10/27/2020:Our updates are STILL being announced on Twitter @ObitCitycom, rather than here. :) No worries, though - new obits are posted frequently!
9/22/2018:Our updates are announced on Twitter @ObitCitycom. We've added many new obituaries.
5/3/2018:Check us out on Twitter @ObitCitycom for more frequent updates. As usual, plenty of new obits have added.
3/12/2018:We've added many new obits to the site. Don't forget to visit our website regularly, since we provide frequent updates!
2/1/2018:Follow us on Twitter @ObitCitycom. That's where we post more frequent updates. We've added a lot of obits to our website from many different states, including many older ones. We're glad to help preserve obituaries and make them available to the public.
12/28:We hope everyone's having a great holiday season. We posted quite a few new obituaries to the site. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @ObitCitycom.
12/8:We've added plenty of obits to the site from many different states. Obit City is frequently updated. Be sure to check us out on Twitter @ObitCitycom!
11/23:Happy Thanksgiving! We're so thankful for our site visitors, sponsors, donors and everyone who has helped keep this site free to the public. We are also thankful for the lives of all the people in the obits we've posted here. They were people's friends and family, and we're glad to honor their memories.
10/31:Happy Halloween from Obit City! And yes, we posted obits today.
10/23: We've been busy this month posting lots of obits. New obituaries have been added for many different states, and we've got plenty more on the way.
9/25: We've posted many new obits this month, and a lot more are coming. Thanks for visiting Obit City, your home for free US obits. Check us out on Twitter @ObitCitycom
8/27: Many obituaries have been posted recently. Thanks to all the site visitors, newspaper editors, funeral professionals and others who have shared obits with us. We are now focused on preserving older obituaries.
7/24: Posted a lot of obits over the past 48 hours. States receiving new obits include IL, MO, AR, PA, FL, NY, MN, CA and several others.
7/5: We've added quite a few obits over the past couple of weeks. On a side note, we're having difficulty updating our Facebook pages. We haven't been able to make Facebook posts for over a month now, but we're definitely still out here updating the site.
6/19: We've posted many new obits for several states, including some obits ranging from the 1940s to the 1980s. We're glad to share older obituaries with our site visitors. We hope this information will help people learn more about their families and loved ones.
5/31: Obituaries have been added to several different state databases, including TX, AR, NC, PA, OH, IL, MO and others.
5/12: We added a bunch of obits this week for many different states. A lot of these are older obituaries from newspapers that were literally starting to fall apart. We're glad to help save obits whenever possible.
4/26: We've posted a lot of new obits. At ObitCity.com, we work to save obituaries for historical and genealogical research. If you have old obituaries to share with the public, please let us know. Obit City is your source for free U.S. obits.
4/11: We've added plenty of new obits to the site, and are phasing out our old site (the Angelfire site where Obit City began), so please update all your bookmarks to the ObitCity.com website. As ever, we continue to shift our focus toward older obits, ones that can't be easily found online elsewhere. Do you have old obits that are just collecting dust in a file somewhere? Please consider sharing them with Obit City, the free US obit database. As ever, we're glad to work with funeral homes, newspapers and anyone else interested in preserving old obituaries for future generations.
3/5: We're currently editing a major stack of old obits from several different states. We've posted a lot of obituaries to the site lately, too. Thanks for visiting our sponsors' websites; the sponsors help keep the obits free for everyone. We're grateful for them, and for your continued visits to our website. Remember, the free obituaries are located underneath the ads on the individual state listings (see "Obituary Database" tab for state listings.)
2/16/17: We've added a lot of obituaries to the site over the past week, particularly in AR, LA, NY, MO and TX, but also in many other states. We're delighted to have found a newspaper editor who's sharing some older obits with us; we're in the process of posting quite a few of them to the Obit City website now.
2/3/17: We've been busy posting more obits. Thanks for checking out our sponsors, whose ads and services help keep these free U.S. obituaries available for the public. Thanks also to all our friends in the funeral and newspaper industries for their help.
12/25: Season’s greetings from Obit City! We have added many new obits over the past few months, and have lots more to share with you. Quite a few new obituaries were posted this month. Thanks, as always, for visiting our site!
