Barnes of Crossett. She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert and Martha Tucker Swain; three brothers, Albert Swain, Jr., Ester Swain and Beverly Swain; and three sisters, Beatrice Allen, Vashti Johnson and Lou Ella Brown. Services were held at Soldiers Chapel A.M.E. Church with Rev. Gwain Hammock presiding. Burial was at Johnson Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Cromwell Funeral Home of Hamburg, AR.
WESLEY, ARKANSAS: Efton Garnett Swain, 86, died November 7, 2006. He was born March 27, 1920 to Charles Henry Swain and Bertha Coleman Swain. He was a member of the Church of Christ for over 70 years. He was a Master Mason, in addition to being a member of the International Order of Job's Daughters, the American Legion, the VFW, and numerous teaching and coaching associations. He was a U.S. Marine veteran of World War II, where he served as a radio operator and repairman. He held a B.A. degree in History and English from Harding College, and had a Master's degree from the University of Arkansas. He was a school teacher and principal, as well as a basketball coach. He is survived by his wife, Leta C. Swain; a son, Martin H. Swain of Wesley; a daughter, Steffanie J. Stone of Nauvoo, AL; a brother, Standford Swain of Los Angeles; two sisters, Lois Collins of Escondido, CA, and Barbara Weston of Temecula, CA; and 4 grandchildren. Interment was at the Fayetteville National Cemetery with Don Edwards officiating. Arrangements were handled by Beard's Funeral Chapel.
POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS: Fate J. Swann, 81, died September 9, 2007. He is survived by his wife, Vada Swann; a son, Eddie Abernatha of Poplar Bluff; three daughters, Mary Frances Swann, Linda Lou DeShaw, and Jo Ann Taylor, all of Pocahontas; two brothers, Ray Swann and Buddy Swann, both of Pocahontas; a sister, Faye Swann of Pocahontas; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren. Burial was at Chesser Cemetery under the direction of McNabb Funeral Home.
GREERS FERRY, ARKANSAS: Amy M. Swatscheno, 75, died January 5, 2004. She was born August 10, 1928 in Yokohama, Japan to the late Mr. and Mrs. Tosio Kuwayama. She was a homemaker. Survivors include her husband, James Swatscheno; three sons, Darryl Swatscheno, David Swatscheno, and Dorian Swatscheno, all of Illinois; a daughter, Donita Pleticha of Villa Park, IL, and 14 grandchildren. Memorial services were held at the chapel of Olmstead Funeral Home with Rev. Denzel Stokes officiating.
VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS: Art Sweeden, 75, died October 31, 2006. He was born March 16, 1931. He was a Methodist and a member of Cedars Country Club. Survivors include his wife, Erma Sweeden; a daughter, Anita Sweeden of Van Buren; a son, Glenn Sweeden of Ozark; 3 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. Interment was at Gill Cemetery in Van Buren with arrangements by Ocker Funeral Home.
SILOAM SPRINGS, ARKANSAS: R.L. Sweeten, 77, died June 25, 1957. He was a retired stone mason. He was survived by his wife, Josephine Sweeten; three sons, Allen, Willie and Odie Sweeten; and a daughter, Mrs. Jack Graham. Services were held at the Assembly of God church. Interment was at Oak Hill Cemetery under the direction of Pyeatte Funeral Home.
LESLIE, ARKANSAS: Lear Ann Sweetin, 82, died October 10, 2005. She is survived by her husband, Robert; a son, Richard Campbell; two sisters, Lillian Keller of Helena, AR and Louise Dalluge of Florida; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held at Leslie United Methodist Church. Burial was at Kuykendall Cemetery under the direction of Roller-Coffman Funeral Home.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Emily Sweetser died April 3, 1957. Services were held at the First Baptist Church. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
GREENLAND, ARKANSAS: Jack Albert Sweetser, 67, died May 1, 1969. He was born January 9, 1902 to W.R. and Emily Sweetser. He was a retired cement contractor. He was survived by his wife, Velda Sweetser; four daughters, Mrs. Dutch Bloyd, Mrs. E.E. Omohuondro, Mrs. Oren Andrews, and Mrs. Ted Shannon; three sons, Bob, Tom, and Jerry; four sisters; 18 grandchildren; and 4 great-great grandchildren. Services were held at Baptist Ford Church. Burial was at Baptist Ford Cemetery under the direction of Moore's Chapel Funeral Home.
ST. PAUL, ARKANSAS: Heinrich "Henry" Godfrey Sweitzer, 75, died April 3, 1912. He was born March 17, 1836 in Alsace-Lorraine. He came to the United States in the 1860s. He was a Civil War veteran who fought with the 11th Illinois Infantry. He married Julia A. Cox Sweitzer, and they had three daughters, Maud, Maggie, and Kate. His profession was building wagons and carriages, and he opened Henry Sweitzer & Company in Fayetteville. Later, he moved to St. Paul, AR and owned the Sweitzer Wagon Company. He died April 3, 1912. He is buried with his wife at Brashears Cemetery.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Betty Jo Lewis Swicegood, 74, died January 7, 2005. Survivors include her husband of 52 years, John W. Swicegood; son, Tim Swicegood, of Maumelle; daughter, Toni Bowden; mother, Macel Matthews; two granddaughters, all of North Little Rock; four brothers, Robert Thomas Lewis Jr., of Oklahoma, Royce Lewis, of Sherwood, Barry Lewis and Dewey Lewis, both of Milwaukee; four sisters, Barbara Kreese and Pat Sperry, both of North Little Rock, Robin DeLaGarza and Kathy Lewis, both of Milwaukee. Services were held at North Little Rock Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was at Edgewood Memorial Park.
BELLA VISTA, ARKANSAS: James Murlin Swindler, 85, died June 7, 2006 at his residence. He was born November 14, 1920. He worked at General Motors for over 25 years, and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Bella Vista, and relocated to Bella Vista from Blue Springs, MO in 1985. He is survived by his cousins; his nieces and nephews; his in-laws; and his friends. He was predeceased by his wife, Nancy Sue Swindler. Services were held at the First United Methodist Church. Interment was at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens in Kansas City, MO with arrangements by Bella Vista Funeral Home and Crematory.
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