8/27: You may notice that the site looks a bit unusual. That's because we're working on updating part of it. Stay tuned for improvements! We posted new obits today, too.
7/21: We're posting new obits. Thanks for all your encouraging words and donations, your obit submissions, and for visiting our sponsors' websites! Whatever your contribution, we're grateful to you!
5/18: We've moved again! We're busy getting set up here in our new location, and have already edited and posted a lot of obits for you.
3/27: Happy Easter! New material has been added to the site, and there's a lot more coming. We've posted plenty of new obits. Thanks for visiting ObitCity.com!
01/17/16: It's Obit City's anniversary! Thanks to our visitors, sponsors, contributors, volunteers and everyone who has helped keep this free obit database online!
8/26: We're back online with a new hosting service and lots of new obits for you to browse.
7/1: We're working on the site. It may be down temporarily, but we'll be back soon. Thanks for your patience!
6/20: A huge batch of new obits was posted today.
6/10: We've received many new obits, and are busy posting some of them right now.
4/16: Added some obits to the site. We've got a lot of older obits to share with you now, so thanks for your patience while we get those posted.
3/13: We've moved! We're now in Silver City, NM, and are posting obits again!
2/14: Happy Valentine's Day! We're relocating our physical offices again. This time, though, we're just moving within the state instead of halfway across the country. When we get set up in our new location, we'll get back to posting obits.
1/1/2015: Happy New Year from Obit City!
12/10: Thanks for visiting the site! We added more obits this week.
11/22: We've added a lot more obits. The site keeps growing, thanks to our ever-increasing network of contributors, sponsors, visitors and friends.
10/31: Happy Halloween!
10/3: Thanks for your ongoing support of our sponsors. Without them, and without you, this site wouldn't be here. We've added some more obits for you, too.
9/12: We've added some new obits and made a few small changes to the site.
8/26: We put a lot of new material on the site today. We keep adding more and more obituaries, hoping that they'll be of help to someone.
7/29: More obits were posted today, with plenty more forthcoming.
7/15: We posted a ton of obits today, including quite a few older ones. We're always looking for those older, hard-to-find obituaries, so if you have any you'd like to share, just let us know.
7/4: Hope everyone's having a great 4th of July! We've posted new obits, including some for U.S. service personnel. As ever, thanks for visiting the site, and for supporting our advertisers.
6/18: We've added quite a few new obits this month, and will be posting more today.
5/21: We've posted a lot of new obits to the site, with more coming today. We've got lots of new material to share with you.
4/30: We've been having some technical difficulties. Don't worry, though, we're still out here. If you experience any problems accessing the site, it's just temporary. Tech support is working on it.
4/21: We're going to be adding a lot of new obits to the site this week. We're about to post a large group of them right now.
3/27: The contest is over! Pat S. of Gilroy, CA won the prize package, including a festive alien T-shirt, by correctly guessing our new location (Roswell, NM). Thanks to everyone who entered! And yes, we're busy posting more obits for you.
3/17: Happy St. Patrick's Day! Congrats to Marcia K. of Buffalo, NY for winning Phase 1 of our contest (and the crystal jewelry set) for correctly guessing the state we've relocated to. New Mexico is right! And now for Phase 2, guessing the specific town in NM. Do it, and win a free souvenir T-shirt from that town. Send one guess per person, per day, to webmaster@obitcity.com. Also, we've posted a lot of new obits.
3/13: We added a lot of new obits to the site today.
3/6: Our March contest is underway! As you know, we've moved our physical offices to another area. Here's a fun little contest: Guess where we're at now. Hint: We're in the U.S. Your job is to guess the city and state. We'll do this in two phases: state and then city. Phase 1 involves guessing the state. One guess per contestant, per day. When the state has been guessed correctly, we'll post it here, and also on Facebook and Twitter. Then it's on to Phase 2, where you'll guess the city. The first contestant to correctly guess both state and city wins a free souvenir T-shirt from our new town. The first contestant to correctly guess the state wins a free pair of sparkly dangle earrings. Send contest entries, one entry per person, per day, to webmaster@obitcity.com. Put "Obit City Contest" in the subject heading. Contest will remain open until it's won. Employees and volunteers of Obit City are barred from entering, in addition to relatives, close friends and bedmates of the Obit City staff. Everyone else is fair game. Now get busy and win that T-shirt!
2/20: We're finally starting to get set up in our new location. We've got tons of new obits to post, and will be getting some of those online for you today.
1/26: Big news: Obit City is moving! Not the website, but our physical office. During the relocation process, we'll be offline briefly, but we'll be back soon. In the meantime, we've posted some more obits for you.
1/11: Many new obits have been added to the site over the past 24 hours.
1/1/2014: Happy New Year! And yes, we added more obits to the site today.
12/25: Happy holidays! Merry Christmas from everybody here at Obit City.
12/16: We added some new obits today, and will continue adding a lot more throughout the week.
11/28: Happy Thanksgiving! What are we thankful for here at Obit City? You, of course. Thanks to our visitors, sponsors, volunteers and everyone else who helps keep this site going.
11/12: We were given a very large stack of older obits over the weekend, and are working to get those ready for you. New obits have been posted for nearly every state, and a lot more are coming.
10/31: Happy Halloween, everyone! Naturally, we're working on the site on Halloween. What better way to observe the season than remembering the dearly departed?
10/28: We added a lot of new obits today. We're staying busy with updates and improvements to the site.
10/11: The Wisconsin, West Virginia, North Carolina and Michigan databases have now been expanded with extra pages. Also, more obits were posted for several different states.
10/8: Added more obits and deleted a lot of old pages. Sometimes, when expanding the database, we add new pages and/or destroy old ones. This means that old bookmarks might not work. That's why we ask you to bookmark the "Obituary Database" page (see the tab, above). Links to the most current pages will be posted there. Speaking of expansion, there's now a new page of Wisconsin obits.
9/25: We've got a major backlog of obits now, but posted some to the site today. We'll be posting a lot more within the coming week. We post obits frequently, and add new content on a regular basis.
9/13: We've added a lot of new obituaries to the site, and many more are on the way.
8/27: New pages were added to the Alabama and Georgia databases today. Both states have now been divided alphabetically into A-L and M-Z. We'll leave the former pages up for a few weeks before deleting them. Also, we're about to delete many of the former pages that resulted from similar page changes and additions. The "Obituary Database" tab, above, is the page to bookmark. All changes will be reflected there. Your bookmarks to older pages may no longer work.
8/23: Added new obits today. Also, several states will be getting new obit pages soon. The databases are getting larger, so additional pages will be added to handle the increased volume of obits.
8/13: Over 100 new obits were added today.
8/7: Many new obituaries were posted on the site today.
8/1: We've received a rather large donation of older obits. It will take some time to process all of these, but we've already starting putting some of them on the site today.
7/25: We're in the process of adding a lot of new obituaries to the site.
7/16: A lot of new obits were added today, and many more will be coming over the next few days.
7/5: Thanks to the Obit City sponsors! Without them, and without your support, we couldn't keep this site going. We added a bunch of new obits today. There are several states we're probably going to divide again alphabetically because the databases are getting so large. Thanks to the newspapers and other groups and individuals who have generously shared their files with us.
6/17: We're adding a lot obituaries to the site right now. There are so many obits in this batch that it's going to take the better part of a week to post them all. Meanwhile, new obits are still coming in. So we're keeping busy.
6/4: A lot of obits have been added today, and more are coming.
5/24: There have been a lot of updates to the site. Many, many new obits have been posted. We've had a few technical difficulties and computer problems recently, but obits are still being posted pretty much every day. We've got a really large batch of new obits that we're in the process of posting right now.
4/27: A huge group of obits has been posted in the past 24 hours, and more are being posted right now. Most states have gotten new obits.
4/23: We're in the process of adding a lot of new obits to the site. Also, we're excited about a donation of older obituaries that we received last weekend. Do you have old obits or funeral records to donate? We'll get them online for you. Donating records really helps people who are searching for family members.
4/15: We posted many new obituaries today in several different states. Check and see if we've added someone from your family.
4/3: Worked overtime and added a ton of new obits to the site.
3/29: More obits were added today.
3/23: A really large group of obits was posted to the site today.
3/10: Many new obituaries have been added over the past couple of weeks, and we're busy adding even more right now. Most states have gotten new obits.
2/27: A lot of new obits were posted to the site today.
2/8: We've added a lot of new obituaries to the site. Also, we're in the process of welcoming some new advertisers. Remember, your support of our sponsors helps keep the obits free for everyone.
1/25: Lots of new obits were added today.
1/17: Today is our anniversary! Thanks to everyone--viewers, advertisers, staff and everyone else for making Obit City such a success. We didn't celebrate by taking the day off. We posted a ton of new obits, instead.
1/5: A really large batch of obituaries was added to the site over the past few days. A lot more are on the way.
1/1/13: Happy New Year from Obit City! Yes, we added obits today. Many new entries were posted around Christmas, too. We've got a lot of new obits on the site, with many more coming.
12/18: Many new obits have been added in the past 48 hours. We're in the process of posting a massive batch of obituaries.
12/12: We've added many new obits to the site, and a lot more are on the way.
11/30: A lot of new obits have been added. Also, the New Jersey database has been subdivided alphabetically into two pages, A-L and M-Z to make the file a bit more manageable.
11/23: We've put a lot of new posts on the site, and have many more coming. This weekend, we'll be picking up some more old obits. Did you know that you can donate old obituary clippings to us? You can. Contact us to find out how.
11/9: A lot of new obits have been posted, and another large group of obituaries is on the way.
10/31: Happy Halloween from Obit City! We've added a lot of new obits this week.
10/26: A lot of new obits have been added over the past few days, with a large batch having been posted today.
10/15: Many new obits have been posted over the past 24 hours, and more are coming. We acquired a lot of obits in the past week, and still have a major editing backlog, but are posting new obits daily.
9/29: A lot of new obits were posted today, and we're about to receive another huge group of donated obituaries. We have a major backlog of obits now, but we're still getting a lot of new ones posted for you.
9/17: We've added many new obituaries to the site. A very large batch of older obits was donated to us recently with more coming in every day, so we're staying busy posting new material.
9/8: A lot of new obits were posted on the site today.
9/5: We're still switching to our new advertisers. We'll also soon be rolling out ways that you, our readers, can promote your own products/events with us. We've got a spooky new Obit City t-shirt coming for Halloween. And yes, we put more obits on the site.
8/30: We are in the process of switching to new sponsors. All of our old ads are gone, but new ones are coming. Ad revenue and your donations keep this site online. Also, we posted new obits today. Remember that we accept advertising from paid genealogical websites; if you are being asked for money to view obituaries, you are NOT on the Obit City website.
8/28: A lot of new obits have been posted on the site.
8/16: Quite a few new obituaries have been added. Also, there are now two pages of Kansas obits: Kansas A-L and Kansas M-Z.
8/9: Many new obits have been added to the site over the past week. Also, the Connecticut database has been divided alphabetically into Connecticut A-L and Connecticut T-Z.
7/28: A lot of new obits were posted to the site today.
7/21: Many new obits have been added. Also, there are now five pages of New York obituaries: New York A-F, G-L, M-O, P-S, and T-Z. There are also two new Florida pages, Florida M-O and P-S.
7/17: Added a lot of new obits. We also broke up the Illinois obits into Illinois A-F, G-L, M-O, P-S, and T-Z.
7/13: A lot of new obituaries were added in the past 24 hours. Also, the Indiana obituaries have been divided into Indiana A-F, G-L, M-S, and T-Z.
7/7: Many new obits have been put on the site. Thanks for supporting our advertisers. That, in addition to your donations, is what keeps this site online and these obits free to the public.
7/1: We added a lot of new obituaries today.
6/26: A huge group of new obits was added to the site. Also, the O
6/22: A lot of new obits have been added to the site. We've divided the Missouri obits into A-F, G-L, M-S, and T-Z. Several other states with large databases will soon be subdivided in the same way.
6/16:We've broken up the Texas obits into Texas A-F, G-L, M-S, and T-Z. We have also added many, many new obits to the site.
6/16: We've received some e-mails about a few of our pages spontaneously redirecting to Walmart.com. This is nothing that we're intentionally doing. We have no idea what's causing it (believe me, we want you to stay on our site), but thankfully, the problem seems to be on the decrease. If you find a page that does this, please let us know. See the "Contact" bar above for our e-mail address.
6/5: We're still breaking up some of the larger databases. Working on Florida now. I know we just recently split it, but with the huge influx of new FL obits, we're having to divide it again. While we work on this, there may be momentary glitches. If you encounter anything wrong, send an e-mail. Hopefully, there won't be any problems.
6/4: A bunch of new obits have been added over the past week, and more are coming. A big group of obits is scheduled to be added tonight.
5/27: The California obituaries have now been divided alphabetically into A-F, G-L, M-S and T-Z. Many new obits were added, and another large batch is on its way.
5/19: We've added a ton of new obits to the site. Also, we've split up the Oklahoma obits alphabetically into A-F, G-L, M-S, and T-Z. The Oklahoma file had gotten huge, and we needed to divide it up.
5/11: We're in the process of adding a huge group of obituaries to the site. A lot of obits were added over the past 24 hours, and many more are coming.
5/4: A large batch of obits was added today. We've been busy. Lots of new obits coming in.
4/26: We've added lots of new obits to the site.
4/10: We've divided the Pennsylvania obits once again. The files were getting too big to be easily manageable. We've now subdivided them alphabetically into four separate pages: A-F, G-L, M-S, and T-Z. There are several other states that are about to be similarly divided. The old Pennsylvania pages have links to the new ones.
4/7: Our online obits are provided free of charge. If you are presented with a pay wall or other demands for money, you are NOT on the Obit City website. You probably clicked on an ad. Thank you very, very much for supporting our sponsors, because that's how we stay online. But please don't mistake them for us. :) Also, the Iowa obituary file was getting too large, so we divided it alphabetically into Iowa A-L and Iowa M-Z. We'll probably be dividing some other files soon.
3/30: We've put a lot of new obits on the site over the past week.
3/1: Thanks for your generous patronage of our sponsors. It's how we stay online, and how we can keep bringing you free obits. A lot of obituaries have been added to the site. More are being added right now.
2/15: We're up and running in the new location. We put a lot of obits on the site over the past few days, with more scheduled to be added. We have a backlog of obits, and are working to get them all on the site for you.
2/3: Settling in at the new Florida HQ, but have been informed that it might be another week or more before we have full internet access. However, some obits have been posted with a laptop over the past 24 hours. We've acquired a rather large cache of old obits. Things are a bit hectic at the moment, but we're getting obits posted when we can. We've got a lot of older obits to share with you.
1/17: Exciting news: ObitCity is moving! We're relocating our offices to Florida. We'll be gone before the end of the month. When we do go, there will be a delay in posting while we get everything set up in the new location. But we've added a lot of new obits, and will post plenty more before we take off.
1/5: A ton of new obits have been posted over the past few days, and we've got more coming.
12/30: A huge group of obits was added today, and we're not finished yet. A lot of these were older obits.
12/18: Many new obits have been added since the last update. We're presently working on editing another large group of obituaries, and hope to have them online soon.
12/1: A very large batch of new obituaries has been added, and we've got more on the way.
11/24: Happy Thanksgiving from ObitCity! And yes, we added obituaries today.
11/14: A big batch of new obits was added today. A lot of these are older obituaries.
11/9: We've added a rather large group of new obits over the past 48 hours, and more are coming today. Remember that new obits aren't immediately picked up by the search engine.
11/3: We just got a new batch of older obits, and are getting them on the site. A lot of new obits were added over the past 24 hours.
10/25: A lot of new obits have been posted on the site.
10/14: The New York obits have been divided into two parts: New York A-L, and New York M-Z. The file was getting really large, so we broke it up into separate pages. Also, a lot of new o